首页 门店盘点管理制度



门店盘点管理制度门店盘点管理制度 文件 制定日 编号 门店盘点工作制度 修改日 Page 共9页 修改号 起 审 审 批 草 阅 批 准 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 1.目的:为了及时准确地了解门店的库存状况、把握损溢,明确盘点的损耗责任,减少人为的 差错,保证门店商品实存数量和电脑数据的高度一致性,特制订本制度。 2.适用范围: 3.职能部门: 3.1制订部门:运营部 3.2执行部门:门店 3.3监督部门:财务部 4、盘点流程及描述: 4.1盘点流程:(流程图附后) 4.2盘点描述 4...

门店盘点 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 文件 制定日 编号 门店盘点工作 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 修改日 Page 共9页 修改号 起 审 审 批 草 阅 批 准 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 1.目的:为了及时准确地了解门店的库存状况、把握损溢,明确盘点的损耗责任,减少人为的 差错,保证门店商品实存数量和电脑数据的高度一致性,特制订本制度。 2.适用范围: 3.职能部门: 3.1制订部门:运营部 3.2执行部门:门店 3.3监督部门:财务部 4、盘点流程及描述: 4.1盘点流程:(流程图附后) 4.2盘点描述 4.2.1盘点通知 门店将门店盘点信息发布,通知消费者调整购物时间;开展针对性培训 每次盘点前,针对前次盘点出现的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,店助应根据公司盘点的相关文件资料进行总结 和分析,对盘点人员(特别是新入司员工)进行强化培训,不断提高盘点人员的盘点技 能。 4.2.2 盘点会议 门店必须成立以店长、业务店助为主的盘点小组,召开盘点专题会议。 4.2.3盘点安排 门店店助编制盘点区域布置图,并据此对货架进行编号;根据盘点区域布置图和所盘点的 类别合理安排盘点人员,张贴公告,门店员工予以确认;依据区域人员分配盘点货架,将 盘点责任落实到人。 4.2.4单据的处理单据类别:配送单、返仓单、出库单、退换货单、报损单、调拨单、手工销售单等。单据处理:以上单据必须在盘点之前处理完毕;盘点当日必须将当天配送的商品单据予 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 门店盘点工作制度 起 审 审 批 草 阅 批 准 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 附表二: 主要盘亏商品明细表 时间: 门店: 商品编码 商品名称 盘亏金额 盘亏原因 责任人 门店意见 签名 财务意见 签名: 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 :?、此表一式两联,一联公司信息部,二联门店;?、有差异商品在一、二类门店主要指盈亏数量大于10或盈亏金额大于100的商品;在三、四类门店主要指盈亏数量大于5或盈亏金额大于50的商品。 digging planting holes (pit-ts (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handoint size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine poinball size, soil conditions to determine the p-plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudation should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on ecificaccording to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its spines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter xed lto developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fi avation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipelines) exc planting holes (pit?d line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. dscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixef lanesign, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles ofully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the d or a single tree should be2end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil ning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point)point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-s). In fixed 门店盘点工作制度 起 审 审 批 草 阅 批 准 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 附表三: 类别盘点差异表 时间: 门店: 实际盈实际损本月销 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 损类别 帐存 实存 报溢 报损 亏金额 耗率‰ 售总额 耗率‰ 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 中药 本月门店实际盘亏总金额: 本月门店实际盘亏比率: 本月门店超额亏损总金额: 本月实际超额亏损比率: 本月门店销售总额: 门店销售任务完成率: 门 店 意 见 签名: 财 务 签名: 意 见 说明:此表一式两联,一联公司信息部,二联门店;表中门店的实际盘亏金额为各类别盘亏金额之和(包含盘盈金额);超额亏损总金额为各类别超标准损耗金额之和。 or a single tree should be fully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree plantin3/10 g: shall conform to the design, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles of landscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixed line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. ? planting holes (pits) excavation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipeline to developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fixed lines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter according to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its specification should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mud-ball size, soil conditions to determine the point size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine points (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, hand-digging planting holes (pits). In fixed-point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mining to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point) end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil 门店盘点工作制度 起 审 审 批 草 阅 批 准 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 附表四: 盘点流程图 流 程 说 明 盘点通知 提前一天通知消费者调整购买时间;培训门店员工,提升盘点技能。 成立以店长、业务店助为主的盘点小组,召开盘点工作会议。 成立盘点小组 盘点计划 确定盘点工作计划,分工合作。 店助依据各区布局陈列及人员分布情况安排区域布置图,并张贴公告于门 店员工确认。 区域规划 盘点前准备 准备表格,前期商品清理等;门店与配送,门店与门店间往来单据的处理。 暂存库、夜间售药 营业进行中,首先安排专人对库区、夜间售药区进行盘点。 盘店 停止营业 当天营业时间结束,召开盘点前员工大会,再次宣讲盘点流程及注意事项。 货架排面盘点 对卖场排面的陈列区域进行盘点登录,确认盘点数据真实有效。 盘点差异查找 打印生成盘点差异表,核查差异原因。 盘点结果确认 确定盘点结果。 盘点总结、汇报 门店进行盘点总结并按规定时间上报公司信息部。 盘点结束 盘点完成。 digging planting holes (pit-ts (pit) depth (generally greater root length or thickness of the mud pie 0.2~0.4 meters deep). D, handoint size (should be larger than the root disk, or mud pie 0.25~0.5 m), according to the tree root category to determine poinball size, soil conditions to determine the p-plant growth after. In addition to the design and location, according to roots or mudation should meet the requirements in the following table: c, planting hole (pit) mining of quality, has a greater impact on ecificaccording to root, soil and soil conditions may be. Hole must be dug under the vertical, equal to the head at the end, its spines, the design drawings requirements, must be accurate, mark clear. (2) the size of the planting hole, slot, ball diameter xed lto developers and ease of construction. B, point line of the planting hole, slot requirements: (1) the planting hole, slot fi avation. A, planting holes before digging, should take the initiative to understand and hidden laying of underground pipelines) exc planting holes (pit?d line, must be correct, its line of vertical and horizontal positioning deviation does not exceed 1cm. dscape design for 3, 5, 7 for distribution plant, the tree height should be marked on the Center piles. F, tree array of fixef lanesign, where the permissible deviations 50cm. Group tree planting site distribution plant: according to general principles ofully in accordance with design drawings to locate, the allowed deviation is 3cm. Group tree planting: shall conform to the d or a single tree should be4end of dig in Central make a small mound, Eli root stretch. E, planting soil texture must be loose, protecting water and soil ning to a defined depth. Then pit dug at the end of pine, smoothed. Exposed roots planted seedlings of the pit (point)point mark the Center to provide pit (hole) diameter circle on the ground, vertically downward along the circle around the mi-s). In fixed
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