首页 安全工作方针与目标



安全工作方针与目标安全工作方针与目标 一、制定目标落实计划 1、制订和实施企业安全生产中长期规划和跨年度专项工作方案。 2、根据中长期规划~制定年度计划和年度专项活动方案~并严格执行。 3、将安全生产管理指标进行细化和分解~制定阶段性的安全生产控制指标。 4、制定安全生产目标考核与奖惩办法,?定期考核年度安全生产目标完成情况,并奖惩兑现。 二、健全安全管理机构 1、成立安全生产领导小组~明确职责~实行主要领导负责制。 2、设置与企业规模相适应且独立的安全生产管理机构,按规定足额配备专职安全生产和应急管理人员。 3、...

安全工作方针与目标 一、制定目标落实计划 1、制订和实施企业安全生产中长期规划和跨年度专项工作 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 2、根据中长期规划~制定年度计划和年度专项活动方案~并严格执行。 3、将安全生产管理指标进行细化和分解~制定阶段性的安全生产控制指标。 4、制定安全生产目标考核与奖惩办法,?定期考核年度安全生产目标完成情况,并奖惩兑现。 二、健全安全管理机构 1、成立安全生产领导小组~明确职责~实行主要领导负责制。 2、设置与企业规模相适应且独立的安全生产管理机构,按规定足额配备专职安全生产和应急管理人员。 3、定期召开安全生产领导小组会议。安全生产管理机构和下属各分支机构每月至少召开一次安全工作例会。 三、安全责任体系 1、健全责任制 ?法定代表人是安全生产第一责任人~按照安全生产法律法规赋予的职责~对安全生产负全面组织领导、管理责任和法律责任~并严格履行安全生产的责任和义务。?分管安全生产的领导是安全生产的重要负责人~对安全生产负重要管理责任。?公司lifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostatic condition full-stroke opening and closing test, Nineth gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulations, 9-5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-4, trash rack installed in strict accordance with DL/T5 ... Figure 9-5-3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 9-5-4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installation 1) should be installed according to the construction drawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and commissioning of the machine. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm, standard deviation should not be greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according to the requirements of construction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strength, are not allowed to remove and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the lifting hoist machinery and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation shall not exceed ? 3mm. Double hanging point gate in series two drum 其他领导和全体员工实行“一岗双责”~对业务范围内的安全生产工作负责。?安全生产管理机构、各职能部门、生产基层单位的安全职责明确。?各级管理人员及从业人员的安全职责明确。 2、责任制考核 ?每年逐级签订安全生产责任书。一级抓一级~层层抓落实。?根据安全生产责任进行定期考核和奖惩~公告考核和奖惩情况。 四、法规和安全 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 1、法规 ?及时更新适用的安全生产法律法规、 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 规范。?将法规标准和相关要求及时转化为本单位的规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ~贯彻到各项工作中。?执行并落实安全生产法律法规、标准规范。?将适用的安全生产法律、法规、标准及其他要求及时对从业人员进行宣传和培训。 2、安全管理制度 ?制定并及时修订安全生产管理制度~发放到岗位,职工,~包括:1,安全生产责任制,2,安全例会制度,3,文件和档案管理制度,4,安全生产费用提取和使用管理制度,5,车辆、设施、设备安全管理制度,6,安全培训和教育学习制度,7,从业人员安全管理制度,8,安全生产监督检查制度,9,事故统计报告制度,10,安全奖惩制度等。?组织从业人员进行安全管理制度的学习和培训。督促从业人员严格执行本单位的安全管理制度。 3、岗位安全生产操作规程 ?制定并及时修订各岗位的安全生产操作规程~并发放到岗位,职工,。?对从业人员进行安全生产操作规程的学习和培训。 -5-3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 9-5-strict accordance with DL/T5 ... Figure 9 4, trash rack installed in-5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-s, 9and closing test, Nineth gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulationstroke opening -tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostaot exceed ? 3mm. Double hanging point gate in series two drumall nlifting hoist machinery and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation share not allowed to remove and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the ength,to the requirements of construction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strard deviation should not be greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according stand mmissioning of the machine. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm,ding to the construction drawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and coion 1) should be installed accor4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat2 从业人员严格执行本单位的安全生产操作规程。 4、制度执行及档案管理 ?各级各部门各类人员贯彻落实国家有关安全生产的方针、政策、法规及本单位的安全管理制度和操作规程~依据行业特点~制定企业安全生产管理措施。?每年至少一次对安全生产法律法规、标准规范、规章制度、操作规程的执行情况进行检查。?建立和完善各类台帐和档案~并按要求及时报送有关资料和信息。 五、安全投入 1、资金投入 ?按规定足额提取安全生产专项经费~并合理、有效使用。?及时投入满足安全生产条件的所需资金。?为员工办理工伤保险和意外伤害保险。 2、费用管理 ?跟踪、监督安全生产专项经费使用情况。?建立安全费用使用台账。 六、装备设施 1、安全生产设施设备符合有关规定~并保证齐全、完好~没有随意改动。 