首页 少年谢耳朵第一季7-8集中英对照剧本



少年谢耳朵第一季7-8集中英对照剧本少年谢耳朵第一季7-8集中英对照剧本 第七集 Dialogue: ? 世上没人比我强壮 ?? Nobody else is stronger than I am ? Dialogue: ? 昨天我移了一座山 ?? Yesterday I moved a mountain ? Dialogue: ? 我相信我能当你的英雄 ?? I bet I could be your hero ? Dialogue: ? 我是个了不起的小家伙 ?? I am a mighty little man ? Dialogue...

少年谢耳朵第一季7-8集中英对照剧本 第七集 Dialogue: ? 世上没人比我强壮 ?? Nobody else is stronger than I am ? Dialogue: ? 昨天我移了一座山 ?? Yesterday I moved a mountain ? Dialogue: ? 我相信我能当你的英雄 ?? I bet I could be your hero ? Dialogue: ? 我是个了不起的小家伙 ?? I am a mighty little man ? Dialogue: ? 我是个了不起的小家伙 ?? I am a mighty little man ? Dialogue: 普通美国人平均一年The average American consumes Dialogue: 会吃掉公斤的牛肉 pounds of beef per year. Dialogue: 但美国有个地方叫德克萨斯And then there's Texas, Dialogue: 在这里 我们只要几个月就能吃掉那个量where we can knock that off in a couple of months. Dialogue: 甚至还能更快 如果有德州烟熏牛胸肉的话Maybe faster, if we're talking about smoked brisket... Dialogue: 很奇妙的是 牛的这块牛胸肉...curiously, the one cut of beef Dialogue: 是唯一让德州人与犹太人都爱不释手的部位that Texans and Jews agree upon. Dialogue: 这真是太好吃啦 姥姥This is really good, Meemaw. Dialogue: 还太好吃呢Really good? Dialogue: 你把全德州最好吃的牛胸肉You're spitting the best brisket in Texas Dialogue: 喷得整餐桌都是all over the damn table. Dialogue: 嘴巴有东西不要说话Close your mouth when you eat. Dialogue: 或者把你的脸朝向别的方向Or aim your face the other way. Dialogue: 康妮 总有一天你得给我这食谱Connie, one of these days, you got to give me the recipe. Dialogue: 你说会就会啦You bet. For sure. Dialogue: -总有一天 -别这样- One of these days. - Oh, come on. Dialogue: 你总不能瞒一辈子You can't hold on to it forever. Dialogue: 你这么想要吗Mean that much to you? Dialogue: 当年我跟玛丽交往一个月左右时Mary and I were dating about a month Dialogue: 她带我回家吃晚饭when she brought me home for dinner. Dialogue: 我吃了一口这牛胸肉I took one bite of this brisket, Dialogue: 我就知道我爱你的女儿and I knew I loved your daughter. Dialogue: 我真是谢谢你啊Gee, thanks. Dialogue: 有点像睡美人 不过爸吻的是牛肉Kind of like Sleeping Beauty, except Dad kissed meat. Dialogue: 这样吧I tell you what. Dialogue: 你去拿...You go get a... Dialogue: 纸笔来piece of paper and a pencil, Dialogue: 我给你写下来I'll write it down for you. Dialogue: 好 终于到了这一刻Okay. It's happening... Dialogue: 这是我见他跑得最快的一次That's the fastest I've seen him run. Dialogue: 这是我第一次见他跑It's the only time I've seen him run. Dialogue: 给There you go. Dialogue: 好Okay. Dialogue: 我可能这周末就做来吃I might make it this weekend. 1 Dialogue: 你也可以试试吃点蔬菜啊Or you could try a vegetable. Dialogue: 吃蔬菜 你真幽默Vegetable? That's funny. Dialogue: 好了Okay. Dialogue: 这个只传给你Now, this is for your eyes only. Dialogue: 你不许给别人看或分享You're not to share it with anybody. Dialogue: 我绝... 我绝不会I never-- I would never. Dialogue: 你真是缺德You're a horrible person. Dialogue: 上面写什么了What'd it say? Dialogue: 我想知道写什么了I want to know what it said. Dialogue: -我也想知道 -吃你们的- Me, too. - Just eat. Dialogue: 我能看吗Can I read it? Dialogue: 你还真的挺缺德You are a horrible person. Dialogue: 可不是嘛Ain't I? Dialogue: 好了 不要再聊这个牛胸肉了All right, that's enough about the brisket. Dialogue: 你们期待明天的教会野餐吗You kids excited for the church picnic tomorrow? Dialogue: -不太 -不知道- Not really. - I don't know. Dialogue: 别这样Oh, come on. Dialogue: 你们都看到传单了 有三"有"You all saw the flier. The three "F"s: Dialogue: 有吃 有玩 友谊food, fun and fellowship. Dialogue: 我要带一大块我的牛胸肉去And I'm bringing a big slab of my brisket. Dialogue: 我受够了That's it. Dialogue: 当一家人年了 这期间我一直都是 years in this family, and all the time I've been nothing Dialogue: 一个 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现良好又负责任的女婿but a good, supportive son-in-law. Dialogue: 我也一直都有好好对待你女儿I always treated your daughter right, Dialogue: 给了你三个可爱的孙子女I gave you three beautiful grandchildren. Dialogue: 我唯一要求的回报就是给我个破食谱Only thing I ever asked in return was that damn recipe. Dialogue: 你说得对You're right. Dialogue: 再去拿张纸 我给你写下来Get another piece of paper. I'll write it down. Dialogue: 别再耍我 康妮Don't mess with me, Connie. Dialogue: 快趁我改变主意前去拿纸吧Get the paper before I change my mind. Dialogue: 你还要再耍他一次 是吧You're gonna do it to him again, aren't you? Dialogue: 有点不耍不行啊I kind of have to. Dialogue: 乔治 她就是跟你闹着玩George, she was just fooling with you. Dialogue: 没 不是 她就是损No, no, she's mean. Dialogue: 心都是黑的She got a black heart. Dialogue: 她才不是She does not. Dialogue: 你为什么总站在她那边Why do you always side with her? Dialogue: 她是我妈啊Well, she is my mother. Dialogue: 看吧And there it is. Dialogue: 问题就在这There's the problem. Dialogue: 你应该跟我同一阵线啊You should be siding with me. Dialogue: -为了个牛胸肉吗 -不单是为了牛胸肉- Over brisket? - It's not just brisket. 