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21世纪英语演讲比赛曹丰演讲稿21世纪英语演讲比赛曹丰演讲稿 21世纪英语演讲比赛曹丰演讲稿 篇一: 曹丰21世纪英语演讲比赛演讲稿 清华大学曹丰21世纪英语演讲 比赛演讲稿 Our future: a battle beteen dreams and realit Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: When I as in the primar shool, I have a dream. I ant to invent a devie hih ould bring ou from one pl...

21世纪英语演讲比赛曹丰演讲稿 21世纪英语演讲比赛曹丰演讲稿 篇一: 曹丰21世纪英语演讲比赛演讲稿 清华大学曹丰21世纪英语演讲 比赛演讲稿 Our future: a battle beteen dreams and realit Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: When I as in the primar shool, I have a dream. I ant to invent a devie hih ould bring ou from one plae to another in no time at all. When I as in the seondar shool, m dream as to stud in m ideal universit. And hen eventuall I got into the universit, m dream as to graduate. Ho patheti! When e gro up, e dream less and bee more realisti. Wh? Wh do e have to hange our dreams, so ,so in order to let it be “fulfilled”, Wh do e have to surrender to the so –alled “realit”? What is the realit atuall? Ladies and gentlemen, the realit is not real. It is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. Fling, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands ofears. A hundred ears ago, “man ould not fl” as still regarded as the “realit”. No if that as reall the realit, hat did the Wright brothers do? Ho did some of ou get to MXXo? Onl hen e believe that the realit is not real an e soar ith our dreams.People sa that our future is a battle beteen the realit and our dreams. And if, unfortunatel, Mr. Realit ins this ar, then I see no future of mankind at all. AIDS ill never be urable as this is the realit; people living in the undeveloped ountries ill suffer form starvation forever as this is the realit; disputes among different ountries ould never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerane is the realit. Ladies and gentlemen, ho man of ou have a dream of being able to make a lot of mone? Please raise our hands. Oh, quite a number of ou! Atuall, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. Ever one of ushas to make a living, right? Ana I hope our task ill be aplishes. Ho man of ou think that ou have alread fulfilled our dream and that ou don’t dream anmore? Dear adjudiators, hat do ou think? C.S. Leis one said, “You are never too old to dream a ne dream.” So for our future, please and be uealisti. No that I am a universit student m goal is to graduate ith exellenes. But at the same time, I have a dream deepl rooted in our future. One da, people living in the areas no seltering ith the horror of ars ill be able to sit ith their families and enjo their ever moment. One da, people from the rih ountries are illing to share hat the have ith those from the poor ountries. And those from the poor ountries ill eventuall be able to make their on happ living themselves. One da, different ultures in this age of oexist ith tolerane and the unfriendl onfrontationsamong them ill be eliminated. One da, the globe ill share the dream ith me. And e ill all ontribute to making our dream e true. One da, our dream ill defeat the realit! Thank ou ver muh. 篇二: 分析-21世纪英语演讲比赛冠军曹丰的演讲稿 Our Future: A Battle beteen Dreams and Realit Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: When I as in the primar shool, I have a dream. I ant to invent a devie hih ould bring ou from one plae to another in no time at all. When I as in the seondar shool, m dream as to stud in m ideal universit. And hen eventuall I got into the universit, m dream as to graduate. Ho patheti! When e gro up, e dream less And bee more realisti. Wh? Wh do e have to hange our dreams, so, so in order to let it be fulfilled? Wh do e have to surrender to the so-alled realit? <QuestionWhat IS the realit atuall?<Question <AnserLadies And gentlemen, <Generalizationthe realit is not real. It is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies<Generalization. <ExamplesFling, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of ears. A hundred ears ago, man ould not fl as still regarded as the realit. No if that as reall the realit, hat did the Wright brothers do? Ho did some of ou get to MXXu?<Examples Onl hen e believe that the realit is not real an e soar ith our dreams<Anser. People sa that our future is a battle beteen the realit and our dreams. <GeneralizationAnd if, unfortunatel, Mr. Realit ins this ar, then I see no future of mankind at all<Generalization. <ExamplesAIDS ill never be urable as this IS the realit; People living in the undeveloped ountries ill suffer from starvation forever as this IS the realit; Disputes among different ountries ould never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerane IS the realit<Examples. Ladies And gentlemen, ho man of ou have a dream of being able to make a lot of mone? Please raise our hands. Oh, quite a number of ou! Atuall, ladies And gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. Ever one of us has to make a living, right? Ana I hope our task ill be aplished. Ho man of ou think that ou have alread fulfilled our dream And that ou don't dream anmore? Dear adjudiators, hat do ou think? C.S. Leis one said,You are never too old to dream a ne dream. So