首页 水电安装工程劳务承包合同书1



水电安装工程劳务承包合同书1水电安装工程劳务承包合同书1 水电安装工程劳务承包合同书 甲方:四川省昕瑞建设工程有限公司 (简称甲方) 乙方: 身份证: (简称乙方) 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》及劳动法、经济法等有关法律、行政法规、遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则~甲方决定将 远成中心 、以劳务包清工的形式分包给乙方~经双方协商达成一致~特签订如下条款~供双方共同遵守。 一、工程概况 工程名称: 远成中心 工程地点: 遂宁市桃花山 二、工程范围及内容 甲方提供的相应安装施工蓝图,包含设计变更产生的...

水电安装工程劳务承包合同书1 水电安装工程劳务承包合同书 甲方:四川省昕瑞建设工程有限公司 (简称甲方) 乙方: 身份证: (简称乙方) 依照《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》及劳动法、经济法等有关法律、行政法规、遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则~甲方决定将 远成中心 、以劳务包清工的形式分包给乙方~经双方协商达成一致~特签订如下条款~供双方共同遵守。 一、工程概况 工程名称: 远成中心 工程地点: 遂宁市桃花山 二、工程范围及内容 甲方提供的相应安装施工蓝图,包含设计变更产生的工程量、房间空调洞、厨卫间的所有套管预留预埋洞及雨水管道安装,。 给水工程:施工蓝图范围内所有给水系统,一户一表工程~消火栓系统除外,。 排水工程:从建筑物室内排水至红线外市政排污水接驳井点,雨水排水安装至室外第一个雨水井,挖土机械由甲方提供~乙方安装,。 电气工程:从变电所低压柜出线至各电源点,负荷终端,所有施工图范围,除户表工程外,。 弱电工程:设计施工图范围内的弱电箱、管、线、盒预留、预埋安装,含管内穿铁线,~桥架安装等。 消防工程:火灾自动报警系统、消火栓系统的管道预留、预埋,含管to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structures in fair-faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair-faced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust-proof zinc-coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head 内穿铁线,。 三、承包方式及付款方式: 1、劳务清包工:包含人工费、所有机具、机具中的消耗品、劳动防护用品等零星材料、包质量、进度、工期安全、文明施工、成品保护、竣工交付前保洁清理~竣工验收期内的维修等工作。 2、付款方式: 每期付款前~乙方必须完成民工工资表册~由合同乙方授权代表人签字编制、经民工本人领用签字、盖合同乙方单位公章。在每期结账后付款前交甲方财务人员直接支付民工工资卡内~民工工资表弄虚作假造成的后果由乙方全部承担。 付款周期: 进度款支付按照业主与甲方签订的总承包合同实施~根据形象进度: 1,、甲方在收到业主方工程进度款后~10天内,节假日除外,~向乙方支付进度款80%~参照甲方合同、以甲方合同为准。 2,付款时间按项目部要求~与其它班组一样~统一付款或办理结算。 3,按图施工~完成合同中所有安装工程内容~经甲方及相关部门验收合格后~支付至劳务结算总造价的95%,即劳务结算审核完成后,, 4,剩余5%款项~待工程竣工验收且保修完成6个月之后支付。 四、质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 工程质量标准:符合现行国家验收规范GB50242-2002、GB50303-2002等其它验收规范要求、符合国家分户验收规定~竣工验收之前~给排水管道及电线管道的走向必须弹线清晰~符合成都地区相关规范规定~标化工地~优质工程。 各方验收合格:除给排水管道预留洞位臵正确外~如消防预留洞位臵 proof zinc-forcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rustt reine less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcemenh cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should br eacal concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water aftemixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visu faced concrete mixing forced-manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-res in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structu to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean orcoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-- 2 - 发生偏差~承担更改责任。 管道坡度、水压试验、通水试验、灌水、通球试验等必须合格。 电气:不得少相、少回路、每个灯位、插座都必须通电且试电试验合格、配电箱内各回路标识清楚、漏电保护器保等按当地供电部门要求安装~等电位、均压环、所有防雷接地等测试必须达到当地防雷办公室规定的数值。 五、合同分包价款 本工程价款按建筑面积每平方米 30.00 元价格进行分包,包含设计变更所增加或减少的工程量、人工、小型机械、施工安装、调试等各项费用,~建筑面积按国家现行建筑面积计算规范执行。 承包价格项目细分为:,元/平方米, 1、电气预留、预埋、防雷接地埋设、安装 4.00 元 2、弱电预埋 3.00元 3、给排水、消防、空调排水等留洞 1.00 元 4、二次配管、墙面开槽、墙面给水支管安装 2.00元 5、电气管道、弱电管道排堵、地面给水支管管槽清理 2.00元 6、桥架、电气穿配线、配电箱等安装 9.00元 7、给排水管道安装 6.00元 8、雨水管、空调冷凝水管道安装 2.00元 9、安全、文明施工奖 0.50元 10、质量保证奖 0.50元 六、工程项目管理 1、甲方派 ,项目执行经理,负责本工程的安装管理~工程施工过程中的一切管理工作由该同志负责。乙方的成本控制行为和施工行 coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-should be using rust cementted. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinfore construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibito th rain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring ende, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should dfaced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concret-fair y of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time offaced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variet-e install spell number ... Structures in fairn addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the templatto the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. I- 3 - 为必须服从该同志的安排~该同志有权随时督查、指导工程施工过程中的各个环节~监督乙方履行职责和本合同的各项规定~随时向甲方报告工程建设中的各种情况。 2、为了控制工程进度、质量、技术、材料使用、现场文明施工等~甲方派专业安装负责人一名、水电施工员两名~负责协调与设计、建设方等单位工作和技术监管。 3、甲方派施工员两名~负责监管质量、技术、进度及施工现场文明施工。 4、为了控制工程资金安全~甲方派出会计一名~负责工程资金的使用和监督。 七、双方的权利和责任 ,一,甲方的权利和义务 1、甲方应全力为乙方提供稳定宽松的政策环境~支持乙方按施工规范要求组织施工。 2、甲方派到乙方的工作人员应当具备相应的工作能力~能够胜任相应工作。 3、甲方有权随时派出专业检查人员对乙方工作进行不定期的检查~对发现的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 有权要求乙方整改~乙方逾期不整改的~甲方有权进行经济处罚~处罚后乙方仍然不及时整改的甲方可以随时解除本合同~乙方表示无条件服从。 4、为了搞好文明施工~搭设临时生活设施、大门布臵、文明施工的标牌等~甲方向乙方提供住宿及照明等生活设施~宿舍 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 按项目规定要求执行。 5、按施工进度 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 向乙方提供本工程中的主材~如因甲方提供的主 t reine less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcemenh cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should br eacal concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water aftemixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visu faced concrete mixing forced-manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-res in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structu to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean orcoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-forcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rust- 4 - 材原因给乙方工人造成窝工的~由甲方承担经济损失。 ,二,乙方的职责和有关权利义务: 1、坚决服从甲方管理和领导~不折不扣地按期完成甲方布臵的各项工作任务~严格按施工蓝图施工。严格要求~文明施工~不得以请示工作为由越级请示建设方或者监理方~不得从事任何损害甲方形象的言行。 2、乙方的人员配备:乙方施工现场的管理人员必须配备现场负责人1名、施工负责人1名、技术员,可兼施工员,1名、其他人员乙方根据施工需要及时配备~满足工程施工的需求。 3、乙方有权独立行使成本控制权~在满足文明施工和工程工期要求的前提下购买原辅材料~有权自主确定办公设备和施工机械。但不得使用甲方的名义进行外欠,并独立承担由其负责签订的对外合同责任。 4、乙方有权独立行使雇工权~招用何人~招用多少人~由乙方根据现场实际情况并结合施工进度计划要求自主确定~但应当及时上报用工情况~不得隐瞒。乙方应及时支付施工人员的工资~不得克扣、截留。 5、乙方不得以任何理由直接从建设方支取工程款~如有发生~甲方一律不认可~且甲方有权随时解除本合同~并进行处罚。 6、乙方必须严格执行国家的法律法规和省市地方的规定~加强内部管理~杜绝各类违法行为的发生~如有发生~一切后果由乙方自负。 7、乙方在日常管理和组织工程施工过程中~违反法律法规或违反合同约定给自己、他人或建设方造成损失的~一切责任由乙方自负。 8、乙方在日常管理和组织工程施工过程中必须严格执行公司各项规章制度~跟踪服务~确保安全~切实做好防火、防盗工作~无论乙方的工地现场还是生活区造成的任何安全事故以及防盗损失与甲方无关。 cementted. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinfore construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibito th rain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring ende, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should dfaced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concret-fair y of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time offaced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variet-e install spell number ... Structures in fairn addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the templatto the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. Icoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-should be using rust- 5 - 为了维护甲方的企业形象~做到经济效益服从社会效益~局部利益服从大局利益~眼前利益服从长远利益~切实承担起甲方与建设方签订的协议中所有甲方的责任和义务~乙方郑重承诺如下: 1、工程质量的管理:?确保本工程施工安装质量等级达到优质标准~否则~同意甲方除按建设方惩处办法追究乙方责任外~还将追加1,5万元的处罚~由乙方的工程款中扣除,?本工程如出现返工或维修等情况而额外支出费用的~该成本费用纳入乙方的工程款中,施工质量受到建设方或其他有关部门公开批评的承担5000-10000元/次的罚款。 2、安全管理: 1,、甲方对于乙方进行安全 技术交底 金刚砂技术交底断桥铝门窗监理交底卫生间技术交底喷播草籽技术交底钢结构雨棚安全交底 及安全教育。 