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正式公文格式 (1)


正式公文格式 (1)正式公文格式 (1) ,页面设置 上3.7CM 下3.5CM 左2.8CM右2.6CM, ,宋体加粗~55号字,,如有副标题~用小二号楷体, 广X [20XX]XX号 ,居中 仿宋GB2312四号字体, ,红色1.5磅直线, XXXXXXX文件( 居中 题目为仿宋GB2312二 号字体) 各XXX: ,抬头不空格,如上,~末尾加冒号。, 一、正文 正文空格两格~为仿宋_gb2312 4号字体~行间距为固定值28磅。 二、标题 正文中如有多级标题~第一级标题用3号黑体字~第二级标题用3号宋字~第三...

正式公文格式 (1)
正式公文格式 (1) ,页面设置 上3.7CM 下3.5CM 左2.8CM右2.6CM, ,宋体加粗~55号字,,如有副标题~用小二号楷体, 广X [20XX]XX号 ,居中 仿宋GB2312四号字体, ,红色1.5磅直线, XXXXXXX文件( 居中 题目为仿宋GB2312二 号字体) 各XXX: ,抬头不空格,如上,~末尾加冒号。, 一、正文 正文空格两格~为仿宋_gb2312 4号字体~行间距为固定值28磅。 二、标题 正文中如有多级标题~第一级标题用3号黑体字~第二级标题用3号宋字~第三级标题用3号仿宋—GB2312,加粗,字~第四级标题用3号仿宋—GB2312字。所有标题独立成行~不加标点。 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 例: 一、小标题 注:1.小标题字体为黑体 (一) 2.结构层次序数: ? 第一层为“一、” (1) 第二层为“,一,” 二、小标题 第三层为“1(” (一) 第四层为“,1,” ? 注意:序数不能自动生成 (1) 三、附件 文件资料如有附件~在正文下一行左空2字用3号仿宋—GB2312字标识“附件”~后标全角冒号和名称。附件如有序号使用阿拉伯数字,如“附件1:?????”,;附件名称后不加标点符号。 四、表格采用Excel电子表格 要求:字形为仿宋GB2312字,标题为16号加粗~表头为12号~内容为10号,容量较大的个别表格按实际需要设计,,页码在下居中~格式为8号字体。 五、落款 需加盖公章的材料~成文日期用汉字将年、月、日标全,“零”用“О”。 凡不需加盖公章的材料应在正文右下方落款处署成文a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 单位全称~在下一行相应处用3号仿宋GB2312字标识成文日期,使用插入日期~中文年月日,。 XXXXXXX,落款, 二〇〇六年十月八日 ,落款一般空两行~日期后空四格~落款居日期上中, ,主题词三字和冒号为黑体四号~主题词为仿宋GB2312四号~正式文件中需编写主题词~非正式文件或通知中~不需要以下内容, 主题词(黑体3号):,, ,, ,,,仿宋GB2312, XXXXXXXX办公室,仿宋GB2312, 20XX年X月XX日印发 校对:XXX a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group xx办公会议纪要 ,会议纪要标识用红色宋体30号字, xx届,20XX,X号 ,发文字号用3号仿宋体字, XXXXXXXXXXX办公室 二OXX年X月X日 ,发文机关名称用3号仿宋体字,,红色1.5磅直线, ,公文正文用4号仿宋体字, ,空2行, 4月10日下午~xxx副区长主持召开区长办公会议~研究区教育信息化建设工作。参加会议的有区政府办公室、区教育局、区发展 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 局、区信息中心以及xx中等学校的有关负责人。 会议听取了xx教育局和xx中、xx中、xx小学等学校关于教育信息化应用情况的汇报~会议就有关问题决定如下事项: 一、教育局要结合全区学校整体布局的调整和教育信息化现状~制定今后五年教育信息化的具体项目规划和年度实施计划~在今年6月底报xx政府审定。规划要突出重点~兼顾全面~整体规划~分步实施~资源共享~力求以最小的投资取得最大的效益。 二、教育信息化是教学的一种重要辅助手段~教育信息化要贯彻以教学研究和教育改革为主导~为教学研究服务~为提高教师的教学水平服务~为提高教学质量服务的原则;a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 信息化建设投资要贯彻以教师为核心~以多媒体计算机辅助教学应用为重点的战略原则。 三、教育局要汇同xx财政局、xx发展计划局、xx信息中心~组织专家对教育城域网网络中心的扩容工作进行专题研究~提出切实可行、性价比高的实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~以节省投资。 四、xx教育局要对现有的 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 制作平台的使用效果进行评估~并于6月底前在全区学校推广应用。要按照以教学研究为导向、学科教学和教育信息化有机整合的原则~重点推进各学科多媒体教学课件资源的整理和制作~在今年6月底前制定出全区中、小学各科目教学课件的制作计划~要求教师每学期制作一定数量的课件~并列入教师年度考核的内容。同时要通过各类课件制作竞赛~调动教师的制作课件的积极性~提高课件制作的水平。 参加会议人员:XXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ,参加会议人员用4号仿宋体字, 发:xx局~xx中心~各单位。 送:xx委常委~副区长~x委办~x人大办~x政协办~ x纪委。 ,发、送机关用3号仿宋体 字, xxx办公室 20xx年x月x日印发 ,印发机关用4号仿宋体字~印发日期用阿拉伯数码标识, a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group (黑体三号)合同编号:GT-AA-nn ,编号 说明详见《通知、会议纪要、合同、传真等文件的编号办法 》1.3章, XXXXXXXX项目合同 ,黑体一号, (黑体三号)项目名称:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,仿宋三号, (甲方)XXX公司: (乙方)XXX公司: a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 一、正文 正文中如有多级标题~第一级标题用3号黑体字~第二级标题用3号宋字~第三级标题用3号仿宋—GB2312,加粗,字~第四级标题用3号仿宋—GB2312字。所有标题独立成行~不加标点。 例: 一、小标题 注:1.小标题字体为黑体 (一) 2.结构层次序数: ? 第一层为“一、” (1) 第二层为“,一,” 二、小标题 第三层为“1(” (一) 第四层为“,1,” ? 注意:序数不能自动生成 (1) 二、落款 例: 签订合同各方 甲方:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司 ,签章, 法人代表,或受委托人,: ,签章, 项目管理负责人: ,签章, 签章日期: 年 月 日 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 乙方:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX公司 ,签章, 法人代表,或受委托人,: ,签章, 项目管理负责人: ,签章, 签章日期: 年 月 日 签订合同各方联系人及联系地址 甲方:联系人: 电 话: 传真: 地 址: 乙方:联系人: 电 话: 传真: 地 址: a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 通知、会议纪要、合同、传真等文件 的编号办法 1.0编号办法 公司名称及简称: 公司全称为:四川省广臻建设有限公司 本组织简称:G,广, 1.1 文件编号说明 例图: 1.2文件版本编号 下面是对文件版本进行编号要遵守的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 : 起草版本的编号为 1.0, 版本编号可以根据项目需要延伸到若干版~例如~ 1.1 1.2 1.3..... 