for our future, please dream and be uealisti. No that I am a universit student, m goal is to graduate ith exellenes. <PrevieBut at the same time, I have a dream deeplrooted in our future<Previe. <DetailsOne da, people living in the areas no seltering ith the horror of ars ill be able to sit ith their families and enjo their ever moment. One da, people from the rih ountries are illing to share hat the have ith those from the poor ountries and those from the poor ountries ill eventuall be able to make their on happ living themselves. One da, different ultures in this age of globalization ill oexist ith tolerane and the unfriendl onfrontations among them ill be eliminated. One da, the globe ill share the dream ith me and e ill all ontribute to making our dream e true. One da, our dream ill defeat the realit! <Details Thank ou ver muh. 篇三: 21世纪杯全国英语演讲比赛曹丰演讲稿的语篇连贯分析 our future: a battle beteen dreams and realitgood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:hen i as in the primar shool, i have a dream. i ant to invent a devie hih ould bring ou from one plae to another in no time at all. hen i as in the seondar shool, m dream as to stud in m ideal universit. and hen eventuall i got into the universit, m dream as to graduate.<anserladies and gentlemen, <generalizationthe realit is not real. it is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies<generalization. <examplesfling, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of ears. a hundred ears ago, man ould not fl as still regarded as the realit. no if that as reall the realit, hat did the right brothers do? ho did some of ou get to mXXu?<examples onl hen e believe that the realit is not real an e soar ith our dreams<anser. people sa that our future is a battle beteen the realit and our dreams. <generalizationand if, unfortunatel, mr. realit ins this ar, then i see no future of mankind at all<generalization. <examplesaids ill never be urable as this is the realit; people living in the undeveloped ountries ill suffer from starvation forever as this is the realit; disputes among different ountries ould never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerane is the realit<examples.清华大学曹丰21世纪英语演讲比赛演讲稿 our future: a battle beteen dreams and realit good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: hen i as in the primar shool, i haveladies and gentlemen, the realit is notreal. it is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. fling, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands ofears. a hundred ears ago, “man ould not fl” as still regarded as the “realit”. no if that as reall the realit, hat did the right brothers do? ho did some of ou get to mXXo? onl hen e believe that the realitis not real an e soar ith our dreams.people sa that our future is a battle beteen the realit and our dreams. and if, unfortunatel, mr. realit ins this ar, then i see no future of mankind at all. aids ill never be urable as this is the realit; people living in the undeveloped ountries ill suffer form starvation forever as this is the realit; disputes among different ountries ould never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerane is the realit.ladies and gentlemen, ho man of ouhave a dream of being able to make a lot of mone? please raise our hands. oh, quite a number of ou! atuall, ladies and gentlemen, this is not a dream, but a task. ever one of us .s. leis one said, “ou are never too old to dream a ne dream.” so for our future, please and be uealisti. no that i am a universit student m goal is to graduate ith exellenes. but at the same time, i have a dream deepl rooted in our future. one da, people living in the areas no seltering ith the horror of ars ill be able to sit ith their families and enjo their ever moment. one da, peoplefrom the rih ountries are illing to share hat the have ith those from the poor ountries. and those from the poor ountries ill eventuall be able to make their on happ living themselves. one da, different ultures in this age of oexist ith tolerane and the unfriendl onfrontations from alls to bridges 第十届―21世纪 杯‖全国英语演讲比赛冠军——夏鹏 南京大学夏鹏原系贵州省平坝 县黎阳厂子校学生, 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 开始进入贵阳百年英语学校系统学 习英语。201X年,夏鹏以600分的高分考入南京大学法学院,后转入 英语系。201X年获得tv 全国英语演讲比赛第二名,同年获得代表国 内最高水平的第十届―21世纪杯‖全国英语演讲 比赛冠军,同时获 得比赛―最具潜力奖‖,并代表中国参加201X年国际英语演讲比赛, 荣获 获得冠军和―最受观众欢迎奖‖。 演讲稿: from alls to bridges im studing in a it famous for its alls. all visitors to m it are amazed b the imposing sight of the it alls, silhouetted b the setting sun ith gold and shining lines. ith old, raked briks pathed ith lihen, the alls are eather-beaten guards, standing still for enturies in proteting the it. our anestors liked to build alls. the built alls in beijing, xian, nanjing and man other ities, and the built the great all, hih snakes through half of our ountr. the built alls to ard off enemies and evil spirits. this tradition has been maintained to this da as e still have man parks and shools alled offfrom the publi. i gre up at the foot of the it alls, and ive loved them sine m hildhood. for a long time, alls ere one of the most natural things in the orld.m pereption, hoever, hanged