首页 ASTM D4435 岩石锚杆拉拔试验

ASTM D4435 岩石锚杆拉拔试验


ASTM D4435 岩石锚杆拉拔试验ASTM D4435 岩石锚杆拉拔试验 Designation: D 4435 – 84 (Reapproved 1998) Standard Test Method for Rock Bolt Anchor Pull Test1 D 4435-84 (1998重新修订版) 1. Scope 1(范围 1.1 The objective of this test method is to measure the working and ultimate capacities of a rock bol...

ASTM D4435 岩石锚杆拉拔试验
ASTM D4435 岩石锚杆拉拔试验 Designation: D 4435 – 84 (Reapproved 1998) Standard Test Method for Rock Bolt Anchor Pull Test1 D 4435-84 (1998重新修订版) 1. Scope 1(范围 1.1 The objective of this test method is to measure the working and ultimate capacities of a rock bolt anchor. This method does not measure the entire roof support system. This method also does not include tests for pretensioned bolts or mine roof support system evaluation. 1.1 此测试 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 的目的是测定岩石锚杆的工作和极限接受力。此测试方法不测定整个顶部支护 系统。此测试方法同样不包括要求对锚杆或矿井顶部支护系统进行估计的要求。 1.2 This test method is applicable to mechanical, cement grout, resin, (epoxy, polyester, and the like), or other similar anchor systems. 1.2 此测试方法适用于机械学,水泥灌浆,树脂(环氧的,聚酯的和类似的),或其他相似的 锚系统。 1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. 1.3 英寸,英镑单位被看作是标准单位。 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 本规范没有涉及到所有的安全性,如果有,联合使用。本规范的使用者,在使用前,必须确1.4 定合适的安全与健康 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。 2. Terminology 2. 术语 2.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 2.1 特别适用于本规范的条款的定义: 2.1.1 displacement—The movement of the rock bolt head. 2.1.1 位移―岩石锚杆头的移动 2.1.2 failure—the inability of the anchor system or rock to sustain increased load without rapidly increasing deformation. In some instances, the peak load itself cannot be sustained. 2.1.2 破坏―在没有快速增长的变形时,锚系统或岩石不能维持增加的荷载。在一些情况下, 峰值荷载本身也不能维持。 2.1.3 load—the total axial force on the rock bolt. 2.1.3 荷载,岩石锚杆整个的轴向力 2.1.4 pressure, stress—the force per unit area. 2.1.4 压力,应力,每单位面积的力 2.1.5 ultimate capacity—the maximum load sustained by the anchor system. 2.1.5 极限接受力,锚系统所承受的最大荷载 2.1.6 working capacity—the load on the anchor system at which significantly increasing displacement begins. 2.1.6 工作接受力,在有意义的增长位移开始时,锚系统的荷载 3. Summary of Test Method 3. 方法摘要 3.1 A rock bolt is installed in the same manner and in the same material as its intended construction use. The bolt is pulled hydraulically and the displacement of the bolt head is measured concurrently. The bolt is pulled until the anchor system or rock fails. The ultimate and working capacities of the bolt are calculated from the plot of load versus displacement. 3.1 将岩石锚杆以与拟用于施工中的同一方式和材料进行安装。锚杆由液压推动并相应对锚杆 头的位移进行测定。一直拉动锚杆直到锚系统或岩石松动。锚杆的工作接受力和极限接受力应 由示意荷载和位移之比来决定。 4. Significance and Use 4. 意义和使用 4.1 Rock bolts are used for support in a variety of mining and civil engineering situations2. The pull test may be used to provide a quantitative measure of the relative performance of different anchor systems in the same rock type. Anchor systems may be different mechanical anchors or different bond materials or lengths for grouted anchors. Such data can be used to choose an anchor type and determine bolt length, spacing, and size. 4.1 岩石锚杆是用来支护不同类型的采矿和土建 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 的。