首页 工业建筑楼面活荷载取值计算



工业建筑楼面活荷载取值计算工业建筑楼面活荷载取值计算 工业建筑楼面均布活荷载应分三次输入电算程序讨论 工业建筑楼面均布活荷载,应分三次输入电算程序进行计算,然后对三次电算结果进行选择,选取符合设计规范的结果用于工程设计,以避免楼面活荷载选用过大而带来的浪费。一般的民用建筑,楼面均布活荷载, 2在规范中只列出一个值,例如办公楼,只列出活荷载标准值2.0 kN/m。至于活荷载在传递过程中的折减,在规范中已有明确的折减系数,这些折 2减系数也反映在电算过程中。因此,电算时只要将活荷载2.0 kN/m输入程序中,电算的结果就是所需要的正确结果,...

工业建筑楼面活荷载取值计算 工业建筑楼面均布活荷载应分三次输入电算程序讨论 工业建筑楼面均布活荷载,应分三次输入电算程序进行计算,然后对三次电算结果进行选择,选取符合设计 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的结果用于 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 设计,以避免楼面活荷载选用过大而带来的浪费。一般的民用建筑,楼面均布活荷载, 2在规范中只列出一个值,例如办公楼,只列出活荷载标准值2.0 kN/m。至于活荷载在传递过程中的折减,在规范中已有明确的折减系数,这些折 2减系数也反映在电算过程中。因此,电算时只要将活荷载2.0 kN/m输入程序中,电算的结果就是所需要的正确结果,所以民用建筑的结构,只要一次电算就能完成(至于优化设计多算几次则另当别论)。 工业建筑的楼面均布活荷载,它的特点是没有民用建筑楼面活荷载的折减系数,活荷载在传递过程中的折减,是以楼面均布活荷载在板、次梁、主梁的不同标准值中直接表达出来的。例如2006版的《建筑结构荷载规范》GB50009-2002中表C.0.1,以序号1的一类金工车间为例(板跨?1.2m、 2次梁间距?1.2m),楼面均布活荷载有三个标准值,即板22.0 kN/m,次 22梁14.0 kN/m,主梁9.0 kN/m。这就是说,计算板、次梁、主梁时所用 2的楼面活荷载是不一样的,不能只用一个板的楼面活荷载22.0 kN/m一算到底,这将导致很大的浪费。但一般的民用建筑的结构电算程序一次只能输入一个活荷载,因此,正确的做法应该是分三次输入楼面活荷载值。在 2本例中,第一次输入22.0 kN/m,只取结构电算结果中板的有关数据,作为楼板的设计依据,此次电算的次梁和主梁的结果,由于偏大,一律不要。 2第二次输入14.0 kN/m,只取结构电算结果中次梁的有关数据作为次梁的设计依据,其余板和主梁的电算结果,对于板来说不够安全,对于主梁仍2偏大,因此两者都不要。同理,第三次输入9.0 kN/m,只取结构电算结果中主梁、柱(墙)、基础的有关数据作为主梁、柱(墙)、基础的设计依据,而此次电算的板和次梁的结果都偏小,不能取用。 经过以上将不同的楼面活荷载分三次输入电算程序后,对板、次梁、主梁所选取的结果才是符合规范要求的。 长期以来,工业建筑楼面活荷载是由设计院的工艺设计人员以“土建要求”的方式提供给土建设计人员的,往往是一个房间只提供一个数值,这样做对于民用建筑的楼面活荷载来说是可行的,但对于工业建筑来说就不够了。其后果是土建设计人员只好将这一个数据从楼板至基础一传到底而不折减,往往造成工程设计的浪费。今后如果仍然由工艺设计人员向土建设计人员提供楼面活荷载值的话,为了避免工作中的失误,建议工艺设计人员应与土建设计人员一起共同对工程中房间的名称,按照2006版的《建筑结构荷载规范》GB50009-2002中表C.0.1~ C.0.6核对,先把房间名称搞准确后,然后再按表C.0.1~C.0.6准确确定板、次梁、主梁的楼面活荷载的标准值,最后再按此结果进行分三次输入的电算工作。 2007-5-7 20:04 #1 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. 0o源源o0 助理工程师 我们单位一般计算两次。基础、柱、框架梁采用一个活荷载值;计算板、 次梁采用一个活荷载值。前者小于后者。板与次梁没有必要分开计算把。 面荷载对板的配筋影响不大(一般工业建筑的板厚稍比民用建筑厚),除 边跨影响较大外。 精华 0 积分 48 帖子 24 水位 48 技术分 0 来自 长春 状态 离线 2007-5-8 #2 07:26 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. zorro1 工程师 楼主的论述比较全面,说明楼主的设计思路清晰、明确、合理。楼主的观 点不但在工业建筑设计中被广泛应用,在民用建筑中也有应用,例如当地 下室顶板通过消防车和作为汽车过道板时,在设计顶板的板、梁结构时同 样要按上述原则进行设计。 精华 0 积分 71 帖子 36 水位 71 技术分 0 状态 离线 2007-5-8 #3 21:59 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. m8x8m8 工程师 我采用的办法是,一次性输入等效楼面活荷载,然后设置活荷载择减系数。 变电为0.7。 计算重力荷载代表值为活荷载组合系数应为0.35。实际测试中应该略大点 (主要针对我做的工程),我取0.37。 楼主说得很对,不过应该注意计算重力荷载代表值中的活荷载组合系数,精华 0 要不然地震力会减小。 积分 77 帖子 38 水位 77 技术分 0 状态 离线 2007-5-9 #4 18:55 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU. huqingxiao 助理工程师 个人觉得主梁的荷载值还应考虑主梁所处的位置确定。如下图所示 | | | | --o-- o--o-- | | | | --o-- o--o-- 精华 0 | | | | 积分 43 --o-- o--o-- 帖子 21 水位 43 对于其上直接搁置板而中部没有次梁的垂直方向主梁,个人觉得应按次梁技术分 0 荷载设计14KN/m2,如果按9KN/m2设计的话,那么垂直方向主梁将比垂状态 离线 直方向次梁不利。 构件上活载荷载的折减应根据其上活载传递的途径来确定。传递层次增加 ,相应地传到构件的荷载可多折减掉一些。 Million. Water quality standards the dredging of river boundary section obtained provincial environmental protection Office special bonuses for wetland construction ... ... Million. But sober see, these achievements were made in the case of decreased rainfall for two consecutive years, we realize that environmental protection work still faced many problems in our County. Mainly in the PM2.5 and PM10 air quality monitoring indicators often exceeding, dredging of river section's water quality is not stable, and rural non-point source pollution has not been radical, Wade through the corporate environmental risk, livestock pollution rebound from severe, a wealth of protection and use of water resources is not well. If this year's rainfall, these problems will be exposed, and raw materials caused a great deal of pressure to go green. To solve these problems, we focused on three aspects of the work of environmental protection: (a) in accordance with the ... ... Real good green. According to the "Garden City, roads, tree-lined, mountain forests of" principle, to develop "governance focused piece, scale" afforestation programmes, and actively implement the barren hills green, River afforestation increased, City Green, farmland and other greening works to ensure complete afforestation this year ... ... Acres and acres and afforestation in the plain ... ... Acres, new nursery wood ... ... MU.
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