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全新版大学英语综合教程2课文原文及翻译费下载全新版大学英语综合教程2课文原文及翻译费下载 Unit1 Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, reflects on a visit to China and gives his thoughts on different approaches to learning in China and the West. 哈佛大育授华德学教学教霍加德华回华其中之行~华述他华中西方不同的国学? 华方式的看法。 Learning...

全新版大学英语综合 教程 人力资源管理pdf成真迷上我教程下载西门子数控教程protel99se入门教程fi6130z安装使用教程 2课文原文及翻译费下载 Unit1 Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, reflects on a visit to China and gives his thoughts on different approaches to learning in China and the West. 哈佛大育授华德学教学教霍加德华回华其中之行~华述他华中西方不同的国学? 华方式的看法。 Learning, Chinese-Style Howard Gardner 1 For a month in the spring of 1987, my wife Ellen and I lived in the bustling eastern Chinese city of Nanjing with our 18-month-old son Benjamin while studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools. But one of the most telling lessons Ellen and I got in the difference between Chinese and American ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the Jinling Hotel where we stayed in Nanjing. 中式的华华格 国学 霍华德加德华 ? 年春~我和妻子埃华华着我华个儿国月的子本杰明在繁忙的中华部城198718 市南京住了一月~同华考察中幼和小的华华育情。然而~我和埃华华个国儿园学教况 得的有华中美育华念差的最华忘的华非自华堂~而是华自我华在南京期华寓教异体并来来 居的金陵华店的大堂。   2 The key to our room was attached to a large plastic block with the room number on it. When leaving the hotel, a guest was encouraged to turn in the key, either by handing it to an attendant or by dropping it through a slot into a box. Because the key slot was narrow, the key had to be positioned carefully to fit into it. 我华的房华华匙系在一华华有房华的大塑料板上。酒店鼓客人外出华留下华匙号励 可以交华服华华~也可以一槽口塞入华匙箱。由于口子小~得留神华匙放从个狭你将 准位置才塞得华去。 3 Benjamin loved to carry the key around, shaking it vigorously. He also liked to try to place it into the slot. Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would usually fail. Benjamin was not bothered in the least. He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot. 本杰明华拿着华匙走走去~华走华用力华晃着。他华喜华华着把华匙往槽口里塞。来 由于他华年幼~不太明白得把华匙放准位置才成~因此华塞不华去。本杰明一点也不 在意。他华匙中得到的华趣大他偶华把华匙成功地塞华槽口而华得的华趣一华从声响概跟 多。 4 Now both Ellen and I were perfectly happy to allow Benjamin to bang the key near the key slot. His exploratory behavior seemed harmless enough. But I soon observed an interesting phenomenon. Any Chinese staff member nearby would come over to watch Benjamin and, noting his lack of initial success, attempt to assist. He or she would hold onto Benjamin's hand and, gently but firmly, guide it directly toward the slot, reposition it as necessary, and help him to insert it. The "teacher" would then smile somewhat expectantly at Ellen or me, as if awaiting a thank you ? and on occasion would frown slightly, as if considering us to be neglecting our parental duties. 我和埃华都华不在乎~任由本杰明拿着华匙在华匙的槽口鼓华。他的探索行华似 乎无任何害华。但我快就华察到一有趣的华象。华店里任何一中工作人华若并很个个国 在近旁~都走华看着本杰明~华他初华失华~便都华华忙。他华华华华握华本杰明会来会帮会 的手~直接引向华匙的槽口~华行必要的重新定位~他把华匙入槽口。将它并帮插 然后那位“老华”有所期待地华着我和埃华微笑~似乎等着我华华华华偶华他华会声——会 微微华眉~似乎华得我华有到父母的华任。没尽当 5 I soon realized that this incident was directly relevant to our assigned tasks in China: to investigate the ways of early childhood education (especially in the arts), and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. And so before long I began 我to introduce the key-slot anecdote into my discussions with Chinese educators. 很与国儿教快意华到~华件小事我华在中要做的工作直接相华 ,考察童早期育 ;尤其是华华育,的方式~揭示中人华华造性活华的华度。因此~不久我就在中教国与 国教育工作者华华华华起了华匙槽口一事。 TWO DIFFERENT WAYS TO LEARN 6 With a few exceptions my Chinese colleagues displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel. Since adults know how to place the key in the key slot, which is the ultimate purpose of approaching the slot, and since the child is neither old enough nor clever enough to realize the desired action on his own, what possible gain is achieved by having him struggle? He may well get frustrated and angry ? certainly not a desirable outcome. Why not show him what to do? He will be happy, he will learn how to accomplish the task sooner, and then he can proceed to more complex activities, like opening the door or asking for the key ? both of which accomplishments can (and should) in due course be modeled for him as well. 两学华不同的华方式 我的中同行~除了少人外~华此事的华度金陵华店工作人华一华。国数几个与 既怎——既很然大人知道华把华匙塞华槽口华是华理槽口一事的最华目的~ 然孩子华年 幼~华有巧到可以自完成要做的华作~华他自己折华有什华好华,他没灵独瞎会呢很 有可能灰心华华脾华然不是所希望的华果。华什华不他华做,他华高华会气气——当教怎呢会~ 他华能早些做华件事~华而去做更华华的事~如华华~或索要华匙华华件事到华学会学——两 候同华可以 ;也华华,示范华他看。 7 We listened to such explanations sympathetically and explained that, first of all, we did not much care whether Benjamin succeeded in inserting the key into the slot. He was having a good time and was exploring, two activities that did matter to us. But the critical point was that, in the process, we were trying to teach Benjamin that one can solve a problem effectively by oneself. Such self-reliance is a principal value of child rearing in middle-class America. So long as the child is shown exactly how to do something ? whether it be placing a key in a key slot, drawing a hen or making up for a misdeed ? he is less likely to figure out himself how to accomplish such a task. And, more generally, he is less likely to view life ? as Americans do ? as a series of situations in which one has to learn to think for oneself, to solve problems on one's own and even to discover new problems for which creative solutions are wanted. 我华华华同情地着华一番道理~解华道~首先~我华不在意本杰明能不能听并 把华匙塞华华匙的槽口。他玩得华心~而且在探索~华点才是我华正看重的。但华华两真 在于~在华华程中~我华华华华本杰明得~一人是能华好地自行解华华的。华华个懂个很决 自力更生的精神是美中华华华最重要的一育华。如果我华向孩子演示华如何做某国条儿 件事把华匙塞华华匙的槽口也好~只华或是华某华华华行华也好那他就不太可能——画弥—— 自行想方华法去完成华件事。更泛的意华上华~他就不太可能如美人那华从广——国—— 将个学会独学会独人生华华一系列的情境~在华些情境中~一人必华立思考~立解 决学会决华华~华而华华需要华造性地加以解的新华华。 TEACHING BY HOLDING HIS HAND 8 In retrospect, it became clear to me that this incident was indeed key ? and key in more than one sense. It pointed to important differences in the educational and artistic practices in our two countries. 把着手教 回想起~华我就楚地意华到~华件事正是华了华华的华华之所在而且来当清体—— 不华华是一华意华上的华华之所在。华件事表明了我华在育和华华华上的重要差。两国教践异 9 When our well-intentioned Chinese observers came to Benjamin's rescue, they did not simply push his hand down clumsily or uncertainly, as I might have done. Instead, they guided him with extreme facility and gentleness in precisely the desired direction. I came to realize that these Chinese were not just molding and shaping Benjamin's performance in any old manner: In the best Chinese tradition, they were ba zhe shou jiao ? "teaching by holding his hand" ? so much so that he would happily come back for more. 那些善意的中旁华者前助本杰明华~他华不是华华地像我可能做的那国来帮会 华拙地或是豫豫地把他的手往下推。相反~他华其熟华地、和地把他引向笨犹犹极温 所要到的达确国旧切方向。我逐华华华到~华些中人不是华华地以一华华的方式塑造、引华 本杰明的行华,他华是在恪守中华华~把着手~得本杰明自己国教教会愉快地要求 再来一次。 10 The idea that learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding applies equally to the arts. Watching children at work in a classroom setting, we were astonished by their facility. Children as young as 5 or 6 were painting flowers, fish and animals with the skill and confidence of an adult; calligraphers 9 and 10 years old were producing works that could have been displayed in a museum. In a visit to the homes of two of the young artists, we learned from their parents that they worked on perfecting their craft for several hours a day. 华华学断与通华不华的精心塑造引华而得以华华~华一华念同华适用于华华。我华华看了 孩子华在教学惊室里华华华的情景~他华的华熟技华令我华华。年华、华的孩子就华着成人56 的那华技巧自与画画信在花、华和华物~华、华的小华法家写出的作品华可以在博物910 华展示。有一次去位小华华两参从数家的家里华~我华孩子的父母华得知~他华每天华华 小华以完善他华的技华。 CREATIVITY FIRST? 11 In terms of attitudes to creativity there seems to be a reversal of priorities: young Westerners making their boldest departures first and then gradually mastering the tradition; and young Chinese being almost inseparable from the tradition, but, over time, possibly evolving to a point equally original. 华造力第一, 华华造力的华度华~华先从来胆次序似乎是华倒了,西方的年华人先是大华新~ 然后逐华深华华华~而中的年华人华乎不华华华~但是~着华华的推国几离随移~他华同华可 能华展到具有华新的境界。 12 One way of summarizing the American position is to state that we value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor. Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early, they may never be acquired; there is, on the other hand, no comparable hurry to promote creativity. American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquired early, it may never emerge; on the other hand, skills can be picked up later. 美人的立华可以国概来国两括起华华华~我华比中人更重华华新和自立。我华华文 化的差也可以我华异从来国担各自所华的华华中华示出。中老华心~如果年华人不及早 掌握技华~就有可能一华子掌握不了~另并一方面~他华不同华地急于促华华造力的华 展。美育工作者华心~除非一华国教担从始就华展华造力~不然华造力就有可能永不 再华~而一方另面~技华可于日后华得。 13 However, I do not want to overstate my case. There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific, technological and artistic innovations past and present. And there is a danger of exaggerating creative breakthroughs in the West. When any innovation is examined closely, its reliance on previous achievements is all too apparent (the "standing on the shoulders of giants" phenomenon). 但我不想大其。无华在华去华是在并夸辞当国学今~中在科、技华和华华革新方 面都展示了巨大的华造力。而西方的华新突破华有被夸大的危华。如果仔华华华任何一华华 新~其华以往成就的依华华都华而易华;“站在巨人肩膀之上”的华象,。 14 But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals, the important question becomes this: Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extremes, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills? 然而~假定我华里所华的反差是成立的~而培华技华华造力者都是华得与两追 求的目华~那华重要的华华就在于,我华能否从两个极教中美端中华求一华更好的育方 式~或华能在华造力它与两极基本技能华之华华得某华华好的平衡, Finding a way of teaching children to appreciate the value of money can be a problem. Yet the solution, David Owen suggests, is simple -- just open a bank. Easier said than done? Well, it turns out to be not quite so difficult as it sounds, as you'll discover in reading about the First National Bank of Dave. 华法育孩子教会珍惜华华是件华事。然而~大华欧很——个文华~方法也华华华华华华华行就? 行。华来来并没听你国容易做起华,其华~华事上去那华华~华一华戴夫第一家华行的故 事就知道了。   Children and Money David Owen 1 Parents who decide that the time has come to teach their children about money usually begin by opening savings accounts. The kids are attracted at first by the notion that a bank will pay them for doing nothing, but their enthusiasm disappears when they realize that the interest rate is tiny and, furthermore, their parents don't intend to give them access to their principal. To a kid, a savings account is just a black hole that swallows birthday checks. 孩 子 金 华与 大华欧文? 当教懂个家华华得华孩子华得如何华待金华的华候~他华通常先华孩子华华蓄华华。华华 始的华候~孩子华华感华趣~因华他华想自己什华也不干华行华会当付华他华华~可他华明白 利率小得~而且父母也无意华他华华用本金华~他华的华情一下子就很个冷却了。华一 孩子华~一华来个个没蓄华华只不华是一华其生礼日华金支票的黑洞。   2 Kid: "Grandma gave me twenty-five dollars!" Parent: "How nice. We'll put that check straight into your savings account." Kid: "But she gave it to me! I want it!" Parent: "Oh, it will still be yours. You just have to keep it in the bank so that it can grow." Kid (suspicious) : "What do you mean by 'grow'?" Parent: "Well, if you leave your twenty-five dollars in the bank for just one year, the bank will pay you seventy-five cents. And if you leave all of that in the bank for just one more year, the bank will give you another seventy-five cents plus two and a half more cents besides. That's called compound interest. It will help you go to college." 孩子,“华了我奶奶美金,”25 家华,“太棒了。华把咱你支票直接存到的华华上去。” 孩子,“可华华是华我的她,我要用,” 家华,“华~华华是的。只不华是要把华放在华行里~好华你嘛你它增多。” 孩子;狐疑地,,“华你‘增多’是什华意思,” 家华,“~要是把华哦你美金在华行里放一年~华行就会你付华美分。2575 要是华本华你会你息在华行里再放一年~华行再付华美分~加另美分。华叫做华752.5 利。华华能上大。”帮你学 3 The main defect in such saving schemes is that there's nothing in them for the kids. College is a thousand years away, and they probably think they'd just as soon stay home anyway. Indeed, the true purpose of such plans is usually not to promote saving but to prevent consumption. (1) Appalled by what their children spend on candy and video games (or, rather, appalled by the degree to which their children's overspending seems to mimic their own), parents devise ways to lock up their children's resources. Not surprisingly, kids quickly decide that large sums aren't real money and that all cash should either be spent immediately or hidden in a drawer. 华华华蓄华的划学主要缺陷在于~孩子本人一无所华。上大华不知要华多少年~ 他华或华想他华会宁呆划真愿在家里。华华上~华华华的正目的通常不是促华华蓄而是限制 消华。孩子华在糖果、华子游华上的花华之大令家华华十分震惊确;或者更切地华~令他华 吃惊与将的其华是孩子华的超支行华他华自己的相似程度,~于是他华便华法华孩子华华 存起不用。来很赶毋怪乎孩子华快就华定~大华华款不是华华在在的华~有了华华要华华花 掉~要华藏在抽华里。 4 To avoid this problem with my two children, I started my own bank. It's called the First National Bank of Dave. I set up an account for each child, using the same computer program I use to keep track of my checkbook. Because I wanted my kids' deposits to grow at a pace that would hold their attention, I offered an attractive interest rate-five per cent a month. (2) Compounded, that works out to an annual rate of more than 70 per cent. (No, I don't accept deposits from strangers.) Allowances are deposited automatically on the first day of each month. The kids can make other deposits, or withdrawals, whenever they like. 华了避免我的孩子华生华一华华~我华华了自己的华行~两个国名叫戴夫第一家华 行。我用华华自己支票簿使用情的同一华华程况个个个序华每孩子华了一华华。因华我希望 孩子存款增华的速度足以引起他华的注意~便华他华一华人的个——利率月息厘。以华5 利华算~年息达到以上。;不~我不接受外来存款。,零花华在每月第一天自华70% 存入。孩子华也可以把华的华存华~想来存就存~想取就取。 5 The Bank of Dave, which has been in operation four years, instantly turned both my children into keen savers. My son still comes to me with change he has found on the floor of the car, saying, "And credit this today." Both kids' accounts grew so fast that after two years I had to roll back my monthly interest rate to three per cent. The kids protested when I announced the change, but they nodded solemnly when I explained that the law of supply and demand applies even to the supply of money. The kids help me calculate their interest -- a useful lesson in averaging and percentages. (3) I give them unlimited access to their funds, no questions asked, and I provide 戴夫华行华华了年~一下子就把我的孩子华两个printed statements on demand. 4 成了华心的华蓄者。至今我子在华里到儿找会来找个零华仍我华~ “今天就把华上 华。”孩子的两个很两将存款增华快~年之后~我不得不月利率降至厘。我宣布华3 低利率华孩子反华~可我解华华两个当两供求法华同华适用于华华供华后~人华华地点华华同。 两个帮——学与孩子我一起华算他华的利息华可是华华算平均华百分比的华华有用的一华。 他华使用自己的华金我不加任何限制~不作任何华华~我华根据要求随华提供打印的华 华。 6 The high rate of interest is not the only attractive feature of the Bank of Dave. Equally important from the kids' point of view is that their accounts belong to them. When they save, they harvest the benefit; when they want to spend, they don't need permission. Children who have no control over their own funds have no incentive not to beg for money and then spend every dollar that comes into their hands. 高利率并来属非戴夫华行惟一华人之华。在孩子看同华重要的是~他华的存款 于他华自己。他华存华便华会没利~他华想花华也用不着华得华可。孩子华自己的华有自主华~ 就有什华华西没励个激他华不去伸手要华~不把到手的华花光。 7 The way to help children become rational consumers is to give them more control, not less. Before we go on vacation, I'll usually give my kids an extra twenty bucks or so, which I deposit in their accounts. I tell them that they can spend the extra money on a T-shirt, save it, spend it before we leave, or do anything else they want with it -- but that while we are on vacation, they won't receive any additional pocket money from me (except in the form of communal purchases considered by custom to be vacation entitlements, such as candy, ice cream, movie tickets, and so on). Because any money they spend starts out as theirs, not mine, they think twice before throwing it away. In a souvenir store on Martha's Vineyard a couple of summers ago my son quietly studied the unpromising merchandise while a friend of his loudly cajoled his parents into paying five dollars for a toy gun, which fell apart almost before we got back to the car. My son ended up spending thirty-three cents for an unopened geode, which he later cracked open by hitting it with a hammer -- a good value, it seemed to me. If he had been spending my money instead of his, he undoubtedly would have wanted a toy gun instead. 助孩子华成华理性帮消华者的方法是~交华他华更多的~而不是更少的自主华。 我华去度假前~我通常华外多华孩子华华华左右存在他华华华上。我告华他华~他华可以20 在我华出华前用华华外的华华笔恤衫、存起~或者来随——花掉~或便他华派什华华的用华T 但在度假期华~他华就不我华会从儿再拿到任何华外的零用华了;根据华例被华华是度 假享受的共同消华除外~如糖果、冰笔淇淋、华影票等,。由于他华花华的任何一华都 是他华自己的而不是我的~他华出手华就华。年前的一很慎两个园夏天~在华莎葡萄华 的一家华念品商店~我子一不地儿声响个仔华察看那些不起眼的商品~他的一朋 友华着华父母吵花美金华了一把玩具华~可乎华等我华回到华上~华就了。我几没坏儿5 子最后花了美分华了个来榔它来——未打华的空心晶球~后他用华把华了华我看华华33 花得华得。要是他花的是我的而不是他自己的华~毫无疑华~他肯定也要华一把玩会 具华的。 8 "Children are instinctive capitalists. If given enough leeway, they quickly become shrewd managers of their own finances. When parents fail in their efforts at financial education, it's usually because for reasons of their own they have managed to make saving seem painful and dull. Money is fun, and it's almost entirely self-explanatory. (4) The only way to teach kids to adopt a long-term perspective is to give them a short-term incentive for doing so. 童是儿很会天生的华本家。只要华予足华的自由活华余地~他华快就成华精明的 理华者。如果家华的理华育失华~那往往是因华他华出于自教身的原因把存华弄得似乎 既几教痛苦又无聊。金华是有趣的~而且乎完全是不华自明的。育孩子华看华华要有华华 目光的惟一途径内甜从励~是华孩子华近期便能华到某华华~而激他华去那华做。 Unit2 Does being rich mean you live a completely different life from ordinary people? Not, it seems, if your name is Sam Walton. 有华是否意味着华一华完全不同于普通人的生活,看来你未必~如果的名字 叫华姆沃华华。 ? THE RICHEST MAN IN AMERICA, DOWN HOME Art Harris 1 He put on a dinner jacket to serve as a waiter at the birthday party of The Richest Man in America. He imagined what surely awaited: a mansion, a "Rolls-Royce for every day of the week," dogs with diamond collars, servants everywhere. 美华国佬巴首富 阿特哈里斯? 他穿上餐服准华到美首国会担富的生日聚上去任侍者。在他的想象里~他 定然看到,会—豪宅~主人天天要坐的华华斯华伊斯华华~戴着华石华圈的家犬~到华可 华的人。  仆 2 Then he was off to the house, wheeling past the sleepy town square in Bentonville, a remote Arkansas town of 9,920, where Sam Walton started with a little dime store that grew into a $6 billion discount chain called Wal-Mart. He drove down a country road, turned at a mailbox marked "Sam and Helen Walton," and jumped out at a house in the woods. 他华身前往那所宅邸~华着华穿华本华华华华冷冷清清广的市政华。本华华华华是阿肯 色州一人口华有个的偏华小华~华姆沃华华就在华华一华华从个廉价商品的小店起9,920? 家~逐华华展成华价华华美金华华的廉价华华店沃华华公司。 侍者上了一华华华道~华华一条60 个华着“华姆和海华沃华华”的信箱~在一幢林华住宅前跳下了华。? 3 It was nice, but no palace. The furniture appeared a little worn. An old pickup truck sat in the garage and a muddy bird dog ran about the yard. He never spotted any servants. 房子华不华~但华华不是华殿。家具略华华~一华的华便华华旧旧条停在华华里~一土 褐色的捕禽华犬在院子里华华去。来没仆根本看华任何人的身影。 4 "It was a real disappointment," sighs waiter Jamie Beaulieu. “太令人失望了~”侍者杰米华尤华道。? 5 Only in America can a billionaire carry on like plain folks and get away with it. And the 67-year-old discount king Sam Moore Walton still travels these windy back roads in his 1979 Ford pickup, red and white, bird dogs by his side, and, come shooting season, waits in line like everyone else to buy shells at the local Wal-Mart. 只有在美~一华国个万富翁才能像普通百姓一华~安华地华着普普通通的日子。华67 的廉价店大王华姆穆华沃华华仍然华着他那华华白两色的年出的厂福特牌华型华华??1979 穿行在弯弯当来跟曲曲的华华小道上~身华坐着他的捕禽华犬。狩华季华华华~他华人一华 在地的当沃华华商店排华华华华华子华。 6 "He doesn't want any special treatment," says night manager Johnny Baker, who struggles to call the boss by his first name as a recent corporate memo commands. Few here think of his billions; they call him "Mr. Sam" and accept his folksy ways. "He's the same man who opened his dime store on the square and worked 18 hours a day for his dream," says Mayor Richard Hoback. “他不要任何特殊待遇~” 夜班华理华尼华克华~他华了好大的华才如公司最? 近一华忘华所华定的那华华自己的老板以份称几没名相。华里乎人去想他的华万身价~ 他华他华华称个广姆先生~华毫不以他的平民作华华怪。“他华是那在市政华华廉价店~华 了自己的想梦每天工作个没小华的人~一点华~”市华理华德霍巴克华。18? 7 By all accounts, he's friendly, cheerful, a fine neighbor who does his best to blend in, never flashy, never throwing his weight around. 人人都华他华人友善~性情华朗~是好华居个尽与从~他力人华融洽相华~不 炫耀~也不从气盛凌人。 8 No matter how big a time he had on Saturday night, you can find him in church on Sunday. Surely in a reserved seat, right? "We don't have reserved seats," says Gordon Garlington III, pastor of the local church. 无华他星期六华上的夜生活华得多华~星期日你教当华是能在堂华到他。然是坐 在他的包座上~华华,“我华不华包座~”地堂当教牧华戈登加林华第三华。? 9 So where does The Richest Man in America sit? Wherever he finds a seat. "Look, he's just not that way. He doesn't have a set place. At a church supper the other night, he and his wife were in back washing dishes." 那美首国哪儿呢哪儿哪儿富坐,有空位子就坐。“知道华~他根本就不是 那华人。他有没几教会包座。前天华上堂华行华餐~他和太太一起在后面洗华子。” 10 For 19 years, he's used the same barber. John Mayhall finds him waiting when he opens up at 7 a.m. He chats about the national news, or reads in his chair, perhaps the Benton County Daily Democrat, another Walton property that keeps him off the front page. It buried the Forbes list at the bottom of page 2. 年~华他理华的华是同一华来个傅。华翰梅霍会早上七点华华华到他等在华外。19? 他人华跟国内没聊新华~或是坐在椅子里看华~准是《本华民主日华》~华是沃华华的又 一宗华华。华华华不华有华他的份从来它将消息出华在华版上。 《福布斯》的富人排行榜塞 在第二版的华尾。 11 "He's just not a front-page person," a newspaper employee explains. “他华根儿不是那华华上华版新华的人~”一位华社雇华解华华。 12 But one recent morning, The Richest Man in America did something that would have made headlines anywhere in the world: He forgot his money. "I said, 'Forget it, take care of it next time, '" says barber Mayhall. "But he said. 'No, I'll get it,' and he went home for his wallet." 但最近有天早上~美首国会条富做了件在任何其他地方准成华华新华的事, 他忘了华华。“我华~‘没吧霍事~下次一起付~’”理华华梅华~“可他华~‘不行~ 我得回去拿~’就回家去取华包了。” 13 Wasn't that, well, a little strange? "No sir," says Mayhall, "the only thing strange about Sam Walton is that he isn't strange." 华一切~华~是不是有点怪,“一点也不~先生~”梅霍华~“华姆沃华华惟? 一不同华常的就是~他平平常常。” 14 But just how long Walton can hold firm to his folksy habits with celebrity hunters keeping following him wherever he goes is anyone's guess. Ever since Forbes magazine pronounced him America's richest man, with $2.8 billion in Wal-Mart stock, he's been a rich man on the run, steering clear of reporters, dreamers, and schemers. 然而~沃华华所到之华名人追星族华不跟很舍~他的平民华华能保持多久~就华 华了。自从《福布斯》华志宣布他华有价华华的沃华华股票成华美首国富以后~他就成28 了一华华西个甩梦藏的富人~他得华华者、华者~华有华华不华者。 15 "He may be the richest by Forbes rankings," says corporate affairs director Jim Von Gremp, "but he doesn't know whether he is or not -- and he doesn't care. He doesn't spend much. He owns stock, but he's always left it in the company so it could grow. But the real story in his mind is the success achieved by the 100,000 people who make up the Wal-Mart team." “他或华是《福布斯》排行榜的首富~”公司事华主管吉姆华格雷姆普华~?? “但他不知道自己是不是首并——怎富而且他也不在乎。他不华花华。他是华有股票~ 但他一直把股票留在公司里好华公司华展。而他华子里正想着的是真沃华华十万华工共 同取得的成功。” 16 He's usually back home for Friday sales meetings, or the executive pep rally Saturday morning at 7 a.m., when Walton, as he does at new store openings, is liable to jump up on a chair and lead everyone in the Wal-Mart cheer: "Give me a W! Give me an A! Give me an L! Louder!" 他通常回加来参售会星期五的华华~或是星期六早晨点的行政人华鼓华会~7 届会号个华沃华华像分店新华华华那华~跳上椅子~华华大家呼喊沃华华公司口,“华我一 ,华我一个,华我一个,大点声,”WAL 17 And louder they yell. No one admits to feeling the least bit silly. It's all part of the Wal-Mart way of life as laid down by Sam: loyalty, hard work, long hours; get ideas into the system from the bottom up, Japanese-style; treat your people right; cut prices and margins to the bone and sleep well at night. Employees with one year on board qualify for stock options, and are urged to buy all they can. 于是大家越喊越响没来。有华华华华做有点华。华都是华姆定下的沃华华生活方式的 一部分,忠华~勤勉~加班加点~公司从广最底华起大家集思益~日本管理方式 善待华工~尽减可能降低价格、少利华~一夜安睡到天亮。华工华公司一年就有华格华 得华先华股华~一并励尽再鼓他华能力华华。 18 After the pep rally, there's bird hunting, or tennis on his backyard court. But his stores are always on his mind. One tennis guest managed to put him off his game by asking why a can of balls cost more in one Wal-Mart than another. It turned out to be untrue, but the move worked. Walton lost four straight games. 鼓华之后~大会网家一起去打野禽~或在他家后院打球。但他的那些商店华 华在他的心上。一位来网打球的客人华了分散他打球的注意力~故意华了一句华什华 一筒网并真球在一家沃华华商店华得比华的一家沃华华商店华。此华非华情~但华一招却管 用。沃华华华华四局。 19 Walton set up a college scholarship fund for employees' children, a disaster relief fund to rebuild employee homes damaged by fires, floods, tornadoes, and the like. He believed in cultivating ideas and rewarding success. 沃华华华华工子女华立了大华学学灾坏基金~华房屋遭受火、洪水、华卷华等破华的华 工重建家园灾广华立了华救助基金。他信奉华思路、褒华成功。 20 "He'd say, 'That fellow worked hard, let's give him a little extra,'" recalls retired president Ferold F. Arend, who was stunned at such generosity after the stingy employer he left to join Wal-Mart. "I had to change my way of thinking when I came aboard." “他华~会励吧‘那人工作努力~华一下~’”退休的前任华裁华华华德阿华?F? 德回华道。他原先供华的雇主非常吝华~所以华那里加入离沃华华公司之后~他华华华慷 慨行华深感震惊。“我加盟沃华华后~不得不改华自己的思华方式。” 21 "The reason for our success," says Walton, in a company handout, "is our people and the way they're treated and the way they feel about their company. They believe things are different here, but they deserve the credit." “我华之所以成功~”沃华华在公司宣华上道~“是由于我华的华工~是册写 由于他华所受到的待遇以及他华华公司的感情。他华华华华里不同~但是华华华他华与众誉 受之无愧。” 22 Adds company lawyer Jim Hendren: "I've never seen anyone yet who worked for him or was around him for any length of time who wasn't better off. And I don't mean just financially, although a lot of people are. It's just something about him -- coming into contact with Sam Walton just makes you a better person." 公司律华吉姆亨德华华充华~“我华华有华华他工作或和他接一从没触段华华后而? 不受益的。我不华华是指华华方面~然华多人是更当内—富有了。我是华他的某华在的华西 —与华姆沃华华交往会你个使成华一更健全的人。”? Making the journey from log cabin to White House is part of the American Dream. But when Jimmy Carter was defeated in his attempt to gain a second term as President of the United States he found himself suddenly thrown out of the White House and back in his log cabin. This is how he coped. 小从国梦当木屋走向白华是美的一部分。可是~吉米卡国特华任美华华的努力? 失华后~他华华自己一下子被赶叙出白华~回到了自己的小木屋。本文述了他是如何 华华的。 The Restoration of Jimmy Carter Sara Pacher 1 Maybe it's because I, too, was born and raised in a small south Georgia town, but I found sitting down to talk to Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter as comfortable as lazing in a porch swing on a summer afternoon, sipping iced tea. Just such a swing overlooks a roaring mountain stream at the Carters' log cabin retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Along with the cabin's other furniture, the swing was designed and built by the former president, a master woodworker who selects and cuts the trees for such projects from his 160-acre farm. He then strips off the bark and shapes the wood into furniture and other items. 吉米卡特的华元? 莎拉帕夏华? 或华因华我本人也生华在佐治华州的一南方小华的华个跟故~我华得华莎琳和吉 米卡呷冰特夫华坐下交华就如同在夏日午后华在华廊的秋千椅上茶那华舒服。坐落于? 华华山脉卡条的特夫华幽居的原木小屋前~恰好就有华华的秋千椅~往下看去是一咆 哮的山华溪流。和小屋里华的家具一华~华秋千椅是前华华卡卡特华华和制作的。特是一 位手华高明的木工~华了制作华些家具~他其方华从英华的华庄上华自华华华遴并砍伐华160 木~而后去华剥将皮~木料制成家具及其他用品。   2 "My daddy was a good man with tools," he recalls, "so learning how to use them was as natural as breathing for us. If something broke, we had to fix it ourselves. You didn't call somebody in to repair something or replace it with something new. We had these skills -- all farmers did during the Depression years." “我父华擅华使用工具~”他回华道~“因此华学来使用工具华我华华就像呼吸 一华自然。要是有什华华西了~我华就得自己坏会来修。我华不华人修理或华新的。我华有 华华手华 大华华期~华——条民都有华一手。” 3 Over the years, Carter has made some 50 household items, about half of which he has given away as gifts. But some pieces still sit around the family's Plains house and have been in use for over 30 years. His wife is quick to point out, however, that his skills improved as time went on. "When we came home from the Navy in 1953, he built a sofa for the back porch. He used nails then. Now he builds everything without nails. He's studied woodworking and worked at it, and he's made really beautiful furniture for our home -- including a pencil-post bed and tables by the side." 多年~来卡特制作了华件居家用品~差不多有一半已作华礼物华华他人。50 但有些制品仍留在普华斯的家里~都用了多年了。不华~他妻子华赶指出~他的30 手华在不断提高。“年我华华从海华退役回家华~他做了只放在后华廊用的沙华。那1953 华他华用华子。华在他做什华都不用华子了。他研究木工工华~下功夫制作~他华家里做 的家具真柜的非常漂亮~包括一华华柱床和配套的床华。” 4 His woodworking talent served Carter well during his political campaigns, particularly when meeting factory workers. "You don't have to say but a few things to people who work in a factory before they realize that you, yourself, have been a laborer. It may be a different kind of skill from theirs, but there's a bond, sort of like a brotherhood, among people who work with their hands." 卡与厂很特的木工才干在政治华华中~尤其是在工工人华面华华华了好的作用。 “不用在工你跟厂会来你个你干活的人多华~他华就明白~原本人也是华华者。的手 华或华他华不一华~但在跟体干力活的人之华有华天然的华华~好似手足之情。” 5 Once he campaigned his way to the presidency, Carter occasionally managed to slip in a few hours at the carpenter's shed at Camp David, because, in his opinion, "What we need in our lives is a stock of factors that never change. (1)I think that skill with one's own hands -- whether it's tilling the soil, building a house, making a piece of furniture, playing a violin or painting a painting -- is something that doesn't change with the ups and downs of life. And for me, going back to the earth or going back to the woodshop have always been opportunities to reinforce my basic skills. (2)No matter if I was involved in writing a book, conducting a political campaign, teaching at Emory University or dealing with international affairs, I could always go back -- at least for a few hours at a time -- to the woodshop. That's meant an awful lot to me. It's a kind of therapy, but it's also a steadying force in my life -- a total rest for my mind. 卡当悄悄几个特一路华华上华华之后~偶华也华法溜到戴华华的木工华干上小华~因华在他 看~“我华在生活中需要一些来——永华不华的要素。我华华手华 不管是耕地~造房子~ 做家具~拉小提琴~华是华 华些华西不因生活的起起画——会落落而改华。至于我~ 回到华华华地或重返木工华一直是我增华基本技能的机会写从。无华我在华~事政治活华~ 在华莫瑞大华~华是华理华事华~我华华法学教国会呆几个抽空回到木工华~每次至少上 小华。华华我十分重要。华是一华理华~同华也是我生活中的一华华定力量 是——身心的完 全休息。” 6 "When I'm in the woodshop," he continues, "I don't ever think about the chapter I'm writing or the paragraph I can't complete or the ideas that don't come. I'm thinking about the design of a piece of furniture, how the wood's going to fit together, what joint I'm going to use and whether or not my hand tools are sharp." “在木工华的华候~”他接着华~“我不去想正在的会写会写章华~不去想 不下去的段落或华的思浅路。我考华的是一件家具的华华~木料华如何嵌合~用什华华 的华~华有工榫具是否华利。” 7 (3)In Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter's recently published book, Everything to Gain, they explain frankly how they used back-to-basics skills to confront and resolve their painful political defeat, a sudden departure from Washington and their fears of an empty future. 在吉米和华莎琳卡尽特最近出版的华名华《好华华不》的华中~他华直言不华地解华? 了他华当来惧怕遭遇痛苦的政治上的失华~突然告华华盛华以及华茫然的未感到华~他 华是如何使用返璞华的真来技能面华和化解华些华华的。 8 "In the book," Jimmy says, "we try to relate our lives, not to the White House, but to Plains -- for a couple of reasons. One, to show the attraction of a small town, and, second, to make it clear that the book is not just about a couple who happened to have been the First Family of the nation; it's also written for the average person who loses a job, has an unexpected career change, has to move to a place not of his or her choice, has a last child leave home. Or for a married couple who suddenly find themselves at retirement age and living together for the first time all day long -- not just at night." “在华里~”吉米华~“出于华几将与原因~我华华华我华的生活普华斯而不是 跟清写白华华系在一起。其一~是华了展示小华的魅力~其二是要楚地表明~华本华的 并国它写不华华是一华有幸成华美第一家庭的夫华的生活~也是华普通人看的~例如 一失去工作的人~个迁并迁突然遇到华华华的人~非出于自己的华华而不得不居的人~ 一华自己最小的孩子也华大成人个离写届家而去的人~或者是华一华突然华华已退休 年华、第一次得早到华而不华华是从厮夜里守在一起的夫华看的。” 9 The Carters plunged with enthusiasm into such projects as laying a sidewalk and putting a hardwood floor in their unfinished loft. Rosalynn has picked up additional carpentry skills in working with one of their favorite organizations, Habitat for Humanity. This is a housing program for the homeless, helping them to build their own houses together with the help of volunteers. 卡尚楼特夫华华情投入了华如华华人行道、在未完工的华里华硬木地板华华 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 。在 与两个构学人最喜华的一机“博华居家”的共事华程中~华莎琳到了不少木工手华。 “博华居家”是一华华无家可华的人华华的住房工程~助他华在帮志愿者的华助下建造 自己的家园。 10 "And we both spend a good bit of time on our farm," adds Carter. "We take care of the timberlands. Sometimes we go for long walks in the woods. I may see a particular tree that I think would be suitable for four or five -- perhaps, seven or eight -- chairs or for some other piece of furniture. I usually select a tree close to home, though, since I have to carry the pieces back to the woodshop area. “我华都在华华上花了不少华华~”卡特华~“我华华理林地。有华我华在林子里华华 华散步。我或华看到某我华得会棵————适合制作四五把也华七把、八把椅子或华的什华 家具的华。不华~我通常挑华离家近的华~因华我得自己把木料搬回到木工华地。 11 "One of my favorite kinds of woodworking involves green wood, but there's a tremendous amount of hard labor involved in that. You have to try to handle the different rates at which the wood dries, so the joints get tight and durable. It's the kind of technical problem that appeals to me," says the former nuclear engineer. “我最喜华的一件木工活是用湿很你材制作家具~不华华活要华大的华。得华理 好木料干燥后引起的不同的收华率~以保华华华榫固不松。我喜华的就是华华的技华华 华~”华位前核工程华华。 12 Obviously, most of today's young people don't grow up routinely learning to use their hands "as naturally as breathing," as Carter did. But he thinks they still have an advantage his parents' generation lacked. 华然~很数卡当今天大多的年华人在成华华程中~不像特年那华~在日常生活 中得“像学会双呼吸一华自然”地使用自己的手。但他华华~年华人华是华有他华父华所 没有的华华。 13 "Back then, you'd start working at the age of 16 or 18 and work until you died or were physically incapable of working anymore. You began work at sunrise and worked until dark. But, nowadays, you work 40 hours a week, get a couple of weeks off for vacation and then retire at 55, 60 or 65. You have so much spare time to take on additional exciting things. Sometimes they can be quite useful things; sometimes just enjoyable; sometimes devoted to serving others. In Everything to Gain we try to present a broad range of activities an average person can undertake. We try to point out that no matter what stage of life you may be in -- young, middle-aged or retired -- there's the possibility of a constantly expanding field of interest, excitement, challenge, fulfillment and adventure. (4)In this book we encourage people to take on new things that might look very difficult, but that become very rewarding once the person is involved." "If you have a crisis of any kind," Rosalynn adds, "one of the best things to do is to learn something new." “华去~你华或华就华始干活~一直干到死或者再也干不华华止。太一阳1618 出就华来你你始干活~一直干到天黑。可如今~一星期只工作小华~华有两个星40 期的休息度假~然后到了华~华~或华~就你你退休了。有那华多的空余华华556065 去干华的有趣的事。华些事有华可能是相有当益的~有华华华是好玩~有华华旨在服华他 人。在《好华华不尽个参与广》一华中~我华华华展示一普通人所能的华的活华范华。我华华华 指出~无华华于人生的华你哪个——青——断段年~中年~或退休之年都有可能不拓展 华趣的华域~到新的找刺激~迎接新的挑华~华得新的成功和华华新的冒华。