首页 旅游地理试题及答案



旅游地理试题及答案2014~2015学年度下学期第一次阶段性考试 命题人:李玉华 审题人:鲁清奎 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共50分) 1(现代旅游六要素中核心要素是:( ) A(宿 B(娱 C(游 D(行 2(一个人要成为旅游者需具有的基本条件不包括:( ) A(要有自由支配的收入 B(要大学毕业,有一定文化素质 C(要有出游的时间 D(要有适宜出游的身体条件 2010年5月1日~41届世界博览会在上海举行~期间约有7000万人次的游客~其中海外游客约有350万~世博会为上海创造了3100亿人民币的旅游收入。据此完成...

2014~2015学年度下学期第一次阶段性考试 命题人:李玉华 审题人:鲁清奎 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共50分) 1(现代旅游六要素中核心要素是:( ) A(宿 B(娱 C(游 D(行 2(一个人要成为旅游者需具有的基本条件不包括:( ) A(要有自由支配的收入 B(要大学毕业,有一定文化素质 C(要有出游的时间 D(要有适宜出游的身体条件 2010年5月1日~41届世界博览会在上海举行~期间约有7000万人次的游客~其中海外游客约有350万~世博会为上海创造了3100亿人民币的旅游收入。据此完成3,4题 3(材料反映了现代旅游的一个特点:( ) A(旅游主体的大众化 B(旅游空间的扩大化 C(旅游形式的多样性 D(旅游目的的娱乐化 4(入境旅游对中国的重要意义 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为:( ) ?回笼货币,稳定市场 ?增加外汇收入 ?平衡国际收支 ?促进经济发展 A(???? B(?? C(?? D(??? 在我国~随着人民生活水平的提高~冬季避寒旅游逐渐流行起来。据研究~一月平均气温一般在10?到22?之间的地区(适合于作为冬季避寒旅游的目的地。据此回答5,6题。 5(我国冬季比世界上同纬度地区偏冷的主要原因之一是( ) A(受副极地低气压的控制 B. 西伯利亚冷空气频繁南下 C. 东部沿海受到海流影响 D. 太阳高度小,日照时间短 6(下列各组城市中,适合于冬季避寒旅游的是( ) A. 珠海、南昌 B. 南昌、贵阳 C. 贵阳、厦门 D. 厦门、珠海 7(下列我国的世界遗产中,全部属于自然遗产的是:( ) A(泰山、黄山、龙门石窟 B(九寨沟风景名胜区、泰山、长城 C(北京故宫、庐山国家公园、平遥古城 D(九寨沟风景名胜区、云南三江并流保护区、武陵源风景名胜区 8(下列世界遗产与其所在省区的连线,对应正确的是:( ) A(黄龙——安徽 B(大足石刻——重庆 C(龙门石窟——云南 D(丽江古城——山西 9(有关旅游资源价值的叙述,正确的是 ( ) A(形象美是人文景观美学价值的核心 B(自然景观大多具有科学价值,人文景观大多具有历史文化价值 C(旅游资源一般只具有美学价值而不具备经济价值 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith D(历史上遗留下来的文物古迹,当时就具备了旅游资源的价值和功能 10(如果按照纬度从南到北排列,正确的顺序是:( ) A(平遥古城 皖南村落 开平碉楼 避暑山庄 B(避暑山庄 平遥古城 开平碉楼 皖南村落 C(开平碉楼 皖南村落 平遥古城 避暑山庄 D(开平碉楼 平遥古城 避暑山庄 皖南村落 读我国山水风景区最宜欣赏时间与纬度关系图~回答11-12题: 11(我国南北方山水风景区欣赏时机主要在:( ) A(春季 B(夏季 C(秋季 D(冬季 12(按规律推理,?处欣赏时间较短的原因可能是:( ) A(纬度低 B(雨季长 C(地势高 D(气温高 13(图一是四幅等高线地形示意图,能体现“深山藏古寺”意境的是 图一 A(a图 B(b图 C(c图 D(d图 读下面两个表格~完成14,15题。 2001,2006年古巴旅游人数及收入统计表 单位:万人/亿美元 年份 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 人数 177.5 168.6 190.6 204.9 232 222 收入 18.404 17.690 19.992 21.136 23.99 24.04 2006年古巴入境游客来源地统计表 来源地 加拿大 英国 西班牙 意大利 德国 法国 人数(万) 60.4 21.1 18.6 14.4 11.4 10.3 14(关于古巴2001,2006年旅游人数及收入描述,正确的是( ) A(波状上升 B(保持不变 C(极不稳定 D(没有规律 ortant speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faithof the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's imp rningstrengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Lea nd the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master anddersta. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to unngs", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't dodiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdi-protection Ordinance, mastering selfdiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights -ough the familiar with the code of selfd threnhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Rea rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions,n, good style, deeply understand the conditions, the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organizatio2 15(来自美国和南美的游客较少,其原因主要是( ) A(古巴离美国和南美的市场远 B(古巴的景观太一般 C(风俗习惯等相仿 D(政治和经济因素的影响 16(2007年“五一黄金周”期间,我国旅游市场异常火爆。读“中国重点城市旅游实力比较图”,有关图中各城市的叙述是:( ) A.上海、广州、深圳是发展中旅游城市 B. 北京的旅游实力是最强大的 C.大连、西安的旅游资源类型相同 D.大连旅游人次比值大于西安 某旅行社组织了“重走霞客路”大型旅行考察活动。下为考察路线示意图~据此回答17—19题。 