首页 标准GPS车载卫星定位产品运营方案



标准GPS车载卫星定位产品运营方案标准GPS车载卫星定位产品运营方案 基于GPRS通讯方式的 GPS车载卫星定位产品运营方案 北京天拓基业科技发展有限公司 中国北京天拓集团 2003年12月11日 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is...

标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 GPS车载卫星定位产品运营 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 基于GPRS通讯方式的 GPS车载卫星定位产品运营方案 北京天拓基业科技发展有限公司 中国北京天拓集团 2003年12月11日 Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall be no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machine-side clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-driven pumps and transport high temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should be smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical documents of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contact 中国北京天拓集团 目 录 第1章 技术背景............................................................................................. 4 1、关于GPRS/GSM ...................................................................................... 5 2、关于GPS................................................................................................... 5 3、关于GIS ................................................................................................... 7 第2章 产品技术优势..................................................................................... 8 1、技术领先性 ............................................................................................... 9 2、模块化结构 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ....................................................................................... 9 3、质量可靠性 ............................................................................................... 9 4、实时监控性 ............................................................................................... 9 5、低运营成本 ............................................................................................... 9 6、全方位调度 ............................................................................................... 9 7、全方位服务性 ........................................................................................... 9 8、使用方便性 ............................................................................................. 10 9、隐私保障性 ............................................................................................. 11 10、产品和平台的最大优势 ....................................................................... 11 第3章 与同行业其他GPS产品优势对比................................................. 12 第4章 卫星定位服务网络技术实施方案 .................................................. 16 1、网络服务模式 ......................................................................................... 17 2、网络服务系统功能 ................................................................................. 17 3、车载设备功能 ......................................................................................... 19 4、系统适应的范围 ..................................................................................... 21 5、网络拓扑结构 ......................................................................................... 21 第5章 网络服务系统层次结构、功能及服务对象 .................................. 26 第6章 SIWEI GPS车载卫星定位产品价格表......................................... 30 1、车载设备 ................................................................................................. 