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客房操作流程客房服务生各项工作流程客房状况:   客房服务员在清扫整理客房之前,必须了解和核实每间客房的状况,以便合理安排客房的清扫整理顺序,确定清扫整理标准。了解核实客房状况的方法是看工作单和实地查房。在酒店里,需要清洁整理的客房可以分为以下几种状况。住客房(Occupied , OCC):即客人正在租用的房间。走客房(Check Out , C/O):(离店)表示客人已结账并已离开的客房。空房(Vacant , V):前一天暂无人租用的房间。未清扫房(脏的空房)(Vacant Dirty , VD):表示该客房为没有经过打...

客房服务生各项工作流程客房状况:   客房服务员在清扫整理客房之前,必须了解和核实每间客房的状况,以便合理安排客房的清扫整理顺序,确定清扫整理标准。了解核实客房状况的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 是看工作单和实地查房。在酒店里,需要清洁整理的客房可以分为以下几种状况。住客房(Occupied , OCC):即客人正在租用的房间。走客房(Check Out , C/O):(离店) 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示客人已结账并已离开的客房。空房(Vacant , V):前一天暂无人租用的房间。未清扫房(脏的空房)(Vacant Dirty , VD):表示该客房为没有经过打扫的空房。OC 入住的客房。OD 入住的但未打扫的客房。VD 脏的空房,需打扫。外宿房(Sleep Out , S/O):表示该客房已被租用,但住客昨夜未归,为了防止发生讨账等意外情况,客房部应将此种客房状况通知前台。维修房或待修房(Out of Order , OOO):也称坏房,表示该客房因设施设备发生故障,暂不能出租。已清扫房(Vacant Clean , VC):表示该客房已清扫完毕,可以重新出租,也称OK房。请勿打扰房(Do Not Disturb , DND):表示该客房的客人因睡眠或其他原因而不愿服务人员打扰。贵宾房(Very Important Person , VIP):表示该客房住客是酒店的重要客人。常住客(Long Staying Guest , LSG):即长期由客人包租的房间,又称“长包房”。请即打扫房(Make Up Room , MUR)表示该客房住客因会客或其他原因需要服务员立即打扫。轻便行李房(Light Baggage , L/B):表示住客行李很少的房间,为了防止逃帐,客房部应将此种客房状况及时通知前台。无行李房(No Baggage , N/B):表示该房间的住客没有行李,客房部应将此种客户状况及时通知前台。准备退房(Expected Departure , E/D):表示该客房住客应在当天中午12点以前退房,但现在还未退房。加床(Extra Bed , E/B):表示该客房有加床。清洁客房须准备的器具用品工作车擦拭工作车  用半湿的毛巾将工作车里外擦拭一遍。挂好干净的垃圾袋和布草袋摆放客房用品将客房用品分类,整齐地摆放在工作车的顶层上。将干净的布草放在车架中床单放在工作车的最下格。小方巾、面巾、浴巾和地巾放在工作车的上层。重的放在下层,轻的放在上层。准备好清洁桶或清洁盆将清洁桶或清洁盆放在工作车最底层的外侧。在清洁桶内放置工作手套、各种清洁剂、消毒剂、清香剂及各类清洁工具,如干湿抹布、抹地巾、百洁布、海绵块、便器刷、浴缸刷、玻璃刷刀、水勺等。吸尘器清洁桶清洁桶适用于存放清洁卫生间所需的工具和清洁剂的 小型提桶,清洁便器的工具应和其他工具分开摆放。其他工具和清洁剂客房服务员应准备并摆放好其他工具和清洁剂,如专用抹布、小刷子、多功能清洁剂、玻璃清洁剂、空气清新剂等。布件   清扫整理客房所需的布件一般包括床单、枕套、被套、“四巾”、浴衣等。消耗物品其他物品客房里的一些固定物品有可能缺少或损坏,服务员应及时更换和补充,因此,服务员应在工作车上适当配置一些固定物品,如烟灰缸、衣架等。Articles for Cleaning Guest RoomsI. Trolley1. Clean the trolley.  Wipe it thoroughly with a half-wet towel. 2. Prepare clean refuse bags and cloth bags. 3. Put articles for guest rooms. Classify the articles, and put them on the top of the trolley.4. Put clean cloth bags in the trolley. (1) Put sheets on the bottom of the trolley. (2) Put guest towels, loop towels, bath towels and floor towels on the top of the trolley. (3) Put the heavy on the bottom, the light on the top. 5. Prepare a barrel or a basin. (1) Put the barrel or the basin outside the bottom of the trolley. (2) Put gloves, cleanser, disinfectant, scented water and cleaning implements (such as wet and dry dishcloths, floor towels, kitchen towels, sponge, toilet brushes, bathtub brushes, glass brushes, spoons and etc) in the barrel. II. Suction CleanerIII. BarrelA small pail with tools and cleanser inside for cleaning bathrooms shall be put in the barrel. Tools for cleaning closestools shall be separate from other tools. IV. Other tools and cleanserA server shall prepare and put other tools and cleanser together, such as special dishcloths, small brushes, multifunction cleanser, glass cleaner, air freshener, and etc. V. Fabric   Fabrics for cleaning guest rooms include sheets, pillowslips, bed sacks, “four towels”, bath robes, and etc. VI. ConsumablesVII. Other articlesThe server shall add or replace fixed articles missing or broken in guest rooms. So the server shall put some fixed articles in the trolley, such as ashtrays, clothes racks and etc.进入客房服务住客房的进入观察观察客房门外各部分卫生状况及有无破损等情况,如有此情况服务员应及时进行登记。观察客房指示灯是否显示“请勿打扰”或门把手上是否挂有“请勿打扰”的指示牌,如有服务员不能进入客房。第一次敲门通报客房服务员在敲门通报时,轻敲门三下,时间间隔为半秒钟,敲门3~5秒钟后应报称::“客房服务员”(house—keeping)。第一次等候服务员应站在客房门外,当房内有应声时,应后退半步,立正站好,并根据工作单上标注的姓氏称呼客人,“客房服务员,**先生/小姐,您好,请问可以。。。。。。(服务项目)吗?” 第二次敲门通报若房内无应答,3~5秒钟后,再次敲门通报,其操作与第一次敲门相同。第二次等候同第一次等候,以便给客人充分的时间。开锁   (房内无人)服务员用万能钥匙或磁卡,进入房间,推开门后将磁卡插入继电孔中取电。开门再次敲门通报将门轻轻推开至45度角后,服务员再次通报,以便确定房间是否有人或有什么特殊情况。如发现客人在睡觉应退出并关好房门。如客人正在穿衣服或从卫生间出来,应向客人道歉,然后退出房间并关好房门。进入房间   房间内确实没有人,服务员将房门全部打开,直至服务完毕。Enter Guest RoomsⅠ. Enter guest rooms(I) Observe1. Observe sanitary and damage conditions outside guest rooms. Record it if any. 2. Observe whether there is a “Do not disturb” light on or a “Do not disturb” board. Do not enter guest rooms if any. (II) Knock the door and inform for the first timeKnock the door three times, with time interval of half second. Call “Housekeeping” 3~5 seconds later. (III) Wait for the first timeThe server shall stand outside the guest room. On hearing answers, he/she shall back off for half step, stand still, and say “Guest room server. Mr./Ms. **, Good day, do you need *** service?” Their names are on the working sheet.  (IV). Knock the door and inform for the second timeIf there is no answer, knock the door and inform again 3~5 seconds later. Do it as above. (V).Wait for the second timeWait as above to give guests enough time. (VI) .Open the door    (No one inside the room) The server shall use a master key or a magcard, insert the magcard in switch hole for electricity after entering the room.  (VII). Knock the door and inform after opening the doorOpen the door at 45°, and inform again to make sure there is no one in the room. If guests are sleeping, close the door and leave. If guests are getting dressed or coming out of the bathroom, apologize to them, close the door and leave. (VIII) Enter the roomIf there is no one in the room, open all the doors until the service is over.   撤床服务撤床操作流程服务员在撤床前,应注意观察床面情况,察看床面是否有破损,有严重污迹和毛发等情况。拉床。站在床尾,屈膝下蹲,重心向前,双手将床慢慢拉离床头板50厘米。撤床罩。将床罩拉开,向床尾对折两次,再把床罩尾部及两边下垂部分轻轻折起后覆盖在上面,将整理好的床罩按中线对折使其成为方块,放在椅子上。撤枕套。撤枕套时,双手执枕头套角,将枕芯抖出,同时注意查看枕下有无客人遗留物品。撤毛毯。撤床单。从折角处开始把床单从床缝中逐一拉出,床单要逐层撤下并反复抖动 ,以免夹带客人的物品。脏布件送服务车。带进同等数量干净的布件。Sheet Removal ServiceSheet Removal Process1. Stand in front of the bed; check it for damage, serious smear or hair. 2. Pull the bed. Stand at the end of the bed, bend knees and squat, center of gravity forward, pull the bed 50cm away from the headboard slowly. 3. Remove the bed cover. Pull the bed cover, fold it twice towards the bed end, and put its end and hanging parts on both sides on it. Fold it into a square according to the center line, and put it on a chair. 4. Remove the pillowslip. Hold the corner of the pillow, shake it out, and check whether there is article left by guests. 5. Remove the blanket. 6. Remove the sheets. Pull the sheets out from the corner one by one, and shake them each time to avoid wrapping guests’ articles. 7. Put dirty fabrics on the trolley. Put the same quantity fabrics back.西式铺床西式铺床操作程序收拾物品逐条收起床上用过的布品,抖动一下确定有无夹带衣物等。将收好的布品带出房间放入布品袋,并带入相应数量的干净布品。拉床客房服务员站立来离床尾约30厘米处,弯腰下蹲,两脚间保持一足远的距离,屈膝下蹲并重心前倾,用双手握紧尾部,经将床垫同床架稍抬高,慢慢将其拉出,最后将床拉离床头板约50厘米,并检查和整理床垫、褥垫和床裙。准备铺床将床垫与床架边角对齐,根据床垫头尾所标明的月份字样,将床垫按期翻转,使其受力均匀。褥单应及时跟换。第一次甩单开单。用手抓住床单的一头,右手将床单的另一头抛向床面,并提住床单的边缘顺势向右甩开床单。床单正面向上,床单中线朝上并居中。打单。将甩开的床单抛向床头位置。手心向下抓住床单的一边,两手相距80~100厘米。将床单提起,使空气进到床尾部位,并将床单鼓起,当床单离床面约70厘米高度时,服务员的身体稍向前倾,用力打下去。当空气将床单尾部推开的时候,服务员利用时机顺势调整床单,将床单往床尾方向拉正,使床单准确地降落在床垫的正确位置上。铺好后的床单正面朝上,中线向上并居中。第一次包边包角包角从床尾开始,先将床尾部位下垂的床单包进床垫下面,包床尾右角时,左手将左侧下垂的床单拉起折角,松开左手,是床单自然形成内斜角45度、外直角90度的样式,再用左手托起床垫,右手将下垂的床单打入床垫内。包床尾左角时,其方法和包右角相同,但左右手动作相反。包床头两角时,其方法与包床尾两角的方法相同。第二次甩单   服务员站在床尾,操作方法与第一次甩单基本相同,不同的是第二条床单无须包角,但床 单前端多出床头10厘米。铺好后的床单正面及中线向下,中线与第一条床单的中线相互吻合。铺毛毯   将叠好的毛毯打开,抛向床头,然后轻提毛毯,使毛毯上端与床垫保持平齐。铺好后的毛毯中线与床单中线平齐,毛毯商标在床尾,商标朝上。第二次包边包角   将长出床垫部分的床单翻起盖住毛毯,再与毛毯一起向床尾方向反折30厘米,从床头开始,依次将毛毯及第二条床单一起塞进床垫下,床尾两角包成内斜角45度、外直角90度的样式。套枕芯   将枕套抖开,放在床面上,枕芯对折,右手握住枕芯两个前角,从枕套开口处送入,两手抓住袋口,边提边抖动,使枕芯全部进入枕套中,再将长出枕芯部分的枕套掖进枕芯里面,把枕套口封好。放枕头   将套好的枕头摆放在距离床头5厘米的位置上,摆放时应注意枕头开口反向与床头柜。(十一)铺床罩   在床尾位置将叠好的床罩横向打开,将床罩边线对准床垫两侧,再用双手将床罩尾部拉下整理好,将床罩逐层打开抛向床头,是床罩平铺在床面上,站在床头位置,将床罩盖在枕头上,下垂10厘米,将床罩多余部分分别均匀塞入上下枕头夹缝中,整理床罩头部,使枕线平整,两层枕线相互重合。(十二)将床复位将铺好的床慢慢推回,注意经床摆正,进一步整理床面,尤其是床头部分,使其平整美观。Western-style BedmakingWestern-style bedmaking process(I) Put articles away1. Put fabrics in the bed away one by one, and shake them to make sure there are no clothes wrapped. 2. Put the fabrics out of the room and into a cloth bag, and put the same quantity clean fabrics back.  (II) Pull the bedStand 30cm away from the bed end, bow and squat, two feet 30cm from each other, bend knees and squat, center of gravity forward, hold the bed end, raise the mattress and pull it out slowly. Pull the bed 50cm away from the headboard. Check and tidy the mattress and bedskirt.  (III) Prepare bedmaking1. Align the mattress in line with the bedstead corner; turn it over for even stress according to the date on the mattress head or end. 2. Change sheets in time.  (IV) Pat sheets for the first time1. Unfold sheets. Hold one side of the sheet with your left hand, throw it to the bed with your right hand, hold the edge of the sheet, and throw it rightwards. The sheet front shall face up, and its center line in the middle. 