2、厂区内按规定配备消防栓、消防沙池、警示牌、防护栏、保险凳、安全绳等安全设备~按相关规定配足有效的灭火器。 3、在重点部位设置视频监控设备~并保持实时监控。 4、应急通道、安全出口、消防车通道保持畅通。 5、烤漆房、举升机等特种设备定期检查维护~保证技术状 5-3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 9-5-DL/T5 ... Figure 94, trash rack installed in strict accordance with -5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulations, 9 stroke opening and closing test, Nineth-tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostahanging point gate in series two drumuble and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation shall not exceed ? 3mm. Do ve and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the lifting hoist machineryremo nstruction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strength, are not allowed tobe greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according to the requirements of co d note. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm, standard deviation shouldrawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and commissioning of the machin ion 1) should be installed according to the construction4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat-3 态良好。 6、安全设施、器材设专人进行规范管理。 七、科技与信息化 1、科技信息化 ?生产现场和重要岗位配置视频监控系统?根据需要进行安全生产管理系统或平台建设。?定期检查视频监控和管理系统的运行情况。?建立监控值班制度~对作业现场不间断的实时动态监控。?建立动态监控和异常情况台帐。 八、队伍建设 1、安全培训 制定并实施年度及长期的安全培训计划~明确培训内容和年度培训时间。 2、宣传教育 组织开展安全生产的法律、法规和安全生产知识的宣传、教育。 3、管理人员 ?企业主要负责人和管理人员具备相应安全知识和管理能力~并经行业主管部门培训合格。?专,兼,职安全管理人员具备专业安全生产管理知识和经验~熟悉各岗位的安全生产业务操作规程~运用专业知识和规章制度开展安全生产管理工作~并保持安全生产管理人员的相对稳定。 4、从业人员培训 ?从业人员每年接受再培训~提高从业人员的素质和能力~再培训时间不得少于有关规定学时~未经安全生产培训合格的从 3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 9-5-strict accordance with DL/T5 ... Figure 9 4, trash rack installed in-5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-s, 9and closing test, Nineth gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulationstroke opening -tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostaot exceed ? 3mm. Double hanging point gate in series two drumall nlifting hoist machinery and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation share not allowed to remove and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the ength,to the requirements of construction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strard deviation should not be greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according stand mmissioning of the machine. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm,ding to the construction drawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and coion 1) should be installed accor4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat-5-4 业人员~不得上岗作业。?新技术、新设备投入使用前~对管理和操作人员进行专项培训。 5、规范档案 ?建立健全安全宣传教育培训档案。?对培训教育效果进行评估~改进提高培训教育质量。 九、作业管理 1、现场作业管理 严格执行操作规程和安全生产作业规定~严禁违章指挥、违章操作、违反劳动纪律。 2、安全值班 制定并落实安全生产值班计划和值班制度~重要时期实行领导到岗带班~有值班记录。 3、相关方管理 两个或两个以上班组或部门共用同一设施设备进行维修作业的现场安全生产管理职责明确~并落实到位。 4、驾驶员,试车员,管理 ?制定并落实驾驶员,试车员,行车安全管理制度。?严格审查驾驶员,试车员,的从业资格和驾驶经历~符合条件的签订聘用合同。 5、救援、服务车辆管理 ?制定并落实车辆技术管理制度~按国家规定的技术规范对车辆进行定期维护与检测~保持车辆技术状况良好。?落实专人负责车辆技术管理工作~车辆安全技术状况符合有关规定。?建立并落实车辆安全检查制度。做好出车前、行车中及收车后的车 -3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 9-5-DL/T5 ... Figure 94, trash rack installed in strict accordance with -5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulations, 9 stroke opening and closing test, Nineth-tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostahanging point gate in series two drumuble and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation shall not exceed ? 3mm. Do ve and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the lifting hoist machineryremo nstruction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strength, are not allowed tobe greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according to the requirements of co d note. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm, standard deviation shouldrawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and commissioning of the machin ion 1) should be installed according to the construction4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat-55 辆检查工作。?