在此华中~ 我华鼓人华励来你会勇于华拓新天地~看起也华非常困华~但一旦投入华去~就得益 匪浅你学。” “如果遭遇某华危机~”华莎琳华充华~“最好的华策之一就是华新事 物。” Unit3 This comedy centers around a proud father's attempts to help his children, attempts which somehow or other always end up embarrassing them. For the sake of fun it carries things to extremes, but nearly everyone can recognize something of themselves and their parents in it. 华出喜华主要一位华写儿帮怎女感到自豪的父华华做出华华努力助子女~不知的~ 其华果却华是令子女华不尬搞极夸几已。出于笑的目的~故事情华作了度华~但乎人 人都能中看到自己以从及父母的影子。 Father Knows Better Marsh Cassady 1 CHARACTERS: FATHER; MOTHER; HEIDI, 14; DIANE, 17; SEAN, 16; RESTAURANT MANAGER, 20s; MRS. HIGGINS. SETTING: Various locations including a fast-food restaurant, the Thompson family dining room, and an office at a high school. AT RISE: As the lights come up, HEIDI enters and crosses Down Right to the edge of the stage. SEAN and DIANE enter and cross Down Left to the edge of the stage. They listen as HEIDI addresses the audience. 老爸英明 华什卡华迪? 人物, 父华~母华~海蒂~华~黛安~华~肖恩~华~华店华理~多14171620 华~希金斯太太 华景, 快餐店~华普森家餐华~一所中的华学公室等 幕启随灯蒂与, 着光亮起~海上~走至舞台右前方。肖恩黛安上~走至 舞台左前方。海蒂众华华华华~人华华。两听   2 HEIDI: My dad's a nice man. Nobody could possibly believe that he isn't. Yet he's...well, he's always doing these stupid things that end up really embarrassing one or more of us kids. One time, see, my brother wanted to buy this guitar. Been saving money for it for a long time. Then he got a job at this fast-food place, OK? Waiting tables. It was Sean's first actual job, and he was real happy about it. He figured in two or three months he'd have enough money to buy exactly the kind of guitar he wanted. Mom and Dad were proud of him, and well, OK, he's my big brother, and he's always pulling these dumb things on me. But, well, I was proud of him too. You know what happened? I hate to tell you because: SEAN, DIANE and HEIDI: (In unison) Father knows better! 海蒂爸个没会唉, 我老是大好人。人相信他不好。可是他……~他老是干 那些蠢事~弄得我华当儿来瞧女的到华无地自容。~我哥曾一度想华把吉他。他都华华 了好一华子华了。后他在华来找份吧当家快餐店了活~不华,服华华。华是肖恩第一次正 华打工~他的真两个挺华心。他算华着~再华三月~他就能华华华华他想要的那把吉他了。 老老华都华他爸唔啊嘛感到华傲。~是~他是大哥~老是要捉弄我。不华~我也同华华 他感到华傲。你来怎猜后华了,我都不想华华事~因华, 肖恩、黛安、海蒂声爸,;华,老英明, 3 (The lights come Up Left on the fast-food restaurant where SEAN works. It consists of a counter and couple of small tables. The MANAGER stands behind the counter. SEAN is busily cleaning the tables when FATHER walks in. ) MANAGER: Good evening, sir. May I help you? FATHER: Good evening. SEAN: (To himself) Oh, no! (He squats behind one of the tables trying to hide from FATHER. ) FATHER: I'm looking for the manager. MANAGER: That would be me, sir. FATHER: I'm Sam Thompson. My son works here. MANAGER: Oh, you're Sean's father. FATHER: Yes. It's his first job, you know. I just wanted to check that he's doing OK. MANAGER: Oh, fine. No problem. ;左后方灯柜几桌柜光亮起~肖恩打工的快餐店。有台和华小子。华理站在 台后面。父华华店华~肖恩正忙着擦桌子。, 华理, 华上好~先生~能华您效华华, 父华, 华上好。 肖恩, ;自言自华,~不噢桌蹲,;他在一华子后下~欲华华父华的华华。, 父华,我华理。 找 华理, 我就是~先生。 父华, 我是华姆华普森。我子在华儿儿打工。 ? 华理, ~是哦您肖恩的父华。 父华, 是。知道~华是他啊嘛怎第一次打工。我只想看看他干得华华。 华理, ~不华。华华。噢没 4 SEAN: (Spreading his hands, palms up, speaking to himself) What did I do to deserve this? Tell me what? FATHER: Hiring him was a good thing then? MANAGER: Well, yeah, I suppose so. SEAN: (Still to himself) Go home, Dad. Go home. Go home. FATHER: I'm sure he's a good worker but a typical teenager, if you know what I mean. MANAGER: (Losing interest) I wouldn't know. FATHER: He's a good boy. And I assure you that if there are any subjects that need to be addressed, Sean and I will have a man-to-man talk. MANAGER: I don't think that will be necessary... FATHER: Oh, no problem. I'm proud of my son. Very, very proud. And I just wanted you to know that I'll do anything I can to help him through life's dangerous sea. 肖恩, ;手华华~双份掌心向上~自言自华,我干了什华了要受华罪,倒是 告华我, 啊 父华, 那华雇用他华华, 没啦 华理, ~华~我想是的。 呃 肖恩, ;仍然自言自华,回家去~老。回爸家去。回家去。 父华, 我肯定他是一把干活的好手~可他也其他孩子一华~明白我的跟个 意思华, 华理, ;不再有华趣,我华知道。 怎 父华, 他是好孩子。放心~要是有什华华华需要解的华~我和个你决会肖恩华华 布公华一华的。 华理, 我看必要没吧…… 父华, ~事。我华我子噢没儿儿你感到华傲~我华他深感华傲。我只是想华知道 我将尽帮惊涛竭全力助他华华人生的华浪。 5 SEAN: (Standing up and screaming) Aaaargh! Aaaargh! Aaaaaaargh! FATHER: Son, I didn't know you were here. SEAN: It's where I work, Dad. FATHER: Of course. I mean, I didn't see you. SEAN: I can't imagine why. FATHER: Your manager and I were just having a nice chat. (DIANE enters Down Left just as HEIDI enters Down Right. They look at SEAN and FATHER. ) 肖恩, SEAN, DIANE, HEIDI: (In unison) Father, you know better than that. ;站起身~高声唉唉唉喊叫,,,, 父华, 子~不知道在华。 儿你儿 肖恩, 华是我打工的地方~嘛爸, 父华, 那自然。我是华~华才看华。 没你 肖恩, 我真弄不明白。 父华, 华理和我正聊得起华。 呢 ;黛安左从蒂两前方上~海自右前方上。人看着肖恩和父华。, 肖恩、黛安、海蒂声爸你呀,;华,老~华是干什华。 6 (The lights quickly fade to black and then come up a second or two later. SEAN stands alone at the Down Right edge of the stage. HEIDI and DIANE cross to Down Left edge of the stage. ) SEAN: If that sort of thing happened only once in a while, it wouldn't be so bad. Overall, I wouldn't want to trade my dad for anyone else's. He loves us kids and Mom too. But I think that's sometimes the problem. He wants to do things for us, things he thinks are good. But he needs to give them more thought because: SEAN, HEIDI and DIANE: (In unison) Father knows better! ;灯独蒂光迅速暗下~片刻之后又亮起。肖恩自站在舞台右前华。海、黛安 走至舞台左前华。, 肖恩, 华华事要是偶华华生一两没来次~那倒也什华。华的华~我是不肯把自己 老华人的老华的。他华我华子爸跟爸当儿女的~也华老华。不华我想~有华华华就出在华。他 一心想助我华~他自以华在华我华做好事。可他华华多想想才华~因华, 帮呢 肖恩、海蒂声爸、黛安,;华,老英明, 7 (The lights fade to black and come up on the Center Stage area where FATHER and the three children are seated around the dining room table. MOTHER enters carrying a dish, which she sets on the table. FATHER quickly rises and pulls out her chair. She sits. The family starts eating dinner. ) FATHER: I have a surprise for you, Diane. DIANE: (Knows it can't be good. ) You have... a surprise? MOTHER: Well, whatever it is, dear, don't keep us in suspense. FATHER: Well, you know, Dan Lucas and I work together? DIANE: Kyle's father? MOTHER: Don't interrupt, dear, your father is trying to tell you something. HEIDI: (Stage whisper to SEAN) Something Diane won't want to know, I'll bet. SEAN: (Whispering to HEIDI) Whatever would make you think that? MOTHER: Sean, dear. Heidi, sweetheart, don't distract your father. SEAN and HEIDI: (Simultaneously) Sorry, Mom. ;灯即与个桌光暗下~旋又在舞台中央亮起。父华三孩子华坐在餐旁。母华端 菜上~把菜放在上。父华桌她迅速起身华拉出椅子。母华坐下。全家华始用餐。, 父华, 我要华一喜~你个惊黛安。 黛安, ;知道不有好事,要华我会你个惊……一喜, 母华, ~是什华事~华华的~华华华子了。 哎啊 父华, ~华知道~呃你丹华卡斯和我是同事。 ? 黛安, 华华的父华, 母华, 华插你跟你呢嘴~华华的~父华正有事要华华华。 海蒂与听儿, ;肖恩耳华,我敢肯定准是黛安不要的事。 肖恩, ;与蒂你怎会海耳华,华华知道, 母华, 肖恩~华华的。海蒂宝儿~华~华你打华华华的父华。 肖恩、海蒂,;同华地,华不起~华华。 8 FATHER: Now then. As I was saying, I know how much you like young Kyle. DIANE: Father! FATHER: It's true, isn't it? Didn't I hear you tell your mother that you wish Kyle would ask you to the senior prom? SEAN: Uh-oh! HEIDI: Oops! MOTHER: Please, children, please. Your father is trying to speak. DIANE: (Through clenched teeth, the words are in a monotone and evenly spaced. ) Yes-I-said-that-why-are-you-asking? FATHER: Well then. DIANE: (Becoming hysterical)"Well then" what?! FATHER: What did I say? Did I say something wrong? HEIDI: (To SEAN) Not yet, he didn't. SEAN: (To HEIDI) But you know it's coming. MOTHER: Children, please. Do give your father the respect he deserves. HEIDI and SEAN: (Rolling their eyes) Yes, Mother. 父华, 好。我华了~我知道吧你挺喜华小华华。 黛安, 爸爸, 父华, 是华华回事~华华,我不是华华~希望华华听你跟你你你会邀华在高年华舞 上跳舞华, 肖恩, 喔, 海蒂哎, 华, 母华, 一下~孩子华~一下。华父华在华华。 静静你呢 黛安, ;咬华牙~一字一华地,华,我,是,华,华,,你嘛华,华,干,, 父华, 那就算了。 黛安, ;歇斯底里地,什华算了, 父华, 我华什华,我华华什华了华, 啦 海蒂会儿没, ;华肖恩,华华有~华华华华什华。 没 肖恩, ;华海蒂吧来,等着~华就了。 母华, 一下~孩子华。华父华华华静尊敬一点。 海蒂、肖恩,;一华华着眼珠,是~华华。 9 FATHER: Well, today I saw Dan and asked if he'd like to go to lunch at that French restaurant on Third Street. You know the one, Mother. MOTHER: Well, yes, I believe I do. FATHER: My treat, I told him. And, of course, he was glad to accept. MOTHER: Why wouldn't he be? FATHER: (Somewhat surprised) Well, yes. DIANE: What-has-this-to-do-with me?! MOTHER: Diane, sometimes I just don't understand your behavior. I try my best. DIANE: (Very short with her) I'm sorry. MOTHER: Thank you, Diane. (To FATHER) Please do go on, dear. FATHER: As I said -- HEIDI: We know what you said, Daddy. FATHER: Er...uh, what's that? SEAN: She said,"We know what you said, Daddy." FATHER: Yes, yes, of course. MOTHER: Do get on with it, dear. I've made the most glorious dessert. An old recipe handed down to me by my great Aunt Hilda -- DIANE: Mother, please! MOTHER: Yes, dear? 父华, 华~今天我华到丹华~华他想不想去第三街上的那家法国餐华吃午华。孩 子他华~是知道那你家餐华的。 母华, 华~是~我知道。 啊 父华, 我华客~我华他华。然~他当挺华意去了。 母华, 他能不华意, 哪呢 父华, ;略华华地,华~是。 惊啊 黛安, 华,,跟呢我,有,什,华,华,系,, 母华, 黛安~的行华有华我你真懂怎懂弄不。无华华我就是弄不。 黛安, ;好地,那就没气歉抱了。 母华, 多华了~黛安。;华父华,华华下去~华华的。 父华, 我华华…… 海蒂你爸爸, 我华知道华华什华~。 父华, 华……哦你~华什华, 肖恩,华~“我华知道华华什华~。” 她你爸爸 父华, 是~是~然。 啊啊当 母华, 快华~华华的。我做了吧甜达来特华好吃的点。是我姨祖母希华华下的老 配方…… 黛安, 华华~好了, 母华, 华~华华,怎啦宝 10 (DIANE shakes her head and lets her body fall against the back of the chair. ) FATHER: At any rate, Dan's a nice guy. Never knew him well. Found we have a lot of the same interests. Our families, our community, global peace, human welfare. HEIDI: (Mumbling to herself) That narrows it down, all right. SEAN: Father? FATHER: Yes, son? SEAN: I do believe Diane would like to know the surprise. DIANE: (Breathing hard as if exhausted, she turns to SEAN, nodding her head up and down repeatedly.) Thank you, Sean. I owe you one. ;黛安华着华~身体靠仰在椅背上。, 父华, 不管怎跟华华~丹人不华。华去我他不熟。华华我华华有不少志趣相同之华。 家庭~社区~世界和平~人华幸福。 海蒂咕, ;华着自言自华,就要华到正华了。 肖恩, , 爸爸 父华, 华,子, 儿 肖恩, 我肯定黛安很惊想知道是什华喜。 黛安, ;粗粗地喘气她~好像精疲力竭的华子~华向肖恩~华华点华,多华了~ 肖恩。我华着的情。你 11 FATHER: Well, yes. Here it is then. I told Dan of your interest in his son. DIANE: You what? MOTHER: Diane, what has come over you? I just don't understand the younger generation. Why back in my day -- DIANE: Mother, please! MOTHER: What, what? What? HEIDI: Mother, I believe she wants Father to continue. SEAN: (To himself) Get this over with, more likely. DIANE: Daddy, please, tell me. Now. Right away. What did you say, Daddy? Please. Tell me, what did you tell Mr. Lucas? Tell me, please. Please tell me. FATHER: Well, now, isn't this nice. It looks like my little scheme is a success. You're so eager to find out... makes a man feel as if it's all worthwhile. 父华, ~华。我就华。我啊吧你儿很告华丹~华他子感华趣。 黛安, 华什华, 你 母华, 黛安~华,我不明白华年华人。~在我那华华候你怎啦真你唉个…… 黛安, 华~好啦, 母华, 华~华,怎啦怎啦怎啦又华华, 海蒂她听爸爸, 华华~我知道想华完。 肖恩, ;自言自华,华不如华是快把华份罪受完算了。 黛安, ~华爸爸你你啦爸爸你告华我。华在~华上告华我。华什华~,求了~快华~ 你跟卡啦华斯先生华什华华,华快告华我。华快华。 父华, 华~~太瞧来你妙了。看我的小华策成功了。如今急着想知道……华可 华人华得我做的华一切华华。真 12 HEIDI: (To SEAN) Can you believe this? SEAN: (To HEIDI) Oh, sure. Can't you? FATHER: Yes, well, I told him how much you liked young Kyle, and how you'd been wishing he'd ask you to the prom. DIANE: You didn't! Tell me you didn't! FATHER: Oh, yes. Anything for my children. DIANE: (Swallowing hard) And...and -- MOTHER: Diane, are you all right? DIANE: (She juts out her chin at MOTHER and quickly jerks her head around to face FATHER. ) Well...what did he say?! FATHER: Well, of course, being the sort of man he is -- frank, understanding, he said he'd speak to the young man, insist he give you a call. DIANE: (Angry scream! ) Whaaaaaat! SEAN and HEIDI: (Together) Father, you know better than that. FATHER: I do? Yes, yes, I guess I do. I've...done it again, haven't I? 海蒂你, ;华肖恩,能相信华, 肖恩, ;华海蒂啊当你,~然。华不信, 父华, 华~华了~我告华他是多华喜华小华华~一心希望他你你会邀在班华舞上 跳舞。 黛安, 华华华华你没你没,告华我华华华华, 父华, 华了~然华了。只要华了我孩子好。 当嘛 黛安, ;力尽忍住,那……那…… 母华, 黛安~事, 你没吧 黛安, ;着母华起下冲撅很扭怎巴~快华面华父华,那……他华华,, 父华, 华~然~以他的华人当啦——会跟伙坦率~善解人意~他华他去小子华 的~一定华他华你打华华。 黛安, ;华怒地高喊,什华——, 肖恩、海蒂声爸你呀,;华,老~华是干什华。 父华, 是华,华~华~我想是。我又……弄糟了~是华, 13 (The lights quickly fade to black and then come up a second or two later. DIANE stands alone at the Down Right edge of the stage. HEIDI and SEAN enter Down Left and cross to the edge of the stage. ) DIANE: Can you imagine how humiliated I was? An honor student, class president. And Father was out asking people to have their sons call and ask me to the prom! But that's dear old dad. Actually, he is a dear. He just doesn't stop to think. And it's not just one of us who've felt the heavy hand of interference. Oh, no, all three of us live in constant dread knowing that at any time disaster can strike because: DIANE, HEIDI and SEAN: (Shouting in unison) Father knows better. ;灯即独蒂光迅速暗下~旋重新亮起。黛安自站在舞台右前华沿。海、肖恩 自左前方上~走至舞台华。, 黛安, 华能想象我华得自己有多华华人华你眼华,堂堂的华秀生~班主席。父华 竟然去求华人叫他华的子儿来爸打华华邀我跳舞,可华就是我那可华的老。他其华挺可华 的。他就是不好好想一想。不止我一人个横哦深受他加干华之苦。华非我一人~个, 我华兄妹三整个胆霉随来天提心吊~知道倒的事华可能华~因华, 黛安、海蒂声爸、肖恩,;华,老英明, 14 (The lights fade to black and quickly come up again Stage Left where there is an executive-type desk and chair and two other chairs. Behind the desk sits MRS. HIGGINS, in charge of admitting new students to Benjamin Harrison High School. HEIDI and FATHER sit in the other chairs. ) MRS.HIGGINS: So this is our new student, is it? FATHER: That's right. MRS.HIGGINS: What's your name, young lady? HEIDI: HEIDI Thompson. MRS.HIGGINS: I'm sure you'll find the students friendly. And the teachers more than willing to answer questions. FATHER: She is an exceptional young woman, you know. HEIDI: Daddy! ;灯即桌另两光暗下~旋在舞台左华重新亮起。舞台左华华放着一套华公椅和 华椅子。希金斯太太坐在华公桌旁华理本杰明哈里森中新生入手华。学学蒂海和父华? 坐在外华另两椅子上。, 希金斯太太,是我华新的生~是华, 你来学 父华, 是的。 希金斯太太,你叫什华名字~小姐, 海蒂蒂, 海华普森。 ? 希金斯太太,我相信你会学一定华华华里的同华都挺友好。华里的老华也都华意 回答华华。 父华, 知道~是出华您她个拔萃的姑娘。 海蒂爸爸, , 15 FATHER: Very, very bright. MRS.HIGGINS: Yes, now if we can get you to fill out -- FATHER: Don't know where she got her brains. Her mother, I suppose. Oh, I was bright enough. But nothing like HEIDI. All her teachers have told Mrs. Thompson -- that's her mother -- and me that she was just about the brightest -- MRS.HIGGINS: (Interrupts as she loses her patience, though trying to be pleasant) As ,I said, if you have proof of vaccinations -- FATHER: (Interrupts, carrying on with his line of thought) Besides being bright, she's very, very talented. HEIDI: (Twists her hands over and over in front of her chest. ) Please, Daddy, don't do this. FATHER: Well, of course I will, darling. I'm proud of you. Your mother and I are proud of you. (Turns back to MRS. HIGGINS. ) Why just last year, in her last year of junior high school, before we moved, Heidi placed first in the county in the annual spelling bee! Isn't that wonderful? And she plays the piano like an angel. An absolute angel. 父华, 非常非常华明, 希金斯太太,一定是的~华在是不是能一下你填…… 父华, 不知道华华华华明。我想是母华的华华。~我也不。可法华她怎会她哦笨没跟 海比蒂教她。华的老华都华华她她个普森太太~就是华~华有我华~差不多是最华明的一华 …… 希金斯太太,;不耐华地打断气尽你~但口仍量和华,我华才华了~如果有 疫苗接华华明…… 父华, ;打断她希金斯太太~沿着自己的思路华下去,不华华明~而且才华 出。 众 海蒂双搓爸爸, ;手置于胸前~华着,行了~~华华了。 父华, ~华~我然要华。我华啊宝儿当你你你感到华傲。我和华都华华感到华傲。;华 回身面向希金斯太太,华~就在去年~初中最后一年~我华华她没搬家的华候~海 蒂拼吧她在华里每年一度的华华比华中得了第一名,了不起,而且华琴也华得美妙之 极。华直就是仙华。 16 HEIDI: Daddy, please. Please, please. Daddy, I have to go to class. I want to go to class. Please let me go to class. FATHER: See what I mean? Such an eager learner. I can't imagine anyone's being more eager for knowledge than my Heidi. My little girl. ,MRS.HIGGINS: Yes, well, be that as it may -- HEIDI: Aaargh! Aaaaargh! Aaaargh! (DIANE and SEAN enter Down Right. They look at HEIDI, FATHER, and MRS. HIGGINS. ) HEIDI, DIANE and SEAN: (Shouting in unison) Daddy, you know better than that! FATHER: Er, uh, I do? (Curtain) 海蒂爸爸你你爸爸, ~行了。求求了~求求了。~我得上华去了。我要去上 华。华华我去上华。 吧 父华, 华了有,一多华好的生。我想不出华有华瞧没个学学蒂学比我家海更好 了。我的好姑娘。 希金斯太太,是的~华~不华…… 海蒂唉唉唉,,, : ;黛安、肖恩从两蒂右前方上。人望着海、父华和希金斯太太。, 海蒂声爸你呀、黛安、肖恩,;华喊,老~华是干什华。 父华, ~华~是华,呃 ;幕落, Unlike the father in the play which began this unit, here we have a father who is far better at seeing things from his son's point of view. As Merton shows, however, this does not always come easy. 本华与儿元华始的那华华里的那位父华不同~华里我华华到的是一位华能华身华地华 子着想的父华。然而~正如默华所描述的那华~要做到华点往往非并易事。 WHEN FATHER DOESN'T KNOW BEST Andrew Merton 1 On November 25, 1983, the prizefighter Marvis Frazier, 23 and inexperienced, was knocked out by the heavyweight champion of the world, Larry Holmes, after 2 minutes and 57 seconds of the first round. Holmes pretended to come in with a left punch and Frazier went for it, leaving himself open for a right. Frazier managed to stay on his feet while Holmes rained down 19 blows in a row. Finally, with three seconds left in the round, the referee stopped the fight. At that moment, Marvis Frazier's father and manager, the former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier, embraced his son and repeated over and over: "It's all right. It's all right. I love you." 父华未必英明 安德华默华? 年月日~年华华、缺乏华华华华的华华拳华手华华斯弗雷华在第一回合1983112523? 比华打到分秒华被重量华世界冠华拉里霍霍姆斯华倒。姆斯出左拳佯攻~弗雷华257? 防华华右华暴露。霍姆斯重拳出华~雨点般地华打拳~弗雷华挺着有没倒下。最后~19 在第一回合只剩三秒华华~裁判叫停。华~华华当斯弗雷华的父华兼华华人、前重量华冠华华?? 弗雷华华抱着子一儿没儿没儿你遍遍地华,“事。事。我华。”   2 Later, responding to criticism that he had overestimated his son's abilities, Joe Frazier said, "I knew what I was doing." (1)In the face of clear evidence to the contrary, Joe Frazier was unable to give up the notion that Marvis would succeed him as champion, that he would continue to hold the crown through his son. 后~有人来儿估批华他华子的华力华华高~华弗雷华回答华,“我知道自己在做? 什华。” 尽清并管事华楚表明非如此~但华弗雷华华是华信华华斯能华承他的衣华成华冠华~? 他的华耀能通华子华华下去。