首页 网络安全设计方案



网络安全设计方案网络安全设计方案 目录 1、网络安全问题………………………………………………3 2、设计的安全性………………………………………………3 可用性…………………………………………………………..3 机密性…………………………………………………………..3 完整性…………………………………………………………..3 可控性…………………………………………………………..3 可审查性………………………………………………………..3 访问控制………………………………………………………..3 数据加密……………………...

网络安全 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 目录 1、网络安全问题………………………………………………3 2、设计的安全性………………………………………………3 可用性…………………………………………………………..3 机密性…………………………………………………………..3 完整性…………………………………………………………..3 可控性…………………………………………………………..3 可审查性………………………………………………………..3 访问控制………………………………………………………..3 数据加密………………………………………………………..3 安全审计………………………………………………………..3 3、安全设计方案………………………………………………5 设备选型………………………………………………………..5 网络安全………………………………………………………..7 访问控制………………………………………………………...9 入侵检测………………………………………………………..10 4、总结…………………………………………………………11 1、网络安全问题 随着互联网的飞速发展,网络安全逐渐成为一个潜在的巨大问题。网络安全性是一个涉及面很广泛的问题,其中也会涉及到是否构成犯罪行为的问题。在其最简单的形式中,它主要关心的是确保无关人员不能读取,更不能修改传送给其他接收者的信息。此时,它关心的对象是那些无权使用,但却试图获得远程服务的人。安全性也处理合法消息被截获和重播的问题,以及发送者是否曾发送过该条消息的问题。 大多数安全性问题的出现都是由于有恶意的人试图获得某种好处或损害某些人而故意引起的。可以看出保证网络安全不仅仅是使它没有编程错误。它包括within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 要防范那些聪明的,通常也是狡猾的、专业的,并且在时间和金钱上是很充足、富有的人。同时,必须清楚地认识到,能够制止偶然实施破坏行为的敌人的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 对那些惯于作案的老手来说,收效甚微。 网络安全性可以被粗略地分为4个相互交织的部分,保密、鉴别、反拒认以及完整性控制。保密是保护信息不被未授权者访问,这是人们提到的网络安全性时最常想到的内容。鉴别主要指在揭示敏感信息或进行事务处理之前先确认对方的身份。反拒认主要与签名有关。保密和完整性通过使用注册过的邮件和文件锁来 2、设计的安全性 通过对网络系统的风险分析及需要解决的安全问题,我们需要制定合理的安全策略及安全方案来确保网络系统的机密性、完整性、可用性、可控性与可审查性。即, 可用性: 授权实体有权访问数据 机密性: 信息不暴露给未授权实体或进程 完整性: 保证数据不被未授权修改 可控性: 控制授权范围内的信息流向及操作方式 可审查性:对出现的安全问题提供依据与手段 访问控制:需要由防火墙将内部网络与外部不可信任的网络隔离,对与外部网络交换数据的内部网络及其主机、所交换的数据进行严格的访问控制。同样,对内部网络,由于不同的应用业务以及不同的安全级别,也需要使用防火墙将不同的LAN或网段进行隔离,并实现相互的访问控制。 数据加密:数据加密是在数据传输、存储过程中防止非法窃取、篡改信息的有效手段。 安全审计, 是识别与防止网络攻击行为、追查网络泄密行为的重要措施之一。具体包括两方面的内容,一是采用网络监控与入侵防范系统,识别网络各种违规操作与攻击行为,即时响应,如报警,并进行阻断,二是对信息内容的审计,可以防止内部机密或敏感信息的非法泄漏 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 针对企业现阶段网络系统的网络结构和业务流程,结合企业今后进行的网络化应用范围的拓展考虑,企业网主要的安全威胁和安全漏洞包括以下几方面, ,1,内部窃密和破坏 由于企业网络上同时接入了其它部门的网络系统,因此容易出现其它部门不怀好意的人员(或外部非法人员利用其它部门的计算机)通过网络进入内部网络,并进一步窃取和破坏其中的重要信息(如领导的网络帐号和口令、重要文件等),因此这种风险是必须采取措施进行防范的。 ,2,搭线(网络)窃听 这种威胁是网络最容易发生的。攻击者可以采用如Sniffer等网络 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 分析工具,在INTERNET网络安全的薄弱处进入INTERNET,并非常容易地在信息传输过程中获取所有信息(尤其是敏感信息)的内容。对企业网络系统来讲,由于存在跨越INTERNET的内部通信(与上级、下级)这种威胁等级是相当高的,因此也是本方案考虑的重点。 ,3,假冒 这种威胁既可能来自企业网内部用户,也可能来自INTERNET内的其它用户。如系统内部攻击者伪装成系统内部的其他正确用户。攻击者可能通过冒充合法系统用户,诱骗其他用户或系统管理员,从而获得用户名/口令等敏感信息,进一步窃取用户网络内的重要信息。或者内部用户通过假冒的方式获取其不能阅读的秘密信息。 ,4,完整性破坏 这种威胁主要指信息在传输过程中或者存储期间被篡改或修改,使得信息/数据失去了原有的真实性,从而变得不可用或造成广泛的负面影响。由于XXX -e connection. explosivesealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosionproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find th-n box, explosionproof electric junctio-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosionburning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, -protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonregional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous -normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-e tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonbe tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should b proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should-1.11.4 the installation of explosionm. 