首页 酒店客房管理系统—计算机毕业设计(论文)



酒店客房管理系统—计算机毕业设计(论文)酒店客房管理系统—计算机毕业设计(论文) 酒店客房管理的设计与实现 摘要 二十一世纪是信息技术的时代,计算机已经应用到了各行各业中。采用计算机信息管理技术,可以有效的降低企业的管理成本,提高企业内部的工作效率。 本文从天天宾馆客房客房管理的一般流程出发,设计了一套天天宾馆客房管理信息系统,它可以管理天天宾馆客房中所有的客房的信息,可以方便的添加、修改、删除。旅客入住和退房都可以通过简单的操作完成。还可以进行方便的查询,查询内容包括客房、收费、效益等。最后,还可以对天天宾馆客房客房的信息进行报表输出。 本文...

酒店客房管理系统—计算机毕业 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 (论文) 酒店客房管理的设计与实现 摘要 二十一世纪是信息技术的时代,计算机已经应用到了各行各业中。采用计算机信息管理技术,可以有效的降低企业的管理成本,提高企业内部的工作效率。 本文从天天宾馆客房客房管理的一般流程出发,设计了一套天天宾馆客房管理信息系统,它可以管理天天宾馆客房中所有的客房的信息,可以方便的添加、修改、删除。旅客入住和退房都可以通过简单的操作完成。还可以进行方便的查询,查询内容包括客房、收费、效益等。最后,还可以对天天宾馆客房客房的信息进行报表输出。 本文采用Visual Basic 6.0做为前台开发工具,采用Microsoft SQL SERVER 2000 做为后台数据库,采用Adodc控件作为数据库访问的媒介。本文主要论述了系统的设计思路,主要的工具和设计方法。随后详细介绍了数据库设计、系统模块设计和界面设计,最后对系统的每个具体模块给出了说明。 本系统运行稳定,经过多方面的测试和修改,已经可以达到实际应用的水平。 关键词:Visual Basic 6.0,ADO,MIS,宾馆客房管理 ―I― Abstract The 21th century is a century of information. The usage of computer has varied from many fields. With the computer Manage information system, one company can efficiently reduce cost for management, and promote the efficiency inside the company. This article embarked daily from the guesthouse guest room guest room management general flow, has designed a set of daily guesthouses guestrooms management information system, it was allowed to manage daily in the guesthouse guest room all guest rooms information, was allowed to facilitate increase, revision, deletion. The passenger enters and returns a house all may complete through the simple operation. Also may carry on the convenience the inquiry, the inquiry content including the guest room, the charge, the benefit and so on. Finally ,but also may carry on the report form output daily to the guest houseguest room guest room information. This article uses Visual Basic 6.0 to do for the onstage development kit, uses Microsoft SQL SERVER 2,000 to do is the backstage database ,uses Adodc to control the achievement database visit the medium. This article mainly elaborated the system design mentality, main tool and design method. Afterwards in detail introduced the database design ,the system module design and the contact surface design, finally have produced showing to system each concrete module. This system movement is stable, passes through the various test and the revision, already was allowed to achieve the practical application the level. Key word: Visual Basic 6.0, ADO, MIS, guesthouse guest room management ―II― 摘要 ............................................................................................................................ I Abstract .............................................................................................................. II 一.绪论 .................................................................................................................. 6 1.1开发背景 ................................................................................................. 6 1.2管理信息系统的意义 ...................................................................... 6 1.3本文的主要工作 ................................................................................. 7 二(系统 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ................................................................................................... 8 2(1 系统的设计目标 ............................................................................. 8 2(2 可行性分析 ........................................................................................ 9 ............................................................................... 9 2(2(1 技术可行性 2(2(2 时间可行性 ............................................................................ 9 .......................................................................... 10 2(2(3 经济可行性 2(2(4 操作可行性 .......................................................................... 10 三(系统设计 ................................................................................................. 11 3(1 系统功能模块设计 ...................................................................... 11 3(2 系统流程图 ...................................................................................... 12 四(主要工具和实现技术 ................................................................... 14 4(1 Visual Basic 6.0 ...................................................................... 14 4.2 ADO数据库访问技术 .................................................................... 15 ―III― 4(3 VB的数据库访问技术 ............................................................ 16 ........................................................................... 17 4(4 模块化设计方法 五(详细设计 ................................................................................................. 17 5(1 数据库设计 ...................................................................................... 17 5(1(1 E,R图设计 ........................................................................... 18 5(1(2 数据库关系表设计 ............................................................... 19 5(2 系统功能模块设计 ...................................................................... 21 5(3 用户界面的设计 ........................................................................... 22 5(4 数据库访问功能 ........................................................................... 23 六(系统功能模块实现 ......................................................................... 24 6(1 登陆模块 ........................................................................................... 