拉拔试验通常用来对同一种岩石的不 同的锚系统的相对属性提供一个数量上的量度。锚系统会因为不同的机械锚或不同的粘结材料 或不同灌浆锚的长度的而有所不同。这些数据可以用来选择锚的类型和决定锚杆的长度,间距 及尺寸大小。 4.2 The objective of the method is to measure anchor performance, and not the performance of the rock bolt itself. Thus, to ensure that the bolt response during the test is minimal and predictable, high strength, short-length (6 to 8 ft (1.8 to 2.5m)) bolts have been specified. The bolt should be just long enough to ensure that no failure of the rock/mass occurs. 4.2 此方法的目的就是为了测定锚的特性,而不是为了测定岩石锚杆本身的特性。因此,需要 确定锚杆在最小和可预见的高强度,短长度(6 to 8 ft (1.8 to 2.5m))下的反映。锚杆的长度 只需要岩体不产生破碎即可。 4.3 Ideally, the rock bolt anchor should fail by shear at the anchor-rock interface or bond. Therefore, the local characteristics of the rock, such as roughness and induced fractures, are significant factors in the anchor strength. To obtain realistic strength values, the test holes should be drilled using the same methods as the construction rock bolt holes. 4.3 在观念上,岩石锚杆会因为锚和岩石的接口或结合所产生的直剪力而破坏。因此,岩石本 身的特点,如粗糙度和感应折断面,对于锚的强度均是有意义的参数。为了取得较真实的强度 值,应按照实际施工中岩石锚杆孔所采用的同一方法进行试验孔的钻取。 4.4 Rocks with significant time-dependent behavior, such as rock salt or shale, may respond to the anchor system itself and change the anchor strength. In these cases, consideration should be given to testing bolts over a period of time. 4.4 有些岩石会随时间而产生相应的改变,如岩石盐类和页岩,可能会对锚系统本身产生影响 同时改变锚的强度。在这些情况下,需要对试验孔进行详细的考虑。 4.5 In establishing a testing program, the following factors should be considered: 4.5 在制定试验 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 的过程中,下列因素应被考虑进去: 4.5.1 Anchor pull tests should be conducted in all rock types in which construction bolts will be installed. If the rock is anisotropic, for example, bedded or schistose, the tests should be conducted in various orientations relative to the anisotropy, including those at which the construction bolt may be installed. 4.5.1 锚拉拔试验应可以用来指导所有的岩石类型情况下的锚杆的安装。如果岩石是非均值的, 例如,层状或片岩状的,那么相对与其各向异性,试验应用来指导不同走向的岩石,包括那些 可能要安装施工锚杆的地方。 4.5.2 In each rock type, at each orientation, and for each anchor system, a sufficient number of tests should be conducted to determine the average bolt capacities within a fixed uncertainty at the 95 % confidence level. The allowable uncertainty band depends on the project and involves such factors as the rock quality, expected project lifetime, and importance of the areas to be bolted. Its determination will require considerable engineering judgment. As a rough guideline, at least 10 to 12 pull tests for a single set of variables have been found necessary to satisfy the statistical requirements. 4.5.2 对于每种类型的岩石, 每一个方向,及每种锚系统,应进行足够数量的试验来确定在固 定不确定性95,置信度之内的平均的锚杆接受力。允许的不确定度带取决于工程和岩石质量, 预期的工程时间和所进行锚杆区域的重要性。其决定需要相当的工程学判断。作为一个粗略的 指导,对于单个不同的岩石至少需要进行10,12组拉拔试验,如此方可达到统计学满意的程度。 5. Apparatus 5.仪器 5.1 Loading System—The system for pulling the rock bolts shall consist of a hollow-center hydraulic ram and mounting/ reaction frame. The hydraulic ram shall be of sufficient capacity to fail the anchor and shall have a travel range of at least 2 in. (50 mm). The mounting/reaction frame shall be usable against uneven rock surfaces. The loading system shall apply a force that deviates by no more than 5? from the long axis of the bolt during the test. 5.1 荷载系统,拉拔岩石锚杆的系统应由中空的液压撞锤和封片/反映力框架组成。