首页 《中国自然灾害风险地图集》编制说明



《中国自然灾害风险地图集》编制说明《中国自然灾害风险地图集》编制说明 《中国自然灾害风险地图集》 结构体系 本图集由序图组、中国主要自然灾害风险图组和中国综合自然灾害相对风险等级图组三部分组成。序图组,由中国政区、中国卫星影像、中国地形、中国地质构造、中国气候区划、中国植被区划、中国土地利用、中国城镇灯光指数、中国交通、中国人口密度、中国地均国内生产总值、中国自然致灾因子与中国自然灾害区划等18幅图组成。中国主要自然灾害风险图组,由地震灾害风险(3幅图)、台风灾害风险(34幅图)、水灾风险(37幅图)、旱灾风险(38幅图)、滑坡与泥石流相对风...

《中国自然灾害风险地图集》编制说明 《中国自然灾害风险地图集》 结构体系 本图集由序图组、中国主要自然灾害风险图组和中国综合自然灾害相对风险等级图组三部分组成。序图组,由中国政区、中国卫星影像、中国地形、中国地质构造、中国气候区划、中国植被区划、中国土地利用、中国城镇灯光指数、中国交通、中国人口密度、中国地均国内生产总值、中国自然致灾因子与中国自然灾害区划等18幅图组成。中国主要自然灾害风险图组,由地震灾害风险(3幅图)、台风灾害风险(34幅图)、水灾风险(37幅图)、旱灾风险(38幅图)、滑坡与泥石流相对风险等级(5幅图)、沙尘暴灾害风险等级(12幅图)、风暴潮灾害风险等级(3幅图)、雹灾风险等级(49幅图)、雪灾风险(25幅图)、霜冻灾害风险(15幅图)、森林火灾风险(9幅图)、草原火灾风险(5幅图)、综合生态系统相对风险等级(1幅图)和全球变化相对风险等级(12幅图)等共14种248幅图组成。中国综合自然灾害相对风险等级图组,由中国综合自然灾害相对风险等级图(8幅图)和全国各省(市区)综合自然灾害相对风险等级(155幅图)等共163幅图组成。本图集共精选429幅各类灾害风险、灾害风险等级及相对灾害风险等级图,全面反映了中国自然灾害风险及生态安全与全球变化风险的时空格局。 1. 序图组 在本图集中,序图组是对形成中国自然灾害风险的孕灾环境、承灾体和致灾因子的综合介绍,以及对中国自然灾害区划成果的展示。从本图组中可以看出,制约中国自然灾害风险空间格局的主要因素是东西分异的地势、土地利用与人口和经济格局;其次是南北分异的气候、植被差异。地质构造则主要影响地震灾害的空间分布,集中表现在中国大陆上的华北、西南和西北三大地震灾害高风险区的展布,以及台湾岛及其周围海域的地震灾害高风险区的存在。 2. 中国主要自然灾害风险图组 本图组共包括了影响我国的12种主要自然灾害风险、生态安全风险与全球变化风险。 2.1 地震灾害风险 该图组展现了中国地震灾害造成的公里网上的年期望损失和人均与地均年期望损失。从中可以看到,全国地震灾害风险主要集中在燕山与太行山东侧的断裂带、郯庐断裂带、汾渭盆地、银川至昆明的南北断裂带、横断山区、天山南北侧断裂带等地质构造活动较为频繁的相对高风险的地区。 2.2 台风灾害风险 该图组详细反映了由于不同强度的台风引发的强风与暴雨造成的直接经济损失的期望值。从中可以看出,从长江口至北仑河口的广大东南沿海是全国台风灾害的高风险地区,其中长三角地区、浙东沿海地区、福建东南沿海地区、广东东部沿海地区、珠江三角洲地区、广西东南沿海和海南北部沿海成为台风灾害的7个相对高风险地区。 2.3 水灾风险 该图组反映了中国水灾(洪涝灾次)分布的格局。其中长江中下游平原的长三角地区、南京至南昌沿江及赣江中下游地区、两湖地区、淮河流域、太行山前平原及海滦河下游地区、珠江三角洲地区、辽河下游地区、东北三江沿河平原地区、渭河平原地区、四川盆地成为水灾的10个高发地区。 2.4 旱灾风险 该图组详细反映了中国小麦、玉米旱灾产量期望损失格局,以及水稻和全国综合旱灾风险(干旱频次)等级格局。从中可以看出,北方农牧交错带的宁南、陇东与陕北地区、晋北与内蒙古南部地区、山西与河北桑干河流域、西辽河流域、大兴安岭中段东侧岗地农田分布区、鲁南与山东半岛农区、四川盆地西侧、南北疆山前平原农区等成为全国9个旱灾高风险区。此外,云贵高原、南岭低山丘陵盆地农区、内蒙古东广大草原地区也成为旱灾风险的较高地区。 2.5 滑坡与泥石流灾害相对风险等级 该图组反映了全国滑坡泥石流灾害相对风险等级格局。广大云南高原、川西山区和黄土高原地区成为非常突出的滑坡与泥石流灾害严重的三大高相对风险等级地区。此外,横断山区及青藏高原东部边缘地区、川东到鄂西长江沿岸、山西高原及太行山与燕山山地地区也成为滑坡与泥石流灾害的较高风险区。 2.6 沙尘暴灾害风险等级 该图组反映了全国不同强度的沙尘暴灾害风险等级(对人口与农田的危险性) 格局。广大北方农牧交错带的河西走廊、黄河兰州至山西河曲沿岸、宁夏大部及陕北毛乌素沙区、晋陕蒙接壤地区、河北坝上地区、科尔沁沙地地区以及华北平原的河北大部分地区成为沙尘暴灾害的七大风险区。此外,汾渭谷地等也是沙尘暴灾害的相对高风险区域。 2.7 风暴潮灾害风险等级 该图组反映了全国沿海不同强度的风暴潮灾害风险等级(对人口与经济的危险性)格局。珠江三角洲沿海地区、浙东沿海地区、福建东南沿海地区、杭州湾沿海地区、南京以下长江沿江与沿海地区、天津沿海地区成为全国6个风暴潮灾害的高风险区。 2.8 雹灾风险等级 该图组详细反映了玉米、小麦、棉花雹灾损失风险等级和综合雹灾风险等级(产量损失的危险性)。从中可以看出,全国大部分地区受雹灾(风雹和冰雹)的影响,其中,北方农牧交错带地区、山陕高原地区、太行山与燕山山地及山前平原地区、东北三江平原地区、鲁中山地丘陵区、淮河流域、川东北山区、贵州高原地区、西天山山地及山前平原地区、浙闽山地成为全国10个雹灾高风险地区。 2.9 雪灾风险 该图组反映了全年不同时段全国雪灾危险性等级及不同致灾强度的畜牧业雪灾风险。青藏高原、内蒙古高原东部、新疆山地以及草原牧区成为全国三大雪灾高风险区域。此外,雪灾对全国交通产生广泛的影响,在一些降雪量大且频繁的东北、华北地区和西北地区,雪灾造成的机场和主要干线道路瘫痪,风险明显偏高。 2.10 霜冻灾害风险 该图组详细反映了不同霜冻强度下的全国小麦、玉米风险等级以及全国霜冻风险等级格局。从中可以看出,青藏高原的大部分牧区,内蒙古高原东部以及大部分牧区,大、小兴安岭及东北三江平原农区,新疆山地牧区成为全国四大霜冻灾害高风险区。此外,广大北方农区都受到霜冻灾害的影响。 2.11 森林火灾风险 该图组详细反映了中国主要森林分布地区、不同程度的火灾造成的年均经济损失期望值的格局。广大南方和西南林区成为全国森林火灾两大高风险区域,南 岭山地丘陵成为全国规模较大的森林火灾高风险带,绵延上千公里。此外,北方的大、小兴安岭成为森林火灾相对高风险区。 2.12 草原火灾风险 该图组详细反映了中国主要草原分布地区火灾风险(牧草损失率)等级的格局。东北林区草地、内蒙古东部草原、东北平原西部草地成为全国三个草原火灾高风险区域。此外,内蒙古广大农牧交错带草原、新疆山地草原也成为火灾风险的相对高值区。 2.13 生态系统相对风险等级 该图组反映了全国生态系统安全受到各种致灾因子影响的风险(NPP和生态服务能力的损失)等级格局。青藏高原东南边缘过渡带、云南高原北部及横断山区、秦巴山区、南方丘陵地区、北方农牧交错带地区、内蒙古草原东部、太行山与燕山山地区、辽西山地丘陵区、大兴安岭中南段、天山山地成为全国生态系统安全的10个高风险区域。 2.14 全球变化相对风险等级 该图组对全球变化(主要是不同气候变化情景下)引发的全国生态系统生产与服务能力、粮食生产与安全保障安全水平、极端气象事件的危险性时空格局等进行了系统展示。总体来看,在不同情景下,全国因全球变化所产生的风险整体水平呈上升趋势,其中,生态系统安全相对风险等级,北方高于南方。在北方,东北和西北高于华北地区;在南方,南岭地区和长江流域高于其他地区。