24 6.2 主界面 ................................................................................................... 24 6.3 用户管理.............................................................................................. 25 6(4 用户添加/修改 .............................................................................. 26 6(5 房间信息 ........................................................................................... 27 6(6 房间信息修改 ................................................................................ 27 6(7 客人信息 ........................................................................................... 28 6.8 客人信息编辑窗体 ........................................................................ 28 6(9 退房信息窗体 ................................................................................ 29 ―IV― 6.10 退房信息修改窗体 ...................................................................... 30 6.11 房间信息查询窗体 ...................................................................... 30 6.12 收费信息查询窗体 ...................................................................... 31 6(13 效益信息查询窗体 ................................................................... 31 (图6.13 效益信息查询窗体) ........................................................................... 32 6.14 报表输出窗体 ................................................................................ 32 七(后记 ............................................................................................................. 33 参考文献: ......................................................................................................... 34 致谢 ......................................................................................................................... 35 ―V― 一.绪论 1.1开发背景 现代社会是信息社会。随着计算机网络技术、数据库技术、管理技术的发展,对信息的处理和利用已经深入到人类生活的各个方面。 21 世纪,全球经济一体化,企业将面临着更激烈的市场竞争。管理科学化、电子化、网络化成为企业的必需。实施的成败关系着企业的生存和发展。 随着我国社会经济的迅猛发展以及改革开放的深入,各种国企、私企的规模在不断壮大,实力在不断提高,数据信息处理及需求量在不断增加。利用计算机来管理信息的收集、加工、处理和传递,已成为企业管理必不可少的手段和工具,建立一个完善的集成化、信息化、网络化的企业管理信息系统,已经迫在眉睫。一个现代化 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的计算机信息网络的建成,无疑将使企业的效益跃上一个新台阶。 宾馆客房业在世界上被誉为永不衰弱的朝阳行业。在我国,宾馆客房业在国家的培育扶植下,正以空前的速度发展着。随着宾馆客房业的蓬勃发展和中国进入 WTO 后国外旅游公司的涌入,市场竞争也是空前激烈。在这种环境下宾馆客房传统的运作模式已经无法再适应当今市场的快速发展。想要在竞争中占领市场、锁定客户,只有通过加快内部管理信息化、电子化建设,提高工作效率,降低经营成本,从而提高企业的竞争力。 1.2管理信息系统的意义 管理信息系统就是 MIS(Management Information System),在强调管理,强调信息的当今社会中它变得越来越普及,越来越重要。管理信息系统(MIS)的研究始于 20 世纪 70 年代,目标是企业管理者使用的基于计算机的信息系统。管理信息系统将计算机科学、管理科学、经营研究和系统的建立及应用连接在一起,在这些学科的基础上,形成信息的收集、加工、处理和传递的方法,从而形成一个纵横交织的系统。 ―6― 1.3本文的主要工作 本文按照天天宾馆对客房进行管理的要求和业务流程,建立了高度信息化为基础的综合天天宾馆客房管理系统。将计算机技术、数据库技术、工作流技术集中的运用起来。综合实现了,包括系统登陆、客房管理、入住管理、退房管理、效益顾客查询、报表打印等多种功能。 本文介绍了该系统的详细设计思路,介绍了主要的开发工具和实现技术。并对全部功能模块做了说明。 ―7― 二(系统分析 软件需求分析工作是软件生命周期中的重要的一步。只有通过需求分析才能把软件功能和性能的总体概念描述为具体的软件需求规格说明,从而奠定软件开发的基础。软件需求分析工作也是一个不断认识和逐步细化的过程。该过程将软件调研阶段的需求资料进行分析和设计,使软件范围逐步细化到详细定义的程度,并分析出各种不同的软件元素,然后为这些元素找到可行的解决办法。 2(1 系统的设计目标 本系统为天天宾馆客房客房管理而设计,主要为了实现天天宾馆客房的客房管理。主要的功能如表2.1: (表2.1 系统设计目标) 主要模块 功能描述 系统管理 用户只有使用密码登陆后。才能使用系统的功能。用 户登陆后可以添加管理员。 客房管理 可以查看所有的客房信息,包括(房间号、类型、级 别、费用),进行添加、删除、和修改。 入住管理 可以查看当前客房的入住信息。 退房管理 可以进行退房操作。 客房查询 可以根据各种查询条件对客房进行查询。查询条件包 括,客房的房间号、类型、级别、费用和入住情况等。 房客查询 可以查询当前入住的房客信息。查询条件包括,姓名、 身份证号。 效益查询 可以查询一定时间内的收入情况。 报表打印 可以打印当前所有客房的信息。 ―8― 2(2 可行性分析 在做需求分析之前,先做可行性研究。 ?经济可行性,即进行成本一效益分析,从经济角度判断系统开发是否“合算”。 ?技术可行性,即进行技术风险评价,从开发者的技术实力、工作基础、问题的复杂性等方面出发,判断系统开发在时间、费用等限制条件下成功的可能性。 ?时间可行性,即确定系统开发能否在 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 时间内完成,能否满足用户的需要。 ?操作的选择,即确定系统的开发能否满足用户对操作简单的要求。 2(2(1 技术可行性 天天宾馆客房管理信息系统的工作原理就是通过用户界面把用户的操作转化为存放相关信息数据的后台数据库操作,进而将相关操作结果返回给用户。考虑到应用的性质,本系统采用单机版就已经能够满足要求,在数据库方面,为了给客户节省资金,本人所选用的数据库是SQL SERVER 2000,这是因为SQL SERVER 2000 具有很好的通用性和可靠性,数据库仅保持在文件中方便备份,且已经可以满足本信息管理的要求。在开发语言上,本人选用的是Visual Basic作为应用程序的前端开发工具,这是因为Visual Basic作为一种可视化的RAD编程工具,具有简单易学,灵活方便、易于扩充和开发迅速的特点。它可以与后端的SQL SERVER 2000数据库通过内置的ADO相结合,能够实现一个高效迅速的解决方案。 2(2(2 时间可行性 整个系统本身不是很庞大,没有太多的技术难点,使用VB6.0进行开发,应该不会有什么困难和风险。考虑到目前已经有很多类似的管理软件在实际运作,所以本人会以它们作为参考,学习它们优秀的设计思想,进一步拓展自己的开发思路。在毕业设计的2个月期间可以基本完成从系统分析到系统设计等各方面的工作,在时间上是可行的。 ―9― 2(2(3 经济可行性 天天宾馆客房管理信息系统本身是不会直接产生经济效益的。但是其应用能够节省人力资源的消耗和浪费,从而节约成本,提高效率,能够起到的作用也是十分可观的。另外本系统使用SQL SERVER 2000数据库,因此除了应用程序的版权费以外,客户不再需要进一步的支付其他费用,保护了客户的利益。 2(2(4 操作可行性 天天宾馆客房管理信息系统是基于VB 6.0平台开发的。Visual Basic是微软推出的一套应用广泛的数据库开发工具,它对一个小型数据库的处理具有不可比拟的优势。此外,它产生的界面也十分容易使用,很符合windows程序的标准,具有简单、容易上手等特点。所以说操作方面是可行的。 ―10― 三(系统设计 3(1 系统功能模块设计 系统共分为系统模块、客房管理模块、入住管理功能、退房管理、客房查询 功能、客人信息查询模块、效益信息查询、报表功能。各模块的功能如下: 系统模块: 提供登陆功能、并验证用户的合法性; 客房管理模块: 添加客房信息,修改客房信息,删除客房信息; 入住管理功能: 添加入住信息,修改入住信息,删除入住信息; 退房管理功能: 添加退房信息,修改退房信息,删除退房信息; 客房查询功能: 按房间号、级别、类型、状态对客房进行查询; 客人信息查询功能: 按客人姓名、身份证编号查询客人; 效益信息查询: 按时间查询天天宾馆客房的盈利情况; 报表功能: 可以输出房间信息的报表。 图3.1为系统的功能结构图。 ―11― 酒店客房管理系统 客房系客入退房客统房住房信信管管管管息息理理理理查查询询 系效客登统益房陆用信信验户添删修息息证管加除改查打理询印 添删修加除改 添删修加除改 (图3.1 系统功能结构图) 3(2 系统流程图 系统工作流程主要分三部分:登陆流程、前台操作流程、管理流程。登陆流程为系统用户登陆系统并进行其它操作之前的流程。前台操作流程主要为天天宾馆客房的前台进行客房查询、为房客办理入住、退房等手续的流程。还有系统管理包括对客房、房客等进行查询及报表打印等,仅是单一的操作,不需要流程图。 登陆流程如图3.2: ―12― 管理系统帐号 进入系统 输入用户名和密打开系统码,进行登陆 提示登陆失败 (图3.2 系统登陆流程) 前台操作流程如图3.3: 房客到来房客离开 查询客房信息办理入住办理退房 (图3.3 前台操作流程) ―13― 四(主要工具和实现技术 4(1 Visual Basic 6.0 Microsoft公司推出Windows以后,立即以其新颖的图形用户界面、卓越的多任务操作系统性能、高层次的软件开发平台而风靡全球。尤其Windows环境下的Office实用软件的方便使用,使不少熟悉DOS软件开发的用户想要自己动手设计Windows用户界面,以满足各种应用程序的需要。为了广大满足用户的要求1991年Microsoft公司推出Windows应用程序开发工具——Visual Basic[4],Visual意为“可视化的”,指的是一种开发图形用户界面(GUI)的方法,所以Visual Basic是基于Basic的可视化的程序设计语言,在Visual Basic中,继承了其先辈Basic所具有的程序设计语言简单易用的特点,其编程又采用了面向对象的事件驱动的编程机制,用一种巧妙方法把Windows的编程复杂性封装起来,提供了一种所见即所得的可视界面设计方法,为广大的非计算机人员学习、使用、研究和开发Windows环境下的应用程序带来了福音。 