液压撞锤应 拥有足够使锚失效的容量,并且行程极差至少为2 in. (50 mm). 封片/反映力框架不能置于不 平坦的岩石表面。在试验过程中,荷载系统力锚杆轴线的偏移不应超过5?。 5.2 Load Transducer—An electronic load cell is recommended to measure the load on the rock bolt. The cell shall have an accuracy of at least 6200 lbf (6890 N), including errors introduced by the excitation and readout system, and a resolution of at least 100 lbf (445 N). Other types of load transducers may be used if their performance meets these specifications. Alternatively, a pressure gage or electronic transducer may be used to measure the pressure applied to the ram, provided that the load measurement requirements above are satisfied, including the effects of friction in the hydraulic ram, and the like. 5.2 荷载传感器,电子的荷载单元被推荐来测定岩石锚杆的荷载。此单元的精度应至少在6200 lbf (6890 N),包括由历磁和读数系统所引起的误差,且分辨率应至少在100 lbf (445 N).如果 其他类型的传感器符合此规范的要求,亦可使用。假如上述的荷载测量要求能令人满意,作为 选择,可使用一个压力仪器或电子传感器来测定撞锤所示的压力,包括液压锤的摩擦力影响和 其他类似的情况。 5.3 Displacement Transducer—A dial gage is recommended to measure the displacement of the rock bolt head. It shall have an accuracy of at least 60.001 in. (0.025 mm), a resolution of at least 0.0005 in. (0.013 mm), and a range of at least 2 in. (50 mm). It shall be mounted along the axis of the rock bolt within 5?. The end of the rock bolt, or pulling rod if used, shall be smooth with a counter-sink area approximately 1.4 in.(6 mm) in diameter to accommodate the measuring tip of the dial gage. Other types of displacement transducers may be used provided they satisfy the requirements of this section. 5.3 位移传感器,刻度盘装置推荐用来测定岩石锚杆头的位移。其精度应至少为0.001 in. (0.025 mm), 分辨率至少为 0.0005 in. (0.013 mm),范围至少为 2 in. (50 mm).其应沿岩石 锚杆的轴线安装,并且5?范围之内。岩石锚杆的一端,或使用拉杆,应留下大约1.4 in。(6 mm) 直径的平滑区域以利于表盘的读数。如果要使用其他类型的位移传感器,需要证明其符合此部 分的要求。 5.4 Displacement Transducer Support— The displacement transducer shall be supported from a point no closer than 3 ft(0.9 mm) to the reaction frame, if attached to the same rockface. The support shall be sufficiently rigid that no deflection or instability occurs during testing. 5.4 位移传感器的支护,此位移传感器与反应力结构的距离不应小于3 ft(0.9 mm),如果放置 在同一岩石表面上的话。其支护应拥有充分的硬度,以确保其在试验期间不会有变形或不稳定 的情况发生。 5.5 Anchor Systems—The anchors used for testing shall be from the manufacturer’s standard production stock. Mechanical anchors shall be inspected to ensure that no defective anchors are tested. Grout or resin shall be fresh (within the shelf life) and obtained from unopened containers. 5.5 锚系统,所试验的锚应来自厂家的标准生产。机械锚在使用时应确定其没有缺陷。灌浆和 树脂应新鲜且从未开封的容器中取得。 5.6 Rock Bolt and Accessories—The rock bolt shall be of sufficient diameter and strength that its elastic range is not exceeded during testing. Standard bearing plates, washers, and the like may be used as required. 5.6 岩石锚杆及其附件,岩石锚杆应拥有足够的直径和强度以在试验中其弹性不超出其范围。 标准的承压板,冲洗器及所需要的类似的其他仪器。 5.7 Drilling Equipment—The same type of drilling equipment and drill bits that will be used for installing rock bolts during the construction phase of the project shall be used as far as possible to drill the test holes. 