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2016.05.11 English Radio


2016.05.11 English RadioENGLISH RADIO 2016.05.11 N: Dear listeners, now you are listening to FM101.5 MHz, broadcasting of Hefei University of Technology. R: I’m your today’s host ess______ N:I’m_____________. First let’s focus on today and tomorrow’s whether. R : It’s __________...

2016.05.11 English Radio
ENGLISH RADIO 2016.05.11 N: Dear listeners, now you are listening to FM101.5 MHz, broadcasting of Hefei University of Technology. R: I’m your today’s host ess______ N:I’m_____________. First let’s focus on today and tomorrow’s whether. R : It’s ______________here in Hefei today; temperature varies from _____degree to _______degree. It’s ______________here in Hefei tomorrow; temperature varies from _____degree to _______degree. N: FM热点速递:老外多迷《欢乐颂》? 豆瓣好评度8.1分,微博热搜12.1亿,你的朋友圈被这部近期大热的都市女性励志成长情感大剧《欢乐颂》(Ode to Joy)刷屏了吗?今天就让我们看看这部剧魅力何在吧! R: 【词汇发音预热】 1.Ode n颂歌(片名:ode to joy欢乐颂) 2.Shed v流出,脱落(Eg:shed tears 落泪) 除此之外,还可表示:get rid of“摆脱”之意 3.Flirtatious adj. 爱调戏的,轻浮的 Flirt(verb.)with somebody 调戏某人=hit on somebody ENGLISH RADIO 2016.05.11 1 Eg: He used to be a playboy and liked flirting with every girl he met. 他过去是个花花公子,喜欢调戏身边的女孩 N: 4.Stoic adj. 坚忍的,苦修的;n. 禁欲主义者,坚忍克己的人5.Steadfast adj. 坚定的,不变的 闺蜜:My steadfast friends=BFF=best friends forever 常用搭配:steadfast in sth,表示:…坚定不移的认为? Eg:Michael remained steadfast in his plea of innocence 迈克坚持自己是清白的 6.Chaebol n. (尤指韩国的)大型集团公司;财团(SYN: conglomerate ) 富二代:A second-generation chaebol R: Can five single, independent career women who live in the Ode to Joy apartment building find fulfillment on their own terms? 同住在一个叫做“欢乐颂”公寓的5个单身独立的职业女性是否能实现各自的追求? N: An Di (Liu Tao) is a successful business woman who has returned to China after studying in New York to find her younger brother. Qu Xiao Xiao (Wang Zi Wen) is only 25 but already owns her own small business. Fang Sheng Mei (Jiang Xin) grew up in poverty but has shed her “Princess of the Streets” background to work for a multinational company. Qiu Ying Ying (Andy Yang Zi) is a 20-year-old small-town girl who is trying to make it in the big city. Guan JuEr (Bridgette QiaoXin) is a 20-year-old from a highly educated family, but she must discover what she wants out of life when enters the workforce for the first time. 安迪(刘涛饰)是一个成功的商业女性,她在纽约学习后回到中国来找她的弟弟。曲筱绡(王子文饰)只有25岁,但已经拥有自己的小生意。樊胜美(蒋欣)出身贫苦,摆脱她“胡同公主”的背景为一家跨国公司工作。邱莹莹(杨紫)是一个20岁的小镇女孩,她正试图立身于大城市。关雎尔(乔欣)是一个20岁的姑娘,家境良好,但当她第一次踏入职场,她必须要发现自己想要什么样的生活。 R: For these women, there is a man (or two) who is trying to get their attention. Dr. Zhao (Wang Kai) is a flirtatious, handsome doctor. Qi Dian (ZuFeng) is the stoic businessman. Wang BaiChuan (Zhang Lu) is Sheng Mei?s steadfast friend who has always carried a torch for her. Yao Bin (Zhang Xiao Qian) is a second-generation chaebol. Tan Zong Ming (Jin Dong) is An Di?s boss . Can the women find th e personal happiness they seek? “It is based on a novel by the same name. 