after a hiking trip to the eastern suburbs, a seni area of m it. m lassmates and i ere alking ith some international students. as e alked out of the it, e found ourselves flanked b taller and taller trees, hih formed a huge anop above our heads. suddenl an international student asked me, here is the entrane to the eastern suburbs? ere alread in the eastern suburbs, i replied. he seemed taken abak, i thought ou hinese have alls for everthing. his remark set off a heated debate. at one point, he likened our alled ities to jails, hile i insisted that the eastern suburbs ere one of the man plaes in hina that had no alls. that debate had no inners, but i did learn a lot from this international student. for instane, he told me that universities like oxford and ambridge ere not surrounded b alls; the ampuses ere just part of the ities. i have to admit that e do have man alls in hina, and as e are developing our ountr, e must arefull examine them, hether the are phsial or intangible. e ill keep some alls but tear don those that impede hinas development.let me give ou an example. a ear ago, hen i as orking on a term paper, i needed a book on business la and found a op in the la shool librar. hoever, the librarian turned don m request ith a old shoulder, saing, ou ant borro this book, ou are not a student here. in the end, i had to spend 200 uan buing a op; meanhile, the op in la shool as gathering dust on the shelf.at the beginning of this semester, i heard that m universit has started not onl to unif its libraries but also link them up ith libraries of other universities, so m experiene ill not be repeated. barriers ill be replaed b bridges. through an inter-librar loan sstem, e ill have aess to books from an librar. ith globalization, ith hina integrated into the orld, i believe man of these intangible alls ill be knoked don.i kno globalization is a ontroversial issue, and it is hard to sa hether it is good or bad. but one thing is for sure: it dras our attention to hinas tangible and intangible alls and fores us to examine their roles in the modern orld. and ho about the anient alls in m it and other ities? should e tear them don? just the opposite. m it, like beijing and other ities, is atuall making a great effort to preserve the alls. these alls attrat not onl historians and arheologists but also man shoolhildren tring to stud our histor and ultural heritage. alls have turned into bridges to our past and to the rest of the orld. if the anient builders of these alls ere still alive toda, the ould be proud to see suh great hange in the role of their alls. the are no bridges that link east and est, south and north, and all ountries of the orld. our ultural heritage ill survive globalization.our future: the garden of one floer or man floers第十一届―21世纪杯‖全国英语演讲比赛亚军——吴相臣 天津师范 大学 演讲稿: our future: the garden of one floer or man floers it has alas been our dream to open our hildrens hearts. e enourage them to desribe their dreams, and ated as if e are read to aept their thoughts. but the fat is that, hildren are sared b the zero marked on their papers. the are trained to sa hat e ant to hear. 第十一届―21世纪?澳门之星杯‖全国英语演讲比赛冠军——曹丰 清华大学演讲稿: our future: a battle beteen dreams and realitgood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:hen i as in the primar shool, i have a dream. i ant to invent a devie hih ould bring ou from one plae to another in no time at all. hen i as in the seondar shool, m dream as to stud in m ideal universit. and hen eventuall i got into the universit, m dream as to graduate.ladies and gentlemen, the realit is not real. it is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. fling, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of ears. a hundred ears ago, man ould not fl as still regarded as the realit. no if that as reall the realit, hat did the right brothers do? ho did some of ou get to mXXu? onl hen e believe that the realit is not real an e soar ith our dreams. people sa that our future is a battle beteen the realit and our dreams. and if, unfortunatel, mr. realit ins this ar, then i see no future of mankind at all. aids ill never be urable as this is the realit; people living in the undeveloped ountries ill suffer from starvation forever as this is the realit; 4)disputes among different ountries ould never be settled as this篇 四: 全国英语演讲比赛一等奖, 清华大学曹丰 英语演讲稿our future: a battle beteen dreams and realit good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:hen i as in the primar shool, i have a dream. i ant to invent a devie hih ould bring ou from one plae to another in no time at all. hen i as in the seondar shool, m dream as to stud in m ideal universit. and hen eventuall i got into the universit, m dream as to graduate.ladies and gentlemen, the realit is not real. it is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. fling, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of ears. a hundred ears ago, man ould not fl as still regarded as the realit. no if that as reall the realit, hat did the right brothers do? ho did some of ou get to mXXu? onl hen e believe that the realit is not real an e soar ith our dreams. people sa that our future is a battle beteen the realit and our dreams. and if, unfortunatel, mr. realit ins this ar, then i see no future of mankind at all. aids ill never be urable as this is the realit; people living in the undeveloped ountries ill suffer from starvation forever as this is the realit; 4)disputes among different ountries ould never be settled as this misunderstandings and intolerane is the realit. 