首页 Veritas Storage Foundation for Databases安装指南

Veritas Storage Foundation for Databases安装指南


Veritas Storage Foundation for Databases安装指南Veritas Storage Foundation for Databases安装指南 Veritas Storage Foundation for Databases 5.x for Oracle(linux4)安装指南 文档版本号: 文档编号: 文档密级: 归属部门/项目: 产品名: 子系统名: 编写人: 编写日期: 卓望数码技术,深圳,有限公司 版权所有 内部资料 注意保密 所有权声明 本文档的内容将做定期性的变动,且不另行通知。更改的内容将会补充到本手册中。 除特别声明外,此文...

Veritas Storage Foundation for Databases安装指南
Veritas Storage Foundation for Databases安装指南 Veritas Storage Foundation for Databases 5.x for Oracle(linux4)安装指南 文档版本号: 文档编号: 文档密级: 归属部门/项目: 产品名: 子系统名: 编写人: 编写日期: 卓望数码技术,深圳,有限公司 版权所有 内部 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 注意保密 所有权声明 本文档的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 将做定期性的变动,且不另行通知。更改的内容将会补充到本 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 中。 除特别声明外,此文档所用的公司名称、个人姓名及数据均属为说明的目的而模拟。 本文档的版权属卓望数码技术(深圳)有限公司(本公司)所有,受中华人民共和国法律的保护。 本文档所含的任何构思、设计、工艺及其他技术信息均属本公司所有,受中华人民共和国法律的保护。未经本公司书面同意,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、全部或部分复制本书内容,或者以其他任何方式使第三方知悉。 MISC?为卓望数码技术(深圳)有限公司所有,不得仿冒。 修订记录: 版本号 修订人 修订日期 修订描述 1.0 Zhaoyq 2007-9-11 创建文档 第 2 页 目 录 1 简介 .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2 环境描述 .................................................................................................................................. 4 3 实施指南 .................................................................................................................................. 4 3.1 介质准备........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 Linux系统安装 .............................................................................................................. 5 3.3 Oracle安装: ................................................................................................................. 9 3.4 SF 5 for oracle 安装 ....................................................................................................... 9 3.4.1 软件介质: ......................................................................................................... 9 3.4.2 软件安装 ............................................................................................................. 9 3.5 SF 5 for oracle 基本配置 ............................................................................................. 17 3.6 VxFS配置 .................................................................................................................... 27 3.7 Link Oracle ODM设备文件 ........................................................................................ 30 3.8 VCS HA配置 ............................................................................................................... 32 3.9 VCS切换测试: .......................................................................................................... 39 4 附录: .................................................................................................................................... 39 4.1 Linux下Oracle 内核参数: ...................................................................................... 39 第 3 页 1 简介 本手册旨在介绍采用veritas StorageFoundation for Oracle 5 for linux4 的基本过程。实际操作因硬件环境不同、软件版本升级而可能有所差异,请实施人员予以注意。 手册的面向对象是具备在服务器环境中配置网络、操作系统,且具有一定主机网络实施经验的技术人员。 2 环境描述 本手册的硬件环境为: HP DL系列服务器环境,支持EM64T, 光纤卡两块,以太网卡4块,其中两块做bonding,作为工作网卡,另外两块作为LLT通信网卡。 本手册的软件环境为: HA软件:storage_foundation_for_oracle 5; 系统软件:RedHat Enterprise Server 4 u 5 for _x86-64; 数据库软件: oracle for Linux amd64_db_9204。 3 实施指南 3.1 介质准备 HP DL服务器的smartStartCD光盘。 Linux ES4 u5 for x86_64。 介质光盘刻成的光盘: RHEL4-U5-x86_64-ES-disc1.iso RHEL4-U5-x86_64-ES-disc2.iso RHEL4-U5-x86_64-ES-disc3.iso RHEL4-U5-x86_64-ES-disc4.iso RHEL4-U5-x86_64-ES-disc5.iso Storage Foundation 5 for linux 介质: 光盘: storageFoundation 5 for linux storageFoundation 5 for linux mataince pack 2 Oracle软件: ISO镜像文件: amd64_db_9204_Disk1.cpio.gz amd64_db_9204_Disk2.cpio.gz amd64_db_9204_Disk3.cpio.gz 第 4 页 3.2 Linux系统安装 步骤 操作说明 操作内容 备注 a) Disable DHCP 配置F8进入 F10保存 b) F10 save ILO管退出 理地址 c) 配置ILO管理地址 d) 配置新的管理用户及密码 配置阵F8进入 检查RAID的配置情况,一般为RAID0,1 列卡 插入系统重新启 linux 动 安装光 盘 启动后进入 “redhat install界 面” 选择F2->linux askmethod 跳过磁盘检 查 第 5 页 步骤 操作说明 操作内容 备注 进入图形安鼠标不 装界面 能同步, 需在系 统安装 完成后 添加同 步的 patch 分区建议 不安装防火 墙 第 6 页 步骤 操作说明 操作内容 备注 定制安装的 软件包 按照进度进 行step-step 的安装 按照顺序更 换DISK2, 3,4 第 7 页 步骤 操作说明 操作内容 备注 安装完成, 重新启动系 统 系统启动成 功 ./install780.sh 安装完成注意此 后,必须安处版本 The HP ProLiant Linux Deployment Utility requires source code 装linux的不同,可 for the [1;34m2.6.55.ELsmp [0;39m kernel be available for packs,软件以在HP building and installing 位置为网站下 smartStartCcertain drivers included in this bundle…….. 载64位 D中以下目的PSP 录: 软件包: \compaq\csppsp-7.80. rhel4.lin\linux,安装 ux.en.tar.文件为: install7**.sgz h 第 8 页 3.3 Oracle安装: Oracle软件安装由DBA按照Oracle的安装指南进行安装,版本 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 : Oracle 3.4 SF 5 for oracle 安装 3.4.1 软件介质: 在SF5光盘中,目录存在大量link,不能通过copy的方式进行复制和安装,可以通 过tar的方式先复制到本地硬盘上进行安装,也可以 先将光盘mount上来: Mount –o ro /media/cdrom /dev/hda Tar cvf /opt/veritas_soft/sf5.tar /media/cdrom 也可以直接通过光盘安装,以下安装均已通过光盘方式来示例。 3.4.2 软件安装 1) 检查操作系统版本: [root@bj-db03 ~]# uname -a Linux bj-db03 2.6.9-55.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Apr 20 16:36:54 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 2) 设置环境变量: 修改/root/.bash_profile: Export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/opt/VRTS/man Export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/vxvm/bin:/usr/lib/fs/vxfs:/opt/VRTSvxfs/cfs/bin:/opt/VRTSvcs/bin:/opt/ VRTSvcs/ops/bin:/opt/VRTSob/bin:/etc/vx/bin, 然后重新登录 3) 进行SSH信任关系设定: [root@bj-db03 ~]#ssh-keygen -t dsa Generating public/private dsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_dsa): /root/.ssh/id_dsa already exists. Overwrite (y/n)? y Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_dsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: 0c:28:35:6b:63:40:0e:df:4c:ea:c2:44:1f:25:28:82 root@bj-db03 [root@bj-db03 ~]# sftp bj-db04 Connecting to bj-db04... root@bj-db04's password: sftp> put /root/.ssh/id_dsa /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 第 9 页 Uploading /root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/id_dsa.pub 100% 602 0.6KB/s 00:00 sftp> quit [root@bj-db03 ~]# exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $SHELL [root@bj-db03 ~]# ssh-add Identity added: /root/.ssh/id_dsa (/root/.ssh/id_dsa) [root@bj-db03 ~]# ssh -l root bj-db04 uname -a Linux bj-db04 2.6.9-55.ELsmp #1 SMP Fri Apr 20 16:36:54 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux(测试成功) 4) 进行软件包安装: [root@bj-db03 storage_foundation_for_oracle]# ./installsfora -installonly Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0 Installation Program Copyright (c) 2006 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The Licensed Software and Documentation are deemed to be "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as defined in FAR Sections 12.212 and DFARS Section 227.7202. Logs for installsfora are being created in /var/tmp/installsfora-XOULOy. Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install SFORA: bj-db03 bj-db04 Initial system check: Checking ssh communication with bj-db04 ....................................................... Linux 2.6.9-55.ELsmp Checking SFORA installation on bj-db03 ............................................................... not installed Checking libaio rpm ...................................................................................... installed Checking glibc rpm ....................................................................................... installed Checking kernel release on bj-db03 .............................................................................. 55 Checking distribution match with bj-db03 ........................................................................ OK Checking architecture on bj-db03 ................................................................................ OK Checking rpm dist match with bj-db03 ............................................................................ OK Checking for SE Linux on bj-db03 ................................................................................ OK Checking SFORA installation on bj-db04 ............................................................... not installed Checking libaio rpm ...................................................................................... installed Checking glibc rpm ....................................................................................... installed Checking kernel release on bj-db04 .............................................................................. 55 Checking distribution match with bj-db04 ........................................................................ OK 第 10 页 Checking architecture on bj-db04 ................................................................................ OK Checking rpm dist match with bj-db04 ............................................................................ OK Checking for SE Linux on bj-db04 ................................................................................ OK Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0 Installation Program Checking system licensing Checking system licensing Installing licensing rpms SFORA is not licensed on bj-db03 Enter a SFORA license key for bj-db03: RJPG-3JTY-XPZ3-M779-GOAG-FSUZ-CP RJPG-3JTY-XPZ3-M779-GOAG-FSUZ-CP successfully registered on bj-db03 Demo SFORA license registered on bj-db03 Do you want to enter another license key for bj-db03? [y,n,q] (n) RJPG-3JTY-XPZ3-M779-GOAG-FSUZ-CP successfully registered on bj-db04 Demo SFORA license registered on bj-db04 Do you want to enter another license key for bj-db04? [y,n,q] (n) SFORA can be installed without optional rpms to conserve disk space. Checking installed rpms on bj-db03 Checking installed rpms on bj-db04 Additional rpms are typically installed to simplify future upgrades. 1) Required Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle rpms - 771 MB required 2) All Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle rpms - 873 MB required 3) Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC rpms - 882 MB required Select the rpms to be installed on all systems? [1-3,q,?] (3) 1 The following SFORA rpms will be installed: VRTSperl Veritas Perl 5.8.8 Redistribution VRTSvlic Veritas Licensing VRTSicsco Symantec Infrastructure Core Services Common VRTSpbx Symantec Private Branch Exchange VRTSsmf Symantec Service Management Framework VRTSatClient Symantec Product Authentication Service Client VRTSatServer Symantec Product Authentication Service VRTSobc33 Veritas Enterprise Administrator Core Service VRTSob Veritas Enterprise Administrator Service VRTSobgui Veritas Enterprise Administrator VRTSccg Veritas Enterprise Administrator Central Control Grid 第 11 页 VRTSmh Veritas Storage Foundation Managed Host by Symantec VRTSaa Veritas Enterprise Administrator Action Agent VRTSspt Veritas Software Support Tools SYMClma Symantec License Inventory Agent VRTSvxvmcommon Veritas Volume Manager Common Package VRTSvxvmplatform Veritas Volume Manager Platform Specific Package VRTSdsa Veritas Datacenter Storage Agent VRTSfspro Veritas File System Management Services Provider Press [Enter] to continue: ...continued: VRTSvdid Veritas Device Identification API VRTSddlpr Veritas Device Discovery Layer Services Provider VRTSvmpro Veritas Volume Manager Management Services Provider VRTSvsvc Veritas Volume Server and Client Provider VRTSdcli Veritas Distributed Command Line Interface VRTSalloc Veritas Volume Manager Intelligent Storage Provisioning VRTSvrpro Veritas Volume Replicator Client Extension and Provider for Veritas Enterprise Administrator VRTSvcsvr Veritas Cluster Server Agents for VVR VRTSjre Veritas Java Runtime Environment Redistribution VRTSjre15 Veritas Java Runtime Environment Redistribution VRTSweb Veritas Java Web Server VRTSvrw Veritas Volume Replicator Web Console VRTSvxfscommon Veritas File System Common package VRTSvxfsplatform Veritas File System Platform Specific Package VRTSfsman Veritas File System Manual Pages VRTSfssdk Veritas File System Software Developer Kit VRTSdbms3 Symantec Shared DBMS VRTSllt Veritas Low Latency Transport VRTSgab Veritas Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast VRTSvxfen Veritas I/O Fencing Press [Enter] to continue: ...continued: VRTSvcs Veritas Cluster Server VRTSvcsmg Veritas Cluster Server Message Catalogs VRTSacclib Veritas ACC Library VRTSvcsag Veritas Cluster Server Bundled Agents VRTSvcsdr Veritas Cluster Server Disk Reservation Modules and Utilities VRTScscw Veritas Cluster Server Configuration Wizards VRTScutil Veritas Cluster Utilities VRTSdbcomcommon Veritas Storage Foundation Common Utilities for Databases VRTSdbedcommon Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle 第 12 页 VRTSorguicommon Veritas Storage Foundation Graphical User Interface for Oracle VRTSvxmsa Veritas Mapping Service, Application Libraries VRTSvcsor Veritas High Availability Agent for Oracle VRTSodmcommon Veritas Oracle Disk Manager Common package VRTSodmplatform Veritas Oracle Disk Manager Platform package Press [Enter] to continue: Installing SFORA: 0% ____________________________________________ Installing SFORA: 100% ____________________________________________ The following rpms failed to install on bj-db04: VRTSdsa VRTSfspro VRTSvdid VRTSddlpr VRTSvmpro VRTSvsvc VRTSdcli VRTSalloc VRTSvrpro VRTSvcsvr VRTSjre VRTSjre15 VRTSweb VRTSvrw Installation log files, summary file, and response file are saved at: /opt/VRTS/install/logs/installer-KULCLq The README.1st file has more information about VCS. Read it Now? [y,n,q] (y) n [root@bj-db03 rhel4_x86_64]# 5) 进行SF MP2安装: 弹出光盘,插入mantaince Pack2光盘: Umount /media/cdrom Eject Mount –o ro /dev/hda /media/cdrom ./installmp Veritas Maintenance Pack 5.0MP2 Installation Program Copyright (c) 2007 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of 第 13 页 their respective owners. The Licensed Software and Documentation are deemed to be "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as defined in FAR Sections 12.212 and DFARS Section 227.7202. Logs for installmp are being created in /var/tmp/installmp-3qoCPz. Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install MP2: bj-db03 bj-db04 Initial system check: installmp requires that ssh commands used between systems execute without prompting for passwords or confirmations. If installmp hangs or asks for a login password or hangs, stop installmp and run it again with the ssh configured for password free logins, or configure rsh and use the -rsh option. Checking ssh communication with bj-db04 ....................................................... Linux 2.6.9-55.ELsmp Checking MP2 installation on bj-db03 ................................................................. not installed Checking kernel release on bj-db03 .............................................................................. OK Checking distribution match with bj-db03 ........................................................................ OK Checking for SE Linux on bj-db03 ................................................................................ OK Checking MP2 installation on bj-db04 ................................................................. not installed Checking kernel release on bj-db04 .............................................................................. OK Checking distribution match with bj-db04 ........................................................................ OK Checking for SE Linux on bj-db04 ................................................................................ OK Checking installed rpms on bj-db03 Checking installed rpms on bj-db04 MP2 can be installed without optional rpms to conserve disk space. 1) Required Veritas Maintenance Pack rpms - 426 MB required 2) All Veritas Maintenance Pack rpms - 540 MB required Select the rpms to be installed on all systems? [1-2,q,?] (2) 1 The following patches will be installed on bj-db03: VRTSsmf Symantec Service Management Framework VRTSatClient Symantec Product Authentication Service Client VRTSatServer Symantec Product Authentication Service VRTSobc33 Veritas Enterprise Administrator Core Service VRTSob Veritas Enterprise Administrator Service 第 14 页 VRTSobgui Veritas Enterprise Administrator VRTSccg Veritas Enterprise Administrator Central Control Grid VRTSmh Veritas Storage Foundation Managed Host by Symantec VRTSaa Veritas Enterprise Administrator Action Agent SYMClma Symantec License Inventory Agent VRTSdbms3 Symantec Shared DBMS VRTSvrw Veritas Volume Replicator Web Console VRTSdcli Veritas Distributed Command Line Interface VRTSllt Veritas Low Latency Transport VRTSgab Veritas Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast VRTSvxfen Veritas I/O Fencing VRTSvcs Veritas Cluster Server VRTSvcsag Veritas Cluster Server Bundled Agents VRTSvxfscommon Veritas File System Common package Press [Enter] to continue: ...continued: VRTSvxfsplatform Veritas File System Platform Specific Package VRTSfspro Veritas File System Management Services Provider VRTSfsman Veritas File System Manual Pages VRTSfssdk Veritas File System Software Developer Kit VRTSvxvmcommon Veritas Volume Manager Common Package VRTSvxvmplatform Veritas Volume Manager Platform Specific Package VRTSddlpr Veritas Device Discovery Layer Services Provider VRTSvmpro Veritas Volume Manager Management Services Provider VRTSvsvc Veritas Volume Server and Client Provider VRTSalloc Veritas Volume Manager Intelligent Storage Provisioning VRTSvrpro Veritas Volume Replicator Client Extension and Provider for Veritas Enterprise Administrator VRTSdbcomcommon Veritas Storage Foundation Common Utilities for Databases VRTSdbedcommon Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle VRTSorguicommon Veritas Storage Foundation Graphical User Interface for Oracle VRTSodmcommon Veritas Oracle Disk Manager Common package VRTSodmplatform Veritas Oracle Disk Manager Platform package The following patches will be installed on bj-db04: VRTSsmf Symantec Service Management Framework VRTSatClient Symantec Product Authentication Service Client VRTSatServer Symantec Product Authentication Service VRTSobc33 Veritas Enterprise Administrator Core Service Press [Enter] to continue: ...continued: VRTSob Veritas Enterprise Administrator Service 第 15 页 VRTSobgui Veritas Enterprise Administrator VRTSccg Veritas Enterprise Administrator Central Control Grid VRTSmh Veritas Storage Foundation Managed Host by Symantec VRTSaa Veritas Enterprise Administrator Action Agent SYMClma Symantec License Inventory Agent VRTSdbms3 Symantec Shared DBMS VRTSvrw Veritas Volume Replicator Web Console VRTSdcli Veritas Distributed Command Line Interface VRTSllt Veritas Low Latency Transport VRTSgab Veritas Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast VRTSvxfen Veritas I/O Fencing VRTSvcs Veritas Cluster Server VRTSvcsag Veritas Cluster Server Bundled Agents VRTSvxfscommon Veritas File System Common package VRTSvxfsplatform Veritas File System Platform Specific Package VRTSfsman Veritas File System Manual Pages VRTSfssdk Veritas File System Software Developer Kit VRTSvxvmcommon Veritas Volume Manager Common Package VRTSvxvmplatform Veritas Volume Manager Platform Specific Package Press [Enter] to continue: ...continued: VRTSvsvc Veritas Volume Server and Client Provider VRTSdbcomcommon Veritas Storage Foundation Common Utilities for Databases VRTSdbedcommon Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle VRTSorguicommon Veritas Storage Foundation Graphical User Interface for Oracle VRTSodmcommon Veritas Oracle Disk Manager Common package VRTSodmplatform Veritas Oracle Disk Manager Platform package Press [Enter] to continue: installmp is now ready to install MP2. Required 