2 Dialogue: 是她从认识我第一天起就这么对我It's the way she's been treating me since day one. Dialogue: 就是把我当个废柴 安慰奖Like I'm some kind of loser, a booby prize. Dialogue: -"安慰[胸部]奖" -什么声音- "Booby prize." - What was that? Dialogue: 小乔治 你少多管闲事Georgie, you mind your own business. Dialogue: 我做什么了What did I do? Dialogue: 怎么了What's going on? Dialogue: 爸妈在吵架Mom and Dad are fighting. Dialogue: 为了什么事What about? Dialogue: 牛胸肉Brisket. Dialogue: 如果他们离婚了 •If they get a divorce, who do you think Dialogue: 你会选择跟谁过you'll pick to live with? Dialogue: 当然是选妈啦Well, Mom, of course. Dialogue: 我要选妈 你换选一个I want Mom. Pick again. Dialogue: 我还以为爸爸也会来I thought Dad was coming. Dialogue: 他不来 他有工作No, he had work to do. Dialogue: 什么工作 不知道 教练的事情吧What kind of work? I don't know. Coaching stuff. Dialogue: 他不能野餐完再去吗Can't he do it after the picnic? Dialogue: -他没办法啊 米希 -为什么- No, Missy, he cannot. - Why not? Dialogue: 别问了Enough. Dialogue: 那为什么小乔治也没来How come Georgie's not going? Dialogue: 他偷听我跟你爸爸说话被禁足了He's grounded for eavesdropping on me and your father. Dialogue: 希望他学到教训了Well, I hope he learned his lesson. 为了食谱的事吗Is this about the recipe? Dialogue: 是 Dialogue: 我猜他是因为你总站在姥姥这边在生气I bet he's mad 'cause you always side with Meemaw. Dialogue: 你怎么会知道这个And how would you know that? Dialogue: 小乔治跟我说的Georgie told me. Dialogue: 你跟爸爸要离婚了吗Are you and Dad getting a divorce? Dialogue: 当然不会'Course not. Dialogue: 如果你们离婚 我想要跟着你过Well, if you do, I want to live with you. Dialogue: 谢尔顿 我们不会离婚的Sheldon, no one's getting a divorce. Dialogue: 不过谢谢你选我But thank you, honey. Dialogue: 你知道这个问题You know this all goes away Dialogue: 只要你给他食谱 就会烟消云散了吗if you just give him your recipe for the brisket. Dialogue: 我知道啊I know. Dialogue: 然后呢And? Dialogue: 我猜这问题是哪都不会去了I guess it's not going away. Dialogue: 我没有偷听And I wasn't eavesdropping. Dialogue: 没事啦Don't worry about it. Dialogue: 我只是不懂我为什么被禁足I just don't see why I got grounded. Dialogue: 你有什么好抱怨的What are you complaining about? Dialogue: 你本来也不想去教会野餐啊You didn't want to go to church picnic anyway. Dialogue: 我就喜欢抱怨 我特能哔哔I like complaining. I'm good at it. 3 Dialogue: 我马上回来I'll be right back. Dialogue: 你介意我喝一口你的啤酒吗Mind if I have a sip of your beer? Dialogue: 你介意我把你脑袋塞进堆肥筒里吗You mind if I dip your head in the compost heap? Dialogue: 你说介意不就好了吗You could have just said no. Dialogue: 你在干嘛What are you doing? Dialogue: 没干嘛 滚出去Nothing! Get out of here. Dialogue: 你在找姥姥的牛胸肉食谱You're looking for her brisket recipe. Dialogue: 这时候你就变天才啦All of a sudden you got smart? Dialogue: 我说了让你出去I said get out of here. Dialogue: 我发誓我不会泄密I won't tell, I swear. Dialogue: 行吧 快来帮忙找All right, help me look. Dialogue: 找到了吗Ooh. Found it? Dialogue: 没有 这是她法式吐司的食谱No, this is her French toast. Dialogue: 没让你找法式吐司You're not looking for French toast. Dialogue: 这个姥姥也做得很好吃She does make it good, though. Dialogue: 你知道她会在生奶油里加香草精吗Did you know she puts vanilla extract in her whipped cream? Dialogue: 我不知道I did not. Dialogue: 加/茶匙Quarter teaspoon. Dialogue: -小乔治 -怎么了- Georgie? - Yeah? Dialogue: 我们是来找牛胸肉食谱We're looking for brisket! Dialogue: 暴脾气Cranky. Dialogue: 我们回来啦We're home. Dialogue: 别慌Be cool. Dialogue: 我不慌啊 你才别慌呢I'm cool. You be cool. Dialogue: 可真不慌啊Real cool. Dialogue: 他以为我有写下来He thought I wrote it down. Dialogue: 真是个傻子What a dope. Dialogue: 苏打水Seltzer... Dialogue: 生发水 生发水...hair tonic. Hair tonic. Dialogue: 需要帮忙哄孩子睡觉吗Need help putting the kids down? Dialogue: 不用了 谢谢 我自己照顾了他们一天No, thank you, I've been taking care of them all day. Dialogue: 我能自己收尾I think I can finish the job. Dialogue: 干嘛啦 别这样Oh, come on, don't do that. Dialogue: 别怎样Don't do what? Dialogue: 没事Never mind. Dialogue: 告诉你 谢尔顿跟米希Just so you know, Sheldon and Missy won Dialogue: 赢了两人三脚赛跑 因为米希跟他说the three-legged race because she told him Dialogue: 有蜜蜂在追他们 而你错过了这一幕a bee was chasing them, and you missed it. Dialogue: 是我的错 我只是想远离你妈妈一会儿I'm sorry, I-I just needed a break from your mother. Dialogue: 是啊 你也远离了你的家人Yeah, well, you took a break from your family. Dialogue: 你们俩之间的不愉快是想闹多久How long is this feud between you two gonna go 4 on? Dialogue: 这得看她啊That's up to her. Dialogue: 你们真是两头...You are both such... Dialogue: 死固执的...stubborn... Dialogue: 犟驴啊donkey butts! Dialogue: 米希Missy! Dialogue: 去睡觉Go to bed. Dialogue: 你怎么知道是不是我You don't know it's me. Dialogue: 你想干嘛What do you want? Dialogue: 别这样Don't be that way. Dialogue: 我给你拿了瓶冰的I brought you a cold one. Dialogue: 谢谢Thanks. Dialogue: 还是不喜欢你I still don't like you. Dialogue: 那这个能让你改变想法吗Would this change your feelings? Dialogue: 就是这个吗Is that it? Dialogue: 传说中的一个大秘宝The Holy Grail. Dialogue: 是什么让你改变了心意What changed your mind? Dialogue: 你今天不去野餐You not going to the picnic today, Dialogue: 伤了玛丽与双胞胎的心that hurt Mary and the twins. Dialogue: 我不想要内心有愧疚I cannot have that on my heart. Dialogue: -是吗 -绝对- Is that so? - Absolutely. Dialogue: 看着我的眼睛告诉我Look me in the eye and tell me Dialogue: 这份是正确的食谱this is the actual recipe. Dialogue: 乔治 在你手里的就是George, what you have in your hand Dialogue: 正确的详细制作方式is the exact step-by-step instructions Dialogue: 能让你做出我的招牌牛胸肉on how to make my brisket. Dialogue: 在今晚之前我从没把这个食谱写下来过I have never written it down until tonight because... Dialogue: 