第一次文件版本得以确认后~版本编号应该始自 1.0。 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 1.3合同协议 合同协议的编号格式为:GT-AA-nn AA:阿拉伯数字~签订合同的年份, 例:GS-AA-nn表示广臻销售合同、年份、序号 T:合同类型 S-销售合同 P-采购合同 C-合作协议 H-劳动合同 O-其它合同 nn:合同流水号~流水号每年1 月1日自动归0。 1.4传真 发出的传真编号结构为:G -X -Y- AA-nn X: 人员姓名 Y:传真的主题,不超过15个汉字,。 nn:流水号。 传真属于临时文件~一般不做长期保存~如需要保存~则应对其复印~并以外来文件的命名规则进行命名,并且与外来文件一起管理。 例如: G-张三-Y-某公司需求的回复-120528-01 ,表示 在2012年5月28日收到从某公司发来的传真~主题 为“某公司需求的回复”。 1.5会议纪要 指公司内部会议的 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 等。 G-AA-H-nn AA:阿拉伯数字~日期年份, H:会议主题,不超过15个汉字,。 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group nn:阿拉伯数字~文件流水号~流水号每年1月1日自动归0。 例如:G-20120528-周例会-1.0 版本编号可以根据当日会议需要延伸到若干版~ 例如~ 1.1 1.2 1.3..... 关于(通知、会议纪要、制度、合同、传真)等文件的存档办法 1. 通告、通知文件编号抬头为:SCGZ T日期XXX,XXX为编号, 例:SCGZ T201205291.0 2. 业务部门、财务部负责人月度经营活动分析会议编号:SCGZ JY日 期XXX 3. 年度董事会议文件编号:SCGZ DS日期 4. 各部门负责人绩效考评总结会议文件编号: SCGZ JX日期XXX 5. 各部门负责人月度会议纪要文件编号为:SCGZ YD日期XXX 6. 各部门负责人季度会议纪要文件编号为:SCGZ JD日期XXX 7. 总裁、财务负责人投资项目分析会文件编号:SCGZ TZ日期XXX 8. 各单位负责人临时工作协调会议文件编号: SCGZ LS日期XXX 9. 综合办、采购部、广臻建设部门内部会议文件编号分别为: SCGZ ZH日期XXX SCGZ CG日期XXX SCGS JZ日期XXX a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group 序号 文件编号 主要内容 a large area full Jet wide using insecticides on a regular basis for preventive measures and killing pests, to pay attention to the management of drug safety and drug equipment. ? ready high pressure spray gun, petrol, power, white plastic buckets and Aspirators. ? pay attention to wind direction jobs ago, starting from the downwind areas, spray height, spray low, with rubber gloves, respirator (mask). Black Watch for pedestrian dynamics, safety preparedness to prevent liquid into the people. ? every operation carried out by 2 people, 1 power on dispensing and attention to pedestrian dynamics, 1 to operate the spray gun, two actions should be agreed in advance operation, signals, gestures and flags ... In order to contact. ? after work, pay attention to recycling machines keep good medicine and clean, wash exposed skin area with SOAP. Third, management norms and standards 1, trees thrive, plant ecology, rational pruning, keep the tree trim, skeleton uniform trunk upright. 2, green below ground level along the horizontal plane around 5 cm distance, no weeds, no dirt, debris, no water. 3, the basic symptoms of pest and disease-free trees, pests control in 5% below, no harm. 4, no damage, no matter draw posted, no tree when drying clothes, and so on. 5, the new fill planting species consistent with original, steady steps. 6, the new fill planting survival rate was 98% per cent, saving rate up to 95%. 7, hedge thrive, pruning is reasonable, no dead lines, lack of documentation. 8, lawns and lush, smooth, weed-free, highly controlled about 5 cm, no bare ground, no large yellow. 9, green kept weed-free, no dirt, no debris, no miscellaneous vine climbing trees. 10, flower designs flowers grow well, good overall ornamental effect. Four, on the organizational arrangements for the maintenance and management personnel in actual operation of the unit, the conservation section is divided into four groups, namely, conservation of trees and flowering shrubs group
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