2. Pat sheets. Throw the sheet to the bed head. Seize each side of the sheet, two hands 80~100cm away. Raise the sheet, let air into the bed end, so the sheet will be blew up. When it is 70cm higher than the bed, incline forward, and pat it. When the air pushes the sheet to the bed end, adjust the sheet, pull it to the bed end, and let it drop on the right position on the mattress. The sheet shall face up, and its center line in the middle. (V) Fold edges and corners for the first time1. Folding corners starts from the bed end. Fold hanging sheets on the bed end into the mattress. When folding the right corner, raise the left hanging sheet with your left hand for folding a corner, release your left hand. The sheet forms a 45° inner bevel and a 90° outer right angle. Raise the mattress with your left hand again; put the hanging sheet into the mattress with your right hand. 2. The method of folding left corner of the bed end is the same as that of right corner. And hand moves are the other way round. 3. The method of folding two corners of the bed head is the same as that of the bed end.  (VI) Pat sheets for the second time   Stand at the bed end. The method is the same as the first time. The difference is that the second sheet needs no folding corners. But the sheet is 10cm longer than the bed head. The sheet shall face up, and its centre line down and matching with the centre line of the first sheet.  (VII) Put a blanket   Unfold the wrapped blanket, throw it to the bed head, and raise it to be in line with the mattress. The centre line of the blanket shall be in line with that of the sheets. The mark of the blanket shall at be the bed end and face up.  (VIII) Fold edges and corners for the second time   Raise the redundant sheets, and cover the blanket. And fold them together for 30cm. Start from the bed head; squeeze the blanket and the second sheet into the mattress. The sheet forms a 45° inner bevel and a 90° outer right angle.  (IV) Put in a pillow inner   Fluff out the pillowslip, put it on the bed, and fold the pillow inner. Hold the two front corners of the pillow inner with your right hand, send it into the pillowslip. Hold the opening; shake it to let it get into the pillowslip. Tuck redundant part into it, and seal the opening.  (X) Put a pillow   Put the pillow 5cm away from the bed head. Pay attention to the opening, it shall be opposite to the bedstand.  (XI) Put a bed cover   Unfold the bed cover horizontally on the bed end. Align the edge line of the bed cover in line with two sides of the mattress. Pull the end of the bed cover down; throw it to the bed head. Put the bed cover on the bed, stand at the bed head, and put the bed cover on the pillow, 10cm sagging. Put redundant bed cover under the pillow, tidy the bed cover in line with the pillow.  (XII) Put the bed back to its positionPut the bed back to its position slowly, and tidy the bed, especially the bed end. It shall be plat and delightful. 客房清扫客房清扫的一般原则从上到下,从里到外   服务员用抹布擦拭灰尘时应按照从上到下的顺序进行,地毯洗尘时按照从里到外 的顺寻进行。环形清理    服务员在擦拭灰尘、检查设备用品时应按照环形的路线进行,这既避免遗漏,同事又节省体力。干湿分开    服务员应根据不同的家具设备采取不同的擦拭方法,如灯具、电视机、床头板、墙角线、金属把手等需要干擦,其余木质家具按照先干后湿的原则擦拭。客房清扫顺序走客房应按照先卫生间后卧室的顺序打扫,便于卧室的通风换气,同时有利于各种床上用品的维护及保养。住客房应先打扫卧室后再打扫卫生间,便于客人外出回来休息。客房清扫规定服务员在客房内作业时,必须将房门敞开。不得使用或接听住客房内的电话。不得翻阅客人的书报杂志和文件,并不得翻动住客的抽屉和行李。不得随便挪用客人的化妆品以及触动客人的贵重物品。不得使用房内设备,如卫生间、床、椅子等,不等在客房休息。不得在客房内更衣、吸烟、吃东西、看书报杂志以及食用客人的食品饮料。不得将客用布件当做抹布使用。不宜与客人长谈。客房清扫程序走客房的清扫进在清扫客房前,服务员应检查布件车上的备品是否齐全,布件车应备有4间房的布件和杯具,5条抹布,1只清洁篮和1块小垫毯,并系好布件袋和垃圾袋。将布件车停放在待清洁房间一侧的房门口,吸尘器放在布件车一侧。轻轻敲门两次,每次间隔3秒钟,每次敲击3下,并按门铃1次,报称“客房服务”。确认房间无人,服务员缓缓地把房门推开,并报称“客房服务”,随手将“正在清洁房间”牌挂在房门把手上。在“客房清洁日报表”上填写所要清洁房号的进房时间。撤客房服务员带上清洁篮和小垫毯,小垫毯摆放在卫生间门口外的地板上,以保护卫生间门外的房间地毯。将清洁篮摆放在卫生间靠门口一侧的云石台面上,并在面盆、浴缸、马桶上均匀地喷洒清洁剂,同时将面盆和浴缸的活塞提起关上。将卫生间内客人使用过的,并确认是酒店的各类毛巾收出,卷成一团与垃圾袋一起放在卫生间门口一侧的地板上,注意不要把客人有用的物品收出。将客人使用过的备品,如洗发液、香皂等收出。面巾纸用至1/4、卷纸用至1/3时进行撤换。检查房间的衣柜、组合柜抽屉及边角位置是否有客人的遗留物品,如发现有遗留物品,服务员应在第一时间 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 并上交。撤床上物品时,首先用双手把床垫(软硬垫一起)拉离床头板约50厘米,然后在撤床单、枕套时要逐张进行,收出使用过的浴衣时要检查口袋,以防客人的东西夹带布件一起收出。把收集的脏杯子、垃圾袋及 脏布件一起收出,按要求分放在布件车上。注意脏杯内的水和杂物要倒掉;所有垃圾杂物要倒入垃圾袋内,垃圾不能超出垃圾袋口;脏布件放到布件袋内且不能超出布件袋口。房间撤出的餐具或鲜花、水果等物品必须整齐分放至楼层指定的回收位置,不得摆放在布件车上。另外,发现客人遗留的物品应及时上交,不得在布件车上摆放。铺具体铺床方法同西式铺床的操作程序。抹在九成干的抹布上喷家具清洁保养蜡,并把抹布轻柔几下使蜡水均匀分布在抹布上。服务员同时带入一条干抹布,用于电视荧光屏的清洁。服务员按自上而下、从左到右、环形清扫的原则,先抹门铃和门框,注意在操作过程中要暗记所要补充的物品。分别使用清洁保养蜡和干抹布抹空调柜门、衣柜门、百叶板和玻璃镜,要彻底、认真地逐一擦抹。抹电视柜。用干布抹电视荧光屏,顺便打开电视机检查遥控器的使用情况以及电视机频道是否正常,并把电视机调至所要求的频道和音量后关上。用干布抹梳妆镜玻璃、镜框。用带有清洁保养蜡的抹布擦抹书桌的木器部分,并清洁文具夹、电话机,同时检查文具夹内物品的使用情况。清洁冰箱,从内到外进行清洁,并检查冰箱各类酒水是否齐全。