儿 3 (2)It is a disturbing business, this drive for immortality, usually much more subtle than thrusting one's son naked into the ring. Often it is simply a matter of expecting the boy to repeat one's own boyhood, step for step. 华华通常比硬把子推上儿拳华要微妙得多的华不朽的追求是一件华人苦华的事。 华常常不华是在期待孩子亦步亦华地重华自己的童年。 4 In July 1983, my son Gabriel was 4 and extremely conscious of it. In fact, he defined and justified much of his behavior by his age:" Four-year-olds can put on their own clothes." Or "I can run faster than Mike. That's because I'm 4 and he's only 3." A 4-year-old, I thought, was ready for a major-league baseball game. So on Saturday, July 16, I drove him to Boston to see the Red Sox play the Oakland A's. 年月~我子加儿布里埃华华~且并已华有了强烈的年华意华。事华上~198374 他的华多行华是以年华来界定的,“华的孩子自己会穿衣服。”或是,“我能比华4 克跑得快。因华我华了~他才华。” 华我想~一当个华的孩子可以去看全美华华棒434 球华了。于是~月日星期六~我华华华他去波士华看华华华华袜与奥克华华的比华。716A 5 It was a clear, hot day -- very hot, in fact, setting a record for Boston on that date at 97 degrees -- but, rare for Boston, it was dry. I had packed a bag with fruit and vegetables. Gabe slept through the entire 90-minute drive to Boston, a good sign, he'd be fresh for the game. Another good sign: I found a free, legal parking space. And as we entered the ball park, Gabe seemed excited. Gravely he accepted my advice to go to the bathroom now, so we would not have to move from our seat during the action. 那是个——气温达晴朗、炎华的日子事华上那一天非常炎华~到度~华下了波士华当97 天的最高华华但有下——没极装雨~华在波士华是华罕华的。我了一大袋果蔬。加布在前 往波士华的分华的华程里一直在睡华~华是好个会征兆~看球华他就有精神了。华有90 一好个找个征兆,我到一合法的免华泊华位。我华华华华~加布华得华致勃勃。他华重其事 地接受了我的建华先去华所方便~华华在球华中我华就不必华当离座位了。 6 As we walked through the tunnel beneath the stadium, I remembered my own first game, in Yankee Stadium in 1952. As my father and I emerged into the sun, I was overwhelmed by the vast, green outfield. A pitcher named Vic Raschi fired strike after strike, A Yankee named Joe Collins hit a home run and the Yankees won, 3-2. The opponent had been the old Philadelphia Athletics, direct ancestors of the Oakland team. I felt joy and anticipation as Gabe and I now emerged into the sun for his first look at the field. Gabe said nothing, but he must have felt the excitement. 我华当体穿华育华下的通道华~我想起了年在华基体育华自己第一次看球1952 华的情景。我和父华走华当阳体惊光下的育华华~那华茵茵的巨大外华令我喜万分。一位 名叫华克拉希的投球手投出了一个个又一好球~华基华球华华柯林斯华出一本华个打~?? 最后华基华以,华华。华手是华史悠久的华城华技华~就是奥当克华华的前身。此刻~我3 2 和加布走到阳悦与没光下~他第一次华到华华华~我心中不由充华了喜期待。加布华华~ 但他一定也感受到了那份激华。 7 We found our seats, on the right-field side of the park. Good seats, from which we could see every part of the playing field. We were about a half-hour early, and we settled down to watch the end of batting practice. Gabe said he was hungry. I gave him a carrot stick, which he chewed happily. When he finished that, he asked what else I had in the bag. I gave him some grapes, then an apple. Within 15 minutes he had polished off most of the contents of the bag. And then he said:"I think I've had enough baseball. I want to go home now." 我华到了找清个座位~在右外华华面。位置不华~我华能看华上的每一部位。我华 提前了半小华入华~坐了下看差不多就要华来束的华球华华。加布华他华了。我华了他一根 胡华卜条~他华心地华着。吃完了胡华卜~他华我袋子里华有什华好吃的。我华了他一些 葡萄~接着是一果。在个苹分华之~他把内数随袋子里的大多食品都一华而光。15 后他华,“我想棒球已华看华了。华在我想回家。” 8 "But the game hasn't started yet," I said."You haven't seen any baseball." “可比华华华没呢你没呢始~”我华~“一点比华华看到。” 9 "Yes, I have. And I want to go home." “看到了~我已华看到了。我想回家了。” 10 "That was only batting practice. Don't you want to see the real game?" “那只是华球华华。不想看正式你比华华,” 11 "No." “不想看。” 12 I considered staying anyway. It was my day with my son that was being ruined here, wasn't it? 我想华着都得下去。华道我和子的华一怎呆儿天就华华毁了不成, 13 (3)But I knew better. I knew now that if I insisted on staying, it would be his day that would be ruined so Dad could watch a ball game. In a rotten mood, I carried him out of the park on my shoulders just as the Red Sox took the field. 但我华是比华明智~放了下去的念华~我明白如果我华弃呆很呆持着不走~ 那他的一天就因华想看会爸爸球华而华得十分华华。 我情华糟透了~华他华在我的肩上~ 就在华华上华华袜体球华走出了育华。 14 "Daddy? Can I have an ice-cream?" “~我想爸爸冰吃淇淋~行华,” 15 Without much grace, I bought him an ice-cream. Then we got in the car, and I drove away from my precious parking space, still in a bad temper. He was well aware that I was upset; I could see the troubled look on his face, a combination of fear and pain. I hated that look. But I could not shake my mood. I was not looking forward to the drive back to New Hampshire. 我不情很个冰个宝愿地华他华了淇淋。我华上了华~我华华退出那华的华位~仍然 没气很惧有好。他也明白我不高华~我能看到他华上不安的神情~恐中华华着痛苦。 我华华那副神情。可我法华自己华没脱劣的心境。我一点都不想华华回新罕布什华去。 16 Then on Storrow Drive, I spotted the Boston Museum of Science, just across the Charles River. Gabe had been there before, and he had loved it, although he still referred to it, quite seriously, as the "Museum of Silence." Still angry, I managed to say," Gabe, would you like to go to the museum?" 后~在随学斯托华街上~ 我瞥华波士华科博物华~就在华华斯河华岸。加布以前 去华~而且喜华那地方~不华一直到华在他华华重其事地把很个它静叫做“默博物华”。 我华着一子肚你火~勉强华了一句,“加布~想不想去博物华,” 17 "Yeah," he said. “想~”他华。 18 We had the museum nearly to ourselves. As we walked through the wonderfully cool exhibition halls, I acknowledged to myself how much I wanted Gabe to be like me. (4)He was supposed to like the baseball game, not for his sake, but for mine, and I had gotten angry at him when he didn't measure up to my expectations. It was those expectations, and not Gabe's actions, that were out of line. And it was those expectations that had to change. 博物华里乎就我华华。我华几当个个穿华一凉爽舒适的展华华~我心里不得不承华 自己是多华希望加布能像我一华。他华华华了我~而不是华了他自己喜华华华棒球华~他当 辜华了我的期望的华候~我便华他生了。不是加气当布的行华不~而是华华期待不近情 理。因此~必华改华的是华华期待。 19 I also thought about the competition between us: what had happened at the ball park was, after all, a battle of wills. He had won. He had stood up for what he thought was right. 我华反思了我华华才的华峙,球华上所华生的一切~华根到底~是华意两志的华峙。 他华了。他华持了自己华华是正的做法。确 20 We spent three quick hours at the museum, viewing the life-sized tyrannosaurus rex from different angles, trying out the space capsule, making waves and viewing exhibits on everything imaginable. And I was excited. 我华在博物华里华华~三个从与小华华眼就华去了~我华不同的角度华看华物一华大 小的霸王华~华华宇航华~造波浪~华看各华各华想象得出的展品。我也感到华致勃勃。 21 Son and father, together, had saved the day -- he by holding out for something he enjoyed and I by having the sense, finally, to realize that he was right, and to let go of my dream of how things should be. 子和父华~人儿两个——弃共同挽救了华一天他华持不放自己所喜华的事物~ 而我~华算明智~最华华华到他是华的~放了自己不并弃切华华的幻想。 22 This time, anyway. 至少华一次是华华的。 23 And then I remembered something else. When my own father took me to Yankee Stadium, I was 6 years old, not 4. 后我华想起了一件事。我父华华我去华来另体基育华看棒球的华候~我是华~6 不是华。4 24 Maybe in a couple of years... 也华再华一年两…… Unit4 Maia Szalavitz, formerly a television producer, now spends her time as a writer. In this essay she explores digital reality and its consequences. Along the way, she compares the digital world to the "real" world, acknowledging the attractions of the electronic dimension. 华华塞拉华茨曾是华华制片人~目前事作。在本从写她数文中探索了字化世界? 及其后果。此同华~与她将数与真字化世界华世界做了比华~承华华子空华自有其魅力。 A Virtual Life Maia Szalavitz 1 After too long on the Net, even a phone call can be a shock. My boyfriend's Liverpool accent suddenly becomes impossible to interpret after his easily understood words on screen; a secretary's clipped tone seems more rejecting than I'd imagined it would be. Time itself becomes fluid -- hours become minutes, or seconds stretch into days. Weekends, once a highlight of my week, are now just two ordinary days. 虚华世界的生活 华华塞拉华茨? 在上了太久~到华华华也一大网呆听声会吓屏跳。华示上看多了我男朋友那些 一目了然的文字~他的利物浦口音一下子华得华以听懂清听~而秘华的脆快速的华华 上去比我想象的要生硬。华华本身华得捉摸不定小华华成——几几几几分华~或秒华延伸华 天。周末原本是我一周的金华黄两段~华在却不华是平平常常的天。   2 For the last three years, since I stopped working as a television producer, I have done much of my work as a telecommuter. I submit articles and edit them via email and communicate with colleagues on Internet mailing lists. My boyfriend lives in England, so much of our relationship is also computer-assisted. 在我不再当华华制片人的华三年华~我的大部分工作都是在家里使用华算机华 端华行的。我通华华子华件投稿和校华~利用互华上的人网与名地址同行交流。我男朋 友住在英国两很~因此人的华系也在大程度上借助于华华华系。 3 If I desired, I could stay inside for weeks without wanting anything. I can order food, and manage my money, love and work. In fact, at times I have spent as long as three weeks alone at home, going out only to get mail and buy newspapers and groceries. I watched most of the endless snowstorm of '96 on TV. 我要是愿意的华~可以一华几个网星期不出华而什华也不缺。我可以在上华华食 品、上理华、上华、上工作。事华上我有华自在网网恋网独呆达个家里华三星期~只偶华 出去拿信、华华华及日用品。年那一华接一华的暴华雪我大都是在华华上看到的。1996 4 But after a while, life itself begins to feel unreal. I start to feel as though I've become one with my machines, taking data in, spitting them back out, just another link in the Net. Others on line report the same symptoms. We start to feel an aversion to outside forms of socializing. We have become the Net critics' worst nightmare. 然而~一段华华之后~生活本身就华得不那华华了。我华真与始华得自己似乎机 器融华一了~我接体网个网收信息~再华送出去~就如同互华的一华接点。其他上的 人也华到了同华的症状状况网。我华华始华华外面的社交方式。我华的成了批华互华的人华 最害华到的一怕幕。 5 What first seemed like a luxury, crawling from bed to computer, not worrying about hair, and clothes and face, has become a form of escape, a lack of discipline. And once you start replacing real human contact with cyber-interaction, coming back 一下床就上机~不再华华型、服华、面部化华华out of the cave can be quite difficult. 心~起初看似高华的享受如今却成华一华华生活的逃避~一华缺乏自律的表华。一你旦 华始用华交华网与真触状会当取代人人的华接~要走出华华穴居华就相困华。 6 I find myself shyer, more cautious, more anxious. Or, conversely, when suddenly confronted with real live humans, I get overexcited, speak too much, interrupt. I constantly worry if I am dressed appropriately, that perhaps I've actually forgotten to put on a skirt and walked outside in the T-shirt and underwear I sleep and live in. 我华华自己华得比以前怯生、华、慎来当焦华。或者~反华~我突然面华华华中活生 生的人华~华得华于华华~华不会个断担体停~华打华人的华华。我老是心自己衣着是否得~ 担会会真心自己不的忘了穿裙子~只穿着夜华睡华、白天活华的那件恤和内衣就T 出华了。 7 At times, I turn on the television and just leave it to talk away in the background, something that I'd never done previously. The voices of the programs are comforting, but then I'm jarred by the commercials. I find myself sucked in by soap operas, or needing to keep up with the latest news and the weather. "Dateline," "Frontline," "Nightline," CNN, New York 1, every possible angle of every story over and over and over, even when they are of no possible use to me. Work moves into the background. I decide to check my email. 有华我把华华机华着~华作华它声响从背景音一直着~以前我不华华做。华华华目中 的华华华人声广沉皂感到华慰~可那些告又叫我心华。我华华自己浸在肥华里~或者不停 地收看最新的新华华道和天气从华华。一而再再而三地“每日新华”、“一华新华”、 “夜华新华”、 有华新华华华、华华一网条尽套上收看有华每一新华的各华不同华角的华道~ 管它决华华我毫无用华。工作成了次要的。我定去看一下自己的华子信箱。 8 On line, I find myself attacking everyone in sight. I am bad-tempered, and easily angered. I find everyone on my mailing list insensitive, believing that they've forgotten that there are people actually reading their wounding remarks. I don't realize that I'm projecting until after I've been embarrassed by someone who politely points out that I've attacked her for agreeing with me. 在上~我华华自己华华网气气与攻华。我脾暴躁~华华生。我华得我之通信的每一 个真会辞人都麻木不仁~华华他华已华忘却华有人去华他华那些刻薄华人的言。直到有人 礼她抨貌地指出~同意我的华点却遭到我的华华~我才意华到~自己是在以己度人 不由得深感华。尬 9 When I'm in this state, I fight my boyfriend as well, misinterpreting his intentions because of the lack of emotional cues given by our typed dialogue. The fight takes hours, because the system keeps crashing. I say a line, then he does, then crash! And yet we keep on, doggedly. 在华华精神华下~我也和状吵男朋友架~常因华出的华华缺乏情感暗示而华解他 的本意。由于系华常出故障~人一就是小华。我一两争几个写句~他回一句~接着 系华失灵吵,可我华华华是华而不舍地接着。 10 I'd never realized how important daily routine is: dressing for work, sleeping normal hours. I'd never thought I relied so much on co-workers for company. I began to understand why long-term unemployment can be so damaging, why life without an externally supported daily plan can lead to higher rates of drug abuse, crime, suicide. 以前我从未意华到日常的生活起居是多华重要~如穿戴整华去上班~按华就 寝从会会。以前我未想华自己那华依华同事做伴。我华始理解华什华华华华的失华那华华人~华 什华一人的生活个划会缺少了外部支持的日常华就华致吸毒、犯罪、自华率的增华。 11 To restore balance to my life, I force myself back into the real world. I call people, arrange to meet with the few remaining friends who haven't fled New York City. I try to at least get to the gym, so as to set apart the weekend from the rest of my week. I arrange interviews for stories, doctor's appointments -- anything to get me out of the house and connected with others. 华了恢华生活的平衡~我强迫自己回到华真与世界中去。我华华人打华华~所剩 无的几几个与仍然住在华华城的朋友安排华面。我至少华法去去健身房~以便使周末 工作日有所不同。我安排采华好华道~华华看生写医——与安排任何需要我出华他人接 触的活华。 12 But sometimes being face to face is too much. I see a friend and her ringing laughter is intolerable -- the noise of conversation in the restaurant, unbearable. I make my excuses and flee. I re-enter my apartment and run to the computer as though it were a place of safety. 但有华面华面地人相华华在华以与与她响声忍受。我一位朋友华面~那华亮的笑华 人忍无可忍——噪声华店里的华华华也华人找个受不了。我了华藉口逃之夭夭。我重新回到 我的公寓~向华华~似乎那才是一冲儿个安全的地方。 13 I click on the modem, the once-annoying sound of the connection now as pleasant as my favorite tune. I enter my password. The real world disappears. 我点华鼠华~打华华制解华器~曾华了就华的华接此听声听来刻起就如同最心华的 曲子那华悦真耳。我华入密华。华世界华瞬便消逝了。 Thought you were safe sharing secrets with Internet friends? Wait for the doorbell... 以华你与网会儿响来吧友分享秘密不出事华,等着华华起…… Mother's Mad About the Internuts Carol Sarler 1 Tap tap tappa tap-tap. It is the last sound to be heard before sleep. On especially bad days, it is the first sound to be heard in the morning. (1) It is the sound of the only lasting disagreement in a household that is otherwise peaceful. My daughter is hooked on the Internet and I think that it is mad, bad and dangerous. 母华恨死了 网虫 卡华华华华勒? ~~嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒听声糕,。华是入睡前最后到的音。遇到特华糟的日子~ 早上一醒来听声个宁就到华华音。华是一原本安的家庭中惟一持华不去的不和华音。女 儿沉网迷于互华~我华得华是一华华狂的不端行华~而且凶华四伏。 2 She is in every other respect a sensible young woman. She graduated in the summer, she goes to work each day, she and her friends are on the phone all evening and she goes out with them at weekends. But on top of that she has lately started spending some two hours in intense communication with a computer. And I hate it. 在华的方她哪个个她面都不失华一明事理的姑娘。是夏天华华的~天天上班~ 华上和朋友华在华华里聊天~周末和他华一起外出玩。但除此之外~近耍来她每天花 两个与厮小华光景华华华守在一起。华此我深华痛华。 3 This is not just fear of new technology. Of course, there is value in instant access to information banks worldwide and, of course, email is revolutionizing the way we correspond with each other. My mistrust is based on the fact that this use of the Internet is such a pale copy of the time-honored way in which people communicate with each other. (2) It leads to intimacy before acquaintance; it scatters secrets outwards, not inwards; and, most worrying of all, it is a vehicle for liars. 华不完全是华新科技的恐惧当随很。然~能华华取全世界信息华中的信息是有 价华的~华子华件正在完全改华人华相互华通信华系的方式。我的不信任感是基于华华一 个网与它事华,使用互华通华人华华华的相互交流方式相比华在大华华色。使人华华未相华就 已华近~不能它担它保守秘密反而华散秘密~而最令人心的是~是撒华人华播华言的 工具。 4 What frightens me is that my daughter rejects all this. The denial is there in the language she uses. "I 'met' Janet in January," she says, "and we've been 'friends' ever since." At other times, "I was 'talking' to Alex the other day and he 'said'..." "No, he didn't," I argue; friends are friends when, and only when, you have seen the whites of their eyes. She just rolls hers, skywards. 最令我心华的是惊胆儿她女华我的一切华华都拒之不理。华在的言华华流露无华。 “我是一月份妮她‘遇华’珍特的~”华~“那以后我华就成了‘朋友’。” 有华~ 她几没争又华“前天我和华华克斯‘聊天’~他‘华’……”“不华~他有华~”我华 道~只有华当你个个她眼华华一人之后~只有在那华候~朋友才成其华朋友。只是朝 上了白翻翻眼。 5 Imagine this. When I was planning to go away for a few days last month, this intelligent 22-year-old announced a plan for a party, the guests to include a variety of Internuts who, coming as they would from all corners, would need to stay overnight. 你个数想象得到华~上月我正打算外出日的华候~华位华明的华的姑娘宣布打算华22 行一次聚会网虫来~客人包括各色~他华自各地~华要在我家华夜。 6 Overnight? In my home, my home that contains everything I care about, rather high on the list being my daughter herself. 在我家里华夜,在华有我个儿珍华的一切的家里~而女本身就是我的最珍华 的华之一。宝 7 She said: "Don't be silly." She said it would be quite all right, because the people she was planning to invite were those whom she had "known" for at least a year and whom she "knows" as well as any of her other friends that, on the whole, I tend to like. (3) I said, trying to be reasonable but not altogether succeeding, that in and among the things they "tell" each other on the tap-tap, a tendency to murder might just have been overlooked, might it not? 华~“华华。”华不有事的~因华准华她她会她邀华的那些人都是“华华”了至少 有一年的~而且“了解”他华~就像了解我华的华她来她比华喜华的的其他朋友一华。 我华~他华华华华华“华”华互相的事情中~华人的华向或华就听被忽略了~华道华不可能华, 我华华华华尽达量想做到通情理~但不完全成功。 8 The party did not happen. The row most certainly did. 聚会她确吵不了了之。但我和华大了一华。 9 When I say that if they are not nutters they are nerds, she tries to reason. Do I think she is a nerd? Absolutely not. Well, then, why should they be? Do I think she is a liar? Just as absolutely not. Seizing the initiative she moves over to the attack. 我华那些人当即她跟使不是华子也一定是些怪人华~华华我华华。那我是不是华争 得就是她个既会呢她怪人一,华华不是。然华华~那他华华什华是怪人,我是不是华得就 是华个当她抓言家,然也不是。住了主华华~华始反攻。 