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控烟领导机构公国计划控烟制度1控烟领导机构公国计划控烟制度1 通远镇中心小学控烟工作计划 为了给广大师生营造一个无烟、清洁、健康、和谐的学习、工作和生活环境,使学生在无污染的环境里健康成长,我校在巩固以前控烟成绩的基础上继续加大控烟工作的力度,本年度计划做好以下主要工作。 一、明确目标,加强领导 为了确保学校控烟工作顺利开展,决定成立控烟工作领导机构,学校成立以校长为组长,办公室、教导处、总务处、工会等负责人为组员的控制吸烟领导小组,由校长负责分工,各处室紧密配合,积极开展控烟活动,每学期制定切实可行的控制吸烟的计划和措施,定期召开领导...

控烟领导机构公国 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 控烟制度1 通远镇中心小学控烟 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 为了给广大师生营造一个无烟、清洁、健康、和谐的学习、工作和生活环境,使学生在无污染的环境里健康成长,我校在巩固以前控烟成绩的基础上继续加大控烟工作的力度,本年度计划做好以下主要工作。 一、明确目标,加强领导 为了确保学校控烟工作顺利开展,决定成立控烟工作领导机构,学校成立以校长为组长,办公室、教导处、总务处、工会等负责人为组员的控制吸烟领导小组,由校长负责分工,各处室紧密配合,积极开展控烟活动,每学期制定切实可行的控制吸烟的计划和措施,定期召开领导小组会议,安排布置控制吸烟活动的检查落实工作,宣传吸烟的危害性和控烟的必要性,并总结经验,及时对吸烟者进行通报批评,做出处理意见。 把控烟活动纳入学校的总体工作计划,确保控烟工作有计划,有组织、有检查、有落实。把创建无烟学校作为我校的近期目标,明确工作责任,制定控烟措施。 二、营造良好的控烟氛围。 1(为了使控烟活动深入开展,控烟领导机构要在办公室、会议室、教室走廊等校园醒目位置设立“请勿吸烟”“无烟办公室”等标志,随时提醒学生、教职工和外来客人禁止吸烟。 2(利用教职工大会、学生大会、主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 班会、国旗下演讲、黑板报、校园广播站等各种渠道,在全校师生中广泛开展吸烟有害健康的宣传教育,使创建无烟学校成为师生员工的自觉行动。 3(利用 5月31日 世界无烟日,组织广大师生开展控烟宣传教育活动,提高师生对烟草产品的认识,有效降低吸烟率。 4(各班团支部利用主题班会组织学生开展“拒绝烟草,做不吸烟的新一代”签名活动、“手拉手劝阻吸烟”等活动。 5(利用“小手拉大手”活动,让学生向家长宣传吸烟有害健康的科学知识和未成年人保护法,力所能及地规劝家长戒烟、禁烟。学校利用家长会,加强控烟宣传,使家长遵守国家对控烟工作的有关规定,自觉参与社区的控烟活动。 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 三、继续开展控烟活动。 1(学校利用教职工大会时间加强控烟知识的学习。组织教职工学习《烟草控制框架公约》、《未成年人保护法》和《无烟单位 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》。让广大师生全面了解国际、国内控制吸烟的历史、现状以及吸烟对人们身体带来的疾病和痛苦,从而进一步认识吸烟对健康的危害,增强广大师生控烟的自觉性。 2(向全校师生发出“创建无烟学校”倡议书,明确奖惩办法,使“禁烟”活动成为大家的自觉行动。 3(对学生讲解吸烟的危害,让学生充分认识到吸烟对青少年成长的危害,从而拒绝吸烟。 4(在醒目位置张贴“请勿吸烟”的标志,校门将设立醒目的禁烟标志,竭力营造无烟氛围。 5(根据学校的实际情况,明确规定学校的教室、实验室、图书室、会议室、教师办公室、等公共场所禁止吸烟。 6(学校主动和学生家庭配合,要求学生向家长宣传吸烟有害健康的科学知识,力所能及地规劝自己家长戒烟、禁烟。学校在以后召开家长会时,将不失时机地增加这方面的宣传报道,使他们遵守国家对控烟工作的有关法规,自觉参与控烟活动。 7(向全校学生明确宣布,必须做到不吸烟,若被发现,该生将不得评为“三好学生”。 8(为使我校控烟工作深入有效地开展,预将五月定为“吸烟有害宣传月”,每个班级应出好一期专期黑板报并参加全校评比。 四、把控烟工作列入学校年度(学期)工作计划及考核内容。学校规定: 1(任何人都不准在校园教学区和学生生活(活动)区内吸烟。 2(在任何会议上,教职工不准吸烟。 3(教师不准在学生面前吸烟。 五、控烟工作的物质保障 为了使我校控烟活动顺利开展,保证各项控烟措施得到落实,学校每年拿出一定数量的资金用于控烟活动。控烟领导机构紧紧围绕控烟 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 要点积极开展工作,加强检查和督导,形成全校人人参与的有if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 效机制,切实把控烟工作落到实处。为广大师生营造了一个无烟、清洁、健康、和谐的学习、工作和生活环境。 通远镇中心小学控烟工作制度 为了进一步推进文明校园、和谐校园建设,为师生营造一个良好的学习、工作环境,我校积极响应《教育局中小学控烟活动的通知》精神,大力宣传吸烟的危害性,开展控制吸烟活动。更好地为青少年学生创造良好的无吸烟环境,教育培养学生不吸烟,同时以倡导健康、文明的生活方式,提高职工的健康意识,为创建一个文明、健康、和谐的学习和工作、生活环境,特制定位敢中心小学控烟工作制度。 一、控烟工作领导小组 组长:贾艳 副组长:杨旋 成员:各班主任及各任课老师 二、工作目标 通过“无烟校园”的创建活动,营造学校无烟环境,带动全社会无烟环境的建立,全校力争达到无烟校园的标准。 