31 -ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo1ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine 2、配件零售价格表 ..................................................................................... 31 2tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 3、电子地图: ............................................................................................. 31 3、监控管理软件 ......................................................................................... 33 4、控制中心系统软件(如果需要的话) ................................................. 33 5、所需硬件和通信线路 ............................................................................. 33 ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo3ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine- 4tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 第1章 技术背景 中国北京天拓集团 1、关于GPRS/GSM GPRS是GSM Phase 2+阶段引入的一种基于分组的数据业务,它能够实现从空中接口到外部网络之间的分组数据传输,GPRS可以接入基于TCP/IP的外部网络和X.25网络。GPRS的主要特点是: GPRS向用户提供从9kbps到多于171.2kbps的接入速率。 更为有效地利用无线资源可动态地向单个用户分配位于同一载频上的1到8个时隙。无线接口资源可根据业务流量和运营者的选择在语音和数据业务之间共享。 GPRS支持上行和下行的非对称传输更为有效地实现和IP网络的互通。GPRS从协议结构上提供了和IP网络的互通功能。另外GPRS可以更为便捷地实现和X.25网络的互通。GPRS能向用户提供Internet所能提供的一切功能, GPRS对于Internet的其它组成部分来说,只是一个普通的子网。用户在拥有一个电话号码的同时将拥有一个固定的或动态分配的IP地址。 GPRS用户的建立时间更短。GPRS运行者可以将用户的业务流量作为收费标准。 GPRS向用户提供比GSM数据业务更为丰富的数据业务(还包括补充业务和短消息业务),支持四种QOS 。 GPRS在GSM原有网络的基础上叠加了一层网络组成GSM/GPRS网络,GPRS在GSM网络的基础上增加了SGSN、GGSN、PCU、计费网关(可选)、边缘网关(可选)等实体,同时通过GPRS骨干网实现各实体之间的连接。 优点: (1)覆盖范围大:GPS系统的有效服务范围即为GSM/GPRS移动通信网的覆盖范围。 (2)系统建设投资少,信息服务费低(一般费率:1K字节/分钱)。 (3)系统安装工程量小,建网快。 (4)系统运行维护工作量小。 2、关于GPS 随着经济的发展,商务竞争的日益激烈,使得服务行业把工作效率和服务质量放到了重心。GPS车辆导航监控系统是运用GPS导航定位技术,通过GPRS通讯网络发送的数据包对车辆进行实时监控、调度指挥的应用系统。该系统应用 -ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo5ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine 了GPS卫星定位技术、现代通信技术、信息处理技术等高科技成果,具有先进、 6tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 实用的特点。运用该系统,调度中心的电子地图上可监测移动目标的运行状态、灵活的掌握所派出车辆的实时情况,对很多临时任务可以做出应急措施,使调度人员合理的分配车辆去完成任务。在GPRS通信网平台上传输GPS信息,建立GPS/GPRS卫星定位车辆监控调度系统其意义如下: (1)通讯以流量计费,节省成本,减少开销。 (2)可以提高工作效率,创造经济效益。 (3)加强管理水平,提高服务质量。 3、关于GIS GIS即地理信息系统(电子地图系统),是本系统的一个重要组成部分,可以直观实时地显示与位置有关的信息,是提供优质服务的重要保证。GIS能将空间信息与属性信息的处理完美结合起来,以直观的方式显示所有移动目标、固定目标的位置和状态,并直接在图形界面上对受控目标进行指挥调度操作,系统具备界面友好、操作便捷、实时性强、信息量大、稳定可靠的特点。 ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo7ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine- 8tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 第2章 产品技术优势 中国北京天拓集团 1、技术领先性 系统将GPRS、GSM、SMS和Internet等技术完美结合在一起,以确保将各类信息能够准确的报送各级监控中心和用户的各类通信工具。 2、模块化结构设计 系统采用模块化结构设计,每个模块都定义了标准接口,以便于用户选购与配套。 3、质量可靠性 本产品严格按照各类技术标准和技术规范设计,在器件选择方面都进行了严格的筛选和老化实验,以确保产品高品质。 4、实时监控性 由于系统将GPRS和Internet作为主要的通讯方式,使得本GPS产品能够对汽车实施以秒为时间单位的连续不间断监控,实现控制中心对GPS车辆真正意义上的实时监控。 5、低运营成本 由于GPRS采用流量计费方式,使得本GPS产品的运营通信成本只有仅支持GSM短信方式GPS产品通信运营成本的1/200。 6、全方位调度 本产品引入文字调度终端,可以实施语音和文字两方面的调度功能。 7、全方位服务性 系统能够提供在全国范围的全天候车辆安全保护监控。 ghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo9ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the 8、使用方便性 10tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 系统提供了网上查询、手机短信查询和电话委托查询等多种查询车辆位置状态等方式,尽最大可能的方便客户使用本系统。 9、隐私保障性 未经车主授权或未发生警情,监控中心无法查询车辆情况,充分尊重个人隐私。 10、产品和平台的最大优势 (1)真正的无延时实时监控; (2)提供最快捷的安防报警服务; (3)互联网查询车辆位置; (4)短消息查询车辆位置; (5)最廉价的通讯费用。 