2,、乙方必须遵守执行安全生产法规、条例、规章、操作规程~严格按照“一标三规范”要求组织施工检查。 3,、乙方必须对所属员工进行安全教育~为进行安全教育技术交底不得上岗操作~~更不得违章指挥~违章作业。 4,、乙方做好劳动保护工作~按国家有关规定为其操作层人员缴纳意外伤害保险~且回执单上交甲方备案。 5,、乙方在施工过程中发生的,包括有乙方原因造成的人员,各类伤亡事故~均由乙方全部负责~甲方不予承担。 6,乙方必须严格遵守项目各项安全规定~并随时接受行业安全人员依法实施的监督检查。 7,乙方必须加强作业人员安全教育~增进安全防范意识~为杜绝安全伤亡事故的发生~乙方必须接受《项目部安全生产纪律处罚实施细则》及《项目文明施工管理处罚实施细则》中的各项规定。 3、工程进度管理:?项目部充分考虑施工期间诸多不利因素~确保 -forcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rustt reine less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcemenh cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should br eacal concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water aftemixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visu faced concrete mixing forced-manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-res in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structu to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean orcoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc- 6 - 本工程按甲乙双方确定的工期提前完成,?如果工程延期~建设方因此追究甲方的违约责任~导致延期付款或少支、不支付工程款以及工期的违约金等损失均由乙方承担,?甲方根据施工进度计划要求~每月对乙方实行考核~月进度每延误一天乙方承担3000元的罚款。 4、文明施工管理:在施工期间确保树立良好的公司形象~严格要求、文明施工。不得有损害甲方形象行为发生。否则~承担1000 -10000元/次的罚款。 5、资金合同的管理:签订劳务用工协议~签订时必须由公司现场管理人员一起参加签订~并及时如实到公司备案存档~具体做到以下几点: ?施工班组进场前必须签订劳务用工协议~签订后报公司存档。否则~按施工班组承包金额的10%且不低于1000元/次的罚款,?老弱病残、有传染病史、有犯罪记录、在逃犯或者未经过安全教育的人员不得签订用工合同。否则~承担1000元/人次的罚款,?符合条件的施工人员进场前建立工资卡,由公司统一办理,。否则~承担1000元/人次的罚款,?临时,用工期限在30天内,用工~当月结清工资。如未结清工资纳入正常用工的管理~签订《劳务用工协议》~否则~承担1000元/人次的罚款,?每天对施工班组施工人员进行上班考勤~上报项目部~月底按实进行汇总~作为发放生活费的依据~否则~承担1000元的罚款,施工班组施工任务结束后30日内结清劳务工资~否则~承担1000元/天的罚款。施工班组劳务工资结清时~与施工班组负责人到项目部备案。否则~承担1000元/次以上的罚款,?如果因劳务工资款未及时结清~工人到公司合理上访~承担2000元/次的罚款,到建设单位合理上访~承担3000元/次的罚款,到政府有关部门上访~承担5000元/次的罚款,到司法部门起诉甲方的~承担起诉金额的100%的罚款。 coated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-should be using rust cementted. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinfore construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibito th rain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring ende, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should dfaced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concret-fair y of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time offaced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variet-e install spell number ... Structures in fairn addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the templatto the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. I- 7 - 6、无论是工作上还是生活上都必须服从公司、项目部、建设方或监理等有关人员的监督和管理~必须参加各种会议~将会议内容及时传达到每个员工~全面负责施工图中的技术、质量、安全、进度等~保证每个施工人员都能胜任本职工作~无影响本职工作的疾病、身体素质良好。对于乙方所用的人员~甲方有权进行考核~少数人员进场时有阻止权。 7、负责安排工人的生活、工作等~乙方必须配足足够的生活费用不得影响工程进度~甲方在收到业主方工程进度款后方可向甲方借支~服从项目部相关安全生产及生活制度管理~经常组织工人进行技术交底~让每个员工都熟悉本工程的施工内容~努力提高工人的综合素质~文明施工~材料不得乱用~必须做到工完场清~下班后施工现场不得存放材料~用多少领多少~每天下班时~施工现场发现有甲方提供的值钱或易偷的材料、乙方没有及时收到自己仓库时、被甲方管理人员检查到~作为乙方丢失甲方材料处理~由甲方作出处罚措施~罚款单直接交甲方财务部~乙方表示接受。 8、提供能满足工程施工的各种证件~以备有关部门检查或存档~具备合格电焊工、电工等特殊工种人员。 9、确保工程施工进度及质量~根据施工进度合理地进行人员的调配~因人员不够或其它原因而引起的一切后果均由乙方承担。,注:如因质量、安全、或其他原因给甲方造成损失的~甲方将根据实际情况有权重新选择队伍~与乙方的最终结算方式为:乙方实际完成工作量的 80%结算 给乙方~乙方人员退场~合同终止,。 10、甲方提供本工程的材料~进、退场时由乙方施工人员负责全部装卸自己施工范围内的材料进退场工作。 