抹落地灯并注意用干布抹灯泡。抹床头板、床头柜(从内到外)、床头灯,并清洁电话机,注意检查房间音响设备是否正常,检查房内电灯照明情况。添按酒店要求补充需要的客用物品和宣传品,并按照规定摆放好。吸吸尘区域。窗前区、组合柜附近、床底、床头柜附近、过道、房门口。进行地毯吸尘时,服务员要将吸尘器耙头向同一方向推拉,一确保地毯的平整;吸柜底时要直接用吸管放在柜底吸;吸房间边角灰尘时,先用刮边角工具来清理地毯边角位的污垢,然后用吸管吸;吸家具底部时,搬开能移动的家具,将家具底下的灰尘洗干净,动作要轻、要稳、避免吸尘器与家具碰撞。关关好窗户、窗帘及窗纱。把空调调至规定的位置,再环视检查一遍房间整理的情况。关闭房间总开关,取走“正在清洁房间”挂牌并将房间轻轻锁上。登在“客房工作日报表”上记下完成工作的时间。住客房的清扫对于住客房,客房服务员除了每天一次的全面清扫整理之外,还要进行小整理,就是在每次客人外出后,若发现房内不够清洁,服务员对房间进行简单的整理。  通常,住客房的小整理主要包括以下内容:整理床铺除尘除迹。清除垃圾。更换茶杯和烟灰缸换水。整理卫生间。一般情况下不需要更换 毛巾。添补消耗品。调节空调。使客房内保持理想的温度。   在清扫住客房时服务员应特别注意以下事项:当住客在房间时礼貌问好,询问客人是否可以清扫房间。动作要轻,程序要熟练,不能与客人长谈。若遇到住客有来访客人时,服务员应询问是否可以继续。清洁完毕,向客人致歉,并询问是否有其他需要,然后向客人行礼退出房间并关上房门。当客人中途回房时应征求客人的意见,询问是否可以继续打扫清洁。若客人同意继续打扫,服务员应迅速地将房间清洁好,离开时,对客人说:“对不起,打扰您了,谢谢。”在清洁过程中,房间电话响了,服务员不应接听。服务员不小心损坏了客人的物品时,应如实向主管反映,并向客人赔礼道歉。(三)空房的清扫   对空房间的清扫,服务员一般只需要擦拭家具,检查各类用品是否齐全即可,其程序如下:每天进房开窗、开空调进行通风换气。每天用干布除去家具、设备及物品上的浮尘。对于浴缸、面盆、马桶,服务员应每天放水冲一至两分钟。连续空着的客房,隔几天用吸尘器吸尘一次。服务员应检查房间有无异常情况,如有不符合要求的情况,要在客人入住前整理好。Clean Guest RoomsⅠ.Rules for cleaning guest rooms(1) From top to bottom, from inside out   Wipe dust with dishcloths from top to bottom, clean the carpet from inside out. (2) Annular cleaning    Clean dust and check articles in an annular route. It will avoid missing and save energy for you. (3) Separate the dry from the wet    Use different wiping methods for different furniture. For example, luminaire, TV set, headboard, corner lines, metal handles need dry wiping. First dry wiping, and then wet wiping for wooden furniture. (4) Sequence for cleaning guest roomsFor check-out rooms, first clean the bathroom, second the bedroom. It is better for ventilation of the bedroom, and maintenance of fabrics on bed. For occupied rooms, first clean the bedroom, second the bathroom. It is better for guests to come back for rest. Ⅱ Rules for cleaning guest rooms1. The door shall be open when you are doing service in the room. 2. Do not use or pick up the telephone in guest rooms. 3. Do not read guests’ books, magazines, or document. Do not open their drawers or luggage. 4. Do not use guests’ cosmetics, do not touch their valuables. 5. Do not use anything in the room, such as the bathroom, bed, chairs and etc. Do not rest in guest rooms. 6. Do not change clothes, smoke, eat guests’ food, drink their beverage, read books or magazines in guest rooms. 7. Do not use guests’ fabrics as dishcloths. 8. Do not make long conversation with guests. Ⅲ Process for cleaning guest rooms(I) Cleaning check-out rooms1. Enter(1) Check whether articles in the trolley are complete before cleaning guest rooms. There should be fabrics and cups for 4 rooms, 5 pieces of dishcloth, 1 barrel, and 1 small mat. Prepare cloth bags and refuse bags. (2) Park the trolley at one side of the door, the suction cleaner on other side. (3) Knock the door twice, time interval of 3 seconds, three times at one time, ring the doorbell, and call “housekeeping”. (4) Open the door slowly after confirming no one is in the room. Call “housekeeping”, and hang a “room cleaning” board on the door. (5) Write down the room number and cleaning time on the “guest room cleaning table”. 2. Remove(1) Take a basket and a mat. Put the mat on the floor outside the bathroom to protect the carpet in the room.  (2) Put the basket on the marble table right at the door in the bathroom. Spray cleanser on the basin, bathtub and closestool. Close pistons of the basin and bathtub.  (3) Remove all used towels of the hotel. Roll them up, and put them on the floor outside the bathroom along with refuse bags. Do not remove guests’ articles.  (4) Remove shampoo and soap used.  (5) Remove face tissue left 1/4 and curl-paper left 1/3.(6) Check the wardrobe and drawers in the sectional cabinet for left articles of guests. Report and hand them over if any.  (7) Remove articles in the bed. Raise the mattress (bolster and buckram together) 50cm away from the headboard, remove the sheets and pillowslip. Check the pockets of the bathrobe used to avoid removing guests’ articles.  (8) Remove dirty cups, refuse bags and dirty fabrics, and put them on the trolley according to requirements. Pour water and sundries out of the cups. Put all garbage in refuses bags, but not exceeding the bag opening. Put dirty fabrics in cloth bags, but not exceeding the bag opening. (9) Remove tableware, flowers, and fruits. Put them at appointed places, not on the trolley. Moreover, hand over articles left by guests, and do not put them on the trolley. 