5.0 processes that are currently running will be stopped. Are you sure you want to install MP2? [y,n,q] (y) Stopping processes: 0% _________ Stopping processes: 66% _________ Stopping processes: 100% _________ Shutdown completed successfully on all systems Installing MP2: 0% ________ Installing MP2: 100% ________(如果此处安装失败,可再重新安装) Installation completed successfully on all systems 第 16 页 Installation log files, summary file, and response file are saved at: /opt/VRTS/install/logs/installmp-i2GHMp Maintenance Pack install completed. In order to restart processes, a reboot or manual product startup is required following installation of Veritas Maintenance Pack. If you wish to perform product configuration, product installation scripts from /opt/VRTS/install/ can be run with the -configure option. Execute '/sbin/shutdown -r now' to properly restart your systems. [root@bj-db03 rhel4_x86_64]# shutdown -ry 0 3.5 SF 5 for oracle 基本配置 [root@bj-db03 ~]# cd /opt/VRTS/install [root@bj-db03 install]# ./installsfora –configure Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle 5.0 Configuration Program Copyright (c) 2006 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved. Symantec, the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. The Licensed Software and Documentation are deemed to be "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as defined in FAR Sections 12.212 and DFARS Section 227.7202. Logs for installsfora are being created in /var/tmp/installsfora-S3F0AT. Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to configure SFORA:bj-db03 bj-db04 Initial system check: installsfora requires that ssh commands used between systems execute without prompting for passwords or confirmations. If installsfora hangs or asks for a login password or hangs, stop installsfora and run it again with the ssh configured for 第 17 页 password free logins, or configure rsh and use the -rsh option. Checking ssh communication with bj-db04 ...................................... Linux 2.6.9-55.ELsmp Checking SFORA installation on bj-db03 ................................................................. Checking libaio rpm ............................................................................................. installed Checking glibc rpm .............................................................................................. installed Checking kernel release on bj-db03 ...................... 55 Checking distribution match with bj-db03 .............................................................. OK Checking for SE Linux on bj-db03 ............................................................. OK Checking SFORA installation on bj-db04 .......................................................... Checking libaio rpm ............................................................................................. installed Checking glibc rpm .............................................................................................. installed Checking kernel release on bj-db04 .................................................................. 55 Checking distribution match with bj-db04 .............................................................. OK Checking for SE Linux on bj-db04 ........................................................................... OK Checking system licensing You have a VCS license and you're installing the Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle HA. Do you want to configure VCS on these systems at this time? [y,n,q] (y) To configure SFORA, please answer the following sets of questions. When a [b] is presented after a question, 'b' may be entered to go back to the first question of the configuration set. When a [?] is presented after a question, '?' may be entered for help or additional information about the question. Following each set of questions, the information you have entered will be presented for confirmation. To repeat the set of questions and correct any previous errors, enter 'n' at the confirmation prompt. No configuration changes are made to the systems until all configuration questions are completed and confirmed. Press [Enter] to continue: To configure VCS for SFORA the following information is required: A unique Cluster name A unique Cluster ID number between 0-65535 Two or more NIC cards per system used for heartbeat links One or more heartbeat links are configured as private links 第 18 页 One heartbeat link may be configured as a low priority link All systems are being configured to create one cluster Enter the unique cluster name: [?] bj-cemHA Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-65535: [b,?] ? Each SFORA cluster has a unique identifier that is an integer value between 0 and 65535. A system will panic if it is configured with a Cluster identifier that is already being used by another cluster. Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-65535: [b,?] 1 Discovering NICs on bj-db03 ..................................................... discovered bond0 eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3 sit0 Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat link on bj-db03: [b,?] eth2 ^H eth2 Would you like to configure a second private heartbeat link? [y,n,q,b,?] (y) yEnter the NIC for the second private heartbeat link on bj-db03: [b,?] eth3 yeth3 is not a valid NIC name Enter the NIC for the second private heartbeat link on bj-db03: [b,?] eth3 Would you like to configure a third private heartbeat link? [y,n,q,b,?] (n) Do you want to configure an additional low priority heartbeat link? [y,n,q,b,?] (n) Are you using the same NICs for private heartbeat links on all systems? [y,n,q,b,?] (y) Checking Media Speed for eth2 on bj-db03 ……….................................................... Unknown! Checking Media Speed for eth3 on bj-db03 ................................................................ Unknown! Checking Media Speed for eth2 on bj-db04 .................................................................. 1000Mb/s Checking Media Speed for eth3 on bj-db04 ................................................................ Unknown! The Private NICs do not have the same Media Speed. It is recommended that the Media Speed should be same for all the private NICs. Without this, LLT may not function properly. Consult your Operating System manual for information on how to set the Media Speed. Do you want to continue with the installation? [y,n,q,b] (n) y Cluster information verification: Cluster Name: bj-cemHA Cluster ID Number: 1 Private Heartbeat NICs for bj-db03: link1=eth2 link2=eth3 Private Heartbeat NICs for bj-db04: link1=eth2 link2=eth3 Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y) Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle can be configured to utilize Symantec Security Services. 