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空压机房管理制度空压机房管理制度 1、机房门口要悬挂“要害场所,闲人免进”标牌。 2、外单位参观人员及上级领导检查工作时,必须有机电系统领导陪同,否则不准入内。 3、检查和参观人员,要认真填写登记簿,并填写带领人的姓名及出入时间。 4、机房内不准有明火,工作时要有安全可靠的措施。 5、机房内要保持清洁卫生,光线要充足,使用的备件、材料、工具要存放整齐,禁止机房内存放其他物品。 6、机房内要配备防火用具,灭火器、砂箱。 7、值班司机要严守岗位,不得脱岗。 guidance to the work The work s...

空压机房 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 1、机房门口要悬挂“要害场所,闲人免进”标牌。 2、外单位参观人员及上级领导检查工作时,必须有机电系统领导陪同,否则不准入内。 3、检查和参观人员,要认真填写登记簿,并填写带领人的姓名及出入时间。 4、机房内不准有明火,工作时要有安全可靠的措施。 5、机房内要保持清洁卫生,光线要充足,使用的备件、 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 、工具要存放整齐,禁止机房内存放其他物品。 6、机房内要配备防火用具,灭火器、砂箱。 7、值班司机要严守岗位,不得脱岗。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 空压机司机岗位责任制 1、司机必须经过培训,经考试合格后,持证上岗。 2、认真执行各项规章 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,做到勤检查、勤维护,及时发现问题解决问题。严禁睡岗、脱岗及做与工作无关的事情。 3、司机必须有高度责任感,非机房工作人员未经机电队及公司领导同意,一律谢绝参观。 4、熟悉设备性能,做到“三知”“四会”(三知:知设备性能、结构、工作原理)、(四会:会使用、会维护、会保养、会排除故障)。 5、严格按照操作规程作业,做好巡检工作,填写好各项原始记录,严禁违章操作。 6、接班期间要妥善保管好机房内的材料、备件及工具,不得随便转借他人。 7、要爱护设备,保持设备完好和机房文明,做到清洁整齐。 8、参加设备的日常检修和大修工作。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 交接班制度 1、司机必须严格执行交接班制度,交接班必须在现场进行。 2、交班司机对本班存在的问题、设备缺陷及运转情况作好记录,并交给接班司机。 3、交班司机在下班前应打扫卫生,整理好工具、材料等。 4、接班司机接班时, 要对所操作设备的各主要部位进行全面检查,发现问题要向交班司机了解情况并及时处理好;如不能处理的要及时汇报机电队领导。 5、接班司机对室内卫生、工具、记录本等要做好认真检查和验收。 6、接班司机认可后,交班司机方能离开。 7、各班司机应对本班出现的问题负责。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 空压机日常维修保养制度 1、空压机的维护保养应结合巡回检查,经常性地维护保养。 2、为确保空压机的安全运行,必须坚持每天对压力容器及其附件进行日常维护、保养和检修,消除隐患。 3、空压机运行时,保持本体清洁无渗漏、无油迹,认真详细地填写设备维修保养记录。 4、安全管理人员应当对压力容器的使用状况进行经常性检查,发现问题应立即处理,情况紧急时可以停止使用设备,并及时 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 本单位有关负责人。 5、对在用压力容器的压力表、安全阀等附件实行安全技术性能的定期检验、检修,做好特种设备的日常使用记录,运行故障和事故记录,以备查询。 6、压力表和安全阀正常运行时每年至少校验一次,校验后铅封。 7、设备维修保养和安全附件试验校验情况要详细作好记录,管理人员要定期抽查。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 空压机定期检修制度 1、对空压机定期检修,可保证其安全可靠地运行。为保持原有设备的性能,除了运行人员严格执行操作规程和有关维护保养制度外,应认真执行空压机设备的定期检修。 2、空压机的检修应进行下列工作 1)空压机检修前应对空压机进行一次内外部检查。根据定期检修计划和内外检查的情况,确定本次空压设备检修计划。 2)根据检修计划,指定专人负责,并组织力量,制定检修分工负责制,以保证检修质量。 3)检修前,要准备好检修工具,材料和配件,对检修人员进行安全教育,学习国家有关 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 要求,研究保证检修质量的有效措施。 4)做好检修记录,应把每一次检修的情况(损坏情况和修理方法),记录在空压机的技术档案内,以便日后备查。对空压机设备设备积累历史资料。 5)空压机设备检修完毕后,应做好验收工作。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 空压机房巡回检查制度 1、为了保证空压机及附属设备正常运行,岗位司机至少每一个小时进行一次巡回检查。 2、检查空压机是否运行正常,排污装置是否灵敏。 3、检查空压机的受压件是否有异常现象。 4、检查安全附件和仪表是否正常,有无异常变化。 5、巡回检查发现的问题要及时处理或报告,并将检查处理结果进行记录。 