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国际会议具体日程安排国际会议具体日程安排 国际会议具体日程安排 th19日日程安排 19 May Agenda 5月19日 星期一(地点:浙江省人民大会堂) th19 May, Monday ( Place: Zhejiang People’s Great Hall ) 会议签到 地点:浙江省人民大会堂 7:10-7:40 Registration Place: Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 全体代表与领导合影 Group Photo Taking 7:40-8:15 会议开幕式 地点:浙江省人...

国际会议具体日程安排 国际会议具体日程安排 th19日日程安排 19 May Agenda 5月19日 星期一(地点:浙江省人民大会堂) th19 May, Monday ( Place: Zhejiang People’s Great Hall ) 会议签到 地点:浙江省人民大会堂 7:10-7:40 Registration Place: Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 全体代表与领导合影 Group Photo Taking 7:40-8:15 会议开幕式 地点:浙江省人民大会堂 8:30 -9:10 Opening Ceremony Place: Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 第15届全球金融年会执行主席、浙江工业大学经贸管理学院院长程惠芳教授 开幕式主持: Prof. Cheng Huifang, Executive Chair of 15th Annual Global Finance Opening Conference, Dean of College of Business Administration, Zhejiang University Ceremony Host: of Technology 浙江省人民政府常务副省长 陈敏尔同志讲话 Mr. Chen Min Er, Executive Vice Governor of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government 杭州市人民政府市长 蔡奇博士讲话 Dr. Cai Qi , Mayor of Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government 国家自然科学基金委管理科学部副主任张维教授 讲话 Prof. Zhang Wei, Deputy Director of Department of Management Science of 领导嘉宾讲话 NSFC, Professor, Doctoral Tutor Addresses of 中国银行浙江省分行 曾小平行长 Leaders and Distinguished Mr. Zeng Xiaoping, President of Zhejiang Branch, Bank of China Guests: 浙江工业大学校长张立彬教授讲话 Prof. Zhang Li bin, President of Zhejiang University of Technology 台州商业银行黄军民副行长讲话 Mr. Huang Junmin , President of Taizhou City Commercial Bank Corp 美国全球金融学会主席Manuchehr Shahrokhi 教授 Prof. Manuchehr Shahrokhi, Chairman of Global Finance Association 19日上午,主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 :全球资本市场发展与风险管理 地点:浙江省人民大会堂 th19 A.M, Theme report: The Development and Risk Management of Global Capital Market (I) Place: Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 会议执行主席:Manuchehr Shahrokhi, 程惠芳 Executive Chairpersons: Manchehr Shahrokhi, Huifang Cheng 演讲 办公室主任竞聘演讲中层竞聘演讲护士长竞聘演讲演讲比赛活动要求对演讲比赛的点评 人时间Time 题目Topic 单位/职务Title & Position Speaker 全球化的挑战、威胁和机遇 Globalization, challenges, 新西兰前总理、WTO前总干事 threats; (food, poverty, Mike Former Premier Minister of New 9:10-9:50 instability through imbalances in Moore Zealand~Former Director General of development, rising WTO protectionism, resistance to investment and trade) 原中国社会科学院常务副院长、教授、 中国宏观经济形势分析 王洛林 博导 9:50-10:30 The analysis of China Luolin Professor, Doctoral Tutor Former macro-economic situation Wang executive vice-chairman of Chinese Academy of Social Science 贸易自由化下新型工业化国家南开大学副校长、研究生院院长、国际 汇率 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的选择 佟家栋 经济学教授、博导 10:30 -11:00 Options of National Exchange Jiadong Vice President of Nankai University and Rate System of New Industry Tong Dean of Graduate School, Professor of Countries under Free Trade International Economics, Doctoral Tutor 实施自主、公平、对等、均衡 与可持续发展的对外金融开放 战略 白钦先 辽宁大学经济学教授、博导 11:00-11:30 Implementing independent, fair, Qinxian Economics Professor of Liao Ning Bai university , Doctoral tutor equal, equilibrium and sustainable developing financial opening strategy 美国次级债对美国经济金融影 Yochanan响分析 美国宾夕法尼亚大学教授、博导 ? The U.S. subprime crisis and Professor and doctoral tutor of 11:30-12:00 Shachmureconomy and finance University of Pennsylvania (USA) ove development trend 12:10 中餐:浙江省人民大会堂宴会厅 Lunch: Banquet