首页 美食数据库代码



美食数据库代码/* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : localhost Source Server Version : 50157 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Database : db_eatery Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50157 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2013-09-20 12:57:57 ...

/* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : localhost Source Server Version : 50157 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Database : db_eatery Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50157 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2013-09-20 12:57:57 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for admin -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `admin`; CREATE TABLE `admin` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `AdminType` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `AdminName` char(12) DEFAULT NULL, `LoginName` char(12) DEFAULT NULL, `LoginPwd` char(12) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of admin -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES ('1', '0', '超级管理员', 'admin', 'admin'); INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES ('2', '1', '普通管理员', 'kongle', '123456'); INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES ('9', '1', '孔乐', 'kl', '123'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for cart -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cart`; CREATE TABLE `cart` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Member` int(4) NOT NULL, `Money` decimal(9,2) DEFAULT NULL, `CartStatus` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=14DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of cart -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('1', '1', '97.80', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('2', '1', '38.00', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('5', '1', '12.00', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('6', '1', '40.00', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('7', '2', '86.40', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('8', '2', '0.00', '0'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('9', '1', '40.00', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('10', '1', '8.00', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('11', '1', '9.50', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('12', '1', '12.00', '1'); INSERT INTO `cart` VALUES ('13', '3', '52.50', '1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for cartselectedmer -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cartselectedmer`; CREATE TABLE `cartselectedmer` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Cart` int(4) NOT NULL, `Merchandise` int(4) NOT NULL, `Number` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT'1', `Price` decimal(8,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT'0.00', `Money` decimal(9,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT'0.00', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=19DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of cartselectedmer -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('1', '1', '11', '2', '35.00', '70.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('2', '1', '1', '2', '11.40', '22.80'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('3', '2', '6', '3', '3.00', '9.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('4', '2', '2', '2', '14.25', '28.50'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('8', '5', '1', '1', '11.40', '11.40'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('9', '6', '11', '1', '35.00', '35.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('10', '7', '11', '2', '35.00', '70.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('11', '7', '1', '1', '11.40', '11.40'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('12', '9', '11', '1', '35.00', '35.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('13', '10', '10', '1', '7.60', '7.60'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('14', '11', '6', '3', '3.00', '9.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('15', '12', '9', '1', '10.00', '10.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('16', '13', '11', '1', '35.00', '35.