因为我怕会有人来偷I was afraid someone might steal it. Dialogue: 但现在我把它托付给你But I'm entrusting this to you, Dialogue: 希望有一天 时机成熟时and I hope that someday, when the time is right, Dialogue: 你会传给你其中一个孩子you will see fit to share it with one of your children. Dialogue: 康妮 我不知道该说什么好Connie, I don't know what to say. Dialogue: 别叫我康妮Don't call me Connie. Dialogue: 叫我妈妈Call me Mom. Dialogue: 谢谢 妈妈Thanks, Mom. Dialogue: 不客气 儿子You're welcome, son. Dialogue: 真是个傻子What a dope. Dialogue: 第二天早上 我爸为了做出完美的牛胸肉The next morning, my dad embarked on a doomed quest Dialogue: 踏上了注定失败的征途to make the perfect brisket. Dialogue: 能帮你什么吗Can I help you? Dialogue: 还真需要你帮忙Matter of fact, you can. Dialogue: 我需要公斤特优级安格斯牛胸肉I need pounds of prime Angus with a medium 5 deckle, Dialogue: 最好是春天宰的 不能晚于六月中旬ideally slaughtered in the spring, no later than mid-June. Dialogue: 至于腌肉的香料For the spice rub, Dialogue: 姥姥让他开车去新奥尔良Meemaw had him drive to New Orleans Dialogue: 到知名咖啡馆买研磨咖啡粉to buy ground coffee from Cafe Du Monde, Dialogue: 以及到一名叫拉沃夫人的女巫那里and seven ounces of something called "holy ghost root" Dialogue: 买克的"圣灵根"from a voodoo woman named Madam Laveau. Dialogue: 请问你能磨我的"根"吗Could you grind my root for me? Dialogue: 我要涂在牛胸上I-I'm-a... I'm-a rub it on brisket. Dialogue: 回家后 他给牛胸抹上香料的手法Then back home, he applied the spice rub Dialogue: 充满情欲又温柔with such erotic tenderness, Dialogue: 我妈都有点妒忌了呢it made my mother a little jealous. Dialogue: 最终 开始烹饪了Finally, the cooking began. Dialogue: 弄了整整小时 hours of cooking. Dialogue: 期间不断刷油And basting. Dialogue: 喷油And spritzing. Dialogue: 和照料火候And tending to the fire. Dialogue: 终于到了让胸肉阴凉的步骤Until it was finally time to let the meat rest. Dialogue: 休息[阴凉]吧 小亲亲Rest, my darling. Dialogue: 好好休息Rest. Dialogue: 知名咖啡店的咖啡真好喝呀Mmm. This Cafe Du Monde coffee is very good. Dialogue: 里面加了菊苣They make it with chicory. Dialogue: 这对做牛胸肉有什么好处And what does it do to the brisket? Dialogue: 我不知道Oh, I have no idea. Dialogue: 那你为什么让乔治大老远跑去新奥尔良Then why did you send George all the way to New Orleans? Dialogue: 咱家附近买不到这种咖啡啊Well, they don't sell this around here. Dialogue: 来了Here we go. Dialogue: 耗时年零小时 years and hours later. Dialogue: 全德州最好吃的牛胸肉Best brisket in Texas. Dialogue: 康妮 你这个邪恶的贱人Connie, you evil bitch! Dialogue: 比普通咖啡丝滑很多呢It's smoother than regular coffee. Dialogue: 那才不是真的秘方That wasn't the recipe. Dialogue: 你看着我的眼睛说谎了You looked me in the eye, and you lied to me. Dialogue: 妈妈Oh, Mom. Dialogue: 你偷摸闯进我家 想偷食谱You broke into my home and tried to steal it. Dialogue: 乔治Oh, George. Dialogue: 你告诉她我们进去过吗You told her we went over there? Dialogue: 小乔治Oh, George Jr. Dialogue: 我什么都没招 不是我I didn't say nothing. I was cool. Dialogue: 真喜欢这台好戏I am loving this. Dialogue: 我家不再欢迎这个女人来I don't want this woman in my house anymore. 6 Dialogue: -她可是我妈 -她就是恶魔- She is my mother. - She is the devil. Dialogue: 要是孩子们想见她呢And what if the kids want to see her? Dialogue: 好吧Fine. Dialogue: 在我不在家时才能来Schedule it for when I'm not here. Dialogue: 或者等我死了再来Or when I'm dead. Dialogue: 还有 不许你喝我的咖啡了And quit drinking my coffee. Dialogue: 把你的火车关掉 我们得谈谈Turn off your train, we've got to talk. Dialogue: 谈什么About what? Dialogue: 妈妈为爸爸和姥姥的事很难过Mom is so upset about Dad and Meemaw, Dialogue: 她可能会想离婚she might want a divorce. Dialogue: 没人要离婚No one's getting divorced. Dialogue: 你怎么知道How do you know? Dialogue: "真棒" 这下我得把那个扔了Great, now I have to throw that out. Dialogue: 当女婿的自古以来都瞧不起丈母娘Mother-in-laws are always held in low regard by the father. Dialogue: 但这很少会导致家庭破裂It rarely leads to a breakup of the family. Dialogue: 他说得对He's right. Dialogue: 弗雷德和威尔玛的婚姻依然幸福美满Fred and Wilma are still happily married. Dialogue: 我想如果你能I think if we can figure out Dialogue: 想个办法 让爸爸得到姥姥的牛胸肉食谱a way for Dad to get Meemaw's brisket recipe, Dialogue: 所有矛盾就会消失this all goes away. Dialogue: 我想不出我们能有什么办法I don't see how we can accomplish that. Dialogue: 放下Put that down. Dialogue: 那可不是玩具That's not a toy. Dialogue: 当然是啦Sure it is. Dialogue: 呜呜Choo choo. Dialogue: 呜呜Choo choo... Dialogue: 呜呜Choo choo. Dialogue: 张嘴嘴 小饼饼Open wide, Moonpie. Dialogue: 呜呜小火车来啦Here comes the choo choo train. Dialogue: 呜呜Choo choo. Dialogue: 很好吃对吧Mmm. Isn't that good? Dialogue: 这是姥姥远近驰名的牛胸肉That's Meemaw's famous brisket. Dialogue: 你想知道食谱吗Would you like the secret recipe? Dialogue: 你保证不告诉别人You promise not to tell anybody? Dialogue: 你当然不会告诉别人啦Of course you're not gonna tell anybody. Dialogue: 我先加入一茶匙孜然I start with a tablespoon of cumin, Dialogue: 然后加入一杯红糖 之后...and then a cup of brown sugar, and... Dialogue: 我知道姥姥的食谱I know the recipe. Dialogue: 什么What? Dialogue: 她告诉我的She told it to me. Dialogue: 什么时候When? Dialogue: 年月日February , . 