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初中英语语音教学反思.doc10初中英语语音教学反思.doc10 初中英语语音教学反思 在初中英语教学中,从七年级开始就要求学生掌握一定的语音知识和读音技巧,其目的就是使学生掌握良好的英语语音语调,具有单词拼读能力,为进一步发展学生的预习能力、自学能力及初步运用英语真实交流的能力打下良好的基础。然而,目前实际的中学英语语音教学的效果与以上目的相差甚远,那么,怎样才能使学生较好地掌握英语语音知识并使其成为学生可持续英语学习的助力器呢,结合多年的英语教学实践,笔者认为应从一下几个方面入手。 1.准确模仿 掌握规则 初中学生学习英语语音教学的基...

初中英语语音教学反思.doc10 初中英语语音教学反思 在初中英语教学中,从七年级开始就要求学生掌握一定的语音知识和读音技巧,其目的就是使学生掌握良好的英语语音语调,具有单词拼读能力,为进一步发展学生的预习能力、自学能力及初步运用英语真实交流的能力打下良好的基础。然而,目前实际的中学英语语音教学的效果与以上目的相差甚远,那么,怎样才能使学生较好地掌握英语语音知识并使其成为学生可持续英语学习的助力器呢,结合多年的英语教学实践,笔者认为应从一下几个方面入手。 1.准确模仿 掌握规则 初中学生学习英语语音教学的基本步骤:?听音;?辨音;?模仿发音;?独立发音。听是学习语音的第一步,先听清楚、听准确、听仔细,听充分,才能了解音的音质、音色、音长、音响等。所以先听音,后模仿,听清发准。为了避免由于听得不够,未听仔细,没有听清楚就模仿而导致学生的语音语调不好,教师应尽可能创造条件让学生多听教师或录音提供的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 语音语调,而且要听清、听准、听熟后再进行模仿。对于学生感到困难的语调,仅模仿还不够。必要时应辅以适当的规则讲解和对比,如长元音与短元音的对比,清辅音与浊辅音的对比,发音易混淆的音素之间的对比等。这样可以帮助学生掌握发音和语调的要领。 2.循序渐进,运用学习中的迁移规律提高教学效率 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 英语是拼音文字,共有26个字母,48个音素,且音素与字母符合不同是其一大特点,所以要先学习国际音标,就如同学习要先掌握汉语拼音一样,学习国际音标是英语语音教学的重要 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 之一。如何让学生轻松准确地掌握这些音素呢,根据长期的初中英语教学实践,教师采用“音素、字母、音标同步教学法”可以收到良好的教学效果。语音教学的第一步是单音音素教学,与此同时还要教学字母的读音与 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 写。因此,在实际教学过程中我们不妨可以先教字母的发音,在教字母的发音时,将字母的发音分解为音素,同时用音素给每一个字母注音,即给出每个字母的音标,这样就把字母教学、音素教学以及国际音标教学有机地结合起来了,然后把音素、音标、字母的复习与课文中出现的单词结合起来,这样学生即学会了字母、音素、音标,又学会了单词的拼读,为下一步学习单词、句子打好基础。 瑞士心理学家皮亚杰认为,“认知过程是通过原有的认知结构对刺激物进行同化、顺应而达到平衡的过程。学习新知识总离不开对旧知识的复习,即学习上的迁移问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。学习上的迁移,也可能是消极的,这是负迁移。”我们的英语语音教学中无时无处不发生学习上的迁移。因此,在教学中我们不妨利用这种迁移规律,通过对比联系,让学生了解掌握字母、音素和音标的区别和内在联系。如英语的字母和音标属不同概念,字母构成词汇,音标反映发音,英语和汉filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 语拼音使用的是字形完全一样的字母符号,两种语言的学习情境也有许多共同因素,也就是说在刺激与反应方面有相同或相似之处。给学生讲解两种语言的共同以及不同之处时,应发挥汉语在英语学习中迁移作用,如字符或字符组合都有其相对应的发音,英语、汉语都如此,汉语有组合音,英语也有组合音。