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CNAS 实验室认可证书附件


CNAS 实验室认可证书附件CNAS 实验室认可证书附件 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 No.CNAS L0867 名称:深圳市盐田区疾病预防控制中心 地址:广东省深圳市盐田区深盐路34号 签发日期:2009年02月10日 有效期至:2012年02月09日 附件1-1 认可的检测能力范围 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 食品中水分的测定GB/T5009.3-2003 1.1 水分 0226 婴幼儿...

CNAS 实验室认可证书附件
CNAS 实验室认可证书附件 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 No.CNAS L0867 名称:深圳市盐田区疾病预防控制中心 地址:广东省深圳市盐田区深盐路34号 签发日期:2009年02月10日 有效期至:2012年02月09日 附件1-1 认可的检测能力范围 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 (方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 食品中水分的测定GB/T5009.3-2003 1.1 水分 0226 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉水分的测定只用第一法 GB/T5413.8-1997 食品中灰分的测定GB/T5009.4-2003 1.2 灰分 0226 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉灰分的测定 GB/T5413.7-1997 食品中蛋白质的测定 GB/T5009.5-2003 1.3 蛋白质 0226 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉蛋白质的测定 GB/T5413.1-1997 食品中脂肪的测定 1.4 脂肪 0226 只用第二法 1 食品 GB/T5009.6-2003 食品中蔗糖的测定 1.5 蔗糖 0226 只用第二法 GB/T5009.8-2003 0227食品中总砷及无机砷的测定1.5 总砷 .01 GB/T5009.11-2003 02271.7 铅 食品中铅的测定GB/T5009.12-2003 .01 食品中铜的测定GB/T5009.13-2003 0227婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉钙、铁、锌、钠、1.8 铜 .01 钾、镁、铜和锰的测定 GB/T5413.21-1997 No. CNAS L0867 第 1 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 食品中锌的测定GB/T5009.14-2003 0227婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉钙、铁、锌、钠、1.9 锌 .01 钾、镁、铜和锰的测定 GB/T5413.21-1997 食品中黄曲霉毒素B1的测定黄曲霉毒0227GB/T5009.22-2003 1.10 只用第二法 素B1 .05 食品中黄曲霉毒素M1与B1的测定 GB/T5009.24-2003 0226食品中糖精钠的测定1.11 糖精钠 只用第一法 .20 GB/T5009.28-2003 0226食品中山梨酸、苯甲酸的测定1.12 硼酸、硼砂 只用第四法 .19 GB/T5009.29-2003 0226食品中山梨酸、苯甲酸的测定1.13 山梨酸 只用第二法 .19 GB/T5009.29-2003 0226食品中山梨酸、苯甲酸的测定1.14 苯甲酸 只用第二法 .19 GB/T5009.29-2003 食品中亚硝酸盐与硝酸盐的测定 0226GB/T5009.33-2003 1.15 亚硝酸盐 只用第一法 .20 乳粉硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐的测定 GB/T5413.32-1997 0226食品中亚硫酸盐的测定 1.16 亚硫酸盐 只用第一法 .20 GB/T5009.34-2003 1 食品 0226食品中合成着色剂的测定1.17 胭脂红 只用第一法 .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 0226食品中合成着色剂的测定1.18 苋菜红 只用第一法 .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 食品中柠0226食品中合成着色剂的测定1.19 只用第一法 檬黄 .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 食品中 0226食品中合成着色剂的测定1.20 只用第一法 日落黄 .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 食品中 0226食品中合成着色剂的测定1.21 只用第一法 亮蓝 .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 食用植物0226食用植物油卫生标准的分析方法1.22 油中酸价 .13 GB/T5009.37-2003 食用植物0226食用植物油卫生标准的分析方法油中 1.23 .13 GB/T5009.37-2003 过氧化值 食用植物只用定性试0226食用植物油卫生标准的分析方法油中 1.24 .13 GB5009.36-2003 验 矿物油 只用定性试食用植物0226食用植物油卫生标准的分析方法1.25 油中桐油 .13 GB/T5009.37-2003 验 酱油中氨0226酱油卫生标准的分析方法1.26 基酸态氮 .21 GB/T5009.39-2003 No. CNAS L0867 第 2 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 酱油中 0226酱油卫生标准的分析方法1.27 总酸 .21 GB/T5009.39-2003 蚝油中 0226酱油卫生标准的分析方法1.28 总酸 .21 GB/T5009.39-2003 酱中氨基0226酱卫生标准的分析方法1.29 酸态氮 .21 GB/T5009.40-2003 0226酱卫生标准的分析方法1.30 酱中食盐 .21 GB/T5009.40-2003 0226酱卫生标准的分析方法1.31 酱中总酸 .21 GB/T5009.40-2003 食醋中 0226食醋卫生标准的分析方法只用定性试1.32 游离矿酸 .21 GB/T5009.41-2003 验 0226食醋卫生标准的分析方法1.33 总酸 .21 GB/T5009.41-2003 0226食盐卫生标准的分析方法1.34 氯化钠 .21 GB/T5009.42-2003 0226食盐卫生标准的分析方法1.35 水不溶物 .21 GB/T5009.42-2003 0226食盐卫生标准的分析方法1.36 硫酸盐 .21 GB/T5009.42-2003 食盐卫生标准的分析方法 1 食品 0226GB/T5009.42-2003 1.37 碘 .21 制盐工业通用试验方法碘离子的测定 GB13025.7-1999 挥发性盐0226肉与肉制品卫生标准的分析方法1.38 基氮 .04 GB/T5009.44-2003 0226肉与肉制品卫生标准的分析方法1.39 亚硝酸盐 只用第一法 .20 GB/T5009.44-2003 0226食盐卫生标准的分析方法1.40 食盐 .04 GB/T5009.42-2003 0226食用植物油卫生标准的分析方法1.41 酸价 .04 GB/T5009.37-2003 0226非发酵豆制品及面筋卫生标准的分析1.42 食盐 .21 方法GB/T5009.51-2003 非发酵豆制品及面筋卫生标准的分析02261.43 总酸 方法 .21 GB/T5009.51-2003 乳及乳制品卫生标准的分析方法 0226GB/T5009.46-2003 1.44 脂肪 .03 婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉脂肪的测定 GB/T5413.3-1997 0226乳粉滴定酸度的测定1.45 酸度 .03 GB/T5413.28-1997 No. CNAS L0867 第 3 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 0226婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉溶解性的测定1.46 溶解度 .03 GB/T5413.29-1997 02261.47 脲酶试验 乳酸菌饮料卫生标准GB16321-2003 .11 0226糕点卫生标准的分析方法1.48 酸价 .21 GB/T5009.56-2003 0226糕点卫生标准的分析方法1.49 过氧化值 .21 GB/T5009.56-2003 食品中 0227食品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量的测定1.50 六六六 只用第一法 .02 GB/T5009.19-2003 残留量 食品中 0227食品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量的测1.51 滴滴涕 只用第一法 .02 GB/T5009.19-2003 残留量 食品中 0227食品中有机磷农药残留量的测定1.52 敌敌畏 只用第二法 .02 GB/T5009.20-2003 残留量 食品中 0227食品中有机磷农药残留量的测定 1.53 乐果 只用第二法 .02 GB/T5009.20-2003 残留量 食品中 0227食品中有机磷农药残留量的测定 1 食品 1.54 马拉硫磷只用第二法 .02 GB/T5009.20-2003 残留量 食品中 0227食品中有机磷农药残留量的测定 1.55 对硫磷 只用第二法 .02 GB/T5009.20-2003 残留量 食品中 0227食品中有机磷农药残留量的测定 1.56 甲拌磷 只用第二法 .02 GB/T5009.20-2003 残留量 食品中 植物性食品中甲胺磷和乙酰甲胺磷农02271.57 甲胺磷 药残留量测定 .02 残留量 GB/T5009.103-2003 粮食中磷0226粮食卫生标准的分析方法1.58 化物 .01 GB/T5009.36-2003 粮食中氰0226粮食卫生标准的分析方法只用定性试1.59 化物 .01 GB/T5009.36-2003 验 蒸馏酒及0226蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准的分析方法1.60 配制酒中 .10 GB/T5009.48-2003 乙醇浓度 蒸馏酒及0226蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准的分析方法1.61 配制酒中 .10 GB/T5009.48-2003 甲醇 No. CNAS L0867 第 4 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 蒸馏酒及0226蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准的分析方法1.62 配制酒中 .10 GB/T5009.48-2003 杂醇油 食品中 食品卫生微生物学检验-菌落总数测定1.63 0110 菌落总数 GB/T4789.2-2003 食品中 食品卫生微生物学检验-大肠菌群测定1.64 0110 大肠菌群 GB/T4789.3-2003 食品中 食品卫生微生物学检验-沙门氏菌检验1.65 0110 沙门氏菌 GB/T4789.4-2008 食品中 食品卫生微生物学检验-志贺氏菌检验1.66 0110 志贺氏菌 GB/T4789.5-2003 食品中致不测产毒 食品卫生微生物学检验-致泻大肠埃希1.67 泻大肠埃0110 大肠埃希氏 氏菌检验GB/T4789.6-2008 希氏菌 菌 食品副溶食品卫生微生物学检验-副溶血性弧菌1.68 0110 血性弧菌 检验GB/T4789.7-2008 食品 食品卫生微生物学检验-金黄色葡萄球1.69 金黄色 0110 菌检验GB/T4789.10-2003 葡萄球菌 食品溶血食品卫生微生物学检验-溶血性链球菌1.70 0110 性链球菌 检验GB/T4789.11-2003 1 食品 食品中 食品卫生微生物学检验-霉菌和酵母计1.71 霉菌和酵0110 数GB/T4789.15-2003 母计数 粪大肠 《食品卫生微生物学检验》大肠菌群的1.72 0110 菌群 测定GB/T4789.3-2003 蜡样芽胞《食品卫生微生物学检验》蜡样芽胞杆1.73 0110 杆菌 菌检验GB/T4789.14-2003 单核细胞食品卫生微生物学检验》单核细胞增生1.74 增生李斯0110 李斯特氏菌检验GB/T4789.30-2003 特氏菌 挥发性盐蛋与蛋制品卫生标准的分析方法1.75 0226 基氮 GB/T5009.47-2003 水产品卫生标准的分析方法 GB/T5009.45-2003 1.76 pH值 0226 蛋与蛋制品卫生标准的分析方法 GB/T5009.47-2003 乳与乳制品卫生标准的分析方法1.77 酸度 0226 GB/T5009.46-2003 0227食品中总汞及有机汞的测定1.78 汞 .01 GB/T5009.17-2003 02271.79 镉 食品中镉的测定GB/T5009.15-2003 .01 No. CNAS L0867 第 5 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 食品中总砷及无机砷的测定 0227GB/T5009.11-2003 1.80 无机砷 .01 