首页 浅析网购对实体店的影响



浅析网购对实体店的影响浅析网购对实体店的影响 毕 业 论 文 系部 经济管理 专业 经济管理 班级 11经济管理 姓名 臧尚远 江苏经贸职业技术学院 继续教育学院 2014 年 4月 2日 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social nee...

浅析网购对实体店的影响 毕 业 论 文 系部 经济管理 专业 经济管理 班级 11经济管理 姓名 臧尚远 江苏经贸职业技术学院 继续教育学院 2014 年 4月 2日 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work IOne is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of co unty Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 论 文 提 纲 浅析网购对实体店的影响 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 题目 提纲(三级标题): 第一章论绪 1.1网购的概念 1.2选题意义 第二章网购对实体店的影响 2.1网购与实体店的发展现状 2.2网购对实体店造成的影响及其成因分析 2.2.1网购对实体店造成的影响 2.2.2网购影响实体店的成因分析 2.3网购与实体店的未来发展方向 2.3.1社会的进步和发展带动网购的发展 2.3.2网购相对比实体店的优劣势 2.3.3实体店的发展中存在的问题和障碍 2.3.4实体店问题的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 第三章关于网购对于实体店造成冲击的思考 3.1社会发展致使网购对实体店造成冲击的必然 3.2如何正确看待网购时代的发展 3.2.1消除观念误区 3.2.2网购对社会带动的发展 第四章结论 参考文献 致谢 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work IOne is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of co unty Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. Abstract 论 文 指 导 记 录 导师姓名 黄荣斌 职称 讲师 部门 教务处 原选题:浅析网购对实体店的影响 选 题初改题:浅析网购对实体店的影响 指 定稿题:浅析网购对实体店的影响 导 指导时间 2013.12.10 导师签名 提注意所收集 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 的相关性,并仔细阅读。标题要用书面语言,纲防止口语化,各级标题要能上下对应。 指 导 记 指导时间 2013.12.10 导师签名 录 初 稿 论文基本框架已经有了。对论文的结构进行调整,理清思路, 结构需层层递进。引用的数据有些比较陈旧,数据有些地方有明显错误,指 注意错别字。还要注意增加阅读量。 导 记 指导时间 2014.1.6 导师签名 录 定 稿 论文基本符合要求,内容、标题、题目前后对应统一,立论意与内容相符,论点正确,概念清晰。对论文格式 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 按要求进行 修改,适当增加个人观点,最后定稿。 见 记 录 定稿时间 2014.3.25 导师签名 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 阅 评 记 录 该生的写作态度比较认真,能主动与指导老师沟通,能够按照学校指 导的要求与自己拟定的写作进度分阶段地完成论文的研究与写作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。文教章的选题具有现实意义,能认真收集资料,阅读文献。文章分析了网购师对实体店的影响,提出了自己的思考。论点正确,结构完整,文章有一评定的创新和创意,格式符合规范要求。反映该生具有一定的分析和解决语 问题的能力。但文章深度有待进一步挖掘,论据的充分性有待提高。 指导教师签名: 年月日 答 辩 情 教师签名: 况 年 月 日 综 合 成 绩 教师签名: 年 月 日 备 年 月 日 注 注:按照要求,后附完整论文内容。请用A4纸打印装订。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work IIIOne is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of co unty Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. Abstract 摘要 随着互联网技术的发展,电子商务的兴起,网上购物的人群越来越多,社会也越来越重视网络销售。现如今,网购逐渐被越来越多的人接受,人们的衣、食、住、行与网络购物之间的联系也越来越密切。以前网购的消费人群主要以青年人为主,而现在已逐渐向更大的范围的人群发展。网购的兴起符合了当今的社会的主流,带动了社会的发展。实物店势必在此形势下受到了很大的影响。本文主要阐述了网购现如今的发展现状以及网购对实体店的各种影响,网购与实体店的各种优劣势和它们未来的发展方向。商业的发展占社会经济发展很大的比重,可见,网购与实体店未来的发展的重要性; 关键词:电子商务;网购;实体店;影响 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 目录 第1章 论绪 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1网购的概念 .......................................................................................................... 1 1.2选题意义 ............................................................................................................. 