7 Dialogue: 当时我个月大 那天是情人节I was months old, it was Valentine's Day, Dialogue: 爸爸和妈妈出去餐厅吃饭了and Mom and Dad went out for dinner. Dialogue: 当时你也在场 你不记得吗You were there. Don't you remember? Dialogue: 一片空白I got nothing. Dialogue: 那么小的时候的事你真的还记得吗You can really remember when you were that little? Dialogue: 嗯 你也在场Uh-huh. You were there, too. Dialogue: 你还在学习自己上厕所You were still struggling with potty training. Dialogue: 你记错了吧I don't think so. Dialogue: 没有 姥姥以前都叫你尿裤子先生Oh, yes. Meemaw used to call you Mr. Soggy Pants. Dialogue: 不可能Nuh-uh. Dialogue: 尿裤子先生Mr. Soggy Pants. Dialogue: 闭嘴 这不好笑Quit it. This is serious. Dialogue: 谢尔顿 你必须把食谱告诉爸爸Sheldon, you've got to tell Dad that recipe. Dialogue: 但姥姥说这是秘密But Meemaw told me it was a secret. Dialogue: 你如果不说 等爸妈离婚了 就是你的错If you don't, and Mom and Dad get a divorce, it's your fault. Dialogue: 好吧All right. Dialogue: 我说Fine. Dialogue: 干得漂亮 尿裤子先生Good job, Soggy Pants. Dialogue: 爸爸 你能来客厅吗Dad, could you please come into the living room? Dialogue: 干什么What for? Dialogue: 我的大脑做了超厉害的事My brain did something impressive Dialogue: 我想和你分享and I'd like to share it with you. Dialogue: 你怎么会在这儿What are you doing here? Dialogue: 跟你一样Same as you. Dialogue: 我想看他的大脑做了什么I want to see what his brain did. Dialogue: 请坐Please have a seat. Dialogue: 好吧All right. Dialogue: 怎么样Well? Dialogue: 我知道姥姥的牛胸肉烹饪食谱I know Meemaw's brisket recipe. Dialogue: 什么What? Dialogue: 你才不知道呢No, you don't. Dialogue: 我真的知道Yes, I do. Dialogue: 为了给这个家带来安宁And in order to bring peace to this family, Dialogue: 我决定公之于众I'm prepared to make it public. Dialogue: 你想诈我You're bluffing. Dialogue: 一茶匙孜然One tablespoon of cumin, Dialogue: 一杯红糖one cup of brown sugar, Dialogue: 两茶匙烟熏红椒two tablespoons of smoked paprika... Dialogue: 好了 好了 停Okay, okay, stop. Dialogue: 不不 继续说No, no, no. Keep going. Dialogue: 你怎么会知道食谱 谢利How do you know the recipe, Shelly? 8 Dialogue: 姥姥在年的情人节告诉我的Meemaw told it to me on Valentine's Day, . Dialogue: 你和爸爸去廉价影院You were out with Dad seeing Cannonball Run Dialogue: 看《炮弹飞车》了at the dollar theater. Dialogue: 不可能 你当时还不到两岁That's impossible, you weren't even two years old. Dialogue: 三茶匙干芥末Three tablespoons of dried mustard, Dialogue: 一杯孤星啤酒one cup of Lone Star beer... Dialogue: 好了Okay. Dialogue: 好了Okay. Dialogue: 说吧Go ahead. Dialogue: 告诉你爸爸吧Give it to your father. Dialogue: 我可以帮你写下来I can write it down for you. Dialogue: 不用了 我不想要That's okay, I don't want it. Dialogue: 你逗我呢吧You have got to be kidding me. Dialogue: 康妮 你有无数的机会Connie, you've had every opportunity Dialogue: 把食谱给我 但你从来没给to give me that recipe and you never did, Dialogue: 因为你一直把我当做外人because you've always treated me like an outsider. Dialogue: 她才没有No, she has not. Dialogue: 我当然有Oh, of course I have. Dialogue: 看到没 她承认了See? She admits it. Dialogue: 我当然承认了Damn right, I do. Dialogue: 我一直觉得你配不上我女儿Never thought you were good enough for my daughter. Dialogue: 你就这么出现 骑着那辆破摩托车There you were, riding around on that dumb motorcycle, Dialogue: 把她肚子搞大knocking her up. Dialogue: 孩子们 你们都到厨房Why don't you kids go in the kitchen Dialogue: 自己拿点冰淇淋吃吧and fix yourselves some ice cream? Dialogue: 我怎么能错过这好戏I'm not going anywhere. Dialogue: 我能理解Hey. I get it. Dialogue: 我也有个女儿I have a daughter. Dialogue: 我也不想她带一个那样的男人回家I wouldn't want her bringing home someone like that. Dialogue: 但我也比那时候成长了许多But I've come a hell of a long way since then. Dialogue: 好啦 你说得对Okay, you're right. Dialogue: 乔治George. Dialogue: 对不起I'm sorry. Dialogue: 这对我来说 比任何食谱都更有意义That means more to me than any recipe. Dialogue: 过来Come here. Dialogue: 别让这个拥抱骗了你Don't let the hug fool you. Dialogue: 她一走 他就逼我把食谱告诉他The minute she went home, he made me give him the recipe. Dialogue: 来啦 处女航Here we go, maiden voyage. Dialogue: 哎妈呀Hot damn. Dialogue: 哎妈呀Hot damn. Dialogue: 哎妈呀Hot damn! 9 Dialogue: 乔治 注意说话George! Language. Dialogue: 谢尔顿Sheldon. Dialogue: 想来点吗Want some? Dialogue: 不用了 谢谢 我不饿Uh, no, thank you. I'm not hungry. 第八集 Dialogue: 我以为你不喜欢随便叫上帝的名字I thought you didn't like taking the lord's name in vain? Dialogue: 噢 闭嘴Oh, shut up. Dialogue: 有一段时间了 哈It's been a while, huh? Dialogue: 别怨我Don't blame me. Dialogue: 是你得心脏病了You're the one who had a heart attack. Dialogue: 我认为他的意思是让你多走走路I think he meant walks around the block. Dialogue: 不是 他朝我眨眼了No, he winked at me, Dialogue: 还扭了扭他的胯 就像是And did this little rotation with his hips, like... Dialogue: 嗯Mm. Dialogue: 嗯Hmm. Dialogue: 嘿 我们这周末有什么 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 吗Hey, we got any plans this weekend? Dialogue: 我在想也许我们可以I thought maybe we could get Dialogue: 先整理下菜园子started on the vegetable garden Dialogue: 然后 当然 星期天要去教堂And then, of course, church on sunday. Dialogue: 是啊 听起来很有趣Yeah, that does sound fun, Dialogue: 但是如果 我和小乔治一起去贝斯小溪But what if, instead, i was to go up to bethy creek Dialogue: 钓钓鱼怎么样With georgie and do some fishing? Dialogue: 太阳打西边出来了这是How long you been waiting to spring that on me? Dialogue: 直到我扭完胯Well, not till i was done rotating my hips. Dialogue: 