水产品卫生标准的分析方法 GB/T5009.45-2003 0227食品中亚硫酸盐的测定1.81 二氧化硫 只用第一法 .20 GB/T5009.34-2003 脲酶的定0226婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉的脲酶的定性1.82 性 .03 检验GB/T5413.31-1997 无公害食品、水发水产品中甲醛的测定 0221NY5172-2002附录A 1.83 甲醛 .01 食品中甲醛次硫酸钠的测定方法卫法 监发[2001]159号附录2 甲醛 0221食品中甲醛次硫酸钠的测定方法卫法1.84 次硫酸钠 .01 监发[2001]159号附录2 食品中亚硝酸盐与硝酸盐的测定 0226GB/T5009.33-2003 1.85 硝酸盐 .20 乳粉硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐的测定 GB/T5413.32-1997 1 食品 环己基氨0227食品中环己基氨基磺酸钠的测定1.86 基磺酸钠 .20 GB/T5009.97-2003 乙酰甲胺0227植物性食品中甲胺磷和乙酰甲胺磷农1.87 磷 .02 药残留量的测定GB/T5009.103-2003 畜、禽肉中土霉素四环素金霉素残留量02271.88 土霉素 测定(高效液相色谱法) .03 GB/T5009.116-2003 畜、禽肉中土霉素四环素金霉素残留量02271.89 四环素 测定(高效液相色谱法) .03 GB/T5009.116-2003 畜、禽肉中土霉素四环素金霉素残留量02271.90 金霉素 测定(高效液相色谱 .03 法)GB/T5009.116-2003 出口禽肉中二氯二甲吡啶酚残留量检二氯二甲02271.91 验方法液相色谱法, 吡啶酚 .03 SN/T0212.1-1993 0227动物性食品中克伦特罗残留量的测定1.92 克伦特罗 .03 GB/T5009.192-2003 食品包装 用聚乙烯、食品 食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯聚苯乙烯、02212 包装 2.1 成型品卫生标准的分析方法 聚丙烯成.01 材料 GB/T5009.60-2003 型品蒸发 残渣 No. CNAS L0867 第 6 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 食品包装 用聚乙烯、 聚苯乙烯、食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯02212.2 聚丙烯成成型品卫生标准的分析方法 .01 型品高锰GB/T5009.60-2003 酸钾消耗 量 食品包装 食品 用聚乙烯、食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯2 包装 聚苯乙烯、02212.3 成型品卫生标准的分析方法 材料 聚丙烯成.01 GB/T5009.60-2003 型品重金 属 食品包装 用聚乙烯、食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯聚苯乙烯、02212.4 成型品卫生标准的分析方法 聚丙烯成.01 GB/T5009.60-2003 型品脱色 试验 食(饮)具01143.1 食(饮)具消毒卫生标准GB14934-1994 大肠菌群 .01 食(饮)3 食(饮)具具 01143.2 游离性余食(饮)具消毒卫生标准GB14934-1994 .01 氯 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法感官性状和 4.1 色度 .01 物理指GB/T5750.4-2006 1 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法感官性状和 4.2 臭和味 .01 物理指GB/T5750.4-2006 3 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法感官性状和 4.3 浑浊度 .01 物理指标GB/T5750.4-2006 2 肉眼可见0233生活饮用水标准检验方法感官性状和 4.4 .01 物理指标GB/T5750.4-2006 4 物 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法感官性状和只用玻璃电4.5 pH值 .01 物理指标GB/T5750.4-2006 5 极法 生活饮用4 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法感官性状和水 4.6 总硬度 .01 物理指标GB/T5750.4-2006 7 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法有机物综合4.7 耗氧量 .01 指标GB/T5750.7-2006 1 只用离子色0233生活饮用水标准检验方法无机非金属谱法、镉柱4.8 硝酸盐 .01 指标GB/T5750.5-2006 5 还原法 只用离子选0233生活饮用水标准检验方法无机非金属4.9 氟化物 择电极法、 .01 指标GB/T5750.5-2006 3 离子色谱法 No. CNAS L0867 第 7 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 只用硝酸盐0233生活饮用水标准检验方法无机非金属4.10 氯化物 容量法、离 .01 指标GB/T5750.5-2006 2 子色谱法 只用离子色 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法无机非金属谱法、铬酸4.11 硫酸盐 .01 指标GB/T5750.5-2006 1 钡分光光度 法 生活饮用水标准检验方法感官性状和溶解性总02334.12 物理指标 固体 .01 GB/T5750.4-2006 8 游离性余0233生活饮用水标准检验方法消毒剂指标4.13 氯 .01 GB/T5750.1l-2006 1 只用原子吸 收分光光度0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标法、电感耦4.14 铁 .01 GB/T 5750.6-2006 2 合等离子体 发射光谱法 只用原子吸 收分光光度0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标法、电感耦4.15 锰 .01 GB/T5750.6-2006 3 合等离子体 发射光谱法 生活饮用只用无火焰4 原子吸收分水 光光度法、 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标火焰原子吸4.16 铜 收分光光度.01 GB/T 5750.6-2006 4 法、电感耦 合等离子体 发射光谱法 只用原子吸 收分光光度0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标法、电感耦4.17 锌 .01 GB/T5750.6-2006.5 合等离子体 发射光谱法 只用氰化物 原子荧光0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标法、电感耦4.18 砷 .01 GB/T5750.6-2006 6 合等离子体 发射光谱法 只用无火焰 原子吸收分 光光度法、 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标火焰原子吸4.19 镉 收分光光度.01 GB/T5750.6-2006 9 法、电感耦 合等离子体 发射光谱法 No. CNAS L0867 第 8 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 只用无火焰 原子吸收分 光光度法、 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标火焰原子吸4.20 铅 收分光光度.01 GB/T5750.6-2006 11 法、电感耦 合等离子体 发射光谱法 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标只用原子荧4.21 汞 光法 .01 GB/T5750.6-2006 8 只用氰化物 原子荧光0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标 法、电感耦4.22 硒 .01 GB/T5750.6-2006 7 合等离子体 发射光谱法 只用无火焰 原子吸收分 0233生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标光光度法、4.23 银 电感耦合等.01 GB/ 5750.6-2006 12 离子体发射 光谱法 0128生活饮用水标准检验方法微生物指标4.24 细菌总数 .01 GB/T 5750.12-2006 1 总大肠菌0128生活饮用水标准检验方法微生物指标只用多管发生活饮用4.25 4 群 .01 GB/T5750.12-2006 2 酵法 水 耐热大肠0128生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和4.26 菌群 .01 物理指标GB/T5750.12-2006.3 只用亚甲蓝 分光光度阴离子合0128生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和4.27 法、二氮杂 成洗涤剂 .01 物理指标GB/T5750.4-2006.10 菲萃取分光 光度法 只用4-氨基挥发性酚生活饮用水标准检验方法 感官性状和安替吡啉三4.28 0233 氯甲烷萃取类 物理指标GB/T5750.4-2006.9 分光光度法 只用填充柱 气相色谱生活饮用水标准检验方法 有机物指标法、毛细管4.29 四氯化碳 0233 GB/T5750.8-2006.1 柱气相色谱 法 只用填充柱 气相色谱生活饮用水标准检验方法 有机物指标4.30 三氯甲烷 0233 法、毛细管 GB/T5750.8-2006.1 柱气相色谱 法 No. CNAS L0867 第 9 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 只用异烟酸 -吡唑酮分 生活饮用水标准检验方法 无机非金属光光度法、4.31 氰化物 0233 指标GB/T5750.5-2006.4 异烟酸-巴 比妥酸分光 光度法 生活饮用只用铬天青4 水 S分光光度 法、无火焰 生活饮用水标准检验方法 金属指标原子吸收分4.32 铝 0233 GB/T5750.6-2006.1 光光度法、 电感耦合等 离子体发射 光谱法 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 5.1 矿泉水中 .01 GB/T8538.10-1995 碱度 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 5.2 矿泉水中 .01 GB/T8538.11-1995 酸度 饮用天然 0233饮用天然矿泉水 矿泉水中5.3 碳酸盐和.01 GB/T8538.44-1995 重碳酸盐 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 矿泉水中5.4 .01 GB/T8538.43-1995 1 亚硝酸盐 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 饮用 矿泉水中5.5 .01 GB/T8538.35-1995 2 5 天然 偏硅酸 矿泉水 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 矿泉水中5.6 .01 GB/T8538.12-1995 2 钾 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 矿泉水中5.7 .01 GB/T8538.12-1995 2 钠 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 5.8 矿泉水中 .01 GB/T8538.13-1995 2 钙 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 矿泉水中5.9 .01 GB/T8538.14-1995 2 镁 饮用天然0233饮用天然矿泉水 5.10 矿泉水中 .01 GB/T8538.51-1995 菌落总数 No. CNAS L0867 第 10 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 饮用天然饮用 矿泉水中0233饮用天然矿泉水 5 天然 5.11 总大肠菌.01 GB/T8538.52-1995 1 矿泉水 群 瓶装饮用 纯净水霉0128食品卫生微生物学检验-霉菌和酵母计6.1 菌和酵母.16 数GB/T4789.15-2003 瓶装 计数 6 饮用 纯净水 瓶装饮用0233瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准 6.2 纯净水中 .01 GB17323-1998附录A 电导率 游泳池水02337.1 游泳水中尿素测定GB/T18204.29-2000 中尿素 .10 游泳池水游泳 0128游泳池水微生物检验方法-大肠菌群测7 7.2 中大肠菌 池水 .05 定GB/T18204.10-2000 群 游泳池水0128游泳池水微生物检验方法-细菌总数测7.3 细菌总数 .05 定GB/T18204.9-2000 工作场所空气中铅及其化合物的测定工作场所02398.1 方法 GBZ/T160.10-2004(1.火焰原子吸 空气中铅 .10 收光谱法) 工作场所空气中芳香烃类化合物的测 工作场所0239定方法GBZ/T160.42-2007(3.苯的溶剂8.2 空气中苯 .10 解吸-气相色谱法,4.