对于几个姑娘,有一个人(或两个)正试图吸引他们的注意。医生赵启平(王凯)是一个英俊的调情高手。魏渭(祖峰)是个恬淡寡欲的商人。王柏川(张陆)是胜美的同学,并一直暗恋着胜美。姚斌(张 晓谦)是大集团的富二代。谭宗明(靳东)是安迪的顶头上司。姑娘们能找到他们追求各自的幸福吗?“欢乐颂”由同名小说改编。 N: ①“fulfillment ”的意思是“履行,实行,实现”。例如: We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.我们在自然的世界中得到快乐和成就感。 Meaning: The feeling of being happy and satisfied with your life because you are doing interesting, useful or important things 常用搭配:Find or seek fulfillment 表示“找到自我价值” Eg: the real joy of a teacher is helping students find personal fulfillment. 老师最大的欣慰就是能够帮助学生找到他们未来自己的价值 结合文中表达:Find fulfillment on their own terms 各自实现自我的追求 On one?s own terms 表示…根据自己的主张和想法? Fulfill:v 表示“履行,实现和满足“ Eg: Now, I will fulfill my father?s dying wish…to use the list of names he left me and bring down those who are poisoning my city…(from the Arrow) Fulfill one?s wish意思是:“完成某人的愿望”。 R: ②“grow up in poverty”这里的意思是“在贫困中成长,长大”,例如:Confucius grew up in poverty, and was constantly urged by his mother to be diligent in his studies so he could escape a poor life and raise his status in society. 孔子自幼在贫困中长大。他的母亲时常鞭策他勤奋学习,希望他将来不再受穷,并在社会上出人头地。 关于grow up的延伸表达: A grow-up 成年人 Grow up= be born and raised in some place=city born and city bred(生在城市,长在城市) Eg:Kunming born and Kunming bred 生在昆明,长在昆明 N: Some Take-away Love Spells: 先学几个表达吧: Have a secret crush on somebody,表示“ 暗恋某人“ Ask somebody out on a date,表示“约某人出去” 听完Vivian自编自导的对话后也不忘记笔记: A) Level with somebody = confess 意思是“对某人坦白” B) 你是我喜欢的类型:You are my type C) You are a catch 你很迷人 D) My heart was pounding 心跳得厉害 E) Have feelings for somebody或者fall for somebody 都表示的是“喜欢、迷恋某人“ 而Carry a torch for somebody 表示的是…单恋某人… F) I am seeing someone表示…我在和别人交往… G) 做朋友就好:Keep things on a friendship level H) 最动人的承诺之一:I will be there for you“我一直在你身边” I) You are important to me = you mean the world to me. 你就是我的全世界。 J) 对待感情要懂得放下,随缘:We need move forward and get on with our lives. R: ③“steadfast ”的意思是“坚定的,不变的”。例如: Our nation is strong and steadfast.我们的国家是强大坚定的。N: ④“carry a torch for sb”的意思是“单恋某人,一厢情愿”。例如: He carried a torch for that pretty woman, but all in vain.他一厢情愿的爱那美女,但一切均徒然。 R: ⑤“chaebol”的意思是“集团公司”但是多指“韩国大企业”,例如: Innovation is not going to come if everyone shelters from risk in the chaebol.如果人人都活在企业财阀的阴影下,而规避风险,创新就不会到来。 N: 连国外网友也被迷住了!上一次老外都在追国剧是在什么时候?《甄嬛传》?还是《琅琊榜》?古风的时代已经过去,现在我天朝靠现代都市片也能折服歪果仁!看看老外的一致好评: @multiadamb123_581 This drama has a great refreshing plot…plus it?s my first chinese drama im getting into so it?ll always be my favorite :D 这部剧情节很清新……这是第一部我所迷上的中国电视剧,这将永远是我的最爱:D R: @littlesupereme Such a good show so far! The idea of this drama couldn?t be better! 