你太坏了you're awful. Dialogue: 你觉得怎么样So what do you say? Dialogue: 谢尔顿怎么办What about sheldon? Dialogue: 他怎么了What about him? Dialogue: 乔治George. Dialogue: 你不能总是冷落他You can't always leave him out. Dialogue: 我没有冷落他I'm not leaving him out. Dialogue: 你知道他是怎么钓鱼的You know how he is about fishing. Dialogue: 快拿走 快拿走Get it away, get it away! Dialogue: 冷静点 就是只小家伙而已Calm down, it's an itty-bitty thing. Dialogue: 不 我才是小家伙No, i'm an itty-bitty thing! Dialogue: 谁说非让你带他去钓鱼了Who says you have to take him fishing? Dialogue: 找点其他的事情和他一起做Find something else to do with him. Dialogue: 一些他感兴趣的事情Something he'd like. Dialogue: 那我们做什么啊 花一个周末What are we gonna do? spend the weekend Dialogue: 坐一起 思考吗Sitting around, thinking? Dialogue: 乔治George. 10 Dialogue: 你得学会和他相处You have to make an effort. Dialogue: 小男孩如果不常花时间和爸爸呆一起Young boys who don't spend time with their daddies Dialogue: 长大会变得很奇怪Grow up to be oddballs. Dialogue: 亲爱的 我不想这么说Honey, i hate to tell you, but Dialogue: 但他已经很古怪了that ball is already pretty odd. Dialogue: 拜托了Please. Dialogue: 好吧 行Okay, fine. Dialogue: 我去问问他 我们想想做什么I'll talk to him. we'll think of something. Dialogue: 很好Good. Dialogue: 谢谢你thank you. Dialogue: 笑什么What? Dialogue: 我只是想起来上次我们一起去野营I was just remembering when i took him camping. Dialogue: 蛾子 蛾子Moth! moth! Dialogue: 谢尔顿 那只是蝴蝶Sheldon, it's just a butterfly. Dialogue: 所以呢How is that any better? Dialogue: 蝴蝶 蝴蝶Butterfly, butterfly! Dialogue: 嘿 小伙子Hey, pal. Dialogue: 又在摆弄你的火箭啊Playing with your rockets? Dialogue: 我在计算弹道系数I'm trying to calculate ballistic coefficients. Dialogue: 嗯 那也很有意思Well, that's fun, too. Dialogue: 听着 我这周末不用工作Listen, i don't have to work this weekend, Dialogue: 我在想你是否想要一起做点什么I was wondering if you wanted to do something together. Dialogue: 比如什么Like what? Dialogue: 不管什么只要是你想的Whatever you want. Dialogue: 嗯 我的空气净化器需要更换滤芯Well, the filter on my air purifier needs to be changed. Dialogue: 去西斯尔百货如何How about a trip to sears? Dialogue: 是啊 我在想做一些Yeah, i was thinking along the lines of something Dialogue: 更加活跃的事情A little more active. Dialogue: 比如去年Like last year, Dialogue: 我们去钓鱼了We went fishing... Dialogue: 妈妈 爸爸想带我Mom! dad's trying Dialogue: 去钓鱼To make me go fishing! Dialogue: 不 不 没关系No, no, it's okay. Dialogue: 我们不去钓鱼We're not going fishing. Dialogue: 好吧 那就好All right, good. Dialogue: 但是说真的But seriously, Dialogue: 钓鱼真的有那么糟吗Was fishing really that bad? Dialogue: 妈妈 爸爸试图说服我Mom! dad's trying to convince me Dialogue: 钓鱼没那么糟That fishing wasn't that bad! Dialogue: 嘘 拜托Shh. come on! 11 Dialogue: 忘掉我说的钓鱼的事情Forget i said anything about fishing. Dialogue: 就好好想想Just think about it, Dialogue: 我们去做你想做的事情And we'll do whatever you want. Dialogue: 谢谢Thank you. Dialogue: 这周末有航天飞机要发射There is the launching of the space shuttle this weekend. Dialogue: 航天飞机Space shuttle? Dialogue: 那不是在佛罗里达发射吗Don't they do those out of florida? Dialogue: 是的 卡纳维拉尔角 Dialogue: 谢尔顿 那要开差不多到个小时呢Sheldon, that's-that's like a , hour drive. Dialogue: 我明白 没关系I understand. never mind. Dialogue: 你知道吗 我们去吧You know what? let's do it. Dialogue: 一定会很有趣It'll be fun. Dialogue: 库伯家的三个男子汉的小冒险The three cooper boys on a little adventure. Dialogue: 听起来不错吧Sound good? Dialogue: 听起来不错Sounds good. Dialogue: 我的计划终于要奏效了My plan was coming together. Dialogue: 我只需要走进那架航天飞机I just needed to get on the shuttle Dialogue: 我就能逃离这个可笑的地球了So i could finally escape this ridiculous planet. Dialogue: 剧透下 我还是在这儿Spoiler alert, i'm still here. Dialogue: 所以 谢尔顿 我和乔治So, sheldon, me and georgie Dialogue: 我们这周末要去公路旅行Are gonna take a little road trip this weekend, Dialogue: 去看航天发射See the shuttle launch. Dialogue: 看起来我没什么发言权Looks like i don't get a vote in this. Dialogue: 噢 很好 你终于跟上节奏了Oh, good, you're catching on. Dialogue: 我在想我们能不能见到宇航员I wonder if we'll get to meet an astronaut. Dialogue: 我记得当我还是少女时I remember when i was a teenager, Dialogue: 我特别迷恋约翰 格伦I had the biggest crush on john glenn. Dialogue: 我肯定对他投怀送抱I would've given it up for him no problem. Dialogue: - 妈妈 - 投什么怀- mom. - given what up? Dialogue: 她的零花钱 快吃吧Her allowance. just eat. Dialogue: 所以你们要去多久So how long are you gonna be gone? Dialogue: 噢 我们星期六早上走Oh, we'll leave first thing saturday morning, Dialogue: 在旅馆住一晚上Stay the night in a motel, Dialogue: 星期天一大早去看发射And see the launch bright and early on sunday. Dialogue: 我真不相信我们要去看I can't believe we're going to see Dialogue: 一个真正的太空飞船An actual working spacecraft. Dialogue: 看他多开心啊Look how happy he is. Dialogue: 做的好Good job. Dialogue: 为什么我不能去How come i don't get to go? Dialogue: 因为你 我还有外婆我们要找点自己的乐子'cause you, me and meemaw are gonna have our own fun. Dialogue: 我们能去打靶场去打枪吗Could we shoot guns at the gun range? Dialogue: 你还太小不能去打靶场Mm, you're too young to go to the gun range. Dialogue: 姥姥都带我去过了Meemaw took me. 12 Dialogue: 我们都拉钩钩了 你怎么都说出来了We pinky swore. what are you doing? Dialogue: 