三、落实措施 1(在校园内悬挂“吸烟危害健康”的横幅,在教室、走廊及公共场所张贴禁烟标志; 2(在学生中开展“创建无烟学校”签名活动; 3(组织学生开展“吸烟危害健康”专题知识讲座,每个班级设立控烟宣传栏; 4(学校成立控烟小组,控烟监督员佩戴袖章每天在校园内进行监督检查; if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 5(在四年级——六年级学生中开展“禁烟大家谈”活动,要求每个学生写出控烟教育心得体会; 6(学校在教学楼和住宿楼内设立控烟举报箱,及时掌握学生有无吸烟现象。学校还不定期的到每个班级对学生进行思想品德和吸烟危害健康的宣传教育,积极为学生创造一个安宁、清洁、健康的学习、生活环境,让学生远离烟害。 7(利用政治学习、教研活动等各种途径,在教职工中开展控烟、戒烟、禁烟教育,使控烟、戒烟成为教职工的自觉行动,提高教职工的控烟能力。充分利用健康教育课、主题班会、板报、广播站等各种形式,对学生开展吸烟有害健康的宣传教育,培养学生良好的行为习惯,增强学生的自我保健意识与能力。召开有吸烟习惯同志的座谈会,做到思想通、决心大、行动实,最终内化为自觉戒烟的良好习惯。从而不影响其他人工作。 8(为了使这项工作深入开展、持久有效,制定必要的监督制度,与教职工签定“禁烟”协议,明确奖惩办法,将活动成果与工作考核挂钩,与评先树优结合,使“禁烟”活动成为大家的自觉行动。 9(学校领导带头不吸烟,全体师生共同参与控烟活动,人人争做控烟主人,努力共创“无烟学校”新局面。 通远镇中心小学 2011年1月 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers 通远镇中心小学 控烟领导机构公国计划控烟制度1 通远镇中心小学 2011年 if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning and controlling Center organized repair preparations. 8) maintenance scheme is given by the design Department of design drawings, supply, purchasing materials, manufacturing production and processing, quality control of various kinds of repair materials and repair parts to be checked. 9) repair material to the site, the project manager will organize installation workers for maintenance services. Manager head of guidance workers, according to the maintenance plan maintenance and maintenance quality control. 10) maintenance after the transfer of customer acceptance and sign the acceptance form, maintenance engineering team leader to return the acceptance form by the after-sales service department archive. 11) maintenance services in addition to the above information, and must also have the quality of acceptance issued by the Ministry, to be deemed eligible, grant end of repair services. 11 emergency response, emergency rescue measures the construction site equipment and facilities management 1) emergency phone (1) emergency telephone installation requirements site phone should be installed unconditionally telephone installation site should be configured for mobile phones. Phones can be installed in the Office, the Office, the guards ' room. In the outdoor ... ? in the appropriate location, enabling field staff know. 3) other emergency equipment and facilities in the field often appear unsafe, or accident, or because of bad lighting and lighting conditions, be equipped with emergency lighting in emergency, such as rechargeable work light, torches, lamps and other equipment. As hazards, emergency treatment is required when used in hazardous areas the isolation of police tape, safety bans, warnings, instructions, tips, sign. Sometimes in order to escape, life-saving needs, you must also configure the harness, safety rope, stretchers
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