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会计人生,正如一场马拉松会计人生,正如一场马拉松 久有挑战马拉松的欲望,随着年龄的增长,这种欲望变得越发强烈。因为一个声音在告诉我,岁月蹉跎,再不挑战就晚了。 去年北京马拉松没有报上名,接下来最近的就是金山岭长城马拉松,大家都说很难,其官方的宣传口号是:最美的长城,最难的马拉松。在人大户外俱乐部的小伙伴的鼓动下,头脑一发热就报了。接下来就开始极其艰苦的训练,从十公里跑起,春节回家过年也没有耽误训练,大过年的在山间公路上疯跑,虽被怀疑精神病,也是一道别样风景。 随着比赛日期越来越临近,内心充满了忐忑,毕竟我连平地马拉松都没有跑过,一上...

会计人生,正如一场马拉松 久有挑战马拉松的欲望,随着年龄的增长,这种欲望变得越发强烈。因为一个声音在告诉我,岁月蹉跎,再不挑战就晚了。 去年北京马拉松没有报上名,接下来最近的就是金山岭长城马拉松,大家都说很难,其官方的宣传口号是:最美的长城,最难的马拉松。在人大户外俱乐部的小伙伴的鼓动下,头脑一发热就报了。接下来就开始极其艰苦的训练,从十公里跑起,春节回家过年也没有耽误训练,大过年的在山间公路上疯跑,虽被怀疑精神病,也是一道别样风景。 随着比赛日期越来越临近,内心充满了忐忑,毕竟我连平地马拉松都没有跑过,一上来就是最难的长城马拉松。会不会在比赛中死得很惨, 感谢朋友们的支持与鼓励,简单的两个字“你行”,支持着我前行。 2014年4月20日终于来临了,四点过就起床,去农展馆坐大巴,开 往河北省滦平县金山岭长城风景区。天气很好,空气很好,心情透亮, 长城脚下人声鼎沸,还有文艺演出,大家也开始青春张扬地摆姿式臭 美拍照。 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 最美的长城,最难的马拉松 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 最美的长城,最难的马拉松 经过简单的开幕式后,十点比赛正式发枪。最初是往下跑到山脚下, 再沿着盘山公路爬坡到长城脚下,然后就是沿着陡峭的台阶爬长城。 号称“最难的长城马拉松”,也真是名不虚传,主要难在两点,一是 很少有平路,而是反复的爬坡与下坡,体力消耗巨大;二是长城上的 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 最美的长城,最难的马拉松 路程为16公里,长城上有很多陡峭的台阶路段,险峻,其余为长城周边的山间公路、砂石路、山间小路、土路,都非常难走。我们在长城陡峭的台阶上手脚并用的爬行,狼狈而滑稽,只有照相机镜头对准的时候,才会挺直腰背,微笑着对镜头挥手。哈哈,看来生存压力的确比尊严重要一些~ are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 最美的长城,最难的马拉松 从长城上跑了一个来回,回来时碰到俱乐部的小伙伴们,“总算见到亲人了,找到组织了”,我登时放松了,摆姿式臭美拍照。糟糕,绷紧的琴弦一放松要出事,就在臭美的一瞬间,小腿肚子一阵剧烈的疼 痛,我抽筋了。感谢经验丰富的晋征,立刻帮我压腿,几分钟后,症 状减轻多了。但是,一用力小腿还是疼,并且使不上大劲,唉,岁月 不饶人,我只能降低目标了,从原来的5小时目标下降到7小时。尹 太琦同学正是此时超过了我,从此再也没有追上他。 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 最美的长城,最难的马拉松 三个多小时时候,长城路段跑完了,剩下的二十公里是山间公路,尽管坡度不小,但比起长城还容易得多了。今天是谷雨时节,雨后初睛,天空明净,空气透亮,偶尔送来一阵花香,我开始享受马拉松了。抬头远望,蜿蜒的长城在群山之颠盘绕,在这历史与现实的交汇处,不 免怀古伤今。从秦代至今,长城见证了多少金戈铁马与荣辱兴衰,从秦代到明代,哪一次长城真正档住了胡人的铁骑,倒是当长城不作为防御工事而是游览胜地的今天,盛大的马拉松比赛在此举办,其中不乏外国人与中国的少数民族,平安祥和才如此美妙来临。长城也醒悟了,只有开放与融合才能真正带来和平与强盛。由此我想到了正保远程教育的开放平台,现在虽刚开始启步,但先进的技术与业务模式已经显示了无比强大的竞争优势。可以预见在不远的将来,开放平台会大放异彩~ 经过二十五公里的磨练,大家也拉开了差距,很难看到前后的选手。安静,只听到自己跑步沙沙的声音。这时,我才真感觉到马拉松是一项寂寞的运动,寂寞中我能听到心灵的声音。人生何尝不是如此,谁能真正陪你走完一生,独立自由,珍爱生命~ 前面还有3公里就是公路跑的折返点了,这时看到第一名已经折回来了,接着是第二名,第三名,他们面带自信的喜悦,见面时都微笑着相互鼓励,竖着大拇指,“加油”~可剩余的路程还只能是自己一步步的丈量完。折返点就是前面,我看到了希望,坚定了前进的脚步,人生也是多需要导师的指引与伙伴们的鼓励~这两点,我们在正保大家庭都找到了。 终于,我也站了折返点上了,这时跑了35公里,下半身很痛,从屁股、大腿、膝盖到小腿、脚踝、脚掌,全都是疼,有的是累得酸疼,有的是旧伤胀疼,有的磨破了生疼,各种各样的疼。而且此时会遭遇到信仰危机,此时第一名至少已经超越了我5公里, 别做前三甲的are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 最美的长城,最难的马拉松 美梦了。我处在50名左右,比上不足,比下有余,后面还有几百名呢~而离7个小时关门时间还有2小时,走也能直回去。人生中也是如此,职业发展会遇到瓶颈,回避吗,生活进入了小康,小富即安吗,剩下的路是走,还是跑,这是一个问题~ 迈着沉重步伐与沉重心事我踏上了归途,这时遇到的是一个个执着地向折返点奔跑的人。就像刚才我遇到的先行者一样,我也会微笑着竖着大拇指,鼓励他们冲锋。自信也油然而生,我现在每跑一步就接近目标一步,目标清晰可见,多幸福的一件事。