1 第2章 网购对实体店的影响 ............................................................................................ 2 2.1 网购与实体店的发展现状 ................................................................................... 2 2.2网购对实体店造成的影响及其成因分析 ............................................................... 2 2.2.1网购对实体店造成的影响 ......................................................................... 2 2.2.2网购影响实体店的成因分析 ...................................................................... 2 2.3 网购与实体店的未来发展方向 ............................................................................ 3 2.3.1 社会的进步和发展带动网购的发展........................................................... 3 2.3.2网购对比实体店的优劣势 ......................................................................... 3 2.3.3 实体店发展中存在的问题和障碍 .............................................................. 3 2.3.4 实体店问题的解决方案 ............................................................................ 4 第3章 关于网购对实体店造成冲击的思考和分析 ............................................................ 5 3.1 社会发展致使网购对实体店造成冲击的必然 ....................................................... 5 3.2 如何正确看待网购时代的发展 ............................................................................ 5 3.2.1消除观念误区 ........................................................................................... 5 3.2.2网购对社会带动的发展 ............................................................................. 5 第4章 结论 .................................................................................................................... 6 参考文献.......................................................................................................................... 7 致谢................................................................................................................................. 8 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work VOne is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of co unty Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 第1章 论绪 1.1网购的概念 网上购物,就是通过互联网检索商品信息,并通过电子订购单发出购物请求,简而言之,就是通过网络来购买东西。随着社会的不断进步,科技的不断发展,网购成为现代人的一种新潮购物方式。典型的例如:淘宝网、京东商城等等。网购由于省时、省力、价格低受到大多数人的欢迎。 1.2选题意义 随着社会的进步科技的飞速发展,电子信息技术已经和我们的生活影影不离。伴随着它的发展,电子商务在这个市场上雄起。它的发展速度远远超越想象。网购的出现大大加强了我们的生活质量,同样新事物的出现和雄起就会伴随着旧事物的没落,实体店在此时颇受打击,面对这样一系列的问题,实体店应该何去何从,应该如何去发展,它的发展方向在哪里, (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work 1One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of co unty Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. Abstract 第2章 网购对实体店的影响 2.1 网购与实体店的发展现状 在网络技术普及的今天,人们习惯在网络学习和休闲的同时,网购也备受广大消费者的青睐,它以着方便、快捷、不受时间地点限制的众多特色脱颖而出。网络购物的产生,对人们的生活方式,对世界经济的发展都产生了巨大的影响。根据中国电子商务研究中心调查显示,2013在双11天猫支付宝交易金额高达350.19亿元。近几年网购的交易额一直呈现增长趋势。相信在以后网购依然会占有很大一片市场。 