首页 (WORD)-软件工程课程设计实验报告



(WORD)-软件工程课程设计实验报告(WORD)-软件工程课程设计实验报告 软件工程课程设计实验报告 实 验 报 告 课程名称: 院 系: 专业班级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 开课时间: 信息工程学院 学期 黄淮学院教务处制 (注意:本页内容打印在封面的背面,打印时本行字去掉) 一、学生撰写要求 按照实验课程培养方案的要求,每门实验课程中的每一个实验项目完成后,每位参加实验的学生均须在实验教师规定的时间内独立完成一份实验报告,不得抄袭,不得缺交。 学生撰写实验报告时应严格按照本实验报告规定的内容和要求填写。字迹...

(WORD)-软件工程课程 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 实验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 软件工程课程设计实验报告 实 验 报 告 课程名称: 院 系: 专业班级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 开课时间: 信息工程学院 学期 黄淮学院教务处制 (注意:本页内容打印在封面的背面,打印时本行字去掉) 一、学生撰写要求 按照实验课程培养 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的要求,每门实验课程中的每一个实验项目完成后,每位参加实验的学生均须在实验教师规定的时间内独立完成一份实验报告,不得抄袭,不得缺交。 学生撰写实验报告时应严格按照本实验报告规定的内容和要求填写。字迹工整,文字简练,数据齐全,图表 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,计算正确,分析充分、具体、定量。 二、教师评阅与装订要求 1.实验报告批改要深入细致,批改过程中要发现和纠正学生实验报告中的问题,给出评语和实验报告成绩,签名并注明批改日期。实验报告批改完成后,应采用适当的形式将学生实验报告中存在的问题及时反馈给学生。 2.实验报告成绩用百分制评定,并给出成绩评定的依据或评分 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 (附于实验报告成绩登记表后)。对迟交实验报告的学生要酌情扣分,对缺交和抄袭实验报告的学生应及时批评教育,并对该次实验报告的分数以零分处理。对单独设课的实验课程,如学生抄袭或缺交实验报告达该课程全学期实验报告总次数三分之一以上,不得同意其参加本课程的考核。 3.各实验项目的实验报告成绩登记在实验报告成绩登记表中。本学期实验项目全部完成后,给定实验报告综合成绩。 4.独立设课的实验课程,实验报告综合成绩应按课程教学大纲规定比例(一般为10-15%)计入实验课总评成绩;实验总评成绩原则上应包括考勤、实验报告、考核(操作、理论)等多方面成绩; 5.非独立设课的实验课程,实验报告综合按教学大纲规定计入相关理论课程的总评成绩。 6.实验教师每学期负责对拟存档的学生实验报告按课程、学生收齐并装订,按如下顺序装订成册:实验报告封面、实验报告成绩登记表、实验报告成绩评定依据、实验报告(按教学进度表规定的实验项目顺序排序)。装订时统一靠左侧按“两钉三等分”原则装订。 7.根据课程性质,实验报告可提交电子版,但需要有教师的批改记录,并将电子版汇总后刻录在一张光盘上,并加上封面、实验报告成绩登记表、实验报告成绩评定依据。 黄淮学院信息工程学院 软件工程课程综合性、设计性实验报告 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算 机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算 机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul. 电子垃圾污染VS工业发展 With the development of science and technology ,our country’s industry has made great development. But the industrial production also generates a lot of pollution Now, the country into a predicament, is to economic development or to protect the environment According to statistics, in 2009 China's mobile phone output reached 600 million department,But the recycling of waste mobile phone did not development More and more waste mobile phone will become the source of environmental pollution Only one way to economic development and to protect the environment.Our country to build some electronic recycling factory..By this wayour country will have a high-speed development. 网络对大学生的影响 Network in development, science and technology in progress, we live in a fast-changing world With the rapid development of the Internet, the life of people become better, people use the Internet to do many things can not be completed before, for example,People can go online shopping, Internet chat, Internet learning. Middle school students in Internet users accounting for a large proportion . Network affects the student to life.some students surf the internet to study,they are ueed Internet to finding the information.But some students are used the internet to playing the computer games. College students should keep a good habit, the reasonable use of network resources, and make the network better service learning 网上购物 More and more people buy goods on the Internet,that made me very surprise .I’m impressed that buy things are in the reality.So Idecided to make a change . I find that the network shopping's good to have a lot of, for instance: can shop at home, can buy some local no goods, the online payment safer. But the network shopping also has some disadvantages.For example ,may be the picture on the internet of the good is very well .but material is very inferior.if you want buy a clothes,you can’t wear it .That is pity. In general ,online shopping is rapid development. We are looking forwarding to online shopping will becomes more and more good 计算机应用 The computer application development more and more and more and more companies are expanding into the calculation and application field. From the last century computer development up to now, has been expanded to people all aspects of social life, such as people cannot leave office computer, people exchange information also can not get away from the computer, people use computer calculation many human difficult problem to solve. Most people use computer did not understand the structure of the computer. Computer hardware and software together constitute, the hardware of software from like a man who lost thought not the soul.
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