苯的热解吸-气相 色谱法) 工作场所空气中芳香烃类化合物的测工作场所0239定方法GBZ/T160.42-2007(3.甲苯的溶空气中甲8.3 .10 剂解吸-气相色谱法,4.甲苯的热解吸-苯 气相色谱法) 工作场所空气中芳香烃类化合物的测工作场所0239定方法GBZ/T160.42-2007(3.二甲苯的工作场所8.4 空气中二 8 .10 溶剂解吸-气相色谱法,4.二甲苯的热解空气 甲苯 吸-气相色谱法) 工作场所空气中芳香烃类化合物的测工作场所0239定方法GBZ/T160.42-2007(3.苯乙烯的空气中苯8.5 .10 溶剂解吸-气相色谱法,4.苯乙烯的热解乙烯 吸-气相色谱法) 工作场所工作场所空气中脂肪族酮类化合物的0239空气中丙测定方法GBZ/T160.55-2007(3.丙酮溶8.6 .10 酮 剂解吸-气相色谱法) 工作场所空气中卤代烃类化合物的测工作场所0239定方法 8.7 空气中三 .10 GBZ/T160.45-2007(3.三氯甲烷的溶剂氯甲烷 解吸-气相色谱法) No. CNAS L0867 第 11 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 工作场所工作场所空气中卤代烷烃类化合物的02398.8 空气中四测定方法GBZ/T160.45-2007(3. 四氯 .10 氯化碳 化碳的溶剂解吸-气相色谱法) 工作场所工作场所空气中脂肪族酮类化合物的02398.9 空气中丁测定方法GBZ/T160.55-2007(3.丁酮溶 .10 酮 剂解吸-气相色谱法) 工作场所工作场所空气中脂环酮和芳香族酮类02398.10 空气中环化合物的测定方法GBZ/T160.56-2004 .10 己酮 (3.环己酮溶剂解吸-气相色谱法) 工作场所工作场所空气中饱和脂肪族酯类化合工作场所02398 8.11 空气中乙物的测定方法GBZ/T160.63-2007(3. 空气 .10 酸乙酯 乙酸酯类溶剂解吸-气相色谱法) 工作场所工作场所空气中卤代不饱和烃类化合02398.12 空气中三物的测定方法GBZ/T160.46-2004(3. .10 氯乙烯 三氯乙烯溶剂解吸-气相色谱法) 工作场所工作场所空气中脂环烃类化合物的测02398.13 空气中环定方法GBZ/T160.41-2004(3.环己烷的 .10 已烷 溶剂解析气相色谱法) 作业场所02398.14 中总粉尘作业场所中粉尘测定GBZ/T192.1-2007 .04 浓度 公共场所0114公共场所空气微生物检验方法-细菌总9.1 空气细菌 .02 数测定GB/T18204.1-2000 总数 公共场所0114公共场所茶具微生物检验方法-细菌总9.2 茶具细菌 .01 数测定GB/T18204.2-2000 总数 公共场所0114公共场所茶具微生物检验方法-大肠菌9.3 茶具大肠 .01 群测定GB/T18204.3-2000 菌群 公共场所公共场所毛巾、床上0114公共场所毛巾、床上卧具微生物检验方9 空气及公9.4 卧具细菌.01 法-细菌总数测定GB/T18204.4-2000 共用具 总数 公共场所 毛巾、床上0114公共场所毛巾、床上卧具微生物检验方9.5 卧具中的 .01 法-大肠菌群测定GB/T18204.5-2000 大肠菌群 理发用具 0114理发用具微生物检验方法-大肠菌群测9.6 大肠菌群 .01 定GB/T18204.6-2000 理发用具0114理发用具微生物检验方法-金黄色葡萄9.7 金黄色葡 .01 球菌测定GB/T18204.7-2000 萄球菌 No. CNAS L0867 第 12 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 医疗用品 011510.1 细菌菌落医院消毒卫生标准GB15982-1995 .02 总数 医院空气011410.2 细菌菌落医院消毒卫生标准GB15982-1995 .02 总数 医院物体011410.3 表面细菌医院消毒卫生标准GB15982-1995 只用附录A .01 菌落总数 医护人员011410.4 手细菌菌医院消毒卫生标准GB15982-1995 只用附录A .01 落总数 使用中消011410.5 毒剂中细医院消毒卫生标准GB15982-1995 只用附录A .02 菌总数 医疗器具 011510.6 卫生部《消毒技术规范》(2002) 无菌检查 .01 卫生用品一次性使用卫生用品卫生标准 10.7 细菌菌落0115 GB15979-2002、《消毒技术规范》(卫生 总数 部,2002)2.1.11 无菌器械医院 10.8 保存液中0115 医院消毒卫生标准GB15982-1995 10 消毒 细菌总数 一次性使用卫生用品卫生标准溶血性链0114 10.9 GB15979-2002 球菌 0115 医院消毒卫生标准GB15982-1995 一次性使用卫生用品卫生标准 GB15979-2002 0114 消毒与灭菌效果的评价方法与标准金黄色葡10.10 GB15981-1995 萄球菌 《消毒技术规范》(卫生部,2002)、医0115 院消毒卫生标准GB15982-1995 消毒与灭消毒与灭菌效果的评价方法与标准只用生物监10.11 菌效果的0115 GB15981-1995 测 评价 医院消毒卫生标准 0115 GB15982-1995 粪大肠菌10.12 群 0128医疗机构污水排放要求 只用附录A .03 GB18466-2005 医院消毒卫生标准 0115 GB15982-1995 10.13 沙门氏菌 0128医疗机构污水排放要求 只用附录B .03 GB18466-2005 No. CNAS L0867 第 13 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 项目/参数 序产品/ 领域 检测标准(方法)名称及 限制 说 号 产品类别 代码 编号(含年号) 范围 明 序号 名称 0115 卫生部《消毒技术规范》(2002) 10.14 志贺氏菌 0128医疗机构污水排放要求 医院 只用附录C 10 .03 GB18466-2005 消毒 0128医疗机构污水排放要求 10.15 总余氯 .38 GB18466-2005 022911.1 甲醇 化妆品卫生标准(2007) .01 022911.2 汞 化妆品卫生标准[2007] .01 022911.3 砷 化妆品卫生标准[2007] .01 022911.4 铅 化妆品卫生标准[2007] .01 010911 化妆品 11.5 细菌总数 化妆品卫生标准[2007] .01 粪大肠菌010911.6 化妆品卫生标准[2007] 群 .01 010911.7 绿脓杆菌 化妆品卫生标准[2007] .01 金黄色葡010911.8 卫生部《化妆品卫生规范》(2007) 萄球菌 .01 霉菌和酵010911.9 卫生部《化妆品卫生规范》(2007) 母计数 .01 0705HIV/AIDS诊断标准及处理原则 只用筛查方12.1 HIV抗体 .01 GB16000-1995附录A 法 疾病预防麻疹 0705麻疹诊断标准及处理原则12 12.2 只用附录C 控制 IgM抗体 .01 GB15983-1995 风疹 0705风疹诊断标准及处理原则12.3 只用附录B IgM抗体 .01 GB17009-1997 No. CNAS L0867 第 14 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE No.CNAS L0867 Date of issue: 2009-02-10 Date of expiry: 2012-02-09 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Determination of moisture in foods GB/T5009.3-2003 Accredited Moisture in Milk powder and formula foods for 1 0226 only for the foods infant and young children First Method determination of the water Content GB/T5413.8-1997 Determination of ash in foodsGB/T5009.4-2003 Milk powder and formula foods for 2 Ash in foods 0226 1 Foods infant and young children determination of ash GB/T5413.7-1997 Determination of protein in foods GB/T5009.5-2003 Milk powder and formula foods for 3 Protein in foods 0226 infant and young children determination of protein GGB/T5413.1-1997 No. CNAS L0867 第 15 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Accredited Determination of fat in foods only for the 4 Fat in foods 0226 GB/T5009.6-2003 second Method Accredited Saccharose in Determination of saccharose in foods only for the 5 0226 foods GB/T5009.8-2003 second Method Total arsenic 0227determination of total arsenic in 6 infoods .01 foodGB/T5009.11-2003 0227determination of lead in foods 7 Lead in foods .01 GB/T5009.12-2003 Determination of copper in foods GB/T5009.13-2003 Milk powder and formula foods for 0227infant and young children 8 Copper in foods .01 determination of calcium, iron, zinc,sodium,potassium,magnesium,co pper andmanganese GB/T5413.21-1997 Determination of zinc in foods 1 Foods GB/T5009.14-2003 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young 02279 Zinc in foods children determination of calcium, .01 iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, copperand manganese GB/T5413.21-1997 Determination of aflatoxin B1 in Accredited Aflatoxin B1 in 0227foods GB/T5009.22-2003 only for the 10 foods .01 Determination of aflatoxins M1 and second B1 in foods .GB/T5009.24-2003 Method Determination of sacchar Accredited Saccharin 022611 in sodium in foods only for the sodium in foods .20 GB/T5009.28-2003 first Method Accredited Determination of sorbic acid and Borax and boric 0226only for the 12 benzioc acid in foods acid in foods .19 fourth GB/T5009.29-2003 Method Accredited Determination of sorbic acid and Sorbic acid 0226only for the 13 benzioc acid in foods in foods .19 second GB/T5009.29-2003 Method No. CNAS L0867 第 16 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Accredited Determination of sorbic acid and Benzioc acid in 0226only for the 14 benzioc acid in foods foods .19 second GB/T5009.29-2003 Method Determination of nitrite and nitrate in foods GB/T5009.33-2003 Accredited 022615 Nitrite in foods Milk powder-Determination of nitrate only for the .20 and nitrite contents. first Method GB/T5413.32-1997 Accredited Sulphite in 0226Determination of sulphite in foods 16 only for the foods .20 GB/T 5009.34-2003 first Method Determination of synthetic colour in Accredited Ponceau-4R in 022617 foods only for the foods .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 first Method Determination of synthetic colour in Accredited Amaranth in 022618 foods only for the foods .