主持人: thank ou. 曹丰: thank ou.问题: no in the age of the internet,reading books does not seem as important as it one as.do ou think people an learn as muh on the internet as the an b reading books?hih method do ou prefer?回答: thank ou ver muh.and hello again ladies and gentlemen.atuall,i dont reall agree ith the first sentene of this topi:in the age of the internet,reading books does not seem as important as it as one.h?h is it the ase?h is it the situation,ladies and gentlemen?atuall,internet or books are just like tea or offee.the are similar,but the are different.unibersit students nodas love to use the internet to searh for information hen the are orking ith their essas.like,last semester,hen i as orking ith m phsis essa,i logged into google and i searhed for neton and all the las and theories of neton just popped out and i an hoose hihever one i like to use.but hen i alked into the librar,all the books ame out and i have to hoose hih one to read.ho inonvenient!mabe ou an sa at this moment,oh,internet is better,books no use.so i have to use internet,right?but lets see the things in another a.i love traveling a lot and i love to bring a book ith me.and i love to read m da vini ode hen i as having m trip on a bus or on a ship.atuall,henever it is,herever ou go,hatever ou are doing,ou an take out a book and read if ou feel like doing so.no ho ill bother to take a laptop and sith it on,and searh for the internet onnetion,and look for stories to read.ho inonvenient!so at this ver moment i think its quite dangerous for me,beause i think im unable to anser the question in the topihih method do ou prefer,internet or books?beause i love the feeling of onjuring a hundred s of harr potter,more than srolling don the sreen;but at the same time i love the feeling of searhing the things,the speed of m searhing for thingson the internet,more than asting m time in the librar.so in this age of internet,in this age of modernization,in this age of ivilization,h do ou have to fore someone to hoose beteen internet and books?i prefer using both of them.thank ou ver muh.问题: ontestant no.1 3.thank ou ver muh for enouraging us to be uealisti dreamersand not surrender to mr.realit.ith the traffi jam getting orse--espeiall in big ities--im atuall ver interested in our hildhood dream:to invent a devie that an move people around easil.is this still our dream?if not,h do ou give it up?is it beause it is onsidered uealisti?thank ou. 回答: thank ou ver muh.this is not m dream no.not beause it is , realisti.mabe ou an sa its uealisti.but if i,m interest is still inventing this devie,i ill keep on tring m best to invent this deive.m hanging of m dreams is beause of the fat that i realized m interest does not lie in siene.no i am a la shool student.but last semester,as ive just mentioned,i as orking on m phsis essa paper and atuall last semester i as a student in the shool of aerospae.oh m god,aerospae!and ive hanged m major to la shool.and so 问题: thank ou ver muh for our speehes.talding about internet,i just ant to kno our vie.do ou believe everthing is ture on the internet?if not,h not?回答: thank ou ver muh.i dont believe everthing is true in the internet.this is a straight forard anser.and if not,h not?beause i dont believe them.and i have an experiene of meeting someone on the internet ho laims to be a girl.es and,a ver sad,sorr stor for me.but es,for this reason,i think i dont believe that everthing on the internet is true.but i ill tr m best to disover if that as true or not,or that as falsified or not.thank ou ver muh. 问题: ontestant no.1 3.thank ou ver muh for our speehes.ou ere talking about dreams being realisti or uealisti and our urrent dream is to graduate from la shool.but hat is our realisti or uealisti dream after that?hat do ou ant to use our graduation in la for? 回 答: thank ou ver muh.atuall,m dream,as mentioned in the last part of m speeh,is to share m feelings,share m dreams ith the globe.and hen all the people in this earth have m dream,the ill ork hard for the soial betterment,i believe in that.so after ive graduated from la shool,i think i ill tr m best to persuade the others to,to aept m dream,and that is exatl h i am here.i am here tring to persuade ou all,i think ou all,after listening to m speeh,hopefull,ou an tr to understand m dream and that e are all a member of the global village,and e have to tr our best to ork hard for the soial betterment of all.this is h i ant to be,saing,speaking something here,and that is m goal--or realisti or uealisti dream after ive graduated.i think i ill tr m best to du hat ive said before.thank ou ver muh.篇五: 21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛演讲稿目录 第三届“21世纪杯” 全国英语演讲比赛冠军——梁励 敏 2 第三届“21世纪杯”全国英 语演讲比赛亚军——芮成 钢 5
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