在科技不断发展的今天,电子商务的崛起免不了要对实体店造成一系列的打击,实体店因为受到某些因素的限制,不能像网购一样的便捷,但它占据的市场依旧必不可少,在我看来,无论网购如何发达,始终无法取代不了实物店。 2.2网购对实体店造成的影响及其成因分析 2.2.1网购对实体店造成的影响 伴随着网购的进一步泛滥,实体店的发展面对一系列的压力。网购的出现对实体店造成的影响是巨大的。 首先,网购的各方面特色造成了实体店人群的流失,以至于冷落无人,进一步造成面临倒闭。 第二,顾客比较价格,造成实体店收益减少。许多顾客到店内只是光顾然后再去网购从而心里寻找又买到物美价廉的满足感。 第三,网购无需店面租金,造成实体店商家心理不平衡。 据业内人士分析,没时间逛街的人、认为实体店价格略高的人、认为附近商品满足不了自己的需求的人成为网购最忠实的群体。以前青年人群是网购的主要消费群体,现在已逐步向全方面人群扩展。 2.2.2网购影响实体店的成因分析 众所周知,网购拥有的便捷、便宜、商品种类齐全等一系列的特色。这是网购受到广大消费者青睐的主要原因。网购受到消费者欢迎并非没有它的道理。 1.省时省力就可以在网上搜索到全部商品,无需再去拥挤的大街寻找,节省了大量的时间。 2.省钱,网购发展迅猛的原因就是因为它拥有极低的门槛,无需超大的库存,无需昂贵的店面,这就导致网络营销的低廉成本,所以网购的价格较之便宜。 3.商品种类齐全,有时想买件东西,要在大商城寻找大半天,可是在网上只需输入你想要的数据,就可以清晰地看到他的特征。 4.网购不受天气地域的影响,无论刮风下雨,随时随地你就可以购买到,你所需要的物品。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 另外你还可以进行价格比较,从而选择最低廉的价格。足不出户就能收到你的货物,简直是帝王般的感觉。订单不受时间限制,随时随地的购买。现在的网络支付也是相对安全的,还有一些第三方的交易平台,类似支付宝,即使想要退货,费用都是可以退还的,这一系列的优势是造成网购对实体店造成影响的主要原因。 2.3 网购与实体店的未来发展方向 2.3.1 社会的进步和发展带动网购的发展 网购能有今天的成就,这和社会生产力的提高和额人民生活水平的提高是分不开的,拥有了良好的生活环境,我们才有胆量去享受生活。 1.网购能够发展最根本的就是网络的遍布,如果没有发达的网络,网购就根本不会出现。 2.其次是物流的开放发展和崛起,这是网购必不可少的一条路线,如果没了物流,运送货物就无法到达你的手中。是它在中间假期了一段桥梁。 3.还有高度的网络安全机构,如果没了安全保障,群众不相信网购,那么它也不会如此的盛行。 2.3.2网购对比实体店的优劣势 网购相对于实体店的优势已经列举。但凡是有利必有弊,网购并不是没有它的弊端的,实体店也并非没有他的优势,网购的弊端在哪里,实体店的优势在哪里。 第一,商品信息描述不清,这是比较常见的一个问题,买家收到货物之后发现其和说明的不一样,没照片的那么完美,而且虚假产品也是越来越多,与传统购物相比,实体店在这方面要完胜网购。 第二,网络骗术过多,虽然现在网络安全已经得到改善,但仍有一些网络新手对网络的一些不够了解,导致容易上当受骗。 第三,不能实际试用,有些东西类似于服装,如果只凭感觉,很难感觉到它的实用程度,有的时候看起来挺好,但买到实物却又大失所望。 第四,配送问题,虽然现在物流已经很发达了,但运送过程中难免出现挤压一系列的状况,有些物品难免会造成损失。 另外,对于一些生活急需品,临时急需品,选择网购还是不切实际的,这时实体店的作用就必不可少了,网购虽然占据了很大的市场,但它始终不能取代实体店。 2.3.3 实体店发展中存在的问题和障碍 实体店被网店所超越,说明其在发展中必定存在无可避免的问题,其主要问题在于它的经营成本高。 第一,开实体店需要经营场地,也需要使用配套的装潢设备。这是造成实体 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work 3One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of co unty Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. Abstract 店高额成本的最基本原因。 第二,开设实体店需要大量的员工管理。这也是需要资金的维持。 第三,在经营时间上,实体店无法摆脱时间和空间的限制,无法达到24小时营业。这一点他无法做到像网购一样的完美。 第四,实体店仅限于那么一个小小的区域,空间的大小决定了销售人群的多少。总之,实体店那高额的费用和时间空间的限制成为了它最大的发展问题。 2.3.4 实体店问题的解决方案 无论网上购物的发展如何迅猛,网络的优势如何彰显,实体店都将无可避免的发展下去,因为实体店有其存在的必要性,面对网购对于实体店的一系列冲击,实体店应该采取哪些措施去改善,从而使自我造成最下的损失和利益最大化 第一,实行网购和实体店双管齐下,因为增加一个网店基本不需要什么投入。近几年来,不少实体店开始网络营销,有关人士预测,这种模式将成为未来占据主导地位的经营模式。 第二,降低成本,价格是网店致胜的利器。网购的低廉价格极具竞争力。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 第3章 关于网购对实体店造成冲击的思考和分析 3.1 社会发展致使网购对实体店造成冲击的必然 量变是质变的必要准备,质变是量变的必然结果。社会的发展必然伴随着新事物的产生,电子商务就是这个时代的产物,所以说它的出现是必然,它的出现带动生活质量的提高,它的出现缓解了购物所带来的压力,占据了商业的半个市场,相对而言实体店必然会受到冲击,这都是社会发展的必然结果。 3.2 如何正确看待网购时代的发展 3.2.1消除观念误区 随着电子商务大力发展的今天,网购时代进入了我们的生活,凡事物能立于世间,必有其道理。网购时代带动了生活质量的提升,这点无可争论,网购的出现避免了通货膨胀,它可以在大范围的区域运行,大大加快了经济发展,有些实物店无法达到的条件,网购就可以弥补,这一点上的不足,所以说网购时代对社会所带来的利益是斐然的。 3.2.2网购对社会带动的发展 网购的出现改变了用户的生活和工作,推动经济全球化、打破垄断、使市场更加繁荣,减少了不必要的资源损耗,开拓了商品销售的新模式,有利于经济全球化发展。