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 first Method Determination of synthetic colour in Accredited Tartrazine in 022619 foods only for the foods .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 first Method 1 Foods Determination of synthetic colour in Accredited Sunset yellow 022620 foods only for the in foods .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 first Method Determination of synthetic colour in Accredited Brilliant blue 022621 foods only for the in foods .18 GB/T5009.35-2003 first Method Method for analysis of hygienic Acid value of 022622 standard of edible oils. edible oils .13 GB/T5009.37-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Peroxide value 022623 standard of edible oils in edible oils .13 GB/T5009.37-2003 Accredited Method for analysis of hygienic Mineral oils in 0226only for 24 standard of edible oils edible oils .13 Qualitative GB/T5009.36-2003 tests Accredited Method for analysis of hygienic Tung oil in 0226only for 25 standard of edible oils edible oils .13 Qualitative GB/T5009.37-2003 tests No. CNAS L0867 第 17 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Amino acids Method for analysis of hygienic 022626 nitrogen in standard of soybean sauce .21 soybean sauce GB/T5009.39-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Total acid in 022627 standard of soybean sauce soybean sauce .21 GB/T5009.39-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Total acid in 022628 standard of soybean sauce oyster sauce .21 GB/T5009.39-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Amino acids 0226standard for thick sauce made from 29 nitrogen in .21 soya beans flouretc soybean paste GB/T5009.40-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Salt in soybean 0226standard for thick sauce made from 30 paste .21 soya beans flouretc GB/T5009.40-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Total acid in 0226standard for thick sauce made from 31 soybean paste .21 soya beans flouretc GB/T5009.40-2003 1 Foods Accredited Method for analysis of hygienic Free mineral 0226only for standard of vinegar 32 acid in vinegar .21 Qualitative GB/T5009.41-2003 tests Method for analysis of hygienic Total acid in 0226standard of vinegar 33 vinegar .21 GB/T5009.41-2003 Sodium Method for analysis of hygienic 0226chloride standard of table salt 34 .21 in table salt GB/T5009.42-2003 Water-insoluble Method for analysis of hygienic 0226matter in table standard of table salt 35 .21 salt GB/T5009.42-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Sulfate in table 0226standard of table salt 36 salt .21 GB/T5009.42-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of table salt Iodine in table 0226GB/T5009.42-2003 37 salt .21 General test method in salt industry determination of iodide ion. GB 13025.7-1999 No. CNAS L0867 第 18 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Volatile amino Method for analysis of hygienic nitrogen in 022638 standard of meat and meat products monosodium .04 GB/T5009.44-2003 glutamate Nitrite in meat Method for analysis of hygienic Accredited 022639 and meat standard of meat and meat products only for the .20 products GB/T5009.44-2003 First Method Method for analysis of hygienic 022640 Salt in sausages standard of meat and meat products .04 GB/T5009.42-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic acid value in 022641 standard of meat and meat products sausages .04 GB/T5009.44-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Salt in bean 0226standard of nonfermented bean 42 products .21 products and gluten GB/T5009.51-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Total acid in 0226standard of nonfermented bean 43 bean products .21 products and gluten GB/T5009.51-2003 1 Foods Method of analysis of hygienic Fat in milk 022644 standard of milk and milk products. products .03 GB/T5009.46-2003 Method of analysis of hygienic Acidity in milk 022645 standard of milk and milk products products .03 GB/T5009.28-2003 Method of analysis of hygienic Solubility of 022646 standard of milk and milk products milk products .03 GB/T5009.29-1997 Detection of urease in 0226Hygienic standard for yoghurt 47 yoghurt .11 Beverage GB/T16321-2003 beverage Method for analysis of hygienic Acid value of 0226standard of pastry 48 pastry .21 GB/T5009.56-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Peroxide 0226standard of pastry 49 value in pastry .21 GB/T5009.56-2003 Determination of BHC and DDT Accredited BHCresidues in 022750 residues in foods only for the foods .02 GB/T5009.19-2003 First Method No. CNAS L0867 第 19 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Determination of BHC and DDT Accredited DDTresidues in 022751 residues in foods only for the foods .02 GB/T5009.19-2003 First Method Accredited Dichlorvos Determination of organochlorines and 0227only for the 52 residues in pyrethroid pesticide residues in food .02 Second foods GB/T5009.20-2003 Method Accredited Dimethoate Determination of organochlorines and 0227only for the 53 residues in pyrethroid pesticide residues in food .02 Second foods GB/T5009.20-2003 Method Accredited Malathion Determination of organochlorines and 0227only for the 54 residues in pyrethroid pesticide residues in food .02 Second foods GB/T5009.20-2003 Method Accredited Parathion Determination of organochlorines and 0227only for the 55 residues in pyrethroid pesticide residues in food .02 Second foods GB/T5009.20-2003 Method Accredited Determination of organochlorines and Phorate residues 0227only for the 56 pyrethroid pesticide residues in food 1 Foods in foods .02 Second GB/T5009.20-2003 Method Determination of methamidophos and Methamidophos 0227acephate pesticiole agriculture 57 residues in .02 chemicals residue in vegetal foods. foods GB/T5009.103-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic Phosphine in 022658 standard of grain grain .01 GB/T5009.36-2003 Accredited Method for analysis of hygienic Cyanide in 0226only for 59 standard of grain grain .01 Qualitative GB/T5009.36-2003 test Alcohol in Method for analysis of hygienic distilled wines 0226standard of distilled wines and mixed 60 and mixed .10 wines wines GB/T5009.48-2003 