噢 对Oh, yeah. Dialogue: 别听我胡说八道Don't listen to me. Dialogue: 我不知道我在说什么I don't know what i'm saying. Dialogue: 我知道你喜欢一路开下去I know you like to just keep driving, Dialogue: 直到目的地 但你不要忘了And get where you're going, but you can't ignore Dialogue: - 他上厕所的时间 - 我知道- his bathroom schedule. - i know. Dialogue: 他早上第一件事是上小号He goes number one first thing in the morning, Dialogue: 然后下午还有一次Then again in the afternoon, Dialogue: 再晚一点还要去once more in the late afternoon Dialogue: 大概四点半 要看他喝了多少果汁say :, depending on his juice intake, Dialogue: 然后 睡前还要再去撒泡尿And then, a quick piddle before bedtime. Dialogue: - 撒尿 知道了 - 现在- "piddle." got it. - now, Dialogue: 大号有点棘手Number two's a little trickier. Dialogue: 玛丽 放松点Mary? relax. Dialogue: 我能照顾好儿子I can take care of my son. Dialogue: 我知道I know. Dialogue: 很好Good. Dialogue: 我只想说I'm just saying, Dialogue: 如果他沮丧或者紧张时If he's upset or nervous, Dialogue: 他就会便秘He can get all clogged up. Dialogue: 我不会让这样的事情发生I won't let that happen. Dialogue: 谢谢Thank you. Dialogue: 好了 我们再说说吃的Okay, let's talk about food. Dialogue: 不用了No need to. Dialogue: 他喜欢吃至少度烹饪的肉He likes his meat cooked to at least degrees, Dialogue: 除了鸡肉 那个要度Except for chicken, which is . Dialogue: 盘子里不同的食物不能混在一起The different foods can't touch each other on the plate. Dialogue: 番茄酱和芥末必须是袋装的Ketchup and mustard must come out of a packet. Dialogue: 不能是瓶子里挤出来的No bottles. Dialogue: 这是个陷阱问题That's a trick question. Dialogue: 他喜欢意大利面He likes spaghetti. Dialogue: 乔治Georgie. Dialogue: 起床了Up and at 'em. Dialogue: 米西 你弟弟呢Missy, where's your brother? Dialogue: 我怎么知道Who cares? Dialogue: - 谢尔顿你在里面吗 - 爸爸- Sheldon are you in there? - Dad! Dialogue: 抱歉 乔治Sorry, georgie. Dialogue: 怎么回事What's going on? Dialogue: 我找不到谢尔顿了I can't find sheldon. Dialogue: 你什么意思 找不到谢尔顿What do you mean, you can't find him? Dialogue: 我是说我不知道他在哪儿I mean i don't know where he is. Dialogue: 他肯定在屋里Well, he's got to be somewhere. 13 Dialogue: 也许他的时光机能用了Maybe he got that time machine to work. Dialogue: 怎么回事Where the hell... Dialogue: 乔治George. Dialogue: 我想他已经准备好出发了I think he's ready to go. Dialogue: 等下 乔治Wait, georgie. Dialogue: - 你的包呢 - 我不需要- where's your bag? - don't need one. Dialogue: 我带了牙刷Got my toothbrush right here. Dialogue: 那衣服呢What about clothes? Dialogue: 替换的内裤A change of underwear? Dialogue: 搞定Got it. Dialogue: 乔治 你要去两天呢Georgie, you're gonna be gone for two days. Dialogue: 我可以翻过来穿I'll turn them inside out. Dialogue: - 占座了 - 不 不- shotgun! - no, no. Dialogue: 让你弟弟坐在前排Let your brother sit up front for a change. Dialogue: 我其实更愿意坐在后面I actually prefer sitting in the back. Dialogue: 更安全一些It's safer. Dialogue: 噢 别这样 跟你爸爸一起坐前面吧Oh, come on, sit up front with your daddy. Dialogue: 他平时都没时间和你好好相处He doesn't get to spend enough time with you. Dialogue: 我先说了占座了I called shotgun. Dialogue: 乔治George. Dialogue: 我们来投硬币We'll flip a coin. Dialogue: 好吧 乔治 选吧All right? georgie, call it. Dialogue: 正面Heads. Dialogue: 反面Tails. Dialogue: - 该死 - 谢尔顿 你赢了- Dang it. - sheldon, you won. Dialogue: 你得坐前面You get to ride up front. Dialogue: 我们就不能三局两胜吗Can't we do two out of three? Dialogue: 你赢了 上车You won. get in the car. Dialogue: 那占座还有什么意义What's the point in calling shotgun? Dialogue: 你是个好爸爸You're a good dad. Dialogue: 如果我星期天没杀死他俩其中一个 我就是If i don't kill one of them before sunday, i'm a good dad. Dialogue: 玩开心点Have fun. Dialogue: 爱你们Love you guys. Dialogue: 拜拜 注意安全Bye! drive safe! Dialogue: 这是个好主意Oh, this was a good idea, this was a good idea, Dialogue: 真是个好主意This was a good idea. Dialogue: 绝对是个好主意This was a good idea. Dialogue: 有没有感觉很兴奋Isn't this exciting? Dialogue: 属于女生的时间 没男生在这It's just us girls, no boys in the house. Dialogue: 这地方闻起来好多了The place already smells better. Dialogue: 那么我们要做什么So what are we gonna do? Dialogue: 想不想去美容沙龙How would you like Dialogue: 做个全套美容To go to the beauty salon and get all done up? 14 Dialogue: 我能把头发染成和辛蒂 罗波一样的橘色吗Can i have orange hair like cyndi lauper? Dialogue: 不行I don't think so. Dialogue: 姥姥有个朋友染了蓝色的头发Meemaw has friends with blue hair. Dialogue: 是真的She's right. Dialogue: 我还没去染I haven't gone there yet, Dialogue: 但是到了一定的年纪后 这是必须的But after a certain age, it's mandatory. Dialogue: 不能染发Your hair's not changing color. Dialogue: - 哎 - 抱歉 姑娘- aw. - sorry, kiddo. Dialogue: 你妈妈没一点情调Your mom is no fun. Dialogue: 申明一下 我有情调Excuse me, i'm fun. Dialogue: 那我能染发吗So i can color my hair? Dialogue: 想都别想Not a chance. Dialogue: 但是我充满情调But i'm very much fun. Dialogue: 继续自欺欺人吧Whatever you need to believe. Dialogue: 我的元首Mein fuhrer. Dialogue: 爸爸Dad? Dialogue: 什么事Yeah? Dialogue: 能说说话吗Would you like to have a conversation? Dialogue: 行啊Yeah. Dialogue: 当然可以Sure. absolutely. Dialogue: 你想说点什么All right, what would you like to talk about? Dialogue: 嗯 比如说Um, well, let's see. Dialogue: 你有没有好好想过长大后想成为Uh... have you given much thought to what you