17(旅行团在黄山、衡山、泰山、华山考察中都能见到的自然带是:( ) A(山地常绿阔叶林带 B(山地针叶林带 C(山地落叶阔叶林带 D(山地冰雪带 eal faithguide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) idearch to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work resnd new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related deas aeneral Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new iou can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by Govisions and clear what ydiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment pr-members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations,-the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness ofs of deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Member Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style,the Communist 3 18(旅行社在本次考察中设计了下列主题活动,其中不可能实现的是:( ) A(a—c:喀斯特地貌之旅 B(c—d:江南奇山异水之旅 C(d—f:南北景观之旅 D(g—f:西北大漠戈壁之旅 19(旅行考察队员们队沿线四地农业可持续发展提出了建议,其中合理的:( ) A(甲地——立足气候优势,发展花卉生产 B(乙地——利用土地优势,发展粮食生产 C(丙地——瞄准国际市场,发展出口农业 D(丁地——退耕还林还草,发展立体农业 20(下列有关旅游资源的欣赏,说法正确的为: A(观桂林山水主要是把握好时机 B(观武陵源群峰要注意近观 C(“相看两不厌,惟有敬亭山”反映古代文人观景把握住了时机 D(“停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”是欣赏自然景观的色彩美 21(下列不属于旅游规划的基本内容的是:( ) A.旅游吸引物和旅游活动 B(旅游者 C(旅游设施和服务 D(旅游交通条件 钱塘潮被称为“天下第一潮”~每年来这里观潮的游客很多~但经常发生游客被卷入水中的事件。据此完成22,23题。 22(从安全的角度考虑,欣赏钱塘江大潮宜( ) A(选择合适的位置 B(选择观察时机 C(抓住景观特点 D(以情观景 23(钱塘潮被称为“天下第一潮”。与钱塘江潮形成无关的因素是( ) A(河口形状 B(夏季风 C(太阳和月球对地球的引力 D(地转偏向力 24.五一”“十一”假期已成为我国国内旅游的黄金周。某些景区面对急剧增多的游客 做出了限制游客人数的 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 。其主要目的是 ( ) ?保护景区环境 ?限制到达当地的旅客数量 ?控制当地的交通流量 ?保障旅游质量 ,、?? ,、?? ,、?? ,、?? 25(旅游活动的规模与环境承载量的关系是:( ) A.活动规模不受环境承载量限制 B.活动规模应小于环境承载量 C(活动规模与环境承载量应相适应 D(活动规模越大,环境承载量也越大 ortant speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faithof the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's imp rningstrengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Lea nd the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master anddersta. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to unngs", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't dodiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdi-protection Ordinance, mastering selfdiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights -ough the familiar with the code of selfd threnhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Rea rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions,n, good style, deeply understand the conditions, the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organizatio4 选择题答题卡 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案 题号 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 答案 二、综合题(共50分) 26、阅读材料,回答下列问题。(12分) 材料一:2007年我国四省区旅游总收入统计表 全省(区) 全年接待入境 入境旅游 接待国内旅 国内旅游 旅游总收入 省(区) 人口总数 旅游者(人次) 收入(美元) 游者(人次) 收入(元) (元) 浙江 4679万 509万 25.8亿 1.91亿 1820亿 2016亿 山东 9367万 249.6万 13.52亿 2.03亿 1550.8亿 1652.1亿 陕西 3288万 123万 6.1亿 8015万 458亿 504亿 新疆 2020万 43.84万 1.62亿 2126万 192.92亿 205.27亿 材料二:1994,2008年我国国际旅游收入增长情况图 (1)表中我国四省(区)旅游总收入中,入境旅游收入最高的是 ,国内旅游收入占旅游总收入比重最高的是 ,这说明发展旅游业可以促进 的发展。(3分) (2)旅游资源一般可分为 和 两大类。(4分) (3)试述图中2003年我国国际旅游收入较低的主要原因和现代旅游的主要特点。