Methanol in Method for analysis of hygienic distilled wines 0226standard of distilled wines and mixed 61 and mixed .10 wines wines GB/T5009.48-2003 No. CNAS L0867 第 20 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Fusel oils in Method for analysis of hygienic distilled wines 022662 standard of distilled wines and mixed and mixed .10 wines GB/T5009.48-2003 wines Aerobic Microbiological examination of food 63 bacterial count 0110 hygiene.Detection of aerobic bacterial in foods count GB/T4789.2-2003 Coliform Microbiological examination of food 64 bacteria in 0110 hygiene.Detection of Coliform foods Bacteria GB/T4789.3-2003 Microbiological examination of food Salmonella in 65 0110 hygiene.Examination of Salmonella foods GB/T4789.4-2008 Microbiological examination of food Shigella in 66 0110 hygiene.Examination of Shigella foods GB/T4789.5-2003 Except for Diarrheogenic Microbiological examination of food toxigenic 67 Escherichia coli 0110 hygiene.Examination of diarrheogenic Escherichia in foods Escherichia coli GB/T4789.6-2008 coli Vibrio Microbiological examination of food 1 Foods 68 parahaemolytic0110 hygiene.Examination of Vibrio us in foods parahaemolyticus GB/T4789.7-2008 Microbiological examination of food Staphylococcus hygiene.Examination of 69 0110 aureus in foods Staphylococcus Aureus GB/T4789.10-2003 Microbiological examination of food Streptococcus hygiene.Examination of 70 hemolyticus in 0110 Streptococcus hemolyticus foods GB/T4789.11-2003 Leaf Mlds and Microbiological examination of food 71 yeasts count 0110 hygiene.Enumeration of molds and infoods yeasts GB/T4789.15-2003 Fecal coliform Microbiological examination of food 72 0110 bacteria hygiene GB/T4789.3-2003 Microbiological examination of food 73 Bacillus cereus 0110 hygiene-Examination of Bacillus cereus GB/T4789.14-2003 Microbiological examination of food Listeria 74 0110 hygiene-Examination of Listeria monocytogenes monocytogenes GB/T4789.30-2003 No. CNAS L0867 第 21 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Method for analysis of hygienic Evaporated 75 0226 st-andard of egg and egg products basenitrogen GB/T5009.47-2003 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fish and other aquatic products GB/T5009.45-2003 76 pH 0226 Method for analysis of hygienic st-andard of egg and egg products GB/T5009.47-2003 Method of analysis of hygienic acidity, 77 0226 standard of milk and milk products Titrating GB/T5009.46-2003 Determination of total mercury and 022778 Mercury (Hg) organic-mercury in food .01 GB/T5009.17-2003 Cadmium 0227Determination of cadmium in foods 79 (Cd) .01 GB/T5009.15-2003 Determination of total arsenic and Inorganic 022780 abio-arsenic in foods arsenic .01 GB/T5009.11-2003 Accredited 0226Determination of sulphite in foods only for the 81 Sulfur dioxide 1 Foods .20 GB/T5009.34-2003 frist method Milk powder and formula foods for Qualitative 0226infant and young children Qualitative 82 detection of 、03 detection of urease urease GB/T5413.31-1997 Non-environmental damage food dried aquatic product NY5172-2002 Appendix A 022183 Formaldehyde In food formaldehyde sodium .01 hydrosulfite determination method Medical department sends (2001) 159 Appendix 2 In food formaldehyde sodium Formaldehyde 0221hydrosulfite determination method 84 sodium .01 Medical department sends (2001) 159 hydrosulfite Appendix 2 Determination of nitrite and nitrate in foods GB/T5009.33-2003 022685 Nitrate Milk powder Determination of nitrate .20. and nitrite contents GB/T5413.32-1997 No. CNAS L0867 第 22 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Sodium 0227Determination of sodium cyclamate in 86 Cyclamate .20 foods GB/T5009.97-2003 Acetyl Determination of methamidophos and 022787 methylamine acephate pesticide residues in .02 phosphorus vegetable foods GB/T5009.103-2003 Determination of 0227Oxytetracyline,Tetracyline and 88 Oxytetracyline .03 Chortetracycline residues in meat(HPLC) GB/T5009.116-2003 Determination of 0227Oxytetracyline,Tetracyline and 89 Tetracyline .03 Chortetracycline residues in meat(HPLC) GB/T5009.116-2003 1 Foods Determination of 0227Oxytetracyline,Tetracyline and 90 Chortetracycline .03 Chortetracycline residues in meat(HPLC) GB/T5009.116-2003 Method for determination of clopidol Two chlorine 0227residues in poultry meat for export. 91 dimethyl .03 Liquid chromatography pyridine phenol SN/T0212.1-1993 4Amino3,5dichDetermination of oroα[(tertbutyla02274-amino-3,5-dichoroα[(tert-butylaminmino)methyl]-b92 .03 o)methyl]-benzylalcohol(clenbuterol) enzylalcohol(clin animal foods GB/T5009.192-2003 enbuterol) Residue after evaporation of Method for analysis of hygienic products of standard of products of polyethylene, 0221polyethylene,po1 polystyrene and polypropyrene for lystyrene and .01 food packaging polypropyrene GB/T5009.60-2003 for food packaging food Potassium 2 packaging permanganate material consumption Method for analysis of hygienic of products of standard of products of polyethylene, 02212 polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropyrene for .01 polystyrene and food packaging polypropyrene GB/T5009.60-2003 for food packaging No. CNAS L0867 第 23 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Heavy metals ofproducts of Method for analysis of hygienic polyethylene, standard of products of polyethylene, 02213 polystyrene and polystyrene and polypropyrene for .01 polypropyrene food packaging for food GB/T5009.60-2003 food packaging 2 packaging Stripping test of material products of Method for analysis of hygienic polyethylene, standard of products of polyethylene, 02214 polystyrene and polystyrene and polypropyrene for .01 polypropyrene food packaging for food GB/T5009.60-2003 packaging Coliform Hygienic standard for disinfection of bacteria in 01141 dinner and drinking set dinner and .01 GB14934-1994 drinking set dinner and 3 drinking set Free residual Hygienic standard for disinfection of Chlorine in 01142 dinner and drinking set dinner and .01 GB14934-1994 drinking set Standard examination methods for Color in 0233drinking water organoleptic and 1 drinking physical parameters .01 water GB/T5750.4-2006 1 Standard examination methods for Odour and taste 0233drinking water organoleptic