第 19 页 Running SFORA in Secure Mode guarantees that all inter-system communication is encrypted and that users are verified with security credentials. When running SFORA in Secure Mode, NIS and system usernames and passwords are used to verify identity. SFORA usernames and passwords are no longer utilized when a cluster is running in Secure Mode. Before configuring a cluster to operate using Symantec Security Services, another system must already have Symantec Security Services installed and be operating as a Root Broker. Refer to the Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide for more information on configuring a Symantec Product Authentication Service Root Broker. Would you like to configure SFORA to use Symantec Security Services? [y,n,q] (n) The following information is required to add SFORA users: A user name A password for the user User privileges (Administrator, Operator, or Guest) Do you want to set the username and/or password for the Admin user (default username = 'admin', password='password')? [y,n,q] (n) Do you want to add another user to the cluster? [y,n,q] (n) Setup will now configure Veritas Cluster Management Console. If you have configured a management server, you can configure the cluster to be managed by the management server. You can also configure Veritas Cluster Management Console on cluster nodes to manage the local cluster. Do you want this cluster to be managed by a management server? Enter 'y' if you have set up a management server. [y,n,q] (y) n The following information is required to configure the Cluster Management Console: A public NIC used by each system in the cluster A Virtual IP address and netmask for the Cluster Management Console Do you want to configure the Cluster Management Console [y,n,q] (y) n The following information is required to configure SMTP notification: 第 20 页 The domain-based hostname of the SMTP server The email address of each SMTP recipient A minimum severity level of messages to send to each recipient Do you want to configure SMTP notification? [y,n,q] (y) n The following information is required to configure SNMP notification: System names of SNMP consoles to receive VCS trap messages SNMP trap daemon port numbers for each console A minimum severity level of messages to send to each console Do you want to configure SNMP notification? [y,n,q] (y) n Configuring Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle HA on ........................................... Done The following information is required to setup the permission for Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle Utility to support Oracle Database: The Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle utility for database administration requires permission changes to allow database administrators (DBAs) access to the tools. The default settings at installation time for the /opt/VRTSdbed directory allows only the root user access to the directory. You need to change permissions to allow a DBA or a group of DBAs access to the Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle tools Do you want to add single user access on bj-db03 [y,n,q,?] (y) n Do you want to add group access on bj-db03 [y,n,q,?] (y) n You chose 'no' to set permission for Oracle DBA access to /opt/VRTSdbed directory on bj-db03. You must manually set permission of the directory to 750, owner to Oracle DBA user, and group to Oracle DBA group in order to run Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle utilities. Press [Enter] to continue: The following information is required to setup the permission for Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle Utility to support Oracle Database: 第 21 页 The Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle utility for database administration requires permission changes to allow database administrators (DBAs) access to the tools. The default settings at installation time for the /opt/VRTSdbed directory allows only the root user access to the directory. You need to change permissions to allow a DBA or a group of DBAs access to the Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle tools Do you want to add single user access on bj-db04 [y,n,q,?] (y) n Do you want to add group access on bj-db04 [y,n,q,?] (y) n You chose 'no' to set permission for Oracle DBA access to /opt/VRTSdbed directory on bj-db04. You must manually set permission of the directory to 750, owner to Oracle DBA user, and group to Oracle DBA group in order to run Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle utilities. Press [Enter] to continue: The enclosure-based naming scheme is a feature of Veritas Volume Manager. It allows one to reference disks using a symbolic name that is more meaningful than the operating system's normal device access name. This symbolic name is typically derived from the array name. Do you want to set up the enclosure-based naming scheme? [y,n,q,?] (n) Veritas Volume Manager default disk group name configuration: Many Veritas Volume Manager commands affect the contents or configuration of a disk group. Such commands require that the user specify a disk group. This is accomplished by using the -g option of a command or setting the VXVM_DEFAULTDG environment variable. An alternative to these two methods for some commands is to configure the name of the default disk group of a system. Note: The default disk group feature is not available with the DCLI vxadm(1M) and vxquery(1M) commands. When using these commands, a required disk group must be explicitly identified using the -g option. Do you want to set up a default disk group for each system? [y,n,q,?] (y) n Verify the install systems Fully Qualified Hostnames. 