Hall, Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 19日下午会场一 地点:浙江省人民大会堂2楼 多功能厅 19th PM Session 1 Place: Multifunction Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 14:00-14:15 西湖国际金融专业委员会成立仪式 讲话:张蔚文 原浙江省政协副主席 14:00-14:15. Inaugural Meeting: Professional Committee of International Finance Addresses of Leaders: Mr. Zhang Weiwen, Former Vice Chairman of CPPCC Zhejiang Committee 会议执行主席:陈继勇、Stephen Parkinson Executive Chairpersons: Jiyong Chen, Stephen Parkinson 演讲人时间Time 题目Topic 单位/职务Title & Position Speaker 美国双赤字问题研究 陈继勇 武汉大学经济与管理学院院长、教授博导 A Research of USA double Jiyong Dean of Economics and Finance College, 14:15-14:45 deficit issue Chen Wuhan University, Professor 国资委研究员~原中国行政管理学会秘书, 刘延长 多利益主体博弈均衡 宁 14:45-15:15 Game equilibrium of Research Fellow, State Assets Committee, , Yanninmulti-interest subjects Former Secretary-General of Chinese Public g Liu Administration Society 英国利兹都会大学教授,欧洲区域商务2007-2013年:变化中的欧经济发展研究中心主任 盟区域金融优化政策 Professor, Director of the European 15:00-15:30 2007-2013: financial John Shutt Regional Business Economic optimizing policy of the EU Development Unit (ERBEDU), Leeds in change Metropolitan University (UK) 孟繁明 杭州区域金融中心发展 杭州市人民政府金融办公室主任 15:30-15:45 Hangzhou’s Development for Meng Director, Finance Office of Hangzhou Regional Finance Center Fanming, Municipal People’s Government 15:45-16:10 中场休息 Break 会议执行主席:孟繁明、Tanweer Hasan Executive Chairpersons: Meng Fanming, Tanweer Hasan 中国东部企业创新投资与金浙江省金融 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 学会理事长~浙江工业大融创新环境 , 程惠学经贸管理学院院长~教授~博导Chair of The innovate investment and 芳 16:10-16:40 Zhejiang Society of Financial Engineering, financial innovative , HuifaDean of College of Business Administration, environment of Chinese ng Cheng ZJUT, Professor, Doctoral Tutor eastern enterprises 汇率制度的验证:中国已经, Tony 从盯住美元转向一篮子货币 Naughton 澳大利亚皇家理工大学教授 Exchange rate regime , Co-au16:40-17:10 RMIT,Professor verification: has China thor: actually moved from a dollar , Larry peg to a basket peg Li 东南亚国内银行与跨国银行法国利蒙哥大学经济学系主任~教授 金融风暴的决定因素The Amine Professor Director of Economics 17:10-17:40 determinants of domestic and Tarazi Department , Université de Limoges, cross border bank contagion (France) risk in Southeast Asia 18:30 浙江省人民大会堂宴会厅~ 晚餐和文艺演出 Dinner: Banquet and Entertainment ―New City in Flowers‖ Restaurant, Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 19日下午会场二, 主题报告(2) 地点:浙江省人民大会堂2楼 杭州厅 19th P.M The Development and Risk Management of Global Capital Market (II) Place: Hangzhou Auditorium, Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 会议执行主席:佟家栋, John Shutt, Executive Chairpersons: Tong Jiadong John Shutt 时间Time 题目Topic 演讲人单位/职务Title & Position Speaker 台湾清华大学计量财务金融系系主任~有价证券也是金融衍生工教授 具, Kuo-ping Professor, Head of Department of 14:00-14:30 Are Securities also Chang Quantitative Finance, Taiwan Tsing Hua Derivatives, University 自愿收入预期的质量:来自 新兴市场的实证 Tanweer 美国罗斯福大学教授 The Quality of Voluntary 14:30-15:00 Hasan Roosevelt University~Professor (USA) Earnings Forecasts:Evidence from an Emerging Market 浙江大学公共管理学院副院长~教授~产品创新中的金融服务与 , 陈劲 博导 关键风险因素 15:00-15:30 Financial services and key , Jin Deputy Dean, Faculty of Public risk factors in product Chen Management, Zhejiang University, innovation Professors, Doctoral Tutor 美国路易斯安纳州立大学金融学教授 保险与金融服务研究机构Lloyd F. 