5.7 钻孔设备,与在工程施工阶段所使用的相同的钻探设备和钻头,可用来钻取试验孔。 5.8 Torque Wrench—If expandable shell mechanical anchors are used, a torque wrench shall be used to set them. The wrench shall have a capacity at least 20 % greater than the manufacturer’s recommended anchor-setting torque. The torque wrench shall have an accuracy of at least 62 % of the full-scale reading, and a resolution of at least 1 % of the full-scale reading. 5.8 转矩扳手,如果使用可扩大壳的继续锚,可使用转矩扳手将其固定。此扳手应比厂家推荐 的锚,固定转矩至少宽20,。转矩扳手应拥有整个刻度读数精度的62,,分辨率为整个刻度读 数的1,。 5.9 Borehole Diameter Measuring Gage— A gage shall be used to measure the diameter of the borehole at the anchor location. It shall have an accuracy of at least 60.02 in. (0.05mm) and resolution of at least 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) 5.9 钻孔直径测量仪器,一种用来测定锚安放位置的钻孔的直径。其读数精度为60.02 in. (0.05mm),分辨率至少为0.01 in. (0.25 mm)。 5.10 Fig. 1 shows a typical test setup. 6. Procedure 6. 试验步骤 6.1 Drilling the Test Hole: 6.1 钻取试验孔: 6.1.1 Drill the test hole using the same procedure that will be used during construction. Wash or blow the borehole clean of all cuttings. 6.1.1 按照实际施工中的同一程序来进行钻孔并且将钻孔中残留的碎片吹或冲洗干净。 6.1.2 The hole need not be as deep as the proposed length of the rock bolts. It shall, however, be deep enough to set the anchor past the zone of disturbance caused by the excavation and the zone of stress concentration caused by the reaction of the pulling frame. For mechanical shell anchors, drill the hole 1 ft (0.9 m) past the end of the anchor. A hole approximately 6 ft. (1.8 m) in length has generally been found to be adequate. 6.1.2 孔深不应与岩石锚杆的长度一致。孔深应足以让锚穿过由开挖引起扰动区和由拉拔结构 引起的应力集中区。对于机械壳锚,孔深应超出锚的长度1 ft (0.9 m)。深度为6 ft. (1.8 m) 的钻孔较为常见。 6.1.3 Inspect the test hole visually using a flashlight. If more than one half of the bottom of the hole cannot be seen, the hole is not sufficiently straight for a pull test and shall not be used. 6.1.3 用闪光灯来检查试验孔。如果孔底有一半以上看不到,那么此孔的笔直度不足以来进行 拉拔试验。 6.1.4 Measure the test hole diameter in two perpendicular directions at the top and bottom of the anchor location for a total of four measurements. 6.1.4 以锚位置的顶部和底部两个垂直方向来测定试验孔的直径 6.2 Preparation of Anchors—If any anchor preparations, such as degreasing or rust removal, will be done during construction, prepare the test anchors in the same way. If no special preparation will be done during construction, do not prepare the test anchors. 6.2 锚的准备,应进行锚的准备,如除油和去绣,按照实际的施工的同一方式进行试验锚的准 备。如果在施工中没有特殊的准备,不要准备试验锚。 6.3 Setting the Anchor: 6.3 安装锚: 6.3.1 If mechanical anchors are used, lightly lubricate the downhole end of the rock bolt and screw on the anchor. When in position, torque the bolt to the manufacturer’s recommended level to set the anchor. A pair of jam-nuts on the upper end of the rod may be used to apply torque without producing axial load in the bolt. If the manufacturer’s torque cannot be achieved because of anchor rotational slippage due to shear failure in the rock, note the maximum torque reading and install subsequent anchors to 80 % of this value. Do not test anchors where rotation occurs between the rock surface and the anchor. In all cases, record any slipping or other anomalous behavior as shown in Fig. 2. 