Visual Basic最早是由Microsoft公司在1991年推出的,刚推出的Visual Basic也有缺陷,功能也相对少一些。经过Microsoft公司的不断努力,1993年推出的Visual Basic 3.0已初具规模,进入实用阶段,利用VB可快速地创建多媒体、图形界面等的应用程序。现今的Visual Basic 6.0在开发环境、功能上进一步完善和扩充,尤其在数据库管理、网络应用方面更胜一筹,使得VB成为许多程序员首选的编程工具。 Visual Basic 6.0的功能强大,特点鲜明,其具体的功能特点如下: 1. 具有面向对象的可视化设计工具; 2. 事件驱动的编程机制; 3. 提供了易学易用的应用程序集成开发环境; 4. 结构化的程序设计语言; 5. 支持多种数据库系统的访问; 6. OLE技术; 7. Active技术; ―14― 8. 较强的网络功能; 9. 具有多个应用程序向导; 10. 完备的Help联机帮助功能。 4.2 ADO数据库访问技术 Microsoft推出的UDA(一致数据访问技术) 为关系型或非关系型数据访问提供了一致的访问接口,为企业级Intranet应用多层软件结构提供了数据接口标准。一致数据访问包括两层软件接口,分别为ADO(Active Data Object) 和OLE DB,对应于不同层次的应用开发,ADO提供了高层软件接口,可在各种脚本语言(Script) 或一些宏语言中直接使用;OLE DB提供了底层软件接口,可在C/C++ 语言中直接使用。ADO以OLE DB为基础,它对OLE DB进行了封装。 图4.1为ADO的架构图。 (图4.1 ADO架构图) ADO对象模型定义了一组可编程的自动化对象,可用于Visual Basic、Visual C++、Java以及其他各种支持自动化特性的脚本语言。与一般的数据库接口相比,ADO可更好地用于网络环境,通过优化技术,它尽可能地降低网络流量;ADO的另一个特性是使用简单,不仅因为它是一个面向高级用户的数据库接口,更因为它使用了一组简化的接口用以处理各种数据源。 ―15― 在ADO模型中,主体对象只有3个:Connection、Command和Recordset,其他4个集合对象Errors、Properties、Parameters和Fields分别对应Error、Property、Parameter和Field对象,整个ADO对象模型由这些对象组成。 图4.2为ADO的对象模型图。 (图4.2 ADO对象模型图) 一个典型的ADO应用使用Connection对象建立与数据源的连接,然后用一个Command对象给出对数据库操作的命令,比如查询或者更新数据等,而RecordSet用于对结果集数据进行维护或者浏览等操作。Command命令所使用的命令语言与底层所对应的OLE DB数据源有关,不同的数据源可以使用不同的命令语言,对于关系型数据库,通常使用SQL作为命令语言。 4(3 VB的数据库访问技术 在Visual Basic 6.0中,可用的数据访问接口有三种:ActiveX数据对象(ADO)、远程数据对象(RDO) 和数据访问对象(DAO)。数据访问接口是一个对象模型, [10]它代表了访问数据的各个方面。在这三种接口中,最新的是ADO接口。 在VB中使用ADO,可以用两种方法:一是使用ADODC控件,在这种方式下,可以以图形化的方式直接设置ADO的连接,通过对文本框、列表框等控件进行数据绑定,就可以对数据表的内容进行显示和修改,这种方式使用比较灵活,数据的显示和修改都是自动进行的,不再需要复杂的手动赋值。本文即采用这种方式。 ―16― 4(4 模块化设计方法 本系统的开发选用了Visual Basic作为主要的开发工具。它是当前最便捷的RAD开发工具,当然这是以功能和性能的损失为代价的。但对于本系统的开发VB有着很大的优势,相对于Delphi,VB更加傻瓜化,可以在更短的时间内实现系统功能;而相对与Power Builder,VB具有更丰富的网络组件。VB通过ADO [10]技术和自带的WinSock控件就可以实现本系统要求的所有数据库和网络功能。 VB同样有它的局限性。Basic语言是一种面向过程的语言,在VB 6.0中,微软公司对其进行了扩展,加入了类和对象的操作,但还是没有将其完全变成一个面向对象的语言。不像Delphi和VC++可以脱离集成开发环境单独对 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 进行编译,Visual Basic的语言包括它的一些特性在很大程度上还是很依赖于它的 [10]IDE。 由于不是面向对象的语言,现代软件工程中流行的OO开发方法无法用于这里。但是传统的模块化开发方法却可以很容易的应用到VB项目里。 VB中每个窗体和Module都可以作为一个模块来对待。通过VB的访问控制符可以实现公有、私有的数据域或函数。各个模块相互独立,模块之间全部通过指定的公有数据域或函数进行交互。各个模块各自独立开发,各自独立测试。 五(详细设计 5(1 数据库设计 数据库在一个信息管理系统中占有非常重要的地位,数据库结构设计的好坏将直接对应用系统的效率以及实现的效果产生影响。合理的数据库结构设计可以提高数据存储的效率,保证数据的完整和一致。同时,合理的数据库结构也将有利于程序的实现。 ―17― 5(1(1 E,R图设计 根据上面的设计规划出的实体有:管理员信息实体、客房信息实体、入住信 息实体、退房信息实体。各个实体如下: 1(管理员信息: 管理员实体 权限用户名 密码 (图5.1 管理员信息实体) 2(客房信息实体 客房信息实体 当前状态房间号 房间类型 费用房间级别 (图5.2 客房信息实体) 3(入住信息实体 ―18― 入住信息实体 入住日期订房号 客人证件号码 入住房间号客人姓名 (图5.3 入住信息实体) 4(退房信息实体 退房信息实体 订房号 付款金额 退房日期 (图5.4 退房信息实体) 5(1(2 数据库关系表设计 经过上面的分析,已经对客房管理所需要的关系结构有了了解,下面给出具 体的关系表设计,其中包括关系表的结构和字段类型。 表名:Users 字段名 字段类型 字段长度 Name 8 字符 Password 8 字符 Right 8 字符 ―19― 说明: 用户表,其中存储了可以登陆本系统的用户名、密码及相应的权限。 Name字段:用户名。 Password字段:密码。 Right字段: 用户的权限。其为A(All全部)时表示用户拥有全部的权限,可以任意添加、修改、删除系统数据;为O(Operator操作员)时表示用户可以向系统录入、修改信息,但是不能删除信息,并仅有有限的查询功能。 表名:Room 字段名 字段类型 字段长度 RoomNo 3 文本 RoomGrade 4 整型 RoomType 4 整型 RoomRate 4 整型 RoomStatus 1 布尔型 说明:房间表,存储天天宾馆客房中的所有客房信息。 RoomNo字段:房间号,暂时为3位。 RoomGrade字段: 房间级别,定义为(1,4)级。分别表示普通间、标准间、商务间、豪华间。 RoomType字段: 房间类型,定义为(1,3)。分别单人间、双人间、四人间。 RoomRate字段:房间的租金,以日为单位。 RoomStatus字段:表示当前房间是否已经有人入住。 表名:Guest 字段名 字段类型 字段长度 BookNo 8 文本 ―20― GuestName 8 文本 CardId 18 文本 RoomNo 3 文本 BookDate 8 时间日期 说明:客人入住表,存储了所有入住客人的信息。 BookNo字段:入住流水号。 GuestName字段:客人姓名。 CardId字段:客人身份证号码。 RoomId字段:客人入住的房间号。 BookDate字段:客人入住的时间。 表名:Cancel 字段名 字段类型 字段长度 BookNo 8 文本 CancelDate 8 时间日期 PayMoney 4 整型 说明:退房表,存储了客人的退房信息。 BookNo字段:流水号,对应于客人入住表的流水号。 CancelDate字段:客人退房日期。 PayMoney字段:客人所付的房费。 5(2 系统功能模块设计 本系统使用Visual Basic做为开发工具。在VB中是以窗体和Module来 作为模块划分的。本系统中的模块划分,基本上按照系统设计时的划分。即以每 个窗体作为模块划分的标准。同时利用Module模块,划分了一个通用的模块, 提供了一些系统各处都要用到的功能。比如数据库的访问功能。另外还有一个设 计器模块。综上所述,本系统中的模块划分如下: frmMDI.frm 主窗体 ―21― frmLogin.frm 登陆窗体 frmAbout.frm 关于窗体 frmRoomInfo.frm 客房信息窗体 frmRoomInfoEdit.frm 客房信息修改窗体 frmCancelInfoEdit.frm 退房信息修改窗体 frmGuestInfo.frm 入住信息窗体 frmGuestInfoEdit.frm 入住信息修改窗体 frmCancelInfo.frm 退房信息窗体 frmQueryMoney.frm 收费信息查询窗体 frmQuery.frm 房间信息查询窗体 frmQueryBenifit.frm 效益信息查询窗体 frmUser.frm 用户窗体 frmUserEdit.frm 用户修改窗体 mdlCommon.bas 通用模块 drpRoom.Dsr 设计器模块 5(3 用户界面的设计 随着各种各样软件工具的面市,软件的用户界面作为人机接口起者越来越重要的作用,它的好坏直接影响到软件的寿命,具有友好用户界面的软件对于用户来说,无疑是一种享受,即使另一个软件功能在功能、性能方面与它类似,用户可能会毫不犹豫地选择它。因此,必须重视用户界面设计,开发更具竞争力的软件。 本系统的用户界面采用MDI风格。MDI风格的界面是流行软件中常用的界面。它包含一个父窗体和若干子窗体。子窗体全部显示在父窗体的工作区内,常见的具有该风格的软件有word、Arobat reader等。 子窗体的设计采用简单性原则,基本的布局为:上面放置数据表格,下面放置若干按钮和其他用户输入控件。以简单为主,尽量方便用户的使用,做到界面一目了然。 ―22― 5(4 数据库访问功能 数据库访问功能统一由mdlCommon.bas中的一个函数实现。该函数如下: Public Sub OpenTable(pAdo As Adodc, pRecordSource As String) '打开一个表,得到一个数据集 With pAdo .ConnectionString = "dsn=hotel" .CommandType = adCmdUnknown .RecordSource = pRecordSource .Refresh End With End Sub Public Function get_test() As ADODB.Recordset Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset conn.ConnectionString = "dsn=test" rs.Open "select * from test where age>20", conn get_test = rs End Function ―23― 六(系统功能模块实现 6(1 登陆模块 当用户输入完用户名和密码后,点击确定。系统就开始判断用户名和密码是 否正确。如果出错次数达到三次,提示出错信息,系统退出;只有当用户名和密 码都正确且匹配时,进入主界面,使用天天宾馆客房客房管理系统。 点击取消关闭程序。 (图6.1 登陆界面) 6.2 主界面 主界面为一个MDI的窗口,提供了菜单条和工具栏,可以直接选择菜单或 工具条中的按钮而直接进入响应的功能。 其中菜单条的内容分别为: 系统功能―― 用户管理 ―― 对应用户管理窗体 退出系统 ―― 退出 基本信息管理―― 客房信息 ―― 对应房间信息窗体 客人信息 ―― 对应客人信息窗体 退房信息 ―― 对应退房信息管理窗体 查询 ―― 客房查询 ―― 对应客房信息查询窗体 收费查询 ―― 对应收费信息查询窗体 效益查询 ―― 对应效益查询窗体 ―24― 报表输出 ―― 打印报表 ―― 对应报表打印窗体 窗口 ―― 平铺窗口 ―― 将所有当前打开的MDI子窗体进行平铺显示 层叠窗口 ―― 将所有当前打开的MDI子窗体进行层叠显示 最小华所有窗口 ―― 将所有当前打开的MDI子窗体最小化 帮助 ―― 关于 ―― 显示关于窗体 (图6.2 程序主界面) 6.3 用户管理 用户管理窗口显示了所有当前系统的用户。