首页 英语中考专项练习-首字母填空(第一季)很给力



英语中考专项练习-首字母填空(第一季)很给力英语中考专项练习-首字母填空(第一季)很给力 英语中考专题练习----首字母填空 Passage 1 Here’s a story about Ming’s life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r 1 in china. His home is a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down. In about six years he...

英语中考专项练习-首字母填空(第一季)很给力 英语中考专题练习----首字母填空 Passage 1 Here’s a story about Ming’s life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r 1 in china. His home is a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that move up and down. In about six years he has not once been on l 2 ,but he is never lonely. He is a strong swimmer. In face(实际上),he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f 3 ,he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v 4 him. Ming’s father is a fishman,but he never u 5 a line or a net(网). Great black birds called cormorants do the fishing for him. Rings(圈)have been put around the birds’ n 6 so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been t 7 to bring the fish to people. And then people reward(奖励)them with a fine big fish as soon sa their work is f 8 . Ming loves watching the cormorants, but better still he likes going s 9 with his mother. The 10 . shops, of course, are boats very like his o 1. r 2. l 3. f 4. v 5. u 6. n 7. t 8. f 9. s 10. o Passage 2 Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained(训练)to do a number of simple jobs i 1 of people. They say that at a circus(杂技场),for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q 2 skillful(熟练的)things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer(驯兽员)always g 3 the animal some sugar o 4 a piece of fruit as a reward(报酬). The scientists say that many d 5 animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f 6 doing that. Of course, as we know, dogs can be trained to look after a house, and soldiers in both old and modern t 7 have u 8 geese to give warning(警报)by m 9 a lot of noise when an enemy comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f 10 . 1. i 2. q 3. g 4. o 5. d 6. f 7. t 8. u 9. m 10. f Passage 3 In recent years, playing kite—board seems to become more and more popular in Alaska in America. It is a new and old game. The game has w 1 the interest of many young people. The game is interesting but a little d 2 . One needs to play it very c 3 . A kite—board is in fact a skateboard(滑雪板)drawn(拉)by a few big flying kites. The old game was p 4 by some young people in Holand and Spain as e 5 as the last century. Since the board was hard to control(控制),f 6 people dared(敢)to play it. With the development of the design(设计)of kite and skateboard, many people can l 7 How to play it. A kite board may go as f 8 as about 50 kilometres an hour. If you haven’t had any practice, - 1 - you’d better not play it. It is not s 9 . It is said that the game can exercise not only your b 10 , but also the sensitivity of your brain(大脑的敏捷). 1. w 2. d 3. c 4. p 5. e 6. f 7. l 8. f 9.s 10. b Passage 4 British Milkman Steve Leech saved some shops and flats with milk and won a National Bravery Award(国家勇敢奖). Leech, 35 years old, said that when he was sending out milk as u 1 along Pine Street, he s 2 heard a loud, strange sound behind him and then he saw smoke coming out of a shop in Cornwall, southern England. “That must be a fire, I t 3 ,” Leech said. “Then I quickly d 4 to do something. So I p 5 the door in and then I s 6 for the people inside. Then I started pouring milk e 7 .” He used 320 pints of milk to stop the fire. When firefighters r 8 the shop, the fire was under control(得到控制). Leech helped save the l 9 of eight people in the flats above the shops. “It was hard work o 10 all those bottles. But it was even harder trying to tell my boss where all the milk had gone,” Leech said jokingly. 1. u 2. s 3. t 4. d 5. p 6. s 7. e 8. r 9. l 10. o Passage 5 While t 1 in Russia, Ed Jackson ran short of(缺少)money. So he wrote to his brother, asking for ,500. “Send the m 2 by telegram(电报)to the bank(银行)here,” he wrote. After a week Ed began v 3 the bank. He s 4 his passport(护照)to the bank clerk(职员). “Nothing has come for you, Mr. Jackson,” he was told. This went o 5 for three weeks, and Mr. Jackson got very w 6 . He then phoned his brother, asking w 7 the money was. The brother said it had been sent three weeks b 8 . That evening Ed Jackson was arrested(被捕)for failing to p 9 his hotel bill(账单). He tried to tell the police what his problem was, but no one would believe him. At last he was s 10 to the police station for fifteen days. 1. t 2. m 3. v 4. s 5. o 6. w 7. w 8. b 9. p 10. s Passage 6 April Fools’ Day is on April 1st. People can play j 1 on others on this special d 2 . If you succeed, you usually laugh and say “April Fool!” The person who has been fooled by you l 3 , too, and he will never be angry with you. Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday of May. It’s a day to t 4 mothers. On that day mothers usually receive flowers and cards from their children. Fathers and children do the housework so that mothers can have a r 5 . Easter Day falls on the first Sunday after the full moon which is on or after March 21 - 2 - st. It’s also called Easter Sunday. It is said that on that day Jesus Christ comes back to l 6 . Many people go to church and children often get p 7 such as toy rabbits. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. It’s a day when people give thanks for the good things in life. Usually families all get t 8 and have a big dinner. Christmas Day comes on D 9 25th. It’s the most important festival in a year. The beautiful things can be s 10 everywhere. People exchange gifts, send Christmas cards and visit friends. 1. j 2. d 3. l 4. t 5. r 6. l 7. p 8. t 9. D 10. s Passage 7 A Delicious Book Mr King taught English in a middle school. He was very b all the time and couldn’ t do some r . So he left the school and opened a book shop in the c of the town. It wasn’t big enough but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. When the shop was c , he could read at home. He knew a lot and the learned(有学问的)person were glad to make f with him. It was Sunday and it was cold outside. Mr King was very busy. At nine in the evening all the buyers left e a girl. She was dressed up and waited for s there. Standing by the shelves, she looked over the books one after a . It made them in a fearful mess(凌乱 不堪). Mr King came up to her and asked, “Excuse me, madam. What can I do for you?” “Your books are all dull(乏味的),” said the girl, “I want a d one.” “That’s easy,” Mr King smiled. He t out a cookbook(烹调 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf )and said, “Here you are, madam.” Passage 8 Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(首相). He said the Minister w die the next day. The next day, the Minister really f off the horse and died. When the king h of this, he got angry and sent his men to c Effendi at once. W Effendi came, the king shouted a , “Effendi, since you knew when my minister would die, you must also know the date of your own death. Say it out, or you’ll die today.” Effendi l at the king and answered, “But how can I know? I’ll die two days e than you.” The king was a that he would die if he killed Effendi. He thought he must keep Effendi alive(活着)as long as he could. So he l him go. Passage 9 Roy Trenton drove a taxi before. A short while ago, however, he b a bus-driver and he feels no sorry about it. He was finding his new work far more i .When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves r out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. One of them was carrying a bag f of money. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight to the thieves. The one w the money got so afraid that he dropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get a in their car, Roy drove his bus into the b of it. While the car was moving away, Roy stopped his bus and t the police. The thieves’ car was badly damaged(损坏)and e to recognize(辨认). Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were c . - 3 - Passage 10 Now, let’s begin our sports report. Here’s a really good game, the b one I have seen this year. It’s the last five minutes of the g .Henry plays football f France. He has the ball now. He p the ball to David. David k it over the heads of the Englishmen towards the goal. But he’s too far a . France and England still have one goal each and there are only two m left of the game. Just then an English p gets the ball. He gives it to Bill, “King of the match”. Bill puts the ball into the goal. In the e the English team w . Passage 11 Today people can u the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you don’t see the person you are t with. That may c in the future. Today some people are using a kind of telephone c “Picture phone” or “Vision phone”. W it , two people who are talking can see each other. Picture phones can be useful when you have s to show the person you’re calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a l and ask to borrow a book. Then you’ll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to go shopping t your picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, you’ll go to your phone and call the shop. People at the shop will s you the thing you’re interested in right over the phone. You’ll be able to shop all over town and n leave your room. Passage 12 A Delicious Book Mr. King taught English in a middle school. He was very b 1 all the time and couldn’ t do some r 2 . So he left the school and opened a bookshop at the e 3 of the town. It wasn’t big enough but all the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. When the shop was c 4 , he could read at home. He knew a lot and the learned(有学问的) persons were glad to make f 5 with him. It was Sunday and it was cold outside. Mr. King was very busy. At nine in the evening all the buyers left e 6 a girl. She was dressed up and waited for s 7 there. Standing by the shelves, she looked over the books one after a 8 . It made them in a fearful mess(凌乱不堪). Mr. King came up to her and asked, “Excuse me, madam. What can I do for you?” “Your books are all dull(乏味的),”said the girl. “I want a d 9 one.” “That’s easy,” Mr. King smiled. He b 10 out a cookbook(烹调书)and said, “Here you are, madam.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Passage 13 Some of Robert’s old friends were t 1 about young people in their town. They all a 2 that old people were cleverer than young people. Then one of them said, “But young people are s 3 than old people.” All of them agreed that this is true e 4 Robert. He thought he was as strong as b - 4 - 5 . “That is not possible,” said his friends. “Well,” said Robert, “In one c 6 of my garden there’s a big stone. When I was young, I couldn’t m 7 it. I wasn’t strong e 8 . Now I’m old and when I try to move it, I s 9 can’t. That’s w 10 I’m as strong as before.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Passage 14 In the home a dad is very important. He is the person who provides us w 1 money and clothes . He can make your bedroom more beautiful, mend your radio, make c 2 for your birds, r 3 your bicycle and help you with your maths homework. A dad can be very u 4 for taking you in the car to and from parties, music lessons, and dancing lessons. He is the one who complains about the time you s 5 talking on the t 6 , as he has to p 7 the bills. Dad is someone who will support you in an argument, if he b 8 you to be right. He is someone who reads your school r 9 , and treats(奖励)you if it is good. A dad likes to come into a nice happy home in the evening, and sit in his chair with a n 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Passage 15 Can vegetables be p 1 in winter? Yes, but a greenhouse(温室)must be b 2 first. The greenhouse should be m 3 of glass. A large greenhouse may be ten metres l 4 , three metres w 5 , and two meters high. The sunshine can r 6 the vegetables t 7 the glass. The wind and cold air can be s 8 from getting in. the air inside the greenhouse is always w 9 . More and more greenhouses are b 10 built all over the world. All kinds of vegetables can be brought onto our dinner tables in winter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Passage 16 Traveling to all countries of the world gets easier and easier, but how well do we know and u__________each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine(设想) you will hold a m_________at four o’clock, what time should you e_________your foreign business friends to come? If they are German, they will a_________on time. If they are American, they’ll probably be fifteen minutes early. If they are British, they’ll be fifteen minutes late. The British seemed to think since the English l_________was widely used in the world, what they did was certain to be widely understood. Very soon they f__________they were completely(完 全地) wrong. For e________, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal; the Japanese p________not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know e________other, and they don’t drink at lunch. The Germans like to talk about business b__________dinner; the French like to eat first and - 