粮食安全风险总体呈现明显的分散状态,南方高于北方,东北高于西部。极端气象事件东部高于西部。在东部,华北高于东北,东北高于华南。综合气候变化相对风险等级则呈现为:华北平原风险最高,西北、东北、华南及云贵高原次之,广大青藏高原、农牧交错带、南方山地丘陵地带风险偏低。 3. 中国综合自然灾害相对风险等级图组 该图组对前述12种影响中国的主要自然灾害风险进行了系统评价,并从这些灾害造成的遇难人员数量、因灾转移安置人口数量、房屋倒塌数量、直接经济损失等方面的风险,进行了综合评价。 3.1 中国综合自然灾害相对风险等级 从中国综合自然灾害相对风险等级图可以看出,全国风险等级呈现出“东部 高于中部、中部高于西部”的格局。其中,长三角及长江下游沿江地区、淮河流域、华北平原及京津唐地区、两湖地区、汾渭盆地、四川盆地、下辽河地区成为全国7个综合自然灾害高风险地区。从中国因自然灾害造成的年国内生产总值损失期望值来看,前述7个高风险区内的大部分地区都可达到0.85%(因各种自然灾害造成的直接经济损失占上一年GDP的比例),小部分地区可达1.0%以上。从全国的统计来看,在现状设防水平条件下,高风险区的面积占全国陆地总面积的2.14%,中风险区的面积占11.62%,低风险区面积占53.83%,几乎无风险区或极低风险区的面积占32.41%。从增加设防投入0.5%的GDP(以2007年GDP为基数)情景来看,全国大部分地区成为中下风险水平的地区,即前述7个高风险区的面积大幅度减少,全国高风险区已不存在,中风险区面积占全国陆地总面积的0.16%,低风险区面积占3.74%,几无风险和极低风险区面积占96.10%。如设防水平增加投入达到1.0%的GDP(以2007年GDP为基数),全国仅剩0.16%的极低风险区的面积和99.84%几无风险区的面积。由此可以认为,增加设防水平在降低区域自然灾害风险水平中的极端重要性。 3.2 中国综合自然灾害遇难人口相对风险等级 从中国综合自然灾害遇难人口相对风险等级图可以看出,由于地震、水灾和台风灾害是造成人员伤亡的主要自然灾害,因此该图显示了长三角地区、郯庐断裂带地区、京津唐地区、河南中部地区、东南沿海地区、南北断裂带地区、云南高原及横断山地区、下辽河及三江平原地区8个地区成为因灾遇难人口的高风险区域。此外,两湖地区、雷州半岛和海南北部沿海地区、新疆山前平原地区也显示出较高的因灾遇难风险。 3.3 中国综合自然灾害人口转移安置相对风险等级 从中国综合自然灾害人口转移安置相对风险等级图可以看出,胡焕庸人口线以东的地区整体处在因灾转移安置人口的高风险区。其中,东南沿海、雷州半岛沿海、海南北部和东部沿海、长三角及长江下游沿江地区、赣江下游及鄱阳湖地区、两湖地区、淮河下游地区、京津唐及太行山东部山前地带、下辽河地区、四川盆地西侧、汾渭谷地、云南高原地区12个地区成为因灾转移安置人口的高风险地区。此外,东北三江平原地区、宁南地区、山东半岛地区、新疆西部天山及山前地区也处在较高的因灾转移安置人口高风险区域。 3.4 中国综合自然灾害房屋倒塌相对风险等级 从中国综合自然灾害房屋倒塌相对风险等级图可以看出,其分布格局与前述因灾转移安置人口风险格局基本一致,正好说明了因灾转移安置人口风险是因灾倒塌房屋风险造成的。总体来看,东南沿海、雷州半岛沿海、海南北部和东部沿海、两湖地区、赣江流域、南昌至南京的长江沿江及长三角地区、淮河流域、京津唐及太行山山前地带、下辽河地区、四川盆地西侧、汾渭谷地、云南高原12个地区成为因灾房屋倒塌风险的高风险地区。此外,东北三江平原、宁夏平原地区、新疆天山北侧平原和南疆塔里木河沿岸地区、山东半岛地区也处在因灾房屋倒塌的较高风险区域。 3.5 中国综合自然灾害直接经济损失相对风险等级 从中国综合自然灾害直接经济损失相对风险等级图可以看出,其分布格局与因灾造成的遇难人口风险格局基本一致,这也正好印证了因灾造成的直接经济损失风险与因灾造成的遇难人口风险有着很好的对应关系,也恰好说明了过去20年中国因灾遇难人口比例与因灾造成的直接经济损失比例两者之间所呈现出的高相关关系是客观存在的,这对于快速估计巨灾造成的直接经济损失有着重要的科学价值。总体来看,东南沿海、雷州半岛沿海、海南岛东北部沿海、长江三角洲及沿江地区、两湖地区、淮河流域、山东中部、河南大部、京津唐及太行山前地区、下辽河及辽东半岛西侧沿海地区、汾渭谷地、南北断裂带、云南高原及横断山区、河套地区、新疆西天山及山前平原地区等15个地区成为因灾造成直接经济损失的高风险地区。 3.6 华北综合自然灾害相对风险等级 从华北综合自然灾害相对风险等级图可以看出,依综合自然灾害相对风险等级的大小,北京、天津处在相对高风险区域,河北、山西、内蒙古依次处于低风险区域;依遇难人口风险转移安置、人口相对风险等级和直接经济损失相对风险等级看,相对顺序为北京、天津偏高,河北、山西及内蒙古依次风险降低;依倒塌房屋相对风险等级看,相对顺序为北京、天津、河北偏高,山西次之,内蒙古较低。 3.7 东北综合自然灾害相对风险等级 从东北综合自然灾害相对风险等级图可以看出,依综合自然灾害相对风险等 级的大小,辽宁偏高,依次为黑龙江和吉林。依遇难人口风险、转移安置人口相对风险等级和直接经济损失相对风险等级看,辽宁、吉林、黑龙江三省基本相当;依倒塌房屋相对风险等级看,辽宁偏高,吉林与黑龙江相当。 3.8 华东综合自然灾害相对风险等级 从华东自然灾害相对风险等级图可以看出,依综合自然灾害相对风险等级大小,上海、江苏偏高,安徽、江西、福建次之,山东、浙江偏低。依遇难人口与直接经济损失相对风险等级看,上海、江苏、山东偏高,安徽、浙江次之,江西和福建偏低。依转移安置人口相对风险等级和倒塌房屋相对风险等级看,上海、江苏偏高,安徽、福建次之,山东、江西偏低。 3.9 中南综合自然灾害相对风险等级 从中南综合自然灾害相对风险等级图可以看出,依综合自然灾害相对风险等级大小,湖南、湖北、海南偏高,广西、河南偏低。依遇难人口相对风险等级看,中南各省区基本相当,均处在中等相对风险等级,仅湖南洞庭湖区、广东珠三角和雷州半岛及海南北部沿海处在相对高风险区。依转移安置人口相对风险等级、倒塌房屋相对风险等级和直接经济损失相对风险等级看,湖北、湖南、广东、海南偏高,河南、广西偏低。 3.10 西南综合自然灾害相对风险等级 从西南综合自然灾害相对风险等级图可以看出,依综合自然灾害相对风险等级大小,四川偏高,云南次之,贵州、重庆和西藏依次偏低。依遇难人口相对风险等级看,四川、云南偏高,重庆次之,贵州、西藏偏低。依转移安置人口相对风险等级、倒塌房屋相对风险等级和直接经济损失相对风险等级看,四川偏高,云南、重庆次之,贵州、西藏偏低。 3.11 西北综合自然灾害相对风险等级 从西北综合自然灾害相对风险等级图可以看出,依综合自然灾害相对风险等级大小,陕西、宁夏偏高,新疆、甘肃次之,青海偏低。依遇难人口相对风险等级看,宁夏、陕西偏高,甘肃、新疆次之,青海偏低。依转移安置人口相对风险等级、倒塌房屋相对风险等级和直接经济损失相对风险等级看,陕西偏高,宁夏、甘肃次之,新疆、青海偏低。 