包括用户名、密码、和权限。可以进行添加、修改、删除。 添加:添加一个新用户,并显示用户添加窗体以输入用户信息。 编辑:编辑一个用户的信息,并显示用户编辑窗体以修改用户信息。 删除:删除一个用户。 ―25― (图6.3 用户管理) 6(4 用户添加/修改 用户添加修改窗体可以输入新用户的信息,也可以用来修改原有系统用户的 信息。 用户名:登陆时使用的名字。 密码:登陆时的密码。 用户权限:对应于该用户的权限。 (图6.4 用户编辑窗体) ―26― 6(5 房间信息 房间信息可以查看到当前所有房间的信息,并对其进行添加、修改、删除。 添加:添加一个房间信息,并显示房间信息添加窗体以输入新的房间信息。 修改:修改一个房间的信息,并显示房间信息修改窗体。 删除:删除一个房间的信息。 退出:关闭本窗体。 (图6.5 房间信息) 6(6 房间信息修改 房间信息修改窗体可以添加或修改一个房间的信息。 客房编号:房间的编号。 客房级别:可选的房间级别有普通间、标准间、商务间、豪华间。 客房类型:分为单人间、双人间、四人间。 客房价格:房间的价格。 ―27― (6(6 房间信息修改) 6(7 客人信息 客人信息窗口可以查看当前登记的所有客人的信息。并进行添加、删除、修 改。 添加:添加一个客人的信息,即办理入房手续。 修改:修改一个客人的信息。 删除:删除一个客人的信息。 (6.7 客人信息窗体) 6.8 客人信息编辑窗体 客人信息编辑窗体可以修改或添加一个客人的信息。 登记号:随机生成的一个数字,用于客人退房。 客人姓名:客人登记的姓名。 ―28― 身份证号码:客人的身份证号码。 房间号:客人入住的房间号。 登记日期:客人入住的日期。 (图6.8 客人信息修改窗体) 6(9 退房信息窗体 退房信息窗体可以显示当前系统中的所有退房信息。并进行添加、删除、修 改。 添加:添加一条退房信息。 修改:修改一条退房信息。 删除:删除一条退房信息。 (图6.9 退房信息窗体) ―29― 6.10 退房信息修改窗体 退房信息修改窗体,可以添加或修改退房信息。 登记号:必须是客人入住时的登记号。 登记日期:客人的入住日期,此处不能修改。 退房日期:当前的日期。 付款金额:由系统自动计算的,客人应付款金额。 (图6.10 退房信息修改窗体) 6.11 房间信息查询窗体 房间信息查询窗体可以根据各种条件查询天天宾馆客房中的客房信息。 可以的查询条件有:房间号、房间级别、房间类型、房间状态。 (图6.11 客房信息查询窗体) ―30― 6.12 收费信息查询窗体 收费信息查询窗体,可以根据各种条件,查询天天宾馆客房的收费记录。 可以的查询条件有:登记号、退房(收费)日期、金额。 (图6.12 收费信息查询窗体) 6(13 效益信息查询窗体 效益信息查询窗体,可以查询天天宾馆客房一段时间内或特定房间的收益情况。 可以的查询条件有:房间号、特定的时间段。 ―31― (图6.13 效益信息查询窗体) 6.14 报表输出窗体 可以直接打印房间信息报表。 (图6.14 报表打印窗体) ―32― 七(后记 本文主要实现了一个天天宾馆客房客房管理系统,相对来说,功能还是比较简单的。但是对于天天宾馆客房的客房管理来说,已经基本上可以满足要求。本系统具有很好的可扩展性。各个模块基本都是按照相同的方式所开发,所以可以很容易的对系统进行扩展。以实现更多的功能。 本系统主要是在指导教师帮助下完成的。通过天天宾馆客房管理系统的开。我学习到了许多原来不曾有的知识。包括VB的应用,数据库的开发,等等。同时由于本人水平有限,设计时间较短,所以该系统还有许多不尽如人意的地方,比如部分功能不很完善,查询条件过少等,这些都需要在以后去完善。 这个毕业设计,是我对大学学习生活的一个总结,使我在各个方面的知识得到充实和进一步系统化;使我对软件的开发设计有了一个明确的认识;本系统设计的不足之处, 请各位老师多多批评,提出宝贵意见。 ―33― 参考文献: [1] Greg Perry(学用Visual Basic [M](北京,清华大学出版社,2001.3:30,53, 122,134 [2] 王家华. 软件工程[M]. 沈阳: 东北大学出版社, 2003, 全书. [3] Kamran Iqbal(Microsoft Corporation). 构建健壮而可靠的软件[J]. msdn开发 精选,2005年5月刊:15-17. [4] 龚沛曾、陆慰民、杨志强. Visual Basic程序设计教程(6.0版)[M]. 北京: 高 等教育出版社, 2002, 全书. [5] (美) Francesco Balena.Visual Basic 6 编程技术大全[M].机械工业出版 社.2001.1 [6] 萨师煊、王珊. 数据库系统概论(第三版)[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2003, 84-149. [7] 罗晓沛. 数据库技术[M]. 武昌: 华中理工大学出版社, 2001, 全书. [8] 高春艳、李艳、古伟东. Visual Basic数据库开发关键技术与实例应用[M]. 北 京: 人民邮电出版社, 2004, 162-207. [9] 希望图书创作室编著.中文 Visual Basic 6.0 教程.北京:宇航出版社, 2003 年 4 月. 1-62. [10] (美)Ron Patton著,周予滨、姚静 等译. 软件测试[M]. 北京:机械工业 出版社, 2003, 全书. [11] Paul Schafer、Tom Arnold. 通过更完善的测试实现更好的软件[J].msdn开发 精选,2005年05月刊:31-37. ―34― 致谢 值此论文提交之际,我向所有帮助过我的人表示衷心的感谢。特别要感谢我的指导教师——王波老师。在论文的选题、资料搜集、结构安排、撰写修改等诸多方面,王波老师都给了我耐心的指导和无私的帮助。才使我的毕业设计能够顺利的完成。 在这里,我也要向二年来一直关心和支持我学习的东北大学各位的领导、老师、和同学们表示衷心的感谢。再一次向曾经培养、教育、关心和帮助过我的前辈、老师和朋友们致以深深的谢意。 ―35― Billy saw service with the infantry in Europe, and was taken prisoner by the Germans. After his honorable discharge from the Army in 1945, Billy again enrolled in the Ilium School of Optometry. During his senior year there, he became engaged to the daughter of the founder and owner of the school, and then suffered a mild nervous collapse. He was treated in a veterans' hospital near Lake Placid, and was given shock treatments and released. He married his fianc閑, finished his education, and was set up in business in Ilium by his father-in-law. Ilium is a particularly good city for optometrists because the General Forge and Foundry Company is there. Every employee is required to own a pair of safety glasses, and to wear them in areas where manufacturing is going on. GF&F has sixty-eight thousand employees in Ilium. That calls for a lot of lenses and a lot of frames. Frames are where the money istion of coal-mines was far distant and there was no dread of scarcity. There were still extensive mines to be worked in the two Americas. The manufactories, appropriated to so many different uses, locomotives, steamers, gas works, &c., were not likely to fail for want of the mineral fuel; but the consumption had so increased during the last few years, that certain beds had been exhausted even to their smallest veins. Now deserted, these mines perforated the ground with their useless shafts and forsaken galleries. This was exactly the case with the pits of Aberfoyle. Ten years before, the last butty had raised the last ton of coal from this colliery. The underground working stock, traction engines, trucks which run on rails along the galleries, subterranean tramways, frames to support the shaft, pipes -- in short, all that constituted the machinery of a mine had been brought up from its depths. The exhausted mine was like the body of a huge fantastically-shaped mastodon, from which all the organs of life have been taken, and only the skeleton remains. Nothing was left but long wooden ladders, down the Yarrow shaft -- the s, carpenters, outside and inside laborers, women, children, and old men, all were collected in the great yard of the Dochart pit, formerly heaped with coal from the mine. Many of these families had existed for generations in the mine of old Aberfoyle; they were now driven to seek the means of subsistence elsewhere, and they waited sadly to bid farewell to the engineer. James Starr stood upright, at the door of the vast shed in which he had for so many years superintended the powerful machines of the shaft. Simon Ford, the foreman of the Dochart pit, then fifty-five