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('17', '13', '6', '1', '3.00', '3.00'); INSERT INTO `cartselectedmer` VALUES ('18', '13', '8', '1', '9.50', '9.50'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for category -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `category`; CREATE TABLE `category` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `CateName` char(40) DEFAULT NULL, `CateDesc` text, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of category -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `category` VALUES ('2', '快餐', '这里的餐饮可以让你在最短时间内吃 到最可口最营养的饭菜,为你节省了大量的时间。好机会不容错过!欢迎惠顾!'); INSERT INTO `category` VALUES ('3', '西餐', '西餐的分类,按照国家不同分法式、 英式、意式、俄式、德式等。按照每天用餐的不同时段,分有正餐、早餐、早午餐、下午茶、小点。'); INSERT INTO `category` VALUES ('4', '中餐', '传承中华之文明,具有中华名族美食 的风格和口味,在这里可以找到你的最爱,吃一次还想再来一次,美食不要错过哦!'); INSERT INTO `category` VALUES ('5', '蔬果餐', '奇异果是众多水果中营养密度最高的,其次是木瓜、草莓、芒果、柠檬、柳橙,其中夏季最常见可做成水果餐点的就是奇异果、芒果。'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for leaveword -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `leaveword`; CREATE TABLE `leaveword` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Member` int(4) NOT NULL, `Admin` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `Title` char(60) DEFAULT NULL, `Content` text, `LeaveDate` Datetime DEFAULT NULL, `AnswerContent` text, `AnswerDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of leaveword -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `leaveword` VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '好评', '本店餐饮新鲜实惠, 品种齐全,供应速度快!我是这里的常客啊!希望大家多来捧场!', '2014-04-27 17:17:24', '哈哈,多谢好评啊@@!以后常光顾!', '2014-04-27 23:55:04'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for member -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member`; CREATE TABLE `member` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Memberlevel` int(4) NOT NULL, `LoginName` char(12) DEFAULT NULL, `LoginPwd` char(12) DEFAULT NULL, `MemberName` char(20) DEFAULT NULL, `Phone` char(15) DEFAULT NULL, `Address` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `Zip` char(10) DEFAULT NULL, `RegDate` Datetime DEFAULT NULL, `LastDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `LoginTimes` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, `EMail` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of member -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `member` VALUES ('1', '1', 'kl', '123', '孔乐', '136********', '上海', '474253', '2014-04-24 16:09:34', '2014-04-27 23:12:59', '7', '916989241@qq.com'); INSERT INTO `member` VALUES ('2', '1', '121', '121', '121', '136********', '而让人', '方芳芳', '2014-04-25 15:32:02', '2014-04-25 15:32:11', '1', '1620945642@qq.com'); INSERT INTO `member` VALUES ('3', '1', 'hellokitty', '123456', '李四', '010-********', '宁海路221号', '111111', '2013-09-20 12:51:12', '2013-09-20 12:51:39', '1', 'hellokitty@qq.com'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for memberlevel -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `memberlevel`; CREATE TABLE `memberlevel` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `LevelName` char(20) DEFAULT NULL, `Favourable` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of memberlevel -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `memberlevel` VALUES ('1', '普通会员', '95'); INSERT INTO `memberlevel` VALUES ('2', '黄金会员', '90'); INSERT INTO `memberlevel` VALUES ('3', '白金会员', '85'); INSERT INTO `memberlevel` VALUES ('4', '钻石会员', '80'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for merchandise -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `merchandise`; CREATE TABLE `merchandise` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Category` int(4) NOT NULL, `MerName` char(40) DEFAULT NULL, `Price` decimal(8,2) DEFAULT NULL, `SPrice` decimal(8,2) DEFAULT NULL, `MerModel` char(40) DEFAULT NULL, `Picture` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `MerDesc` text, `Manufacturer` char(60) DEFAULT NULL, `LeaveFactoryDate` Datetime DEFAULT NULL, `Special` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=12DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of merchandise -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('1', '4', '盖浇饭', '12.00', '0.00', '001', '/Picture/1.jpg', '营养美味,可口!