10 "You remember that favorite story of yours, the one about how the army captain and the woman whose book he discovered got to know one another solely through writing letters? And how she refused to send him a photograph because she felt that if he really cared, it wouldn't matter what she looked like? Well, they hadn't seen each other either." She smiles her self-satisfied smile. Arguing with a daughter is always like that, so annoying. They always know where your weak points are, just where to slip in under your guard. “华华得最喜华的那华一上你个个个个尉和一女人的故事华,那他看到那女的 华华的一本华便和她来她她通华华信往而华华的故事,华得华~拒华华他寄照片~因华华华如 果他的喜华~华得华华不重要,~他华华也华华真她她怎并瞧没嘛她面。”华得意地笑了。 跟儿争个你她你虚女华华是华华~华是令华华不堪。华深知的弱点~知道如何乘而入。 11 But I cannot clear it from my head, the worries refuse to go away. It is not that, as individuals, I have reason to believe they would lie. But they could. They could lie about their age, their state of mind or even their sex. Indeed, apparently in America it is common for men to tap-tap pretending to be women on the basis that they then get other women to communicate with far greater intimacy. 但我华是忘不了华事~华华华华华心华。不是华我有理由华华~他华作华人个儿担并个~ 一定会会真确撒华。但他华可能撒华。他华可能华华自己的华年华、心华~甚至性华。的~在 美华然有不少上的国网称与男人常常自女人~华华藉此可使其他女人更无华忌地他华 华知心华。 12 A thought occurs. The worst scenes my mind dreams up play like a horror movie. So I call a friend in Hollywood: has anyone thought of this for a movie plot? He laughs. There are five, to his knowledge alone, in development and one heading into production. (4) Needless to say, it is a new version of the old tale of innocents calling forth evil forces they cannot control, this time in the form of a visitor with the ever-handy axe packed in his luggage. 有一天我突然华生了一想法。我华子里出的最可的华个虚构来怕景一幕接着 一幕~就像一部恐怖片。于是我华一好华的个莱个没个朋友打了华华,有有华想华用华华 材构思一部华影情华,他哈哈大笑。据他本人所知就有部正在华华之中~一部已华华5 入制作华段了。不用华~华又是一些无辜的人引出了邪华的力量却又不能控制的老故 事的翻来随版~华一次的邪华力量是以一位客的面貌出华~但行囊中却藏着斧华~华 可以拿出华人。来 13 So now, I say to my daughter, we just wait for life to imitate art and we're home and dry. And murdered in our beds. 于是~我华女儿仿吧华~我华就等着看生活去模华华华。我华华在安然无恙。华知道 什华华候被华华在自己的华床上。 14 She laughs. "See you in the morning, Mum. I'm just going upstairs to talk to my friends. Goodnight." Tap tappa tap-tap... 大笑。“明她楼跟天早上华~华华。我要上去朋友聊天了。华安。”塔塔~塔塔~ 塔塔塔…… Unit5 Look at the following two sayings and then see if the story of Michael Stone bears out the points they make. The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. -- Molière When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. -- Charles A. Beard 华一华以下华两名言~想一想华克华斯通的故事是否印华了其华的道理。? 障碍越是巨大~逾越它也就越感自豪。 ——莫里哀 只有天空漆黑华~才可以看到你星星。 ——华华斯比华德?A? True Height David Naster 1 His palms were sweating. He needed a towel to dry his grip. The sun was as hot as the competition he faced today at the National Junior Olympics. The pole was set at 17 feet. That was three inches higher than his personal best. Michael Stone confronted the most challenging day of his pole-vaulting career. 真正的高度 大华华史特? 他手心在出汗。他需要用毛巾把握竿的手擦干。太阳与火辣辣的~他今天 在全国奥运会少年林匹克华上所争横面华的华一华华烈。 华杆升到了英尺。比他人个17 的最高华华高出英寸。华克华斯通面华的是其撑竿跳高生涯中最具挑华性的一天。3 ?   2 The stands were still filled with about 20,000 people, even though the final race had ended an hour earlier. The pole vault is truly the highlight of any track and field competition. It combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder. It also has the element of flying, and the thought of flying as high as a two-story building is a mere fantasy to anyone watching such an event. 尽跑决众管华华一小华前就已华华束~看台上仍然华华座~足有人上下。20,000 撑竿跳高华是所有确径它体运与运田比华中最精彩的华目。融合了操华华的华雅健美华华 的力量。华它众来两楼具有华翔的特征~华华看华华目比华的华华~华华华华的高度华直是一件 不可思华的事情。 3 As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying. Michael's mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up. Her stories were always ones that described the land from a bird's-eye view. Her excitement and passion for details made Michael's dreams full of color and beauty. Michael had this one recurring dream. He would be running down a country road. As he raced between golden wheat fields, he would always outrun the locomotives passing by. It was at the exact moment he took a deep breath that he began to lift off the ground. He would begin soaring like an eagle. 华克华自能华事起就一直想着华从梦从数翔。小到大~母华华华克华念华无华于华翔 的故事。的她从她梦故事华是高空俯瞰描述大地。华华华的激情和酷华使得华克华的境色 彩华华、华华无比。华克华华是重华做着一。他在华华大个梦当跑麦路上华奔。他奔在金色的田 之华华~华是把华华的机华一路甩气从在身后。就在他深深吸上一口的瞬华~他华始地面 一华而起~就像一华雄华那华华始华翔。 4 Where he flew would always coincide with his mother's stories. Wherever he flew was with a keen eye for detail and the free spirit of his mother's love. His dad, on the other hand, was not a dreamer. Bert Stone was a hard-core realist. He believed in hard work and sweat. His motto: If you want something, work for it! 他华越的都是母华故事里描述的地方。无华他华向何方~他都华着母华所华予他 的自由精神~用敏华的目光华察入微。可他的父华却不是想个梦家。伯特斯通是华个? 华华尾的华华主华者。他信奉的是努力与苦干。他的格言是,要想有所收华~就得努力 工作, 5 From the age of 14, Michael did just that. He began a very careful training program. He worked out every other day with weightlifting, with some kind of running work on alternate days. The program was carefully monitored by Michael's coach, trainer and father. Michael's dedication, determination and discipline was a coach's dream. Besides being an honor student and only child, Michael Stone continued to help his parents with their farm chores. Mildred Stone, Michael's mother, wished he could relax a bit more and be that "free dreaming" little boy. On one occasion she attempted to talk to him and his father about this, but his dad quickly 从华起~华克华interrupted, smiled and said, "You want something, work for it!" 14 就是华华做的。他华始按非常周密的华华华。他划它每隔一天华行华重华华~其的日子做些 跑划教个步华华。华华华由华克华的华、华华华兼父华华加督华。华克华的投入、华着、自律正是每一 教梦学个独帮华所寐以求的。华克华在校是位华秀生~在家是生子~但他仍助父母在 自家的华华上干些华活。华克华的母华米华德里德斯通希望他能更放松些~华是做那个? “自由幻想”的小男孩。有一次~华华他她跟当及其父华好好华一下~可华父华的华上就 打断她了~笑着华,“要想有所收华~就得努力工作,” 6 All of Michael's vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work. If Michael Stone was surprised, excited or vain about clearing the bar at 17 feet, you couldn't tell. As soon as he landed on the inflated landing mat, and with the crowd on its feet, Michael immediately began preparing for his next attempt at flight. He seemed unaware of the fact that he had just beaten his personal best by three inches and that he was one of the final two competitors in the pole-vaulting event at the National Junior Olympics. 华克华今天华华的所有高度华然都是华他刻苦努力的回华。华克华斯通在成功华华?17 英尺的横惊从体气杆华是感到华、激华华是得意~人华无知华。华克华身华华落在充华上~华 众没并个华坐下~他华上就华始准华下一次华华。他似乎未意华到自己华华把华人最好成华提 高了英寸~已华是全国奥运会少年林匹克华两决撑竿跳高华目最后名华华者之一。3 7 When Michael cleared the bar at 17 feet 2 inches and 17 feet 4 inches, again he showed no emotion. As he lay on his back and heard the crowd groan, he knew the other vaulter had missed his final jump. He knew it was time for his final jump. Since the other vaulter had fewer misses, Michael needed to clear this vault to win. A miss would get him second place. Nothing to be ashamed of, but Michael would not allow himself the thought of not winning first place. 华当克华成功华华英尺英寸和英尺英寸高度的横没杆华~他仍有流172174 露出华毫感情。他仰面躺听众另运着~到华在华息~他知道一位撑竿跳华华最后一跳 没运数有成功。他知道自己最后一跳的华刻到了。由于那位华华失华次华少~华克华华一 跳只有成功才能华华。华一次跳不华就会决使自己落到第二名。那也华毫无愧~但华克华 不华自己华生一华哪怕与冠华无华的念华。 8 He rolled over and did his routine of three finger-tipped push-ups. He found his pole, stood and stepped on the runway that led to the most challenging event of his 17-year-old life. 他了翻个找身~照例指尖撑地做了三下俯华撑。他着了撑竿~站起身~踏 上那引向其年生命中最具挑华性的一华的道。跑17 9 The runway felt different this time. It startled him for a brief moment. Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay. The bar was set at nine inches higher than his personal best. That's only one inch off the National record, he thought. The intensity of the moment filled his mind with anxiety. He began shaking the tension. It wasn't working. He became more tense. Why was this happening to him now, he thought. He began to get nervous. Afraid would be a more accurate description. What was he going to do? He had never experienced these feelings. Then out of nowhere, and from the deepest depths of his soul, he pictured his mother. Why now? What was his mother doing in his thoughts at a time like this? It was simple. His mother always used to tell him when you felt tense, anxious or even scared, take deep breaths. 华一回~那道华得有些华。跑异惊吓刹那华~他感到一华。一华惶惑不安的感华向 他华。来横个杆升在高出他人最高华华英寸的高度。他想~华一高度与国全华华只差91 英寸了。华一刻华华异脱没常~他感到焦华不安。他想华华华情华。有用。他更华华了。在华华华 刻怎会呢华华华~他胆来惧当怎暗暗思忖着。他有点怯起。华是恐也华更华恰华。华华华,他以 前不从来内曾有华华华感华。华华~不知不华地~在心最深华~出华了他母华的身影。华什华 是在华一刻,华华中~母华在华华华刻会怎呢很跟当你华做,华华。母华华去华他华~华得华华、焦 华、甚至害的华候~就怕气深深地吸。 10 So he did. Along with shaking the tension from his legs, he gently laid his pole at his feet. He began to stretch out his arms and upper body. The light breeze that was once there was now gone. He carefully picked up his pole. He felt his heart pounding. He was sure the crowd did, too. The silence was deafening. When he heard the singing of some distant birds in flight, he knew it was his time to fly. 于是他深深吸了一口。在华气脱腿部肌肉华华的同华~他华华地把撑竿放在脚华。 他华始舒展双臂和上身。华才华华一华华华~此刻消失了。他小心翼翼地拿起撑竿~只华 得心在怦怦众怦怦声气来当跳。他相信华华的心也在跳华。华上华雀无~令人透不华。他 听华华华华华啼华华~他知道~自己华身起华的华刻到了。 11 As he began sprinting down the runway, something felt wonderfully different, yet familiar. The surface below him felt like the country road he used to dream about. Visions of the golden wheat fields seemed to fill his thoughts. When he took a deep breath, it happened. He began to fly. His take-off was effortless. Michael Stone was now flying, just like in his childhood dreams. Only this time he knew he wasn't dreaming. This was real. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The air around him was the purest and freshest he had ever sensed. Michael was soaring like an eagle. 他沿着道起跑跑冲刺~那感华奇特无比~妙不可言~而又似曾相华。脚下的 地面就好似华去常常梦麦华的华华大路。金色田的景象映华在他的华海中。他深深吸了 一口~于是气来奇迹华生了。他华起了。他的起跳华松自如。华克华斯通此刻就像华儿? 梦梦真境中的那般在华行。不华华一次他知道自己不是在做。华一次他的在华。周华一切 都似乎在华华移华。他感到周华空未气从清像华华华华新。如同一华雄华~华克华在华翔。 12 It was either the eruption of the people in the stands or the thump of his landing that brought Michael back to earth. On his back with that wonderful hot sun on his face, he knew he could only see in his mind's eye the smile on his mother's face. He knew his dad was probably smiling too, even laughing. What he didn't know was that his dad was hugging his wife and crying. That's right: Bert "If You Want It, Work For It" Stone was crying like a baby in his wife's arms. He was crying harder than Mildred had ever seen before. She also knew he was crying the greatest tears of all: tears of pride. Michael was immediately surrounded by people hugging and congratulating him on the greatest accomplishment of his life. He later went on that day to clear 17 feet 6? inches: a National and International Junior Olympics record. 或华是看台上人华爆华出的华呼声声响~或华是他着地华华的一使华克华回到华华之 中。他仰面躺阳着~明媚的华映照着他的华。他知道自己只能想象母华的笑华~他知 道或华也在微笑~爸爸声爸爸与没甚或华大笑。他不知道的是~他正妻子相华而泣。 华~华位“要想有所收华~就得努力工作”的伯特斯通在妻子华里孩子似地泪流华? 面。米华德里德华他那华从没她淌泪泪哭华。也知道~他流的是最华得的水,华傲的水。 华克华一下子被华住了~人华华抱他~祝华他所取得的一生中最华煌的成就。那天稍后~ 他接着越华了英尺英寸半~华下了全国奥和世界少年林匹克撑杆跳高的新华华。176 13 With all the media attention and sponsorship possibilities, Michael's life would never be the same again. It wasn't just because he won the National Junior Olympics and set a new world record. And it wasn't because he had just increased his personal best by 9? inches. It was simply because Michael Stone is blind. 着随体随来会媒的华注以及可能之而的各华华助~华克华的生活肯定不同以往。 华不华华是因华他华得了全国奥并少年林匹克冠华刷新了一华世界华华也不是因华他自将, 己的最高华华提高了英寸半而是因华华克华斯通是个盲人。9,? A chance encounter can sometimes make all the difference to whether hardship brings out the best in us or the worst. 磨华到底是能华我华华出在的美德华是内暴露出自身的缺陷~有华一次偶然的 遭遇可能起到定性的作用。 会决 Fourteen Steps Hal Manwaring 1 They say a cat has nine lives, and I am inclined to think that possible since I am now living my third life and I'm not even a cat. 十四华台华 哈华华华林? 人华都华猫有九命条~我也华得华完全可能~因华我华在华华的是自己的第三次 人生~而我华不是猫呢。   2 My first life began on a clear, cold day in November, 1904, when I arrived as the sixth of eight children of a farming family. My father died when I was 15, and we had a hard struggle to make a living. I had to wait until the early years of my marriage before I really began to enjoy my first life. But then I was very happy, in excellent health, and quite a good athlete. My wife and I became the parents of two lovely girls. I had a good job in San Jose and a beautiful home in San Carlos. 我的第一次人生始于年月一个来晴朗、寒冷的日子~我到世上~190411 在一华华家个孩子中排行第。我华那年父华去世~华了生存~我华苦苦华。我不扎8615 得不等到成家后才正华真体壮始享受自己的第一次人生。那华我非常幸福~格健~ 华是华好手。我和妻子生有可华的个运两个圣份很女孩。我在何塞有一好的工作~在 圣卡个温洛斯有馨的家。 3 Life was a pleasant dream. 那华的生活就像是一华美。梦 4 Then the dream ended and became one of those horrible nightmares that cause you to wake in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. I began to suffer from a slowly progressive disease of the motor nerves, affecting first my right arm and leg, and then my other side. 接着美华梦怕噩梦你惊止~华成了一华可的~令夜半醒~出一身冷汗。我得 了一华逐华华化的华行性华神华运响来体元病~一华始影我的右臂右腿~后又侵入身的 另一华。 就华华我的第二次人生华始了……5 Thus began my second life.... 6 In spite of my disease I still drove to and from work each day, with the aid of special equipment installed in my car. And I managed to keep healthy and optimistic, to a degree, because of 14 steps. 尽装管疾病华身~我华是借助华上安的特殊华华每天华华上下班。在某华程度上~ 我是由于华台华才得以保持健康的心华华华的情华的。与14 7 Crazy? Not at all. 无稽之华,一点也不。 8 Our home was a split-level affair with 14 steps leading up from the garage to the kitchen door. Those steps were my yardstick, my challenge to continue living. (1) I felt that if the day arrived when I was unable to lift one foot up one step and then drag the other painfully after it -- repeating the process 14 times until, utterly spent, I would be through -- I could then admit defeat and lie down and die. 我华家住的是华华式的房子~从厨汽华华通往房华有华台华。华些台华是我衡量14 自己的尺度~是我活下去的一个抬挑华。我华得如果有一天我无法再起一只脚华上 一个另——将个台华~再痛苦地拖起一只脚华华华程重华遍~直到精疲力竭爬上去——14 到那华我就服华下会并躺死去。 9 So I kept on working, kept on climbing those steps. And time passed. The girls went to college and were happily married, and my wife and I were alone in our beautiful home with the 14 steps. 因此我华持上班~华持爬那些台华。华光流逝。两个儿学女上了大~建立了美华 的家庭~只剩我和妻子守在我华那有着个华台华的温馨的家里。14 10 You might think that here walked a man of courage and strength. Not so. Here hobbled a bitterly disillusioned cripple, a man who held on to his sanity and his wife and his home and his job because of 14 miserable steps leading up to the back door from his garage. 或华以华~华里生活着一你会个并瘸勇敢华强的男子华。事华非如此。华里一一拐 走着的是一个内个靠从幻想破华、心痛苦的跛子~一着汽华华通往后华的那华可怜14 的台华才有失去理没没并智、有华下妻室华持工作的男人。 11 As I became older, I became more disillusioned and frustrated. I'm sure that my wife and friends had some unhappy times when I chose to talk about my philosophy of life. (2) I believed that in this whole world I alone had been chosen to suffer. I had carried my cross now for nine years and probably would bear it for as long as I could climb those 14 steps. 着年华的随当学增华~我华得日益失望和沮华。我想~我华意华华自己的人生哲华 我的妻子和朋友一定都华很个个受。我华华在华整世界里~就我一人被华中去受苦受华。 我已华背了年的十字架~只要我华能爬上那华台华~可能我就要一很路背华下914 去。 12 Then on a dark night in August, 1971, I began my third life. It was raining when I started home that night, beating down hard on the car as I drove slowly down one of the less-traveled roads. Suddenly the steering wheel jumped in my hands as one of the tires burst with a bang. I fought the car to a stop and sat there as the terrible nature of the situation swept over me. It was impossible for me to change that tire! Utterly impossible! 后~来年月一个漆黑的夜华~我华始了自己的第三次人生。那天夜里19718 我回家华天正在下雨~我慢慢地华着华走在一华华条稀少的路上~雨水华华拍打着华身。 突然~方向华在我手里猛地一跳~一只华胎华地一声呆爆了。我华力停下华~坐着~ 心想~华下子麻华可大了。我法自己去华华没胎,根本不可能, 13 A thought that a passing motorist might stop was dismissed at once. Why should anyone? I knew I wouldn't! Then I remembered that a short distance up a little side road was a house. I started the engine and drove slowly along until I came to the house. Lighted windows welcomed me as I pulled into the driveway and honked the horn. 华华路华的人会帮个帮呢停下忙华,我华上就把华念华打消了。华什华华人要停下忙, 我知道我自己就不。华华我想起前会条面不华华的一小路上有幢房子。我华华了引擎~ 慢慢地华到了那幢房子前。接着我把华华上了跟宅旁华道~按了按喇叭~迎接我的是 窗灯口亮起的光。 14 The door opened and a little girl stood there, peering at me. I rolled down the window and called out that I had a flat and needed someone to change it for me because I had a crutch and couldn't do it myself. 华华了~一小个儿窗声个女孩站在那朝我华望。我华下华~大华道~我有华胎爆 了~需要有人忙帮靠替我华一下~因华我要拐杖走路~自己干不了。 15 She went into the house and a moment later came out bundled in raincoat and hat, followed by a man who called a cheerful greeting. 回到她内裹来跟个屋~稍后着雨衣、戴着帽子又出了~身后着男的~愉快 地我跟打招呼。 16 I sat there comfortable and dry, and felt a bit sorry for the man and the little girl working so hard in the storm. Well, I would pay them for it. The rain seemed to be easing a bit now, and I rolled down the window to watch. It seemed to me that they were awfully slow and I was beginning to become impatient. I heard the little girl's voice from the back of the car. "Here's the jack-handle, Grandpa." She was answered by the murmur of the man's lower voice and the slow tilting of the car as it was jacked up. 我坐在华里~舒舒服服~淋不着一滴雨~而那男人和小女孩却在暴雨里干 得那华辛苦~我华得有点华意不去。得了~我会酬华他华的。华华~雨似乎小了一些~我 华下华看着。我只华得人华作窗两听来慢得出奇~我都华始有点不耐华了。我到华后华小 女孩的声声音。“千斤华的柄~华华~拿好了。”那人华华地华了一~华微微华斜着被华了 起。来 17 There followed a long interval of noises and low conversation from the back of the car, but finally it was done. I felt the car bump as the jack was removed, and I heard the slam of the trunk lid, and then they were standing at my car window. 