5 - talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything. Passage 17 Do you k__________robots? There are a l__________of robots in the world now. Some of the robots can walk, sing and dance. Some can talk w__________people. Most of them can do heavy work. In a few m__________years, a robot will be able to d__________a car, a train, a ship or a p___________. In a hospital, a restaurant or a shop, we m__________see a robot at work. By then, we need n__________do the cooking or go shopping ourselves. We just give orders(命 令) to a robot and it will do a__________the housework. A robot will be our good f___________. Passage 18 Last May I stayed in Santo Lusa for a week. That was my f__________trip there. One morning I s_________out to visit a famous museum, but I didn’t know w____________way to go, so I stopped a stranger and asked, “Excuse me, does this street lead(通向)to the Grand Museum?” “Yes,” he answered. “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing. You can’t m___________it”. So I w_________two blocks(街区) and turned to my left, but the museum w__________there. Then I asked a second stranger. He said, “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing.” But a________I couldn’t find the museum. I asked a third stranger and he said the same thing. This time I found the Grand Museum. Just then s__________walked up and said. “Excuse me. Where’s the nearest b__________?” I answered q__________, “Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing!” Passage 19 Do you have a pet? Are you i__________in taking care of animals? Girls and boys who like animals may want to study to be animal doctors. They’re often c__________”vets”. Many of them work in animal h_________. Others may work on farms or at a z__________. Some study animal diseases(疾病) and try to find w__________to keep the animals from getting i_________. They do studies in m__________for animals. Vets listen to an animal’s h__________. They check(检查) its ears, eyes, mouth, and blood. They o_________animals when they need to. They may give the animals shots(注射) and tell the pets’ o_________what food is best. Passage 20 “I don’t want move!” Fred said to his father. “I like living here in New York City. And I__________to play in the streets. My Friends are__________. I want to stay!” “We have to__________. Fred.” Mr. Sparks said, “I have a__________job in the Island. Why__________you wait until you see them? Maybe you will like living__________.” “Never!” was Fred’s___________. A few weeks________, the Sparks family left the city by plane. They_________over land for hours. In San Francisco they took________big plane. This time they flew over water. At_________they saw land. “This is Hawaii,” Mr. Sparks said. “And it is the island we are to live__________. But we will visit the other islands, too. ___________of them are - 6 - beautiful.” “I don’t care(关心)__________they are like,” said Fred. “I wish I could go__________to New York City right now!” Passage 21 More and more people are__________the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail__________and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone, ___________in the world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world__________seconds(秒). E-mail is easy to use and it________time and money. It serves(服务) for twenty-four hours. So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail________. Can you imagine(想象) the future without teachers_________computers? Students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of________. Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at online libraries and_________lessons by world-class teachers. If they don’t understand something, they will ask other students___________or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more popular indeed. Passage 22 Dear Mum and Dad, I’m very happy to visit Beijing again. Great changes have taken place here. Yesterday, I went to visit Qiming Millde School-I had lived there_________nearly two years. Maybe you don’t believe(相信) I couldn’t find the_________there! A taxi driver took me there in the end, he said, “Bijing changes too__________. Sometimes even a Beijinger cannot find a way.” Now, English can be__________everywhere in Beijing. Many people are attending(参加) English classes in the evening schools, some of them can speak very good English. I’ m_________the 2008 Olympic can be held in Beijing successfully(成功地). Passage 23 A storm dropped(降) heavy rains on central and southern parts of China. The radio says that a_________the Xiangjiang River in Hunan, floods caused by terrible r_________in the past weeks killed 25 people and 13 others were missing. The Chinese Government warned some parts in Yunnan and the city of Chongqing of possible heavy rains over the n_________few days. In Changsha water levels rose(水位上升) to 38 metres early Monday morning, about 3 metres a___________the danger line. In Guangdong, ar l__________21 people have been killed, while three were s__________hurt and seven went missing w__________heavy floods hit northern parts by Saturday. The cities of Shaoguan, Meizhou and Heyuan w__________hardest hit and many people were left homeless(无家可归). About 620 million yuan has been lost in the floods. Guangdong has sent something u__________to Meizhou, Heyuan and Shaoguan to help the people who had lost homes build their h_________again. Passage 24 - 7 - Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Guangdong, China. __________a baby, she loved to draw. She drew lines everywhere. She__________drew on the walls! Her father was an artist. Yani wanted to be like__________. So she tried to stand like her father___________he painted. This made him laugh. One day, she__________lines on his painting. She was only two and a half years_________, but her father got angry. She cried and said, “I want to paint like you!” _________her father thought about his own childhood. He also wanted to draw and paint. But his parents_________understand him. They just got angry. He decided to help his darughter__________an artist. Wang Yani was famous at a young age, __________she still has a normal(常人的) life. So the Wang family lives like everyone else. Passage 25 Dear Editor, I used to be a doctor in the children’s department of a local________. Sometimes I treated children__________have been poisoned(中毒) by medicine for older family members. The children can easily_________the bottle that we now use in China. Some days ago I talked about medicine_________an American. He showed__________a plastic pill bottle that is “Childproof”(防儿童的). The design was_________simple that I’m sure our Chinese factories could produce these_________easily. The top of the bottle locks, but can be________by pressing down on the while turning. This is__________for most young children to do, __________adults can open them without any difficulty. I’m sure that the expense of making such tops would be very low. As a doctor, I’d love to see this done. And most parents would be grateful. Passage 26 Climbing a mountain is hard work. But one step after another finally brings a person to the___________. Along the way, he can stop and look_________. And the__________he climbs, the more wonderful his view(视野) is. If he keeps climbing, he will have a new world before him. He will have a new way of___________everything. Now learning_________language is something like climbing a mountain. This new language can give you a new view of life. And it is more than a look at the surface(表面) of things. It can open the way into people’s minds and hearts, into a culture(文化) very________from the one of your own. This will make you richer, ________in things that money can’t buy. Even though you never set foot on a ship or a plane, you can be an armchair________through books. Like the mountain climber who stops now and then to_________the scenery around him, everyone who is interested in reading will find_______in books as he fights on to learn more and more of that new language. Passage 27 It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still________on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time. Suddenly the ice_________. One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didn’t know_________to do. The two Canadian friends heard__________and skated over to get the boy out of the water. The ice was__________. The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their - 8 - best to_________the little boy. They knew they must be_________. If they didn’t push him up onto the ice, he would soon die. Many people ran over to_________. Some of them had ropes and poles(绳和竹竿). A young man jumped into the water to wave the_________people. The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didn’t feel well. She was sent to the_________at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe. Passage 28 Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American families have one or two p and one or two children each. Children in the US will leave their parents’ home when they grow up. They usually live f from their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often write to their parents or t them. And they often go to v their parents on holiday. Parents usually l their children choose their own jobs. Americans think i important for young people to decide on their lives by t . Children are a to do some work around their house. And in many families, children are p for doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for their own u . Passage 29 Most people want to work, but it has become m 1 difficult in today's world to find work for e 2 . the economies(经济)of the world n 3 to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is not p 4 , and so more people are w 5 work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can d 6 the work of many people in a shorter time. Also, machines don't ask for more money and l 7 holidays. In all of the countries of the world machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on f 8 . One machine can often do the work of forty people. About 75000 people are m 9 to the cities a day to look for jobs, but o 10 70% of them can find jobs. Passage 30 Someone says,“Time is money,”but I think time is even more i 1 than money. Why? Because when money is s 2 , we can get it b 3 .Howover,when time is g 4 ,it’ll never return .That’s w 5 we mustn’t waste(浪费) time.It’ s sure that the t 6 is usually limited(有限的).Even a second is very important.We should make full use of our time to do something u 7 .But some people don’t know the importance of time.They spend their limited time smoking,drinking and playing .They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own l 8 . In a word,we should save time,we shouldn’t l 9 today’s work for tomorrow.Remember we have no time to l 10 . - 9 - 答 案 Passage 1 river land friends visit uses nicks taught finished shopping own Passage 2 instead quite gives or different for times used making factories Passage 3 won difficult/dangerous carefully played early few learn fast safe body Passage 4 usual suddenly thought decided pushed shouted everywhere reached lives opening Passage 5 traveling money visiting showed on worried where before pay sent Passage 6 jokes day laughs thank rest life presents together December seen Passage 7 busy reading center closed friends except someone/somebody another delicious took Passage 8 would fell heard catch when angrily looked earlier afraid let Passage 9 became interesting run full with away back telephoned easy caught Passage 10 best game for passes kicks away minutes player end wins Passage 11 use talking change called with something librarian through send needn’t Passage 12 Busy reading end closed friends except someone/somebody another delicious brought Passage 13 talking agreed stronger except before corner move enough still why Passage 14 with cages repair unhappy spend telephone pay believe record newspaper Passage 15 planted built made long wide reach through stopped warm being Passage 16 understand meeting expect arrive language found example prefer each before Passage 17 know lot with more drive plane may not all friend Passage 18 first started which miss walked wasn’t again somebody/someone band/bus-stop/bookstore/bar quickly Passage 19 interested called hospitals zoo ways ill medicine heart operate owerners - 10 - Passage 20 like here move new don’t there answer later flew another last on All what back Passage 21 having/living quickly anywhere in saves back but learning watching online Passage 22 for way much heard sure Passage 23 along rain next/coming/following above least seriously/badly when/after were useful/helpful homes Passage 24 As even him when drew old Then didn’t/couldn’t become but Passage 25 Hospital who open with me so bottles opened hard/difficult but Passage 26 top around higher thinking foreign different even walking look pleasure Passage 27 skating broke what that thin reach quick help other hospital Passage 28 parents far telephone visit let it themselves asked paid use Passage 29 more everybody need possible without do longer farms moving