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现代大学英语精读1 课后练习词组整理


现代大学英语精读1 课后练习词组整理现代大学英语精读1 课后练习词组整理 Unit 1 make的词组 1、①be made of: & ②be made from 由……制成 ①:可看出原材料 Houses in that part of country were mostly made of cheap material. They all collapsed in the earthquake. ②:不可看出原材料 The Great Wall wine is made from the best grapes in our c...

现代大学英语精读1 课后练习词组整理
现代大学英语精读1 课后练习词组整理 Unit 1 make的词组 1、①be made of: & ②be made from 由……制成 ①:可看出原材料 Houses in that part of country were mostly made of cheap material. They all collapsed in the earthquake. ②:不可看出原材料 The Great Wall wine is made from the best grapes in our country. 2、make for some place 朝……地方前进 In the distance, we saw the ship making for the shore. 3、make out ①弄清②识别、辨认出 ①Mr. Shaw’s views are changing all the time. Nobody can make out what he really means. ②It’s not easy to make out his handwriting. I don’t know what he’s trying to say here. 4、make up①编造②和好③打扮④占据 ①It was not long before people found out that the story was made up by the man. He had never seen a tiger on that mountain. ②They had a big argument the other day and did not speak to each other for several days, but now they have already made up. ③They made him up as an old man. ④Women make up only a small proportion of the population in prison. 5、make up for sth 弥补 Mary worked harder than ever before to make up for the time she had lost. 6、make up one’s mind to do sth.决定做某事 He made up his mind to study Information Technology. 7、make sb/sth sth. The government has made this area a reserve.(保护区) He would like to make his son his successor. 他想让他的儿子成为他的接班人 8、make sth out of sth. 把out后的变成out前的 School is place that makes useful men out of boys. 9、make fun of sth. Don’t make fun of his accent. He actually has a lot of interesting ideas in his speech. Unit 2 look的词组: 1、look on 袖手旁观 We will not just look on whilst our next-door neighbor struggles with his enemy. 2、look into 仔细调查以便寻找解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 We must look into our population policy. It has given rise to serious problems. 3、look up ①查字典②形势好转 ①Will you look up this word in the dictionary? ②Things are looking up at our factory. For the first time in the last three months, we are operating a profit. 4、look up to sb. =admire 尊敬 Many people of that country looked up to him as their spiritual leader. things. There is no hope for a country if its intellectuals are looked down upon. 6、look forward to doing sth./sth 盼望 We all look forward to the day when our country is reunited. Unit 3 1、I know in spite of(尽管)the progress we have made in all these years, many people are still unhappy because their life is filled with(充满了)worries and anxiety. But at my age(在……年龄段), I am already at peace with(对……心态平和)the world. I have stopped complain about(of) things(抱怨…东西). I know I have done my best, and the world belongs to(属于)the young. When I die of(死于……)old age, I will have no regret because I know what I have left unfinished will be passed on to(传递给…【物】)them. 2、When I think of(想起)my great grandfather, I always feel a pity for(为……感到遗憾)him. My father told me that he used to work from morning till dusk(一天到晚), on a strip of land(一小条土地), year after year, but he was never able to protect his family from(保护……免受……)hunger and cold. Actually his first two children died in infancy(死于什么时期) 3、Does it ever occurred to you that(突然想起……)in my day(在我们的年代), nobody I knew ever complained about being overweight because we were always short of(缺少……)food? As for(至于……)me, I belonged to the lucky ones. I never really starved(饥饿). But I never was full either. As for clothes, we were usually in rags(衣衫褴褛). Now and then(有时), my father would buy a new pair of trousers. After a few years, they would be passed to the first-born child, and then to the next and still the next until they became rags. 4、We haven’t got much time. Let’s get down to(着手做……接名词)business. I hate to leave the others to finish the job. Let’s get it over and done with(让……尽早结束). 5、Her son didn’t get paid(获得工资)very much, but mother and son managed to get by(勉强度日). So her son’s sudden death was a terrible blow to her. She just couldn’t get over(从……中恢复)it. 6、She was very easy to get on/ along with(相处). She knew a bit of Chinese, and I knew a bit of Russian. So we managed to get across(解释清楚)our ideas. We soon became good friends. 7、The news of the scandal get about(传播开来)quickly and he was condemned by public opinion. But he still thought he could get away with(做坏事后逃脱责任)it with his father’s power and influence. 8、The bus got to the station and my mother got up(站起来). But before she could get off, the bus started to move again. “Not so fast! I’m getting off.”“Sorry, I thought you were getting on.” get的词组: ①get by:勉强够用,人作主语 ②get about:传播开来 ③get away with 做坏事之后逃脱 ④get on/along with sb 与某人相处 ⑤get up:站起来 ⑥get over 克服,从……中恢复 ⑦get sth over and done with 使……尽快结束 ⑧get down to sth/doing sth 着手做…… ⑨get done(promoted/ starved等)处在……的状态 Unit 4 1、He slipped into(走入)his room and switched on(=turn on)the light. The room had not been lived in for quite some time obviously. For one thing(一方面), it was dirty and except for(除了……,类似besides)a desk and a chair, was quite empty. 