信息、成熟度与国内外投资 Collette主席 者业绩 , Ji-Ch15:30-16:00 Information, Sophistication, Professor in Finance, Louisiana State ai Lin and Foreign vs Domestic University, Lloyd F. Collette Endowed Investors’ Performance Chair of Insurance and Financial Services (USA) 16:00-16.20 中场休息 Break 会议执行主席:金雪军、Kuo-ping Chang Executive Chairperson: Xuejun Jin, Kuo-ping Chang 中美股票市场价格的联动美国威廉帕特森大学MBA项目主任~金 效应 融学教授 Francis 16:20-16.50 The linkage effects of prices MBA Program Director, Professor of Cai Finance, William Paterson University, of Chinese and U.S stock (USA) markets 浙江大学经济学院副院长 ,浙江省金融 企业融资担保创新研究 工程学会副理事长~教授,博导 金雪军 16:50-17.20 A Study of Enterprises’ Deputy Dean of Economics college of Xuejun Jin Finance Warranty Innovation Zhejiang University, Professor, Doctoral tutor 基于程度范围的波动性模 型之波动时间利用的经济 价值 Ray 台湾交通大学经济研究院教授 17:20-17:50 The Economic Value of Yeutien Institute of Economics, National Chiao Volatility Timing Using a Chou Tung University, Professor Range-based Volatility Model 18:30 浙江省人民大会堂宴会厅~ 晚餐和文艺演出 Dinner: Banquet and Entertainment ―New City in Flowers‖ Restaurant, Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 19日下午会场三, 主题报告(3) 地点:浙江省人民大会堂2楼 宁波厅 th19 P.M , Theme report(3) Place: Ningbo Auditorium, Zhejiang People’s Great Hall 会议执行主席:赵伟, Robin K. Chou Executive Chairpersons: Zhao Wei Robin K. Chou 演讲人单位/职务 时间Time 题目Topic Speaker Title & Position 人寿保险教育-有利益的金美国奥本大学教授 David 14:00-14:30 融服务 Professor, Auburn University at Lange Life Insurance Education-A Montgomery, USA Beneficial Financial Service 中国上市公司产品市场竞争 和资本结构的关系 The Relationship between Yilmaz 英国霍尔大学博士 14:30-15:00 Product Market Competition Guney Dr. Hull University, UK and Capital Structure in Chinese Listed Firms 金融约束对股票市场的影 响:对东亚五国的跨行业分 析 台湾“中央”大学金融系主任~教授 The Impact of Stock Market Robin K. Professor, Chairman of Finance 15:00-15:30 Liberalization on Financial Chou Department, National Central Constraints: A Cross-Firm University, Taiwan Analysis of Five East Asia countries 双方股票市场货币挂钩之间Fahad 的关系的影响 Almudhaf~美国德克萨斯大学博士 15:30-16:00 Effect of Currency Pegging Peggy Dr. University of Texas, USA on the Relationship between Swanson Both Stock Markets 16:00-16.20 中场休息 Break 会议执行主席: David Lange, 杜群阳 Executive Chairpersons: David Lange, Du Qunyang 沙特阿拉伯汇率政策的选择沙特法赫德国王石油与矿物质大学博Usamah Exchange Rate Policy 士 16:20-16.50 Ahmed Dr. King Fahd University of Petroleum Options for Saudi Arabia Uthman & Minerals, Saudi Arabia 关于克维茨均值-方差投资 组合模型的自筹经费的投资香港浸会大学经济学教授、博士 Alan Wong 16:50-17:20 Professor of Economics 、Dr. Hong 组合On the Markowitz Wing Keung Kong Baptist University Mean-Variance Analysis of Self-Financing Portfolios 前进的谜题:汇率制度和基 准货币的角色 比利时天主教鲁汶大学博士 The Forward Puzzle: The 17:20-17:50 Fang Liu Dr. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Roles of Exchange-Rate Belgium Regime and Base-Currency Strength 18:00 浙江省人民大会堂宴会厅~ 晚餐和文艺演出 Dinner: Banquet and Entertainment ―New City in Flowers‖ Restaurant, Zhejiang People’s Great Hall th20日会议分会场安排 20 May session Agenda 地点:浙江工业大学屏峰校区 Location: Pingfeng Campus, Zhejiang University of Technology 会场1:Meeting Room 1 地点:博易A楼209经贸学院会议室 Place: Room A 209, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Fengmin Song, Andrew Worthington 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Improve the Core Competitiveness of Banking Song Qinghua 8:30-8:50 Prof. Financial Intustries of China Fengming University The Pricing and Performance of Initial Public Offerings Griffith University in Australia,1996-2007:A Comparison of Ord;Andrew Finance and 8:50-9:10 Prof. Multivariate Evidence of Stock Market Integration and Worthington Economics