4.gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2m ment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metalproof electrical equip-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-ion of explosionowing requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operatmeet the follwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall 3 企业网内有许多重要信息,因此那些不怀好意的用户和非法用户就会通过网络对没有采取安全措施的服务器上的重要文件进行修改或传达一些虚假信息,从而影响工作的正常进行。 ,5, 其它网络的攻击 企业网络系统是接入到INTERNET上的,这样就有可能会遭到INTERNET上黑客、恶意用户等的网络攻击,如试图进入网络系统、窃取敏感信息、破坏系统数据、设置恶意代码、使系统服务严重降低或瘫痪等。因此这也是需要采取相应的安全措施进行防范。 ,6, 管理及操作人员缺乏安全知识 由于信息和网络技术发展迅猛,信息的应用和安全技术相对滞后,用户在引入和采用安全设备和系统时,缺乏全面和深入的 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 和学习,对信息安全的重要性与技术认识不足,很容易使安全设备/系统成为摆设,不能使其发挥正确的作用。如本来对某些通信和操作需要限制,为了方便,设置成全开放状态等等,从而出现网络漏洞。 由于网络安全产品的技术含量大,因此,对操作管理人员的培训显得尤为重要。这样,使安全设备能够尽量发挥其作用,避免使用上的漏洞。 ,7,雷击 由于网络系统中涉及很多的网络设备、终端、线路等,而这些都是通过通信电缆进行传输,因此极易受到雷击,造成连锁反应,使整个网络瘫痪,设备损坏,造成严重后果。因此,为避免遭受感应雷击的危害和静电干扰、电磁辐射干扰等引起的瞬间电压浪涌电压的损坏,有必要对整个网络系统采取相应的防雷措施。 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 3、网络安全设计方案 ,1,网络拓扑结构图 设备选型 传统的组网已经不能满足现在网络应用的变化了,在组网的初期必须考虑到安全和网络的问题,考虑到这个问题我们就不能不考虑免疫网络的作用以及前景如何。 免疫网络—— 免疫网络是企业信息网络的一种安全形式。 “免疫”是生物医学的名词,它指的是人体所具有的“生理防御、自身稳定与免疫监视”的特定功能。 就像我们耳熟能详的电脑病毒一样,在电脑行业,“病毒”就是对医学名词形象的借用。同样,“免疫”也被借用于说明计算机网络的一种能力和作用。免疫就是让企业的内部网络也像人体一样具备“防御、稳定、监视”的功能。这样的网络就称之为免疫网络。 e connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find th--n box, explosionproof electric junctio-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosionburning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, -normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosionprotection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonregional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous -e tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonbe tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should b proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should-1.11.4 the installation of explosionm. 4.gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2m ment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metalproof electrical equip-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-ion of explosionowing requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operatmeet the follwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall 5 免疫网络的主要理念是自主防御和管理,它通过源头抑制、群防群控、全网联动使网络内每一个节点都具有安全功能,在面临攻击时调动各种安全资源进行应对。 它具有安全和网络功能融合、全网设备联动、可信接入、深度防御和控制、精细带宽管理、业务感知、全网监测评估等主要特征。 下面让我们看看这几个特征的距离内容 安全和网络功能的融合 ?网络架构的融合,主要包括网关和终端的融合 网关方面:ARP先天免疫原理—NAT表中添加源MAC地址滤窗防火墙—封包检测,IP分片检查 UDP洪水终端方面:驱动部分—免疫标记 ?网络协议的融合—行为特征和网络行为的融合 全网设备的联动 ?驱动与运营中心的联动分收策略 ?驱动与驱动的联动IP地址冲突 ?网关和驱动的联动群防群控 ?运营中心和网关的联动(外网攻击,上下线 可信接入 ?MAC地址的可信(类似于DNA),生物身份 ?