第 22 页 Querying fully qualified domain name of host "bj-db03" ............................................................... fail Press [Enter] to continue: Unable to find FQHN for bj-db03! Enter the fully qualified hostname of "bj-db03" or 'QUIT' to quit install. Enter the fully qualified host name: bj-db03 Querying fully qualified domain name of host "bj-db04" ............................................................... fail Press [Enter] to continue: Unable to find FQHN for bj-db04! Enter the fully qualified hostname of "bj-db04" or 'QUIT' to quit install. Enter the fully qualified host name: bj-db04 Choose how this install will be managed. This product can configured one of the two following ways: * Storage Foundation Management Server managed host (Recommended) * Standalone host Pre-requisites for Storage Foundation Management Server managed host: * A Storage Foundation Management Server (SFMS) is configured * SFMS should be currently running and fully operational. * Authentication Broker that is used by SFMS should be running. The following information would be requested during configuration: * The host name of the SFMS * Previously set SFMS agent account password There are no pre-requisites for deploying as a standalone host. Enabling Storage Foundation Management Server management simplifies and improves management of the complex data center resources, reducing planned and unplanned down time. 第 23 页 Enable Storage Foundation Management Server Management? [y,n,q] (y) n Verify the install systems Fully Qualified Hostnames. Configuring VEA in STANDALONE mode on "bj-db03" .............................................. ok Configuring gridnode on "bj-db03" ................................................................................... ok Registering gridnode on "bj-db03" .................................................................................... ok Configuring actionagent on "bj-db03" .............................................................................. ok Stopping actionagent on "bj-db03" .................................................................................... ok Registering actionagent on "bj-db03" ................................................................................ok Stopping StorageAgent on "bj-db03" ................................................................................ ok Registering StorageAgent on "bj-db03" ........................................................................... ok Creating Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle configuration files . .......... Done Copying configuration files to bj-db03 ........................................................................ Done Copying configuration files to bj-db04 ........................................................................ Done Registering DBEDAgent on "bj-db03" ........................................................................... ok Configuring Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle HA on bj-db03 ........................... Done Verify the install systems Fully Qualified Hostnames. Configuring VEA in STANDALONE mode on "bj-db04" ........................................................................ ok Configuring gridnode on "bj-db04" ...................................................................................... ok Registering gridnode on "bj-db04" ...................................................................................... ok Configuring actionagent on "bj-db04" ................................................................................... ok Stopping actionagent on "bj-db04" ...................................................................................... ok Registering actionagent on "bj-db04" ................................................................................... ok Stopping StorageAgent on "bj-db04" ..................................................................................... ok Registering StorageAgent on "bj-db04" .................................................................................. ok Registering DBEDAgent on "bj-db04" ..................................................................................... ok Configuring Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle HA on bj-db04 ...................................................... Done Do you want to start Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle processes now? [y,n,q] (y) 第 24 页 Starting SFORA: 0% Starting SFORA: 100% Startup completed successfully on all systems You declined to set up the name of the default disk group for bj-db03. You declined to set up the name of the default disk group for bj-db04. Configuration log files, summary file, and response file are saved at: /opt/VRTS/install/logs/installsfora-S3F0AT The README.1st file has more information about VCS. Read it Now? [y,n,q] (y) Veritas Cluster Server 5.0 on Linux Table of Contents ----------------- o Overview o After You Install the Product o Putting VCS to Work o VCS Documentation OVERVIEW -------- Veritas Cluster Server (VCS) provides a framework for application management and availability that far exceeds simple hardware recovery. It enables you to monitor systems and application services, and to restart services on a different system when hardware or software fails. Resources --------- Resources are hardware or software entities, such as disk groups, network interface cards (NIC), IP addresses, and applications. Controlling a resource means bringing it online (starting), taking it offline (stopping), and monitoring the resource. Service Group ------------- 第 25 页 A service group is a logical grouping of resources and resource dependencies. It is a management unit that controls resource sets. For detailed information about Veritas Cluster Server refer to the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide. AFTER YOU INSTALL THE PRODUCT ----------------------------- Perform the following steps after you install VCS 5.0: 1. Include "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin" in the PATH variable. This enables you to run "ha" commands directly from the command prompt. 2. Make the following changes to the man pages configuration file (/etc/man.config on Red Hat, /etc/manpath.config on SUSE) to view the man pages for VCS commands: a. Include "MANPATH_MAP /opt/VRTSvcs/bin /opt/VRTS/man" in the file. b. Append "1m" to the manual section (MANSECT on Red Hat, SECTION on SUSE), if not already included. PUTTING VCS TO WORK ------------------- Configure service groups in VCS to provide high availability to applications. VCS provides service group configuration wizards and templates to facilitate configuring the service groups. The service group configuration wizards provided with VCS 5.0 are: - Configuration Wizard for Application Agents - Configuration wizard for NFS For detailed instructions, refer to the relevent chapter of the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide. The service group configuration templates provided with VCS 5.0 are: - Service group template for Samba - Service group template for NFS Use the Cluster Manager (Java Console) to configure service groups using a template. For detailed