Interdependence in Asia,1993-2006 College In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Properties of Stock Leonardo 9:10-9:30 Kiel university Dr. Returns Dynamics Conditional on Equilibrium Pricing Morales-Arias Assistant Katerina Prof; LyroudiPetros An Examination of the Long Run Performance of University of Associate 9:30-9:50 Christodoulou;Greek Acquiring Firms Macedonia Prof.; Michail Ph.D. Pazarskis Candidate 中场休息 9:50-10:10 Break Jarita Duasa; Nursilah International 10:10-10:30 Identifying Good Inflation Forecaster Ahmad; Zaiti Islamic University Akma Malaysia Zainuddin Predicting the Dynamics of Implied Volatility Athens Univertisy Andrianos 10:30-10:50 Surfaces:A New Approach with Evidence from OTC of Economics & Dr. Tsekrekos Currency Options Business National Central REITs Performance and Macroeconomic Factors:A Chih-Chiang 10:50-11:10 University at Stochastic Dominance Approach Hsu Taiwan The Role of Large Players in a Dynamic Currency University of Assistant 11:10-11:30 Mei Li Attack Model Guelph Prof. 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场1:Meeting Room 1 地点:博易A楼209经贸学院会议室 Place: Room A 209, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Benjamin Tai, Yu Xiaofen Analyzing the Unknown Factors in the APT Model:National Central Associate 1:30-1:50 Keng-Yu Ho Evidence from U.S. and Japan University Prof. Interactive Relationship between Debt Financing and California State 1:50-2:10 Corporate Investment from the Perspective of Benjamin Tai Prof. University Bankruptcy Risk: Evidence from China Senior Massey Price and Trading Volume Reactions to Index Weibo Wang ; Lecturer; 2:10-2:30 University New Reconstitutions in China Mei Qiu PhD Zealand Student Ye Bai Christopher J. International Diversification Strategies Revisited:Are 2:30-2:50 Green and Napier University Dr. Emerging Markets Different? Lawrence Leger Yi-Shuan Information Content of Stock Recommendation Chen; Fung Chia 2:50-3:10 Dr. Revisions and Target Price Changes in Security Analyst Shin-Herng University,Taiwan Michelle Chu College of The Prediction of Financial Distress based on Credit Management; 3:10-3:30 Bi-Huei Tsai Dr. Cycle National Chiao Tung University 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场2:Meeting Room 2 地点:博易楼A 104会议室 Place: Room A 104, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Krishnan Dandapani,Yao Limin 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Florida A Study on the Microfinance Internation in China;Krishnan 8:30-8:50 International Prof. or Preventing Fraud in Cyber Space Dandapani University Hong Kong The Intraday and Intraweek Volatility Patterns:Gordon Y. N. Baptist Prof.; 8:50-9:10 Exchange-traded Fund vs. Cash Index in Hong Tang; Karen University; Open Lecturer; Kong H.Y.Wong University of Dr. HongKong Deutsche Microeconomic Stress Testing of Real Credit Christian Bundesbank & 9:10-9:30 Dr. Portfolios Schmieder European Investment Bank The Value Relevance of Corporate Taxation in Christos A. University of 9:30-9:50 Europe Grambovas Manchester,UK 中场休息 9:50-10:10 Break Dublin City The Signature of Sentiment in Conditional Senior 10:10-10:30 DengLi Wang University; Multi-factor Model Estimates Lecturer Ireland Investment Choices and Risk-adjusted Performance State Street 10:30-10:50 George Xiang Dr. Measures Finance Center Dynamic Relationship between Stock Prices and St. Tomas 10:50-11:10 Heung-Joo Cha