首页 幼儿园英语话剧节目及剧本



幼儿园英语话剧节目及剧本小班话剧节目及剧本 小熊请客 Bears: Today is our birthday. We are so happy! Rs: Knock, knock, knock. (敲门声起) Bears: Who’s that? Rabbit1: I am **. R2: I am **. Rs: We are rabbits. Bs: Come in ,please.(开门,请进) Rs: Happy birthday!(送花) Bs: Thank you. Please take a seat.(做手势...

小班话剧节目及剧本 小熊请客 Bears: Today is our birthday. We are so happy! Rs: Knock, knock, knock. (敲门声起) Bears: Who’s that? Rabbit1: I am **. R2: I am **. Rs: We are rabbits. Bs: Come in ,please.(开门,请进) Rs: Happy birthday!(送花) Bs: Thank you. Please take a seat.(做手势,请坐) 小熊把花插好 Ds: Knock, knock, knock. (敲门声起) Bs: who’s that? D1: I am **. D2: I am **. D3: I am **. Ds: We are dogs. Bs: Come in ,please. Ds: Happy birthday! Bs: Thank you. Please take a seat. 小熊把花插好 Cs: Knock, knock, knock. (敲门声起) Bs: who’s that? C1: I am **. C2: I am **. C3: I am **. Cs: We are cats. Bs: Come in ,please. Cs: Happy birthday! Bs: Thank you. Please take a seat. 小熊把花插好, 拿水果招待客人 Bs: Which friut do you like ? Rs: It is red. It is raund. Bs: Oh! It’s apple. Here you are. Rs: Thank you.(做吃状) Ds: It’s yellow .It’s long. Bs: Oh! It’s banana. Here you are. Ds: Thank you. Cats: It’s oraner .It’s raund. Bs: Oh! It’s oranger. Here you are. Cs: Thank you. 小熊面向观众道白 Bs: Today is our birthday. We are so happy. 转身招呼小动物们 Bs: Let’s singing , let’s dancing. As: Ok! 龟兔赛跑 Once upon a time, there was a hare. Hare: I am the fastest animal in the forest. Nobody can beat me. One day the hare met a tortoise. Hare: Ha, ha. You are so slow. Tortoise: I an slow, but I can race you. Hare: You can race me? But you can’t beat me. Tortoise: I can beat you, too. Hare: All right. Let’s race to the top of the hill. The hare and the tortoise started. Hare: I can run much faster than the tortoise. I may have a little nap here. The tortoise did not stop for a moment. The tortoise walked on and on. The hare woke up and ran as fast as he could. But he couldn’t catch up. Tortoise: I am slower than you are. But I’ve won the race. Slow and steady wins the race. New Lovely Rabbits 节目名称:新小兔乖乖 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演形态:歌舞剧 表演班级:中班 表演人数:6人 表演服装:兔妈妈服装一件、围兜一件、小兔服装3件 大灰狼服装一件、头套一件 仙女的服装,再加白裙子、白手套各一件、星光棒一支 表演道具:菜蓝一个,门一道,大树一个、桌巾一条,桌子一张,椅子4把,房屋的背景 节目简介:兔妈妈和三只小兔在森林里过着快乐的日子,自从上一次赶走大灰狼以后,大家都很开心,但是今天是三只兔宝宝的生日,有人来敲门了,是大灰狼吗,今晚到底会发生什么事情呢,让我们欢迎小朋友所带来的“新小兔乖乖”。 ACT1 场景(1)在小兔家中 (背景音乐《生日歌》兔妈妈在擦桌子,小兔们在玩玩具) 兔妈妈:my babies! 全体小兔:yes !Mommy! 兔妈妈: today is your birthday ,what do you want? : I like carrot,carrot,carrot,m m good. 小兔A 小兔BC:I like cabbage,cabbage, cabbage ,m m good. (兔妈妈拿起篮子) 兔妈妈:O.K.My Babies! I will go to buy some gifts! Don't open the door . 不要随便开门 让陌生人进来~ 全体小兔:O.K. 兔妈妈:Good-bye,babies! 全体小兔:Bye-bye,Mommy. (兔妈妈蹦跳退场,) ACT2 场景2(在小兔家中) (背景音乐响起《do re mi》,小兔跳舞) 仙女突然出现,小兔们做惊讶状。 仙女:(微笑)Happy birthday , babies . 小兔们惊叫:oh, it’s peri ,its peri ,oh ,my dear„„ 仙女:yes ,I am .today is your birthday ! 