years of age, and other managers and overseers, surrounded him. James Starr took off his hat. The miners, cap in hand, kept a profound silence. This farewell scene was of a touching character, not wanting in grandeur. "My friends," said the engineer, "the time has come for us to ―36― separate. The Aberfoyle mines, which for so many years have united us in a common work, are now exhausted. All our researches have not led to the discovery of a new vein, and the last block of coal has just been extracted from the Dochart pit." And in confirmation of his words, James Starr pointed to a lump of coal which had been kept at the bottom of a basket. "This piece of coal, my friends," resumed James Starr, "is like the last drop of blood which has flowed through the veins of the mine! We shall keep it, as the first fragment of coal is kept, which was extracted a hundred and fifty years ago from the bearings of Aberfoyle. Between these two pieces, how many generations of workmen have succeeded each other in our pits! Now, it is over! The last words which your engineer will address to you are a farewell. You have lived in this mine, which your hands have emptied. The work has been hard, but not without profit for you. Our great family mustrent pits came forward to shake hands with him, whilst the miners waved their caps, shouting, "Farewell, James Starr, our master and our friend!" This farewell would leave a lasting remembrance in all these honest hearts. Slowly and sadly the population quitted the yard. The black soil of the roads leading to the Dochart pit resounded for the last time to the tread of miners' feet, and silence succeeded to the bustling life which had till then filled the Aberfoyle mines. One man alone remained by James Starr. This was the overman, Simon Ford. Near him stood a boy, about fifteen years of age, who for some years already had been employed down below. James Starr and Simon Ford knew and esteemed each other well. "Good-by, Simon," said the engineer. "Good-by, Mr. Starr," replied the overman, "let me add, till we meet again!" Bill became rich. He had two children, Barbara and Robert. In time, his daughter Barbara married another optometrist., and Billy set him up in business. Billy's son Robert had a lot of trouble in high school, but then he joined the famous Green Berets. He straightened out, became a fine Young man, and he fought in Vietnam. Early in 1968, a group of optometrists, with Billy among them, chartered an airplane to fly them from Ilium to an international convention of optometrists in Montreal. The plane crashed on top of Sugarbush Mountain, in Vermont. Everybody was killed but Billy. So it goes. While Billy was recuperating in a hospital in Vermont, his wife died accidentally of carbon-monoxide poisoning. So it goes. When Billy finally got home to Ilium after the airplane crash, he was quiet for a while. He had a terrible scar across the top Of his skull. He didn't resume practice. He had a housekeeper. His daughter came over almost every day. And then, without any warning, Billy went to New York City, and got on an all-night radio program devoted to talk. He told about having come unstuck in time. He said, too, that he had been kidnapped by a flying saucer in 1967. The saucer was from the planet Tralfamadore, he said. He was taken to Tralfamadore, where he was displayed naked in a zoo, he said. He was mated there with a former Earthling movie star named Montana Wildhack. ―37― Some night owls in Ilium heard Billy on the radio, and one of them called Billy's daughter Barbara. Barbara was upset. She and her husband went down to New York and brought Billy home. Billy insisted mildly that everything he had said on the radio was true. He said he had been kidnapped by the Tralfamadorians on the night of his daughter's wedding. He hadn't been missed, he said, because the Tralfamadorians had taken him through a time warp, so that he could be on Tralfamadore for years, and still be away from Earth for only a microsecond. Another month went by without incident, and then Billy wrote a letter to the Ilium News Leader, which the paper published. It described the creatures from Tralfamadore. The letter said that they were two feet high, and green., and shaped like plumber's friends. Their suction cups were on the ground, and their shafts, which were extremely flexible, usually pointed to the sky. At the top of each shaft was a little hand with a green eye in its palm. The creatures were friendly, and they could see in four dimensions. They pitied Earthlings for being able to see only three. They had many wonderful things to teach Earthlings, especially about time. Billy promised to tell what some of those wonderful things were in his next letter. Billy was working on his second letter when the first letter was published. The second letter started out like this: 'The most important thing I learned on Tralfamadore was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments just that way we can look at a stretch of the Rocky Mountains, for instance. They can see how permanent all the moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever. 