and 2 of drinking physical parameters .01 water GB/T5750.4-2006 3 Standard examination methods for 0233drinking water organoleptic and 3 Turbidity physical parameters .01 4 drinking water GB/T5750.4-2006 2 Standard examination methods for 0233drinking water organoleptic and 4 Visual material physical parameters .01 GB/T5750.4-2006 4 Accredited Standard examination methods for only for the 0233drinking water organoleptic and 5 PH Glass .01 physical parameters electrode GB/T 5750.4-2006 5 method No. CNAS L0867 第 24 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Standard examination methods for 0233drinking water organoleptic and 6 Total hardness .01 physical parameters GB/T5750.4-2006 7 Standard examination methods for Oxygen 0233drinking water-Aggregate organic 7 Consumption .01 parameters GB/T5750.7-2006 1 Accredited only for the Ion Standard examination methods for 0233Chromatogra8 Nitrate drinking water-Nonmetal parameters .01 phic, GB/T5750.5-2006 5 Cadmium-red uction method Accredited only for the Standard examination methods for ion-selectectr0233ode method, 9 Fluorid drinking water-Nonmetal .01 Ion parametersGB/T5750.5-2006 3 Chromatogra4 drinking water phic Accredited only for the Standard examination methods for 0233Nitrate 10 Chlorid drinking water-Nonmetal Capacity , Ion .01 parametersGB/T5750.5-2006 2 Chromatogra phic Accredited only for the Ion Standard examination methods for 0233Chromatogra11 Sulfate drinking water-Nonmetal parameters phic, barium .01 GB/T5750.5-2006 1 chromate spectrophoto metry Standard examination methods for Solubility of 0233drinking water organoleptic and 12 total solids .01 physical parameters GB/T 5750.4-2006 8 Standard examination methods for Free residual 023313 drinking water-Disinfectants Chlorine .01 parameters GB/T5750.1l-2006 1 No. CNAS L0867 第 25 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Accredited only for the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Standard examination methods for 0233Inductively 14 Iron drinking water-Metal parameters .01 coupled GB/T5750.6-2006 2 plasma atomic emission spectrometric method Accredited only for the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Standard examination methods for 0233Inductively 15 Manganese drinking water-Metal parameters .01 coupled GB/T5750.6-2006 3 plasma atomic 4 drinking water emission spectrometric method Accredited only for the nonflame Atomic Absorption Spectrophoto metry, flame Atomic Standard examination methods for 0233Absorption 16 Copper drinking water-Metal parameters .01 SpectrophotoGB/T5750.6-2006 4 metry, Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method No. CNAS L0867 第 26 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Accredited only for the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Standard examination methods for 0233Inductively 17 Zinc drinking water-Metal parameters .01 coupled GB/T5750.6-2006 5 plasma atomic emission spectrometric method Accredited only for the Cyanide AFS , Standard examination methods for Inductively Arsenic in 023318 drinking water-Metal parameters coupled drinking water .01 GB/T5750.6-2006 6 plasma atomic emission 4 drinking water spectrometric method Accredited only for the nonflame Atomic Absorption Spectrophoto metry, flame Atomic Standard examination methods for 0233Absorption 19 Cadmium drinking water-Metal parameters .01 SpectrophotoGB/T5750.6-2006 9 metry, Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method No. CNAS L0867 第 27 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Accredited only for the nonflame Atomic Absorption Spectrophoto metry, flame Atomic Standard examination methods for 0233Absorption 20 Lead drinking water-Metal parameters Spectrophoto.01 GB/T5750.6-2006 11 metry, Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method Accredited only for the Standard examination methods for 0233cold atomic 21 Hydrargyrum drinking water-Metal parameters fluorescent .01 GB/T5750.6-2006 8 spectrophoto metry 4 drinking water Accredited only for the Cyanide AFS, Inductively Standard examination methods for 0233coupled 22 Selenium drinking water-Metal parameters plasma .01 GB/T5750.6-2006 7 atomic emission spectrometric method Accredited only for the nonflame Atomic Absorption SpectrophotoStandard examination methods for 0233metry, 23 Argentum drinking water-Metal parameters Inductively .01 GB/T5750.6-2006 12 coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method No. CNAS L0867 第 28 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Standard examination methods for Aerobic 0128drinking water microbiological 24 bacterial count .01 parameters in drinking wate GB/T5750.12-2006 1 Accredited Standard examination methods for only for the Total Coliform 012825 drinking water Microbiological Multipletube bacteria .01 parameters GB/T5750.12-2006 2 fermentation method Standard examination methods for Heat-resistant 0128drinking water organoleptic and 26 coliform .01 physical parameters GB/T 5750.12-2006 3 Only blue spectrophotoStandard examination methods for metry Anion synthetic 0128drinking water organoleptic and 27 ,phenanthroli detergent .01 physical parameters ne extraction GB/T5750.4-2006 10 spectrophoto metry 4 drinking water Accredited only for the Standard examination methods for 4-amino-anti drinking water organoleptic and pyrinyl 28 Volatile phenols 0233 physical parameters chloroform GB/T5750.4-2006 9 extraction spectrophoto metry Accredited only for the Gas chromatograp hic method Standard examination methods for Carbon on packed 29 0233 drinking water-Organic parameters tetrachloride columns, GB/T5750.8-2006 1 Method using capillary-colu mn gas chromatograp hy No. CNAS L0867 第 29 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Accredited only for the Gas chromatograp hic method Standard examination methods for on packed 30 Chloroform 0233 drinking water-Organic parameters columns, GB/T5750.8-2006 1 Method using capillary-colu mn gas chromatograp hy Accredited only for the Isonicotinato -pyrazolone spectrophoto metry, Isonicotinato Standard examination methods for barbituric 31 Cyanide 0233 drinking water-Nonmetal parameters acid GB/T5750.5-2006 4 spectrophoto