3. Make the bedIt is the same of western-style bedmaking. 4. WipeSpray furniture wax on a 90% dry dishcloth, rub it for uniform distribution. Bring another dry dishcloth for cleaning the television screen. Cleaning route shall be from top to bottom, from left to right, annular, first doorbell then doorframe. Remember all articles which need to be supplied during cleaning. Use furniture wax and a dry dishcloth to wipe air conditioning cabinet door, wardrobe door, louver boards, and glass mirror respectively, thoroughly, and earnestly. Wipe the TV cabinet. Wipe the television screen with a dishcloth. Open the TV with a remote control to check whether they are OK, turn it to appointed channels and volumes, and turn it off. Wipe the dressing glass and picture frame with dishcloths. Use a dishcloth with furniture wax to wipe wooden parts of the desk, stationery clip, and telephone. Check the articles in the stationery clip. Clean the refrigerator from inside out. Check whether beverage is complete. Wipe the floor lamp. Wipe the bulb with a dry dishcloth. Wipe headboard, bedstand (from inside out), bedlamp and telephone. Check whether sound equipment is OK, and light condition. 5. SupplySupply necessary articles and propaganda materials required bythe hotel, and put them according to requirements. 6. Suction  (1) Dust absorption area: before the window, around the sectional cabinet, under the bed, around the bedstand, corridor and doorway. (2) Pull the suction cleaner in the same direction during dust absorption on the carpet to ensure its flattening. Put the suction pipe on the bottom of the cabinet for dust absorption of the cabinet bottom. Use a tool to clean dirt in the corner first, and then use the suction pipe. Move the moveable furniture for dust absorption under it. The move shall be gentle and stable. Do not hit the furniture. 7. Close(1) Close the windows, curtains, and window screen. (2) Turn air conditioning to the appointed temperate, and look around the room for cleaning condition.  (3) Close the door, take away the “room cleaning” board, and lock the door. 8. RecordWrite down finishing time on the “guest room cleaning table”.(II) Cleaning occupied roomsClean the occupied rooms thoroughly everyday. When guests go out, if rooms are not clean enough, clean it briefly.   Brief clean usually includes: 1. Make bed.2. Dust and dirt removal.3. Refuse removal. 4. Change cups and ashtrays. 5. Change water. 6. Clean the bathroom. No need to change towels generally.7. Supply consumables. 8. Adjust air conditioning to keep the room at an ideal temperature.       During guest room cleaning, pay attention to: 1. When guests are in the room(1) Say hallo politely, ask them whether you can clean the room. (2) Be gentle and skilful. Do not make long conversation with guests. (3) If guests’ friend comes into the room, ask them whether to continue cleaning. (4) Tell the guest when cleaning is over. Ask them whether they need anything. Salute to them, leave the room and close the door. 2. When guests suddenly come back(1) Ask them whether to continue cleaning.(2) If they say yes, clean the room quickly. Say “I am sorry for bothering you. Thanks.” And leave the room. 3. Do not pick up the telephone when it is ringing during cleaning. 4. Report to the manager when breaking guests’ articles, and apologize to guests. (III) Clean empty rooms   For empty rooms, you only need to wipe furniture. Check whether articles are complete. The process is as follows:1. Enter the room, open the door and windows every day. Turn on air conditioning for ventilation. 2. Wipe furniture, equipment and articles with dry dishcloths. 3. Turn on water tap in the bathtub, water basin, and closestool for 1~2 minutes every day. 4. Use the suction cleaner every several days for continuous empty rooms. 5. Check the rooms for abnormality. If any, deal with it before guests are checking in.客房卫生间清扫卫生间清扫的基本要求清洁不同物件应使用不同的清洁工具和清洁剂。不准使用客人毛巾清洁卫生间。不要用干硬的抹布擦拭金属器件和镜面。撤换毛巾时,不要误将客人的自备毛巾撤出。清洁完毕后,服务员应将门虚掩,保证空气畅通。清洁后的卫生间应整洁、干燥、无异味、无毛发、无污迹、无皂迹、无水渍。二、客房卫生间清扫流程(一)开服务员按照进房的程序进入客房。在“客房工作日报表”上填写开始清扫房间的时间。开灯、开排风,直到卫生间清扫完毕。将清洁盒置于卫生间洗脸台下靠门一侧。将小地毯放在卫生间门口,以免因卫生间地面潮湿弄脏房门口的地毯。(二)冲    服务员放水冲净马桶,然后在马桶的清水中倒入适量的马桶清洁液浸泡数分钟后再进行洗刷。注意不要将清洁液剂滴在马桶的釉面上,以免腐蚀釉面。