至今为止真是一部好剧!剧情点子真是不能更赞! N: @whitediamond I am so glad to see Nirvana in Fire production company is also behind this drama as well. So many NIF casts are in here. Love Wang Kai, Liu Tao, Jing Dong!! Looking forward to new Hu Ge drama and Wang Kai drama with Joe Cheng. All my favorite from Nirvana are in here, also lots of other supporting characters like Xia Jiang, Yu Jin, etc. NIF really elevates my taste in drama quality. 我很高兴看到《琅琊榜》的制作公司也是这部剧的幕后。《琅琊榜》的熟人都在这儿啊。好喜欢王凯、刘涛、靳东!!好期待胡歌的新剧!还有王凯和Joe Cheng的新剧!《琅琊榜》里我最喜欢的(人)都在了!还有其他一些配角,比如夏江、豫津XXX等等(这些人名英语君无能了求不要PIA)。《琅琊榜》真是提升了我对剧的品味啊 R :@tinlu015_40 good show its very funny unlike some other shows which is based on romance and etc. 好剧!很有趣!不像其他剧都是些情啊爱啊啥的…… @queencherry YES! I have been watching forever for this drama after watching that epic masterpiece “Nirvana in Fire” . I need to see my babe Jin Dong , Wang Kaiiiii and Liu Tao kill it in the modern world . Must include my girl Jiang Xin this will be awesome my ultimate clique if only Hu Ge was involved. 耶!看了史诗巨作《琅琊榜》以后我真的好期待这个剧!!!我要看我的北鼻靳东、王凯凯凯还有刘涛在现代的生活!必须还有我的爱蒋欣啊,不过要是我的终极墙头胡歌也在的话那简直要棒呆了!!! N: 《欢乐颂》五美:哪一个是时光里最美的你? 男神固然是《欢乐颂》的一大亮点,但是,五个女孩子一步步的成长与命运却更为牵动人心,似乎从中我们可以看到在城市里打拼的自己的身影。 我们羡慕着曲筱绡,崇拜着安迪,渴望成为樊胜美,以为自己是关雎尔,却不小心活成了邱莹莹。 为什么这五个女孩子能引起大家的共鸣呢?今天就让双语君和大家一起来看看这部剧的谜之萌点吧。 R: 安迪 安迪是每个女孩子的终极梦想: 气场强大、能力出众,拿得起放得下。 既负担得起自己的生活,又在工作中表现足够出色。 N: 1 海归overseas returnees 海归早就不稀奇了,但安迪无疑是海归中的佼佼者。Ooverseas talent 也可以表示海归的意思,但带有明显的褒义色彩。 Most of these A-listers share similar life paths: overseas returnees striving to be successful backhome. 这些先锋人物大多拥有相似的人生道路:作为海归,他们回国后都努力追求成功。 R: 2 能力出众competent 出众的能力即outstanding competence,当然用一个词来形容的话, professional更为恰当。 指人的专业、工作能力,可以用ability, capacity, competence等词汇表示,也可以用highly competent/capable来形容工作素养很高。With the rapid development of economy, science, and technology, “people with practical talent” are in great demand in all walks of life. 随着我国社会经济和科学技术的迅速发展,各行各业需要的“应用型人才”。 N: 3 强势mighty 作为一个传统意义上的“女强人”,安迪必然是强势干练的(capable and experienced)。形容为人处世方面比较强势还可以用aggressive、strong等词。 He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter. 他具有一个积极进取的、有冲劲和进取心的人的风度。 R: 4 感情迟钝unromantic 安迪事业成功,但是对情感却殊为迟钝,当然这可能也是成为事业成功的女强人的代价吧。 I am only an unromantic woman, hiding from a romantic man who is in love with me. 我只是一个不解风情的女人,躲着一个深爱我的浪漫男人。 N: 当关雎尔执意要干涉邱莹莹和白主管的恋情的时候,安迪教育她:我们尊重朋友的价值观,当和朋友意见相左的时候,我们可以提醒,但绝不能插手,只能在他们困难的时候提供适当的援助。成年人都需要为自己的选择承担后果。 We should respect a friend?s values and give them kind advice when our opinions differ. But we can?t interfere. Only offer help when it is needed. Adults take responsibility for what they do. R: 曲筱绡 曲筱绡绝对是编剧最爱的角色了: 天生的美貌与坐拥的财富, 还兼之人情练达,灵慧如狐。 就连wuli凯凯王都配给了曲小妖精。 上辈子,她一定拯救了银河系! N: 1 富二代rich second generation 曲筱绡身上的第一个标签就是“富二代”(rich/affluent second generation),出生自新兴富裕(nouveau riche)家庭,身着名牌服饰(brand-name clothes)。