s-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo11ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremen 12tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 第3章 与同行业其他GPS产品优势对比 中国北京天拓集团 对比参数 WFDSW 系列 其它GPS产品 实时监控 可以做到实时监控(秒级) 不能实时监控 网络技术 1、支持GPRS;2、支持GSM;3、支持SMS;1、支持GSM 4、Internet技术。多种协议支持,能够确保2、支持SMS 各类报警求助信息能够准确的传输到中心, 以确保车辆和驾驶员安全。 主要性能定位精度:标称15米,实际5~10米 定位精度:30米 参数 网络时延:?0.5秒(GPRS);?60秒(GSM) 网络时延:60秒~120 秒 监控周期:?1秒(GPRS);?60秒(GSM) 监控周期:?10分钟 (GSM) 运营费用 由于系统引入GPRS网络和技术,在同等条 件下,WFDSW产品的运营费用只有其它同 类产品的1/200。 系统建设由于本产品引入Internet技术,在我公司网需要建立监控中心才能投资情况 络服务支持下,用户只需要配置一台电脑和进行GPS监控,投资规 ADSL宽带上网线路就可以进行GPS运营。 模在50万~70万之间。 应用行业本产品除了在车辆安防方面的应用外,由于在物流、长途客运和特优势 产品的低运营成本和对车辆的真正意义上的种车辆管理方面没有任 实时监控,本产品还特别适合于物流、长途何特长和优势。 客运、城市出租以及特种车辆的监控管理。 关于产品WFDSW系列GPS产品全部采用工业级元其它同类产品基本上是元器件 器件,以便加强产品的稳定性和可靠性。 采用民用级元器件,产 品的可靠性和稳定性不 确定。 轨迹补偿 在无任何网络覆盖的情况下,可以自动 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 无 并存储车辆行驶轨迹。 产品设计采用模块化结构设计,如主控模块、车控、采用捆绑销售。 结构 语音通信、免提监听和文字调度台都采用结 ghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo13ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the 构化设计以便于用户选购与配套,以满足不 14tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 同层次用户的需求。 中国北京天拓集团 对比参数 WFDSW 系列 其它GPS产品 系统开放本产品是具备标准的通信接口和标准的接口 性 协议,是一个开放的系统,可以进行二次开 发。 top layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo15ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld b 16tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 第4章 卫星定位服务网络技术实施方案 中国北京天拓集团 1、网络服务模式 卫星定位服务网络的主要功能是通过Internet和中国移动的GPRS网络接收装有GPS设备的车辆的卫星定位数据(车辆位置信息、速度信息和车辆运行轨迹信息),向各级GPS运营服务商监控计算机(必须接入Internet)提供上述数据服务。 本网络系统可以通过中国移动的短消息服务中心(SMS)向被授权的手机用户提供车辆状态查询服务以及报警服务。 本网络的建立可以极大的减少各级GPS运营服务商的投资,加快网络建设。简单的说各级GPS运营服务商只需要配备几台电脑并向当地电信部门申请一个宽带Internet用户加上我公司配发的相关软件就可以进行GPS运营了。 2、网络服务系统功能 (1)监控车辆图标编号的显示。 (2)监控车辆的轨迹显示,任意时段的连续轨迹显示与清除。 (3)按用户要求显示用户所指定的监控车辆的当前位置,在地图上突出目标。 (4)显示监控车辆的目标编号、时间、速度 、经度、纬度、状态等信息。 (5)车辆发生报警时,实时车辆档案资料查询。 (6)实时更新显示所有监控车辆的最新状态信息。 (7)在紧急状态下,对车辆进行控制(发动机点火控制、车门控制等)。 (8)监控车辆运行数据的存储回放与查询功能,可调出车辆、日期、时间段的历史数据,在电子地图上重现车辆运行状况。 (9)提供实时网络查询、监控车辆功能。 (10)车辆的网络实时报警服务功能。 (11)提供对手机用户的短消息查询车辆和短消息报警服务功能。 (12)提供电话委托查询车辆状态的功能。 (13)各种常用地图工具的提供:放大、缩小、漫游、面积距离测量等。 (14)地图的编辑管理功能:编辑工具为用户提供简单的修补地图能力。 (15)运行情况报表:系统自动生成车辆运行信息每日报表。 -ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo17ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens (16)系统档案管理与维护管理功能。 18tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 (17)系统计费和流量统计管理功能。 (18)灵活的扩展功能,可根据用户的需求对软件的功能加以增补或删除。 3、车载设备功能 WFDSW系列GPS车载终端使用了最先进的GPS和GSM/GPRS技术,是目前市场上物美价廉的GPS定位设备。可支持GSM、GPRS、SMS、无线通讯协议;对外有标准的通信接口,能兼容多种独立外设,如各类PDA,手提电脑,掌上电脑,商务通等设备。车载设备具有非常强的抗电磁干扰和抗不稳定电流冲击能力。WFDSW系列智能车载设备具有模块化结构设计、重量轻、体积小、高兼容性、散热功能强、并能快速定位等特点。其车载终端使用标准12V~24V电源,安装极其简便,可以在很短的时间里就可安装在轿车、卡车、客运车辆、货柜、轮船等运输工具上。 WFDSW系列车载终端的功能非常强大,以车辆为例,安装了WFDSW车载终端,用户只需要通知所在的网络中心或其各级经营服务商,服务中心将您购买该终端时获得的账号激活,就可以在任何时间、任何地点查询车辆的准确位置,还可以通过产品实现定位、导航、轨迹回放、查询车位、接发短信、报警等功能,从而实现对车辆的监控和跟踪。与此同时,车内还将安装紧急报警按扭。按下按扭时,车载终端会向服务中心或预先设定的接收者发送报警信号及其位置信息,从而更有效地发挥监护作用。