(三)收撤脏布件。将客人用过的脏布件撤掉放进工作车上的布件袋内。撤脏布件时应检查是否夹带其他物品。清理烟灰缸。也可以采取撤换的方式,以提高工作效率。撤走用过的玻璃杯。应注意杯内有无客人的物品,注意不要将客人自带的杯子撤走。撤走用过的消耗品和垃圾。对剃须刀片等尖利物品和对环境有污染的物品进行单独处理。   (四)洗与擦同步进行    服务员在擦拭的同时应检查设施设备及服务用品是否完好。擦拭房门。用抹布从上至下擦拭房门。清洁脸盆和云台用百洁布蘸适量清洁剂清洁脸盆及云台,然后用清水冲干净,按照先内后外的顺序抹干水迹。用海绵蘸少许中性清洁剂擦拭脸盆的不锈钢件,然后用干抹布擦干、擦亮。注意水龙头等金属器件不能用酸性或碱性的清洁剂。擦拭镜面。如镜面较脏或有特殊污迹,可在脏处喷少许玻璃清洁剂,然后用干抹布擦拭。擦拭卫生间内的毛巾架、浴巾架及托盘、电吹风、电话机等服务用品擦拭干净,同时检查卫生间内的电器运转是否正常。清洁浴房。用百洁布蘸适量清洁剂洗涮浴房内外玻璃及墙壁,冲洗后用抹布擦干。用干抹布将金属器件擦亮。6清洗马桶换上专用手套,用专用清洁刷按照马桶盖板,座板正反面、马桶内外壁、马桶底部的顺序依次洗刷,用清水冲净,并按照先上后下的顺序用专 用抹布擦干。清洗马桶时应特别注意对马桶出水口和入水口的清洁。当服务员对卫生间的脸盆、浴房、马桶清洁完毕后,应用酒店指定的消毒剂对其进行喷洒消毒。其消毒次序为:脸盆、浴房、马桶内壁、马桶盖板。消毒完毕,服务员将马桶盖盖上,并加盖“已消毒”封条。   (五)添补充卫生间各种日耗品,并按规定摆放整齐,将干净棉织品折叠摆放好,给客人的物品要整洁完好,布巾要干净、无污渍。   (六)刷    服务员用百洁布和一定比例的清洁剂洗刷卫生间地面,并用清水冲洗。   (七)关环视检查。服务员服务员在离开卫生间前进行检查,看工作是否有漏项,如有漏项及时补做。关灯、关排风。关门。(八)登在“客房工作日报表”上记下完成工作的时间。Clean the Bathroom in the Guest RoomⅠ Basic requirements for cleaning the bathroom1. Use different cleaning implement and cleanser for different articles. 2. Do not clean the bathroom with guests’ towels. 3. Do not wipe metal devices or mirror with hard dishcloths. 4. Do not remove towels brought by guests. 5. Leave the door unlocked for ventilation after cleaning. 6. The bathroom after cleaning shall be clean, dry, and free of odor, hair, dirt, soap mark or water mark. Ⅱ Process for cleaning the bathroom in the guest room(I) .Open1. Enter the guest room according to the process. 2. Write down cleaning time on the “guest room cleaning table”.3. Turn on the light and exhaust fan until the bathroom cleaning is over. 4. Put the cleaning box under the commode in the bathroom and outside the door. 5. Put a mat outside the bathroom for not getting the carpet in the room wet. (II). Flush    Flush the closestool, pour closestool cleaning solution in the water in the closestool, wait a few minutes for dunking, and then brush it. Do not drop the solution on the closestool glaze for not eroding it. (III) Tidy1. Remove dirty fabrics and put them in the cloth bags on the trolley. Check whether there is article wrapped in the dirty fabrics. 2. Clean the ashtray or change one for work efficiency.3. Remove glasses used. Make sure there is no article of guests. Do not remove glasses brought by guests. 4. Remove all consumables used and garbage. Dispose sharp articles (such as razor blades) and pollutant separately.    (IV) Cleaning while wiping    Check whether devices and articles are complete during wiping. 1. Wipe the door with a dishcloth from top to bottom. 2. Clean the wash basin and marble table(1) Clean the wash basin and marble table with a dishcloth dipping cleanser. Flush them with water. Wipe the water mark from inside out. (2) Clean stainless steel pieces on the wash basin with spong e dipping neutral cleanser, and wipe them dry and polished with a dry dishcloth. Do not use acidic or alkaline cleanser for metal devices, such as the water tap. 3. Wipe the mirror. If the mirror has dirt or smudge, spray little glass cleanser on it, and wipe it with a dry dishcloth. 4. Wipe the towel rack, tray, electric drier, telephone in the bathroom. Check whether electric apparatuses run normal. 5. Clean the bathroom. (1) Wipe glasses and walls inside and outside the bathroom with dishcloths dipping cleanser. And then wipe it with a dry dishcloth. (2) Wipe metal devices polished with a dry dishcloth. 6. Clean the closestool(1) Wear special gloves, wipe the toilet cover, front side and back side of the toilet seat, inside and outside the closestool, the bottom with a special brush. Flush it with water, and wipe it with a dry dishcloth from top to bottom. (2) Clean water outlet and inlet of the closestool. (3) After cleaning the wash basin, bathtub, and closestool, spray disinfectant appointed by the hotel over them. Sanitizing sequence is the wash basin, bathtub, inside the closestool, and toilet cover. After the sanitizing is done, put the cover down, and seal it with a “sanitized” tape.    ((V) SupplySupply daily consumables in the bathroom, put them in order, put away clean cotton fabrics, and tidy articles for guests. Napkins shall be clean and free of smudge.    (VI) Brush    Brush the floor in the bathroom with a dishcloth dipping certain cleanser, and flush it with water.    (VII) Close1. Check it by looking around. If there is work missing, do it in time before leaving the bathroom.2. Turn off the lights and exhaust fan. 3. Close the door.