各种口味都有,欢迎品尝!', '湖南', '2014-04-24 00:00:00', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('2', '2', '套餐', '15.00', '0.00', '002', '/Picture/7.jpg', '营养美味,可口!各种口味都有,方便快速,欢迎品尝!', '上海', '2014-04-24 00:00:00', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('3', '4', '黄焖鸡腿', '31.00', '28.00', '004', '/Picture/28.jpg', '鸡肉蛋白质含量较高,且易被人体吸收入利用,有增强体力,强壮身体的作用。鸡肉肉质细嫩,滋味鲜美,由于其味较淡,因此可使用于各种料理中。黄焖 鸡蛋白质的含量颇多,在肉之中,可以说是蛋白质最高的肉类之一,是属于高蛋白低脂肪的食品', '郑州', '2014-04-24 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('4', '3', '营养早餐', '31.00', '28.00', '005', '/Picture/3.jpg', '营养早餐,面包加牛奶,快速方便,欢迎泡品尝。', '上海', '2014-04-24 00:00:00', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('5', '5', '猕猴桃', '3.50', '3.20', '006', '/Picture/7.jpg', '营养的猕猴桃,吃了可以美容养颜,快来抢购哦!', '南阳', '2014-04-24 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('6', '5', '香蕉', '3.50', '3.00', '007', '/Picture/20.jpg', '新鲜的海南蕉,色香味齐全,美味可口,香味迷人,吃一下 都忘不掉!', '海南', '2014-04-24 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('8', '4', '过桥米线', '10.00', '0.00', '009', '/Picture/14.jpg', '经过历代滇味厨师不断改进创新,“过桥米线”声誉日著,享 誉海内外,成为滇南的一道著名小吃。', '浙江', '2014-04-24 00:00:00', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('9', '4', '荷包蛋', '12.00', '10.00', '009', '/Picture/5.jpg', '荷包蛋可谓是鸡蛋的一种经典吃法,主要将鸡蛋直接打在锅上 煎制而成,其特色为蛋黄保持圆形不散开,因其外形与荷包相似,故得其名。荷包蛋又分单面煎和 双面煎两种,单面煎出的荷包蛋较为嫩滑,而双面煎出来的荷包蛋则为香脆为主。荷包蛋因其做法简单,造型美观,加上鸡蛋营养丰富,因而成为十分受欢迎的家常美食。', '河南', '2014- 04-24 00:00:00', '1'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('10', '2', '营养早餐', '8.00', '0.00', '010', '/Picture/15.jpg', '牛奶加面包,方便又营养!', '上海', '2014-04-24 00:00:00', '0'); INSERT INTO `merchandise` VALUES ('11', '4', '小龙虾', '40.00', '35.00', '011', '/Picture/23.jpg', '色香味齐全,美味可口,香味迷人,吃一下都忘不掉!', '四川', '2014-04-25 00:00:00', '1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for notice -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `notice`; CREATE TABLE `notice` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `notice` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL, `time` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of notice -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `notice` VALUES ('2', '本网站最新餐饮公布', '房顶上看地方各级地方各级看额头那边的天空大金鲨口真疯狂你上课了你是可那年贷款买下了那算了门缝里你是开心了吗老是饭么打开了什么', '2014-4-24 11:07:55'); INSERT INTO `notice` VALUES ('3', '好消息', '和你对话保税科技哭了出来你都快女款你都看你看了三菱;暗随流水到天涯;阿萨德南方阿塞法基阿罗你发恶梦免费可那;阿娥们分开经典萨克斯你', '2014-4-24 16:38:33'); INSERT INTO `notice` VALUES ('4', '最新餐饮推出', '第三个梵蒂冈可那都是发挥棵宝科技开发能力担负八大沙漠;立刻从嗯;了的阀门o你的空间不带卡啊电脑', '2014-4-24 16:39:22'); INSERT INTO `notice` VALUES ('5', '优惠活动', '公司单方事故阿双方的时光根据海关进口广发华福岁的法国', '2014-4-24 16:39:48'); INSERT INTO `notice` VALUES ('6', '123', '高峰时段和岁的哈哈哈哈斯蒂芬是光的反射速度放缓告诉对方', '2014-4-27 10:21:13'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for orders -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `orders`; CREATE TABLE `orders` ( `ID` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Member` int(4) NOT NULL, `Cart` int(4) NOT NULL, `OrderNO` char(20) DEFAULT NULL, `OrderDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `OrderStatus` int(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=13DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of orders -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '89', '2014-04-24 16:41:29', '1'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('2', '1', '2', '85', '2014-04-24 16:42:20', '3'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('5', '1', '5', '46', '2014-04-24 16:44:17', '3'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('6', '1', '6', '21', '2014-04-24 16:44:54', '2'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('7', '2', '7', '19', '2014-04-25 15:32:48', '1'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('8', '1', '9', '20', '2014-04-26 17:26:08', '1'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('9', '1', '10', '18', '2014-04-26 17:26:18', '1'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('10', '1', '11', '23', '2014-04-26 17:26:49', '1'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('11', '1', '12', '78', '2014-04-27 23:15:37', '1'); INSERT INTO `orders` VALUES ('12', '3', '13', '29', '2013-09-20 12:53:52', '1');
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