only Passage 30 important spent back gone why time useful lives leave lose 初三英语缺词填空专项练习 (一) Do you have a pet? Are you i_____________ in taking care of animals? Girls and boys who like animals may want to study to be animal doctors. They’re often c____________ “vets”. Many of them work in animal h_____________. Others may work on farms or at a z____________. Some study animal diseases and try to find w____________ to keep the animals from getting i__________. They do studies in m_____________ for animals. Vets listen to an animal’s h____________. They check (检查) its ears, eyes, mouth and blood. They o___________ on animals when they need to. They may give the animals shots (注射) and tell the pet’s o ____________ what food is best. (二) Dear Tom: Are you surprised to hear from me? I have not heard from you s____________ the beginning of the summer h______________. How are you getting on with your s___________? How are your parents? Is your brother Bill b______________ f______________ Canada yet? - 11 - My stamp collection is g___________ bigger and bigger. I have collected stamps of more than forty d_______________ countries. In my stamp books. I usually put the stamps from each country together. I have got a pen-friend from Britain. She gave me some B___________ stamps. My American teacher has given me some beautiful American and Canadian stamps. I’m glad to know you are going to give me some foreign stamps, but I still have not r_____________ the stamps of Nepal which you said to p_____________ me. Have you sent them off yet? Please write to me. Have you sent them off yet? Yours Zhou Wen (三) When Martin was a small boy, he lived in the little town of Holtham. Then he thought the town was a big p_____________. Well, Martin went back to Holtham last week. “It’s a small town!” he thought. Holtham has changed little during the p____________ forty years. B___________ Martin has changed a lot. He has g____________ into a man. He is now in m______________ life. His thoughts are a man’s thoughts, and he sees things through a m______________ eyes. Martin s______________ in Holtham for five years. He walked from street t___________ street. He could see no friends. Was Holtham, then, a town of strangers? No, Martin suddenly u________________ it all. Only he h_____________ was a stranger in the town. (四) I got an answering machine for my birthday and I soon realized(意识到)what a u____________ machine this is. I am not at home m____________ of the day, so someone can leave a message and I can ring them b_______________. They have no way to say they c_____________ get in touch with (联系) me. S_____________ when I am at home and have work to do, the phone never s_____________. Now I put the machine on. I am not troubled. So I can do a lot m______________ work. There are some people I j_____________ do not want to talk to. So I put the machine on and I don’t have to s_______________ to them. In conclusion(总之),I really don’t know how I lived w________________ this wonderful machine. (五) Near the North Pole (北极) there are two s______________, winter and summer. The winter nights are long. For more t____________ two months, you can’t s____________ the sun, e___________ at noon. The summer days are also long. For more than two months, the sun n___________ goes down and there are no n______________. The people there have warm clothes. They make most of these clothes by t____________. They make them from the skins (皮) of a_____________. From skins they make coats and hats and even shoes. In this cold weather, trees can’t g____________. The people there have to build their houses from skins, earth or snow. Life is h____________ for the people there. (六) How do you like to go to school like one in Oxford(牛津大学), England ? There are no r_____________ classes. The students go from one group to a _____________ when they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-five years old all in the s______________ group. They work at their o______________ studies. Nobody tells them what they should or - 12 - shouldn’t be doing. The day I visited, school b______________ at nine. Some students were working at a tape recorder and listening to their lessons. Others were watching TV on maths. A group was reading in the school l_______________. I didn’t see anybody just sit doing n______________. Everybody was studying. At lunch time I could see students w______________, too. They were talking about their lessons while they were e______________. When you think of these students you can be sure it is one of the best s ________________ in the world. (七) One day when Nasreddin was having a bath, he began to s_____________. The bathroom was small with a stone floor. His song was very b______________, he thought. “Oh”,he said, “I sing very well. I will sing to o______________ people, too, and maybe I’ ll be a famous s______________, and most people will want to hear me.” So after his bath Nasreddin went up onto the roof (屋顶) of the house and began to sing his song very l____________. A man was w_____________ in front of the house and he h______________ Nasreddin, he said, “What are you doing? You are m_____________ a terrible noise. Nobody wants to hear it.” “Oh, you think so, don’t you?” answered Nasreddin, “Well, I r____________ sing very beautifully. Come to my bathroom and you’ll hear h_____________ beautiful I can sing.” (八) One day Mike was playing near a river. S_____________ his knife fell into the river. He felt very sad because the knife was g______________ to him by his father as a birthday present, but it was lost. Then all at once, a k______________ old woman came up and asked Mike what was the m______________. “I had lost my knife,” he said, “ it fell into the water when I was playing here.” The old woman s_____________ him a gold (金) knife and asked, “is this y__________?” “No.” said the boy. The old woman then showed him a silver (银) knife and asked a____________, “Is this yours?” “No”, again answered the boy. Then she showed him an iron (铁) knife. “Yes, that’s mine,” c____________ out the happy boy. “I know it well e_____________.” said the old woman.. “Now I will give you the gold knife and the silver knife b_____________ you are an honest (诚实的) boy.” (九) Tom liked to play at school. He had not been doing w____________ in the exam.. So the a__________ teacher decided to ask his father to come to school to have a t___________ with him. When his father came, the teacher said to him, “ Your son didn’t work hard, and e_________ worse, he cheated (作弊) in the exam.” “ How do you l___________ it?” Tom’s father said. “Since Tom has the s___________ answer as the girl’s. The girl sits next to him.” The teacher said. Then the father said, “ Then m__________ the girl copied my son’s answer.” “Oh no! There are ten questions on the paper. Your son’s answer t__________ the first nine - 13 - questions are just the same as the g____________. To the last question the girl answered, ‘I don’t know’. And your son write ‘N___________ do I’ ”. (十) A shop owner c____________ his shop and went home. He was very t___________ ,but j____________ as he went to bed, the telephone rang . A man asked, “What time do you o_____________ your shop?” The shop owner was u______________ about this phone call. He put down the receiver(听筒) without a_____________ and went back to bed. A few minutes later the telephone rang again and the man asked the s_____________ question. The shop owner became very angry and shouted, “ You needn’ t ask me when I open the shop, f____________ I won’t let you i___________.” “Oh, no, I don’t want to get in,” the man said, “I want to go o___________.” (十一) Lenin learned some English at school. B_____________ when he got to England, he met with such d_______________ that he could not make himself u______________ and he couldn’t understand the Englishmen, e_______________. Later he found he wasn’t sure of s____________ English and his friends gave him some advice o____________ how to i_____________ it. He decided to learn English by always. He went on l______________ English for several months. Finally he learned it so well that he was able to express(表达)himself freely. He was praised b____________ his friends f______________ his great progress in English. (十二) Len and Jim worked for the same company. One day, Len l__________ Jim 80 dollars, but then Jim left his job and went to work in another town w___________ paying Len back his 80 dollars. Len had not seen Jim for a year, and then he heard from a__________ friend that Jim was in town and s__________ at Cantral Hotel, so he went to see him there l________ in the evening. He found out the number of Jim’s room from the hotel g___________ at the desk downstairs and went up to find him. When he got to the room, he saw Jim’s shoes o___________ the door, w_____________to be cleaned. “ Well, he m____________ be in,” he thought, and knocked at the door. No one answered. He knocked again. Then he said, “I know you’re in. Your shoes are out here.” “I went out in my slippers,” answered a voice i____________ the room.. (十三) A foolish (傻) man went to a food shop to buy a fish. As he didn’t know h___________ to cook fish, he asked the shopkeeper to tell the way of c____________ it. The shopkeeper did so. “But I can’t remember your w____________,” the foolish man said, “Will you please w___________ them down for me?” The shopkeeper was kind e_____________ to write his words down for the man. The foolish man left happily w_____________ the fish in his basket and the note in his pocket. On his way home, a cat saw the fish and f_____________ the man. Suddenly the cat jumped at him, took the fish away from the basket q_____________ and ran off at once. The foolish man stood there, not k_____________ what to do. Then he laughed to the - 14 - cat, “Never mind. You don ‘t know how to eat it. The note is s_____________ in my pocket.” (十四) Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant (佣人). He and the servant l__________ wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man l__________ his house, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew w___________ his servant did, b___________ he had never caught his servant doing that. One morning when he left home, he said to the servant, “ Here are two bottles of poison (毒药) and some nice food in the house. You must take care of them.” W________ these words, he went out. But the servant knew that what the rich man had said was u____________. After the rich man was away from his home, he e_____________ a nice meal. S____________ he drank too much, he was tipsy (醉) and fell to the ground. When the rich man came back, he couldn’t find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had catch up everything. He was a____________ to be punished(惩 罚),so he drank the poison to kill h_____________. (十五) Bill Jenkins worked in a big office in the city and he often went to the barber’s (理发店) d____________ working hours to have his hair cut, t____________ this was a___________ the rules (规定): Office workers had to have their hair cut in their o___________ time. While Bill was at the barber’s one day, the manager of the office came in to have his o___________ hair cut. Bill saw him and tried to cover his face w__________ a newspaper, but the manager came up and sat beside him, so he soon found him. “Hello, Jenkins,” the manager said, “I see that you are having your hair cut in o___________ time.” “Yes, sir, I am,” answered Bill, “You see, sir, my hair g___________ in office time.” “Not all of it.” said the manager of the office at once, “ M___________ of it grows in your own time.” “Yes, sir, that’s quite true,” answered Bill politely, “but I’m not having it a___________ cut off.” (十六) A lady once wrote a long story. She sent to a f_____________ editor (编辑). After a few weeks the editor r_______________ the story to her. The lady was angry. She wrote back to the editor: “ Dear Sir, Yesterday you sent back a story of mine. H______________ do you know that the story is not good? You did not read it. B______________ I sent you the story, I pasted (粘贴) together page 18, 19 and 20. This was a t________________ too see whether you would read the story. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were s________________ pasted together. Is this the w_____________ you read all the stories that are sent to you?” The editor wrote back: “Dear Madam, At breakfast then I have an egg, I don’t h_______________ to eat the w_____________ egg in order to d________________ that it is bad.” - 15 - (十七) When Mary Smith was a student, she wanted to be a teacher, b______________ she liked children. When she was twenty, she began t _____________ in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she laughed a lot with the children in her class. They e_____________ her teaching. One day one of the g________________ in her class said to her, “Miss Smith, w_____________ does a man’s hair become gray before his beard (胡子) does?” Mary laughed and laughed, “I don’t know. Helen, do you know?” “I don’t know, e_____________, Miss Smith.” said Helen, “but it h_____________ to my father.” The o_____________ children in the class laughed when they heard this. Then a boy said , “I know, Miss Smith! A man’s hair becomes gray f_____________ because it’ s sixteen years o________________ than his beard.” (十八) It was a r________________ day. I was on my way home. I hadn’t been back for weeks. When I got home, to my s_________________, I found my mother wasn’t busy doing her housework as she u________________ to be. She was reading i______________. And I saw some books on her desk . Some years ago, there were no books in my home except my textbook. I took one of the books from the desk. It was about h____________ to raise chicks. At supper time, my father came home. After supper he told me he was going to learn English because he w____________ to run chicken farm. He said that he must learn something more from foreign countries. He also told me that one could do n_______________ without knowledge. It was late. The light in my parents’ room were still o_____________. I was l______________ in bed. l________________ to the drops of rain outside, as if they were saying, “ You must study harder than before.” (十九) Have you heard a_____________ that a cow can dance? This cow belongs to (属于) Farmer James. One evening Farmer James gave a p______________ at his house, and he asked all his friends to come to the party. the weather was hot that evening, and many people danced o______________ in the garden. That was near the place w_______________ the cows s______________. One cow c_____________ sleep that night. The music k______________ her a______________, perhaps. So she got up and came into the garden and started to dance. She danced a_______________, of course, but she danced n______________. And now many people on the farm are talking about her. (二十) I went to the d_____________ yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he c___________ see me. “I’m going a______________ next week,” I said, “I shall go to America on b_____________. But I’ve had a p_____________ for two days. Do you think I’ll be well e_____________ to go?” “When I have examine (检查) you, I’ll be a____________ to tell you.” the doctor said. “I was working in the garden when I suddenly f____________ the pain.” I told the doctor, “If I stopped at once it would be all right, I think. But I never get any e_____________ in my job so I went on working.” After examining me c_______________, the doctor said, “ You may hurt your back. I would like to send you to hospital for an X-ray.” - 16 - (二十一) One day a pig went to the stable (马棚) to see his good friend, an old horse, and was going to stay there for the n_____________. Night came and it was time for sleep. The pig went into the straw heap (稻草堆) and lay comfortably. A long time p____________, but the horse was s___________ standing there and did not move. So the pig asked the horse w_____________ he did not go to sleep. “Standing like this is the b_____________ of sleeping.” answered the horse. The pig found it h_____________ to believe and said, “How can you stand there s____________? It is not comfortable at a_____________.” The horse answered, “Comfort is your habit (习性). A___________ horses we have the habit of r_____________ quickly. So we are always ready to run quickly even if we are asleep. (二十二) Venice is a beautiful city in Italy. It’s one of the most u_________________ cities in the world. It’s b_______________ on a group of small i______________. Hundreds of stone bridges cross the rivers b______________ the islands. On the rivers there are l______________ boats. They are the “ water buses” of Venice. If we travel a_______________ the rivers in a boat. Italians may tell about the beautiful p_______________. Italians may tell us about the rivers. We can see on b___________ sides of the rivers. We can also see many old buildings and the church of St. Mark. W____________ a beautiful city Venice is! I w_____________ I could visit it one day, but it’s so far away. (二十三) A young officer (军官) was at a railway station. He was going to v____________ his mother in another town, and he wanted to t______________ her to tell her the time of his train so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went o_____________ and looked a____________ for someone to help him. At last an old soldier came b___________, and the young officer stopped him and said, “ Have you got change for ten pence (便士),” “ Wait a moment,” the old soldier answered, b_____________ to put his hand in his pocket, “I’ll see w_____________ I can help you.” “ Don’t you know h___________ to speak to an officer?” the young man said a____________, “Now, let’s start again. Have you got change for ten pence?” “ No, sir.” the old soldier answered q____________. (二十四) When Bob was three years old, he suddenly f_____________ ill one evening. The next day he got m______________ worse. His parents could do n_____________ but take him to a Negro(黑人) doctor. The doctor said that Bob was b______________ ill and must be s_____________ to a hospital at once. In a hurry, his father took him to a hospital n______________, but the hospital refused (拒绝) to take him in because it was for the w______________ only. Bob’s father took him to a______________ hospital. The same thing h_______________ to him. At last his father has to drive him to a black hospital far away. But it was too late. Little Bob d______________ on - 17 - the way. (二十五) Mark Twain was a______________ one day if he could remember the first money he earned (赚 得). He thought a long time before a________________ and then said, “Yes, it was at school. There was a rule in our school that anybody w_______________ damaged (破坏) his desk with a pencil or a knife would be b________________ in front of the whole school o_____________ would have to pay five dollars. One day I damaged my desk in some way. I had to tell my father I had b_____________ the rule, and had to pay five dollars, or be beaten before the whole school. He agreed to pay. But before g________________ me the money he took me upstairs and gave me a b____________. Now as I had had one beating and got used to it. I decided I would take a________________ beating at school and k_______________ the five dollars. So that is what I did. That was the first money I ever earned.” (二十六) One day a poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat to town. Suddenly the bag fell from his horse onto the road. He did not know w____________ to do about it because it was too heavy for him to lift by himself. He only hoped that someone would soon pass by and l_____________ him a hand. Just at this moment a man r_________________ a horse camp up to him. But the farmer’s heart went down when he saw who he was. It was the great man living n______________. The farmer had hoped to ask another farmer or a poor man like him to come along and help him. He couldn’ t ask s_______________ a great man to help him. But to his s________________, the great man got off his horse as soon as he came nearer. He said to the farmer. “I see you n_____________ help, friend. How good it is that I’m here just at the right time.” Then he took one end of the bag, the farmer the other, they t_________________ raised it and put it on the horse. “Sir”, asked the farmer, “How can I p____________ you?” “It’s quite easy,” the great man replied with a smile. “Wherever you see anyone e________________ in trouble, do the same for him.” (二十七) There was an old man who loved money very much. He n______________ gave anything to a______________. After some years he became rich. One day he was walking near the river with his friends. When he fell into the river. His friends ran to help him. One of them held out his hand and cried, “G____________ me your hand and I’ll pull you out!” The rich m______________ head went u______________ the water and then came up again, but he didn’t give his hand to his friend. Again a______________ friend tried, but again the s__________ thing happened. Then another friend, Nasreddin, said, “T_____________ my hand and I’ll pull you out!” the rich man gave his hand and Nasreddin pulled him out of the water. “You don’t know your friend well.” Nasreddin said to the others, “When you say ‘give’ to him, he do n______________, but when you say ‘take’, he a_______________ takes.” (二十八) - 18 - All men n_____________ air. When you put your h______________ under water you cannot keep it i_____________ long. A swimmer can’t swim under water very long. He needs air. A good swimmer may swim w_______________ his face in the water, if so he keeps raising his head to take a breath t______________ his mouth. If he goes down under the water, he has to come up for air e_____________ twenty or thirty seconds. He does not take in air t_______________ his nose under the water, b_____________ water could get in through his nose with the air and go to his lungs (肺). W___________ water in his lungs a man c_____________ go on living. (二十九) Computers are very important to m______________ life. Many people think that the f_____________ computers will be used in lots of everyday life. It is thought that we won’t have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold in shops on the I_____________. There will be no more books because we will be able to get all texts from computers. The Internet will be used to play g_______________, see films and buy food. Most telephone calls will be made by computers, too. Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communicating (交际). Others do not think that computers will replace (代替) our old ways. Let’s look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books m____________ of paper. Instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We will read texts on small personal computers. The computers will k_____________ many different books in them at the s______________ time. We won’t need to turn lots of pages and paper will be s______________. Computerized (计算机化) Books will be used more and more. Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people say it is p____________ to go into shops and look at things you want to buy. It is also unlikely (不大可能) that many people will want to read large texts on our computers. Because paper books will perhaps be more friendly. Maybe computers won’t c_______________ these two habits (习惯). (三十) Susan was c____________ in the rain on her way home after school. It was only half a kilometer from her home. She r ____________faster and hoped to go back as soon as possible. The rain got h____________ and she didn’t find a fallen tree on the road. She fell off her bike and was badly hurt. Mr Hunt found her and c_____________ her in his car and two hours later she came to h_____________. Her relatives were standing n______________ her bed. She felt p_____________ in her leg. Her mother told her to take some medicine and a nurse gave her an i_____________. The next day Miss King and her classmates came to see her w____________ some flowers and fruit. They told her not to worry about her lessons. They said they would help her after she h_____________. (三十一) American people like to say “Thank you”, when other people help them or say something kind to them. People of many o_______________ countries do so, too. It is a very good habit. You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone walking - 19 - before you k_______________ the door open for you, when someone s________________ you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is u________________ not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and w_____________. “Excuse me” is a______________ short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so b_______________ you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you. It is not p______________ to interrupt others while they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin t________________. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant n_______________ before others. ( 三十二) Here’s a story about Ming’s life on the water. Ming has lived all his life on a wide r_____________ in China. His home is a large house-boat with a roof. In about six years he has not once been on l__________, but he is never lonely. Ming is a strong swimmer. In fact, he could swim before he could walk. When he wants to play with his f______________, he just swims across to their boats or asks them to v________________ them. Ming’s father is a fisherman, but he never u_____________ a line or a net(网). Great black birds called cormorants do the fishing for him. Rings have been put around the birds’ n____________ so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been taught to b_____________ the fish to people. And then people reward them with a fine big fish as soon as their work is f______________. Ming loves watching the cormorants, but better still he likes going s________________ with his mother. The shops, of course, are boats very like his o________________. (三十三) All life on our earth depends, in one way or a_______________, on the sun. W______________ its light and warmth, there would be no life. The sun gives us our food and our clothing material (衣料). It e______________ gives us our coal (煤), too. The sun also m______________ our day and our night. Light travels in s______________ lines. It comes from the sun, 95,000,000 miles a________________. The sun lights half the earth at a time. It is day on the lighted side. It is night on the dark side of the earth. Almost every part of the earth turns from day to night d______________ 24 hours. A sunny day in winter is colder than a sunny day in summer. This is because the summer day is longer, everything has a longer time to warm up and the sun shines more directly on the earth. In winter, the day is short, there is l_____________ time for everything to get warm and the sun doesn’t shine more directly on the earth. Land, just like the sand, warms up more quickly than water but it also l______________ its heat (热量) more quickly. So on a hot summer’s day on the beach, you can feel how hot the sand gets. The water is cool to the feet when you go for a paddle. The sun makes our earth b_______________. It gives us light. It keeps us warm. It makes things grow. We can not live without the sun. (三十四) - 20 - Many people think the more time is s_____________, the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole day doing school work e_______________ the three meals. They always work b_______________ at school and at home. Modern students usually have many h________________. They love music and sports. They like reading and watching TV. But a two-day weekend is often f______________ with too much homework. What can they do? Many students have to do their homework all day. Some of them don’t do their homework u________________ Sunday night. So they have to finish much homework carelessly in a short time and the homework often m______________ teachers very angry. Things always get w______________ without right ideas. Too much homework makes students l______________ interest in learning. It’s also bad for their health. Such a condition should be changed to give students both pleasure and k_______________. Please give students more free time. (三十五) When women got married in some western countries, they change part of their n___________. That is, they take their husband’s last names as t______________. Miss Surrey r_________________ to teaching in September after she got married. She told the first-grade students that they were to c_______________ her Mrs White. Most of the s____________ were the ones she had taught before and quite a few of them looked confused (困惑的). When school was over in the a________________, a girl went home and told her mother, “ We have a new t______________, Mum. Her name is Mrs White, but she l_____________ like Miss Surrey so m_______________ that it will be very difficult to t____________ one from the other.” (三十六) Scientists are trying to turn d_______________ into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, s________________ people can live and grow food there. However, more and more land is b________________ desert. Why? Scientists think that people are doing bad things to t______________ good land into desert. Some places on the earth do not get very m_______________ rain, but they still do not become desert. This is b_______________ green plants are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very important to dry places. Plants do not let the hot sun make them even d____________. plants do not let the wind b_____________ the soil away. When rain falls, plants hold the water. W______________ plants land can become desert much more e________________. (三十七) An old man was going home late one night w______________ his horse and cart after a day’s hard work. When he was not far from his house, the light of the cart went out. He t____________ but failed. “ Where’s your light?” a cool voice came from the dark.. it was a p______________. “I had one but it has just g____________ out.” The carter said. “I don’t b____________ your story.” Said the policeman angrily, with a book in his hand, g_____________ ready to write, “What’s your name and address?” “Please don’t take my name, my house is just there. I had a light nearly the w_____________ way.” “You came all the way without a light. Tell me your„” - 21 - the carter q_____________ took the policeman’s hand and put it down on the top of the light. The light was still hot and b______________ the man’s hand. The man jumped and got even a______________. (三十八) There is nothing more i______________ to life than the sun. W_______________ the sun, all living things on the earth would die. The sun is a star. In the sky there are t_______________ of stars like the sun. they are as large as the sun and as h______________ as the sun. at night you can see many stars, but in the day you can only see one star------ the sun. The sun is much n_____________ to us than any other star. That is w_______________ it looks the biggest and brightest of all the stars. The distance (距离) of the sun from the earth is as m______________ as 150,000,000 kilometers. Most stars are thousands of light-years a____________ from the earth. Do you know what a light-year is? N______________ in the world travels faster than light. It travels 300,000 kilometers per second. And one light-year is the distance that light can travel in one y_____________. (三十九) There is a one-day h______________ in most countries on New Years Day. The real celebration foe New Year h_______________ on the night before – on New Year’s Eve. There are several interesting customs(风俗)in the West, and there are many d_______________ from country to country. T_____________ Christmas is family get-together, New Year for some is a time to be with friends, too. P_____________ are most often held to w_____________ New Year. At such parties, there is food and drink and dancing until the time near for the c______________ of New Year. At midnight, people often say “Happy New Year” to each other. Champagne (香槟) is a f____________ drink for New Tear. In many western countries fireworks (烟火) are let off, and many people like to make a n______________, possibly to drive away bad spirits. One important song is often s_______________ at New Year, the Scottinsh Song of Auld Lang Syne (good times long ago). (四十) I’m sure you have heard of the name of “Yao Ming”. He is now a famous basketball p_____________. He was b______________ in Shanghai,1980. at the a_____________ of 4, he had to pay for tickets because of his height. Even t______________ his parents are very good at basketball, he didn’ t love this game at first. And he had no confidence I h______________. He was too thin, and his friends jokingly c_____________ him “chopsticks”. “Don’t g_______________ up! Just try!” his coach (教练)encourages him all the time. In 1998, he became a m______________ of the National Men’s Team. (国家男蓝). Four years l____________, he was picked by NBA. Now all the Chinese are very p____________ of Yao Ming. 参考答案 - 22 - 1. interested , called, hospitals, zoo, ways, ill, medicine ,heart, operate , owner 2. since, holidays, studies, back, from, getting, different, British , received, post 3. place, past, But, grown, middle, man’s, stayed, to, understood, himself 4. useful, most, back, can’t, stops, more, just, speak, without 5. seasons, than, see, even, never, night, themselves, animals, grow, hard 6. real, another, same, own, began, library, nothing, working, eating, schools 7. sing, beautiful, other, singer, loudly, walking, heard, making, really, how 8. Suddenly, given, kind, matter, showed, yours, again, cried, enough, because 9. well. Angry, talk, even, learn, same, maybe, to, girl’s, Neither. 10. closed, tired, just, open, unhappy, answering, same, for, in, out 11. but, difficulties, understand, either, spoken, on improve, learning, by, for 12. lent, without, another, staying, late, girl, outside, waiting, must, inside 13. how ,cooking, words, write, enough, with, followed, quickly, knowing, still 14. loved, left, what, but, with, untrue, enjoyed, since, afraid, himself 15. during, though, against, own, own, with, office, grows, Most, all 16. famous, returned, How, before, test, still, way, have, whole, discover 17. because, teaching, enjoyed, girls, why, either, happened, other, first, older 18. rainy, surprised, used, instead, how, wanted, nothing, on, lying, listening 19. about, party, outside, where, slept, couldn’t, kept, awake, alone, nicely 20. doctor’s, could, abroad, business, pain, enough, able, felt, exercise, carefully 21. night, passed, still, why, beginning, hard, sleeping, all , as, running 22. . unusual, built, islands, between, little, long, places, both, what, wish 23. visit, telephone, outside, around, by, beginning, whether, how, angrily, quickly 24. fell, much, nothing, badly, sent, nearby, white, another, happened, died 25. asked, answering, who, beaten, or, broken, giving, beating, another, keep 26. what, lend, riding, nearly, such, surprise, need, together, pay, else 27. never, anybody, Give, man’s under, another, same, Take, nothing, always. 28. need, head, in, with, through, every, through, because, with, can’t 29. modern, future, Internet, games, made, keep, same, saved, pleasant, change 30. caught, rode, heavier, carried, herself, near, painful, injection, with, healed 31. other, keeps, says, used, wives, another, before polite, talking, noise 32. river, land, friends, visit, uses, neck, bring, finished, shopping, own 33. another, without, even, makes, straight, away, during, less, leaves, bright 34. spent, except, both, hobbies, filled, until, makes, worse, lose, knowledge 35. names, theirs, returned, call students, afternoon, teacher, looks, much, tell 36. desert, so being, turn, much, because, driver, blow, without, easily 37. with, tried, policeman, gone, believe, getting, whole, quickly, burned, angrier 38. important, Without, thousands, hot, nearer, why, much, away, Nothing, year 39. holiday, happens, differences, Traditional, Parties, wish, coming, first, noise, sung 40. player, born, age, though, himself, called, give, member, later, proud - 23 - 中考英语------首字母填空 1 看图填词:请根据图中的提示,在短文的横线上填入适当的词,使短文的意思完整与正确,每空一 词。(本大题共10分,每空1分) Li Lei 1 a student. He usually gets up early. But this morning he got up 2 . It was already 3 o'clock. He had no time to have his breakfast. He said goodbye to his 4 and hurried out. He 5 to school quickly by 6 . When he 7 to the school gate, he found it was 8 . Suddenly he 9 it was 10 . He had already forgotten that. 2 看图写话:根据图画所提供的语景,在空格中填入适当的词,使其意思完整、语法正确,每空格限 填一个英语单词。(10分) 1(It was late last Monday, but Tom was still 1 TV in his room. There was a wonderful football match on TV. 2 excited(激动的)he was! That night he 3 go to bed until twelve o'clock. 2(The next morning, it was a 4 to eight. It was too late for Tom to get to school 5 time. But he was still in bed. 3(When Tom 6 school, it was eight. The teacher was already beginning her lesson. As soon as Tom came into the classroom, she got 7 and said,“What time is it now, Tom?” Tom felt sorry and could say 8 . 4(In English class, he 9 a test. As he didn't know the lessons at 10 , Tom failed his English test. - 24 - 3 根据图画内容,在下面短文的空格中填上适当的单词,使短文完整、正确、通顺(每个空格限填一 个单词)。 Meimei can't go to school today because she isn't feeling well. Mum asked her to stay 1 . This morning Meimei went to the 2 3 together with Mum. The doctor asked Meimei in to 4 her 5 and 6 “Ah.”He looked over Meimei carefully. It was 7 serious. So the doctor said to her,“You've caught a bit of cold. Take this 8 9 times a day and drink more 10 . You'll feel better soon.” 4 请根据下面四幅图的提示在横线上填入适当的词,使短文意思完整与正确。每空一词。 It was 1 yesterday. I 2 3 at 4 past six in the morning. We 5 6 the West Hill Park to 7 trees. As soon as we got there, we began to work. I dug holes and Li Ming 8 the trees in them. We worked hard the whole day. 5 看图用适当的词完成句子。 Yesterday Li Lei felt very weak. He had a cold. Doctor said to him, “Take the 1 2 times a day. Drink more 3 every day. From now on 4 need to get up early and do morning 5 .” 6 根据下列四幅图所示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,使句子完整与正确。 1 is the best season of the years. 2 begins to 3 It's very hot in 4 . Swimming is the best 5 in this season. 6 is a harvest season. Farmers are usually very 7 in the season. It's very 8 in winter. People need to 9 more clothes. We like to 10 skating on the ice. - 25 - 7 看图填空 根据图示及所给对话内容填入所缺单词,每空一词。 A:Hi, Jack. B:Hi, Ling Ming. I'm 1 to see you. :I hear there 2 3 to be a 4 A match at the school playground this 5 . B:Really? Is that 6 school? A:Yes. At four o'clock. :That's 7 ! B A: 8 we go and watch it? B:Why not? 9 go at half past three. A: 10 ! 8 看图填词 请根据图示,用适当的词语填空,并将答案填写在答题纸相应题号的横线上,每段横线上限填一词。 Li Ming got up at a______ 1 ______this morning. After breakfast he hurried to the school 2 . He was riding ______ 3 _____ stop himself at the crossing when the traffic light turned red. His bike______ 4 _____ and he fell down heavily to the ground. He was hurt and______ 5 _______ ______. We should all remember such a lesson(教训)( 9 根据下图和上下文内容填空,完成短文,每空限填1个单词。 