首页 企业变更备案登记申请书



企业变更备案登记申请书企业变更备案登记申请书 注册号: 4 4 0 3 0 1 1 0 5 5 4 0 3 9 1 企业变更,备案,登记申请书 【填表说明】 1. 本表仅需填写需变更,备案,事项变更,变动,后的情况。 2. 涉及法定代表人变更的~本表首页由原法定代表人或变更后法定代表人签署均可。 3. 住所和经营场所的详细地址请按照规范的行政区划、街道、路名、门牌号、大楼名 称、小区名称、房号等填写~与上述格式不一致的~可在横线上具体填写。请申请 人务必真实准确填写详细地址~该地址将作为送达法律文件的法定通讯地址。 4. 实收...

企业变更备案登记申请书 注册号: 4 4 0 3 0 1 1 0 5 5 4 0 3 9 1 企业变更,备案,登记申请书 【填表 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 】 1. 本表仅需填写需变更,备案,事项变更,变动,后的情况。 2. 涉及法定代表人变更的~本表首页由原法定代表人或变更后法定代表人签署均可。 3. 住所和经营场所的详细地址请按照 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 的行政区划、街道、路名、门牌号、大楼名 称、小区名称、房号等填写~与上述格式不一致的~可在横线上具体填写。请申请 人务必真实准确填写详细地址~该地址将作为送达法律文件的法定通讯地址。 4. 实收资本备案栏认缴制企业选填~实缴制企业必填。 5. 申请人可登陆深圳市市场监督管理局网站,,查询经 营范围表述用语指引。 6. 本表标明需“签章”处~签署人属于机构的~由机构盖章,属于自然人的~由自然 人本人签署。 7. 本表栏目不够填写的可复印续页~勾选处请在“?”内打“?”。 8. 提交的申请书及相关申请 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 一律应使用A4型纸~提交的复印件应清晰、可辨认。 9. 提交的申请书及相关申请材料应当使用黑色钢笔或签字笔工整填写或签署~请勿使 用圆珠笔。 10. 申请表、决议/决定范本、 章程 公司章程范本下载项目章程下载公司章程下载公司章程下载公司章程下载 / 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 范本等格式文件及办理各项登记所需提交的材 料清单可在深圳市市场监督管理局网站,,——网上办 事——商事主体临时信用信息平台上进行查询或下载打印~申请表亦可到深圳市市 场监督管理局各办事大厅窗口领取。 11. 外文文件、证明须附中文翻译件,原件1份,,由公司翻译的~须加盖该公司印章, 由翻译公司翻译的~须加盖翻译公司印章,。 12. 以上未尽事宜请参考深圳市市场监督管理局网站,,或 相关法律、法规细则。 深圳市市场监督管理局: washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 一、依照《公司法》、《公司登记管理条例》、《合伙企业法》、《合伙企业登记管理办法》、《个人独资企业法》、《个人独资企业登记管理办法》、《深圳经济特区股份合作公司条例》、《中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例》、《中华人民共和国农民专业合作社法》、《中华人民共和国农民专业合作社登记管理条例》、《深圳经济特区商事登记若干规定》等规定申请企业变更,备案,登记,提交材料真实有效,作出本次变更决定的相关法律文件本企业已存档备查,谨此对真实性承担责任。 二、如本企业拟变更的名称对公众造成欺骗或者误解,或者名称中的字号与注册商标相同或近似,损害他人合法权益的,愿无条件变更本名称,并承担相应的法律责任。 三、本企业郑重承诺已取得所申报地址作为本企业住所,经营场所,的合法使用权,详细地址表述真实无误,如所申报住所,经营场所,法定用途属于住宅的,已知悉《中华人民共和国物权法》七十七条等相关规定,并已征得?有利害关系的业主 ?业主委员会 ?社区居民委员会 ?社区工作站的意见,同意将所申报地址的房屋改变为经营性用房。,请在以上相应?中打“,”, 四、法定代表人信息真实有效,身份证件与原件一致,符合《企业法人法定代表人登记管理规定》关于法定代表人任职资格的有关规定,谨此对真实性承担责任。 五、兹委托指定代理人 任林利 作为经办人申请企业变更,备案,登记事宜。,代理权限:?提交申请材料,?领取营业执照或其他登记决定文件,?修改申请材料中文字性错误, 代理期限至 2013 年 11 月 01 日。 有权签署人签署: 【注:公司、非公司企业法人、农民专业合作社由法定代表人签署,合伙企业由执行事务合伙人或其委派代表签署,个人独资企业由投资人签署,分支机构由隶属单位法定代表人,或投资人、执行事务合伙人,签署】 企业名称,加盖公章,: 深圳市和顺达建筑工程有限公司 【注:分支机构加盖隶属单位公章】 年 月 日 经办人签名: 经办人联系电话: 名 称 深圳市和顺达建筑工程有限公司 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 住 所 深圳市 宝安区 区 民治大道横岭五区一栋志业大厦4楼401 【说明3】 经营场所 深圳市 宝安区 区 民治大道横岭五区一栋志业大厦4楼401 【与住所相 同可不填, 说明3】 ,同一区内另设多个经营场所且无需办理分支机构营业执照的请附页列明具体地址, 法定代表人证件名称 ?身份证 ?营业执照 ?护照 ?其他 ,执行合伙 人、投资人、 证件号码 负责人, 姓名或名称 出资总额 币种 币种 实收资本备案 【有限责任 【说明4】 数额 万元 数额 万元 公司认缴】 章程,协议,?一次性缴付 记载的 ?分期缴付, 年 月 日前全部缴付到位, 出资期限 ?章程,协议,规定的其他情形, , ? 年 营业期限 ?至 年 月 日 ?永续经营 出资 股东,发起人、股东代表、投资人、合伙人、成员, 类型 方式 请在证件种类栏填写相应字母:A.身份证 B.营业执照 C.其他 A.企业法人 B.社会团体 A,货币 出资 法人 B,实物 出资额 比例C.事业法人 C,知识 证,万元, ,%, 件D.自然人 产权 姓名或名称 证 件 号 码 种E.国家授权 D,土地 类 投资的机 使用权 构或部门 E. 其他 F.其他 acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)uric x. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfacetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary comple sodium-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-c GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Alrmance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arseni2002 by high perfo-l average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050ty conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmeticasion under repeatabilidraw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, preci--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--sample, expressed in grams (g); V1 quality of the--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: Xrate. um acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrough the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammoniwashed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water th 【本次申请行为纳入信用监管体系】 3 一般 经营 项目 章程,协议, 记载的 经营范围 【说明5】 许可 经营 项目 身 份 证 件 成员 职务 姓名 【请在证件种类栏填写相应字母:A.身份证 B.护照 C.往来内地通行证 D.其他】 备案 证件种类 证 件 号 码 ?董事长 ?理事长 董事,理事, ?执行董事 备 案 ?董事 【注:此处“理 ?理事 事”是指农民合?董事 作社理事】 ?理事 ?董事 ?理事 监事备案 ?监事会 【注:此处“执主席 行监事”是指农?执行监事 民合作社执行监监事 事】 高管成 经理 员备案 章程,协议,章程,协议,修正案或新章程于 年 月 日通过 备 案 外国投资者被授权人名称或姓名 法律文件 被授权人地址 送达接受人 被授权人联系方式 备 案 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 市外分支机分支机构或 构及对外投 对外投资名称 资备案 姓名或名 称 负责人证件种类 ?身份证 ?营业执照 ?其他 清算组,人,证件号码 备 案 成 员 迁入/迁出 ? 迁入 ? 迁出 迁入/迁出城市名: 姓名 指定联系人 【非常重要, 电话 申请营业执照副本 本 请准确填写】 电邮 企业网站 企业网站域名 名称 【如 www.****.com】 A.内资公司 : ?A-1有限责任公司 一人有限责任公司请选:?自然人独资 ?法人独资 ?A-2股份有限公司 ?上市 ?未上市 ?A-3国有独资公司 B.外资企业 : ?B-1有限责任公司,中外合资, ?B-2有限责任公司,中外合作, ?B-3有限责任公司,外商独资, ?自然人独资 ?法人独资 企 ?B-4有限责任公司,外商合资, 业 ?B-5股份有限公司,中外合资, 类 ?上市 ?未上市 型 ?B-6股份有限公司,中外合作, ?上市 ?未上市 ?B-7股份有限公司,外商合资, ?上市 ?未上市 ?B-8外商投资合伙企业 ?B-9外国,地区,企业在中国境内从事经营活动。 其中,涉及港、澳、台商投资企业,请勾选如下选项: ?B1-1有限责任公司,台港澳与境内合资, ?B1-2有限责任公司,台港澳与境内合作, ?B1-3有限责任公司,台港澳独资, ?自然人独资 ?法人独资 acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)uric x. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfacetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary comple sodium-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-c GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Alrmance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arseni2002 by high perfo-l average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050ty conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmeticasion under repeatabilidraw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, preci--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--sample, expressed in grams (g); V1 quality of the--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: Xrate. um acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrough the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammoniwashed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water th 【本次申请行为纳入信用监管体系】 5 ?B1-4有限责任公司,台港澳合资, ?B1-5有限责任公司,台港澳与外国投资者合资, ?B1-6股份有限公司,台港澳合资, ?上市 ?未上市 ?B1-7股份有限公司,台港澳与境内合资, ?上市 ?未上市 ?B1-8股份有限公司,台港澳与外国投资者合资, ?上市 ?未上市 C.非法人企业:?C-1(内资)普通合伙企业 ?C-2(内资)特殊的普通合伙企业 ?C-3(内资)有限合伙企业 ?C-4外商投资合伙企业 ?C-5个人独资企业 D.非公司企业法人:?D-1全民所有制企业 ?D-2集体所有制企业 ?D-3联营企业 ?D-4股份合作企业、 ?D-5农民专业合作社 S.分支机构:?S-1,内资,有限责任公司分公司 ?S-2,内资,股份有限公司分公司 ?S-3,内资,合伙企业分支机构 ?S-4 外商投资有限责任公司分公司 ?S-5 外商投资股份有限公司分公司 ?S-6 外商投资合伙企业分支机构 ?S-7 台港澳独资企业分支机构 ?S-8 个人独资企业分支机构 ?S-9 营业单位(全民所有制、集体所有制、联营企业分支机构) ?S-10股份合作企业分支机构 ?S-11农民专业合作社分支机构 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)
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