6.3.1如果使用的是机械锚,轻微的润滑岩石锚杆的下钻口并旋动锚。在达到位置时,转矩锚杆, 并按照厂家推荐的标准来安装锚杆。在不产生锚杆轴线荷载的情况下,可将一套阻塞螺帽置于 锚杆的上部末端。如果因为岩石的直剪破坏从而引起转动的滑移以致无法取得厂家提供的转矩, 应注意最大的转矩读数和按照此值的80,来安装相应的锚。在岩石表面和锚之间出现转动时, 不要试验锚。在所有的情况下,均应如表2所示的记录下任何的滑移或其他反常的现象。 6.3.2 Install cement grout or resin anchors according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. 6.3.2 根据厂家的推荐,来进行水泥砂浆或树脂锚杆的安装。 6.4 Test Method: 6.4 试验方法 6.4.1 All tests are performed on untensioned bolts. 6.4.1 所有试验均应使用无弹性锚杆。 6.4.2 On at least half of the tests, perform three loading and unloading cycles to check for pre-failure anchor movements. Apply the load with the hydraulic ram in cycles to 1.4, 1.2, and 3.4 of the estimated failure load. Load the bolt in ten equal increments and unload it in ten equal decrements. 6.4.2在试验进行到一半时,应使用3荷载和卸荷循环来检查锚在断裂之前的运动。应分别使 用估计断裂荷载的1/4,1/2和3/4来驱动液压油缸循环,每个荷载和卸荷应分10次平均增长。 6.4.3 Apply the load smoothly and rapidly. 6.4.3加荷步骤应平稳荷迅速。 6.4.4 After the third cycle, pull the bolt to failure in the same increments as used during the last cycle or in 500 lbf (2.2 kN) increments, whichever is less. 6.4.4在第3个循环之后,锚杆应以在第3个循环或2.2KN过程中相同的增长方式拉至极限。 6.4.5 Test non-cycled bolts to failure in 20 equal load increments or increments of 500 lbf (2.2 kN), whichever is less. 6.4.5 此试验的另一半是将岩石锚杆以非循环的方式拔出。这些锚杆应以20个平均增长加荷或 按2.2KN的加荷步骤进行加荷。 FIG. 2 Rock Bolt Anchor Pull Test Sample Form 6.4.6 Read and record displacement and load after each pressure increment or decrement. 6.4.6 在每一个压力增加或减少之后,其位移和荷载应被读取和记录。 6.4.7 Failure is the peak load sustained by the bolt, as shown on Fig. 3, or a total deflection of 0.5 in. (1.25 cm). 6.4.7 断裂是其峰值荷载,与ASTM D4435 图3中所示的一致,或整个偏差达到1.25cm. 6.4.8 Pull the bolt 0.5 in. (12.5 mm) beyond the failure displacement. Record the load every 0.05 in. (1 mm). 6.4.8 在每1mm记录荷载的条件下,将锚杆拔至高出断裂位移12.5mm。 6.5 Data Recording—As a minimum for this method, record all the data shown in Fig.2. 6.5 数据记录,作为此方法的最低要求,应按表2所示的记录所有的数据。 7. Calculation 7. 计算 7.1 Calculate the stress on the bolt, s, in psi (MPa) as follows: b 7.1 按照如下计算锚杆的应力s, in psi (MPa): b s ,P/A (1) b where: 在此 P = load on the bolt, lbf (N), and P = 锚杆的荷载 lbf (N), and A = cross-sectional area of the bolt, in.2(mm2). A = 锚杆的横截面面积 in.2(mm2). 7.2 Calculate the elastic deformation of the bolt, Ub, in in.(mm) as follows: 7.2 按照如下计算锚杆的弹性形变Ub, in in.(mm) U =(s/E)L (2) bb where: 在此 s = stress on the bolt, psi (MPa), b s = 锚杆所受的应力 psi (MPa), b L = exposed length of bolt between the anchor and the head, in. (mm), and L = 在锚和锚头之间露出的锚杆的长度in. (mm), and E = elastic modulus of the steel in the bolt, psi (MPa). E = 锚杆中钢的弹性模量 psi (MPa). 7.3 Calculate the corrected bolt head displacement, Uc, which is the same as the displacement of the anchor, as follows: 7.3 计算修正的锚杆头的位移,Uc,此值与锚杆的位移是相同的,如下: Uc = Ut -Ub (3) where: 在此 U b = elastic deformation of the bolt, and U b = 锚杆的弹性形变 Ut = total displacement of bolt head. Ut = 锚杆头的整个的位移 7.4 Determine the working and ultimate capacities of the anchor system from the plot of load versus anchor displacement. 