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龙珠cs说明书(Dragon Ball CS manual)


龙珠cs说明书(Dragon Ball CS manual)龙珠cs说明书(Dragon Ball CS manual) 龙珠cs说明书(Dragon Ball CS manual) Huy7wkiydkyeiku7ed] Cs七龙珠简称ecm2.1 操作: 第一人称视角和第三人称视角 F4 Mp3音乐播放控制 F8 F9 雷达 绿色点为自己人, 红色点为敌人, 橘黄色点为龙珠 (龙珠需要在建立游戏的时候到高级选项里开启龙珠模式, 在选择对战模式的选项里有team Fight - freefight, 另一个选项就是龙珠模式) 按键空格键 跳 (在飞行时按空白...

龙珠cs说明书(Dragon Ball CS manual)
龙珠cs说明 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf (Dragon Ball CS manual) 龙珠cs说明书(Dragon Ball CS manual) Huy7wkiydkyeiku7ed] Cs七龙珠简称ecm2.1 操作: 第一人称视角和第三人称视角 F4 Mp3音乐播放控制 F8 F9 雷达 绿色点为自己人, 红色点为敌人, 橘黄色点为龙珠 (龙珠需要在建立游戏的时候到高级选项里开启龙珠模式, 在选择对战模式的选项里有team Fight - freefight, 另一个选项就是龙珠模式) 按键空格键 跳 (在飞行时按空白键可垂直上升) 按键q 防御可弹开气功 按键e 集气 (回复能量值 = ki值) 按键t 爆气 (威力加强 & 速度加快 ~ ~ 会慢慢减少ki值 特别在地上跑的时候最明显) 按键f 飞行 (要ki值) 按键c 换角色 按键g 急速移动, 要同时按方向键, 若不按会变成原地往上 (咻 就像卡通片里一样咻 ~ ~ 咻的移动), 会大量减少ki值 按键z 变身成该角色的第2阶段 - - - - - 超级赛亚人 _ # (~ cf绿色气条需集满, 杀人或伤人就能增加, 但是要很久才能满, 杀人越多集气越快, 如果被杀则会扣cf值跟蓝色ki值) 按键x 变回该角色原阶段 (要变回原样呢? 因为有些角色变身之后会不见某种招式, 而会多某种招式, 像悟空有元气弹但变成超级赛亚人后则不能使用, 因为超级赛亚人的龟派气功超强) 按键123456789 招式选择 (有的人物没有部分按键对应的武功, 自己试吧) 特殊攻击的特征目录: 第一个特殊攻击 (例如bind or "Special") 特殊攻击一 普乌 --------- 肉体攻击 〉 [] - 〉【能吸食敌方的血, 也可以帮助自己回复血 (吸血) 】 超级普乌后可使用 - = = - 孙悟空 界王拳 〉 [-------] - - - - - 初始状态、塞亚人一时 可以使用 〉【临时将力量和速度提升】 =, = - 孙悟饭 愤怒 ------ ------- 〉 [] 〉【临时将力量提升】 合适塞亚人二以上使用 - = = - 克林 --------- 提高速率 〉 [] - 〉【临时将速度突然提升】 所有的状态都可以使用 - = = - 佛理纱 ------- 〉 强化 [100%] - 〉【让自己的身体完全膨胀】 用于最后一次变身后 - = = - 短笛 --------- 自我痊愈 〉 [] - 〉【利用这个使自己痊愈】 可治 愈接近你的同队队员 - = = - 特南克斯 ----- ------ 瞬移 〉 [] 〉【利用瞬间转移来到达一个位 置】 所有的形式上都合适 - = = - 贝吉塔 自爆 ------ ------- 〉 [] 〉【发出最大范围的自爆】 只 有变到邪恶时才会有 - = = - 西鲁 〉 自爆 ------ --------- [] 〉【类似与贝吉塔, 但仅仅是小 范围自爆】 可用与最后阶段变身 - = = - 第二个特殊攻击 (For example: Bind P "Special") 普乌 --------- 全面屠杀 〉 [] - 〉【发出若干个跟踪的光球, 直 到玩家被抓获】 仅仅在最后一阶段时使用 - = = - 孙悟空 ------- ----- 〉【可以瞬间加速 龙拳 〉 [], Then killed the enemy] - = you have reached 3 when the line = Super animal Sun Wufan - "[players -" teleport a teleport [to you] your teammates before each form for = Clinton - "sun -" [[fist to make a map of all within the scope of all forms are completely blind] - = = Application Friza - > [telekinesis - > [seize a enemy (close range) and he can use the form of blow up] - = = all "[the players heal - Piccolo -" [Close] - = = unknown players health cure Tranks, "[-" temporary increase load [make you stronger] can be used in all forms - = = Birgitta - "black hole"]----- [make one or two people are attracted to my position] - = Super Saiyan = more than one is available The same is the "absorption" []----- [absorb enemy HP or increase your PL] - = only applies to the initial stage and form a - - = "the shortest time to reply a =--=" special skills "in the shortest time to reply = two" special skills Buu (Buu) - "40 seconds (BUU) - Buu 180 seconds. Sun Wukong (Goku) -- Sun Wukong (Goku), 40 seconds - 120 seconds. Sun Wufan (Gohan) - "Sun Wufan (Gohan): 30 seconds 45 seconds. Colin (Krillin) - "Colin (Krillin): 20 seconds 150 seconds. Friza (Frieza) - "70 seconds friza (Frieza) - 80 seconds. Beek (Piccolo) - "Beek (Piccolo): 60 seconds 60 seconds. Tranks (Trunks) - "30 seconds" Tranks (Trunks) - 45 seconds Birgitta (Vegeta), Birgitta (Vegeta), 180 seconds - 60 seconds. Yarn (Cell) - "Lu Lu (Cell) yarn for 60 seconds 60 seconds -. Birgit (Vegettoo) - 20 seconds Birgit (Vegettoo) - 20 seconds Fusion: If you choose Birgitta, fit, then use five strings of shock waves 2 CS Dragon Ball tutorial. Let's see!!! If you choose Sun Wukong, when you fit, you move with an instant The following is a command indicator about EVM2.0! You can press "~" to open the console and enter the following commands (0 stands for "no" and "1 represents"): ".coreBeamIncreasement" - "[0/1]" (growth light) ".coreBooster" - "[0/1] (using the propeller) ".coreDamageMOD" - "[0/1] (MOD damage) ".coreDragonball" - "[0/1] (Dragon seven) ".coreDragonDelay" - "[60] (Dragon Ball emergence time, the default is 60 seconds) ".coreExplosionMP" - "[2.5] (explosion damage range, the default is 2. 5距离) ".corefusion" ---------------- 〉〉 (0 / 1) (融合...) ".corehidepl" - 42 (12) 〉〉 (0 / 1) (隐藏pl值) ".corekillsomegetsome" ------- 〉〉 (0 / 1) (给予少些的毙杀) ".corekimod" - --------------- 〉〉 [0 / 1] (ki? ? 不清楚!) ".corepowerlevel" ------------ 〉〉 (low / l33t / normal / high] (能量的质量) ".corespecial1" 42 (12) 〉〉 (0 / 1) (特殊技能1) ".corespecial2" 42 (12) 〉〉 (0 / 1) (特殊技能2) ".coretaunts" ---------------- 〉〉 (0 / 1) (嘲笑's 对骂) ".coreteleportdelay" 25 mg 50 mg 50 mg 〉〉 [0.1] (瞬移时的延迟, 默认为0.1) ".coreversion" ---------------- 〉〉 [通用的evm译本] ".spawn" --------------------- 〉〉 [如果你有充分的管理权利, 你就可以让以上几个恢复到默认状态] 2.esf与evm问题集 新手需看 问: 现在浩方有几个七龙珠的版本? 答: 四个, esf1.1, esf1.2, evm1.1, evm1.2 问: 四个版本有什么区别吗? 答: esf1.1与esf1.2就像是cs1.5与cs1.6, esf1.2是esf1.1真正意义上的升级.地图和格斗的本质都变了 (它们不支持多次变身). 而evm1.1和evm1.2只是esf1.1的补丁, 本质没变只是多了个可多次变身的功能 (evm1.2含月亮模式和特殊招式) 便于区别下图分别是esf1.2和evm1.2的游戏界面 问: 为什么我下载了evm1.2后, 在单机玩的时候可以多次变身, 进入浩方玩时却不能多次变身? 答: 因为你进入的是esf1.1的主机, 所有的功能按esf1.1来.注意evm1.2可以进esf1.1, 而esf1.1不能进evm1.2 (evm1.2兼容esf1.1) 问: 为什么我下载了esf1.2后, 进浩方游戏时反而进不去了.还有如下的显示 答: 这说明你进错版本了, 下次找房间名是esf1.2的进. 问: evm1.2里赛雅人怎么变猩猩? 答: 在非寻找龙珠模式下, 找齐七颗龙珠, 许愿时选第六项 (月亮 模式) 就可以了 问: 为什么我的evm1.2里悟空只能变到超二, 不能变超三? 答: 只要你可以变到超二说明你安装正确, 就一定可以变到超三. 问: 为什么我的悟空不能变超四? 答: 在evm里悟空只能变三次, 总不能叫他跳着变吧.你说的超四就 是人物补丁的问题. 问: 为什么我的贝吉塔不能自爆? 答: 贝吉塔在最终形态才可以自爆. 问: 为什么我装了evm1.2后, 按 j 没有反应 答: 如果不能使用特殊招式 解决 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 是 In the game, press "~" to call up the command platform and then enter Bind "J", "use_special" is fine Q: how do you cancel the moon mode? Change back to original form Answer: You become a gorilla, fly to the sky to try, can see the moon or not? Didn't see the fly high, then, oh! Kame Sennin, on the moon on the shock wave! I become a Super Saiyan gorilla, shockwave will use 4 times to beat it to explode! You will become so far! People like to! Q: how to kick someone in trouble? Answer: according to the "~" call platform Kick spaces + names to be kicked If the other name is too long or contains