instructions, refer to the relevent chapter of the 第 26 页 Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide. VCS DOCUMENTATION ----------------- The installation guide and release notes for VCS are provided on the CD. Installation guide for VCS is in the directory cluster_server/docs. Release notes for VCS is in the directory cluster_server/release_notes. - vcs_install.pdf, Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide - vcs_notes.pdf, Veritas Cluster Server Release Notes Veritas recommends copying the release notes and installation guide from the CD to the /opt/VRTS/docs directory so that they are available on your system for reference. If you chose to install the VRTSvcsdc rpm, additional documentation will be installed at /opt/VRTS/docs. The document set comprises: - vcs_users.pdf, Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide - vcs_bundled_agents.pdf, Veritas Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide - vcs_agent_dev.pdf, Veritas Cluster Server Agent Developer's Guide You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root [root@bj-db03 install]# 3.6 VxFS配置 检查磁盘的状态: (前提是在存储上已经划分好lun,并能够让系统看见磁盘) [root@bj-db03 bin]# fdisk -l Disk /dev/cciss/c0d0: 146.7 GB, 146778685440 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 17844 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 * 1 51 409626 83 Linux /dev/cciss/c0d0p2 52 312 2096482+ 82 Linux swap /dev/cciss/c0d0p3 313 573 2096482+ 82 Linux swap /dev/cciss/c0d0p4 574 17844 138729307+ 5 Extended /dev/cciss/c0d0p5 574 17844 138729276 8e Linux LVM Disk /dev/sda: 115.3 GB, 115344015360 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14023 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes 第 27 页 Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table Disk /dev/sdc: 115.3 GB, 115344015360 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14023 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table Disk /dev/sdd: 115.3 GB, 115344015360 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14023 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk /dev/sdd doesn't contain a valid partition table Disk /dev/sde: 115.3 GB, 115344015360 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14023 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk /dev/sde doesn't contain a valid partition table Disk /dev/sdf: 115.3 GB, 115344015360 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14023 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk /dev/sdf doesn't contain a valid partition table Disk /dev/sdg: 115.3 GB, 115344015360 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14023 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk /dev/sdg doesn't contain a valid partition table Disk /dev/sdh: 36.6 GB, 36698849280 bytes 64 heads, 32 sectors/track, 34998 cylinders Units = cylinders of 2048 * 512 = 1048576 bytes Disk /dev/sdh doesn't contain a valid partition table 检查磁盘的信息: [root@bj-db04 ~]# vxdisk list DEVICE TYPE DISK GROUP STATUS cciss/c0d0 auto:none - - online invalid sda auto - - error 第 28 页 sdb auto - - error sdc auto - - error sdd auto - - error sde auto - - error sdf auto - - error sdg auto - - error sdh auto - - error 磁盘配置详见文档《Veritas Volume Manager配置指南》 配置完成后,检查磁盘及卷组状态: [root@bj-db03 /]# vxdg list NAME STATE ID dg_arch enabled,cds 1189437593.18.bj-db03 dg_data enabled,cds 1189438243.56.bj-db03 [root@bj-db03 /]# vxdisk list DEVICE TYPE DISK GROUP STATUS cciss/c0d0 auto:none - - online invalid sda auto:cdsdisk dg_data01 dg_data online sdb auto - - error sdc auto:cdsdisk dg_data02 dg_data online sdd auto:cdsdisk dg_data03 dg_data online sde auto:cdsdisk dg_data04 dg_data online sdf auto:cdsdisk dg_data05 dg_data online sdg auto:cdsdisk dg_data06 dg_data online sdh auto:cdsdisk disk_arch dg_arch online [root@bj-db03 /]# bdf Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/vg00-LogVol00 1209472 428296 719736 38% / tmpfs 4 0 4 0% /dev/vx /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 396623 26411 349731 8% /boot none 4081824 0 4081824 0% /dev/shm /dev/mapper/vg00-LogVol01 612788 16880 564780 3% /home /dev/mapper/vg00-LogVol05 6047492 1985616 3754676 35% /opt /dev/mapper/vg00-LogVol06 8256952 7036624 800900 90% /oracle /dev/mapper/vg00-LogVol02 1515856 549440 889412 39% /tmp /dev/mapper/vg00-LogVol03 4031680 2716284 1110596 71% /usr /dev/mapper/vg00-LogVol04 第 29 页 4128448 188236 3730500 5% /var /dev/hda 2072122 2072122 0 100% /media/cdrom /dev/vx/dsk/dg_arch/lv_arch 35798016 71058 34610498 1% /arch /dev/vx/dsk/dg_data/lv_data1 224395264 121643 210256527 1% /oradata1 /dev/vx/dsk/dg_data/lv_data2 224395264 121643 210256527 1% /oradata2 /dev/vx/dsk/dg_data/lv_data3 226813952 122238 212523489 1% /oradata3 修改目录属性: [root@bj-db03 /]# chown -R oracle:dba /arch [root@bj-db03 /]# chown -R oracle:dba /oradata1 [root@bj-db03 /]# chown -R oracle:dba /oradata2 [root@bj-db03 /]# chown -R oracle:dba /oradata3 在bj-db04上也建立此目录及修改属性。 检查[root@bj-db03 bin]# cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf include "types.cf" include "OracleTypes.cf" cluster bj-cemHA ( UserNames = { admin = aPQiPKpMQlQQoYQkPN, bjadmin = aPPkPToKQlQJoSQkPO } Administrators = { admin } Operators = { bjadmin } ) system bj-db03 ( ) system bj-db04 ( ) 准备进行下一步VCS HA的配置。 3.7 Link Oracle ODM设备文件 [root@bj-db03 ]#su – oracle [oracle@bj-db03 bdump]$ sqlplus " / as sysdba" SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Sep 11 15:37:29 2007 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. 第 30 页 Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options JServer Release - Production SQL> shutdown immediate; Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production [oracle@bj-db03 ]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib [oracle@bj-db03 lib]$ rm libodm9.so [oracle@bj-db03 lib]$ ln -s /opt/VRTSodm/lib64/libodm.so $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libodm9.so [oracle@bj-db03 bdump]$ sqlplus " / as sysdba" SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Sep 11 15:37:45 2007 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 442670688 bytes Fixed Size 740960 bytes Variable Size 436207616 bytes Database Buffers 204800 bytes Redo Buffers 5517312 bytes Database mounted. Database opened. 检查数据库启动日志:“"alert_cem.log" ,中有: oracle instance running with ODM: Veritas ODM Library, Version 1.1 代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ODM加载成功。 