11、做好工人的考勤~一份报甲方~甲方付给的生活费用应及时发到 e less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcemenh cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should br eacal concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water aftemixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visu faced concrete mixing forced-manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-res in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structu to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean orcoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-forcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rustt rein- 8 - 工人手中~发现考勤记录弄虚作假~所致后果自负~并追究相关人员的责任。乙方在领取工程款时~必须提供工人考勤表~如乙方不能提供考勤表~甲方则不预支付。 12、教育好每位职工~在施工中如乙方人员有偷窃甲方材料、或别的偷窃行为时~一经发现罚款乙方当事人员材料价格的10倍金额。乙方人员回家时~行李等必须主动接受甲方人员的检查。工人下班后~所有工人都必须住在甲方安排的宿舍内~不得离开宿舍~外出时必须经甲方相关人员同意~否则~所引起的一切后果,特别是安全方面,由乙方承担~与甲方无关。 13、凡是参与打架、斗殴者,无论有无道理的,~对乙方肇事人员处罚500元~对乙方处罚500元~所引起的任何纠纷或赔偿均由乙方承担。凡是施工人员参与聚众闹事~影响办公或在现场影响施工生产的、围攻业主、监理或其他的、对乙方人员处以1000以上的罚款~对乙方本人处以2000元以上的罚款~并承担相关刑事责任。 10、严格按仓库管理制度领用材料~对工程所超用的或其他乙方因素引起的材料浪费~工程结算时~承担所浪费材料价格的经济损失。如乙方在施工过程中~与相关班组配合不好~造成人为破坏甲方材料~乙方承担经济损失。因乙方施工原因造成的经济损失~由乙方承担~比如均压环、屋面防雷、等电位测试不合格等合同外所有费用。 14、管道:除给排水管道预留洞位臵正确外~如消防预留洞位臵发生偏差~承担更改责任~自身因施工所产生的垃圾及时清理干净。 15、如因乙方自身原因终止合同~其已完成进度达到规定要求~按合同约定款项60%予以结算~未达到规定要求的部分项目不予结算。 16、其他:乙方对上述所有条件已认真研读~同意遵照执行。对甲 cementted. Before the reinforcement reinforcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinfore construction site should be less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibito th rain the barrel of water after each cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring ende, by testing the slump, Visual concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should dfaced concrete mixing forced mixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concret-fair y of admixture and admixture of the same manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time offaced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variet-e install spell number ... Structures in fairn addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the templatto the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. Icoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-should be using rust- 9 - 方根据实际情况和安装管理人员签字确认的所有处罚单~乙方表示同意无需乙方签字认可~处罚单中对乙方的经济处罚均从乙方的工程款中扣除~乙方无异议。 注:本工程分包所定价格不受工期长短变化而改变~开、竣工日期视现场实际情况确定。 九、争议的解决 双方约定在双方履行本合同发生争议时~协商解决~协商不成的~由当地人民法院或成都市中级人民法院按管辖权规定依法处理。 未尽事宜~双方协商解决~本协议在双方签字后生效~工程质量保修期满后自行终止。 本合同一式两份~甲乙双方各执一份。 甲 方: 乙 方: 年 月 日 年 月 日 e less than 1.5 hours, in the pouring process, adding unexpected water mix or additive is prohibited. Before the reinforcemenh cleaning to avoid affecting the water cement ratio. Concrete mix pour from a stirring end to the construction site should br eacal concrete surface color, no bleeding and segregation, and completes the record. Mixer should drain the barrel of water aftemixer should be used, and the extension of time than normal concrete mixing 20~30S. Into concrete, by testing the slump, Visu faced concrete mixing forced-manufacturer in the same fineness. Concrete mixer control of concrete mixing time of fair faced concrete construction process must use the same manufacturer in the same variety of admixture and admixture of the same-res in fairnot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number ... Structu to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean orcoated steel wire, tie all steel wire head-proof zinc-forcement must first clean up the bar, keep clean, no obvious rust stains. Tie wire reinforcement should be using rustt rein- 10 -
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