2、Liu Bei was scared of death(害怕……名词或动名词)when he was led to(被引向……)the princess’s room. It was filled with weapons of all kinds, hardly a proper setting for(……的合适氛围、场合注意是for)the wedding. 3、Up to now(迄今为止), he had been walking in the deep snow and against the icy wind(迎着风). His hands and feet were numb with cold(冻僵了,with 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示因为). He knew he would freeze to death(冻死)before long(不久)if he could not find a warm place. 4、My grandfather decided to work as(担任,以……为职业)a coal miner after he finished school instead of(而不是)going on to (继续)college. In those days, few people liked that job because for one thing, the work was hard, very hard. Besides, it was very dangerous. 5、My brother works at an import and export company which deals in(从事……,售卖…)cars. According to my brother, the car business in our country saw an even bigger increase last year instead of suffering a setback as in many other countries(像其他国家那样). 6、His father started his business when the economy was just beginning to take off(事业腾飞). He took over(接管)his father’s business when his father died. But he soon lost it. After that, he took to drink(……成瘾;定期规律地做……). 7、I took him for(把……(误)认为是……)an honest man and a nice comrade. But I was taken in(被骗). He was not the man I thought him to be. 8、She takes after(相貌或行为举止上的相似)her mother. She also likes to take an active part in(积极参与)social reform. 9、He is full of curiosity. Give him a toy and he will take it apart(拆开……) immediately. 10、The problem is quite complicated. There are lots of things to be taken into consideration.(考虑……) Unit 5 go的词组 1、go up=increase 增加;=build up 建起来;欢呼、大喊 ①The exports have gone up by 10%. ②Whenever you go in our coun try, you’ll see new building going up like mushrooms. ③A great cheer went up from the audience. 2、go over=consider carefully 仔细考虑 Let us go over our plan more carefully. We can’t afford to let anything go wrong. 3、go about(doing) sth=to start to do 着手做某事 I’d like to learn German but I don’t know the best way to go about it. 4、go for ①攻击或批评②喜欢③同样适用于④试图获得⑤选择 ①The dog suddenly went for me while I was walking through the door. ②I don’t usually go for rock music. ③In a state of crisis, it is usually the weak that goes under first. That goes for nations as well as individuals. ④Sun Yang is going for his second gold medal here. ⑤I think I’ll go for the chocolate cake. 5、go into sth ①从事工作②被用于③详细解释、描述④撞击 ①I’ve alwa ys wanted to go into nursing/teaching. ②A lot of money has gone into the research. ③I t’s a long story to tell but I won’t go into its history today. ④The car went into a tree. 6、go off ①着火、爆炸②响起③离开④(机器等)停止工作 ① A plastic bomb went off inside a department store, killing many people. ②T he alarm clock goes off at 6’o clock every morning. ③He goes off to work as usual. ④Suddenly, all the lights went off. 7、go out ①熄灭②恋爱 ①The fire went out in the middle of the night. No wonder it is freezing cold. ②She used to go out with my brother. 8、go to ①被用于(钱) It goes without saying that it’s a wonderful thing that more money goes to education. 9、go together 共存 In my opinion, red and green just don’t go together. 10、go under①破产②沉入水下 ①Many businesses have gone under in the last 3 months. ②The ship finally went under. Unit 6 see的词组 1、as I see it/ The way sb sees it,= in my opinion. As I see it, we have two options. 2、see sth as/ be seen as/ be seen to be 把……看作…… I see the job as a challenge. 3、see a lot of sb./ see more of sb 陪伴某人 They’ve seen a lot of each other. I hope I can see more of my parents. 4、see to it that(see that ) 确保 She has to see to it that her brother can stay at school with her money. 5、time/place have seen sth. 发生 Beijing has seen great changes over the years. 6、see eye to eye on sth/ with sb 达成一致 We don’t see eye to eye on this issue. We saw eye to eye with each other. 6、see through ①识破②完成不愉快的事③支持…度日 ①I’ve seen through your excuses. ②The movie was really junk. But I had to see it through because I co uldn’t tear my six-year-old brother away. ③Her monthly pay simply isn’t enough to see her through. 7、see off ①打败②送行 ①The team saw through their strong rival yesterday evening. ②I went to the airport to see him off. 8、see out①送某人出门②坚持至到期 ①I’ll see you out because it is dark and there is a big dog in our neighborhood. ②D on’t worry. I’ll see myself out.我自己出去没问题。 ③The company has promised to see out the remaining 18 months of the contract. agree的用法 ①agree with sb 同意某人的观点 I’m sure you will all agree with me wh en I say that the relationship between our two countries has never been better. ②agree on 在某方面达成一致 We at least agreed on the fact that we can’t use force to settle our dispute. ③agree to do sth.同意做某事 We’ve agreed to settle our dispute peacefully. ④agree to sth.