车辆的维护、维修作业须在本公司内或交通运输管理部门认定的汽车维修企业进行。?建立并妥善保管车辆技术档案~相关内容记载及时、完整、准确、规范~车辆技术档案一车一档。 6、警示标志 在存在危险因素的作业场所和设备设施~设置明显的安全警示标志~警示、告知危险种类、后果及应急措施。 十、危险源辩识与风险控制 1、危险源辨识 ?开展本单位危险设施或场所危险源的辨识和确定工作。?对存在的重大危险源及时采取措施~并按规定报有关部门备案。 2、风险控制 ?及时对作业活动和设备设施进行危险、有害因素识别。?向从业人员如实告知作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素、防范措施以及事故应急措施。 十一、隐患排查与治理 1、隐患排查 ?制定隐患排查工作方案~明确排查的目的、范围~选择合适的排查方法。?定期开展安全生产自查自纠工作~及时发现安全管理缺陷和漏洞~消除安全隐患。检查及处理情况应当记录在案。?对各种安全检查所查出的隐患进行原因 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ~制定针对性控制对策 2、隐患治理 ?制定完善的隐患治理方案~包括目标和任务、方法和措施、 -5-strict accordance with DL/T5 ... Figure 9 4, trash rack installed in-5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-s, 9and closing test, Nineth gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulationstroke opening -tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostaot exceed ? 3mm. Double hanging point gate in series two drumall nlifting hoist machinery and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation share not allowed to remove and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the ength,to the requirements of construction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strard deviation should not be greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according stand mmissioning of the machine. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm,ding to the construction drawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and coion 1) should be installed accor4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat-5-3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 96 经费和物资、机构和人员、时限和要求。?对上级检查指出或自我检查发现的一般安全隐患~严格落实防范和整改措施~并组织整改到位。?重大安全隐患报相关部门备案~做到整改措施、责任、资金、时限和预案“五到位”。?建立隐患治理台帐和档案~有相关记录。?按规定对隐患排查和治理情况进行统计分析~并向有关部门报送书面统计分析表。 十二、职业健康 1、健康管理 设置或指定职业健康管理机构~配备专,兼,职管理人员,按规定对员工进行职业健康检查。 2、危害告知 对从业人员进行职业健康宣传培训。使其了解其作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素和职业危害、防范措施和应急处理措施~降低或消除危害后果的事项。 3、环境与条件 为从业人员提供符合职业健康要求的工作环境和条件~配备与职业健康保护相适应的设施、工具。 十三、安全文化 1、安全环境 ?设立安全文化廊、安全角、黑板报、宣传栏等员工安全文化阵地~每月至少更换一次内容,?公开安全生产举报电话号码、通信地址或者电子邮件信箱。对接到的安全生产举报和投诉及时予以调查和处理。 2、安全行为 3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 9-5-DL/T5 ... Figure 94, trash rack installed in strict accordance with -5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulations, 9 stroke opening and closing test, Nineth-tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostahanging point gate in series two drumuble and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation shall not exceed ? 3mm. Do ve and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the lifting hoist machineryremo nstruction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strength, are not allowed tobe greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according to the requirements of co d note. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm, standard deviation shouldrawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and commissioning of the machin ion 1) should be installed according to the construction4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat-5-7 ?开展安全承诺活动,?编制旅客运输安全知识手册~并发放到职工,?组织开展安全生产月活动、安全生产竞赛活动~有方案、有总结,?对在安全工作中做出显著成绩的集体、个人给予表彰、奖励~并与其经济利益挂钩,?对安全生产进行检查、评比、考核~总结和交流经验~推广安全生产先进管理方法。 十四、应急救援 1、预案制定 ?制定相应的应急预案。并结合实际~分为综合应急预案、专项应急预案和现场处置方案。?应急预案与当地政府预案保持衔接~报当地有关部门备案~通报有关协作单位。?定期评估应急预案~并根据评估结果或实际情况的变化进行修订和完善~修订情况有记录并归档。 2、预案实施 ?开展应急预案的宣传教育~普及安全生产事故预防、避险、自救和互救知识。?开展应急预案培训活动~使有关人员了解应急预案内容~熟悉应急职责、应急程序和应急处置方案。?发生事故后~及时启动应急预案~组织有关力量进行救援~并按照规定将事故信息及应急预案启动情况报告有关部门。 3、应急队伍 ?建立与本单位安全生产特点相适应的专兼职应急救援队伍~或指定专兼职应急救援人员。?组织应急救援人员日常训练和演练。 4、应急装备 ?按照应急预案的要求配备相应的应急物资及装备。?建立 5-strict accordance with DL/T5 ... Figure 9 4, trash rack installed in-5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-s, 9and closing test, Nineth gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulationstroke opening -tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostaot exceed ? 