Atlas Architecture The atlas is composed of three map groups, including introductory maps, risk maps of major natural disasters in China, and risk level maps of integrated natural disasters in China. The introductory maps group, contains 18 maps including administrative division, satellite image, topography, geological structure, climate regionalization, vegetation regionalization, land use, urban night lights, traffic, population density, GDP per unit area, and disaster regionalization of China. The risk maps of major natural disasters in China contain 248 risk maps of 14 types disasters in total, including 3 maps of earthquake disaster risk, 34 maps of typhoon disaster risk, 37 maps of flood disaster risk, 38 maps of drought disaster risk, 5 maps of risk level of landslide and debris flow disaster, 12 maps of risk grade of dust storm disaster, 3 maps of risk grade of storm surge disaster, 49 maps of risk grade of hail disaster, 25 maps of snowstorm disaster risk, 15 maps of frost disaster risk, 9 maps of forest fire disaster risk, 5 maps of forest fire disaster risk, 1 map of risk level of integrated ecological system and 12 maps of risk level of global change. The risk level maps of integrated natural disasters in China contain 163 risk maps, including 8 maps of integrated natural disaster risk level of China, and 155 maps of provincial integrated natural disaster risk level. The 429 selected maps of natural disaster risk, risk grade and risk level represent the state-of-art achievement of risk mapping in natural disasters, ecological safety and global change in China. 1. Introductory Maps The introductory maps are overall introduction for disaster environment, exposure, hazard and regionalization. It is illustrated that the main factors affecting the spatial pattern of natural disaster risk in China, are topography differences between the West and East, land use, population and economy pattern. Climate variation of the North and South China and vegetation are secondary factors. Geological structure determines distribution of earthquake, which is significant in the North, Southeast, Northwest and Taiwan at very high risk of earthquake. 2. Risk Maps of Major Natural Disasters in China This map group contains risk maps of 12 major types of natural disasters, ecological safety and global change. 2.1 Earthquake Disaster Risk Risk maps of earthquake disaster shows annual expected loss per capita and per unit area caused by earthquake. According to the risk mapping result, the areas along the fault zones in the east of Yanshan Mountain and Taihangshan Mountain, Tanlu Fault Zone, Basin of Fen River and Wei River, North-South Fault Zone from Yinchuan to Kunming, Hengduan Mountain, and fault zones around Tianshan Mountain have high earthquake risk in China. 2.2 Typhoon Disaster Risk Risk maps of typhoon disaster risk shows a variety of direct economic loss expectations caused by different wind or rainstorm intensity. The southeast coastal areas of China from Yangtze Estuary to Beilun River Estuary, are at high typhoon risk including Changjiang Delta, coastal areas of East Zhejiang, Coastal areas of Southeast Fujiang, coastal areas of East Guangdong, Pearl River Delta, coastal areas of Southeast Guangxi and North Hainan. 2.3 Flood Disaster Risk Risk maps of flood disaster reveals distribution of floods in China. The ten regions prone to floods include the plain in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Basin, the Middle and Lower Basin of Ganjiang River, Hunan and Hubei, Huai River Basin, Front Regions of Taihang Mountain, Downstream Basin Haihe River and Luanhe River, Pearl River Delta, Downstream Basin of Liao River, Three River Plain in Northeast China, Wei River Plain, and Sichuan Basin. 