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南京市统一劳动合同文本Nanjing Labor Contract


南京市统一劳动合同文本Nanjing Labor Contract附件一 编号:No. 南京市劳动合同书 Nanjing Labor Contract (2011版)(2011 Edition) 甲方(单位)全称        Party A (Employer) in full name: . 单 位 类 型 法定代表人(或负责人) Company type: Legal Representative: 登 记 注 册 地 邮编 Reg. Address: Post Code: 实 际 经 营 邮编: Actual Address: Post Code: 劳动保障证号:   组...

南京市统一劳动合同文本Nanjing Labor Contract
附件一 编号:No. 南京市劳动 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 书 Nanjing Labor Contract (2011版)(2011 Edition) 甲方(单位)全称        Party A (Employer) in full name: . 单 位 类 型 法定代表人(或负责人) Company type: Legal Representative: 登 记 注 册 地 邮编 Reg. Address: Post Code: 实 际 经 营 邮编: Actual Address: Post Code: 劳动保障证号:   组织机构代码证号 Labor and social security card No. Organization Code 联系部门 联系人 联系电话   Contact Dept.: Contact person Contact Number 乙方(职工)姓名        性别    文化程度   Party B (Employee) name: Gender education 出 生 年 月      在本单位工作起始时间      Birthday: Time beginning 居民身份证号            劳动保障卡号     ID number labor assurance card number 户 籍 所 在 地              邮编      Hukou Address Post Code 实 际 居 住 地                邮编       Home Address post code 职业资格证书名称及等级   Occupational Qualification Certificates and level 就业登记证号 联系电话        Employing Reg. No. Contact Number 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及有关法律法规规定,甲乙双方本着平等自愿、协商一致、合法公平、诚实信用的原则,签订本劳动合同,并承诺共同遵守: The contract is hereby concluded and obeyed by both parties in accordance with Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, in the principles of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free will, negotiation for agreement and good faith. 1、​ 劳动合同期限 Article 1 Term of Contract 甲乙双方约定采用下列第( )种方式确定劳动合同期限 The both parties agree to conclude the term of contract on the basis of the ( ) option of the following items. (1)固定期限劳动合同:自 年 月  日起至  年  月  日止。合同期满,经双方协商一致可以续订;双方或一方不愿续订的,本合同终止。若乙方出现《劳动合同法》第四十二条情形之一的,本合同依照第四十五条规定顺延至情形消失时终止。 (1) The fixed-term of contract: This contract will be valid from (date, month, and year) to (date, month, year). Both parties may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation. The contract may be terminated if both or either party is not willing to renew the contract. In case of the circumstances specified in Article 14 of the Labor Contract Low occurs to the Party B, this contract shall be postponed to the situation elimination for expiry as per the Forty-fifth term. (2)无固定期限劳动合同:自 20 年 月 日起。乙方符合《劳动合同法》第十四条规定情形之一,并提出或同意签订无固定期限劳动合同的,双方应当订立无固定期限劳动合同。 (2) Non-fixed term of contract which starts from (date, month, and year). Party B, who is complied with the circumstances specified in Article 14 of the Labor Contract Low, proposes or agrees to sign a labor contract without a fixed term, and then the both parties shall conclude a labor contract without a fixed term. (3)本合同自 20 年 月 日起始,以完成 工作任务为合同终止时间(该工作为甲方事先确定并且完成目标是确切具体的)。 (3) The contract will be valid from (date, month, and year) to the time when the work of is completed. (The work has been identified by Party A and the working objective is accurate and concrete.) 二、工作内容和工作地点 Article 2, Working content and place 1、工作内容:甲方安排乙方在   岗位从事 工作。甲方安排乙方从事工作的内容和要求应当符合国家制定的劳动基准。 1. Working contents: Part A employs Party B to as to execute Job. The working contents and requirements defined by Party A for Party B shall comply with the working standards specified by the State. 2、工作地点: 。 2. Working place: . 3、乙方应当提高职业技能,按相关标准及甲方依法制订并公示的劳动规章和合同约定履行劳动义务。 3. Party B shall improve occupational skills to fulfill the obligations according to the relevant standards and labor regulations and contract agreements made and publicized by Party A according to the law. 三、工作时间和休息休假 Article 3 working hours and holidays 1、工作时间:乙方的岗位实行(标准、综合计算、不定时)工时工作制。其中,标准工时工作 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 为(常白班、 / 班 / 运转工作制),每天工作 8 小时,每周休息日为 2天 。 1. Working hours: Party B’s working hour shall specified as standard, comprehensive calculation, non-fixed time (please select). Among them, the standard working time refers to (regular daytime, shifts hours operation), with 8 hour(s)/day and 2 rest day(s)/week. 实行综合计算工时工作制或不定时工时工作制的岗位(工种),应当经甲方报经劳动行政部门批准。 