'When a Tralfamadorian sees a corpse, all he thinks is that the dead person is in a bad condition in that particular moment, but that the same person is just fine in plenty of other moments. Now, when I myself hear that somebody is dead, I simply shrug and say what the Tralfamadorians say about dead people, which is "so it goes."' And so on. Billy was working on this letter in the basement rumpus room of his empty house. It was his housekeeper's day off. There was an old typewriter in the rumpus room. It was a beast. It weighed as much as a storage battery. Billy couldn't carry it very far very easily, which was why he was writing in the rumpus room instead of somewhere else. The oil burner had quit. A mouse had eaten through the insulation of a wire leading to the thermostat. The temperature in the house was down to fifty degrees, but Billy hadn't noticed. He wasn't warmly dressed, either. He was barefoot, and still in his pajamas and a bathrobe, though it was late afternoon. His bare feet were blue and ivory. The cockles of Billy's heart, at any rate, were glowing coals. What made them so hot was Billy's belief that he was going to comfort so many people with the truth about time. His door chimes upstairs had been ringing and ringing. It was his daughter Barbara up there wanting in. Now she let herself in with a key, crossed the floor over his head calling, 'Father? Daddy, where are you?' And so on. Billy didn't answer her, so she was nearly hysterical, expecting to find his corpse. And then she looked into the very last place there was to look-which was the rumpus room. 'Why didn't you answer me when I called?' Barbara wanted to know, standing there in the door of the rumpus room. She had the afternoon paper with her, the one in which Billy described his friends from Tralfamadore. 'I didn't hear you,' said Billy. The orchestration of the moment was this: Barbara was only twenty-one years old, but she thought her father was senile, even though he was only forty-six-senile because of damage to his brain in the airplane crash. She also thought that she was head of the family, since she had had to manage her mother's funeral, since she had to get a housekeeper for Billy, and all that. Also, Barbara and her husband were having to look after Billy's business interests, which were considerable, since Billy didn't seem to give a damn for business any more. All this responsibility at such an early age made her a bitchy flibbertigibbet. And Billy, meanwhile, was trying to hang onto his dignity, to persuade Barbara and everybody else that he was far from senile, that, on the contrary, he was devoting himself to a calling much higher than mere business. ―38― He was doing nothing less now, he thought, then prescribing corrective lenses for Earthling souls. So many of those souls were lost and wretched, Billy believed, because they could not see as well as Ws little green friends on Tralfamadore. 'Don't lie to me, Father,' said Barbara. 'I know perfectly well you heard me when I called.' This was a fairly pretty girl, except that she had legs like an Edwardian grand piano. Now she raised hell with him about the letter in the paper. She said he was making a laughing stock of himself and everybody associated with him. 'Father, Father, Father,' said Barbara, 'what are we going to do with you? Are you going to force us to put you where your mother is?' Billy's mother was still alive. She was in bed in an old people's home called Pine Knoll on the edge of Ilium. 'What is it about my letter that makes you so mad?' Billy wanted to know. 'It's all just crazy. None of it's true! ' 'It's all true. ' Bill's anger was not going to rise with hers. He never got mad at anything. He was wonderful that way. 'There is no such planet as Tralfamadore.' 'It can't be detected from Earth, if that's what you mean,' said Billy. 'Earth can't be detected from Tralfamadore, as far as that goes. They're both very small. They're very far apart.' 'Where did you get a crazy name like "Tralfamadore?"' 'That's what the creatures who live there call it. 'Oh God,' said Barbara, and she turned her back on him. She celebrated frustration by clapping her hands. 'May I ask you a simple question?' 'Of course.' 'Why is it you never mentioned any of this before the airplane crash?' 'I didn't think the time was ripe.' And so on. Billy says that he first came unstuck in time in 1944, long before his trip to Tralfamadore. The Tralfamadorians didn't have anything to do with his coming unstuck They were simply able to give him insights into what was really going on. Billy first came unstuck while the Second World War was in progress. Billy was a chaplain's assistant in the war. A chaplain's assistant is customarily a figure of fun in the American Army. Billy was no exception. He was powerless to harm the enemy or to help his friends. In fact, he had no friends. He was a valet to a preacher, expected no promotions or medals, bore no arms, and had a meek faith in a loving Jesus which most soldiers found putrid. While on maneuvers in South Carolina, Billy played hymns he knew from childhood, played them on a little black organ which was waterproof. It had thirty-nine keys and two stops- vox humana and vox celeste. Billy also had charge of a portable altar, an olive-drab attach?case with telescoping legs. It was lined with crimson plush, and nestled in that passionate plush were an anodized aluminum cross and a Bible. The altar and the organ were made by a vacuum-cleaner company in Camden, New Jersey-and said so. One time on maneuvers Billy was playing 