(5分) deas aeneral Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new iou can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by Govisions and clear what ydiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment pr-members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations,-the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness ofs of deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Member Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style,the Communist eal faithguide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) idearch to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work resnd new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related 5 27、张家界市是我国著名的旅游城市~其武陵源风景区1992年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界遗产名录”。根据下列资料~结合所学知识~回答,1,,,4,题。,16分, 资料一:见下表 年 份 项 1989 1991 1995 1999 2003 2006 目 游客量(万人) 56.6 126.1 160.0 327.4 759.6 1676.0 旅游收入(百万) 24.9 44.4 256.8 946.2 3201.0 7938.0 游客人均花费44.1 35.2 160.5 289.0 421.4 473.6 (元) 人均旅游收入17.0 30.0 170.0 612.8 2033.3 4916.7 (元) GDP(亿元) 10.83 13.44 33.35 53.76 82.51 127.54 资料二 20世纪90年代后期~张家界修建了号称“世界上最高的全暴露户外观光电梯”等人工设施~旅游接待区遍布宾馆酒店~对景区的美学价值和生态环境造成了很大的负面影响~被联合国世界遗产委员会“黄牌警告”~当地政府启动拆迁工程~拟恢复核心景区原始风貌并控制游客数量。 (1)游客的旅游花费用于食、宿、行、娱、 、 等方面。(2分) (2)关于张家界市旅游发展,下列叙述正确的是 (多选题)。(2分) A(旅游收入持续增长 B. 人均旅游收入与GDP呈正相关 C.游客人均花费逐年增加 D. 游客人均花费比人均旅游收入增长快 E. 旅游收入提高的主要原因是游客总量快速增加 (3)分析旅游业对当地经济发展的有利影响。(4分) (4)提出当地旅游业可持续发展的合理建议。(8分) ortant speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faithof the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's imp rningstrengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Lea nd the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master anddersta. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to unngs", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't dodiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdi-protection Ordinance, mastering selfdiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights -ough the familiar with the code of selfd threnhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Rea rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions,n, good style, deeply understand the conditions, the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organizatio6 28、读材料,完成下列要求。(12分) 材料一 海南省2009年各月接待游客数量统计表。 材料二 三亚市拥有海南岛最美丽的海滨风光~被称为“东方夏威夷”。在约两百公里的海岸线上密布亚龙湾,又称“天下第一湾”,、大东海、鹿回头公园、天涯海角、海山奇观、南山文化旅游区等闻名中外的旅游景点。下面为三亚市旅游景区分布图。 (1)简析海南省接待游客数量的季节特征,并说明其原因。(4分) (2)根据题中所给信息结合所学知识对三亚市旅游资源开发条件做简要 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 。(8分) deas aeneral Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new iou can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by Govisions and clear what ydiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment pr-members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations,-the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness ofs of deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Member Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style,the Communist eal faithguide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) idearch to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work resnd new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related 7 29、阅读材料,回答下列问题。(10分) 材料一:某地质公园北依太行山~南靠华北平原~远眺黄河~其形状呈东北---西南走向~南北宽2千米---15千米~东西长63千米~面积556平方千米~其中核心景区面积323平方千米。 材料二:该地质公园的景观有:地貌景观,长脊、长崖、长墙、孤峰、峰丛、峰林、峡谷、嶂谷、瓮谷、围谷、悬谷等,、水体景观,瀑布、溪潭、泉、湖等,等。 (1)如何合理欣赏该地质公园的峡谷景观和水体景观,(6分) (2)近年来,该公园地区旅游业发展如火如荼,但随之也出现了一系列环境问题。简要描述该地区有哪些环境污染问题。