3mm. Double hanging point gate in series two drumall nlifting hoist machinery and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation share not allowed to remove and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the ength,to the requirements of construction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strard deviation should not be greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according stand mmissioning of the machine. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm,ding to the construction drawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and coion 1) should be installed accor4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat-5-3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 9-8 应急装备使用状况档案~定期进行检测和维护~使其处于良好状态。 5、应急演练 ?制定应急预案演练计划~按照有关规定组织开展应急预案演练。?应急预案演练结束后~对应急预案演练效果进行评估~撰写应急预案演练评估报告~分析存在的问题~并对应急预案提出修订意见。 十五、事故报告调查处理 1、事故报告 ?制定事故报告制度和程序~按照国家有关规定及时、如实报告有关部门。?严格执行事故报告制度~准确、及时填报安全生产责任事故统计表、报~没有隐瞒不报、谎报、拖延不报情况。 2、事故处理 ?接到事故报告后~迅速采取有效措施~组织抢救~防止事故扩大~减少人员伤亡和财产损失。?发生事故后~按规定成立事故调查组~积极配合各级人民政府组织的事故调查~随时接受事故调查组的询问~如实提供有关情况。?按时提交事故调查报告~剖析事故原因~落实整改措施。?发生事故后~及时召开安全生产分析通报会~对事故当事人的聘用、培训、考核、上岗以及安全管理等情况进行责任倒查。?按“四不放过”原则严肃查处事故~严肃查处安全生产事故~严格追究责任领导和相关责任人~处理结果报有关部门备案。 十六、绩效考核与持续改进 1、绩效评定 -5-DL/T5 ... Figure 94, trash rack installed in strict accordance with -5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulations, 9 stroke opening and closing test, Nineth-tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostahanging point gate in series two drumuble and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation shall not exceed ? 3mm. Do ve and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the lifting hoist machineryremo nstruction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strength, are not allowed tobe greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according to the requirements of co d note. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm, standard deviation shouldrawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and commissioning of the machin ion 1) should be installed according to the construction4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat-5-3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 99 每年至少一次对本单位安全生产标准化的实施情况进行评定~对安全生产工作目标、指标的完成情况进行综合考核。 2、持续改进 提出进一步完善安全标准化的计划和措施~对安全生产目标、指标、管理制度、操作规程等进行修改完善。 3、安全管理体系建设 根据企业生产经营实际~建立相应的安全管理体系~规范安全生产管理~形成长效机制。 ding to the construction drawings, drawings and technical documents of the supplier, fixed hoist installation, testing and coion 1) should be installed accor4 trash rack installation flowchart 9.5.4 2 fixed hoist machine setup and methods (1) the technical requirements of installat-5-3 flow chart of steel gate installed total figure 9-5-strict accordance with DL/T5 ... Figure 9 4, trash rack installed in-5-specific setup as shown in Figure 3. Trash rack installation procedure as described in Figure 9-5-s, 9and closing test, Nineth gate installation in strict accordance with the DL/T5018 norms, chapter gate installation regulationstroke opening -tic condition fulllifting tests. Gate opening and closing test including full stroke without the water opening and closing test, under hydrostaot exceed ? 3mm. Double hanging point gate in series two drumall nlifting hoist machinery and equipment installation centre line alignment, the vertical and horizontal centerline deviation share not allowed to remove and change the temporary support of hoist, but not for debugging and test run. 3) according to the ength,to the requirements of construction and installation drawings pouring in concrete strength has not yet reached the design strard deviation should not be greater than 0.5/1000. The concrete frame and Foundation member, should be carried out according stand mmissioning of the machine. 2) install hoist base buildings, must be strong and safe. Crane elevation shall not exceed ? 5mm,10
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