special characters One is First users Then kick space + serial number 3.ESF model file directory detailed / change model method First ~ next model first. If the model is originally a character to have the original cover ~ ~ the following are Wukong over 3. is covered with a esf/models/player/ssj3goku file on the line. If the original characters of the game model is not to see the name of the file. 3 cs Dragon Ball tutorial. Let's see!!! If you have the same name as in esf/models/player, just overwrite that file If there's no in the name esf/models/player then change the name For example, the original file download over 4 Goku's name is ssj4goku. But the model only ssj3goku folder folder. You need to make over 3 models into super 4. Then the ssj4goku "4" to "3" to ssj3goku. and then to modify the file to overwrite the folder on the OK model. Another example in the game you don't ~ Fritha model documents the other name (if Sun Wufan is humble. The file name Gohan) put the Gohan into frieza.mdl~ and then cover the Frieza folder in the file you enter the game ~ ~ now you become Fritha Sun Wufan. At times you can switch on. Other characters. Note: if you change the model of the other characters and put them into another model folder, the shape is changed, but the movements and moves have not changed Now let me introduce the people represented by each folder -------------------------------- Fatbuu fat Buu Evilbuu bad Buu Majinbuu Majin Buu Superbuu Majin Buu (eat goten Corrientes) Kidbuu Majin Buu (eat Gohan) -------------------------------- Goku Wukong Ssjgoku Wukong 1 Ssj2goku Wukong 2 Ssj3goku Wukong 3 -------------------------------- Gohan rice Ssjgohan super rice 1 Ssj2gohan super rice 2 Xgohan realizing the prototype of a meal (by the king of old) -------------------------------- Krillin, kid, Colin Krillin2 adult John bond Krillin3, middle aged Krillin4 old John bond -------------------------------- Frieza freeza Second order frieza2 freeza Third order frieza3 freeza Fourth order frieza4 freeza -------------------------------- Piccolo Beek (CAPE) Piccolo2 Beek 2 (off cloak) Piccolo3 Beek 3 (fit with Neal) Piccolo4 Beek 3 (fit with God) -------------------------------- Trunks trunks Ssjtrunks super 1 trunks Ussjtrunks trunks (long hair) Ssj2trunks super 2 trunks --------------------------------- Vegeta Vegeta Ssjvegeta 1 super Vegeta Ussvegeta 2 Super Vegeta Ssj2vegeta 3 super Vegeta Majinvegeta magic Birgitta --------------------------------- The initial state of cell cell Cell2 cell growth Cell3 cell mature body Cell4 finished all the same The meaning of the eight wishes of the dragon in 4.ECM2.1 1, temporarily invincible (brief) 2, increase combat effectiveness (1000000) 3, blood disposable fill up 4, speed increase (brief) 5, KI restore value increase (brief) 6, drop out two Earrings (for Goku and vegeta fit, only the provisions of the two of them.) 7, all special skills are recovery (if you use any particular role, you use a special skill, and you don't