Dr. Unit Investment Trust Flows in the UK Market University USA Corporate Governance,Cash Holdings,and Firm City University of Assistant 11:10-11:30 Value:The Role of Board Composition,Political Yuanto Kusnadi Hong Kong Prof. Connection 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场2:Meeting Room 2 地点:博易楼A 104会议室 Place: Room A 104, Boyi Building 执行主席 Executive Chairs:Laurence Copeland,Zhang Yi Long-Term Performance of Additions and Deletions Dr., Hong Kong 1:30-1:50 of Hang Seng Index Constituent Stocks;Price Hung Wan Kot Associate Baptist University Reactions to Corporate Name Changes Prof. University of Ben Branch Dr. 1:50-2:10 Determinants of Risk Arbitrage Spreads Massachusetts, Dr. Jia Wang USA Stetson University Assistant 2:10-2:30 China's Resolution of Non -performing Loans Jennifer Foo Finance Prof. Department U.S.A Jianxin(Daniel) Arizona State Assistant 2:30-2:50 Overvaluation and Earnings Management Chi University Prof. A Model of Foreign Aid and Foreign Direct Kansas Assistant 2:50-3:10 Investment:Can Aid be Beneficial to both Donor Jin Yi University USA Prof. and Recipient Countries, Karen Hamilton Bancassurance Models:Potential for Success in Georgia Southern Assistant 3:10-3:30 -Rongrong China University USA Prof. Zhang 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场3:Meeting Room 3 地点:博易楼C 304专用教室 Place: Class Room C 304, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Du Qunyang,Rafael Solis 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Visualizing Stock-mutual Fund Relationships California State 8:30-8:50 Rafael Solis Prof. through Social Network Analysis University; Fresno Auckland The International Evidence of Pecking Order and 8:50-9:10 Robin Luo University of Trade-off Predictions Technology University of Ben Branch 9:10-9:30 Determinants of Risk Arbitrage Spreads Massachusetts, Dr. Dr. Jia Wang USA Does Initial Placement Matter for Equity Analysts' University of 9:30-9:50 Lin Zou Dr. Forecast Accuracy, Texas at Dallas 中场休息 9:50-10:10 Break Central Bank Transparency,Financial Markets and Menno University Utrecht 10:10-10:30 Mr. the Crowding out of Private Information Middeldorp Netherlands Multiple Listing and Stock Valuation;University of 10:30-10:50 Leyuan You Dr. Higher-moment Risk in Optimal Portfolios Alaska Anchorage International Foreign Portfolio Investment in Malaysia:Blessing Salina H. 10:50-11:10 Islamic University Dr. or Curse? Kassim Malaysia Sima Financial and Trade Liberalization and its Impact on Westminster 11:10-11:30 Motamen-SamDr. Turkish Economy Business School adian 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场3:Meeting Room 3 地点:博易楼C 304专用教室 Place: Class Room C 304, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs: M.Ishaq Bhatti,Shen Yijun Dr. Brock University 1:30-1:50 Minimax Asset Price Bounds in Incomplete Markets Unyong Pyo Assistant Canada Prof. Institute for Determining and Forecasting High-frequency Statistics and Value-at-Risk by Using L'evy Processes;Dr.; Mathematical 1:50-2:10 Unconditional Copula-based Simulation of Tail Wei Sun Assistant Economics; Dependence for Co-movement of International Prof. University of Equity Mar Karlsruhe Woon K. Information-Based Trade in the Shanghai Stock Tamkang Assistant 2:10-2:30 Wong(Cathy Market University Prof. Zhu) Does Optimal Corporate Board Size Exist,;University of 2:30-2:50 Institutional Ownership and Executive Yixi Ning