我可以满足你们一个小小的愿望~what do you want ? 小兔A:(出来一步) Dear peri ,May I have some chocolate? 亲爱的仙女,我想要一些巧克力~ 小兔B:(出来一步) Dear peri,May I have some toys ? 亲爱的仙女,我好想要玩具~ 小兔C:(想了想,出来一步) Dear prie ,I want nothing ?我只希望不要再来欺负我们了,不要再来吃掉我们 仙女:My dear rabbits ,你们的愿望都会实现的~(仙女退场) 全体小兔:oh ,yeah! Thank you ,peri ! (背景音乐响起) (大灰狼背着袋子,从舞台的另一端上) 大灰狼:I am Mr wolf . long long ago ,I was a bad wolf ,but now ,I am a good wolf .Can you believe me ? 自从上次被兔子们夹住尾巴后,我在家修养了整整一年,很想念兔子们,听说今天是三只兔宝宝的生日,我特地来庆祝„„不知道他们会不会相信我,, 背景音乐继续想起,大灰狼舞。 ACT3 场景(3)在小兔家中 (大灰狼站在门边敲门) (小兔们听到敲门声。就全部站起来) 大灰狼:Please open the door . I am peri . 全体小兔:Yeah! Yeah! Peri is coming!~ (小兔们准备去开门,小兔A拦住了他们) 小兔A: No, No,先看看他是不是真的, Let's look at your skirt ! 仙女都是穿白色的裙子哦~ (大灰狼一听。赶紧把裙子套上) 大灰狼: Yes, I am wearing a white skirt . 小兔B:Let's look at your golve! 仙女都是穿白色的手套哦~ (大灰狼一听。赶紧把白手套穿上) 大灰狼: Yes, I am wearing a white golve . 小兔C:Let's look at your star stick ! 仙女都是拿着魔力星光棒哦~ (大灰狼一听。赶紧把星光棒拿出来。) 大灰狼: Yes, I have a star stick . (背景音乐)(小羊开门让大灰狼进来) 全体小兔:(拍手)Yeah! Yeah!coming ! ACT4 场景(4)在小兔家中 (大灰狼进门了) 大灰狼:(充满微笑)happy birthday ! baby rabbits ! 全体小兔:Oh! No! 他不是仙女,他是大灰狼~Help! Help! 救命呀~救命呀~ 旁白:小兔们吓的躲了起来。 大灰狼:(着急地)Don't be scared! Don't be scared! 别怕!别怕~I am a good wolf ! 我已经 变成好狼啦~ 全体小兔:(怀疑地)A good wolf? 恩,好的大灰狼, 大灰狼:yes, 以前是我不对,老是欺负你们,以后我再也不会了,我还想和你们交朋友,可以吗, 全体小兔:Oh!Yeah!we are so happy ! (这时兔妈妈回来了,看见大灰狼吓了一跳) 兔妈妈:Oh! Bad wolf! Go away! 全体小兔:No,No Mommy.He is good wolf.他是好狼~他是我们的好朋友了~ 兔妈妈:Really? 是真的吗,(看了看孩子又看看大灰狼) 大灰狼:yes ,I am sure !如果以后我会欺负你们,你们就把我送到动物园去~ 兔妈妈:好吧~我相信你~我们一起来给兔宝宝过生日吧~ 小兔们:Oh ,yeah !!we are so happy ! 小兔们牵着妈妈和大灰狼的手跳起舞来~ (背景音乐《吉祥三宝》) Ten little Indians 剧情介绍:十个小印第安人一起去树林里过“6.1”儿童节,路途中遇到了他们的动物朋友,并与它们一起庆祝节日。 本剧主要紧扣《现代幼儿英语》教材中幼儿学过的简单句型及谜语,穿插好听的英语歌曲,运用孩子们喜欢的边唱边跳的方式,快乐表演。达到寓教于乐的作用。 Time: In a sunny morning Place: In a wood Characters: Ten little Indians. Dogs. Pigs. Birds. Scene 1 (边唱《The Little Indians》边跳舞出场) Ten Indians: Hello! The trees and the flowers. We are ten little Indians. One Indian: Friends. We introduce ourselves .OK? The others: OK! One by one: One, I am a boy. I am Tom. I like/can „ Two, I am a girl. I am Lily. I like/can Ten, I am a „. I am „. I like/can „ Scene 2(一阵小狗的叫声) One Indian: Listen! What’s the sound? The others: What’s the sound? One Indian: Is it a chicken? The others: No. One Indian: Is it a cat? The others: No. One Indian: Is it a dog? Dog: Yes. We are dogs. (Dog jump.) We are clover dogs. (边唱《Doggie》边做动作) One dog: Ten little Indians. Good friends! Go go!(跑到印第安小朋友身旁) Scene 3 One Indian: I have some friends. Listen!(小猪的鼾声) But you must guess a riddle.(跑到大伙中间,大声说) A Riddle It is fat, It is brown. It has long nose. It has short tail. What is it? Every one: It is pig. One Indian: Pigs. Pigs. Get up! Get up! Pig: Who call me? (伸个懒腰。