2.4 Drought Disaster Risk Risk maps of drought disaster shows the distribution of loss expectation of wheat and maize, risk of rice, and integrated drought risk (drought frequency) of China. South Ningxia, East Gansu and North Shaanxi in Agro-Pasture Ecotone of North China, North Shanxi and South Inner Mongolia, Sanggan River Basin, West Liao River Basin, Farmland to the East of Middle Da Hingganling Mountains, South Shandong and Farmland of Shandong Peninsula, West Sichuan Baisin, Piedmont Plains of North and South Xinjiang, are at very high risk of drought. The Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Hilly Basins of Nanling Mountains and Grassland of East Inner Mongolia are in high drought risk. 2.5 Risk Level of Landslide and Debris Flow Disasters Risk level maps of landslide and debris flow disasters show the hazards distribution of landslides and mudflows in China. The majority of Yunnan Plateau, the west of Sichuan mountain areas and the Loess Plateau, are the three highest risk areas of landslides and mudslides. In addition, the Hengduan Mountain areas and the eastern edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the areas from east of Sichuan to Hubei province along the Yangtze River, Shanxi Taihang and Yanshan mountain areas are also at high risk. 2.6 Risk Grade of Dust Storm Disaster Risk grade maps of dust storm disaster shows the distribution of risk grade (hazards to people and farmland) of sandstorm in 13 cities, provices and autonomy regions in north China. the Hexi Corridor in the Agro-Pasture Ecotone, coastal bend of the Yellow River from Lanzhou to Shanxi, most parts of Ningxia, and the Mu Us Sandy Area in the north of Shaanxi, Edge of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, Hebei Bashang Area, Horqin Sandy Areas and most parts of Hebei which are in the North China Plain, are at very high risk of sandstorm hazards. In addition, Valleys of Fen River and Wei River are in high risk areas of sandstorm. 2.7 Risk Grade of Storm Surge Disaster Risk grade maps of storm surge disaster shows the distribution of storm surge risk of different severity (hazards to people and economy). The Pearl River Delta, East Zhejiang, Southeast Fujian, Hangzhou Bay, the Yangtze River from Nanjing to the estuary, and Tianjin Coast are the high risk areas of storm surge. 2.8 Risk Grade of Hail Disaster Risk grade maps of hail disaster reflect hail risk grade of maize, wheat, cotton and integrated risk (risk of yield loss). Most of the counties in China are affected by hail (hailstorm and hail stone). The Agro-Pasture Ecotones, Shanxi and Shaanxi Plateau, the Taihang Mountains and Yanshan Mountains and the piedmont areas, Three River Plain in Northeast China, the hilly areas in Shandong, Huaihe River Basin, the northeast mountain areas in Sichuan, Guizhou Plateau, the west of Tianshan Mountains and the piedmont areas, the mountain areas of Zhejiang and Fujian, are the 10 high-risk areas of hail. 2.9 Snow Disaster Risk Risk maps of snow disaster reflect hazard magnitude in different periods of year, and risk of animal husbandry of different snowstorm intensity in China. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the east of Inner Mongolian Plateau, the mountain areas and pastoral prairies of China, are the three high-risk areas of snow disasters. In addition, snow disasters have greatly influenced the national transportation. In the Northeast, North and Northwest China with frequent and strong snows, snow disasters have caused paralysis of airports and major roads, making these areas in high risk. 2.10 Frost Disaster Risk Risk maps of frost disaster show risk of wheat, risk grade of maize and integrated risk grade in China. The major pastoral areas of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Inner Mongolian Plateau and most of its eastern pastoral areas, Da Hingganling Mountains and Xiao Hingganling Mountains, the Three River Plain farmlands in the northeast, and Xinjiang Pastoral areas are the four high-risk areas of frost. In addition, the majority farmlands in northern China are affected by frost disasters. 2.11 Forest Fire Disaster Risk Risk maps of forest fire disaster reflect the distribution of expectation of annual economic losses caused by forest fire of different severity in China. The majority of the South and Southwest Forestry areas are two very high risk areas. The hilly areas of Nanling Mountain have become the high risk area of forest fires in largescale, stretching thousands of kilometers. In addition, Da Hingganling Mountains and Xiao Hingganling Mountains are at high risk of forest fires. 2.12 Grassland Fire Disaster Risk Risk maps of grassland fire disaster reflect the distribution of grassland fire risk (forage loss ratio) of major grassland areas in China. The grass prairie in the Northeast, the eastern prairie of Inner Mongolia and the western prairie in the Northeast Plain of China are at very high risk. In addition, the Agro-Pasture Prairie of Inner Mongolia and mountain prairie in Xinjiang are at high risk of grassland fires. 2.13 Risk Level of Integrated Ecological System Risk level maps of integrated ecological system show the risk level (NPP and ecosystem service capacity) of ecosystem safety due to multiple hazards. Southeastern edge of Tibet Plateau transition zone, the north of Yunnan Plateau and Mountains, Qinling Mountains, Southern Hills, the Agro-Pasture Ecotones of North China, the east of Inner Mongolia, the Taihang Mountains and Yanshan Mountains, the hilly area in Western Liaoning, the south section of Greater Khingan Mountains, and the Tianshan Mountains are at high risk of ecosystem safety. 2.14 Risk Level of Global Change Risk level maps of global change show the distribution of capacity of ecosystem production and service, food production and safety, hazards of extreme weather events, due to global change (mainly under climate change scenarios). Generally, in different scenarios, risk level of China due to global change shows an upward trend, while risk level of ecological system in the North are higher than in the South. In the north, the risk of Northeast and Northwest is higher than in North China; in the south, the risk of Nanling areas and the Yangtze River Basin are higher than in other areas. Risk level of food security shows significant dispersion state, while risk in the South is higher than in the North, in the Northeast higher than in the West. In