第 31 页 3.8 VCS HA配置 检查VCS的状态: [root@bj-db03 bin]# hastatus attempting to connect.... attempting to connect....connected group resource system message --------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- bj-db03 RUNNING bj-db04 RUNNING 如果未启动,启动命令如下: [root@bj-db03 bin]#hastart [root@bj-db04 bin]#hastart 启动Veritas Cluster Manger,开始配置VCS HA: 具体配置过程见《Vertitas Cluster Manager HA配置指南》。 配置完成后配置文件/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf如下: [root@bj-db03 ~]# cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf include "types.cf" include "OracleTypes.cf" cluster bj-cemHA ( UserNames = { admin = aPQiPKpMQlQQoYQkPN, bjadmin = aPPkPToKQlQJoSQkPO } Administrators = { admin } Operators = { bjadmin } ) system bj-db03 ( ) system bj-db04 ( ) group cemDB ( SystemList = { bj-db04 = 1, bj-db03 = 0 } AutoStartList = { bj-db04, bj-db03 } ) DiskGroup dg_arch ( DiskGroup = dg_arch ) 第 32 页 DiskGroup dg_data ( DiskGroup = dg_data ) IP FloatIP ( Critical = 0 Device = bond0 Address = "" NetMask = "" ) Mount Mount_Arch ( MountPoint = "/arch" BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/dg_arch/lv_arch" FSType = vxfs FsckOpt = "-y" ) Mount Mount_data1 ( MountPoint = "/oradata1" BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/dg_data/lv_data1" FSType = vxfs FsckOpt = "-y" ) Mount Mount_data2 ( MountPoint = "/oradata2" BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/dg_data/lv_data2" FSType = vxfs FsckOpt = "-y" ) Mount Mount_data3 ( MountPoint = "/oradata3" BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/dg_data/lv_data3" FSType = vxfs FsckOpt = "-y" ) NIC NIC ( Device = bond0 ) 第 33 页 Netlsnr NETLSNR ( Critical = 0 Owner = oracle Home = "/oracle/app/oracle/product/9.2.0" TnsAdmin = "/oracle/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/admin" EnvFile = "/oracle/.bash_profile" ) Oracle OracleCEM ( Critical = 0 Sid = cem Owner = oracle Home = "/oracle/app/oracle/product/9.2.0" Pfile = "/oracle/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/dbs/initcem.ora" EnvFile = "/oracle/.bash_profile" ) Volume lv_arch ( DiskGroup = dg_arch Volume = lv_arch ) Volume lv_data1 ( DiskGroup = dg_data Volume = lv_data1 ) Volume lv_data2 ( DiskGroup = dg_data Volume = lv_data2 ) Volume lv_data3 ( DiskGroup = dg_data Volume = lv_data3 ) FloatIP requires NIC Mount_Arch requires lv_arch Mount_data1 requires lv_data1 Mount_data2 requires lv_data2 Mount_data3 requires lv_data3 NETLSNR requires OracleCEM OracleCEM requires FloatIP 第 34 页 OracleCEM requires Mount_Arch OracleCEM requires Mount_data1 OracleCEM requires Mount_data2 OracleCEM requires Mount_data3 lv_arch requires dg_arch lv_data1 requires dg_data lv_data2 requires dg_data lv_data3 requires dg_data // resource dependency tree // // group cemDB // { // Netlsnr NETLSNR // { // Oracle OracleCEM // { // Mount Mount_Arch // { // Volume lv_arch // { // DiskGroup dg_arch // } // } // IP FloatIP // { // NIC NIC // } // Mount Mount_data1 // { // Volume lv_data1 // { // DiskGroup dg_data // } // } // Mount Mount_data3 // { // Volume lv_data3 // { // DiskGroup dg_data // } // } // Mount Mount_data2 第 35 页 // { // Volume lv_data2 // { // DiskGroup dg_data // } // } // } // } // } 检查VCS HA的运行状态: [root@bj-db03 ~]# hastatus -summary -- SYSTEM STATE -- System State Frozen A bj-db03 RUNNING 0 A bj-db04 RUNNING 0 -- GROUP STATE -- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State B cemDB bj-db03 Y N ONLINE B cemDB bj-db04 Y N OFFLINE 检查节点资源状态: [root@bj-db03 ~]# hasys -display #System Attribute Value bj-db03 AgentsStopped 1 bj-db03 AvailableCapacity 100 bj-db03 CPUUsage 0 bj-db03 CPUUsageMonitoring Enabled 0 ActionThreshold 0 ActionTimeLimit 0 Action NONE NotifyThreshold 0NotifyTimeLimit 0 bj-db03 Capacity 100 bj-db03 ConfigBlockCount 161 bj-db03 ConfigCheckSum 7695 bj-db03 ConfigDiskState CURRENT bj-db03 ConfigFile /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config bj-db03 ConfigInfoCnt 0 bj-db03 ConfigModDate Tue Sep 11 16:58:15 2007 bj-db03 ConnectorState Down bj-db03 CurrentLimits bj-db03 DiskHbStatus bj-db03 DynamicLoad 0 第 36 页 bj-db03 EngineRestarted 0 bj-db03 EngineVersion bj-db03 Frozen 0 bj-db03 GUIIPAddr bj-db03 LLTNodeId 0 bj-db03 LicenseType DEMO bj-db03 Limits bj-db03 LinkHbStatus eth2 UP eth3 UP bj-db03 LoadTimeCounter 0 bj-db03 LoadTimeThreshold 600 bj-db03 LoadWarningLevel 80 bj-db03 NoAutoDisable 0 bj-db03 NodeId 0 bj-db03 OnGrpCnt 1 bj-db03 ShutdownTimeout 120 bj-db03 SourceFile ./main.cf bj-db03 SysInfo Linux:bj-db03,#1 SMP Fri Apr 20 16:36:54 EDT 2007,2.6.9-55.ELsmp,x86_64 bj-db03 SysName bj-db03 bj-db03 SysState RUNNING bj-db03 SystemLocation bj-db03 SystemOwner bj-db03 TFrozen 0 bj-db03 TRSE 0 bj-db03 UpDownState Up bj-db03 UserInt 0 bj-db03 UserStr bj-db03 VCSFeatures NONE bj-db03 VCSMode VCS # bj-db04 AgentsStopped 1 bj-db04 AvailableCapacity 100 bj-db04 CPUUsage 0 bj-db04 CPUUsageMonitoring Enabled 0 ActionThreshold 0 ActionTimeLimit 0 Action NONE NotifyThreshold 0NotifyTimeLimit 0 bj-db04 Capacity 100 bj-db04 ConfigBlockCount 161 bj-db04 ConfigCheckSum 24900 bj-db04 ConfigDiskState CURRENT bj-db04 ConfigFile /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config bj-db04 ConfigInfoCnt 0 bj-db04 ConfigModDate Tue Sep 11 16:07:58 2007 bj-db04 ConnectorState Down bj-db04 CurrentLimits 第 37 页 bj-db04 DiskHbStatus bj-db04 DynamicLoad 0 bj-db04 EngineRestarted 0 bj-db04 EngineVersion bj-db04 Frozen 0 bj-db04 GUIIPAddr bj-db04 LLTNodeId 1 bj-db04 LicenseType DEMO bj-db04 Limits bj-db04 LinkHbStatus eth2 UP eth3 UP bj-db04 LoadTimeCounter 0 bj-db04 LoadTimeThreshold 600 bj-db04 LoadWarningLevel 80 bj-db04 NoAutoDisable 0 bj-db04 NodeId 1 bj-db04 OnGrpCnt 0 bj-db04 ShutdownTimeout 120 bj-db04 SourceFile ./main.cf bj-db04 SysInfo Linux:bj-db04,#1 SMP Fri Apr 20 16:36:54 EDT 2007,2.6.9-55.ELsmp,x86_64 bj-db04 SysName bj-db04 bj-db04 SysState RUNNING bj-db04 SystemLocation bj-db04 SystemOwner bj-db04 TFrozen 0 bj-db04 TRSE 0 bj-db04 UpDownState Up bj-db04 UserInt 0 bj-db04 UserStr bj-db04 VCSFeatures NONE bj-db04 VCSMode VCS 检查心跳链路的状态: [root@bj-db03 ~]# lltstat -n LLT node information: Node State Links * 0 bj-db03 OPEN 2 1 bj-db04 OPEN 2 检查gabconfig的运行状态: [root@bj-db03 ~]# gabconfig -a GAB Port Memberships =============================================================== Port a gen d54005 membership 01 第 38 页 Port h gen d5400c membership 01 3.9 VCS切换测试: 测试过程要求如下: i. 存储链路切换测试:由HBA管理软件实现和存储具体状况决定,可选; ii. 网络链路测试: 1. 工作网卡由bonding来实现; 2. LLT链路网卡拔掉单条进行测试; iii. 活动节点关机测试。 iv. 节点手工switch切换,一般的,建议通过图形界面来进行管理和切换 控制。 4 附录: 4.1 Linux下Oracle 内核参数: 以下是oracle 9i 64位版本在linux 下参数指南: Shmmax = 物理内存的一半(2GB=2147483648) Shmmni = 4096 Shmall = shmmax 信号量最小为: Semmsl = 100 Semmns = 256 Semopm = 100 Semmni = 100 第 39 页
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