(4分) ortant speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faithof the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's imp rningstrengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Lea nd the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master anddersta. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to unngs", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't dodiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdi-protection Ordinance, mastering selfdiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights -ough the familiar with the code of selfd threnhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Rea rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions,n, good style, deeply understand the conditions, the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organizatio8 选择题答题卡 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案 C B A D B D D B B C B C D 题号 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 答案 A D B C D A D B A D B C 二、综合题(共50分) 主观题答案: 26、(1)浙江(1分) 新疆(1分) 国民经济(1分) (2)自然旅游资源(2分) 人文旅游资源(2分) (3)主要原因:自然灾害或非典疫情(1分)。 主要特点:旅游主体的大众化(1分); 旅游空间的扩大化(1分); 旅游形式的多样化(1分); 旅游目的的娱乐化(1分)。 27、(1)游 购(2分) (2)ABE(2分) (3)有利影响:?改善产业结构;?增加就业机会,提高居民收入。(4分) (4)?保护旅游资源(如立法保护);?控制游客数量;?提高管理水平; ?提高公众环保意识(加强环境保护);?开展生态旅游和绿色旅游。(任答四点得8 分) 28、(1)冬季接待游客较多(2分) 原因:冬季我国大部分地区气候寒冷,而海南温度适宜,是避寒度假的理想目的地(2分) (2)旅游资源丰富,尤其热带滨海旅游资源丰富、等级高,旅游资源集群状况和地域组合较好,游览价值高; 处在海南岛最南端,临海,地理位置优越,有高速公路、飞机场,交通便捷; 靠近珠三角、港澳、东南亚等地区,市场距离近; 经济较发达,基础设施完善,地区接待能力强; 景区空间大,旅游容量大。(任答四点得8分) 29、(1)峡谷景观应置身其中(2分),瀑布需要适当距离的仰观(2分),湖、泉需要低临水面近观(2分)。 (2)人为排放的废水造成水体污染(1分),汽车排放的尾气造成大气污染(1分), ou can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by Govisions and clear what ydiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment pr-members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations,-the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness ofs of deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Member Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style,the Communist eal faithguide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) idearch to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work resnd new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related deas aeneral Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new i9 生活垃圾和游客不文明行为造成固体废弃物污染(1分),噪声污染(1分)等。 dersta. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to unngs", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't dodiscipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdi-protection Ordinance, mastering selfdiscipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights -ough the familiar with the code of selfd threnhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Rea rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions,n, good style, deeply understand the conditions, the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organizatioortant speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faithof the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's imp rningstrengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Lea nd the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and10
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