边唱《Pig》边学小猪的样子走到台前) We are fat pigs. We like eating. We like sleeping. Ha ha! Ten Indians: Ha ha! Fat pigs. Come here. Scene 4 One Indian: Friends! What the date today? The other one: I know. I know. It is 6.1. It is Happy Children’s Day! Every one: Yes. Yes. It is Happy Children’s Day! One Indian: Are you happy? Every one: Happy! Happy! One Indian: Let’s sing a song. Every one: Very well! 大家一起边唱《If you are happy!》边跳. 老虎拔牙 A tiger without teeth Tiger:Ha,ha ,I am the tiger. I am the king of the forest! (Tiger 走进森林里面) Animals:Help,help,let’s run up! The bad tiger is coming! Tiger:(捉住一只rabbit,吃掉了他,其他小动物都非常气愤) Monkey :The tiger is so bad! How can we deal it? Fox :I have an idea! Animals: Tell us, tell us! Fox: Come here! Animal:That’s great! Fox:(拿着一盒糖)Dear tiger. Tiger:Hn? Fox:Here are some candys!Please have them! Tiger:Give them to me. Fox:Here you are! (Tiger拿出一颗糖,放进嘴里.)Hn, that’s yum! Tiger :Yummy yummy yummy,I like candys! Ouch! Ouch! My teeth! Bear :What’s wrong,My king ? Tiger :My teeth are very ache! Bear: Don’t worry!Let me help you! Hey shou,hey shou! Come on! Monkey 、fox、squirrel 一起来帮忙:Come on~Let’s pull out the tiger’s teeth! Tiger:Ouch! Animals:Yeah! Tiger:Gulu,I’m hungry!I want eat the monkey!ah?I lost my teeth! Animals:Ha ha !A tiger without teeth! A tiger without teeth! 三只小猪 角色: 小白猪:Little white 小黑猪:little black 小花猪little white and black 、(三只小猪边唱着歌边出场)Who’s afraid of the big bag wolf , big bag wolf , big bag 1 wolf . Who’s afraid of the big bag wolf , big bag wolf , big bag wolf . La la la la la . 2、(小鸟边唱歌边出场)Fly little birdie fly. Fly little birdie fly. Up to the sky , la la la la la la la la la la la la . Happy cause I’m free. 小白猪:Good morning, bird. 小鸟:Good morning, little white. Can I help you ? 小白猪:Yes. Please give me some straw. I want to make a house. 小鸟:ok , here you are. 3、大象出场:I’m elephent , I’m stong. Good morning, elephent. Good morning, little black. Can I help you ? 小黑猪:Yes. Please give me some sticks. I want to make a house. 大象:Ok . here you are. 小黑猪:Thank you. 4、小猫、小猴、小鸡、小羊出场,抱着石头边唱边跳 小花猪:Hello . I’m little white and black. I want to make a house. friends , come here. 小猫、小猴、小鸡、小羊:Ok. Let’s help you.大家一起帮小花猪边盖房子边唱歌: Who’s afraid of the big bag wolf. big bag wolf , big bag wolf . Who’s afraid of the big bag wolf , big bag wolf , big bag wolf . La la la la la . 小花猪:Thank you . byebye. 小猫、小猴、小鸡、小羊:Byebye. 5、狼:Aha! I want to eat the little pig. Let me come in. 小白猪:No,no,no. I can’t let you in . 狼:I can puff . I can puff. I can blow your house down. 6、小白猪:Help. Little black。 狼:Let me come in. 小黑猪:No,no,no . I can’t let you in. 狼:I can puff. I can puff. I can blow your house down. 小白猪和小黑猪:Help. Little white and black. 狼:Let me come in. 小花猪:No,no,no. I can’t let you in . 狼:I can puff. I can puff. I can blow your house down. Oh! No ! I can’t make it . 三只小猪:Yeah!! big bag wolf , big bag wolf . Who’s afraid of the big bag wolf , big bag wolf , big bag wolf . La la la la la .
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