首页 健康知识手抄报电子版



健康知识手抄报电子版健康知识手抄报电子版 健康知识手抄报电子版(附内容) 时间:2011-2-28 8:52:15 点击:7061 健康知识手抄报《健康苑》内容: 旅游时应注意的饮食卫生 出门旅游图个乐,保持身体健康舒适最重要。俗话说“病从口入”,这里咱就给您提些意见: 1、注意饮水卫生 一般来说,生水是不能饮用的,旅途饮水以开水和消毒净化过的自来水为最理想,其次是由山泉和深井水,江河、湖水千万不能生饮。无合格水可饮用时,可以用瓜果代水。 2、瓜果要洗干净或去皮吃。 吃瓜果一定要去皮。瓜果除了受农药污染外。在采摘与...

健康知识手抄报电子版 健康知识手抄报电子版(附内容) 时间:2011-2-28 8:52:15 点击:7061 健康知识手抄报《健康苑》内容: 旅游时应注意的饮食卫生 出门旅游图个乐,保持身体健康舒适最重要。俗话说“病从口入”,这里咱就给您提些意见: 1、注意饮水卫生 一般来说,生水是不能饮用的,旅途饮水以开水和消毒净化过的自来水为最理想,其次是由山泉和深井水,江河、湖水千万不能生饮。无合格水可饮用时,可以用瓜果代水。 2、瓜果要洗干净或去皮吃。 吃瓜果一定要去皮。瓜果除了受农药污染外。在采摘与销售过程中也会受到病菌或寄生虫的污染。 3、慎重对待每一餐,饥不择食要不得。 高中档饮食店一般可放心去吃。大排档可有选择的吃。摊位或沿街摆卖(推车卖)大多不太卫生。虽然您饥肠辘辘的不好受,但还是看好了再吃。 4、学会鉴别饮食店卫生是否合格。 合格的一般标准应是:有卫生许可证。有清洁水源,有消毒设备。食品原料新鲜。无苍蝇蚊子,有防尘设the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 备,周围环境干净,收款人员不接触食品并且钱与视频保持距离。 5、 在车船或飞机上要节制饮食。 乘行时,由于没有运动条件,食物的消化过程延长、速度减慢,如果不节制饮食,必然增加肠胃的负 担,引起肠胃不适。 童谣-食品安全真重要 食品安全真重要,病从口入少不了。 “三无”食品莫食用,有害物质在其中。 小摊小贩莫相信,卫生根本谈不上。 过期食品莫入口,吃了危害大又大。 变质食品入了口,中毒机率高又高。 油炸腌制要少吃,健康隐患已降临。 饮料、冷饮要节制,损害牙齿和肠胃。 良好习惯要养成,挑选食品要做好。 食品安全歌谣 小朋友,进学校,学知识,长本领。 文化知识要学好, 健康安全也重要。 病从口入危害大, 食品质量数第一。 食品挑选要细心,三无食品需留意。 苏丹红、吊白块,样样都是有害物。 看清厂家出厂期,切莫超过保质期。 小摊小贩莫相信,卫生更是难放心。 油炸腌制要少吃,健康危害正面临。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 饮料冷饮有节制,损害牙齿吃坏肚。 安全意识人人有,争当食品小卫士。 认识常见的食品安全标志 目前市场上的“QS”、“有机食品”、“无公害农产品”、“绿色食品”标志是由不同部门针对食品安全设置的不同认定标准。 一、食品安全标志。QS 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 即食品质量安全市场准入制度,由国家质监总局在2002年推出,凡进入该制度范围内的食品生产企业要拿到食品生产认可证,并在销售单元上贴上QS标志才允许进入市场销售。 二、有机食品标志。有机农业是一种完全不用或基本不用人工合成的化肥、农药和饲料添加剂的生产体系,有机农产品是指根据有机农业原则和有机农产品生产、加工标准生产出来的农产品,它由质量技术监督部门认证、管理。 三、无公害农产品标志,这类产品生产过程中允许限量、限品种、限时间地使用人工合成的安全化学农药、兽药、渔药、肥料、饲料添加剂等,它保证人们对食品质量安全最基本的需要。其标志由农业部门认证,标志的使用期为3年。 四、绿色食品标志,突出这类食品出自良好的生态环境,对环境保护的有利性和产品自身的无污染与安全性。分为A级和AA级,称号由农垦部门评定,标志的使用期为3年。 小学生饮食十二条原则 1、注意营养平衡。 2、多吃豆制品。 3、讲究食品加工 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 4、变换食品花色品种,增加孩子食欲。 5、愉快进食。 6、细嚼慢咽。 7、不过量饮食。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 8、不乱吃加药食品。 9、不吃补品。 10、少吃糖 。 11、早餐要吃好。 12、定时定量 。 五种食物易中毒 1、大棚培育的蔬菜水果。大棚种植的植物对农药需要量较大,再加上冬季寒冷,植物进行光合作用时不能完全将农药吸收,所以,清洗不净会导致冬季吃蔬菜水果时农药中毒。 2、腐烂的白菜。大白菜的叶子中含有较多的硝酸盐,腐烂后其含量会明显增高。一旦大量进食,经肠道细菌作用,会还原成亚硝酸盐而发生中毒。主要 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现为头晕、呕吐等,严重的会出现呼吸困难、血压下降。为防止中毒,应避免蔬菜在高温下长时间堆放。 3、生豆浆。其中含有一种有毒的胰蛋白酶抑制物,饮用后容易中毒。所以,豆浆一定要彻底煮熟后饮用。需要提醒的是,豆浆加热到一定程度后会出现泡沫,这并不意味着它已经煮熟了,应继续加热5—10分钟,至泡沫消失才可饮用。 4、发芽或未成熟的马铃薯。其中含有有毒物质龙葵素,摄入后易引起中毒。冬天应把马铃薯贮藏在低温、无阳光直接照射的地方;烧煮时可加入少许的醋,能够破坏毒素。 5、霉变甘蔗。其毒性非常强,进食2—8小时后会出现呕吐、头晕、头痛等症状,严重者还会昏迷、呼吸衰竭,病死率及出现后遗症率达50,。许多人喜欢吃鸡头、鸭头、鹅头以及鱼头等。确实,这些鱼、禽类的头很好吃,而且营养价值也很高。可是,这些“头”的害处也不少。就拿鸡来说,民谚道:十年的鸡头赛砒霜。意思是说,鸡越老,鸡头毒性就越大编辑推荐:为什么吃鱼头易中毒, 给未来一片绿色 轻轻地打开地球画册 山山水水都会在问我 你想给未来的地球留下什么, the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 是留下一棵树, 还是留下一朵花, 是留下一个生命的夏天 还是留下一片永恒的绿洲, 我们说 给未来留下一个更美的地球, 和一首绿色和平的歌~ 深情地挥动七彩画笔, 蓝天大海都会欢迎我; 你想给未来的世界画些什么, 是画出群山常青, 还是画出绿遍沙漠, 是画出场开不败的花季, 还是画出满园不落的春色, 让我们 给世界画出一个更美的未来, 和一首爱护地球的歌~ 选购食品时应注意的事宜 1、不买露天销售的食品。 