want to be Dialogue: 什么样的人呢When you grow up? Dialogue: 想过啊I have. Dialogue: 很好Great. Dialogue: 那你想当什么And what would that be? Dialogue: 科学家那类的吧Oh. most likely a scientist. Dialogue: 除非我呆在德克萨斯州 那我也许会去 牛大王[餐厅名字]Unless i stay in texas, then i'm thinking cattle baron. Dialogue: 牛大王Cattle baron? Dialogue: 如果我不需要碰牛的话Assuming i don't have to touch the cows. Dialogue: 理所当然Goes without saying. Dialogue: 你一直想做足球教练吗Did you always want to be a football coach? Dialogue: 我一直想玩Well, i always wanted to play. Dialogue: 至少在我受伤之前At least till i got hurt. Dialogue: 嗯Mm. Dialogue: 你球技好吗Were you a good player? Dialogue: 呃 不怎么样Eh, not really. Dialogue: 我以前长的比其他孩子壮I was just bigger than the other kids. Dialogue: 所以块头大是平凡给你的So you compensated for mediocrity Dialogue: 补偿By being large. Dialogue: 我想是的I guess. 15 Dialogue: 这一点和牛一样That works for cattle as well. Dialogue: 谢谢你指出这点Oh, well, thanks for pointing that out. Dialogue: 不客气You're welcome. Dialogue: 不想开窗透透气吗You might want to open a window. Dialogue: 噢Oh, boy. Dialogue: 噢Oh... Dialogue: 我头好热啊my head is so hot. Dialogue: 她真是个小麻烦精She is such a hoot. Dialogue: - 你还好吗 - 还行- you okay? - fine. Dialogue: 好吧 别说Okay, don't tell me. Dialogue: 好热So hot... Dialogue: 我只是不喜欢I don't like you making me out Dialogue: 你因为我不让女儿随心所欲To be the bad guy just 'cause i won't Dialogue: 而让我像个坏人Let my daughter do whatever she wants. Dialogue: 我管你管的很松I gave you a lot of freedom, Dialogue: 你也成长的很好啊You turned out okay. Dialogue: 你并没有管得松You didn't give me freedom. Dialogue: 你压根就不管我You were never around. Dialogue: 是吗Is that so? Dialogue: 我敢保证我给沙琳和爱德华做晚饭的I guarantee i made supper for charlene and edward Dialogue: 次数比你都多More times than you ever did. Dialogue: 实际上是我在养他们I basically raised 'em. Dialogue: 你以为我出去玩乐了吗You think i was out dancing? Dialogue: 我做了两份工才让你爸I was out working two jobs so your daddy could Dialogue: 有钱往连锁照相馆里扔Lose all our money on that damn chain of fotomats! Dialogue: 那不是爸爸的错 每当有暴风雨的时候It wasn't daddy's fault that those little things blew over Dialogue: 那些小东西就会被叫停Every time there was a storm. Dialogue: 嗯Hmm. Dialogue: 真的 我要化了Seriously, i'm melting. Dialogue: 死犰狳Dead armadillo. Dialogue: 就像我们三个That's three for me. Dialogue: 那是个糟糕的开车游戏This is a terrible driving game. Dialogue: 如果被碾会发抖吗Is it roadkill if it's still twitchin'? Dialogue: 生和死都存在 就像薛定谔的猫Huh, both alive and dead, just like schrodinger's cat. Dialogue: 我不知道他还有猫I didn't know he had a cat. Dialogue: 你有听说过薛定谔吗You've heard of schrodinger? Dialogue: 是的 是查理 布朗的孩子Sure. it's the kid from charlie brown Dialogue: 弹钢琴的那个Who plays the piano. Dialogue: 露西爱上他了Lucy's got a crush on him. Dialogue: 薛定谔的猫是一个思维实验Schrodinger's cat is a thought experiment. Dialogue: 盒子里的猫被下毒A cat in a box is exposed to poison, Dialogue: 在被打开之前它既是活的也是死的And is both alive and dead until it is observed. 16 Dialogue: 所以这只猫的名字叫薛定谔吗So the cat's name is schrodinger? Dialogue: 不是No. Dialogue: 那它叫什么Well, what's its name? Dialogue: 它叫什么都没关系Its name doesn't matter. Dialogue: 如果那只猫真的死了It does if the cat was dead. Dialogue: 你要在他的墓碑上写些什么呢Otherwise, what are you gonna put on his tombstone? Dialogue: 猫不大可能有墓碑Not likely the cat's getting a tombstone. Dialogue: 万一是个动物墓地呢It would in a pet cemetery. Dialogue: 好了 那只猫叫白手套Fine, the cat's name is mittens. Dialogue: 因为他的脚是白色的吗Because he has little white feet? Dialogue: 对Sure. Dialogue: 那么 在这个思维实验里So, in this thought experiment, Dialogue: 你觉得猫是死了还是活着Do you think mittens is dead or alive? Dialogue: 除非你打开盒子 不然没法说明There's no way of saying until you open the box. Dialogue: 快说吧Oh, come on. Dialogue: 乐观的想 我会选择想信他还活着Optimistically, i would choose to believe he's alive. Dialogue: 对啊Yes! Dialogue: 谢天谢地Oh, thank goodness. Dialogue: 死乌鸦Oh, dead crow. Dialogue: 绝对死透了There ain't no doubt about that one. Dialogue: 这个洗手间为我做了消毒The toilet was sanitized for my protection. Dialogue: 我喜欢这里I love this place. Dialogue: 爸爸 我们能去爬行动物世界吗Dad, can we go to reptile world? Dialogue: - 不行 - 他们那有蛇- no. - they a got snake Dialogue: 大到可以吞下一整只鸡So big it can eat a whole chicken. Dialogue: 既是这样 不行Oh, well, in that case, no. Dialogue: - 唉 - 睡吧- aw. - let's get some sleep. Dialogue: 如果想及时到卡纳维拉尔角去看发射We got to get up early if we're gonna get to cape canaveral Dialogue: 就得早点睡In time for liftoff. Dialogue: 我太兴奋了 不知道能不能睡着I'm so excited, i don't know if i can. Dialogue: 小家伙 你总得试一试 对吧Well, buddy, you're gonna have to try, all right? Dialogue: 你们俩睡一张床 我睡这张You two share that bed, i'll take this one. Dialogue: - 不 - 不- no. - nuh-uh. Dialogue: 拜托了 伙伴们 我最胖Come on, fellas, i'm the biggest. Dialogue: 我睡一张床是理所当然的啊It makes sense that i get a bed to myself. Dialogue: - 不 - 不- no. - nuh-uh. Dialogue: 猜币吧 乔治 选一个We'll flip for it. georgie, call it. Dialogue: 头像Heads. Dialogue: 今天不是你的幸运日Not your day. Dialogue: 可恶Dang it. Dialogue: - 看起来像是头像那面 - 去刷牙- that looked like heads. - go brush your teeth. Dialogue: 真的有效果吗This really works? 