国家数据局数据显示,2006年中国居民人均可支配收入11759元人民币,月均收入980人民币,其中人均收入最高的居民家庭平均月总收入1878元,当时淘宝卖家当中,月利润在2000元以上的已经超过10万家,这就意味着淘宝提供了大量社会岗位,网络购物不仅仅为老百姓带来了便利和购物方式的改变,而且正日益成为普通老百姓就业甚至创业的主流渠道。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work 5One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of co unty Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. Abstract 第4章 结论 网购的发展在现如今已经占据个很大的一片市场,它已经成为市场可持续发展的一个必不可少的环节。网购所占市场份额在近几年呈现急速增长趋势,相信在以后,电子商务将会发展的更快,更高,更强。将会占据主流市场。 对于实体店店主来说,要想在以后适应这个竞争力强大的市场,应该从现在开始逐步了解电子商务,网购的好处大家都是有目共睹的,虽然它仍然存在着一些缺陷,是需要我们冲时间中不断改善的,相对于实体店来说,它更符合现代人们的生活。实体店要想在未来竞争的道路上获得良好的发展,电子商务与实体店的结合是必经之路。 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. 参考文献 [1]佚名,网购对实体店冲击的经济研究,沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 [2]高丹丹,网购的优缺点,河南商业高等专业学校 [3]佚名,财经动态,电子商务的未来发展 [4]2010年中国网购市场发展及竞争态势研究报告,2011年2月 [5]赵冬玲祝小琴,网上商店的比较优势及其发展前景,重庆工商大学管理学院 [6]朱洪晶,对于社会热点问题---网上购物的看法,物理电子信息科学系 [7]佚名,实体店与网点的发展前景 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work 7One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of co unty Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest. Abstract 致谢 时光如梭,光阴似箭,转眼间大学生活就这么完美的结束了,在这个美好的季节,在这个让我难忘的夏季,心中难免有那么一丝不舍。从此我要面对人生的另一个起点。我会怀念那大学时代的点点滴滴,在这里有我的青春、我的欢笑,最难忘的回忆。 大学就如同人生的一道美丽风景线,我真正的体验到了那种感觉,真的好美好美。在论文即将结尾的时刻,思绪万千,心情久久不恩能够平静。离别之情,熟悉的面孔,我的校友,我的老师,相信大家彼此都有此感受,我爱你们。 感谢父母,我拥有今天是你们的功劳,养育之恩无以为报。能成为你们的孩子是我一生最大的幸运,你们能够幸福快乐是我一生最大的心愿。现如今我已经长大,你们可以放心了,雏鹰终有展翅翱翔的那一刻。 论文受到许多老师、同学、朋友无限的帮助,着这里请接受我诚挚的感谢,谢谢你们 (3) construct safe volunteers is realistic need to innovate the social management style. Only continuous innovation, our management to adapt to the changing social needs. Especially in today's social security situation is complex, criminal activity appeared subtle, flow, information, science and technology, gangs of new features only continuous innovation in order preventive measures, we can in an invincible position and fight criminals. We set up the peace volunteers, both volunteers is ordinary people, always living in the crowd, for the first time found the problem, information most really the most solid, it is a kind of innovation of the social management is A positive exploration of the mode of social security. Two, strengthen the sense of innovation, do a good job in combination with the article, to promote the smooth development of the public security work One is to with the Bureau of the county Party committee work combined. To carefully control the "Four Construction Bureau of county Party committee deployment project decomposition and the division of tasks, and to identify volunteers safe construction of the starting point, combined with point and the breakthrough point, to achieve the same resonance frequency, benign interaction. Que Baozhi may work and the public security work achieved double harvest.
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