7.4 通过示意荷载和锚杆位移之比来确定锚系统的工作接受力和极限接受力 A typical curve is shown in Fig. 3. Interpretation of the curve often requires some engineering judgment. 典型的曲线如图3所示。通常需要工程学的判断来对此曲线进行阐释。 7.5 For each group of tests on a similar rock type with the same anchor type and orientation (if applicable), calculate the mean and uncertainty of the results at the 95 % confidence level. 7.5 对于使用相同的锚类型和方位,对相似的岩石类型进行的每一组试验(如果可以的话), 按照95,的置信度水平来计算其均值和不确定度。 8. Report 8.1 The report shall include the following: 8.1 报告应包括以下内容: 8.1.1 Describe the rock material(s) in which the anchors were tested, including the composition, texture, and any structural features which could affect anchor capacities, such as joints, weathering, and the like, 8.1.1 描述所测试锚的岩石材料,包括成分,结构,及其他任何可能影响锚接受力的构造特点, 如节理,风化及类似的其他特点。 8.1.2 Briefly describe the types of anchors tested, 8.1.2 简短描述所测锚的类型 8.1.3 A summary table of the test program including test number, anchor type, rock type, orientation, and test depth, 8.1.3试验程序摘要表,整个的试验次数,岩石锚杆类型,岩石类型,走向,深度。 所使用试验仪器的详细情况 8.1.4 List the equipment, other than anchors, with model numbers or dimensions as appropriate. Include the range, accuracy, and resolution of transducers, 8.1.4 设备清单,除了锚之外,应包括相应的模型数量或尺寸。包括范围,精确度和传感器的 分辨率。 8.1.5 Present the equations used to reduce the data, including those required to convert transducer output into engineering units, 8.1.5 列出用来减少数据的方程式,包括那些需要转化成工程学单位的数据 8.1.6 Prepare summary tables of results, including the working and ultimate capacity of each anchor type in each rock type, with anchor type, number of tests, mean working capacity, range, and uncertainty of the mean, 8.1.6试验结果摘要表,包括每种岩石锚杆在每种岩石中的工作容量和极限承压能力,锚的类 型,试验次数,平均工作接受力,范围及均值的不确定性。 8.1.7 Include a plot of load versus corrected bolt head displacement for each test, and 8.1.7每个试验中示意荷载与锚杆头的位移之比 8.1.8 Append the data sheets for each test. 8.1.8 每个试验的附加数据单 9. Precision and Bias 9. 精度和偏差 9.1 Precision—Due to the nature of rock materials tested by this test method, it is, at this time, either not feasible or too costly to produce multiple specimens which have uniform physical properties. Therefore, since specimens which would yield the same test results cannot be tested, Subcommittee D18.12 cannot determine the variation between tests since any variation observed is just as likely to be due to specimen variation as to operator or laboratory testing variation. Subcommittee D18.12 welcomes proposals to resolve this problem that would allow for development of a valid precision statement. 9.1 精度,因为在此种测试方法下的岩石材料的特性,要使其所取的多个样品拥有统一的物理 属性,费用太贵而且不可行。因此,既然试样不可进行试验,下属委员会D18.12不能够决定多 个试验室之间的偏差。下属委员会D18.12非常欢迎解决此问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的提议,以推动有效的精度声明。 9.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test method; therefore, bias cannot be determined. 9.2 偏差,此测试方法无可接受的参考值,因此,偏差无法决定。 10. Keywords 10. 关键词 10.1 anchors (rock); displacement; field testing; loading tests; mines; pull testing; rock; shear testing 10.1 锚(岩石);位移;现场测试;荷载试验;矿山;拉拔试验;岩石;直剪试验
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