接着有好一~我到华后的和华华的华华~最后华会儿听响声声算华好了。我感华到 千斤华移华华华华了一下~又听两窗到后华华盖华地华上~接着人就站在了我的华前。 18 He was an old man, bent and slightly built. The little girl was about eight or ten, I judged, with a merry face and a wide smile as she looked up at me. 那是位老人~身材瘦小~背有些。我看小弯女孩大华华或华~神情愉快~810 她抬华望着我~华华的笑容。 19 He said, "This is a bad night for car trouble, but you're all set now." 他华,“华华天又气真你是夜里~华出了华华可华华~不华华在都华修好了。” 20 "Thanks," I said, "thanks. How much do I owe you?" “多华了~”我华~“多华。我华付你呢华多少,” 21 He shook his head. "Nothing. Cynthia told me you were on crutches. Glad to be of help. I know you'd do the same for me. There's no charge, friend." 他华华华。“什华也不要付。辛西华我华跟你靠很帮拐杖走路。高华能上忙。我知道 如果是我遇到华华情也华华华我的。不要华~况你会帮朋友。” 22 I held out a five-dollar bill. "No! I like to pay my way." 我拿出一华美元的华票。“那不行,我不喜华欠人家的情。”5 23 He made no effort to take it and the little girl stepped closer to the window and said quietly, "Grandpa can't see it." 他没来凑窗声伸手接~小女孩近华~华华道,“华华看不华。” 24 (3) In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment penetrated, and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before. A blind man and a child! Feeling with cold, wet fingers for bolts and tools in the dark -- a darkness that for him would probably never end until death. 刹那华~华华凝固了~我感到万分的羞愧和震惊从来没个。我有华华华受华。一盲 人和一孩子个湿双——来,用又冷又的手在黑暗中摸着那些螺栓和工具干活华他华~ 华黑暗很可能永华不能华散~直至他死亡。 25 They changed a tire for me -- changed it in the rain and wind, with me sitting in comfort in the car with my crutch. I don't remember how long I sat there after they said good night and left me, but it was long enough for me to search deep within myself and find some disturbing traits. 他华替我华了一华个——胎在华雨交加之中华着华胎~而我华舒舒服服地倚着拐杖 坐在华里。我不华得他华道华走后我在那儿内坐了多久~但华华之华~足以华我心深刻反 省~华华令自己深感不安的品行。 26 (4) I realized that I was filled to overflowing with self-pity, selfishness, and indifference to the needs of others. 我意华到我的自艾自怜、自私~以及华他人需求的冷漠~已到了无可华加的 地步。 27 I sat there and said a prayer. I prayed for strength, for a greater understanding, for keener awareness of my shortcomings. 我坐在那里祷告。我祈求力量~祈求更多的理解~祈求华自己的缺点有更 加深刻的华华。 28 I prayed for blessings upon the blind man and his granddaughter. Finally I drove away, shaken in mind, humbled in spirit. 我祈祷离灵撼上帝保佑那位盲人及其华女。最后我华华去~心上震巨大~精 神上羞愧华。当 29 I am trying now not only to climb 14 steps each day, but in my small way to help others. Someday, perhaps, I'll have the chance to help a blind man in equal difficulties -- someone as blind as I had been. 华在我不华每天努力去爬那华台华~而且我微尽帮薄之力去助他人。或华有14 一天~我能有机会帮个——个跟瞎去助一同华华于困境中的盲人一我华去一华的盲人。 Unit6 How do some women manage to combine a full-time job with family responsibilities and still find time for doing other things? Adrienne Popper longs to be like them, but wonders whether it is an impossible dream. 有些华女何以能做一既份并全华工作又能兼华家庭的华任~仍有余暇做其他 事情,艾德华安波珀渴望能像华一华~但她会会个梦又华疑华不是一根本无法华华的? 想。 I'm Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge Adrienne Popper 1 Not long ago I received an alumni bulletin from my college. It included a brief item about a former classmate:"Kate L. teaches part-time at the University of Oklahoma and is assistant principal at County High School. In her spare time she is finishing her doctoral dissertation and the final drafts of two books, and she still has time for tennis and horse riding with her daughters." Four words in that description undid me: in her spare time. A friend said that if I believed everything in the report, she had a bridge in Brooklyn she'd like to sell me. 我要华下布华克林华 艾德华安波珀? 不久前~我收到母校一份条个学校友华华。里面有一是华于一老同的消息, “华特在俄克拉荷华大学教并她兼华任~任华高中校华助理。正在利用华余华华完成博?L 士华文以及两她与儿网条本著作的最后定稿~同华仍有华华女华一起打球、华华。”华短华 中有四个字令我心神不安,华余华华。有位朋友华~要是我华华一华道里的一切都信以华 真她售呢~那在布华克林华有一座华要出华我。   2 My friend's joke hit home. What an idiot I'd been! I resolved to stop thinking about Kate's incredible accomplishments and to be suitably skeptical of such stories in the future. 朋友的打趣一华华血。我多蠢啊,于是我打定主意~不再去想华特那些不可 思华的成就~以后看到华似华道也不要华易相信。 3 But like a dieter who devours a whole box of cookies in a moment of weakness, I found my resolve slipping occasionally. In weak moments I'd comb the pages of newspapers and magazines and consume success stories by the pound. My favorite superwomen included a politician's daughter who cared for her two-year-old and a newborn while finishing law school and managing a company; a practicing pediatrician with ten children of her own; and a television anchorwoman, mother of two preschoolers, who was studying for a master's degree. 可是~就像华食者一华华弱竟把整盒华干吃个决精光一华~我华华自己的心也有 华华之华。每当婪不华定华~我就在华刊上到华搜华~华地华华一篇又一篇的成功故事。我最 喜华的女强人有,一位政治家的女儿她个两儿与个儿~在照料一华幼一新生的同华 华完了法学儿医她个院~同华华华华着一家公司~一位华华科华~ 自己有十子女~华有 一位华华主持人~是华前童的母华~华在她两个学儿学攻华华士位。 4 One day, however, I actually met a superwoman face to face. Just before Christmas last year, my work took me to the office of a woman executive of a national corporation. Like her supersisters, she has a husband, two small children and, according to reports, a spotless apartment. Her life runs as precisely as a Swiss watch. Since my own schedule rarely succeeds, her accomplishments fill me with equal amounts of wonder and guilt. 然而~有一天我的一位真与圣女强人面华面相逢。去年华华前~我因工作需 要到一来国她两个家全性公司女华裁的华公室。如同其他女强人一华~有丈夫~孩 子~华有一华据华是华华不染的公寓。的生活她确安排得如瑞士表一般精。由于我本人 的华划很她既惊内疚安排少成功~的成就令我华不已~又使我深感。 5 On a shelf behind her desk that day were at least a hundred jars of strawberry jam, gaily tied with red-checked ribbons. The executive and her children had made the jam and decorated the jars, which she planned to distribute to her staff and visiting clients. 那天~华她桌莓扎公后面的架子上放置了至少一百罐草华~上面着华华的华格华华。华些 果华是华裁和的孩子华一起她装她制作的~罐子也是他华一起华的~准华把果华送华华工 及来华的客华。 6 When, I wondered aloud, had she found the time to complete such an impressive holiday project? I should have known better than to ask. The answer had a familiar ring: in her spare time. 我不由得华~惊她从哪儿真抽出华华完成如此令人华佩的假日工程,我不华多 此一华。 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 听当上去相熟悉,华余华华。 7 On the train ride home I sat with a jar of strawberry jam in my lap. It reproached me the entire trip. Other women, it seemed to say, are movers and shakers -- not only during office hours, but in their spare time as well. What, it asked, do you accomplish in your spare time? 坐火华回家途中~我把那罐草莓莓它华放在膝华。华罐草华一路上都在华华我。似 乎在华~华的女人不华在上班之华干得出人华地~而且在工作之余也大有作华。而~你 它呢华华道~在华余华华都做了点什华, 8 I would like to report that I am using my extra moments to complete postdoctoral studies in physics, to develop new theories of tonal harmony for piano and horn, and to bake cakes and play baseball with my sons. The truth of the matter is, however, that I am by nature completely unable to get my act together. No matter how carefully I plan my time, the plan always goes wrong. 我想回很从学研研与号声答华~我在华余华华事博士后物理究~在究华琴的华 和华方面的新理华~在烘蛋烤糕跟儿~在子一起打棒球。然而~华华情形是~我生性 就根本做不到事事有不条怎划紊。不华华仔华安排华华~我的华华是出华华。 9 If I create schedules of military precision in which several afternoon hours are given over to the writing of the Great American Novel, the school nurse is sure to phone at exactly the moment I put pencil to paper. One of my children will have developed a strange illness that requires him to spend the remainder of the day in bed, calling me at frequent intervals to bring soup, juice, and tea. 如果我制定像作华华那华精的华华表~下划确将写午若干小华用于作一部华大的 美小华~那华幼的国儿园会笔来个保育华肯定在我华华提的那一瞬华打华华。我的一孩子 得了一华怪病需要整天华床休息~华不停地华我端华倒茶送果汁。 10 Other days, every item on my schedule will take three times the number of minutes set aside. The cleaner will misplace my clothes. My order won't be ready at the butcher shop as promised. The woman ahead of me in the supermarket line will pay for her groceries with a check drawn on a Martian bank, and only the manager (who has just left for lunch) can OK the matter. "They also serve who only stand and wait," wrote the poet John Milton, but he forgot to add that they don't get to be superwomen that way. 华的日子里~我华华表上的每一件事的耗华都超出原华的划三倍。洗衣工不知 把我的衣服塞到什华地方去了。肉华有把我的华华没按华准华好。在超市里~排在我前 面的那位女士华出一华“火星华行”的支票华其食品华华付款~只有华理;他华出去吃 午华,才能定可决否接受。“站着等候的人华也在效华~”华人华翰弥写华华华道~但他? 却忘了华充一句~华华华她站着等候成不了女强人。 11 Racing the clock every day is such an exhausting effort that when I actually have a few free moments, I tend to collapse. Mostly I sink into a chair and stare into space while I imagine how lovely life would be if only I possessed the organizational skills and the energy of my superheroines. In fact, I waste a good deal of my spare time just worrying about what other women are accomplishing in theirs. Sometimes I think that these modern fairy tales create as many problems for women as the old stories that had us biding our time for the day our prince would come. 每天与跑华华华真令人精疲力竭~等我果华有了一些余暇~往往累得都要华了。 我大多华倒在椅子里~地呆呆凝华着前方~想象着要是自己华有那些超华女英雄的华 华才能与会旺盛精力~生活华是多华美妙。事华上~我白白浪华了华多华暇华光不无华愁 地去想着华的女人在华余华华成就什华事情。有华我想~华些华会来代神华故事华女人华的华 华不少于那些害得我华华并来日等待王子前相救的古老故事。 12 Yet superwomen tales continue to charm me. Despite my friend's warning against being taken in, despite everything I've learned, I find that I'm not only willing, but positively eager to buy that bridge she mentioned. Why? I suppose it has something to do with the appeal of an optimistic approach to life -- and the fact that extraordinary deeds have been accomplished by determined individuals who refused to believe that "you can't" was the final word on their dreams. 但女强人的故事仍然令我心醉神迷。尽当尽管朋友提醒我不要上~管我也 华了不少华华~我华是华华自己不华愿意~而且华的真她渴望华下华的那座华。华什华,我想华 是因华华华的生活华度深深地吸引着我 华有~那些就是不——梦肯相信自己的想“不 能”华华的意志华定的人华成就了非确凡的华华。 13 Men have generally been assured that achieving their heart's desires would be a piece of cake. Women, of course, have always believed that we can't have our cake and eat it too-the old low-dream diet. Perhaps becoming a superwoman is an impossible dream for me, but life without that kind of fantasy is as unappealing as a diet with no treats. 男人一般确嘛当与信~华华自己的心愿不华吹灰之力。女人~然华是相信华熊 掌不能兼得 人华反华——灌华的不要好高华华那一套。我或华无望成华女强人~但如果 没梦有华华想~生活就华得平淡无味~就如同日常华食中缺了美味佳肴一般。 14 I know the idea of admiring a heroine is considered silly today; we working women are too sophisticated for that. Yet the superwomen I read about are my heroines. When my faith in myself falters, it is they who urge me on, whispering, "Go for it, lady!" 我知道如今人华华华英雄崇拜是一华愚蠢的想法~我华华华女性华已成熟~不再 干华华华事。然而我所华到的女强人就是我的英雄。我华自己失去当她信心华~正是华激 励争啊我向前华~华华华我华,“去取~女士,” 15 One of these days I plan to phone my former classmate Kate and shout "Well done!" into the receiver. I hope she won't be modest about her achievements. Perhaps she will have completed her dissertation and her two books and moved on to some new work that's exciting or dangerous or both. I'd like to hear all about it. After that I'm going to phone the friend who laughed at me for believing all the stories I hear. Then I'll tell her a story: the tale of a woman who bought her own version of that bridge in Brooklyn and found that it was a wise investment after all. 我准华近日华老同华学声她特打华华~华着华筒大叫一“干得好,”我希望华自 己的成就不要华。也华虚她两已华完成了博士华文和本著作~华始着手某华华华刺激~或 华具危华~甚或者两听她随个兼有的新工作。我愿意华述华一切。后我要华那嘲笑我华 信自己到的成功听她个个她故事的朋友打华华。我要华华一故事,一女人的故事~华 下了自己演华的她并布华克林的那座大华~华华华是一华明智的投华。 When you find yourself tied down to doing a job that just isn't you, it is easy to wish to be able to start off along a completely new path. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done, the path stony and difficult to follow. For Muriel Whetstone, however, it turned out to be a journey well worth the effort. 华华自己当你份你很被一根本不想做的工作束华住华~容易希望自己能重新华 辟条来来坷一全新的路。不幸的是~华容易做华~新路往往充华崎华坎。然而~华穆华 华华特斯通来华~华一人生之路华是华得一走的。 ? Beginning Anew Muriel L. Whetstone 1 I dreaded Sundays. I began living for the weekend at 8:30 Monday mornings. I felt bitter towards my boss. (1) The thought of answering other people's telephones, typing other people's work and watching other people take credit for my ideas and opinions would throw me into week-long bouts of depression. I hated my job. I hated my life. I hated myself for not having the courage to change either one. 重新华始 穆华华华特斯通 ?L? 我曾华惧怕从星期天。那华我星期一上午八点半华始就盼着周末。 我痛恨我 的老板。每当我想起华华人回华华、打字~看到我出的主意和华解却华华人去受益华~常 常整个会既没星期都华华不华。我痛恨我的工作。我痛恨我的生活。我痛恨自己有勇 气没气改华工作~也有勇改华我的生活。   2 When most of my friends were planning college schedules and partying into the night, I was changing dirty diapers and walking the floor with a crying baby. At 19 years old I was the mother of two, and a pitifully young wife. Everything I did for years, every decision I made, was done with my family in mind. 我的大多的当数划学朋友都在华上大~华聚至深更半夜华~我却在华华尿布~ 抱着一个来哭华的孩子在屋里走走去。才华~我就已华是孩子的母华~一两个个19 可怜的小华。多年不媳来决个管我做什华或是作出什华定~我华得考华我的华家。 3 And then I turned 29, and 30 was only a breath away. (2) How long could I live like this? Certainly not until I retired. I began to feel that if I didn't do something soon, something quickly, I would die of unhappiness. I decided to follow my childhood dream: I was going to get my undergraduate degree and become a full-time journalist. 一晃我就华了~离华华一步之。华华的生活我能华遥会持多久,肯定不到2930 我退休之华。我华始华得~如果我不早日有所作华~华上行华的华~我就会苦华而死。我 决儿梦学学个定去追华华的想,我要拿到大本科位~做一全华的华者。 4 I quit my job on one of my good days, a Friday. Almost at once I was filled with anxiety. What would I tell my husband and what would be his reaction? How would we pay our bills? I must be crazy, I thought. I was too old to begin again. I prayed, Lord, what have I done? I wondered if I was experiencing some sort of early mid-life crisis. Perhaps if I crawled back to my boss on my hands and knees and pleaded temporary madness, he'd give me my job back. I spent that entire weekend in the eye of an emotional storm. 我在我的一美好的个个辞几日子~一星期五~去了工作。我的心中乎华上 充华了焦华。我华怎跟呢会怎呢呢真丈夫华,他华反华,我华如何付家里那些华华,我是华 了~我心想。我已华不再年华~法华华没从祷哪呀始了。我祈着~天~我都做了些什华 我华疑自己是在华华某华早期的中年生活危机。如果我爬回去跪跟倒在老板前~华求 他原华我一华神志华~或华他华我华华。乱会个忐忑整周末我都在不安中度华。 5 But while I was feeling uneasy about the bridge I'd just crossed, I also began to feel a renewed sense of hopefulness about the possibilities on the other side. I had had a long love affair with the written word that was separate and apart from any of my roles. What we shared was personal: It belonged to me and would always be mine despite anything going on outside of me. I wasn't quite sure what my journey would involve, but I was positive who would be at the other end.(3) I steeled myself to travel the road that would lead me to a better understanding of who I was and of what I wanted out of life. I shared my mixed feelings with my husband. He was as worried as I was, but he was also warmly supportive. And so I stepped off the bridge and onto the path, nervous but determined. I soon discovered that I loved to learn and that my mind soaked up knowledge at every opportunity. My decision at those times felt right. But sometimes, after realizing what was expected of me, I would be weighed down by 然而~就在我华华华跨越人生之华的华华深感不安之华~self-doubt and uncertainty. 我同华也华始感到希望的华萌~华得彼岸有华华机会来与在等着我。华久以~我华自己生 活中的华华角色毫不相干的文字情有华。我独与它属文字之华有一华默契,于我自己~ 并将并将永华是我的~无华外面的世界华生什华事情。我不完全明白我的人生旅途中 要华生什华~但我华到达条将旅途华点之后的自己华有信心。我华定地走下去~华路使 我更好地了解自己~更好地华自己生活的目的。我向清丈夫坦华自己的华华心华。他和 我一华华~但同华也华情担来很支持我。于是我走下华~踏上征途~华华但却华定。我快华 华~我华华华~学会会决当利用一切机汲取知华。华华候我华得我的定做华了。但有华~每 意华到华人华自己的期待华~我又会来沉由于自我华疑和华未捉摸不定而感到心情重。 6 I was older than a few of my instructors and nearly all of my classmates. I felt like an outsider practically that entire first semester. Finally I met a group of older female students who were, like me, making a fresh start. We began to share our experiences of returning to school, dealing with husbands, lovers, children and bills that had to be paid. Over time we have become sisters, supporting ourselves by encouraging and supporting one another. 我比个教华华年华华大~乎几学学比所有的同班同都大。差不多整整第一华期~ 我华得自己完全是外人。华于我个她遇到了一些大华女生~华和我一华都在重新华始自 己的生活。我华华始交流自己重返校园体怎与的华~华华华怎丈夫、男友相华~华华华孩子~ 怎随励华华付各华要付的华华等等。着华华的推移~我华成了姐妹~通华相互鼓~相互支 持使自己华得勇气和信心。 7 I eventually had to seek employment to help with expenses. In fact, I've had more jobs in the couple of years than I care to count. Many times I've had to stir a pot with one hand while holding a book with the other. More than a few times I've nearly broken under the pressure. I've shed tears on the bad days, but smiles are plentiful on the good ones. 我华于不得不工作以华华找两家用。事华上~在那年里~我干华华华多多工作~华 自己也华得华了。我数担几常常不得不一手炒菜~一手拿着华看。好多次华重的华乎要 把我华华。在不华利的日子里我哭泣流泪~但在华利的日子里我也有华华多多华笑。 8 However, I would not take back one tear or change one thing about the last couple of years. It hasn't been a snap: From the beginning I knew it would not be. (4) And it's not so much the results of the action that have reshaped me (although that's important, too) as it is the realization that I have within myself what it takes to do what I set out to do. I feel more in control these days and less like a flag on a breezy day, blowing this way or that depending on the wind. 然而~我不因流泪几几而后悔~也不想改华华去年中华生的一切。华年华得不 容易,一华从来与始我就知道不容易。此外~华我华新的生活的~其华是自己努力取 得的华果 华然华也重要很~不如华是由于意华到自己具有在的能力可以做自己想潜() 做的事。如今我感到自己更能主宰自己的命运随~不再如华中的旗华~华华华。 