The positions or disciplines applied with comprehensive calculation or non-fixed time shall be reported to the Labor Administration for approval by Party A. 2、乙方享有法定休息休假权利,乙方具体休息办法和时间按甲方规定由双方商定。甲方因工作需要安排乙方延长工作时间或在节假日加班的,应与工会和乙方协商同意,依法支付加班加点工资,或按规定安排补休。 2. Party B shall have the legitimate right to enjoy vacations and holidays. The detailed rest method and time shall be negotiated by both parties according Party A’s provisions. In case Party A may extend the working hour of Party B or arrange overtime job during the holiday for Party B, Party A shall acquire the consent of labor union and Party B; over time salary or rest compensation shall be implemented by Party A. 3、乙方休息休假期间的工资支付或扣减办法按国家相关规定执行。 3. Salary payment or deduction method during Party B’s rest period or holiday shall be based on the relevant provisions of state. 四、劳动报酬 Article 4 Labor Remuneration 1、每月 日为甲方工资发放日,工资发放形式为(现金直接发放、委托银行发放),乙方的工资标准采用下列第( )方式确定: 1, Party A shall pay the wage on the day of each month with the form of (cash, bank entrustment). The salary of Party B will be defined as the ( ) item of the following provisions. (1)月薪制:每月为 元,具体办法按照甲方依法制订的相关规定执行。加班加点工资按岗位工资计发基数标准计算。 (1) The monthly salary: the wage is RMB per month; the detailed salary payment method shall be implemented as per the relevant rules formulated by Party A according to the laws. Overtime salary shall be calculated as per the occupational salary standard basis. (2)基本工资和绩效工资相结合的工资分配办法:乙方的基本工资为每月 元(实行年薪制的每月预付工资为 元);绩效工资考核发放办法按乙方的业绩和甲方依法制订的相关规定考核确定。 (2)The salary compounded with basic salary and performance salary: the basic salary of Party B is RMB per month (the prepayment for annual payment is RMB); the performance salary assessment method will be defined as per the performance of Party B and the relevant evaluation rules formulated by Party A according to the laws. (3)计件工资制:计件工资的劳动定额管理按照甲方依法制订的相关规定,乙方的定额单价为 / 元。甲方确定、调整劳动定额的标准应当保证本单位与乙方同岗位90%以上的劳动者在法定工作时间内能够完成。超过法定工作时间及标准以外劳动定额,应当按照法定加班工资的标准计算计件工资。 (3) Piecework salary: the quota of piecework, which is RMB/Piece, shall be defined as per the relevant provisions formulated by Party A according the laws. The quota standard defined or adjusted by Party A shall ensure 90% employees in the company can complete the work within the statutory working hours. The piecework wages for the working hours exceeding the statutory working time or quota beyond the standard shall be calculated according to the statutory overtime payment standard. (4)其他工资分配形式: (4) Other salary distribution forms: 2、乙方从事可能产生职业病危害的岗位工种、夜班劳动、高温等作业的津贴、补贴,按国家和甲方有关规定或集体合同执行。 2. In case Party B may take the positions which can cause occupational disease hazard, night shifts and high temperature operations, the compensation and subsidy shall be implemented as per the relevant regulations of state and Party A, or based on collective contract. 3、甲方向乙方支付工资时,必须出具工资清单,包括乙方姓名、发放时间、应付工资、实发工资、代扣和扣减工资等项目内容,由乙方签字确认。 3. When paying Party B, Party A shall issue salary list with the name of Party B, salary time, total pay amount, final pay amount, withholding and deduction from wages, etc. Party B shall sign the salary list for confirmation. 4、甲方应当根据本单位的经济效益增长情况、当地政府发布的工资指导线、工资指导价位等标准,通过工资集体协商以及工资正常增长制度,合理增加乙方工资报酬。 4. In accordance with economic benefits growth status, the local government’s wage guidelines and guidance wage standard, Party A shall rationally increase the wages of Party B through collective wage negotiations and wage growth system. 五、社会保险 Article 5 Social Insurance 1、自劳动关系建立之月起,甲乙双方应当依法参加社会保险,按时足额申报缴纳社会保险费,其中乙方应缴纳的社会保险费由甲方代扣代缴。 1. Since the establishment of labor relationships, the both parties shall attend social insurance according to law, pay on time and full specified amount for each social insurance premium, in which, the Party B part of premium shall be deducted and paid by Party A on a monthly basis for and on behalf of Party B, in accordance with the rules of China. 2、甲方应当每年至少一次向本单位职工代表大会或本单位住所的显著位置公布本单位和个人全年社会保险费缴纳情况,接受乙方监督。 2. Party A shall publicize the insurance paying status at list once a year for Party B’s supervision. 3、合同履行期间,乙方依法享受国家规定和双方约定的福利待遇。 3. During contract performance, Party B shall legally enjoy the welfares stipulated by state regulations or both parties agreed. 