'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,' with music by Johann Sebastian Bach and words by Martin Luther. It was Sunday morning. Billy and his chaplain had gathered a congregatation of about fifty soldiers on a Carolina hillside. An umpire appeared. There were umpires everywhere, men who said who was winning or losing the theoretical battle, who was alive and who was dead. The umpire had comical news. The congregation had been theoretically spotted from the air by a theoretical enemy. They Were all theoretically dead now. The theoretical corpses laughed and ate a hearty noontime meal. Remembering this incident years later, Billy was struck by what a Tralfamadorian adventure with death that had been, to be dead and to eat at the same time. Toward the end of maneuvers., Billy was given an emergency furlough home because his father, a barber in Ilium, New York, was shot dead by a friend while they were out hunting deer. So it goes. When Billy got back from his furlough., there were orders for him to go overseas. He was needed in the headquarters company of an infantry regiment fighting in Luxembourg. The regimental chaplain's assistant had been killed in action. So it goes. ―39― When Billy joined the regiment, it was in the process of being destroyed by the Germans in the famous Battle of the Bulge. Billy never even got to meet the chaplain he was supposed to assist, was never even issued a steel helmet and combat boots. This was in December of 1944, during the last mighty German attack of the war. Billy survived, but he was a dazed wanderer far behind the new German lines. Three other wanderers, not quite so dazed, allowed Billy to tag along. Two of them were scouts, and one was an antitank gunner. They were without food or maps. Avoiding Germans they were delivering themselves into rural silences ever more profound. They ate snow. They went Indian file. First came the scouts, clever, graceful quiet. They had rifles. Next came the antitank gunner, clumsy and dense, warning Germans away with a Colt .45 automatic in one hand and a trench knife in the other. Last came Billy Pilgrim, empty-handed, bleakly ready for death. Billy was Preposterous-six feet and three inches tall, with a chest and shoulders like a box of kitchen matches. He had no helmet, no overcoat, no weapon and no boots. On his feet were cheap, low-cut civilian shoes which he had bought for his father's funeral. Billy had lost a heel, which made him bob up-and-down, up-and-down. The involuntary dancing up and down, up and down, made his hip joints sore. 000. Fax: 0161 3552098. e-mail: enquiries@nlbuk.org Registered Charity No: 213212. 1998 extension For my dear seer, Vicky The Robinswood Press Stourbridge 1995 This work is copyright and permission to copy for the use of braille readers and those using the NLB web site has been given by the copyright owner. This permission is gratefully acknowledged. No unauthorised broadcasting, public performance or copying is permitted. "If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts soon happens to man. All things are connected ... The earth does not belong to man: man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood which unites one family ... Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life: he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."--Red Indian Chief Seathl in a letter to Franklin Pierce, President of the United States, 1855. extension The book's background details are as accurate and authentic as I can make them. But, here and there, I have "played" with the facts for the sake of telling a dramatic story. For example, there is no Marine Mammal Center in Santa Barbara, though similar institutions do exist elsewhere. The ship Sea Shepherd is an invention, in no way linked to the conservation charity of that name or any of its vessels. A.W. extension Acknowledgements I am indebted to Curt Marlin for his constant encouragement during the writing of this book. My research for The Eden Mission was greatly aided by many generous experts. Space permits me to name only a few. They are Professor Sir Ghillean Prance, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Jonathan Shanklin, of the British Antarctic Survey; Dr. Bernard Stonehouse, of the Scott Polar Research Institute; Tim Inskipp, of the World Conservation Monitoring Centre; Amanda Hillier, of the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society; Carol McKenna, of Respect for ―40― Animals; marine engineer Keith Norledge. I must also acknowledge invaluable help from staff of the following: the World Wide Fund for Nature, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the Environmental Investigation Agency, BirdLife International, BBC Bristol, the Natural History Museum, the Geological Museum, the Meteorological Office, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the University of East Anglia, the American Cetacean Society, the Florida Department of Commerce, and Orlando's Sea World. extension FOREWORD The world--and it's the only one we've got--is in a terrible mess from misuse and neglect. Eco-terrorists and vested interests abound, polluting rivers, lakes and seas, draining wetlands, destroying ancient forests and trading in endangered species. The Eden Mission, though a work of fiction, brings the real live world of conservation and the fight