9 I no longer dread Sundays, and Wednesdays are just as pleasant as Fridays. Now I get credit for my ideas, and my opinions are sought after. I love my new career. I love my life again. And I can clearly see a new woman waiting patiently just a little way down the road, waiting for me to reach her. 我不再星惧怕期天~星期三也如星期五一华愉快。华在我出了主意~功华就 是我的~我华的意华~华人华真听清聆。我华华自己的新工作。我重新华华自己的生活。我 楚地看到~在不华的前方~一个与她全新的女人正在耐心地等着我去华抱。 Unit7 Some languages resist the introduction of new words. Others, like English, seem to welcome them. Robert MacNeil looks at the history of English and comes to the conclusion that its tolerance for change represents deeply rooted ideas of freedom. 有些华言拒华引入新华。一些华另言~如英华~华似乎华迎新华的引入。华伯特麦克? 尼华回华英华的华史~得出华华华~英华华华化的包容性华了体蒂根深固的自由思想。 The Glorious Messiness of English Robert MacNeil 1 The story of our English language is typically one of massive stealing from other languages. That is why English today has an estimated vocabulary of over one million words, while other major languages have far fewer. 英华中华华多彩的华无乱章华象 华伯特麦克尼华? 我华的英华的华史是典型的大量窃它取其华言的华史。正因华如此~今日英华的华 华量据估它华超华一百万~而其主要华言的华华量都要小得多。   2 French, for example, has only about 75,000 words, and that includes English expressions like snack bar and hit parade. The French, however, do not like borrowing foreign words because they think it corrupts their language. The government tries to ban words from English and declares that Walkman is not desirable; so they invent a word, balladeur, which French kids are supposed to say instead -- but they don't. 例如~法华只有华个华华~其中华包括像;快餐店,和 75,000snack barhit ;流行唱片目华,华华的英华华华。但法人不喜华国来会借用外华~因华他华华华华华华害parade 法华的华华性。法国称政府华华逐出英华华华~宣;随听身,一华有华大雅~因此Walkman 他华造了新华个华法童用可他华就是不用。国儿——balladeur 3 Walkman is fascinating because it isn't even English. Strictly speaking, it was invented by the Japanese manufacturers who put two simple English words together to name their product. That doesn't bother us, but it does bother the French. Such is the glorious messiness of English. That happy tolerance, that willingness to accept words from anywhere, explains the richness of English and why it has become, to a very real extent, the first truly global language. 一华非常耐人华味~因华华华华个英华也不是。华格地华~华华是由日本制Walkman 造商华明的~他华把华华的两个拼来儿英华华华在一起命名他华的华品。华事我华不介意~ 法人国乱却耿耿于华。由此可华英华中华华多彩的华无章华象。华华华意包容的精神~华华不 管源自何方者不来会丰拒的精神~恰好解华了英华华什华华华很富~解华了英华华何在华大 程度上第一成了正的华华个真国言。 4 How did the language of a small island off the coast of Europe become the language of the planet -- more widely spoken and written than any other has ever been? The history of English is present in the first words a child learns about identity (I, me, you); possession (mine, yours); the body (eye, nose, mouth); size (tall, short); and necessities (food, water). These words all come from Old English or Anglo-Saxon English, the core of our language. Usually short and direct, these are words we still use today for the things that really matter to us. 欧个会洲沿海一华丸小华的华言何以成华地球上的通用华言~比华史上任何一华 其他华言都更华泛地广体学会来被口华和华面使用,英华的华史华在孩子最先用表示身 份;,、所华系;属,、身体部位;,、大小高I, me, youmine, yourseye, nose, mouth 矮;,~以及生活必需品;,的华华中。华些华都自当来英华的核tall, shortfood, water 心部分古英华或格华盎来,华克华英华。华些华通常华短明了~我华今天仍然用华些华表示华 我华正真至华重要的事物。 5 Great speakers often use Old English to arouse our emotions. For example, during World War II, Winston Churchill made this speech, stirring the courage of his people against Hitler's armies positioned to cross the English Channel: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the 华大的演华家常常用streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender." 古英华来温激华我华的情感。例如~在二华期华~斯华丘吉华作了如下的演华来励国激? 民的勇气峡以抵抗屯兵英吉利海准华渡海作华的希特勒的华华,“我华要华斗在海华上~ 我华要华斗在着华华上~我华要华斗在田野和街巷~我华要华斗在群山中。我华不决投 降。” 6 Virtually every one of those words came from Old English, except the last -- surrender, which came from Norman French. Churchill could have said, "We shall never give in," but it is one of the lovely -- and powerful -- opportunities of English that a writer can mix, for effect, different words from different backgrounds. Yet there is something direct to the heart that speaks to us from the earliest words in our language. 华段文字中乎几个来个——每华都自古英华~只有最后一华华华是个例外~surrender 来自华曼法华。丘吉华原本可以华,“但华正是英华迷人之华和活We shall never give in,” 力所在~作家华了加强效果可以糅来合自不同背景的不同华华。而演华中使用古英华华 华具有直接华华心弦的效果。 7 When Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 55 B.C., English did not exist. The Celts, who inhabited the land, spoke languages that survive today mainly as Welsh. Where those languages came from is still a mystery, but there is a theory. 尤利华斯华撒在公元前年入侵不列华华~英华不尚当存在。华不列华的居民华华?55 特人使用的那些华言流华下来个主要成了威华士华。华些华言的起源至今仍是不解之华~ 但有一华理华华华解华华华。个 8 Two centuries ago an English judge in India noticed that several words in Sanskrit closely resembled some words in Greek and Latin. A systematic study revealed that many modern languages descended from a common parent language, lost to us because nothing was written down. 两个当国与腊世华前~在印度法官的一位英人注意到~梵文中有一些华希华、 拉丁华中的一些华华相似。系华的极研个究华示~华多华代华言起源于一共同的母华~但 由于有没文字华华~华母华已华失华。 9 Identifying similar words, linguists have come up with what they call an Indo-European parent language, spoken until 3500 to 2000 B.C. These people had common words for snow, bee and wolf but no word for sea. So some scholars assume they lived somewhere in north-central Europe, where it was cold. Traveling east, some established the languages of India and Pakistan, and others drifted west toward the gentler climates of Europe. Some who made the earliest move westward became known as the Celts, whom Caesar's armies found in Britain. 华言学找称欧家出了相似的华~提出华些华言的源华是他华之华印母华的华言~华华 华言使用于公元前年至公元前年。华些人使用同华的华表“达雪”、“蜜35002000 蜂”和“狼”~但有表示“没学海”的华。因此有些者华华~他华生活在寒冷的中北 欧个区迁某地。一些人向华徙形成了印度和巴基斯坦的各华华言~有些人华向西漂泊 来欧气温区来称即到洲候华华暖的地。最早西移的一些人后被作华华特人~亦华撒的华 华在不列华华华的民族。 10 New words came with the Germanic tribes -- the Angles, the Saxons, etc. -- that slipped across the North Sea to settle in Britain in the 5th century. Together they formed what we call Anglo-Saxon society. 新的华华随——盎——来日华曼部落格华、华克华等部落而~他华在世华的华候越华北5 海定居在不列华。他华共同形成了我华之华格华称盎会,华克华的社。 11 The Anglo-Saxons passed on to us their farming vocabulary, including sheep, ox, earth, wood, field and work. They must have also enjoyed themselves because they gave us the word laughter. 格华盎将,华克华人他华的华耕华华留华华我华~包括和sheep, ox, earth, wood, field 等。他华的日子一定华得华心~因华他华留华华我华很一华。worklaughter 12 The next big influence on English was Christianity. It enriched the Anglo-Saxon vocabulary with some 400 to 500 words from Greek and Latin, including angel, disciple and martyr. 下一华个响教教英华华生重大影的是基督。基督以至个腊希华、拉丁华400500 华华丰盎富了格华,华克华华华~如;天使,;华徒, 和 ;殉华angel, disciplemartyr 者,等。 13 Then into this relatively peaceful land came the Vikings from Scandinavia. They also brought to English many words that begin with sk, like sky and skirt. But Old Norse and English both survived, and so you can rear a child (English) or raise a child (Norse). Other such pairs survive: wish and want, craft and skill, hide and skin. Each such addition gave English more richness, more variety. 接着北欧盗从来来海斯堪的华华华到了华华相华和平的土地。他华也华英华华了华多 以华华的华华~如和 。但古斯堪的华华华华和英华同华留华下~因此可以华来你sksky skirt ;英华,~也可以华;斯堪的华华华华,。其他留华下的华华同华华来rear a childraise a child 华有,和 ~和 ~和 。每一华似的华的个增添都使英华更wish wantcraft skillhide skin 加丰富~更加多华化。 14 Another flood of new vocabulary occurred in 1066, when the Normans conquered England. The country now had three languages: French for the nobles, Latin for the churches and English for the common people. With three languages competing, there were sometimes different terms for the same thing. For example, Anglo-Saxons had the word kingly, but after the Normans, royal and sovereign entered the language as alternatives. The extraordinary thing was that French did not replace English. Over three centuries English gradually swallowed French, and by the end of the 15th century what had developed was a modified, greatly enriched language -- Middle English -- with about 10,000 "borrowed" French words. 一另次新华的大量涌入华生在年~华曼人征服英国国的华候。华华英三华华1066 言并教会争用,华族使用法华~使用拉丁华~平民使用英华。由于三华华言相互华~有华 同一事物就出华了不同的名称盎。例如~格华,华克华华有一华~但华曼人入侵kingly 后~和 作华替代华华入了英华。不同华常的是~法华有没个取代英华。三royal sovereign 多世华后~英华逐华华了法华~到并世华末~华展成华一华华华改华~大大丰富了的华有15 一万多“个来——借”的法华华华的华言中古英华。 15 Around 1476 William Caxton set up a printing press in England and started a communications revolution. Printing brought into English the wealth of new thinking that sprang from the European Renaissance. Translations of Greek and Roman classics were poured onto the printed page, and with them thousands of Latin words like capsule and habitual, and Greek words like catastrophe and thermometer. Today we still borrow from Latin and Greek to name new inventions, like video, television and cyberspace. 大华在年~威廉卡国掀克斯华在英制造了一台印刷机~由此起了一华1476? 信息华播技华的革命。印刷华把欧运国腊洲文华华华华中涌华的大量新思想华入英。希华华华 典著作的华文华华印成华~成册千上万的拉丁华~如;密封小容器~航天华, capsule 和 ;华常的,~希华~如腊;大华, 和 灾;度温habitual catastrophe thermometer 华,等也之随腊涌入。今天我华仍借用拉丁、希华命名新的华明华造~如video, 和 ;华虚空华,等。television cyberspace 16 As settlers landed in North America and established the United States, English found itself with two sources -- American and British. Scholars in Britain worried that the language was out of control, and some wanted to set up an academy to decide which words were proper and which were not. Fortunately their idea has never been put into practice. 着随并国两个——移民在北美登华建立美~英华出华了源华美式英华和英式英华。 英国学担会个学会决哪的者心英华失控~有人想成立一有华威的~定些华华合适~ 哪运从些华华不合适。幸的是~他华的华想未付华华施。 17 That tolerance for change also represents deeply rooted ideas of freedom. Danish scholar Otto Jespersen wrote in 1905, "The English language would not have been what it is if the English had not been for centuries great respecters of the liberties of each individual and if everybody had not been free to strike out new paths for himself." 华华华华化的包容华度也华了体蒂麦学奥根深固的自由精神。丹者托叶斯柏森在? 年道,“如果不是多少写来国尚个世华以英人一向崇人自由~如果不是人1905 人都能自由地华自己华拓新的道路~英华就不成华会今天的英华。” 18 I like that idea. Consider that the same cultural soil producing the English language also nourished the great principles of freedom and rights of man in the modern world. The first shoots sprang up in England, and they grew stronger in America. The English-speaking peoples have defeated all efforts to build fences around their language. 我喜华华一华点。想想~吧孕育英华的文化土壤也同华华华今的世界培育了华大的 自由精神及人华准华。最初的根芽在英国国壮国萌华~接着在美生华大。英华家的人民 挫华了华华意欲建立华言保华的企华。 19 Indeed, the English language is not the special preserve of grammarians, language police, teachers, writers or the intellectual elite. English is, and always has been, the tongue of the common man. 事华上~英华不是华法学教家、华言华道士、华、作家或知华精英的特殊华地。英华是~ 而且一向是~人民大的华众言。 Wondering whether all the time and effort spent learning English is worthwhile? Here are some good reasons why it is. 华你学疑华那华多华华和精力英华是不是华得,本文列华充分理由华明完全华得。 The Role of English in the 21st Century Melvyn A. Hasman 1 The global spread of English over the last 40 years has been remarkable. (1)It is unparalleled in several ways: by the increasing number of users of the language; by its depth of penetration into societies; by its range of functions. 英华在世华的作用21 梅华文哈斯曼?A? 在华去的多年华~英华在全球的华播引人华目。华一华程在方几个面都是前所40 未有的,英华使用人的数会广增加~英华在不同社渗透的深度~以及英华功用的度。   2 Worldwide over 1.4 billion people live in countries where English has official status. One out of five of the world's population speaks some English. And at present one in five -- over one billion people -- are learning English. Over 70% of the world's scientists read English. About 85% of the world's mail is written is English. And 90% of all information in the world's electronic retrieval systems is stored in English. By 2010, the number of people who speak English as a second or foreign language will exceed the number of native speakers. This trend will certainly affect the language. 全世界有华多人生活在英华享有官方地位的国家。世界人口的五分之一华14 英华。在目前就有五分之一的人——超华华人在——学英华。全世界以上的科家学1070% 华华英华。全世界华有的华件是用英华华的。写世界上各华华子华索系华的信息用英85%90% 华华存。到年~将数将数英华作华第二华言或外华使用的人超华以英华华母华的人。华2010 一华华无疑会响华英华华生影。 3 English is used for more purposes than ever before. Vocabularies, grammatical forms, and ways of speaking and writing have emerged influenced by technological and scientific developments, economics and management, literature and entertainment. (2)What began some 1,500 years ago as a crude language, originally spoken by little known German tribes who invaded England, now covers the globe. 使用英华的目的比以往任何华候都多。英华的华华~华法形式~以及华方式演华写 深受科技华展、华华~以状况学响及管理、文、华华的影。大华年前~英华华只是那些1500 入侵英格华的华华人知的日华曼部落使用的一华粗俗的华言~如今却它遍及全球。 4 When Mexican pilots land their airplanes in France, they and the ground controllers use English. When German physicists want to alert the international scientific community to new discoveries, they first publish their findings in English. When Japanese executives conduct business with Scandinavian businessmen, they negotiate in English. When pop singers write their songs, they often use English. When demonstrators want to alert the world to their problems, they display signs in English. 墨西哥华行华在法国与国学降落华机华~地面控制人华用英华通华。德物理家要 将国学研与新华华通华华科界华~他华首先用英华华表他华的究成果。日本华理斯堪的华华华 商人做生意华~方用双写英华华判。流行歌手歌华常常用英华。游行示威者要引起世界 华注他华的华华~就打着用英华华的华华。写 5 Three factors continue to contribute to this spread of English: English usage in science, technology and commerce; the ability to integrate vocabulary from other 有三个因素华华促华着languages; and the acceptability of various English dialects. 英华的华播,英华在科技、商华上的华用~英华融合其他华言华华的能力~华各华不同的英华 方言的华同。 6 In science, English replaced German after World War . (3)With this technical? and scientific dominance came the beginning of overall dominance by the language, first in Europe and then globally. 在科学随它确华域~英华在二华之后取代了德华。着在科技华域主华地位的立~ 英华先是在欧洲~华而在全球华始取得全面的主华地位。 7 Today, the information age has replaced the industrial age and has compressed time and distance. This is transforming world economies from industrial production to information-based goods and services. Ignoring geography and borders, the information revolution is redefining our world. In less than 20 years, information processing, once limited to the printed work, has given way to computers and the Internet. Computer-aided communication is closing the gap between spoken and written English. It encourages more informal conversational language and a tolerance for diversity and individual style. 今天~信息华代已华取代了工华华代~华并离况短了华华和距。华一情正在改华世 界华华使其工华生华华向以从与与国信息华基华的华品服华。信息革命不再受地域界的限 制~正在重新界定我华的世界。在不到年的华华~华去华内限于出版物的信息华理20 已华华位于华算机和互华。网弥与离借助于华算机的通华交华正在合英华口华华面华之华的距。 它励会个鼓人华使用更多非正式的华华言~包容多华性和人华格。 8 English, like many languages, uses a phonetic alphabet and fairly basic grammar. But most importantly, it has a large and extensive vocabulary, of which about 80% is foreign. It has borrowed and continues to borrow words from Spanish and French, Hebrew and Arabic, Hindi-Urdu and Bengali, Malay and Chinese, as well as languages from West Africa and Polynesia. This language characteristic makes it unique in history. 英华像华多华言一华使用华音字母以及比华基本的华法。但最重要的是~华有华它 大且覆盖面华的华华~其中华有广是外华。西来它从来班牙华和法华、希伯华和阿拉80% 伯华、印地,华华都华和孟加拉华、华华和华华~以来及西非和波利尼西华等各华华言中曾华借 用华华华并它独借用各华华华。华一特点使得成华华史上一无二的华言。 9 Finally, no English language central authority guards the standards of the language, therefore, many dialects have developed: American, British, Canadian, Indian, and Australian, to name a few. There is no standard pronunciation. But within this diversity is a unity of grammar and one set of core vocabulary. Thus, each country that speaks the language can introduce aspects of its own culture into the usage and vocabulary. 最后一点是~由于有没构英华华言中央华威机华华英华华准~因此形成了华多方 言,美国国众英华、英英华、加拿大英华、印度英华和澳大利华英华~就是多的方言中的 几没个华。英华有华准的华音。但在其多华性里存在一华一的华法和一套核心华华。华华~每 一华个国将英华的家都能各自的文化融入英华的用法和华华中。 10 However, the future is unpredictable. There has never been a language so widely spread or spoken by so many people as English. So, there are no examples to help us predict what happens to a language when it achieves genuine world status. 然而~英华的未来从从来没广无华华。有一华华言像英华华华华华华多人如此泛地华播 使用。因此~有先没来帮当真国会例助我华华华~一华华言取得正的华性地位之后华生 什华情。况 11 The world is in transition, and the English language will take new forms. The language and how it is used will change, reflecting new patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people. 世界正华于华革之中~英华出华新的将会将将形式。英华及其使用有所华化~反 映出其他华它与言交往的新模式~以及华化中的人华交往需求。 12 English is ridding itself of its political and cultural associations as more people realize that English is not the property of only a few countries. Instead, it is a vehicle that is used globally. It belongs to whoever uses it for whatever purpose or need. 英华正在消除其自身的政治和文化的含华~因华越越来多的人华华到~英华不 是少数几个国它它它属家的华华。相反~是一华全球通用的媒介。华使用~就于华~不 管用于何华目的或需要。 13 There is no reason to believe that any one other language will appear within the next 50 years to replace English. However, it is possible that English will not remain unchallenged in the 21st century. Rather, a small number of languages may share in importance -- each with a special area of influence. For example, Spanish is rising because of expanding trade and the increase of the Latino population in the United States. This could create a bilingual English-Spanish region. 有理由相没来信在未年出华任何其他一华华内会言取代英华。然而~英华在50 世华遭遇挑华的可能性不是不存在。少华华数几与礼——言倒是有可能之分庭抗各21 有其特殊的影响国国内地域。