认同;允许…存在 Let’s agree to disagree. time的用法 ① in time 及时;最终 We are short of hands and you’ve just come in time. People will know the truth in time. ②on time 按时 Please hand in your homework on time. ③at a time 一次 Years ago, he used to take two steps at a time when he go downstairs. ④by the time 在……之前 By the time I got to the cinema, the movie had begun. ⑤at times 不时,偶尔 I turned to my mother at times, hoping she would help. ⑥for the time being 暂时 The truth is not clear for the time being. ⑦at the same time 同时 Don’t do many things at the same time. ⑧for some time 一度 For some time, both my parents were out of work. Unit 8 run的词组 1、run for 竞选 He has shown his intention to run for the re-election next year. 2、run into/ across 偶然遇见、发现、撞上 Can you imagine who I ran into in town yesterday? I ran across an old coin in the drawer the other day. I ran across Mike at the train station. The car ran into a tree on the roadside. 3、run after 追求 Don’t make friends with those who always run after money and fames. 4、run over 撞倒 The driver tried to run away after his car had run over an old lady. 5、run out/ run out of 用尽 Time is running out. Unless we come up with a solution in the next few days, we will get into great trouble. We are running out of coal because of the heavy snow. 6、run contrary to sth. 与……背道而驰 They offered to give me a ride although it ran contrary to their own interests. Unit 9 turn的词组 1、turn into 把……变成 Many people believe that poverty turns people into courageous revolutionaries. 2、turn down ①关小声音②拒绝 ①Please turn down the music. The baby is sleeping. ②All the suggestions would be turned down. 3、turn in ①上缴②上交③归还④产生结果⑤睡觉 ①The rebels were asked to turn in their weapons to the authorities. ②You need to turn in your essays before Friday. ③When do the books have to be turned in to the library? ④The company turned in a net profit of 2.4 million yuan. ⑤Please give her a call before she turns in. 4、turn sb off 使某人厌烦 Many foreigners are turned off at the sight of dog meat. 5、turn over ①翻转②仔细考虑 I even turn over stones to observe insects beneath them. I will turn it over in my mind when I am free. 6、turn out ①生产②结果是证明是③许多人出席 I don’t understand why somebody who has made a factory turn out more cigarettes should be praised. I used to consider philosophy dull. But it turned out to be quite interesting. The talk was worth listening to. At least about a hundred people turned out. 7、turn a deaf ear to/ turn a blind eye to 听而不闻;视而不见 He turned a deaf ear to the useful suggestions and failed the exam. 8、turn up ①调高声音②出现 P lease turn up the radio. I can’t hear the music. She turns up on time at the school gate. 其他未成套出现的词组 I warned her that she was asking for trouble.(自找麻烦) I haven’t heard from you(收到来信)for a long time. It’s getting late. I must be on my way(动身). He’s always the best and truest friend on earth(世界上). The policeman told me to watch out for(留意)my speed, saying that I was heading for(朝…前进)serious trouble. You can’t rely on(依靠)a person you have just come across(偶遇). My father was particularly grateful to(对…满怀感激)my aunt because it was she who came to his help(帮助某人)when he was badly in need(十分无助). Unit 11 1、It’s natural that we will come across(遇到)many difficulties in our relationship. There is no cause for(引起……的原因)alarm. I’m sure the present storm will blow itself out(风暴平息). 2、This kind of fruit is no long hard to come in search of. You can find it all over the place. 3、I came across a book the other day. It came out(出版)quite recently. It was so interesting that I could hardly tear myself away from it. 4、There are still some people who are trying to fog people’s minds(混淆视听)and who are searching for ways to fan the crazy idea back to life(使……死灰复燃) again. 5、Zhou Yu came across a big problem. To destroy the enemy ships with fire, he would need to have an east wind. But at that time of year, the wind usually blew the other way. 6、The boy remained unconscious(一直昏迷)for several hours. When he finally came to(醒来), the first thing he asked for was a chocolate. 7、Many different opinions came up(be brought up)at the meeting. So the plan had to be dropped. But it was all for the best(just the best condition), because otherwise we would have fallen right into the enemy trap. 8、I’m afraid the main idea does not come through in this article. Can you try again and make it come into focus? 9、His cabin is located at the edge of a forest. It is safe and he usually leaves the door unlocked. But in winter when the place is smothered with thick snow, he is in trouble because it is extremely difficult to work his way out to the nearest town. 10、For many years the leaders went everywhere in search of people willing to invest in the reconstruction of the poor town all in vain. But they now know that it actually is wonderful that the town was left untouched because now it has become a national museum. 11、Many of her friends suggested she stay, but she said that she couldn’t. Not that she didn’t like Canada. She liked it very much. But she wanted to serve her own country. 12、After a moment, in sailed the fat lady demanding to the manager that the waiter must be fired. 13、Those protestors demanded that factory be closed and the head of the factory to be punished because the factory has taken its toll on a thousand children.
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