具体功能如下: (1)卫星定位跟踪与导航 (2)信息传输模式(GPRS/GSM)选择 (3)系统服务功能遥毙 (4)监控中心远程参数设置(发送频率、目的IP、发送数据类型、可拨打电话) (5)人工报警和求助服务 (6)车辆状态远程监测 (7)车辆状态远程控制 (8)车辆状态参数本地保存 (9)车载语音通信 (10)系统工作方式选择(监控工作方式/报警方式) -ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo19ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens (11)设备出厂唯一编码设置 20tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 (12)系统能耗管理功能 4、系统适应的范围 序号 车辆种类 需求 1 银行特种车辆 需要实时监控 2 银行一般车辆 有防盗报警要求 3 公安车辆(警牌) 需要定期查询车辆位置 4 公安其它车辆 有防盗报警要求 5 政府部门车辆 有防盗报警要求 6 客远长途快巴、豪华旅游车 需要实时监控、网络查询、短消息查询 7 长途货运车辆 报警监控、网络查询、短消息查询 8 私家车 有防盗报警要求 9 市内运营的士等 报警监控、网络查询、短消息查询 5、网络拓扑结构 (1)GPS/GPRS组成原理图 GPRS通讯 网络 -ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo21ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens 22tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 (2) 卫星定位服务网络拓扑结构图 e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo23ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical 24tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo25ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high 26tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 第5章 网络服务系统层次结构、功能及服务对象 中国北京天拓集团 (1)网络服务系统层次结构图 (2)各层次功能及服务对象 1、中国移动GPRS/SMS网络中心 (1)为本网络中心提供GPRS和SMS网络的网络连接线路; (2)向网络中心经营者以及手机用户收取通信服务费; 2、中国3S卫星定位服务网络中心 (1)网络中心的服务对象是各级GPS经营服务商以及客户 (2)为各级运营商提供监控中心系统和所在地域的电子地图等数据; (3)为客户提供互联网定位查询服务;(二期工程,五月份进行测试,六月份开通) (4)为客户提供短消息报警和查询服务;(二期工程,五月份进行测试,六月份开通) (5)GPS产品生产、供应(向各级运营服务商)和维护; (6)管理各GPS设备即客户实际发生移动通信成本(向各级经营商收缴); (7)其他技术服务(如各级运营技术员工 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 、系统安装、咨询等)。 3、各级网络运营服务商 (1)各级网络运营服务商的主要服务对象是各车主客户; (2)本地网络中心的建立工作; on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo27ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho (3)GPS产品的代理销售、安装与简单培训; 28tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 (4)向客户收取固定服务费用; (5)代网络中心收取移动通信服务费; (6)对客户提供电话委托定位查询服务; (7)向客户提供电话语音报警服务。 4、客户 (1)可以通过Internet向网络中心查询所属车辆的定位信息; (2)可以通过手机SMS向网络中心查询所属车辆的定位信息; (3)按时向各级经GPS运营商缴纳服务费和通信费用。 s-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo29ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremen 30tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 第6章 WFDSW GPS车载卫星定位产品价格表 中国北京天拓集团 1、车载设备 主要配置清单 规格/型号 报价 GPRS/GPS通信定位主机(1台); GPS天线(1套);GSMWFDSW-A 3870 天线(1套);报警求助按扭(1个);开关车控模块(1套)。 GPRS/GPS通信定位主机(1台);GPS天线(1套);GSMWFDSW-B 4320 天线(1套);报警自动监听器(1个);报警求助按扭(1个); 车控器(1个);遥控器(2个);报警喇叭(1个); GPRS/GPS通信定位主机(1台);带汉字调度终端超豪华 手柄电话 (1套);GPS天线(1套);GSM天线(1套);报WFDSW-C 5200 警自动监听器(1个);报警求助按扭(1个);车控器(1个); 遥控器(2个);报警喇叭(1个); 2、配件零售价格表 序号 型号规格/配件 价格(元/套) 备注 1 车控模块 650 2 电话手柄 830 3 报警自动监听器 455 4 报警喇叭 335 注:任何客户试用产品一般控制在1~2台内,并且须交纳5000元/台的押金。 3、电子地图 (1) 中国全境1:250000电子地图。9.50万 (2) 有全国31个直辖市和省会城市1:100000导航电子地图。6.50万/个 (3) 由全国150个城市的1:10000城区导航图。4.50万/个 数据完全由中国天拓集团SW测绘提供,并且保持更新。目前的地图数据 大部分是2003年制作。 ide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo31ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two 有偿提供。 32tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 3、监控管理软件 有偿提供。 名 称 数 量 单 价 系统GPRS通信软件 1套 2.5万 系统监控调度软件 1套 4.5万 GPRS系统数据库 1套 3.5万 地图数据服务器软件 1套 3.5万 4、控制中心系统软件(如果需要的话) 当用户车辆数量没有超过400台,则不需要建立通信控制中心,只需要将用户车辆档案挂靠在中心网络下即可。 当用户车辆超过400台,则需要建立通信调度控制中心,可以服务上万辆车。控制中心包括:GPRS通信调度软件系统、短信服务平台软件系统、WEBGIS平台软件系统以及数据库平台,建立控制中心软件系统价格为25万元(不包含硬件)。 5、所需硬件和通信线路 (1)当用户车辆数量少于400台车 当用户车辆数量少于400台车时,不需要建立通信控制中心,所需硬件情况如下: (1)ADSL宽带上网通信线路一条 (2)监控计算机两台; (3)网络HUB一个; (4)UPS电源一台。 