比如~由于华易的华展和美拉丁美洲人口的增加~西 班牙华的地位正在上升。华可能华生出一个双区英华和西班牙华共存的华地。 14 A language shift, in which individuals change their language loyalties, is another possibility. These shifts are slow and difficult to predict. But within the next 50 years substantial language shifts could occur as economic development affects more countries. 改华华言~人华放自己一向即弃另使用的华言改用其他华言~是一华可能。华华改 华华程华慢~华以华华。但在未来年~着华华华内随国响展华更多家华生影~重大的华言50 改华可能华生。会 15 Because of these shifts in loyalties, more languages may disappear. Those remaining will rapidly get more native speakers. This includes English. 由于华言使用上的华些华华~更多的华言可能会来将消失。剩下的华言迅速华更 多的人作华母华使用~其中包括英华。 16 Universities using English as the medium of instruction will expand and rapidly create a generation of middle-class professionals. Economic development will only increase the middle class, a group that is more likely to learn and use English in jobs. 用英华华华的大学将会并会壮增多~迅速造就一代中华华华华华人华。华华华展只大华 个体学并中华华华~华一群更有可能在工作中华华使用英华。 17 (4)While languages such as English, German, and French have been international languages because of their governments' political power, this is less likely to be the case in the 21st century where economics and shifts in population will have more influence on languages. 华然英华、德华和法华华些华言曾华着凭国各自政府的政治力量而成华华华言~华华情 况响在华华和人口华化华华言的影更大的世华不太可能华生。21 18 English has been an international language for only 50 years. If the pattern follows the previous language trends, we still have about 100 years before a new language dominates the world. However, this does not mean that English is replacing or will replace other languages as many fear. Instead, it may supplement or co-exist with languages by allowing strangers to communicate across language boundaries. It may become one tool that opens windows to the world, unlocks doors to opportunities, and expands our minds to new ideas. 英华成华华华国言至今华有年。如果英华的华展沿华以往的华言华展模式~那华在50 一华新的华言主宰世界之前~英华仍可享有年左右的主华地位。然而~华不意并100 味着如华多人所心的那华~担将会它英华正在或取代其他华言。相反~可以作华其他华 言的华充~或其他华与并它言存~华陌生人跨越华言障碍华行交华。可能成华人华了解世 界、华启机遇大华、华展思路、接华新思想的一华工具。 Unit8 Protecting nature certainly has benefits, but it has costs as well. How are we to balance the two when deciding how far we should go in caring for the environment? 保华大自然固然裨益良多~但代价也不菲。我华定在当决保华华境方面华华走多 华的华候~华如何华华华者华的华系, 两呢 Saving Nature, but Only for Man Charles Krauthammer 1 Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in democracy or aversion to nylon. But now that everyone has claims to love Mother Earth, how are we to choose among the dozens of conflicting proposals, restrictions, projects, regulations and laws advanced in the name of the environment? Clearly not everything with an environmental claim is worth doing. How to choose? 华了人华自身拯救自然 华华斯克华特哈默? 华境意华~就如同华民主 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的信奉~或是华尼华的华华~已成华当会今上流社 一华必华的华度。可是~在人人都有华利华华地球母华的情下~况面华以保华华境的名华而 提出的华华多多相互冲呢很突的建华、限制、华定、工程和法律~我华华如何华华,华然~ 并声称呢不是每一件保华华境的事都华得去做。那我华华如何华华, 2 There is a simple way. First, distinguish between environmental luxuries and environmental necessities. Luxuries are those things it would be nice to have if costless. Necessities are those things we must have regardless. Then apply a rule. Call it the fundamental principle of sensible environmentalism: Combating ecological change that directly threatens the health and safety of people is an environmental necessity. All else is luxury. 有一华华华的华华方法。首先~要区分是出于华华境的奢侈追求华是出于华境保华之 必需。华华境的奢侈追求指的是那些如果不需花华代价华不妨华有的事物。华境保华之必 需指的是无华花多大的代价我华都必华做的事情。然后~再运条称用一法华。姑且之华 理智华境保华华的基本原理,遏与制直接危害人华健康安全的生华华化~是华境保华之 必需。其他一切均华奢侈追求。 3 For example: preserving the atmosphere, by both protecting the ozone layer and halting the greenhouse effect, is an environmental necessity. In April scientists reported that ozone damage is far worse than previously thought. Ozone reduction not only causes skin cancer and eye cataracts, it also destroys plankton, the beginning of the food chain on top of which we humans sit. 例如,通华保华臭氧遏温来气学华和止室效华保华大华是华境保华之必需。科家华 在月华份氧坏估氧减告华~臭华破之华重华华超出华去的华。臭的少不华华致皮华癌和白4 内摧障~而且毁浮游生物~那是我华人华华以生存的食物华的第一华。 4 The reality of the greenhouse effect is more speculative, though its possible consequences are far deadlier: melting ice caps, flooded coastlines, disturbed climate, dried up plains and, ultimately, empty breadbaskets. The American Midwest feeds the world. Are we prepared to see Iowa acquire Albuquerque's climate? And Siberia acquire Iowa's? 温况怎确坏冰室效华的华华情是华目前华以定~但可能华生的后果破性更大, 帽融化~海岸华被洪水淹没气涸国~候反常~平原干~华而最华粮华空华。美中西部 是华全世界提供粮食的地方。我华是否愿意眼看着华荷华州出华阿华伯克基的候~而气 西伯利华华出华华荷华州的候,气呢 5 Ozone reduction and the greenhouse effect are human disasters. They happen to occur in the environment. But they are urgent because they directly threaten man. A sensible environmentalism, the only kind of environmentalism that will win universal public support, begins by unashamedly declaring that nature is here to serve man. A sensible environmentalism is entirely man-centered: it calls for man to preserve 臭氧减与温灾少室效华都是人华的nature, but on the grounds of self-preservation. 华。者两属两况很它恰好都于华境的范华。但华华情都华迫~因华华直接威华着人华。理智的 华境保华华~亦即众惟一能华得公普遍支持的华境保华华首先坦然指出~大自然是华人华 服华的。理智的华境保华华完全是以人华本的,它吁呼人华保华自然~但其目的是自我 保华。 6 A sensible environmentalism does not sentimentalize the earth. It does not ask people to sacrifice in the name of other creatures. After all, it is hard enough to ask people to sacrifice in the name of other humans. (Think of the public resistance to foreign aid and welfare.) Ask hardworking voters to sacrifice in the name of the snail darter, and, if they are feeling polite, they will give you a shrug. 理智的华境保华华华地球不感情用事。不要它求人华华其他生物做出华牲。华竟~ 要人华华他人作华牲都华而又华。;想一想公众华海外援助和福利救助是何等的抵 制。, 如果要你气你求勤华的华民华华牛华做出华牲~客一点的~也就华华华肩而已。 7 Of course, this man-centeredness runs against the grain of a contemporary environmentalism that worships the earth to the point of excess. One scientific theory -- Gaia theory -- actually claims that Earth is a living organism. This kind of environmentalism likes to consider itself spiritual. It is nothing more than sentimental. It takes, for example, a highly selective view of the kindliness of nature. My nature worship stops with the May storms that killed more than 125,000 Bengalis and left 10 million homeless. 然~华华以人华本的做法前一华华当与当分崇拜地球的华境保华华格格不入。有一 华科学即声称个体理华~盖华理华~就地球是有生命的机。华华华境保华华喜华自华华崇高而 华华。究其华不华是感情用事。比如~在看待大自然的它尽坏仁慈华往往好事华~事皆 忘。本人华去也崇拜自然。但自月华暴华走了多孟加拉人的生命~留下5125,000 万人无家可华以后~我的自然崇拜也就不华存在了。 1,000 8 A non-sentimental environmentalism is one founded on Protagoras' principle that "Man is the measure of all things." Such a principle helps us to fight our way through the jungle of environmental argument. Take the current debate raging over oil drilling in a corner of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Environmentalists, fighting against a bill working its way through Congress to permit such exploration, argue that we should be conserving energy instead of drilling for it. This is a false either/or proposition. The country does need a substantial energy tax to reduce consumption. But it needs more production too. Government estimates indicate a nearly fifty-fifty chance that under the ANWR lies one of the five largest oil fields ever discovered in America. 非感情用事的华境保华华是建立在普华泰戈拉的“人是一切事物的尺度”的 原华之上的。华一原华能助帮争指点迷津~引华我华华出华境保华的混。且以目前要不要 在阿拉斯加国区争极家野生华物保华一角华采原油引华的激烈华华例。华境保华华者力反华 一华正在华法想华得国会争它通华的华采提案~他华华华~我华华华保华能源~不华华华采。华一 华非此即国确税减彼的提法根本站不住脚。美的需要华能源华以重以少消华。但我华也 需要更多地生华石油。政府估几华乎有华国区半的可能~在阿拉斯加家野生华物保华华 之下华藏着美国迄区今华止华华的五大油之一。 9 We have just come through a war fought in part over oil: Energy dependence costs Americans not just dollars but lives. It is a ridiculous sentimentalism that would deny ourselves oil that is peacefully attainable because it risks disrupting the breeding grounds of Arctic reindeer. 我华华华华华了一华部分是华石油而华行的华,华能争国源的依华使美人不华付出了 金华的代价~更有生命的代价。荒唐的感情用事使我华用不上可以和平华得的石油~ 只因华那有可能破坏极北鹿的繁殖地。 10 I like the reindeer as much as the next man. And I would be rather sorry if their mating patterns are disturbed. But you can't have everything. And if the choice is between the welfare of reindeer and reducing oil dependence that gets people killed in wars, I choose man over reindeer every time. 我和华人一华喜华北鹿极它乱会你。如果华的交配华律被打~我深感华憾。但不 可能什华都要。如果要在北鹿极减争的安华和少石油依华以使人华免于华的屠戮之华做 出华华的华~我永华都将舍鹿取人。 11 Similarly the spotted owl. I am no enemy of the owl. If it could be preserved at no or little cost, I would agree: the variety of nature is a good, a high aesthetic good. But it is no more than that. And sometimes aesthetic goods have to be sacrificed to the more fundamental ones. If the cost of preserving the spotted owl is the loss of livelihood for 30,000 logging families, I choose family over owl. 华斑华也一华。我无意与极斑华华华。如果能华不付代价或以小的代价保华斑华~我 也华成保华,自然的多华性是一件好事~是美上的一大好事。但也华此而学已。有华美 学上的好事不得不华那些更华基本的好事做出华牲。如果保华斑华的代价是华伐30,000 木工华失生华~那我要宁民生不要斑华。 12 The important distinction is between those environmental goods that are fundamental and those that are merely aesthetic. Nature is our charge. It is not our master. It is to be respected and even cultivated. But it is man's world. And when man has to choose between his well-being and that of nature, nature will have to accommodate. 华里有一重要的华~就是个区与学区基本的华保善华华具美意华的华保善华之华的 华。自然华我华掌管~不是我华的它个主人。自然理华得到尊重甚至华育。但人华是华世界 的主宰。人华不得不在自当与两身的福祉大自然的裨益者之华取舍华~大自然就得 通融了。 13 Man should accommodate only when his fate and that of nature are bound up together. The most urgent accommodation must be made when the very integrity of man's environment -- e.g. , atmospheric ozone -- is threatened. When the threat to man is of a lesser order (say, the pollutants from coal- and oil-fired generators that cause death from disease but not fatal damage to the ecosystem, a more moderate accommodation that balances economic against health concerns is in order. But in either case the principle is the same: protect the environment -- because it is man's environment. 人华只有在自身命运与运将大自然的命华密相华华才华华就自然做自身华整。人华 在居住华境的健全——气氧——如大臭华华华受到威华的华候必华做出最华迫的华整。如果华人华 的威华相华华小;如燃煤或燃油华华机排放的使人致病致死~但华生华系华不华并来致命 华害的华染物,~华华华衡华华华展和人华健康而华行适度华整。但不管哪况华情~基本原华 是一,个——保华华境因华华是人华的生存华境。 14 The sentimental environmentalists will call this saving nature with a totally wrong frame of mind. Exactly. A sensible -- a humanistic -- environmentalism does it not for nature's sake but for our own. 感情用事的华境保华华者华华华自然的会将称保华之华心华完全华华的自然保华。完全 正。理确————智的人本主华的华境保华华不是华大自然保华华境~而是华我华自己保华华境。 In the first text in this unit we heard the case against too much environmental protection. Here we have the case for more. 本华元第一篇华文中~我华听来听听取了反华华度保华华境的理由。接下我华一要 求加大华境保华力度的呼声。 An Ugly New Footprint in the Sand A.B.C. Whipple 1 There were strangers on our beach yesterday, for the first time in a month. A new footprint on our sand is nearly as rare as in Robinson Crusoe. We are at the very edge of the Atlantic; half a mile out in front of us is a coral reef and then nothing but 3,000 miles of ocean to West Africa. It is a wild and lonely beach, with the same surf beating on it as when Columbus came by. And yet the beach is polluted. 沙华上出华的一个丑陋的新脚印 惠普华A. B. C. 昨天~曾华有陌生人到我华的来个来海华上~华是一月的第一次。我华沙华上任 何一新个几写脚印乎都像《华华华漂流华》里所描的那华罕华。我华是在大西洋的华沿上~ 在我华前面半英里的地方是个没珊瑚礁~再向前直至西非便什华也有了~只有 英里大海一片。华是个与荒僻的人烟稀少的海华~海浪往昔哥华布途华华一华日夜3000 不停地拍打着海岸~但华片海华却已遭受华染。   2 Oil tankers over the horizon have dirtied it more than hundreds of picnickers could. The oil comes ashore in floating patches that stain the coral black and gray. It has destroyed the rock crabs and the crayfish and has coated the delicate coils of the conch shells with black sticky substance. And it has hardened upon itself, littering the beach with globes of tar that resemble the cannonballs of a deserted battlefield. The islanders, as they go beachcombing for the treasures the sea has washed up for centuries, now wear old shoes to protect their feet from the oil that washes up too. 航行在地平华之外的油华华海华的华染要比成百个野餐者造成的华染更华华重。浮 在海面上的片片油华漂到岸上~把珊瑚都染成了黑灰色。油华毁华了道黄蟹和华华~ 在海螺精致的螺旋壳上上了一华涂胶黑色稠。油华凝固成柏油~一华华散落在海华上~ 华一华~西一华~看上去就像是荒弃来华华上的华丸。华上居民去海华上华拾千百年被海 水不上断冲宝旧冲来岸的珍奇物华~华在也穿上鞋~以防同华上的油华华了玷脚。 3 You have to try to get away from pollution to realize how bad it really is. We have known for the last few years how bad our cities are. Now there is no longer an escape. If there is oil on this island far out in the Atlantic, there is oil on nearly every other island. 不得不想方华法当你离你会几来逃华染的华候~才意华到华染的华重程度。年我 华已华意华到我华的城市华染华重。华至今日再也无路可逃。如果华华华地的华大西离个洋小 华上都出华了油华~那华差不多所有的华华都不能幸免。 4 It is still early here. The air is still clear over the island, but it won't be when they build the airport they are talking about. The water out over the reef is still blue and green, but it is dirtier than it was a few years ago. And if the land is not spoiled, it is only because there are not yet enough people here to spoil it. There will be. (1)And so for the moment on this island we are witnesses to the beginning, as it were, of the pollution of our environment.... 华里的华染才初华端倪。华上空依气清气然新~但华华之中的机华一旦造好~空 就不再会清离几新了。华华一点的珊瑚礁上面的海水仍呈华华色~但已华比前年华了华 多。如果华华华土地尚当很将未受到华染~那只是因华地的居民少~华不足以其华染。人 会来个多起的。因此~目前在华华上~不妨华我华是华境华始受到华染的华华人…… 5 Until the pollution of our deserted beach, it seemed simple to blame everything on the "population explosion." If the population of this island, for example, could be held steady at a couple of hundred, there would be very little problem with the environment in this remote area. There would be no pollution of the environment if there were not too many people using it. And so if we concentrate on winning the war 在我华荒僻的海华遭受against overpopulation, we can save the earth for mankind. 华染之前~人华华华地把一切华咎于“人口爆炸”。比如华~如果华上的人口能华华定地 控制在几个会没百人左右~那华华偏僻的地方就不有什华华境华华。如果有太多的人使 用华境~就不有华境华会染。因此~如果我华集中精力打华人口华剩华一仗~我华就能华 人华拯救地球。 6 But the oil on the beach disproves this too easy assumption. Those tankers are not out there because too many Chinese and Indians are being born every minute. They are not even out there because there are too many Americans and Europeans. They are delivering their oil, and cleaning their tanks at sea and sending the remains up onto the beaches of the Atlantic and Pacific, in order to fuel the technology of man -- and the factories and the power plants, the vehicles and the engines that have enabled man to survive on this planet are now spoiling the planet for life. 但海华上的油华华明华一华华的推想是华华的。那些油华不是由于每分华降生了华多 的中人或国遥国欧印度人而航行在那华的大海上的~甚至也不是由于美人、洲人 太多而引起的。他华是在运清将送石油~在海上洗油华~而残余华油送上了大西洋、 太平洋的海华~目的是华人华科技提供燃料如——今~那些华人华得以在地球上生存的 工、华华、华华和华华厂厂坏机正华了人华生存而在毁地球。 7 The fishermen on this island are perfectly right in preferring the outboard motor to the sail. (2)Their livelihood is involved, and the motor, for all its unpleasant smell, has helped increase the fisherman's catch so that he can now afford to do away with the far worse outdoor toilet. But the danger of technology is in its escalation, and there have already been signs of that here. You can see the motor oil floating in the town dock. Electric generators can be heard over the sound of the surf. And while there are only about two dozen automobiles for the ten miles of road, already there is a wrecked one rusting in the harbor waters where it was dumped and abandoned. The escalation of technological pollution is coming here just as surely as it came to the mainland cities that are now covered in smog. 华上的华民宁达没达用舷外华不使华帆~华华做一点也有华。华华系到他华的生华~华 尽气帮达气管味令人华华~却助华民增加了捕华量~因而他华就可以有华去掉华比华味 糟糕断的华外华所。然而~技华的危害在于其自身的不升华~而华里已华出华了华华迹象。 你声响涛声可以看到小华华华漂浮水面的机油。华华机的已华华华了大海的。华然英里华10 的公路上只行华着二十多华汽华~港口水域已内弃个有一华华的破华在生华。技华华染在华 小华上已华华始升华~华华去大华城市的与技华华染升华一模一华~而如今华些大华城市已被 华在罩烟华之中。 8 (3) If the oil is killing the life along the coral heads, what must it not be doing to the plankton at sea which provide 70% of the oxygen we breathe? The lesson of our stained beach is that we may not even have realized how late it is already. Man, because of his technology, may require far more space per person on this globe than we had ever thought, but it is more than a matter of a certain number of square yards per person. There is instead a delicate balance of nature in which many square miles of ocean and vegetation and clean air are needed to sustain only a relatively few human beings. We may find, as soon as the end of this century, that the final destruction of our environment has been signaled not by starvation but by people choking to death. (4) The technology -- the machine -- will then indeed have had its ultimate, mindless, all unintended triumph over man, by destroying the atmosphere he lives in just as surely as you can pinch off a diver's breathing tube. 如果油华正在毁华珊瑚礁华部的生物~那华于它供华我华呼吸所用的氧气70% 海洋浮游生物华有什华影响会呢教尚不华生,海华华染华我华的华在于~我华甚至未意华 到华一切已华华华太华。人华因其技华的华展有可能需要比我华华去所想的多得多的人均空 华才能在华地个并个球上生存~但华不华华是一人均多少平方华的华华。相反~华里有一 个几个微妙的自然平衡华华~要华持不多人的生命~需要华多平方英里的海洋、植被 和新清气坏空。到本世华末我华就可能看到~我华生存华境的华底破不是以华华华华志~ 而是以人华的窒息死亡华华志。那华候~个——即——确会技华机器便华像掐断潜水者的透 气气管一华毫不含糊地毁掉人华华以生存的大华~无意中不知不华地取得华华人华的最华 华利。 9 Sitting on a lonely but spoiled beach, it is hard to imagine but possible to believe. 坐在人迹罕至却已遭受华染的海华上~华一切华以想象~却可置信。
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