前面已经说过,英语的字母和音标属不同概念,字母构成词汇,音标反映发音,所以,在学习音标和音节时配以适量的词汇学习、简单的对话交流,且词汇学习尽可能配以实物或生动的画图,借以激发学习的学习兴趣。英语音素中的元音和辅音各有其特点:在音节中,元音有弹性和音乐感,相当于汉语中的韵母,而辅音相当于汉语中的声母,音节又有重读与非重读之分,元音字母及字母组合又有各自不同的发音特点。这些内容,我们在每单元结束时分块教,阶段结束以后,我们可以集中性 小结 学校三防设施建设情况幼儿园教研工作小结高血压知识讲座小结防范电信网络诈骗宣传幼儿园师德小结 ,为以后的学习打下良好的基础。当然阶段性的学习与总结并不能解决所有的问题,良好的读音习惯和流利的语言能力的形成,需要一个长期的过程,需要通过不断的强化和摸索。 3.在语言交流实践中学习英语语音与语调 在英语语音教学中,我们必须既要进行音素、音节、单词的发音与拼读等单项语音教学,又要注音彼此间的有机结合,尽管如此,这仍然不能全面培养学生的英语语音技能,因为音素、音节、单词等毕竟大多情况下不是表达思想的完filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 整单位。要表达思想,进行信息交流,往往需要通过句子和更大的语言单位---语段去完成。因此,在语流中教学语音教学是必不可少的。语流教学是通过句子把英语语音中所有的现象,包括音素、拼读、重音、弱读、节奏、停顿、声调等统一起来的教学,也就是英语语音的整体教学。在语流中进行英语语音教学不仅要训练发音、拼读,而且要培养学生对英语语音语调中的一系列特殊现象,包括语流中连读、失去爆破等综合掌握及运用能力。只有将音素、拼读等单项语音教学与语流教学结合起来,让学生在语流中学习英语语音、语调,才有利于学生获得英语语感,利用正确的语音语调从事交际活动,在整体的句子及语段里学习语流现象,才能真正学好语音。另外,朗读和背诵是大量输入、积累、储存英语和语言素材的手段,更是在语流中熟悉英语语音语调、培养语感的有效途径,所以把语音语调与朗读、背诵等实践活动结合起来,培养英语语感,是掌握英语语音语调的最佳手段。 4.集中教学与长期训练相结合 英语语音教学起始于字母教学,48个音素与国际音标教学、单词拼读教学与字母教学同步进行,从而形成了初中英语教学中入门起步阶段的英语语音语调,为下一步的英语学习打好基础。然而,英语语音教学绝不仅限于入门阶段,而是要贯穿于整个初中英语教学全过程之中。这一点常被一filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 些教师所忽视,这就造成了部分学生的语音不是越来越好,而是越来越差。学生年级高了,但开口的能力和习惯反而不如低年级时候了。这就说明语音语调都是技巧,而技巧是需要经常训练的,正所谓熟能生巧。所以,英语语音教学绝不能在七年级第一学期集中教学之后就停顿下来。语音教学的过程是漫长而艰辛的,但是,我们也要坚信“磨刀不耽误砍柴工”这个道理。集中语音教学后,语音训练还要进行长期的巩固,通过对学生进行长期的巩固性的语音练习,培养学生自觉运用音标的习惯,并将所学到的语音知识运用到预习和复习中,从而提高自学能力,可以十分肯定地说:一个音标不识、语音知识不好的学生,是断然不可能有较好的自学能力的。所以说,学好语音知识对学生的英语自学能力的培养起着至关重要的作用。 5.与时俱进,建立综合的评价机制 众所周知,在平时的教学中,许多教师注重的只是对学生书面测试与评价,而对学生的听、说、读测试与评价很少,尤其是经济落后地区的农村学校,此类现象更为突出。这既有悖于英语新课程标准要求,也不能与现行的中考英语人机对话相适应。因此,为了对学生的健全发展与可持续发展负责,作为英语教师绝不能再我行我素,在平时的教学中,一定要摒弃重笔头轻口语、听力的错误做法。要对学生的听、说、读、写能力建立一个科学的综合评价机制,给学生一个filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 正确的导向,把英语作为一种交际的工具来学习和训练,鼓 励学生用英语来交流,经常用赞扬姓语言来评价学生的进 步。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building
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