更为重要的是,在给予别人鼓励的同时,自己也获得了自信,他们落后一大截,还在顽强冲锋,我们这些已经占据了有利地势的人,有什么理由放弃,人生也莫不是如此,经历了二十年拚搏之后,也步入了管理层,带领团队,在给年轻朋友以指引与帮助的同时,也从她们身上学习到拚搏的激情,与年轻的朋友们在一起,我也更年轻自信。不要犹豫了,像他们一样,冲锋,前面有一位慢下来了,超不超,超~随着注意力的转移,下半身也不再显得那么疼了,有时需要的就是精神的力量,目标明确,充满自信,就真的能行~ 终点越来越近,尽管体力越来越弱,但内心的力量却在增强。终于,在一阵小伙伴们的欢呼声中,冲线了,完成了人生中的第一个,也是最难的马拉松,用时5小时54分,排名50名左右。而更令我激动的消息是:小伙伴孙小花同学获得了女子半马第二名的殊荣,师姐妹妹太优秀了~ are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 最美的长城,最难的马拉松 虚弱的我回到户外俱乐部的大家庭,大家给了我很多的支持与帮助,谢谢我们的组织,谢谢我们的小伙伴~孙小花同学领完奖,我们就坐着蔡处的车回家了。蔡处辛苦了,一直在为大家服务,其实您也跑了半马,同样是非常辛苦的。 回来时在车上想想马拉松一事,略有感悟,有几点与年轻朋友们共勉。 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network 最美的长城,最难的马拉松 1、 人的潜力真的很大,不要被最难的马拉松这样的传闻吓倒,比 如传说中的注会也吓人,但实际并没有那么可怕。年青人,知难 而进,理当志存高远。 2、 有了目标了,就要踏实的准备,艰苦训练,最好是有一群志同 道合的朋友一起训练比拼,竞争带来大家共赢。正保教育教育正 是这样一个学习比拼的平台,不管你是员工还是学员,恭喜您, 您选对了方向。 3、 人生的开始阶段很重要,我发现,绝大多数情况是:刚开始的 五公里爬坡决定的名次基本上保持到了最后,开始落后了想超越 非常难。刚参加工作的时候,你必须拚搏,为一生养成好习惯, 打下良好的基础。加班不吃亏,除了回班费以外,更重要的是您 已经磨练成优秀。 小伙伴们,人生,正如一场马拉松。 活着虽易,人生不易,且跑且坚持~ 2014年4月20日 are equipped with tools, small parts, supplies, transportation of small quantities of materials, materials testing and business contacts. Basic part a, number of major project item unit quantity note 1 earth M3 12100 2 lime soil cushion cushion M3 200 3 concrete M3 90 4 steel t 260 5 template m2 6500 6 M3 2100 M2 2500 8 7 waterproof layer construction of concrete filling M3 5600 b , The main part of the main project number project unit quantity note 1 ... A, measurement engineering of the structural, but strict precision requirements, to ensure the quality of the location and size, decided to set up a project engineer is responsible for the measure group. While strictly implementing the code for engineering survey (GB 50026 – 2007), the specification for deformation measurement of buildings (JGJ8-2007) specifications, careful study, familiar with the drawings, so that parts of the project in mind there is a clear stereo image, also check line parts of the drawings. Operation patient, everything in position, the line through self-inspection, mutual qualified, drew attention to the inspection line, within the limits of error to a minimum. (A) position the overall conception of engineering survey project using "building line positioning" approach for axis control. Controlled by theodolite in the vertical direction. Elevation using round trip "precise leveling" measurements. According to the overall local and precise control of low precision of work procedures. (B) axis control 1. horizontal axis control network building: set the datum plane control network
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