当然silver-spoon kids(叼着银匙出生的孩子)也有这层意味在里面。 The simultaneous emergence of the "rich second generation" and"poor second generation" has triggered a heated debate in the Chinese media. 同时涌现出的“富二代”与“贫二代”在中国媒体间引发了热议。R: 2 世故sophisticated 在富裕的环境里长大,曲筱绡对人情世故十分熟稔。看人下菜,刀子嘴的行为也是驾轻就熟,故而,“世故”这个词再适合她不过。“世故”还可以用worldly-wise,man of the world 来表述。 I'd rather deal with a simple man than a sophisticated man . 我宁愿与纯朴的人打交道,不愿与世故的人交往。 N: 3 狡猾、慧黠cunning 被称为小妖精自然是因为曲筱绡足够机智与狡黠,一个人在聪明之外的那股机灵劲儿我们就称之为慧黠。Crafty、sagacious和sly也适用于此语境中。 Underneath his politeness, there was deceit and cunning. 在他的彬彬有礼的伪装下,隐藏着欺诈和狡猾。 R: 4 精明astute 作为富二代的曲筱绡也很是精明,可能见多了世事,看惯了眉眼高低,“精明”已经成为了她的外衣。Shrewd也有精明的意思。 Astute salesmen know how to invest emotionally. 精明的商人懂得如何感情投资。 常与同好争高下,不与傻瓜论短长。 I would rather compete with peers than argue with the stupid. N: 樊胜美 “华妃”凉凉到了现代, 依然是毒舌+刀子嘴豆腐心属性。 樊胜美像是一个大姐姐, 经历过社会的打磨却依然不改初心, 用自己过来人的经验教导着另外两个初涉社会的女孩。 R: 1 成熟mature 樊胜美很大程度上会让人想到《粉红女郎》里的“万人迷”,经历过岁月的洗礼,累积了时间的经验,他们在时光里散发出成熟的魅力,成为“轻熟女”的代表。 They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly. 他们在情感上是成熟的,应该负责任地行事。 N: 2 仗义loyal to friends 樊胜美努力保护着同宿舍的两个女孩,为邱莹莹砸了白主管的房子就可见一斑。其人有着个人英雄主义的倾向,生活中仗义、勇敢。表达勇敢的这层意思还可以使用stronghearted,valorous等词。 I'm a very loyal person and you can count on me. 我是个讲义气的人,绝对靠谱。 R: 3 现实realistic 作为从小镇中走出来的姑娘,在努力拼搏的同时却背负着家庭压力,樊胜美不得不学会了现实,抛却不切实际的幻想。Practical也有着同样的意思。 We must be realistic in our self-estimation, neither being conceited nor belittling ourselves. 我们对自己的估计应该实事求是,不要自高自大,也不要妄自菲薄。在邱莹莹要搬出之际,关雎尔一心挽留,樊胜美教育关雎尔: 天下无不散的筵席,你记住啊,除了你自己,谁都不可能跟你一辈子。All good things must come to an end. You should remember that no one can accompany you forever except yourself. N: 邱莹莹 邱莹莹像是每一个刚出校门的我们: 心怀幻想、经常脱线,天马行空, 在社会里经历这样或那样的挫折。 然而,似乎每个人都要经过这样的跌跌撞撞, 才能够修炼得成熟而不动声色。 R: 1 吃货foodie 邱莹莹的吃货属性无需多述,在她这里真的是“没有什么是吃一顿不能解决的,如果不行,那就两顿。” As a foodie, I will say that it's difficult to look at food as fuel, rather than entertainment. 作为一名吃货,我会说,比起把食物当成能量,我更愿意将之当成享受。 N: 2 幼稚naive 邱莹莹应当就是“too young too naive”的代表了,作为涉世未深的(a babe in arms)职场新新人,为人处世方面有太多的要学,她“傻白甜”里只做到了“傻”一项,让人怒其不争。除了naive,幼稚还可以说,puerile。 These discussions have always seemed a bit puerile to me. 对我而言,这些讨论总是显得有些幼稚。 R: 3 莽撞reckless 在工作与生活中,邱莹莹莽莽撞撞,这可能就是每个人曾经走过的弯路吧。表示莽撞的词有reckless、rash、brash…… It would be rash to rely on such evidence. 依靠这样的证据太轻率了。 我要资质没资质,要长相没长相,要工作没工作,要男朋友没男朋友,我连钱还得伸手向爸妈要,你说像我这么平凡,世界上多我一个少我一个有什么区别呀。 I'm not intelligent or good looking, having no decent job or boyfriend. I even have to ask my parents for money. Why would an ordinary girl like me exist at all? N: 关雎尔 关雎尔也是刚刚踏足社会, 但相比邱莹莹,她更加努力上进、积极进取。 故而,也更像现实中的职场新人: 平凡但却心怀梦想。 毕竟不是每个人有着曲筱绡那样任性的资本。 R: 1 职场新人rookie 关雎尔是刚刚踏入职场的菜鸟新人,出身书香门第,在规矩中长大,更让她小心翼翼、追求上进。菜鸟还可以说成newbie或green hand。