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劳动法关于工伤赔偿劳动法关于工伤赔偿 发布日期:2010-05-18 文章来源:互联网 刘芳(化名)是某加工厂的一名一线工人,近日不幸发生了工伤,工厂老板只是垫付了一些医药费,就不再理会她了,现在她想咨询劳动法关于工伤赔偿,究竟可以赔付多少? 专家答疑:劳动法关于工伤赔偿问题,内容如下: 工伤赔偿又称工伤保险待遇,是指工伤职工、工亡职工亲属依法应当享受的赔偿项目和标准。未参加工伤保险期间用人单位职工发生工伤的,由该用人单位按照《工伤保险条例》规定的工伤保险待遇项目和标准支付费用。 主要参考法规、规章 行政法规:工伤保险...

劳动法关于工伤赔偿 发布日期:2010-05-18 文章来源:互联网 刘芳(化名)是某加工厂的一名一线工人,近日不幸发生了工伤,工厂老板只是垫付了一些医药费,就不再理会她了,现在她想咨询劳动法关于工伤赔偿,究竟可以赔付多少? 专家答疑:劳动法关于工伤赔偿问题,内容如下: 工伤赔偿又称工伤保险待遇,是指工伤职工、工亡职工亲属依法应当享受的赔偿项目和标准。未参加工伤保险期间用人单位职工发生工伤的,由该用人单位按照《工伤保险条例》规定的工伤保险待遇项目和标准支付费用。 主要参考法规、规章 行政法规:工伤保险条例。 规章:各省、直辖市实施工伤保险办法;各省农民工工伤保险实施暂行办法。 具体赔偿项目、标准 (一)医疗费 1、要求:治疗工伤所需费用符合工伤保险诊疗项目目录、工伤保险药品目录、工伤保险住院服务标准。 2、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第29条第3款。 3、备注:用人单位没有参加工伤保险的,不是必须到签有服务协议的医疗机构治疗。 (二)住院伙食补助费 1、标准:本单位因公出差伙食补助标准的70%。 2、要求:住院期间。 3、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第29条第4款 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 4、备注:单位没有出差伙食补助标准的,参考当地国家机关工作人员出差伙食补助金标准。 (三)交通费、食宿费 1、标准:本单位职工因公出差伙食补助标准。 2、要求:医疗机构出具诊断证明,经办机构同意,工伤职工到统筹地区以外就医。 3、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第29条第4款。 (四)康复治疗费 1、标准:治疗工伤所需费用符合工伤保险诊疗项目目录、工伤保险药品目录、工伤保险住院服务标准。 2、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第29条第6款。 3、备注:依地方规定,康复治疗需经办机构组织专家评定。 (五)辅助器具费 1、标准:各省、直辖市工伤辅助器具限额标准。 2、要求:因日常生活或者就业需要,经劳动能力鉴定委员会确认,安装假肢、矫形器、假眼、假牙和配置轮椅等辅助器具。 3、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第30条。 (六) 停工留薪 1、标准:原工资福利待遇不变,由所在单位按月支付 。 2、要求:停工留薪期一般不超过12个月;伤情严重或者情况特殊,经设区的市级劳动能力鉴定委员会确认,可以适当延长,但延长不得超过12个月。工伤职工在停工留薪期满后仍需治疗的,继续享受工伤医疗待遇。 3、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第31条。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 4、备注:停工留薪期根据医疗机构的诊断证明和各地的停工留薪期分类目录确定,但确定的部门和程序,依地方规定。 (七)护理费 1、标准:(1)停工留薪期内需要护理的,由所在单位负责。(2)评定伤残后需要护理的,完全生活不能自理,按统筹地上年度职工月平均工资的50%;大部分生活不能自理,统筹地上年度职工月平均工资的40%;部分生活不能自理,统筹地上年度职工月平均工资的30% ; 2、要求:生活护理费需经劳动能力鉴定委员会确认,工伤职工按月享受。 3、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第31条第3款、第32条。 (八)一级至四级伤残待遇 1、标准:支付一次性伤残补助金:一级伤残为24个月的本人工资,二级伤残为22个月的本人工资,三级伤残为20个月的本人工资,四级伤残为18个月的本人工资; 按月享受伤残津贴:一级伤残为本人工资的90%,二级伤残为本人工资的85%,三级伤残为本人工资的80%,四级伤残为本人工资的75%。伤残津贴实际金额低于当地最低工资标准的,补足差额; 2、要求:保留劳动关系,退出工作岗位。工伤职工达到退休年龄并办理退休手续后,停发伤残津贴,享受基本养老保险待遇。基本养老保险待遇低于伤残津贴的,补足差额。用人单位和职工个人以伤残津贴为基数,缴纳基本医疗保险费。 3、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第33条。 4、备注:本人工资,是指工伤职工因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病前12个月平均月缴费工资。本人工资高于统筹地区职工平均工资300%的,按照统筹地区职工平均工资的300%计算;本人工资低于统筹地区职工平均工资60%的,按照统筹地区职工平均工资的60%计算。 (九)五级、六级伤残待遇 1、标准:享受一次性伤残补助金:五级伤残为16个月的本人工资,六级伤残为14个月的本人工资;保留与用人单位的劳动关系,由用人单位安排适当工作。难以安排工作的,由用人单位按月发给伤残津贴,五级伤残为本人工资的70%,六级伤残为本人工资的60%,并由用人单位按照规定为其缴纳应缴纳的各项社会保险费。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 2、要求:伤残津贴实际金额低于当地最低工资标准的,由用人单位补足差额。 经职工本人提出,可以与用人单位解除或终止劳动关系,由用人单位分别以其解除或终止劳动关系时的统筹地区上年度职工月平均工资为基数,支付一次性工伤医疗补助金和伤残就业补助金(具体标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定)。 3、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第34条。 4、备注:本人工资,是指工伤职工因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病前12个月平均月缴费工资。本人工资高于统筹地区职工平均工资300%的,按照统筹地区职工平均工资的300%计算;本人工资低于统筹地区职工平均工资60%的,按照统筹地区职工平均工资的60%计算。 (十)七级至十级伤残待遇 1、标准:享受一次性伤残补助金:七级伤残为12个月的本人工资,八级伤残为10个月的本人工资,九级伤残为8个月的本人工资,十级伤残为6个月的本人工资; 2、要求:劳动合同期满终止,或者职工本人提出解除劳动合同的,由用人单位分别按其解除或终止劳动合同时的统筹地区上年度职工月平均工资为基数,支付本人一次性工伤医疗补助金和一次性伤残就业补助金 (具体标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定)。 3、法律依据:《工伤保险条例》第35条。 4、备注:本人工资,是指工伤职工因工作遭受事故伤害或者患职业病前12个月平均月缴费工资。本人工资高于统筹地区职工平均工资300%的,按照统筹地区职工平均工资的300%计算;本人工资低于统筹地区职工平均工资60%的,按照统筹地区职工平均工资的60%计算。 (十一)工亡待遇标准 1、丧葬补助金 标准:6个月的统筹地区上年度职工月平均工资。 2、供养亲属抚恤金 (1)、按职工本人工资的一定比例发给由工亡职工生前提供主要生活来源、无劳动能力的亲属。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with (2)、配偶每月40%,其他亲属每人每月30%,孤寡老人或者孤儿每人每月在上述标准的基础上增加10%。 (3)、核定的各供养亲属的抚恤金之和不应高于因工死亡职工生前的工资。 3、 供养亲属范围: (1)、职工的配偶、子女、父母、祖父母、外祖父母、孙子女、外孙子女、兄弟姐妹。 (2)、子女,包括婚生子女、非婚生子女、养子女和有抚养关系的继子女,其中,婚生子女、非婚生子女包括遗腹子女;(3)、父母,包括生父母、养父母和有抚养关系的继父母; (4)、兄弟姐妹,包括同父母的兄弟姐妹、同父异母或者同母异父的兄弟姐妹、养兄弟姐妹、有抚养关系的继兄弟姐妹。 4、 申请供养亲属抚恤金条件 依靠因工死亡职工生前提供主要生活来源,并有下列情形之一:(一)完全丧失劳动能力的;(二)工亡职工配偶男年满6O周岁、女年满55周岁的;(三)工亡职工父母男年满60周岁、女年满55周岁的;(四)工亡职工子女未满18周岁的;(五)工亡职工父母均已死亡,其祖父、外祖父年满60周岁,祖母、外祖母年满55周岁的;(六)工亡职工子女已经死亡或完全丧失劳动能力,其孙子女、外孙子女未满18周岁的;(七)工亡职工父母均已死亡或完全丧失劳动能力,其兄弟姐妹未满18周岁的。 5、 停止享受抚恤金待遇的情形 (1)、年满18周岁且未完全丧失劳动能力的; (2)、就业或参军的; (3)、工亡职工配偶再婚的; (4)、被他人或组织收养的; (5)、死亡的。 6、确定是否符合被供养资格时间 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with 职工因工死亡,其供养亲属享受抚恤金待遇的资格,按职工因工死亡时的条件核定。 7、一次性工亡补助金 (1)、标准: 为48个月至60个月的统筹地区上年度职工月平均工资 (2)、要求:第一、伤残职工停工留薪期内因工伤导致死亡的 其直系亲属享受本条第一款规定的丧葬补助金、供养亲属抚恤金、一次性工亡补助金待遇 ;第二、一级至四级伤残职工在停工留薪期满后死亡的 其直系亲属可以享受本条第一款第(一)项的丧葬补助金、第(二)项规定的供养亲属抚恤金的待遇。 (十二)、因工外出时发生事故或在抢险救灾中下落不明的待遇标准 1、职工因工外出期间发生事故或者在抢险救灾中下落不明的,从事故发生当月起3个月内照发工资; 2、从第4个月起停发工资,由工伤保险基金向其供养亲属按月支付供养亲属抚恤金。 3、生活有困难的,可以预支一次性工亡补助金的50%。 4、职工被人民法院宣告死亡的,按照工伤保险条例第三十七条职工因工死亡的规定处理。 ready-mixed concrete manufacturers to sign quality guarantees. (3) using hot water mix, hot water temperature does not exceed 60 c to ensure concrete machine up to a temperature of 15~20?, casting temperature is greater than 5 degrees centigrade. (4) strict control of mixing concrete admixture admixture of cement and concrete, mixing time stirring at room temperature time of 1.5 times. 2 transport ready-mixed concrete trucks, concrete must be coated in transport insulation to prevent heat loss. To shorten the transport time to ensure concrete pouring temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celsius. 3, the pouring of concrete (1) before concrete pouring, clearing snow and ice on the template and steel and dirt. (2) using concrete pumps (HBT-80) for the vertical transportation, fire-retardant thermal insulation for concrete pump pipe wrap, to prevent heat loss, to ensure that the concrete into the mold temperature of not less than 5 degrees centigrade. (3) concrete not subjected to impact loading not fully cooled. 4, concrete curing concrete curing: concrete curing comprehensive thermal storage method is used. (1) wall of concrete curing: release time after flame-resistant quilt cover and press up or down to prevent wind, according to the thermal calculation to determine the thickness of the insulation is. (2) curing concrete roof: roof after the concrete has been poured, the surface covered with
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