Houston – Dr. Compensation Risk Victoria; USA Using Country Betas,the Capital Asset Pricing Gulser Meric, Model,and the Markowitz Mean-variance Rohrer College of Mitchell 2:50-3:10 Optimization Methodology to Evaluate the Global Business; Rowan Prof. Ratner, and Diversification Benefits of Investing in Ishares University Ilhan Meric Country Index Funds for U.S. Investors How do Outside Directors, Board Age Affect Firm 3:10-3:30 Performance in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Zhi Xu Industry, 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场4:Meeting Room 4 地点:博易楼C 204专用教室 Place: Class Room C 204, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Francis Cai,Michael Peneder 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Credit Modeling with Jump Diffusion: A PIDE University of 8:30-8:50 Jingyi Zhu Prof. Approach Utah Estimations of Term Structure of Interest Rate 8:50-9:10 Yang Baochen Tianjin University Prof. Model Based on EKF and UKF Approaches University of Dimitrios Surry, 9:10-9:30 Price Cap Effect in the Performance of Greek IPOs Dr. Gounopoulos Management School, UK Factors Affecting the Operating Performance of Alvin Y.T. 9:30-9:50 Alternative Markets for SMEs Wong 中场休息 9:50-10:10 Break Monash 10:10-10:30 Risk and Return in Carry Trade Imad Moosa University, Prof. Australia Deutsche Microeconomic Stress Testing of Real Credit Schmieder Bundesbank & 10:30-10:50 Portfolios Christian European Investment Bank Information Content of Stock Recommendation Yishuan Chen; Fung Chia Instructor, 10:50-11:10 Revisions and Target Price Changes in Security Shin-Herng, University Prof. Analyst Michelle, Chu Excess Liquidity, Inflation, and the Yuan Renmin Zhang Associate 11:10-11:30 Appreciation:What Can China Learn from the University of Chengsi Prof. Recent Decade? China 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场4:Meeting Room 4 地点:博易楼C 204专用教室 Place: Class Room C 204, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Kwon Young Koan,Zhang Chengsi Selection Behavior of Taiwan Lotto China University Associate 1:30-1:50 Players——Dynamic Analyses of Number Shih-Chin-Lee of Technology Prof. Selection Alpen-Adria-UniAn Event Based Approach for Dynamic Volume Alexander versitaet 1:50-2:10 Dr. Return Relationships of DAX Companies Brauneis Klagenfurt Austria The Effect of Financial Risk on the Earnings Cheng Fan University Putra 2:10-2:30 Dr. Response in Australia Bank Stocks Fah Malaysia An Out-of-Sample Validation Study of Asset Zhang Nanyang 2:30-2:50 Dr. Pricing Models Shaojun Business School Zhejiang The Oversea R&D Investment of Hangzhou Associate 2:50-3:10 Du Qunyang University of Enterprises Prof. Technology What Determines Pyramidal Firms Capital University Fauzias Mat 3:10-3:30 Structure Policy:the Non-dilution Entrenchent Kebangsaan Prof. Noor Motive or Signaling Motive? Malaysia 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场5:Meeting Room 5 地点:博易楼A 5楼报告厅 Place: Conference Hall, A 5th Floor, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Mike Moore,A. M. Parhizgari, Cheng Huifang 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Former Premier of New 8:30-8:50 WTO and World Economic Development Mike Moore Zealand~Former WTO-Director General Global Stock Markets:Globalization,A. M. Florida International 8:50-9:10 Prof. Covergence and Independence Parhizgari University College of Business Innovation