the East China, the number of extreme weather events is higher than in the West. In the East, the risk in the North is higher than in the northeast, in the Northeast higher than in southern China. In terms of integrated risk level of climate change, the distribution is as follows: the highest risk is in the North China Plain, followed by Northwest, Northeast, South China and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and the lower risk is in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Agro-Pasture Ecotones and hilly areas in the South. 3. Risk Level Maps of Integrated Natural Disasters in China The risk grade maps of the aforementioned 12 types of natural disaster are developed. In addition, the risks of casualties, PER, building collapse, and direct economic loss are also modeled and mapped. 3.1 Risk Level of Integrated Natural Disasters in China From the maps of risk level of integrated natural disasters in China, it is shown that the risk level of East China is higher than the Middle, and risk in the Middle is higher than the West. Yangtze River Delta and the Lower Basin of Yangtze River, Huai River Basin, North China Plain and the Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Area, Hubei and Hunan, Wei River Basin and Lower Liao River Basin, are regarded as the 7 high-risk areas of integrated natural disasters. In the most parts of the seven high-risk regions aforementioned, loss expectation of gross domestic product (GDP) caused by natural disasters can reach 0.85% (direct economic losses caused by various natural disasters account for the proportion of GDP of the previous year), in which a small part account for up to 1.0% or more. From the national statistics, under the current coping capacity, high-risk areas account for 2.14% of the country's total territory, mid-risk areas account for 11.62%, and low-risk areas account for 53.83%. Almostno-risk areas and little risk areas account for 32.41%. Under the scenario of extra disaster prevention investment of 0.5% GDP (GDP in 2007 as the base) for DRR, most of the country are in lower level of risk, and 7 high-risk areas aforementioned are greatly mitigated, while no high-risk areas exist, and areas at midrisk, low risk, almost-no-risk and little risk areas accounts for 0.16%, 3.74%, 96.10% of the territory, respectively. If the investment of DRR increases to 1.0% of GDP (based on GDP of 2007), there are only 0.16% of the territory in low risk and 99.84% in almost-no-risk. It is concluded that improvement on DRR is critical to mitigation of natural disaster risk. 3.2 Risk Level of Casualty of Integrated Natural Disasters in China The risk level map of casualty of integrated natural disasters in China reveal that earthquakes, floods and typhoons are the major causes of casualties in China. Yangtze River Delta region, Tan-Lu fault zone areas , Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area, the central region of Henan, the coastal areas of the Southeast, North-South fault zone, and Yunnan Plateau and the Hengduan Mountain, the Lower Liaohe River Basin and the Three River Plain, are at high risk of casualty. In addition, Hubei and Hunan provinces, Leizhou Peninsula and the northern coast of Hainan, the piedmont area in Xinjiang also show high risk. 3.3 Risk