metry, Isonicotinato 4 drinking water barbituric acid spectrophoto metry Accredited only for the Chromazurol S spectrophoto metric method, nonflame Standard examination methods for Atomic Absorption 32 Aluminium(Al) 0233 drinking water-Metal parameters SpectrophotoGB/T5750.6-2006 1 metry, Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method No. CNAS L0867 第 30 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Alkalinity of drinking 0233Drinking natural mineral water 1 naturamineral .01 GB8538.10-1995 water Acidity of 0233Drinking natural mineral water 2 drinking natural .01 GB8538.11-1995 mineral water Carbonate and bicarbonate in 0233Drinking natural mineral water 3 drinking natural .01 GB8538.44-1995 mineral water Nitrite in 0233Drinking natural mineral water 4 drinking natural .01 GB8538 43-1995 1 mineral Water Metasilicate in 0233Drinking natural mineral water 5 drinking natural .01 GB8538.35-1995 2 mineral water Potassium in Drinking 0233Drinking natural mineral water 6 drinking natural 5 natural .01 GB8538.12-1995 2 mineral water mineral water Sodium in 0233Drinking natural mineral water 7 drinking natural .01 GB8538.12-1995 2 mineralwater Calcium in 0233Drinking natural mineral water 8 drinking natural .01 GB8538.13-1995 2 mineral water Magnesium in 0233Drinking natural mineral water 9 drinking natural .01 GB8538.14-1995 2 mineral water The total number of 0233Drinking natural mineral water colony in 10 .01 GB8538.51-1995 drinking natural mineral water Total coliform 0233Drinking natural mineral water in drinking 11 natural mineral .01 GB8538.52-1995.1 water Molds and bottled yeasts count in Microbiological examination of food 01286 purified water 1 bottled purified hygiene.Enumeration of molds and .16 for drinking water for yeasts GB/T4789.15-2003 drinking No. CNAS L0867 第 31 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Electrical bottled conductivity of Hygienic standard of bottled purified 02336 purified water 2 bottled purified water for drinking .01 for drinking water for GB17323-1998 Appendix A drinking Determination of urea in water of Urea in water of 02331 swimming place swimming place .10 GB/T18204.29-2000 Coliform Methods of microbiological water of bacteria in 0128examination for water in swimming 2 7 swimming water of .05 pool-Determination of Coliform place swimming place bacteria GB/T18204.10-2000 Aerobic Methods of microbiological bacterial count 0128examination for water in swimming 3 in water of .05 pool-Determination of aerobic swimming place bacterial count GB/T18204.9-2000 Workplace air-determination of lead-graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry method Lead in 02391 GB160.10-2004 Workplace air .10 (1.Determination of lead flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method) Methods for determination of lead and its compounds in the air of workplace GBZ/T160.42-2007 (3.Determination of benzene solvent Benzene in 02392 desorption-gas chromatographic workplace air .10 method. 8 workplace air 4.Determination of benzene thermal desorption-gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in the air of workplace GBZ/T160.42-2007 (3.Determination of toluene solvent Toluene 02393 desorption-gas chromatographic in workplace air .10 method 4.Determination of toluene thermal desorption-gas chromatographic method) No. CNAS L0867 第 32 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Methods for determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in the air of workplace GBZ/T160.42-2007 (3.Determination of xylene solvent Xylene 02394 desorption-gas chromatographic in workplace air .10 method 4.Determination of xylene-Thermal desorption gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in the air of workplace GBZ/T160.42-2007 Styrene 0239(3.Determination of styrene solvent 5 in workplace air .10 desorption-gas chromatographic method,4.Determination of styrene -Thermal desorption gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of aliphatic ketones in the air of Acetone 0239workplace GBZ/T160.55-2007 6 in workplace air .10 (3.Determination of acetone solvent 8 workplace air desorption-gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of Halogenated alkanes in the air of Trichloromethaworkplace 02397 ne in workplace GBZ/T160.45-2007 (3.Determination .10 air of trichloromethane solvent desorption-gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of Halogenated alkanes in the air of Carbon 0239workplace GBZ/T160.45-2007 8 tetrachloride in .10 (3.Determination of carbon workplace air tetrachloride solvent desorption-gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of aliphatic ketones in the air of Butanone 0239workplace GBZ/T160.55-2007 9 in workplace air .10 (3.Determination of butanone solvent desorption-gas chromatographic method) No. CNAS L0867 第 33 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Methods for determination of epoxy compounds in the air of workplace Cyclohexanone 0239GBZ/T160.58-2004 (3.Determination 10 in workplace air .10 of cyclohextone solvent desorption-gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of saturated aliphatic esters in the air of Methyl acetate 0239workplace GBZ/T160.63-2007 11 in workplace air .10 (3.Determination of ethyl acetate solvent desorption-gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of 8 workplace air halogenated unsaturated hydrocarbons Trichlorethylenin the air of workplace 023912 e-in workplace GBZ/T160.46-2004 (3.Determination .10 air of trichlorovinyl Solvent desorption-gas chromatographic method) Methods for determination of cyclic hydrocarbons in the air of workplace Cyclohexane 023913 GBZ/T160.41-2004 (3.Determination in workplace air .10 of cyclohexane solvent desorption-gas chromatographic method) Total dust 0239Determination of dust in the air of 14 concentration in .04 workplaceGBZ/T192.1-2007 workplace air Methods of microbiological Aerobic examination or air in public bacterial count 01141 places-Determination of aerobic of air in public .02 bacterial count places GB/T18204.1-2000 Methods of microbiological Aerobic examination for tea set in public Public place bacterial count 01142 places-Determination of aerobic 9 air and of tea set in .01 