首页 药品入库出库流程



药品入库出库流程药品入库出库流程 特别注意中心目录中的药品数据不能更改,不能删除,如果中心目录中没有 的药品,在中心目录中添加即可 1.药库添加药品—>药品维护—>药品基本信息维护 2.调入---调入的都是从中心库目录中调入过来的,中心目录中只有药品基本属性,没有价格和产地。 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive techn...

药品入库出库 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 特别注意中心目录中的药品数据不能更改,不能删除,如果中心目录中没有 的药品,在中心目录中添加即可 1.药库添加药品—>药品维护—>药品基本信息维护 2.调入---调入的都是从中心库目录中调入过来的,中心目录中只有药品基本属性,没有价格和产地。 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 3.然后将时间改小-,查询出来全部,需要什么药品就将前面勾上,然后确认(就从中心目录中调入到自 己的医院的库中了) 区别开不同的库调入不同的类 4.在此界面双击药品添加产地及价格 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 5.然后切换到价格那栏(前面的代码就是产地的第一个字母),加完之后保存 在此界面中零售价格定价方式有多种方式,系统默认根据入库方式确定,如果选中手工输入零售价,那 么在入库此药品时就可以改动价格,如果选的是默认的,那么药品入库是改动不了价格的。 6.添加完目录药品之后才可以入库药品,添加药品数量。,采购入库 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 7.增加采购入库单然后保存 8.将入库的单用鼠标从左边拉到右边然后确认就成功入库了 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 9.下一步就是财务验收(在药库界面),同样可以双击入库的单查看入库的药品,然后将单拉到右边确认 验收,就成功验收了。、,付款管理(可根据情况操作(可用可不用)因为入库成功之后药库已有数量)、、、、、 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 10.特别注意哦 入库的单在打印之后上面有进货价格和零售价格,出库的单上面只有零售价格的标记,,所以需要特别注意 如何确定什么是进货价格的单,什么是零售价格的单,如下图: 在填写出库单界面打印显示的就是进货价格的单 11.在拉到右边确认是否出库时打印的就是零售价格的单 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 12.在什么库就出库什么药品,出库方式中有出库的科室选项,西药库和卫生耗材库默认为出库西药房, 中药库默认出库中药房。如果要出库到其他的科室,在出库方式的选项中选择科室领用 13.然后增加出库单,此界面就有个出库科室需要打出拼音即可打出来(针对于医院内部耗材出库) diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 14.当药品出库到药房之后,切换角色双击药房管理系统进入药房界面(此界面有个药品申领点击进入) 15.进入药房领药确认单 16.从左边拉到右面确认即可 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 17.药品调价在药库管理系统界面 18.点击调价处理添加调价单即可 (同入库出库方式差不多) diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 注意:在上面第五步操作完之后需要对应农合编码 切换角色进入HIS维护系统,数据维护,医保农合对应目录关联 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 点击医保农合对应目录关联 上面的目录为系统中现在存在的药品信息目录,下面的为旧系统中存在的农合目录 选中上面一个没有对应上农合的药品,在下面的目录中找到对应的药品或项目点击中间右边的对照,然 后点击上面的保存即可。该药品即可农合报销了、、、、、、、 -----------------此为药品方面的流程,希望您能使用愉快~ 编辑者:胥雪斌 diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher
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