因为各类食品的成分都很复杂,经过日晒、光化、发热分解,会引起内部变化而变质。如:有包装的糕点,经日晒水分蒸发不出来,容易发生霉变;含油食品经日晒会发生"酸败";酒和饮料经日晒,会发生脱色、沉淀,出现絮状物;啤酒、汽酒经日晒会发酵产气,引起变质或爆炸;奶粉会潮解结块;罐头会胖听;糖果会发烊;茶叶会干枯;有的还会使细菌大量繁殖而发生食物中毒。特别是儿童小食品更容易发生变质。总之,露天销售的食品在保质期内也可能发生变质。 2、不买包装标识内容不全的食品。 国家《食品卫生法》和《食品标签通用标准》规定:"食品包装上应清楚地印上品名、厂名、厂址、生产日期(批号或代号)、规格、配方或主要成分、保质期、食用方法或使用方法等内容。"标识内容不全、不清楚者,质量无保障、检验合格出厂的定型包装食品,一般不会出现以上情况,因此发现这类食品不宜购买。 3、不买感官性状异常的食品。 感官性状异常是指变味、变色、沉淀、混浊、杂质、絮状物、发霉、生虫、结块、异物、酸败、发粘、返砂、腐败变质等现象。无论哪种食品,都有各自应有的色、香、味、型,感观不合格的产品都是变质的表现。 4、不买伪劣假冒、掺杂使假的食品。 伪劣假冒、掺杂使假的食品是指一些不法分于为谋取暴利对食品采取掺兑、替代、抽取、粉饰、混充、the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy 假冒等手段,使食品质量降低,有的甚至带毒,严重危害消费者的健康。 5、经营条件差的食品不能买。 指无证或露天经营而无防蝇防尘设施、无食品专用器具等摊点,其食品极易受到污染,直接影响消费者健康和合法权益,大家应高度警惕,一经发现,可就近到卫生监督机构举报。 6、不买过期食品。 各类新鲜食品,它的色、香、味等感官性状都很好,其保质期都是在科学的 试验基础上制定出来的,具有一定的科学依据和安全食用期范围。一旦过期,其感官性状就会发生变化,失去原有的风味和滋味,有的甚至会变质。消费者购买食品时,一定要注意标签上的生产日期和保质期。 the neighbouring frequency transmission planning, the system can accommodate more than more than 80 TV channels, 2 reverse channels. Taking into account the needs of e-commerce in the future, this system increase in backhaul bandwidth, take up to 4 channels. Wired TV distribution statistics following table: Wired TV information points distribution schedule-medical floor, rehabilitation floor, 1th, floor, 2nd, floor serial number a layer two layer three layer four layer five layer underground a layer underground two layer total medical floor 53 54 52 71 54 7 5 296 rehabilitation floor 7 5 5 4 4 2 27 2nd, floor 18 18 10 46 1th, floor-East floor 16 16 16 3 51 1th, floor-in the floor 21 15 12 5 53 1th, Floor-West floor 20 15 18 3 56 total 529 (3) information guide and the released system system used concentrated control, and unified management of way will sound video signal, and pictures and scroll subtitles, multimedia information through network transmission to the displayed Terminal, real-time to released visits information, and rehabilitation center image advertising, and medical common sense, and experts introduced, health life, information. and can at any time spots pictures, news, emergency notification, content, main distribution in Center of Hall, hospital handle district, Elevator Hall, public. Systems Management Server security management on the medical floor room, connect to the streaming media over a network control terminals, control terminals and display devices such as LCD TVs, LED screens and other equipment connected, the output information, system support MPEG1/2/4,WMV,AVI and other video format, supports image formats such as JPG,PNG,GIF, support DTS/AC3, MP3 MPEG1/MPEG2 MP3,WMA audio format support slide presentations ( PPT). Hours second time Kok's public security system ... Information for safe, reliable, and mature application of equipment and advanced technology to the enemy
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