to save the planet to a whole new audience. It also proves that it is not too late for us all to do our bit to save the Earth. David Bellamy The Conservation Foundation extension PREFACE Not so long ago, the term "greenhouse effect" meant little to most people. Something to do with gardening ...? How different now! Now that the environment is a matter of major concern, now that we are becoming ecologically educated. But how much has changed, really changed, in recent years? Certainly politicians and scientists have made a start on trying to curb the worst abuses to our world. And, happily, some of those mentioned in my novel are declining. Others, though, are on the increase. So, far from being able to relax, conservationists are busier than ever. Underlying all this are enormous problems: the widening gap between rich and poor, the fact that four-fifths of global resources are consumed by one-fifth of the population, the arrival each second of three new mouths to feed. What of the solutions? Perhaps the main hope, idealistic though it may seem, is that humanity will see sense. The Earth, not money, is the only true wealth. It's our collective home to be shared with our fellows and fellow creatures. Maybe the rich must become poorer, accept a lowering of their material standards, so that the poor can become richer. Maybe the technology that helped get us into this mess cannot get us out, and humankind will have to return to a simpler way of life. Maybe ... What do you think? out a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. This book is published at a net price and is supplied subject to the Publishers Association Standard Conditions of Sale registered under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1956. ―41― Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following material: 'The Waking': copyright 1953 by Theodore Roethke from THE COLLECTED POEMS OF THEODORE ROETHKE printed by permission of Doubleday & Company, Inc. THE DESTRUCTION OF DRESDEN by David Irving: From the Introduction by Ira C. Eaker, Lt. Gen. USAF (RET.) and Foreword by Air Marshall Sir Robert Saundby. Copyright 1963 by William Kimber and Co. Limited. Reprinted by permission of Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. and William Kimber and Co. Limited. 'Leven Cent Cotton' by Bob Miller and Emma Dermer: Copyright 1928, 1929 by MCA Music, a Division of MCA Inc. Copyright renewed 1955,1956 and assigned to MCA Music, a division of MCA Inc. Used by permission. I work in Wisconsin... And so on to infinity. Over the years, people I've met have often asked me what I'm working on, and I've usually replied that the main thing was a book about Dresden. I said that to Harrison Starr, the movie-maker, one time, and he raised his eyebrows and inquired, 'Is it an anti-war book?' 'Yes,' I said. 'I guess.' 'You know what I say to people when I hear they're writing anti-war books?' 'No. What do you say, Harrison Starr?' 'I say, "Why don't you write an anti-glacier book instead?"' What he meant, of course, was that there would always be wars, that they were as easy to stop as glaciers. I believe that too. And they're all grown up now, and I'm an old fart with his memories and his Pall Malls. My name is Yon Yonson, I work in Wisconsin, I work in a lumbermill there. Sometimes I try to call up old girl friends on the telephone late at night, after my wife has gone to bed. 'Operator, I wonder if you could give me the number of a Mrs. So-and-So. I think she lives at such-and-such.' 'I'm sorry, sir. There is no such listing.' 'Thanks, Operator. Thanks just the same.' And I let the dog out or I let him in, and we talk some. I let him know I like him, and he lets me know he likes me. He doesn't mind the smell of mustard gas and roses. 'You're all right, Sandy, I'll say to the dog. 'You know that, Sandy? You're O.K.' Sometimes I'll turn on the radio and listen to a talk program from Boston or New York. I can't stand recorded music if I've been drinking a good deal. Sooner or later I go to bed, and my wife asks me what time it is. She always has to know the time. Sometimes I don't know, and I say, 'Search me.' I think about my education sometimes. I went to the University of Chicago for a while after the Second World War. I was a student in the Department of Anthropology. At that time, they were teaching that there was absolutely no difference between anybody. They may be teaching that still. Another thing they taught was that nobody was ridiculous or bad or disgusting. Shortly before my father died, he said to me, 'You know-you never wrote a story with a villain in it.' I told him that was one of the things I learned in college after the war. While I was studying to be an anthropologist, I was also working as a police reporter for the famous Chicago City News Bureau for twenty-eight dollars a week. One time they switched me from the night shift to the day shift., so I worked sixteen hours straight. We were supported by all the newspapers in town, ―42― and the AP and the UP and all that. And we would cover the courts and the police stations and the Fire Department and the Coast Guard out on Lake Michigan and all that. We were connected to the institutions that supported us by means of pneumatic tubes which ran under the streets of Chicago. ―43―
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