传输的可信(免疫标记) 深度防御和控制 ?深入到每个终端的网卡 深入到协议的最低层 深入到二级路由,多级路由器下 精细带宽管理 ?身份精细—IP/MAC的精确 ?位置精确—终端驱动 ?路径细分(特殊的IP) ?流量去向(内,公网) ?应用流控(QQ,MSN) 业务感知 协议区分和应用感知 它与防火墙(FW)、入侵检测系统(IDS)、防病毒等“老三样”组成的安全网络相比,突破了被动防御、边界防护的局限,着重从内网的角度解决攻击问题,应对目前网络攻击复杂性、多样性、更多从内网发起的趋势,更有效地解决网络威胁。 同时,安全和管理密不可分。免疫网络对基于可信身份的带宽管理、业务感知和控制,以及对全网安全问题和工作效能的监测、分析、统计、评估,保证了企业网络的可管可控,大大提高了通信效率和可靠性。 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 安全架构分析 根据企业网络现状及发展趋势,主要安全措施从以下几个方面进行考虑, 网络传输保护 主要是数据加密保护 主要网络安全隔离 通用措施是采用防火墙 网络病毒防护 采用网络防病毒系统 广域网接入部分的入侵检测 采用入侵检测系统 系统漏洞分析 采用漏洞分析设备 定期安全审计 主要包括两部分,内容审计和网络通信审计 重要数据的备份 重要信息点的防电磁泄露 网络安全结构的可伸缩性 包括安全设备的可伸缩性,即能根据用户的需要随时进行规模、功能扩展 网络防雷 regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, e connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find th-n box, explosionproof electric junctio-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosionproof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, -protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-e tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonbe tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should b proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should-1.11.4 the installation of explosionm. 4.gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2m ment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metalproof electrical equip-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-ion of explosionowing requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operatmeet the follwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall 7 ,2,网络安全 作为企业应用业务系统的承载平台,网络系统的安全显得尤为重要。由于许多重要的信息都通过网络进行交换, 网络传输 由于企业中心内部网络存在两套网络系统,其中一套为企业内部网络,主要运行的是内部办公、业务系统等;另一套是与INTERNET相连,通过ADSL接入,并与企业系统内部的上、下级机构网络相连。通过公共线路建立跨越INTERNET的企业集团内部局域网,并通过网络进行数据交换、信息共享。而INTERNET本身就缺乏有效的安全保护,如果不采取相应的安全措施,易受到来自网络上任意主机的监听而造成重要信息的泄密或非法篡改,产生严重的后果。 由于现在越来越多的政府、金融机构、企业等用户采用VPN技术来构建它们的跨越公共网络的内联网系统,因此在本解决方案中对网络传输安全部分推荐采用VPN设备来构建内联网。可在每级管理域内设置一套VPN设备,由VPN设备实现网络传输的加密保护。根据企业三级网络结构,VPN设置如下图所示, within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 图为三级 VPN设置拓扑图 每一级的设置及管理方法相同。即在每一级的中心网络安装一台VPN设备和一台VPN认证服务器(VPN-CA),在所属的直属单位的网络接入处安装一台VPN设备,由上级的VPN认证服务器通过网络对下一级的VPN设备进行集中统一的网络化管理。可达到以下几个目的, 网络传输数据保护 由安装在网络上的VPN设备实现各内部网络之间的数据传输加密保护,并可同时采取加密或隧道的方式进行传输 网络隔离保护 与INTERNET进行隔离,控制内网与INTERNET的相互访问 集中统一管理,提高网络安全性 降低成本(设备成本和维护成本) 其中,在各级中心网络的VPN设备设置如下图, 图为中心网络VPN设置图 由一台VPN管理机对CA、中心VPN设备、分支机构VPN设备进行统一网络管理。将对外服务器放置于VPN设备的DMZ口与内部网络进行隔离,禁止外网直接访问内网,控制内网的对外访问、记录日志。这样即使服务器被攻 sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosione connection. explosiveburning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find th-n box, explosionproof electric junctio-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion--protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonregional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous -normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-e tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonbe tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should b proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should-1.11.4 the installation of explosionm. 