17 Dialogue: 你的头发明天就会非常漂亮Your hair will look just as pretty tomorrow. Dialogue: 现在 来 盖好被子Now, come on, let's tuck you in. Dialogue: 我真庆幸我没有染橘头发I'm glad i don't have orange hair. Dialogue: 我也是 宝贝Me, too, baby. Dialogue: 我想更像麦当娜I want to be more like madonna. Dialogue: 你是想杀了我吗Are you trying to kill me? Dialogue: 如果是 干得漂亮'cause if you are, good job. Dialogue: 为什么她一直像少女一样[她的歌曲]Why is she only like a virgin? Dialogue: 晚安Good night! - Dialogue: 我们的谈话真的结束了吗You ready to finish our conversation? Dialogue: 没什么好说的There's nothing to finish. Dialogue: 我就像个野孩子一样把自己养大I raised myself like a jungle child. Dialogue: 故事结束End of story. Dialogue: 别那么情绪化Oh, stop being so dramatic. Dialogue: 你以为我心里好受吗You think i didn't feel bad Dialogue: 想多陪陪你们却不能Not being around more than i wanted to be? Dialogue: 你有这么想过吗Did you? Dialogue: 想过一点A little bit. Dialogue: 我开玩笑的 我当然想过I'm teasing, come on. of course i did. Dialogue: 不然我为什么要求你和乔治Why else would i have begged you and george Dialogue: 搬回德福德To move back to medford? Dialogue: 这样你就可以和你的外孙在一起了So you could be with your grandchildren. Dialogue: 还有你And you. Dialogue: - 真的吗 - 真的- really? - yeah. Dialogue: 你是我几个孩子里唯一还和我联系的You're the only one of my children still talking to me. Dialogue: 毫不奇怪No surprise there. Dialogue: 而且 你将自己培养的比我培养的更好Besides, you raised yourself better than i ever could. Dialogue: 事实上你其实是这么想的吗You actually believe that? Dialogue: 不是 但你要是相信了就能原谅我了No, but it would help my cause if you did. Dialogue: 你头发真漂亮Your hair looks pretty. Dialogue: 够了Enough. Dialogue: 爸爸Dad? Dialogue: 爸爸Dad? Dialogue: 爸爸Dad. Dialogue: 怎么了What? Dialogue: 乔治一直在踢我Georgie keeps kicking me. Dialogue: 踢回去Kick him back. Dialogue: 我不想碰他I'd rather not touch him. Dialogue: 你想和我一起睡吗You want to sleep with me? Dialogue: 是的 谢谢Yes, thank you. Dialogue: 嗯Yeah. Dialogue: 还挤吗Got enough room? 18 Dialogue: 不挤了Yes. Dialogue: 你散发着很多热量You throw off a lot of heat. Dialogue: 抱歉Sorry. Dialogue: 没事的 这样很不错That's all right. it's kind of nice. Dialogue: 下雨他们也会发射吗Do they launch those shuttles in the rain? Dialogue: 小雨的话应该会I think a light rain's okay. Dialogue: 哦 不Oh, no. Dialogue: 很快就会结束的It'll pass. Dialogue: 睡会吧Just get some sleep. Dialogue: 没有结束It didn't pass. Dialogue: 谢尔顿 我很抱歉Sheldon, i'm real sorry. Dialogue: 我能告诉你一个秘密吗Can i tell you a secret? Dialogue: 我从不知道闪电是怎么形成的I never understood how lightning works. Dialogue: 高中没有教过吗Didn't they teach you that in high school? Dialogue: 应该教过They probably did, Dialogue: 但是我踢球的时候脑袋受伤不轻But i got hit in the head a lot playing football. Dialogue: 你能给我解释下吗Would you explain it to me? Dialogue: 当正电荷和负电荷积累的足够多时Well, when positive and negative charges grow large enough, Dialogue: 巨大的火花会出在在云中A giant spark occurs in the cloud. 那真酷 打雷又是怎么回事呢Ah, that-that's pretty cool. what causes the thunder? Dialogue: 啊 Dialogue: 是一个由粒子加热到,度的冲击波It's a shock wave from particles heated to , degrees. Dialogue: 真有趣Interesting. Dialogue: 你知道真正有趣的是什么吗You want to know what's really interesting? Dialogue: 亚里士多德以为打雷是因为Aristotle thought that the sound of thunder Dialogue: 两朵云的相撞Was due to a collision between two clouds. Dialogue: 他认为云在排出空气He believed the clouds were expelling air, Dialogue: 就像木头爆出的火花一样In the way a log on a fire crackles... Dialogue: 直到很多年后我才意识到I didn't realize until years later Dialogue: 爸爸问我有关闪电和打雷的问题只是为了That my father was only asking questions Dialogue: 让我高兴起来About lightning and thunder to cheer me up. Dialogue: 实际上 他经常装傻In fact, he would often pretend to be dumb Dialogue: 只是为了让我感觉好一些Just to make me feel better. Dialogue: 好像下雨了Looks like rain. Dialogue: 另一方面 我的哥哥My brother, on the other hand, Dialogue: 却不是假装蠢Didn't have to pretend. Dialogue: 好了 数到三 我们就往车那跑Okay, on the count of three, we run to the car. Dialogue: - 准备好了吗 一 二 - 等等- ready? one, two... - wait. Dialogue: 我想要有枪发指令I want shotgun going back. Dialogue: 好吧 我加上枪声 准备Fine, you get shotgun. okay, here we go. Dialogue: - 一 二 - 我还是觉得- one, two... - i still think Dialogue: 我们应该等雨小一点再走We should wait till the rain slows down. Dialogue: 不行 我们得回家No, we got to get home. Dialogue: 明天我要上班 你们要上学I got work tomorrow, you guys got school. 19 Dialogue: 你知道我们会被淋湿You do realize i'll get wet? Dialogue: 只是水而已 谢尔顿It's just water, sheldon. Dialogue: 好吧 只是确认你知道这件事All right. just making sure you realize. Dialogue: 好了 我们走 准备All right, here we go. ready? Dialogue: 一 二 三One, two, three. Dialogue: 小家伙 我以为我们会按计划行事Buddy, i thought we had a plan. Dialogue: 是你的计划You had a plan. Dialogue: 我从未亲眼见过火箭发射I never did get to see a launch in person, Dialogue: 但是这是我有过的最棒的旅行But that was the best trip i ever had. Dialogue: 我希望在爸爸活着的时候就告诉他了I wish i had told my father while he was alive. 20
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