6、检查固定支架是否牢靠,压力容器进出口连接管道是否有漏气现象。 7、管理人员要经常询问巡回检查情况,并对其工作记录抽查,以保证巡回检查制度的实施。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 空压机操作规程 一、一般规定 1、司机必须经过安全技术培训,经考试合格,取得资格证后方可持证上岗。 2、司机应熟悉所操作空压机的结构、性能、工作原理、技术特征。 3、司机必须严格执行交接班制度和岗位责任制。接班前不得饮酒,接班后要遵守劳动纪律,不得戏耍、打闹、睡觉。 4、司机要如实填写并保存好各种记录。 5、机房内工具、器具、备件等摆放整齐。 二、 启动前的准备工作 启动前的准备和检查,要求做到; 1、检查空压机各零部件是否完好,各保护装置、仪表、阀门、管路及接头是否有损坏或松动。 2、打开油气桶底部的排污阀,排出润滑油下部积存的冷凝水和污物,见到有油流出即关闭,以防润滑油过早乳化变质。 3、检查油气桶油位是否在油位计二条刻度线之间,不足时应补充。注意加油前确认系统内无压力(油位以停机十分钟后观察为准,在运转中油位较停机时稍低)。 4、新机第一次开机或停用较长时间又开机,应先拆下空guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other 气过滤器盖,从进气口加入约0.5升左右润滑油,以防起动时机内失油烧损。 5、启动前,应打开压缩机排气阀门,关闭手动排污阀,操作人员应处于安全位置。 6、确认系统内无压力。 三、正常操作 (1)空压机启动 1、将高压柜内断路器推到合闸位置,将控制按钮转到远控位置,转动储能按钮进行储能。 2、按控制面版上“启动”(?)键,空压机开始自动运行,此时应认真观察显示面版各种参数是否正常(压力不超过0.80MPa、排气温度不超过105?)。 3、观察运转是否平稳,声音有异常声音,仪表读数是否正常。 (2)正常停机 1、按控制面版上“停止”(O)键,空压机进入正常停机程序,泄放内压后延时停机。 2、关闭截止阀,将断路器拉到分离位置。 四、空压机紧急停机 1 .当出现下列情况之一时,应紧急停机: (1)空压机或电动机有故障性异响、异震; (2)电动机电流表显示超限; guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other (3)排气压力超过安全阀设定压力而安全阀未打开; (4)排气温度超过110?时未自动停机。 (5)其它严重意外情况。 2(紧急停机时,可直接按下“急停”按钮。 3. 将断路器拉到分离位置。 4. 及时汇报主管部门。 guidance to the work The work style of cadres, to see all of the masses concept, the ability and level of handling complex problems.Demolition of so much during the period, moved so much, did not lead to a big contradiction, not a petition, the key here. Second, adhere to the "government push" and "market operation". On the one hand, to play to the government function, to the management to strengthen the management, the transformation of the timely transformation of the inputs to increase investment, the perfect perfect as soon as possible. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the urban management system and mechanism reform, further decentralization. Recently, the city decided to several departments of city law enforcement functions all into each district, Wang Bin comrades have been attending a meeting for the arrangement, each district should earnestly shouldering responsibility, immediately put into work, can no longer take system not commenting. According to "spend money to buy services, not to spend money to support people" principle, promote the construction and management of the separation of custody separation , in the municipal facilities, landscaping, environmental health and other
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