4.gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2m ment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metalproof electrical equip-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-ion of explosionowing requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operatmeet the follwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall 9 破,内部网络仍然安全。 下级单位的VPN设备放置如下图所示, 图为下级单位VPN设置图 从图可知,下属机构的VPN设备放置于内部网络与路由器之间,其配置、管理由上级机构通过网络实现,下属机构不需要做任何的管理,仅需要检查是否通电即可。由于安全设备属于特殊的网络设备,其维护、管理需要相应的专业人员,而采取这种管理方式以后,就可以降低下属机构的维护成本和对专业技术人员的要求,这对有着庞大下属、分支机构的单位来讲将是一笔不小的费用。 由于网络安全的是一个综合的系统工程,是由许多因素决定的,而不是仅仅采用高档的安全产品就能解决,因此对安全设备的管理就显得尤为重要。由于一般的安全产品在管理上是各自管理,因而很容易因为某个设备的设置不当,而使整个网络出现重大的安全隐患。而用户的技术人员往往不可能都是专业的,因此,容易出现上述现象;同时,每个维护人员的水平也有差异,容易出现相互配置上的错误使网络中断。所以,在安全设备的选择上应当选择可以进行网络化集中管理的设备,这样,由少量的专业人员对主要安全设备进行管理、配置,提高整体网络的安全性和稳定性。 ,3,访问控制 由于企业广域网网络部分通过公共网络建立,其在网络上必定会受到来自INTERNET上许多非法用户的攻击和访问,如试图进入网络系统、窃取敏感信within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 息、破坏系统数据、设置恶意代码、使系统服务严重降低或瘫痪等,因此,采取相应的安全措施是必不可少的。通常,对网络的访问控制最成熟的是采用防火墙技术来实现的,本方案中选择带防火墙功能的VPN设备来实现网络安全隔离,可满足以下几个方面的要求, 控制外部合法用户对内部网络的网络访问; 控制外部合法用户对服务器的访问; 禁止外部非法用户对内部网络的访问; 控制内部用户对外部网络的网络; 阻止外部用户对内部的网络攻击; 防止内部主机的IP欺骗; 对外隐藏内部IP地址和网络拓扑结构; 网络监控; 网络日志审计; 详细配置拓扑图见图 由于采用防火墙、VPN技术融为一体的安全设备,并采取网络化的统一管理,因此具有以下几个方面的优点, 管理、维护简单、方便; 安全性高(可有效降低在安全设备使用上的配置漏洞); 硬件成本和维护成本低; 网络运行的稳定性更高 由于是采用一体化设备,比之传统解决方案中采用防火墙和加密机两个设备而言,其稳定性更高,故障率更低。 protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with none connection. explosiveproof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find th-n box, explosionproof electric junctio-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosionregional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, -proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous -normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-e tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonbe tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should b proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should-1.11.4 the installation of explosionm. 4.gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2m ment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metalproof electrical equip-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-ion of explosionowing requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operatmeet the follwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall 11 ,4,入侵检测 网络安全不可能完全依靠单一产品来实现,网络安全是个整体的,必须配相应的安全产品。作为必要的补充,入侵检测系统(IDS)可与安全VPN系统形成互补。入侵检测系统是根据已有的、最新的和可预见的攻击手段的信息代码对进出网络的所有操作行为进行实时监控、记录,并按制定的策略实行响应(阻断、报警、发送E-mail)。从而防止针对网络的攻击与犯罪行为。入侵检测系统一般包括控制台和探测器(网络引擎)。控制台用作制定及管理所有探测器(网络引擎)。探测器(网络引擎)用作监听进出网络的访问行为,根据控制台的指令执行相应行为。由于探测器采取的是监听而不是过滤数据包,因此,入侵检测系统的应用不会对网络系统性能造成多大影响。 入侵检测系统的设置如下图, 从上图可知,入侵检测仪在网络接如上与VPN设备并接使用。入侵检测仪在使用上是独立网络使用的,网络数据全部通过VPN设备,而入侵检测设备在网络上进行疹听,监控网络状况,一旦发现攻击行为将通过报警、通知VPN设备中断网络(即IDS与VPN联动功能)等方式进行控制(即安全设备自适应机制),最后将攻击行为进行日志记录以供以后审查。 within explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall meet the following requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operation of explosion-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-proof electrical equipment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metal gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2mm. the installation of explosion-proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should be tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should be tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in non-normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous regional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with non-burning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosion-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion-proof electric junction box, explosion-proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find the connection. explosive 4、总结 随着互联网的飞速发展,网络安全逐渐成为一个潜在的巨大问题。网络安全性是一个涉及面很广泛的问题,其中也会涉及到是否构成犯罪行为的问题。在其最简单的形式中,它主要关心的是确保无关人员不能读取,更不能修改传送给其他接收者的信息。此时,它关心的对象是那些无权使用,但却试图获得远程服务的人。安全性也处理合法消息被截获和重播的问题,以及发送者是否曾发送过该条消息的问题。 sealed clay filling depth shall not is less than pipe diameter, and shall not is less than 40mm. Introduction of explosione connection. explosiveburning sex fiber jam closely, again filling sealed clay, proof requirements should be to cope with different environmental conditions of different materials should be used to find th-n box, explosionproof electric junctio-proof motor cable lines looking for connections, can be used to find connections, between it and the explosion--protection tube ends of tube mouth at, should will cable around with nonregional or territories wall Shi, must take filling sand, and fill resistance fire blocking material or added set fire wall, proof wiring box or points line box within connection or tap, cable line through different dangerous -normal situation Xia, must in corresponding of explosion-e tightened. explosion dangerous environment of cable cannot directly connection, in nonbe tightened up and good contact, not loose, lamp housings should be complete, bolts should b proof lamps lamp type, model and power, the design and specification of requirements, may not be altered. Spiral bulbs should-1.11.4 the installation of explosionm. 4.gasket should be complete and should tighten the clamping larva inlet seals. Metal gasket thickness shall not be less than 2m ment into the line port and wiring and cables, wires should be capable of reliably sealing, extra inlet elastic gasket, metalproof electrical equip-proof ventilation system should comply with the design requirements and. explosion-ion of explosionowing requirements: repair and decoration works should end second grouting and finishing work should end, satisfactory operatmeet the follwithin explosion and fire hazard atmospheres before the installation is put into operation, building installation work shall 13
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