(VIII) RecordWrite down finishing time on the “guest room cleaning table”.开夜床准备手推车,确定里面有牛奶和巧克力(Free免费)敲门三次,每次3下,时间间隔5秒,用中英文报Housekeeping和客房服务,等待开门后进入房间。拉上窗帘,调试空调温度,温度在(夏)19摄氏度—24摄氏度(冬)打开台灯或壁灯,关上大灯,并在床头依次摆放牛奶、巧克力。叠起床的内边的一角(床头)向上叠起90度角,以中线为准。把拖鞋放在开起床头的一角(内侧)的地面上。更换客人使用的毛巾、浴巾和供应物,并清洁浴室的卫生(同做卫生间一样)。调试浴池水温30摄氏度~40摄氏度(用手背感觉一下)在浴池中央的边上放一条浴巾,在厕所的门口放小地毯或脚垫。向顾客询问喜欢什么电视节目或音乐,并帮其更换频道。检查咪你吧的酒水(客房内的小酒吧)。向顾客介绍牛奶和巧克力是免费的,并告知其明天早上最早的餐厅和最后供应早餐的餐厅的名称走向和餐类。询问是否还有其他需要,祝客人 有个好梦。离开房间,填写工作笔记。Nightly Turn Down Service1. Prepare a trolley with milk and chocolate (for free) in it. 2. Knock the door thrice, three times at one time, five seconds of time interval, call Housekeeping in Chinese and English, wait for the door to open, and enter the room. 3. Draw back curtains; adjust air conditioning temperature between 19℃ (in summer) and 24℃ (in winter).4. Turn on the table lamp or the wall lamp; turn off the head lamp, and put milk and chocolate on the bed head. 5. Furl a corner of the sheet (on the bed head) to 90°, subjectto the center line.6. Put slippers on the floor at the bed head (inside). 7. Change towels, bath towels, and supplies for guests, and clean the bathroom (same as the washroom). 8. Adjust bath temperature between 30℃ and 40℃ (use your back of the hand to feel it).9. Put a towel beside the bath, a floor mat or a door mat on the door of the bathroom.10. Ask guests about what kinds of TV shows or music they like, and change channels for them. 11. Check beverage in Mini-Bar (a Bar in the guest room).12. Tell guests that mike and chocolate are on the house, names and direction of the earliest dining hall and the last one tomorrow, and their cuisines. 13. Ask guests about what else they need, and wish them a good dream. 14. Leave the room, and fill in the working note.检查和清洁迷你吧(客房小酒吧/小冰箱) Mini—bax迷你吧切断电源(不准带电)在做清洁/维护时,要保持Mini—bax中是空的(所有物品全部拿出)。打开Mini—bax看:是否少酒水,杯子是否有破损,食品是否短缺。闻:查Mini—bax中是否有异味。Mini—bax中的所有物品全部拿出(放在桌子上)撤下水槽和篦子(放到厕所内)要在湿抹布上带有少量的清新剂由里向外擦拭(先擦上后擦下)。清洗水槽和篦子(清洗后用干毛巾去擦拭)避免留下水珠(在厕所内清洗)擦拭门框、门:要擦到保温条的每一条缝中(要把毛巾对折,折出一个角来擦拭)注意保温条是否有损坏。查看酒水及食品:1)查酒水是否打开2)查果汁及食品的有效期3)查看食品是否漏气。(捏住密封的一边看是否漏气)按原位摆放,有使用过的要更换新的(从哪拿放哪去)关门,有顺序的擦外面(由上至下)接通电源(去听机器是否正常运转)Check and Clean Mini-Bar (a little Bar/Fridge in the Guest Room)1. Cut power (no electricity) Keep the Mini-bar empty during checking and cleaning (take out all items). 2. Open the Mini-bar 1) Look: whether beverage is enough, glasses broken, and food sufficient.  2) Smell: check whether there is odor in the Mini-bar. 3. Take all items out of the Mini-bar (put them on the table). 4. Remove the sink and the dandruff comb (put them in the bathroom). 5. Use a dishcloth with little air freshener to wipe them from the inside out (from top to bottom). 6. Clean the sink and the dandruff comb (wipe them with a dry towel after cleaning) to avoid globule (clean them in the bathroom). 7. Wipe the doorframe and the door: 1) Wipe each seam of the insulation strip (fold the towel, form a corner for wiping). 2) Check whether the insulation strip is damaged. 8. Check beverage and food: 1) Check whether beverage is open2) Check effective date of fruit juice and food3) Check whether food has air leakage (hold one side of the seal).9. Put them back at the original position, replace ones which were used. 10. Close the door; wipe the external side from top to bottom. 11. Power on (listen to machines for checking whether they are in normal operation). 加床服务程序(针对团队、客团,不能开夜床,只服务客房清洁)员接到客房部通知需要加床服务员应到加床库房取加床,并对加床进行检查(检查床板面是否潮湿,是否有跳子和白蚁)将加床补入所需要房间,并在房间内将加床打开放好。(把2个床头柜并在一起靠外边,床要并排放,床垫、床单要并排铺)补充相应的客用浴用品,棉织品,浴袍,拖鞋数量,其中补充的棉织品数量和浴袍做好记录交接(婴儿床除外)。(在显眼处多放一包卫生纸,把套房里Mini—bax里的酒水、果汁、牛奶全部撤掉,晚上不加牛奶、巧克力,加床的靠最里侧的床不能紧靠墙,床尾不能靠家具,留下过道走路的空间,脚柜撤出放在库房,一人一个枕头)将所需加床房间做记录和交接。如果补充婴儿床,需到布巾房领取婴儿毛巾,毛毯,枕头。(1~4岁,要更换床垫一天一次,婴儿所有用品要单取单放,不能与成人的混合)注意:1)有婴儿的顾客打扫房间,要把蒸气仪器打开,用吸尘器时要询问顾客,得到允许才可使用    2)婴儿所有毛绒玩具、奶嘴等都要用蒸气进行消毒、清洁,婴儿床也要消毒(床杆)等,(告知顾客,以便收小费)。    3)打扫房间前,要把婴儿未用的尿布、奶嘴等用一块干毛巾盖住;要及时更换屋内所有垃圾,婴儿用过的,避免有酸气味,打开排风扇和空调把房内所有湿气吸干。    4)在婴儿房内不能喷香水、清新剂,在春天时进屋一定要戴鞋套。    5)在卫生间(有婴儿时,一定要摆放婴儿面巾纸(盒装),给顾客的牙膏、牙刷等用品一定要用蒸气消毒一下,不管什么天气,都要给婴儿盖上毛毯,空调不要对着孩子吹)。顾客回来时,告知顾客所有物品均以消毒,以便收取小费。    6)把顾客 所有贵重物品整理,留下纸条。Extra Bed Service Program (for Groups with Housekeeping Service and no Nightly Turn Down Service)1. A server receives a notice of extra bed service from the housekeeping department).2. The server shall fetch a bed in the bed storeroom and check it (whether the bed plate is damp, has flea or white ant). 