This was clearly a rookie mistake, and an expensive one, but I am confident that someone on the bus will use them. 很明显,一个菜鸟才会犯这样的错误,花的钱也不少,但是我自信,巴士上终有人会用上它。 N: 2 勤恳认真diligent 个性上的小心翼翼使得勤恳认真(diligent/conscientious/earnest)成为了“关雎尔”的标签,她像无数个我们一样,为了未来而默默努力。 We are generally very conscientious about our work. 我们一般对工作都是很认真的。 R: 3 善良懂事kind-hearted 关雎尔也是“中国好闺蜜”的代表,总是为了邱莹莹而操心,十分关心朋友的感受,也肯出手援助不擅英文的曲筱绡。咱们还能用sensible、thoughtful来形容关雎尔。 She is a thoughtful and caring girl. 她是一个考虑周到、关心体贴的女孩。 我毕业以后做的越来越多的事都是违心的,可我除了忍耐一点办法都没有,长大好累,工作好累。 Since graduation, I have been doing more things against my will. But there is nothing I can do but endure. Growing up is so tiresome. Working is just the same. 岁月如歌,在社会摸爬滚打的你,是否也看到了时光里属于自己的剪影? N: 毒舌娘娘又圈粉!欢乐颂蒋欣金句双语版 华妃凉凉当年凭一句“贱人就是矫情(bitch is so bitch.)”火遍大江南北: 现在,要娘娘要面对的不是后宫争宠的女人们,而是邻居姐妹们。在新剧《欢乐颂》中,蒋欣虽然霸气不减,但是着实变得温柔,略带世故,却不乏真情。作为高龄“剩女”的樊胜美,资深HR、不仅深谙 人情世故,更是感情经历丰富,随便一句话都是经典“金句”。 R: 随着《欢乐颂》的热播,樊姐人生导师的风头已越显越旺:谈人生、谈理想、谈爱情……樊姐金句锦集——你值得拥有! N: 真正诚恳的邀请,要设身处地为女孩着想。选择恰当的时机,留给女孩矜持的机会,这样才算够绅士。否则,不论帅与不帅,都属骚扰。 A sincere invitation means that a guy should put himself in a girl's shoes. A real gentleman knows the right moment to invite, leaving room for a girl's reserve. Otherwise, whether he is cute or not, his invitation is no more than harassment. R: 贪玩与人品不能混淆。 Naughtiness and personality can not be confused. N: 男人的帅和能力要区分判别,性格活泼和人品不靠谱更要区分明白。 You should be able to differentiate a man's appearance and his ability, and above all, the lively personality and unreliability. R: 有情饮水饱,终究抵不过现实的鸡飞狗跳。想要更好的生活,除了对对方提高 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 ,更要始终记得:独立工作,才是最靠谱的依靠。When love comes, water turns to wine, but love will eventually lose to the reality. If you want to live a better life, in addition to all the demands and requirements, you should always remember that the career is the one and only thing that you can rely on. N: 年轻时活得轰轰烈烈无可厚非,但是敢作敢当,事过无悔;还是早点清醒些,给自己多留些选择的机会,要自己想清楚。 It's Okay to live with vigour and vitality when you are young but you should take responsibility for your actions and never regret. You'd better wake up, leaving more choices to yourself and figuring out what you want. R: 坏女孩是好男孩用来成长的,渣男更是让好女孩用来成长的。关键是,要拿得起放得下,廉价的人,更不值得在他身上浪费青春。Bad girls are there for good boys to grow up, and jerks are for good girls to grow up. The point is that you should be adaptable to circumstances. Cheap people are not worthy of your time. N: 可以为了取悦心爱的人,不停地把自己保养得美美的。但首先最应取悦的,却该是自己。 You can dress up for you beholders, but you should try to please yourself the first. R: 外媒看中国:小偷公车下手美女的反应…… This thief would be best placed to remember the old adage 'don't judge a book by its cover' after picking on the wrong victim - with painful results. 这里有个小毛贼一定忘不了“不要以貌取人”的老话了,因为他挑错了下手对象——后果很严重。 Footage has surfaced of a man attempting to steal from the handbag of a woman on a bus in China. 