Level of Population Evacuated and Relocated (PER) of Integrated Natural Disasters in China From the risk level map of PER of integrated natural disasters in China, it is concluded that the population in the east areas of the Hu Huanyong Line, are at very high risk, including the Southeast Coastal Areas, Leizhou Peninsula, North and East Hainan, Yangtze River Delta and areas along the Lower Yangtze River, the Lower Ganjiang River Basin and areas around Poyang Lake, Hunan and Hubei, Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Area and the front areas of East Taihangshan Mountain, the Lower Huai River Basin, the Lower Liao River Basin, the West Sichuan Basin, Valleys of Fen River and Wei River, and Yunnan Plateau. In addition, the Three River Plain in Northeast China, South Ningxia, Shandong Peninsula, the piedmont areas of Tianshan Mountain in West Xinjiang are at high risk of PER. 3.4 Risk Level of Building Collapse of Integrated Natural Disasters in China According to the risk level map of building collapse of integrated natural disasters in China, the distribution of the risk is similar with the risk of population evacuation and resettlement. Generally, Southeast Coastal Zone, Leizhou Peninsula, North and East of Hainan Province, Hunan and Hubei, Basin of Ganjiang River, Regions near Yangtze River from Nanchang to Nanjing, Yangtze River Delta, Basin of Huai River, Beijing, Tianjing, Tangshan, Front Regions of Taihang Mountain, Downstream Basin of Liao River, West of Sichuan Basin, Valleys of Fen River and Wei River, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, are in highest risk of building collapse. In addition, Three Rivers Plain in Northeast China, Ningxia Plain, Northern Plain to Tianshan Mountain, Valleys along Tarim River, and Shandong Peninsula are at very high risk of building collapse 3.5 Risk Level of Direct Economic Loss of Integrated Natural Disasters in China According to the risk level map of direct economic loss of integrated natural disasters, the distribution of the risk is similar with the risk of casualty caused by natural disasters, which demonstrates the correlation between direct economic casualty and amount of death. It is illustrated that a significant correlation exists between casualty ratio of population in China and direct economic loss ratio in the past twenty years, which is quite valuable to rapid assessment of disaster loss. Generally, Southeast Coastal Zone, Leizhou Peninsula, Northeast of Hainan Province, Delta and downstream basin of Yangtze River, Hunan and Hubei, Basin of Huai River, Central Shandong Province, Henan Province, Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, Front Regions of Taihang Mountain, Downstream Basin of Liao River, West of Liaoning Peninsula, Valleys of Fen River and Wei River, the North-South Fault Zone, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Regions of Hengduan Mountains, Hetao Region of Inner Mongolia, West Tianshan Mountain and the front plain, are at high risk of direct economic loss caused by natural disaster. 