ide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo33ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit titemperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm two (2)当用户车辆数量大于400台车 34tion, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactof, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil lubricaments cts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical docuth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good, contasmoo yer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface should beback, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and the top la on thes temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit tightly ature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation when itdriven pumps and transport high temper-axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-. Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requirements: ..side cl-1.5 alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machinegreater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface. 3.8. be norface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation shall horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizontal su 1/1000on, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more than 0.and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provisiVertically split casing pump body should not be removable 中国北京天拓集团 当用户车辆超过400台,则需要建立通信调度控制中心,控制中心包括:GPRS通信调度软件系统、短信服务平台软件系统(可选)、WEBGIS平台软件系统以及数据库平台等。 (1)GPRS服务器一台 (2)数据库服务器一台 (3)短信服务器一台(可选) (4)带4个固定互连网IP的2M DDN互连网专线一条 (5)申请移动短信网关号码一个(可选) (6)监控计算机两台 (7)网络HUB一个 (8)UPS电源一台。 中国北京天拓集团 北京市海淀区中关村东路18#财智国际中心C座7层 temperature liquid pumps, State at room temperature when aligning should be reserved in accordance with design compensation wdriven pumps and transport high -axis tilt 0.5/10007~9 of steam turbine-ts: ... Coupling diameter d (mm) radial displacement mm twoide clearance, axis tilt shall comply with the technical file requirements. When provided, must meet the following requiremens-ine. alignment, the following requirements of the pump: pump and driven half coupling of radial displacement of the machbe no greater than 0.05/1000; level of horizontal split casing, the exposed part of the shaft or base on a level work surface shall ntal surface of the pump body. Disintegration of the installation of the pump, the level of vertical and horizontal deviation1/1000 horizontal deviation is less than 0.2/1000; level the measurement flange should be on a level surface or on the horizohan 0.rovision, in General, the following requirements: the overall installation of pumps, axial horizontal deviation of not more tvable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no pVertically split casing pump body should not be remo35ubrication, the tile on contact angle of 130 ?, contactments of, such as technical documentation not required, you should comply with the following requirements: when diluted oil ldocu contacts within the contact should be uniform, no square centimeter 2~4 a point, contact point shall conform to the technical e smooth, free of cracks, pores, skin, slag and scratches, and other defects. Bearing and journal of exposure should be good,uld btop layer and the shell should be good, without hierarchy, as it emerges, the alloy surface and surface layer and surface sho on the back, the interference values such as device files should be provided as 0.02~0.04mm, bearing and axle journal and theghtly hen its temperature changes. bearing Assembly check that the pump bearing (thick tile), Watts and Watts should fit ti
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