bacterial count appliance public places GB/T18204.2-2000 Methods of microbiological Coliform examination for tea set in public bacteria of tea 01143 places-Determination of coliform set in public .01 bacteria places GB/T18204.3-2000 No. CNAS L0867 第 34 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Aerobic Methods of microbiological bacterial count examination for towel and bedclothes 01144 of towel and in public places-Determination of .01 bedclothes in aerobic bacterial count public places GB/T18204.4-2000 Coliform Methods of microbiological bacteria of examination for towel and bedclothes 01145 towel and in public places-Determination of .01 bedclothes in Coliform bacteria Public place public places GB/T18204.5-2000 9 air and appliance Methods of microbiological Coliform 0114examination for barber's 6 bacteria in .01 tools-Determination of Coliform barber's tools bacteria GB/T18204.6-2000 Methods of microbiological Staphylococcus examination for barber's 01147 aureus in tools-Determination of .01 barber's tools Staphylococcus aureus GB/T18204.7-2000 Aerobicbacterial Hygienic standard for disinfection in count in 01151 hospitals medical .02 GB15982-1995 products Aerobic Hygienic standard for disinfection in 01152 bacterial count hospitals .02 in hospital air GB15982-1995 Aerobic Hygienic standard for disinfection in Accredited bacterial count 01143 hospitals only for of surface in .01 GB15982-1995 Appendix A hospital Disinfec-tion Aerobic 10 Hygienic standard for disinfection in Accredited in hospitals bacterialcount 01144 hospitals only for on clinical .01 GB15982-1995 Appendix A staff’hands Examination Hygienic standard for disinfection in Accredited ofsterilization 01145 hospitals only for of Medical .01 GB15982-1995 Appendix A devices Staphylococcus aureus 0115Ministry of health《Specifications for 6 ofdisinfectants .01 disinfection》 (2002) in use No. CNAS L0867 第 35 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Aerobic Hygienic standard for disposable bacterial count 0114 sanitary priduct GB15979-2002 7 in hygienic 0115 Technical standard for products Disinfection(MOH,2002)2.1.11 Examination of Hygienic standard for disinfection 0114 8 sterilization of inhospitals 0115 Medical devices GB15982-1995 Hygienic standard for disposable Streptococcus 0114 sanitary priduct GB15979-2002 9 hemoly-ticus 0115 Hygienic standard for disinfection inHospitals GB15982-1995 Hygienic standard for dis-posable sanitary priduct GB15979-2002 0114 Evaluating method and standard for the efficacy of disinfection and Straphylococcu-sterilizeation GB15981-1995 10 s aureus Hygienic standard for disinfection in Hospitals GB15982-1995 0115 Technical standard for Disinfection(MOH,2002) Evaluating method and standard for Accredited Disinfec-tion 10 disinfection and the efficacy of disinfection and only for in hospitals 11 0115 sterilization sterilization biological GB15981-1995 monitoring Hygienic standard for di-sinfection in 0115 hospitals GB15982-1995 Fecal coli-form 12 Requirements for medical Accredited bacteria 0128organization sewage discharge only for .03 GB18466-2005 Appendix A Hygienic standard for disinfection 0115 in hospitals GB15982-1995 13 Salmonella Requirements for medical Accredited 0128organization sewage discharge only for .03 GB18466-2005 Appendix B Technical standard for 0115 Disinfection(MOH,2002) 14 Shigella Requirements for medical Accredited 0128organization sewage discharge only for .03 GB18466-2005 Appendix C Requirements for medical 023315 Total chlorine organization sewage discharge .05 GB18466-2005 No. CNAS L0867 第 36 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 Items, Parameter, Name of Code Name, Code of Specification, Restriction or Types of tests ? Products,Type of Note Standard or method used limitation of materials field ? Name Methanol in 0229Ministry of health《Hygienic 1 cosmetics .01 specifications for cosmetics》[2002] Mercury in 0229Ministry of health《Hygienic 2 cosmetics .01 specifications for cosmetics》[2002] Arsenic in 0229Ministry of health《Hygienic 3 cosmetics .01 specifications for cosmetics》[2002] Lead in 0229Ministry of health《Hygienic 4 cosmetics .01 specifications forcosmetics》[2002] Standard plate 0109Ministry of health《Hygienic 5 count in .01 specifications for cosmetics》[2002] cosmetics 11 Cosmetics Fecal coliforms 0109Ministry of health《Hygienic 6 in cosmetics .01 specifications for cosmetics》[2002] Pseudomonas 0109Ministry of health《Hygienic 7 aeruginosa in .01 specifications for cosmetics》[2002] cosmetics Staphylococcus 0109Ministry of health《Hygienic 8 aureus in .01 specifications for cosmetics》[2002] cosmetics Molds and 0109Ministry of health《Hygienic 9 yeasts in .01 specifications for cosmetics》[2002] cosmetics Accredited Diagnostic criteria and principles of 0705only for the 1 HIV antibody management of HIV/AIDS .01 screening GB16000-1995 method Prophyl-axis Diagnostic criteria and principles of Accredited 12 Anti-Measles 0705control 2 management of measles only for Virus IgM .01 GB15983-1995 Appendix C Diagnostic criteria and principles of Accredited Anti-Rubella 07053 management for rubella only for Virus IgM .01 GB17009-1997 Appendix B No. CNAS L0867 第 37 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 No.CNAS L0867 名称:深圳市盐田区疾病预防控制中心 地址:广东省深圳市盐田区深盐路34号 签发日期:2009年02月10日 有效期至:2012年02月09日 附件2 认可的授权签字人及其授权签字领域 1 谢锦尧 全部检测项目 2 练国坚 全部检测项目 3 蒋海青 全部检测项目 4 林 海 食品、环境卫生检测项目 5 何 鸣 职业卫生检测项目 6 黎大林 消毒检测报项目 No. CNAS L0867 第 38 页 共 39 页 ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 CNAS-PD19/06-A/1 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT APPENDIX OF LABORATORY ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE No.CNAS L0867 Date of issue: 2009-02-10 Date of expiry: 2012-02-09 ? Name Authorized field of signature Note 1 Xie Jinyao Accredited testing items 2 Lian Guojian Accredited testing items 3 Jiang Haiqing Accredited testing items Food, environmental sanitation scene examination report And 4 Lin Hai appraisal report 5 He Ming Professional hygienic scene examination report And appraisal report 6 Li Dalin Disinfection examination hygiene appraisal report No. CNAS L0867 第 39 页 共 39 页
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