六、劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护 Article 6, labor protection, work conditions and occupational hazard protection 1、甲方保证执行国家关于特种作业、女职工和未成年工特殊保护的规定,对可能产生职业病危害的岗位向乙方履行如实告知义务,对乙方进行劳动安全卫生教育,防止劳动过程中的伤亡事故,减少职业病危害。乙方从事有职业危害作业的,甲方应当定期为乙方进行健康检查,并在乙方离职前进行职业健康检查。 1. Party A shall promise to implement the special protection regulations of state for special operations, women or the minor. Party A shall inform Party B about all kinds of potential hazards and provide labor safety and health training to prevent injury accidents and occupational hazards. In case Party B holds the position of dangerous operation, Party A shall regularly provide Party B with health examination, and conduct occupational health examination before Party B’s demission. 2、甲方承诺,为乙方提供符合国家规定的劳动安全卫生条件和必要的劳动防护用品。乙方应当严格遵守国家和甲方规定的劳动安全规程和标准。 2. Party A shall promise to provide safety and healthy working conditions and labor protection equipment for Party B according to state regulations. Party B shall strictly comply with the labor safety regulations and standards of state or Party A. 3、甲方及其管理人员应当保障乙方在工作场所内的生命安全和身体健康。乙方有权拒绝甲方管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业,并不视为违反本合同。乙方对危害生命安全和身体健康的行为,有权提出批评、检举和控告。 3. Party A and its management staff shall ensure the safety and health of Party B at the working place. Party B has the right to refuse to implement the work with rule violation and forced work at risk by Party A’s management staff, without breach of the contract hereof. Party B has the rights to criticize, expose and accuse of the unsafe and unhealthy behaviors. 4、乙方因工作遭受事故伤害或患职业病,甲方应当负责及时救治,并按规定为乙方申请工伤认定和劳动能力鉴定,保障乙方依法享受各项工伤保险及相关待遇。乙方患病或非因工负伤,甲方保证其享受国家规定的医疗期和相应的医疗待遇。 4. Party A shall be reliable to cure Party B when Party B is suffering the accident or occupational disease due to the work and apply the identification of related injuries and work ability for Party B to ensure Party B’s working injury insurance and related welfare benefit. In case Party B suffers disease or non-working injury, Party A shall ensure Party B has the medical treatment period and relevant medical treatment stipulated by the state. 七、其他约定条款 Article 7 Other terms of agreement 1、试用期:乙方试用期自  年   月  日起至 年  月 日止,试用期乙方的工资待遇为 元/月(或合同约定工资的 / %)。 1. Probation period: The probation period of Party B is from (date, month, and year) to (date, month, and year). The salary during the probation is RMB/Month (or % of the wage agreed) 2、 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 服务期:乙方由甲方出资进行专业技术培训的,双方可依法约定服务期;乙方违反服务期约定,承担的违约金不超过服务期尚未履行部分所应分摊的培训费用。双方约定的培训和服务期协议为本合同的附件。 2. Training service: in case Party B takes the professional technical training funded by Party B, the both parties may negotiate the service time according to the law; in case Party B violate the service agreement, he or she shall bear the penalty which does not exceed the shared training cost of unfulfilled portion of service period. The training and service agreement reached by both parties shall be the appendix of the contract hereof. 3、保密和竞业限制:乙方依法负有保守甲方商业秘密和知识产权的义务。乙方的保密范围为: 见保密协议 ,竞业限制的范围见竞业禁止承诺书,竞业限制的区域为 ,竞业限制期限为 月。竞业限制期间,甲方按月向乙方支付经济补偿 元。 3. Confidentiality and non-competition restriction: Party B shall bear the obligations of the trade secrets and intellectual property of Party A. The confidential range of Party A is please refer to the confidentiality agreements; the range of competition restriction is please refer to non-competition restriction commitment, the restriction area shall be and the period is months. During the restriction period, Party A shall pay Party B financial compensation of RMB by month. 双方约定的保密和竞业限制协议为本合同附件。 The confidentiality and non-competition restriction agreement reached by both parties shall be the appendix of the contract hereof. 4、其他(补充保险、福利待遇等)约定: 4. Miscellaneous (complementary insurance, welfare etc.) (1)乙方在聘用期内,不能适应聘用的岗位要求,甲方可将乙方调整至新岗位,工资待遇按新岗位工资执行,或解除劳动合同,但甲方不支付补偿金。 (1) During the employment period, in case Party B is not capable for the position, Party A may deploy Party B to the new position with salary based on the new position, or dismiss the contract hereof without compensation for Party B. (2)公司所有规章制度甲方已向乙方充分告知,作为本合同书有效附件,具有法律效力,双方应自觉遵守,如乙方违反制度规定,甲方有权按制度规定进行处理。 (2) Party A shall notify Party B of all of the regulations and provisions of the company which shall be the effective appendix of the contract hereof with legal force. Both parties shall consciously abide by the rules. In case Party B violates the rules, Party A is entitled to implement punishment to Party B according to the relevant regulations. (3)本合同履行过程中,若乙方的姓名、户籍、住所、联系电话等相关信息发生变更,乙方需及时以书面形式通知甲方进行变更,否则由此产生的相关责任一律由乙方承担。 (3) During the contract performance, in case of any variations of Party B’s relevant information, such as name, household registration, address, contact numbers, etc., Party B shall notify Party A in written form, otherwise, the relevant reliability shall be borne by Party B. (4)乙方提供就业证,且体检合格后,本合同生效。 (4) Party B shall provide Employ Certificates and the contract shall be in force after the health examination results are acceptable. (5)甲乙双方应依据国务院《住房公积金管理条例》等有关规定缴存住房公积金,其中乙方应缴存的住房公积金由甲方代扣代缴。 (5) Both parties shall pay housing fund in accordance of the relevant stipulations of “House Fund Management Ordinance” of the State Council. Party A shall deduct the relevant amount from Party B’s salary for Party B’s share of housing fund. 八、本合同履行过程中,若甲方变更名称、法定代表人或者主要负责人、投资人等事项,不影响本合同履行;若甲方发生合并或分立等情况,本合同继续有效,由承继单位继续履行。 Article 8 During the contract performance, Party A’s variations of name, legal representative or main responsible persons, investors will not affect the contract performance; in case the merger or division occurs to Party A, the contract hereof remain in effect and shall be formed by the successors. 涉及劳动者切身利益的条款内容或重大事项变更时,双方应当协商一致,以书面方式变更本合同。 In case of any variations about contract content or significant event related to employee’s benefit, both parties shall negotiate and reach agreements to modify the contract hereof in written form. 九、本合同的解除或终止,应当按照法定的条件、程序和经济补偿规定标准执行。甲方违反法律规定解除或终止本合同,按《劳动合同法》第四十八条规定处理。 Article 9 The dissolution or termination of contract shall be implemented based on statutory conditions, procedures and the standard of financial compensation. The circumstance that the dissolution or termination of contract due to Party A’s breach of law, shall be treated in accordance with the article 48 of “Labor Contract Law”. 双方依法终止和解除劳动合同的,甲方应当自解除或终止劳动合同之日起15日内,办理完毕乙方档案和社会保险关系转移等手续;甲方依法应当支付的经济补偿金、医疗补助费等相关费用,在乙方履行完交接手续时支付。 In case of dissolution or termination of contract by law, Party A shall deal with personnel files and transfer social insurance matters for Party B within 15 days after the contract dissolution or termination; the relevant payment, such as financial or medical compensation, shall be paid by Party A when Party B completes the handover procedures. 十、甲乙双方因缴存住房公积金发生的纠纷,由住房公积金管理部门接受投诉、举报,并按国家和地方住房公积金管理规定依法调解和查处。 Article 10 The dispute about housing fund shall be submitted to the Housing Fund Management Authority for solution according to the law. 十一、本合同未尽事宜,法律法规有规定的,按法律法规规定执行;法律法规没有规定的,由双方协商解决;若双方协商不成或者发生劳动争议,应当依法向调解机构申请调解,或者依法申请劳动争议仲裁、向人民法院起诉。 Article 11 Other issues not mentioned herein shall be resolved according to the stipulations in the law if the issue is specified in the law; if there is no mention about the issue, both parties shall conduct negotiations for solution; if no agreement can be reach through negotiations, the issue shall be submitted to the mediation agent for solution or report to Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee for jurisdiction. 十二、本合同一式 3 份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效;双方至少各执一份。甲方应按规定建立职工名册备查,并自本合同签订之日起30日内到劳动部门办理备案手续。 Article 12 The contract is in triplicate and comes into effect upon signatures or seals of both parties; each of the two parties shall hold at least one copy. Party A shall establish Employee’s Name List for future review, and handle the filing procedures in the office of labor department within 30 days since the contract is signed. 甲方(盖章): 乙方(签名): Party A (Seal) Party B (Signature): 法定代表人、负责人 或委托代理人(签名) Legal Representative, Person in Charge Or Entrusted Agent (Signature): 年 月 日 年 月 日 Date: Date:
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