A:Excuse me! Can you tell me the 1 to the station, please? B:Yes, Go down this road, and turn 2 at the first crossing. Go along 3 until you reach the end. You'll find the station 4 of you. A: 5 is it from here? - 26 - B:It's about half an hour's walk, but it will take you only ten minutes if you to there by bus. A:Thank you very much. B:Not at all. 10 根据图示及所给句子,在每一空格内填写一词,使句子通顺完整,内容与图示相符。 1(The woman is ____ the street ____ the telephone box. In the telephone box, a young woman ____ a long ____ is ____. 2(A woman ____ a girl is ____ the street. (A black ____ drove too fast and ____ into____ 3 one. The man was ____ frightened(害怕)that he threw ____ to the ground, but the young woman looked quiet. 4(The policeman at the ____, and he didn't ____ to know what to do. 11 A)看图填词(每空1分) How to plant a tree 1(____ a hole large enough for the tree. 2(Knock a long, strong stick ____ the earth next to the hole. 3(Put the ____ back in the hole again. 4(Tie the ____ to the top of the stick. 5(_____ it well, as often as possible. 12 请根据图示和语境,用适当词语的正确形式填空,每段横线限填一词。 - 27 - (Zhu Min is asking Li Yi what he is going to do during his summer holidays. Z: Zhu Min; L: Li Yi) Z: When will the summer holidays(1)____, do you know? L: Yes, next week. The holiday will(2)____ from July 7th to August 31st. Z: How are you going to(3)____ your holidays? L: My(4) ____ and I will travel to a few big cities in the (5) ____ of China. Z: What cities are you going to(6) ____ ? L:(7) ____we're going to Shenyang and we'll(8) ____ there for half a month, then to Changchun, and finally(最后)to Harbin. Z: Wonderful! They're all places of great interest, I think. By the way, how are you going there? L:(9)____ ____. Z:I hope you'll(10)____ ____. L: Thank you. I'm sure we'll have a good time. 13 根据图示,在下面短文中填写词语。每个空格只能填写一个单词,使短文通顺、完整、并与图意相 符。 Long long ago, an elephant and a monkey lived in the same forest. They were good friends, but both of them were very proud(自傲). The 1 thought of himself strong, and the 2 felt himself quick. One day they went to ask the old 3 ,“Can you tell us which is 4 important, strong or quick?”The old bird didn't give them the answer at once. Instead he 5 them to get some bananas on the other side of the 6 and bring them to him. So the elephant and the monkey went to the river, but the 7 ran so fast that the monkey was afraid. “Get on my 8 , Monkey,”said the elephant,“I shall take you there. I'm big and strong, and I can swim 9 the river.” Soon they got to the other side. The elephant 10 hard to reach the bananas, but they were too 11 .“Wait a 12 , please. I can 13 ,”said the monkey. He quickly ran up the 14 and passed the 15 to the elephant. Then they came 16 happily to the old bird and showed him the bananas.“Now, you see, the elephant is strong,”said the old bird 17 a smile, “but he couldn't get the bananas; the monkey is quick, but he couldn't 18 . Only you two could do the 19 well when you helped 20 other.” 14 看图填词,根据下列四幅图画所示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词。 - 28 - One day Jim was very 1 . Mrs Green was 2 . She took Jim to 3 a doctor. The doctor looked 4 Jim very carefully. Then she said Jim had caught a bad 5 . She told Jim to 6 more water and take 7 on time. The next day Jim was 8 right. He wa 9 to pla y 10 again. 15 下面有四幅画,请根据图画的背景,在每个空格内填上一词,使短文完整正确。 It was 1 o'clock in the morning, but Jim was still 2 . His mother came in and 3 him 4 . It seemed there was 5 wrong with him. Jim told his mother he had a headache. His mother asked him 6 to go to school, and to see a doctor. At the doctor's, the doctor looked him 7 carefully. He had a bad cold, but it's nothing serious. He gave Jim some pills and told him to have a good 8 . At home after he 9 some medicine, Jim went to 10 . 16 看图填词:根据画面显示的内容,在各幅图旁的句子或短文的横线上填入适当的词,一空一词。 1(There is a____ smile____ his face. 2(Today is ____, 29th. 3(There is a man, a ____and a tree in the ____. 4(The man ____live in the city. He lives in the ____. ____is spring now. He is working on the ____. 17 根据图示,填词完成对话。 1(A:Hi, Meimei! How are you? B:I'm_____ Thank you.____ ____? A:I'm fine, too. Thank you. 2(A:Look! What are Mike and Tom doing? B:They are____ ____. - 29 - 3(A:What does Mary like doing? B:She likes____ ____. 4(A:Mary often ____in the river. She is______ at swimming. B:Who ____her? A:No one. She teaches ____. 5(A:Where is Lucy? B:She is ill____ ____. A:Who comes to see her? B:Lily. She brings Lucy some ____. 18 根据下组图示和短文内容,填词完成句子(每空限填一词)。 There were no classes this afternoon. My classmates all 1 to People's Park. They had a good time, 2 I didn't go. After lunch Aunt Huang came in and she 3 worried. She said to me,“Grandma is ill. I must take her to 4 . But my baby,„” “Don't 5 ,”I said.“I can look after her.” “Thank you, Xiao Feng.”Then she left. The baby was about ten months 6 .At first she was asleep. Half an hour 7 she woke up and began to 8 “Don't cry,”I said. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. I 9 on the radio. She stopped crying and listened to the music. After a few 10 she started to cry 11 . Then I started to sing. The baby watched and listened, and she didn't cry any more. Then I made 12 and jumped like a monkey. The baby laughed 13 laughed. I jumped and sang and did all 14 of things all that afternoon till Aunt Huang came back. I was so 15 . In the evening Liu Ming came to 16 me. After I told him the whole 17 he said,“You are 18 ! I'm going to tell everyone: 19 your babies to Ling Feng. He can take good care 20 your babies.” 19 请根据下图的提示在短文的横线上填入适当的词,使短文意思完整与正确。 - 30 - One day, Mrs King 1 Lucy to go shopping, and 2 her a shopping list. When Lucy 3 to the shop, she bought all the things 4 the list. Now it was time to pay for them.“Sorry!”she said. “I've 5 my money!”So she went 6 home quickly. Her money 7 still 8 on the chair. She got the money to pay for the things. Then she said 9 to the shop-keeper and 10 the things home. 20 根据所给图画,在下篇短文空缺处分别填入一个以规定字母开头的单词。 It(1)w Saturday yesterday. Li Lei and Zhang Hua(2)d go home. They(3)s in the classroom to read and write. It was noon. It was(4)t for them to have(5)l . They left the classroom. About two(6)h later(之后),they came(7)b to the classroom, again. “Look, Li Lei!”said Zhang Hua. “There is a problem(题目)on the(8)b .” “What's the next number, please?”asked Li Lei. “Let me(9)s . Um, I know it's(10)n !”answered Zhang Hua. 21 仔细观察下图并通读对话,掌握其大意,然后按图中所示内容,用英语完成文内各个空格。 Zhang Ying studies at No. 5 Middle School. She is never late for school. Yesterday morning she got up at seven as usual. After breakfast, she 1 at half past seven. On her way to school she 2 on the road. She picked it up and stood on the roadside(路 边). But nobody 3 . She decided to send it to the police. She went to the nearest police station and 4 what had happened. The policeman received the bag and said to Zhang Ying.“ 5 ,thank you.” Though Zhang Ying was a few minutes late for school yesterday, she was happy. Her teacher and classmates were happy, too. 1(______________2(______________ 3(______________4(______________ 5(______________ 22 根据图示,在下列短文内填写单词(每空只填写一词)使短文通顺,完整,并与图意相符。 - 31 - 1(It was Sunday morning. The 1 was fine. David and his friends didn't go to school. They went fishing in a river. His friends caught one fish after another, but David caught none. 2(Half 2 hour later, David had an idea. He went to a fish shop and 3 a big fish in it. 3(Then he went back to the river. He 4 the hook(鱼钩)into the fish's 5 , and then threw the fish into the river. His friends knew nothing about all this, because 6 of them had his own work to do. 4( 7 a few minutes, David shouted, “What a big fish I've caught 8 last!”His friends were all surprised when they saw David pulling a big fish up 9 the water. They asked him 10 a big fish. David had nothing to say, and he only smiled instead. how he was able to catch 1(____ 2(____ 3(____ 4(____ 5(____ 6(____ 7(____ 8(____ 9(____ 10(____ 23 看图写话。 根据图示填上正确的词,每空只填一词。(10分) 1(One 1 day, Li Ping, a boy of eight years, saw an old man when he was on his way to school. 2(Li Ping lifted his umbrella(雨伞)for the man. But he wasn't 2 enough to 3 the man's head with the umbrella. 3( 4 could he do it? Suddenly he had a good 5 . 4(He 6 the man and asked 7 the stick. 5(He 8 the stick from the man and tied it to the umbrella. 6(He 9 go to school until he sent the man to his home. He might be 10 for school, but he felt very happy. 24 看图,并根据图示填入适当的词使句子意思完整,每个空格只能填写一个英语单词。 1(Jim ____ up early every morning. 2(He goes to school on ____ every day. 3(He has lunch ____ twelve o'clock. 4(In the afternoon he usually goes to have a ____. 5(In the evening he gets ____ for his new lesson. - 32 - 25 It is a fine Wednesday morning. There are many children near the river. They are students of 1 Middle School. They are students of Grade One. There are two 2 with them. All of the students are 3 . They are having their Young Pioneers' Day. They are not playing games now. They are working. They are 4 trees and flowers. Some of the girls are carrying 5 for the new trees. The teachers are helping them. They are all working hard. Good work, Young Pioneers! 1(A(the Fifth B(the Fifteenth C(No.50 D(No.5 2(A(teachers B(doctors C(parents D(farmers 3(A(League members B(Party members C(Young Pioneers D(soldiers 4(A(getting in B(getting down from C(cutting down D(planting 5(A(snow B(water C(ice D(earth 26 看图填空:根据下图提示在短文的横线上填入适当的词,使短文意思完整。每空一词。 - 33 - One day a 1 arrived at a woman's house. He borrowed a pan 2 __her. Very soon he returned 3 to her. He also gave her a 4 one and said it was a baby. The woman 5 very pleased and took it. A 6 days later the farmer had some visitors. He asked the woman to lend him the 7 again. He 8 not return it unitl the woman came to get it back. He told her that the pan was 9 . But of course, it was only a joke. He gave it back 10 her at last. 27 看图填词 看图,根据图示在下面的短文空格中填入适当的词,使短文意思完整。 Dear Bill, Please come to supper at 6 this evening. This is how you can get to my house by____(1). First, take Bus No. 22 and get off at the Post Office near the____(2). Walk on until you see a crossing. Then turn____(3)and go straight down Xiang Yang Street. Take the____(4)turning on your left and go down the road. It's the third house on your left. There's a____(5)in front of my house. 28 根据所给图的内容填空,每空限填一词。 A My friend Fang Ming likes meat and rice ____ much. She likes ____ and milk a little, but she doesn't like ____ at all. What about ____?“I don't ____,”she says. B A:Excuse me. Which is the ____ to ____ Park, please? B:Let me see. Er, walk ____ this road and turn ____. Go on until you reach the ____. You'll find the park in front of you. A:Thank you. 29 根据图示和语境,用适当词语的正确形式填空。每段横线限填一词。 - 34 - Wang Fang and Liu Ying are talking about what happened yesterday afternoon. (W: Wang Fang; L: Liu Ying) W: How did you go home after school yesterday afternoon? L:(1)____ ____as usualy. I(2)____the school at five o'clock. W: Was it cloudy then? L: No. When I started home, it was(3)____. But the(4)____suddenly(5)____. Dark clouds gathered (乌云密布)and began to(6)____very soon. W: Were you wet all over? L: No. Just when I was(7)____home, I heard someone calling me(8)____. I(9)____round and found it was Zhang Lan. She had an umbrella(伞)and invited me to share(共用)it with her. She walked all the way(10)____with me to my home. 30 仔细观察下列各图并通读短文,掌握大意,然后根据各图中的情景补全短文。每个空格所填词数不 限。 Yesterday morning an old woman(1)____a lot of things in a shop. She(2)_____.She was going(3)_____, but the box was heavy and the car wasn't near. At that time Li Ming and We Hua (4)____by the car and talking. When they(5)_____and the big box beside her, they(6)____. They lifted the heavy box and(7)____the car. Suddenly the box(8)____and one of Li Ming's feet was badly hurt. He had to(9)____in the hospital for several days. He became worried about his lessons. But his friend Wei Hua said. “(10)_____. I'll come to help you with your lessons after class every afternoon.” 31 看图填词 - 35 - Grandama Li lives alone. 1 is very ill. Han Meimei, Li Lei, Jim, the twins and Lin Tao have 2 to help her. Han Meimei is giving food to her. Li Lei is sweeping the floor. Jim is filling the thermos 3 hot water. The twins 4 cleaning the windows and 5 her clothes. Lin Tao is cleaning the table. 1(____2(____3(____4(____5(____ 32 根据图示及短文内容,在每一空格内填写一词(缩写词占一格)。 Alan worked in an office in the city. He usually went to the seaside for his holidays. But one day he 1 an advertisement(广告)in a 2 .“Enjoy 3 4 . 5 a few weeks on Willow 6 . Fresh(新鲜的)air! Good food! Great prices(价格)! This sounds 7 a good idea,”he said to himself, “____go there and enjoy 9 10 , walking and 11 . They'll make a 12 from sitting by the seaside and swimming. ” 33 根据所给图画,完成下面的日记。 说明:1(写日记时间为1998年4月7日,星期二,阴天。 2(每空限填一词。 1 2 7th, 1998 Cloudy Yesterday when school was over I 3 home on foot as usual. On my 4 home, suddenly I saw a boy 5 off his bike and hurt himself. He 6 on the road. I took him to the nearest 7 at once. The doctor looked 8 the boy carefully and said, “There is 9 __serious.”The boy told us he must be careful 10 time. we both thanked the doctor and left. What a wonderful time I had! 34 根据图画在下面所给句子的空白处填上一个恰当的词语。该词首字母已给出。 - 36 - 1)When I was a freashman (一年级大学生). I felt very homesick(想家的). After about four m (1)study, the new year arrived and I could go home at last. 2)It was a long journey to go home. When I g (2)home, my father let me sit by the fire and handed me a cup of hot tea, my mother was busy c (3)for me. I felt that the house was filled with love and warmth(温暖). 3)When we were having our dinner, my elder brother t (4)out a woolen sweater and something lese, saying,“Dad and Mum, here are my presents for you.”Where was my present for them? I felt sorry. I was 19 that year but I had no m (5)to buy them any present while they spent several thousand yuan every year for my college education(大学教育). You're a college 4)My parents found I was very sad and knew why, then they said to me,“ student. We are proud of you(为你骄傲). You (6)give us any present. Just say something in English. We've never heard it.”“Thank you, Dad and Mum,”I said, “Happy New Year!” W (7)these words, tears(眼泪)came out of my eyes. 5)B (8)of my parents looked at me for a while and then smiled. They were very glad to hear my words. I was understood and loved! I will never forget their smiles. I know that was my b (9)present for them. 6)From then on, I sent them a card with some words in English every important h (10). I am sure they would understand my love to them and accept(接受)it with a smile. 35 根据图示,用适当的词完成下面的短文,使短文通顺,并与图意相符。每空一词。 1 Young Pioneers were playing on the playground. They were 2 to find a tree bent(弯 曲)down by someone and began to do something for it. They 3 the tree straight again by tying it to a stick, put a rope(绳子)around the tree and then put up a sign. It read,“Take Care of 4 ”. It was very 5 , and after they 6 working, they all felt 7 .Their teacher was very 8 with what they had done and said they were good Young Pioneers. 36 看图写话:根据图示填上正确的词,每空只填一词。 - 37 - 1(Xiao Ming and Xiao Fang are students of No. 1 Middle School. Last Friday, 1 school, they went home 2 happily. 2(Suddenly, they saw a wallet(钱包) 3 on the road. Xiao Fang picked it up. 3(They thought they should give it 4 to the owner(失主)of the wallet. And they 5 there till it was dark. 4(The owner didn't come, 6 they had to hand it in to a policeman. 5(The 7 morning, the headmaster and the owner came to Xiao Fang and Xiao Ming's classroom. 6(The owner said lots of thanks to them and offered(送)a letter of thanks to the headmaster. The headmaster praised(表扬)them for 8 they had done and called on(号 召)the 9 students to 10 from them. 37 根据所给图画,在句中每个空格处填上一个适当的英语的单词。 After the heavy rain, there was 1 everywhere. A school girl was walking 2 herself. She was on her way home. Her shoes got 3 . At that moment, a man with an umbrella(雨伞)in his 4 hand came to her. He meant to give her some help. The man carried the girl on his 5 to cross the water. How kind! The girl thanked him and 6 good-bye to him. As she 7 on, she found that the man's umbrella was in her hand. She returned at 8 to give it back to him. 38 看图完成短文:(共10分),每小题1分,一空一词) - 38 - It is a Tree-Planting Day. The 1 is shining. Zhao Wen 2 Cao Lanfang are planting trees 3 the river. Zhao Wen has 4 a hole large enough for the 5 . But the hole is not too deep. Cao Lanfang is now ready to 6 the tree into the 7 . Then they will put the earth 8 in it again and get water 9 the river to 10 the tree. They had a hard but nice day. 39 1(One day, Mr White finished his work very 1 . On his way home, there were no people and no buses. So he had to go home on 2 .He held his bag in hi 3 . 2(When he got home, he opened his bag. He wanted to get the keys. They were always there. But he couldn't find the keys this time.He was worried and he didn't know what to do. When he looked 4 , he suddenly saw his windows was 5 . He had an 6 . 3(There was a ladder behind his house. He carried it to the window. Then he began to 7 up the ladder. 8 dark it was! It was dangerous for him to do that and his hat fell down. So he was very careful and very afraid. 4(A moment later he jumped into the room and he was very happy. But when he put his hand into his 9 , he found his 10 right there. 40 书面表达,看图写话,每空一词: One day my brother was 1 a kite. Suddenly it rained 2 . He had to 3 flying his kite. The kite and his clothes were wet. A 4 minutes 5 the rain 6 and the - 39 - sun 7 out. He flew his kite 8 . He put his clothes on the line(线)to make them 9 . How 10 the boy was! 41 看图填词 根据图画和文字信息,在空白处填入适当单词: 1(It's Sunday. A cat is in his garden. He's putting a 1 and a table under a 2 . 2(Now, the cat is 3 on the chair. He's 4 a thick magazine(杂志). 3(A black dog is coming 5 ! The cat is jumping on the 6 ! The black dog is taking the magazine in his 7 . 4(Look at the garden now! The 8 is empty and the bottle is empty too. The cat 9 the tree. A 10 is coming in. is 42 看图写话: 根据下图所示情景,补上短文中所缺单词或短语。 The night 1 Jim 2 very late(watched TV far into the night).When he 3 in the morning, Jim found that it was already 4 o'clock. He thought he would be 5 for school and felt very 6 . He 7 the bed, took his schoolbag and 8 school without breakfast. When he 9 school, he found it was quiet and nobody else had come. He realized it was 10 and he had made a mistake. 43 看图填词 One Sunday Mr Black went to town on 1 2 his dog for shopping. Just before be 3 the gate of the 4 , a 5 6 him. - 40 - He said, “The dog mustn't be 7 to town and should be kept at 8 !”So Mr Black said 9 to him and went back home 10 buying anything. 44 根据图画内容,在每段了空缺处分别填入一个以规定字母开头的单词。 It's t 1 for me to go One morning, Lin Tao carried his bag and said to his father,“ to school. G 2 , Dad.” He came to a bus s 3 near his home. There were a few people w 4 for a bus. One of his classmates, Li Lei, was there, too. They got off the bus near their s 5 . Li Tao put his b 6 on the ground, and he wanted to p 7 in the street for a while, f 8 it was very early.“S 9 we go there to fly k 10 . then?”said Li Lei. Good i 11 . Let's go!”said Lin Tao.“Haven't you forgotten s 12 ?”Li Lei 13 , “ John 14 very 15 , too. 45 书面表达: 看图填词 1(What's the 1 like today? It's 2 . 2(On Tuesday afternoon a 3 of children are 4 their way home from school. 3( 5 6 he go to work? He goes to work 7 8 . 4(What's the time? It's six o'clock. He 9 10 at six every morning. 46 看图填词 根据四幅图画,完成对话,每空一词。 - 41 - A:I was 1 last Sunday. What about you, Xiao Gao? B:So was I. A:What did you do? B:I did some morning 2 outside the room. At a quarter past eight I gave some 3 to the chicks. A:Were you free in the 4 ? B:No, I wasn't. I cleaned the 5 . A:Did you watch TV last 6 ? B: 7 . But I didn't watch TV until I finished my 8 . A:I'm sure you were 9 . B:You're right. But I 10 it was interesting. 47 It was October 20th. When Jim 1 up, he looked at the clock. Oh dear! It was 8 o'clock. He 2 3 as quickly as possible. He had no time 4 breakfast, so he went to school 5 breakfast. 6 the bag on his back, he quickly 7 8 school 9 10 . When he 11 the school gate, the gate 12 13 . He 14 that day was 15 . 48 看图写话: This is a street in a town. There are some buildings 1 each side of the street. It is early 2 the morning. It's a rush hour. People are going to work 3 the children are going to school. There is much 4 .How 5 the street is! Look! A 6 children 7 8 from one side of the street to the 9 . They are going to 10 . The policeman 11 12 in the middle of the street. He 13 14 the traffic. He wants the children 15 get across the street safely. 49 书面表达:根据图画和所给信息,填写所缺单词。 A:Well, what's wrong? - 42 - B:A bad cold, I think. A:Let me have a look at your throat(嗓子). Hmmm„ 1 ah. B:A-a-a-h A:Let me check your temperature. Hmmm, yes. How's your 2 ? B:Well, I've got a big a headache. A:What's this in English? B:It's a tape recorder(盒式录音机). A:What's it made of? B:It's made of 3 and plastics(塑料). :Where's it made in? A B:Let me see„Oh, it's made in 4 . A:Oh, 21-16. Your game. B:You 5 play very well. A:My bat's too light. 6 game? B:OK. Whose serve(发球)is it? A:It's 7 . Ready? A:I'm going to paint(漆)this room. Could you give me a 8 ? B:Sure. What can I do for you? A:Er„Would you mind bringing your 9 ? I need two ladders, so would you bring yours, please? B:I'm 10 I can't. My ladder is broken. 50 One evening, Li Lei 1 home 2 work by bike. Suddenly he 3 “Bang”. He turned 4 and saw his bike 5 . “Oh, dear! What should I do?”he said to 6 . Just then two boys nearby came to help him 7 his bike. Soon they 8 it. Li Lei 9 them and said 10 to them and went home. - 43 - 参考答案: 1(1(is 2(late 3(nine 4(mother 5(hurried 6(bike 7(got 8(closed 9(remembered 10(Sunday 2(1(watching 2(How 3(didn't 4(quarter 5(on 6(reached 7(angry 8(nothing 9(had 10(all 3(1(bed 2(Children's 3(Hospital 4(open 5(mouth6(say 7(nothing 8(medicine 9(three 10(water 4(1(Sunday 2(got 3(up 4(half 5(went 6(to 7(plant 8(put 5(1(medicine 2(three 3(water 4(you 5(exercises 6(1(Spring 2(Plant(Everything) 3(grow 4(summer 5(sport 6(Autumn 7(busy 8(cold 9(wear 10(go 7(1(nice(glad, pleased, happy) 2(speak 3(going 4(football 5(afternoon 6(at 7(right 8(Could(Shall, May) 9(Let's 10(OK 8(1(quarter past seven 2(by bike 3(too fast to 4(hit a car 5(sent(或taken/carried) to the(a)hospital或was sent(taken/carried)to hospital 9(1(way 2(left 3(People Road 4(in front 5(How far - 44 - 10(1(cleaning(sweeping), by(near); in, dress(skirt), telephoning 2(with, crossing 3(car, hit, another, so, himself 4(stood, crossing, seem 11(1(Dig 2(into 3(earth 4(tree 5(Water 12(1(begin/start 2(last 3(spend 4(parents 5(northeast 6(visit 7(First 8(stay 9(By train 10(enjoy yourselves 13(1(elephant 2(monkey 3(bird 4(more 5(asked/told 6(river 7(water 8(back 9(across 10(tried 11(high 12(minute 13(climb 14(tree 15(bananas 16(back 17(with 18(either 19(work 20(each (1(ill 2(worried 3(see 4(over 5(cold 6(drink 14 7(medicine 8(all 9(able 10(football 15(1(seven 2(sleeping 3(woke 4(up 5(something 6(not 7(over 8(rest 9(took 10(bed 16(1(big, on 2(Saturday June 3(house; picture 4(don't; country; It; farm 2(playing, football 3(reading books 4(swims, good, teac17(1(fine, And, you hes, herself 5(in, bed, flowers 18(1(went 2(but 3(looked 4(hospital 5(worry 6(old 7(later 8(cry 9(turned 10(minutes 11(again 12(faces 13(and 14(kinds 15(tired 16(see 17(story 18(great 19(bring 20(of 19(1(asked(或told) 2(gave 3(got 4(on 5(forgotten 6(back 7(was 8(lying 9(goodbye 10(took 20(1(was 2(didn't 3(sat 4(time 5(lunch 6(hours 7(back 8(blackboard 9(see 10(nine 21(1(went to school 2(found a wallet/bag lying 3(came 4(told a policeman 5(You are a good girl 22(1(weather 2(an 3(bought/got 4(put 5(mouth 6(each 7(After 8(one 9(from 10(such 23(1(rainy 2(tall 3(cover 4(How 5(idea 6(stopped 7(for 8(took(got) 9(didn't 10(late 24(1(gets 2(foot 3(at 4(swim 5(ready 25(B A C D B 26(1(farmer 2(from 3(it 4(small 5(was 6(few 7(pan 8(did 9(dead 10(to 27(1(bus 2(park 3(right 4(second 5(tree 28(A(very, bread, eggs, bananas, know B(way East along(up, down, straight)right end(park, place) 29(1(On foot 2(left 3(fine/sunny 4(weather 5(changed 6(rain 7(running/hurrying/rushing 8(behind 9(turned 10(together 30(1(bought 2(put them into a(big) box 3(to carry it to the car 4(were walking(standing) 5(saw the old woman 6(went to help 7(carried it to 8(fell down 9(lie in bed 10(Don't worry 31(1(She 2(come 3(with 4(are 5(washing 32(1(saw(read) 2(newspaper 3(country 4(like 5(Spend 6(Farm 7(like 8(I'll 9-10(horse riding(riding horses) 11(fishing 12(change 33(1(Tuesday 2(April 3(went 4(way 5(fall 6(lay 7(hospital 8(over 9(nothing 10(next 34(1(months' 2(got 3(cooking 4(took 5(money 6(needn't 7(With 8(Both 9(best 10(holiday 35(1(Three 2(angry 3(made 4(Trees 5(sunny 6(finished 7(happy 8(pleased 36(1(after 2(together 3(lying 4(back 5(waited 6(so 7(next 8(what 9(other 10(learn - 45 - 37(1(water 2(by 3(lost 4(left 5(back 6(said 7(walked 8(once 38(1(sun 2(and 3(along/by/near 4(dug 5(tree 6(put 7(hole 8(back 9(from 10(water 39(1(late 2(foot 3(hand 4(up 5(open 6(idea 7(climb 8(How 9(pocket 10(key 40(1(flying 2(heavily 3(stop 4(few 5(later 6(stopped 7(came 8(again 9(dry 10(clever 41(1(chair 2(tree 3(sitting 4(reading 5(in 6(table 7(mouth 8(glass 9(in 10(man( 42(1(before 2(stayed up 3(woke up 4(seven 5(late 6(worried 7(jumped off 8(hurried to 9(got to 10(Sunday 43((1)foot (2)with (3)reached (4)market (5)policeman (6)stopped (7)taken (8)home (9)sorry (10)without 44(1(time 2(Good-bye 3(stop 4(waiting 5(school 6(bag 7(play 8(for 9(Shall 10(kites 11(idea 12(something 13(pointed 14(really 15(thank 45(1(weather 2(cloudy 3(group 4(on 5(How 6(does 7(by 8(bike 9(gets 10(up (busy 2(exercises 3(food 4(afternoon 5(pigsty 6(night 7(Yes 8(homewor46(1 k 9(tired 10(think 47(1(woke 2(got 3(up 4(for 5(without 6(With 7(went 8(to 9(by 10(bike 11(reached 12(was 13(closed 14(forgot 15(Sunday 48(1(on 2(in 3(and 4(traffic 5(busy 6(few 7(are 8(crossing 9(other 10(school 11(is 12(standing 13(is 14(stopping 15(to 49(1(say 2(head 3(metal 4(Japan 5(don't 6(Another 7(mine 8(hand 9(ladder 10(afraid 50(1(went 2(from 3(heard 4(round 5(broken 6(himself 7(repair 8(mended 9(thanked 10(goodbye - 46 - 09牛津中考英语专项训练及答案(9)(缺词填空) (1) At different times in a man’s life his food has different effects (影响) on his body. Among children f (1) is quickly changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young man’s food is spent on growing t (2); we grow upwards only d (3) the first twenty years of our l (4), not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h (5), they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and s (6) down a lot, and may begin to grow fat when still quite young. Many older p(7) try to work much and walk often. Perhaps the most difficult time is when a man r (8) sixty years of age. His body and mind b (9) restful, without (10). much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to f 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (2) Bats(蝙蝠) are the only flying “animals” in the world. It is known to all that they cannot see very well. “As b_______(1) as a bat” is often h_________(2). Yet, they have no trouble flying on the d___________(3) nights and finding their way r___________ (4) very well. Why can bats fly and see at night? They fly by “radar(雷达)”. The bat's radar w_________ (5) the same way as the radar on ships and planes. As a bat flies t____________(6) the air, it makes a sound. If the sounds hit t__________(7), they will come back and the bat's e___________(8) will receive the message. In this way, the bat is a____________(9) to know where the things are. Bats go out for f____________________(10) at night. In the daytime, they hang in some dark places. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (3) Tennis is in its second life. Its first game began in France. The name of the game comes from the French word “tennez”. The English men c___1____ the game “tennis” when they watched the Frenchmen play 800 years ago. The Englishmen liked the French game. Tennis courts(球场)were built in every park, in every city, just like today. The two countries played against each other. At first they played for honor. Then they w__2___ money. Later people began cheating (欺骗)to get money. Three hundred years ago the game was forbidden(禁止)to stop the cheating. The game a_____3___ disappeared. Americans found the old courts when they went to Europe 100 years ago. They learned w___4____ they could do about the game. They liked the game as the Englishmen had b___5____. After returning home, the Americans built tennis courts. Tennis began - 47 - to become w__6_____ in all the United States. Now it is one of the most e_______ games in the world again. 1.________2._________3._________4.____________5.___________ 6.___________ 7.__________ _ (4) There are four people in my family. Every day my parents are very busy t 1 to make money in order to pay the high tuition(学费)for my brother and me. They hardly say "I love you" or send f 2 to each other. Besides,my father has a bad temper(脾 气)(It is easy for him to lose his temper w 3 he's very tired from the hard work. I didn't know whether there was love between them u 4 one spring. At that time,my father suddenly got badly sick .My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital,they both looked very w 5 as if both of them had a serious illness. After they were back,my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road every day in the morning and dusk. H 6 ,after two months my father still couldn't walk by h 7__ (All of us were worried about him. "Dad,how are you f 8 now?" I asked him one day. he said i 9 a low voice.“I just like walking with "Susan,don't worry about me.” your mom. I like this kind of life.”Reading his eyes,I know he loves my mother very much. Once I thought love m 10 flowers,presents and sweet kisses. But from this experience,I understand that love is inside,making life strong and warm. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (5) A woman was eating in a restaurant,. She asked the waiter to do many t___1___ for her. Now she was g__2___ the waiter a lot of trouble. f____3___, she asked the waiter to turn on the air conditioner because she f___4_____too hot. Then she asked him to t___5___it off because she was too cold. This went on and on for n___6____ half an hour. But the waiter was very kind and _h__7____. He did everything the woman asked _h_8___ to do without getting angry. F____9___, someone else in the restaurant asked why the w___10___didn’t just throw the woman out. “Oh, I don’t care.” The waiter said and smiling, “We don’t even have an air conditioner.” 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (6) Ask people to name a safe place and most will say “Home”. But every year the British Government’s survey(调查)shows that home can be a d___1_____ place. Last year 7 British citizens(公民) died while putting up their Christmas decorations(装饰). Over 1,600 needed m___2______ help after falling off their chairs. And - 48 - 70 people had fatal (致死的) accidents while lying in bed. It is safe to say that n_____3____ activity(活动)is without danger. Some of these accidents are just the risks (冒险)of modern living. We prefer to risk having a washing machine that might hurt us rather than be safe spending hours cleaning our clothes by h____4___. But most fatal accidents are not the result of mechanical(机械的)failure. The two most common are falling down the stairs and going to s___5______ in the bath. This s____6______ that we are in a more dangerous situation when we feel s___7_______. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ (7) International organizations are f__1__ to help the children(These p 2 children’s lives were changed b 3 of Europe war at that time(Now,UNICEF works a11 over the w 4 (It provides clean water,food and education for children in many countries(It wants children to be h 5 and to go to school. It collects money by selling Christmas c 6 and organizing (组织)other activities(It h 7 governments and families to make the world 3 better place for children(All children should go to school instead of w 8 to keep their families(They should be helped when they are i 9(They should a 10 be treated with kindness( 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (8) .Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is m___1___ important than money. Why ? Because when money is s___2___, we can get it back. However, when time is gone, it’ll never r__3____. That is why we mustn’t w__4___ time. It goes without saying that time is u__5___ limited(有限的).Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do s__6__ useful. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and p__7__. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own l__8___. In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t l__9___ today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to l___10__. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (9) We have been in Australia for three days. We’re having a g (1) time here. Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. There is so m(2)to see that it is impossible for me to tell you everything. Sydney is a beautiful city. There are many big t (3) and beautiful flowers around the houses and they l(4) really beautiful. There are also some special a (5) in Australia, such as kangaroos and koalas. They are really lovely. - 49 - During the past three days we’ve visited many p (6) of interest around Sydney. I’d like to spend more time here. But we will f (7) to another city, Cairns, to see coral beds (珊瑚礁) tomorrow. It is said that words cannot d (8) the beauty of the colourful corals. Many famous cartoon films were made there. Now we are b (9) packing our bags so that we will not lose time when we leave. We can enjoy o(10) in Cairns this time tomorrow, I’m looking forward to going there! 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (10) M: Would you please tell me what you were doing when the accident happened and what you saw? W: Yes, I was d(1) home from work. It was about 5:15, and there was a blue car in front of me. We were both driving along Harbor Road w(2) a small white Ford suddenly shot out of the side road. It shot right in front of the blue car. The driver tried to stop, but it was impossible. He r(3) into the white Ford. s the s (4)of the car in front of you when the accident happened? M: What’ W: You mean the blue car? Well, thirty miles an hour. Of course no m(5)than that. M: And the white Ford shot out without any warning (警告)? W: Yes, that’s right. M: How can you make s(6) that the blue car was only doing thirty? W: Because I was only doing thirty, and the blue car wasn’t going any f(7)than I was. M: Are you sure of that? Absolutely positive (肯定)? W: Yes, I a(8) . I’m positive. M: How can you be so positive? Were you looking at your speed-metre when the accident happened? W: Of course not. I was looking at the road ahead. That’s how I managed to see the accident. M: Well, if you were not looking at your speed-metre, how can you P( 9)______ be sure how fast you were going? W: Because I never go faster than 30 on that road, or it’s a(10)____ law 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (11) The most important drink is water(Not many people understand this but it is quite true(People can 1 for a long time without food,but they will die if two or three days 2 water(In 3 weather,many people do not drink 4 water,because they don’t know how much water they 5 ( After taking - 50 - exercise,people need more 6 (The water in the man’s body is 7 more than other matters(物质)(We’d 8 have enough water,or we may get i11( Water is necessary to all the living things(“There will be no 9 if there is no water?” So we must save water and don’t 10 water. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (12) Maybe you are more interested in sports than in history. You probably think you will never be a top student. In 1 , anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. If you can use your time well, you may improve your study 2 much work. Here’s how: Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week time, you should make a 3 of things that you have to do. First write down the time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide on a good time for studying. Of course, studying shouldn’ t take all of your time. Don’t forget to leave yourself enough 4 for hobbies. Find a good place to study. Look around the house 5 a good study place. Keep this space, which may be a desk 6 just a corner of your room. No games, radio, or television! When you sit down to work, think only about the subject! Make good use of your time in class. Listen 7 to what the teacher says. Careful listening in class means less work later. You also need to take notes in class, because it can 8 it easier for you to learn well. There are only a few ways mentioned here to 9 you with your studying. I believe you find 10 other ways besides these. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ (13) Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “ When anything happens, believe in yourself.” When I was 14, I was too nervous to talk to anyone . My classmate often l___1__ at me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, s___2____happened. It changed my life. It was an English contest. My mother asked me to take part in it . What a terrible idea! It meant I had to s___3__ in front of all the teachers and students of my school! “Come on , boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to w__4___.” Then , Mother and I talked about many different topics . At last I c___5___the topic “Believe in yourself”. I tried my best to r___6____ all the speech and practice it over 100 times. W __7____ my mother’s great love, I did well in my contest. I could h__8___ believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers from the teachers and students. Those c__9__ who once looked down on me, now all said “Congratulation!” to me. My mother hugged me and cried excitedly. - 51 - S___10____ then , everything has changed for me. When I do anything , I try to tell myself to be sure and I will find myself . I try to tell myself to be sure and I will find myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country. 1.___________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.____________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________ 缺词填空参考答案 (1)1.food 2. tall 3. during 4. lives 5. hard 6. sit 7. people 8. reaches 9. become 10. fat (2) 1.blind 2.heard 3.darkest 4.round 5.works 6.through 7.things 8.ears 9.able 10.food (3) 1. called 2. won 3. almost 4. what 5. before 6. welcome 7. exciting (4) 1.trying 2. flowers 3. when 4. until 5. weak 6. however 7. himself 8. feeling 9. in 10 meant (5)1. things 2. giving 3. first 4. felt 5. turn 6. nearly 7. helpful 8.him 9. finally 10. waiter (6) 1. dangerous 2. medical 3.no 4. hand 5. swim 6. show 7. safe (7) 1(founded 2(poor 3(because 4(world 5(healthy 6(cards 7(helps 8(working 9(订l 10. also, always (8) 1.more 2.spend 3.return 4.waste 5.usually 6.something 7.playing 8.life 9.leave 10.lose (9)1.good/great 2.much 3.trees 4.look 5.animals 6.places 7.fly 8.describe 9.busy 10.ourselves (10) 1. driving 2. when 3. ran 3. speed 4. more 6. sure 7. faster 8.am 9.possibly10. against (11) 1.live 2.without 3.hot 4.enough 5.need 6.water 7.much 8.better 9.life 10.waste (12) 1.fact 2. without 3. 1ist 4. time 5. for - 52 - 6.. or 7. carefully 8. make 9. help 10. many,some,several) (13) 1. laugh 2. something 3. stand 4. win 5. chose 6. read 7. with 8. hardly 9. classmates 10. since - 53 -
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