want to wait for 120 seconds to respond to special skills. You can also summon the dragon to help you solve it 8, invalid request If you accidentally click, you'll be eaten by the dragon! You're dead! Alas! 0, quit (never quit!) 5.EVM2.1 and robot fusion method While I was looking at the file "EvolutionX.pdf", I found a passage inside It can be said with the robot "and" the premise is to be in the original state, which is not really turned, but EVM2.0 or EVM2.1 are the characters of the energy value of up to can transform energy, so a robot he himself, so he can't and fusion, robot 4.1 menu is not familiar to me, I can don't let the robot can not change, I get a long time, the results failed, but I found another way. First, call the dragon, and choose sixth wishes (like sixth), "change" two and body earrings. Take him all Then walk to the side of the robot's birth. Where is the robot when the robot is added? 4 CS Dragon Ball tutorial. Let's see!!! Then, drop earrings (by 8 dropped, according to the 2, because there are two earrings, why throw earrings, because holding earrings can not increase, according to the robot) "=" add a with the robot. The robot in the flash, so it will not change. In the end, it's a little hard. See the robot in the flash, quickly pick up the earrings (2 of them), press one of the 8 and throw them to the robot. Then press 9 to see that they're merging Note: when the robot does not flash, you do not throw earrings to him and by 9 fusion, you have failed, the robot can not change in the fusion process, changes after this more than 5 of the time. The robot flash, 6 seconds, you have to seize the opportunity Oh, never mind. I failed the first time also try for a long time before success, once you succeed, the next high success rate. What's more, EVM2.1's model distortion is not a model problem, it's the game itself. He fixed everyone's actions and twisted our model Wukong, Birgitta, and their body. I ask Betty jeeter. Provide the perfect model, because their body is used and their bones, so must the following model. Divided into 5 files, to Oh, and are placed in the same folder, remember. 6.ESF all commands / variables Cl_cmdrate "55", modem user 30, broadband 40~50, lan=50 Cl_updaterate "50" upload speed, if it is broadband 30~40, if in more than 25 stations, set modem=15, lan=50 Deathmatch "1", open DM mode, one person, one group, solve other people Decalfrequency "120" how often can a player's logo be sprayed (seconds)? Edgefriction "2" 3D picture stuff Fakelag "0" client player simulated Lag delay Fakeloss "0" client player simulated Loss network packet loss Hostname "SERVER NAME GOES HERE"" Hpk_maxsize "2". When the custom.hpk is large, the system is automatically cut off, in units of MB L, server, CFG, file, "listenserver.cfg"" Mapcyclefile "MapCycle.txt", select the map switch settings, default to mapcycle.txt, you can prepare several profiles Mp_allowmonsters "0"" Mp_allowsensubeans "1"" Mp_chattime "10"" Mp_consistency "1"" Mp_dbrespawntime "30"" Mp_decals "100"" Mp_falldamage "1" fall injured Mp_footsteps "1" walking sound Mp_forcerespawn "1" auto Resurrection Mp_fraglimit "0" damage range Mp_friendlyfire "1" hurt the same team Mp_gamemode "1" game mode Mp_laydowntime "1.5"" Mp_lockmodels "1" lock role Mp_logecho "0"" Mp_logfile "1" cannot open the record file Mp_melee "1"" Mp_multipleps "1" multiplayer for waves (valid only in free melee mode) Mp_nomeleehittime "2"" Mp_plcatchup "1" the average number of energy values dropped to all players after death Mp_realteams "1" good and evil grouping Mp_teamlist "Good; Evil"" Mp_timelimit "80" time limit Mp_weaponstay "0" "keep the falling weapon" (this is in CS, and what is in ESF?) Mp_wishlimit "10" "vow timing" (only in search of Dragon Ball mode) pausable "0" precache "1" r _ decals "100" r _ mirroralpha "0" r _ mmx "1" rate, 8200 " rcon _ password "password" 设定游戏密码 / 远程控制 servercfgfile "server.cfg" sv _ accelerated "10" sv _ aim "1" sv _ airaccelerate "10" 空中移动的速度 sv _ airmove "1" 可否在空中移动 & 转向 sv _ allowownload "1" sv _ allowupload "1" sv _ bounce "1" 各种奖励金开启? ?? sv _ cheats "0" 可不可以使用内定秘技 sv _ clienttrace "3.5" 可能是有关网络封包的设定... sv _ clipmode "0" server端切换是否允许client端穿墙? sv _ contact person @ place.com " sv _ friction "4" sv _ gravity "800" sv _ lan "0" sv _ maxrate "9000" 限制网络传输的资料最大值 sv _ maxspeed "5000" 限制网络传输的资料最大速度 sv _ maxunlag "0.5" sv _ maxupdaterate "60" sv _ maxvelocity "5000" sv _ minrate "4000" sv _ minupdaterate "1" 5 cs龙珠 教程 人力资源管理pdf成真迷上我教程下载西门子数控教程protel99se入门教程fi6130z安装使用教程 .大家来看!!! sv _ proxies "1" sv _ send _ logos "1" sv _ send _ resources "1" sv _ stepsize "12" 脚步大小 - _ -; 越大爬坡越快吧... sv _ stopspeed "100" sv _ timeout "1000000000" sv _ unlag "0" sv _ unlagpush "0" sv _ unlagsamples "1" sv _ voiceenable "0" sv _ wateraccelerate "10" sv _ wateramp "0" sv _ waterfriction "1" voice _ enable "0" 7.cs龙珠 (机器人) 操作菜单 按 "+" 唤出菜单 0 ~ 9是选项 1: add random bot 随机增加人造人 2: add custom bot 增加人造人 1: team good good队 1: boo 布欧 2: goku 孙悟空 3: 孙悟饭 gohan 4: krillin 小林 5: frieza 佛利萨 6: small 短笛 7: 特兰克斯 trunks 8: well 贝吉塔 9: cell 沙鲁 0: exit 退出 2: team evil evil队 同上 3: random team 随机队伍 同上 0: exit 退出 3: add super bot 增加超级人造人 1: super bot 超级人造人 2: mega bot 无敌人造人 3: ultimate bot 终极人造人 4: random 随机 0:退出退出 4:填写服务器批量增加人造人 1:填写服务器服务器满员 2:填好队半满员半队 3:填充半队邪队半满员 4:填好队满员团队 5:填写团队邪队满员 0。出口退出 5:高级选项高级选项 1:设定技能人造人战斗水平BOT 1:最好的超强 2:好的强 3:中一般 4:弱烂 5:坏超烂 6:默认默认水平 0:退出退出 2:设置成选择人造人的肉搏技巧混战 1:100% 2:80% - 99% 3:60% - 80% 4:40 - 60% 5:20 - 40% 6:1% - 20% 7:0% 8:随机随机 9:默认默认 0。出口退出 3:设置成选择人造人的瞬移技巧传送 同上 4:按照模式跟随模式 5:组合的开/关连击开/关 6:自动驾驶自动飞行(自动演示) 1:使允许 2:禁用禁止 3:锁定锁定视角 0:退出 7:程序使用的destructo盘人造人使用元气斩 0:退出退出 6:聊天设置聊天设定 1:开/关聊天开/关聊天 2:设置成设定闲谈百分比聊天 3:设定牢骚百分比设定抱怨百分比 4:设定辱骂百分比设定辱骂百分比 5:设定交换成设定交换百分比 6:设置较低的百分比设定低落百分比 7:设置设定下降百分比下降百分之 8:设定标签百分比设定标签百分比 0:退出退出 7:踢上BOT消灭最后出现的人造人 8:把机器人消灭人造人 1:把所有的机器人消灭所有的人造人 2:踢好团队的机器人消灭好队人造人 3:把邪恶团队队人造人消灭邪恶机器人 0:退出退出 9:调试选项设定修正 1:别开枪人造人不攻击机器人 1:使允许 2:禁用禁止 0:退出退出 2:僵尸不搜索敌人的人造人不搜索敌人 同上 3:人造人不理睬人造人不理睬玩家
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