本段视频拍摄于中国的一辆公交车上,封面是一个男人想从一个女人手提包里偷东西。 N: The woman is shown standing up on a bus watching something on her smartphone as a shifty-looking gentleman stands behind her. As she moves to lean against a railing, the man moves to stand behind her, edging his body as close as he can to hers. He then takes a quick look around him before slowly putting his hand into the handbag, which is hung over the shoulder of the woman. 女人站在车上看手机,一个鬼鬼祟祟的男人站在她后面。后来她换了地方,靠在一根栏杆上,男人则尾随其后,一步步靠近她。然后,他迅速地看了一眼四周,就将手慢慢地伸进了女人挂在肩上的手提包里。R: However the woman suddenly realises what is going on and spins around, grabbing hold of the man's wrist, causing it to become trapped between the railings. She shouts at him as he tries to shake him off, and as she cries out to get the attention of other passengers, the would-be thief shouts back at her. 但是,女人突然发现了小偷,迅速转过身抓住男人的手臂,把他困在了栏杆之间。女人冲小偷喊叫起来,小偷想逃跑,她又大声喊叫引来了其他乘客的注意,偷窃未遂的小偷也开始冲女人大喊。 N: The woman then yanks on the man's arm and kicks him in the leg, forcing him to drop to his knees on the bus. She then throws him against a railing before kicking him in the chest, sending the pickpocket flying some-what dramatically over the barrier. 这时,女人猛地一把拽住男人手臂,狠踢他的腿部,迫使他跪在了公交车地面上,然后又把他朝一根栏杆摔过去,猛踢小偷胸部,小毛贼有点戏剧化地被踢飞了,甚至冲过了挡在一旁的座位扶手。 R: The footage has received mixed views online, with some praising the woman's fighting prowess and others claiming the video is a stunt. 这段视频上网后,出现了各种各样的评论,有人称赞女人功夫了得,也有人说这是一场表演。 N: One suspicious viewer wrote 'Why bother making fake videos? It only gives power to the Dark side of the Farce!' while another added: 'As fake as my Rolex watch.' 有一位观众持怀疑态度,写道:“为什么要拍这么个假视频呢?只会暴露这场闹剧的阴暗面罢了!”还有人加上评论:“和我手上戴的劳力士手表一样假。” 老外表示虽然看着很牛逼,但是有点假…… R: @TeslaFan This is a set up. Someone was filming from beginning to end. The camera angle was precise to catch the whole theft that the photographer did nothing about while it was in progress. This is a set up. ENGLISH RADIO 2016.05.11 这是一场表演。有人从头拍到尾,镜头的角度精准地抓住了整个偷窃过程,而摄影师全程什么也没做。这是一场表演。 N: @jhartley Obvious fake. Who was recording the pickpocket the whole time, but not saying a word to the "victim' about it? 明显是假的。谁会一直在拍偷窃却不对“受害者”说句话? R: @rusty2583 Everybody was Kung fu fighting, that chick was fast as lightning. 每个人都会功夫,那个女孩动作快得像闪电。 R: Finally, let’s focus on today and tomorrow’s weather again. N: It’s ____________here in Hefei today; temperature varies from _____degree to _______degree. It’s _____________here in Hefei tomorrow; temperature varies from _____degree to _______degree. R: Dear listeners, now you are listening to FM101.5 MHz, broadcasting of Hefei University of Technology. N: I’m your today’s hostess ______ R: I’m _____ ENGLISH RADIO 2016.05.11 21
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