3.6 Risk Level of Integrated Natural Disasters of North China According to the maps of risk level of integrated natural disasters of North China, Beijing and Tianjin are in the highest risk, compared to low risk in Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. Referring to risk of death, PER, and direct economic loss, Beijing and Tianjin are in the highest risk, followed by Hebei, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are in the highest risk of building collapse, followed by Shanxi and Inner Mongolia is in the lowest risk. 3.7 Risk Level of Integrated Natural Disasters of Northeast China According to the maps of risk level of integrated natural disasters of Northeast China, Liaoning is the highest risk zone, Heilongjiang and Jilin are lower. Referring to risk of death, PER, and direct economic loss, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang are in the similar risk level. Liaoning is in higher risk of building collapse than in Jilin and Heilongjiang. 3.8 Risk Level of Integrated Natural Disasters of East China According to the maps of risk level of integrated natural disasters of East China, Shanghai and Jiangsu are in the highest risk level, followed by Anhui, Jiangxi and Fujian. Shandong and Zhejiang are in the lowest. Referring to risk of death, and direct economic loss, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Shandong are in the highest risk level, followed by Anhui and Zhejiang. Jiangxi and Fujian are in the lowest. Shanghai and Jiangsu are in the highest risk of building collapse and PER, while Anhui and Fujian are in lower risk and Shandong, Jiangxi are in the lowest. 3.9 Risk Level of Integrated Natural Disasters of Central and South China According to the maps of risk level of integrated natural disasters of the Central and South China, Hunan, Hubei and Hainan are in higher risk level compared to Guangxi and Henan. Provinces of the Middle and South China are all in moderate risk level of death, except areas around Dongtinghu Lake, the Pearl River Delta, Leizhou Peninsula and North Hainan are in relatively higher risk. Referring to risk of PER, building collapse and direct economic loss, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong and Hainan are in higher risk than Henan and Guangxi. 3.10 Risk Level of Integrated Natural Disasters of Southwest China According to the maps of risk level of integrated natural disasters of Southwest China, Sichuan is in the highest risk level and Yunnan is lower, while Guizhou, Chongqing and Tibet are in the lowest risk. Sichuan and Yunnan are in the highest risk of death, and Chongqing, Guizhou and Tibet are lower successively. Referring to risk of PER, building collapse and direct economic loss, Sichuan is in the highest risk level, while Yunnan and Chongqing are in the lower risk. And Guizhou and Tibet are in the lowest risk. 3.11 Risk Level of Integrated Natural Disasters of Northwest China According to the maps of risk level of integrated natural disasters of Northwest China, Shaanxi and Ningxia are in the highest risk level, and Xinjiang and Gansu are the second highest, while Qinghai is in the lowest risk. Ningxia and Shaanxi are in the highest risk of death and Gansu and Xinjiang are the lower while Qinghai is in the lowest risk. Referring to risk of PER, building collapse and direct economic loss, Shaanxi is the highest and Ningxia and Gansu are the second highest, while Xinjiang and Qinghai are in the lowest level.
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