3. Take the bed into the relevant room, and make bed for it (put two bed desks together, two beds, mattresses and sheets side by side).4. Add relevant shower products, cotton goods, robes, and slippers. Quantity of cotton goods and robes shall be recorded (except baby cribs). (Put a pack of toilet paper at a distinct place. Remove all beverage, fruit juice, and milk in the Mini-Bar, no milk and chocolate for nights. The bed next to the wall shall not abut against it, or against the furniture to leave enough space for walk. The tallboy removed shall be put into the storeroom. One pillow for one person.)5. Record the room which needs an extra bed. 6. If a baby crib is needed, fetch baby towels, blanket and pillow in the napkin room. (For 1~4 years old, change the mattress every day. All baby supplies shall be put together, and away from adult ones.)    Note: 1) As for rooms with a baby, turn the vapor machine on, use the suction cleaner only after getting guests’ permission.     2) Sanitize and clean all toys, nipples and the baby crib (bed post). (Tell guests about tips.)    3) Cover unused diapers and nipples with a dry towel before cleaning the room. Remove all garbage and baby’s wastes in the room. Turn on the exhaust fan and air conditioning to suck damp and avoid sour air.     4) No perfume or air freshener is allowed in the baby’s room. Wear shoe cover before entering the room in spring.     5) Use vapor to sanitize guests’ toothpaste and toothbrush in the bathroom. If there is a baby, put baby napkins (in box). Put a blanket on the baby no matter what the weather is. Air conditioning shall not face towards the baby. When guests are back, tell them all items are sanitized, and collect tips. 6) Put away all valuables of guests, and leave a note.清洁地毯上的污迹一、局部清洁:颜色与地毯面其它颜色不同,用吸尘器反复去吸,如未干净,用清水稀释1:20的药剂,带上手套去搅拌打成高泡状,要充分混合,用毛巾或刷子站着进行清理,然后用抽吸式机器把药剂吸走,用毛巾或刷子沾着清水进行拍打清洁,用抽吸式机器把水吸干(反复需要3次);用吹风机开热档配合刷子有顺序地去吹干。无论地毯多脏不能使用爪子抓。注:药剂专用清洁剂PH=7 中性 PH>7 酸性 对手皮肤有严重伤害(腐蚀),要带塑料手套PH<7 碱性 要带橡胶手套,否则手会干裂   一下三类必 须要稀释:   1)有饮料滴洒用 ph>7   2) 有酒水滴洒用 ph<7   3) 属于人为污染用 ph=7二、大厅的整个地毯清洁清除地毯上垃圾,用吸尘器再吸一遍细小灰尘。用清水稀释1:40的中性药剂,带上手套去搅拌打成高泡状,混合用毛巾或刷子沾着进行清理,用抽吸式机器把药剂吸走,用毛巾或刷子沾着清水进行拍打清洁,用抽吸式机器把水吸干(反复需要3次)用刷毛机抽干/打毛,有顺序的从里到外有规格的清洁。(要倒着走“S”形路线进行打毛)用干毛巾(沾少许水)顺着边清理4个角与4个边。用手背碰地毯感觉是否有潮气,如果不干燥,在下面铺报纸吸干潮气或用毛巾。卷地毯,要顺着地毯纹路顶着毛卷,用刷子打扫背面灰尘,擦干净。最后用棍子拍打,可使里面的毛松散,系绳立起。(这样打开时,毛是有顺序的立起的)Clean Smudge on the CarpetⅠ Partial Cleaning:1. If color of one spot is different from that of the carpet, use a suction cleaner. If it is still unclean, dilute the cleanser to 1:20 with water. Wear gloves, mix them thoroughly into spumescence. Clean it with a towel or a brush standing, and use the suction cleaner to suck the cleanser. Clean it with a towel or a brush immersed in water, and use the suction cleaner to suck the water (repeat for three times);2. Use a blower with heat on and a brush to dry it. 3. Do not use your claws to clean it no matter how dirty it is.    Note: Special cleanserPH=7 NeutralPH>7 Acidic, grievous injury to skins (corrosion), need to wear plastic gloves.    PH<7 Alkaline, need to wear rubber gloves, or else hands will be cracked.   Three following types need dilution:    1) Beverage dropping ph>7    2) Wine dropping ph<7    3) Man-made pollution ph=7Ⅱ Carpet cleaning in the lobby1. Remove garbage on the carpet; use the suction cleaner to suck dust. 2. Dilute the cleanser to 1:40 with water. Wear gloves, mix them thoroughly into spumescence. Clean it with a towel or a brush standing, and use the suction cleaner to suck the cleanser. Clean it with a towel or a brush immersed in water, and use the suction cleaner to suck the water (repeat for three times); 3. Use a brusher for drying/matting; clean it from the inside out (reverse “S” route for matting).4. Clean four corners and four sides with a dry towel (or immersed in little water).5. Use your hands to feel whether the carpet has damp. If it is not dry, put newspapers or towels under it to suck damp. 6. Roll the carpet along with its texture; clean dust under it with a brush. Flap it with a stick to make fleece loose, tie it with a rope, and put it erectly (so fleece will be e
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