of Investment and Finance in Administration, ZJUT Prof., Cheng 9:10-9:30 Private Companies’ International President of Zhejiang Doctoral Huifang Development Finance Engineering Tutor Academy Laurence Rare Disasters and the Equity Premium in a 9:30-9:50 Copeland; Cardiff Business School Prof., Dr. Two-country World Cathy Zhu 中场休息 9:50-10:10 Break Prof. Accounting Quality and Managerial Incentives Kwon Young Singapore Management 10:10-10:30 Vice-Chaifor Voluntary Disclosure Koan University r UAE University & La M.Ishaq Trobe University, On Predicting Financial Failure of Karachi Bhatti;H. M. 10:30-10:50 Melbourne, Australia;Prof. Stock Exchange Listed Textile Firms Awan ; F. B. Z. University, Bashir Multan,Pakistan. Asset-liability Management in Brazilian Andre Taue New York University Associate 10:50-11:10 Pension Funds Saito School of Law Prof. The Impact of Venture Capital on Innovation Michael Austrian Institute of 11:10-11:30 Dr. Behavior and Firm Growth Peneder Economic Research School of Economics Market Discipline and Bank Capital: the Case 11:30-11:50 Yuliang Wu and Finance,RMIT Dr. of the Chinese Financial Sector University 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场5:Meeting Room 5 地点:博易楼A 5楼报告厅 Place: Conference Hall, A 5th Floor, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Ehsan Nikbakht, Wang Guipu Coverage of Corporate Governance Education Ahmad Santa Clara University 1:30-1:50 Dr. in the Business Curriculum Hosseini USA Ehsan Santa Clara University; Nikbakht, Structured Finance:Investment and Hedging Frank Zarb School of 1:50-2:10 Johnathan Prof. Approach Business of Hofstra Mun, M. University USA Shahrokhi Risk Underlying Hedge Fund Strategies;Akshay 2:10-2:30 Analysis of Option Pricing In Indian Dr. Anand Derivatives Markets Do the Prices of Stock Index Futures in Asia Alexander University of Toronto PhD 2:30-2:50 Overreact to U.S. Market Fung Canada Student Jia Wang, Rohrer College of Firm Characteristics and the Effect of Gulser Meric, 2:50-3:10 Business, Rowan Dr. September 11,2001 Events on Stock Returns and Ilhan University Meric The Sauder School of Are Inflation Expectations Rational in New Business at the BCom 3:10-3:30 Andy Yeh Zealand, University of British Student Columbia 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场6:Meeting Room 6 地点:法学A楼412室法学院会议室 Place: Room A 412, Law School 执行主席Executive Chairs:Zhongdi Zhu, Zhang Yanliang 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE New Theory of International Trade:A Study on the Shanghai School 8:30-8:50 Relationship between Foreign Trade and Income Zhu Zhongdi Prof. of Foreign Trade Distribution The Impact of Foreign Bank Penetration on the Bang Nam Drexel University 8:50-9:10 Transmission of Monetary Policy in Emerging Prof. Jeon USA Economies:Evidence from Bank-level Data Shandong The Impact of Foreign Exchange Reform on the Zhang 9:10-9:30 University of Prof. Volatility of China’s Stock Market Yanliang Finance M. Keivan Auburn Assistant 9:30-9:50 Economic Significance of Inward FDI in China Deravi; University-MontgProf. Yuexing Lan omery USA 中场休息 9:50-10:10 Break Yuan Ze Assistant 10:10-10:30 Payout Behavior of Initial Public Offerings Yanzhi Wang University; Prof. Taiwan Northeastern 10:30-10:50 The Overview of FDI in China Xin Xin Dr. University Northeastern Research on the Knowledge Capital Flows of 10:50-11:10 Zhang Jingyu University at Chinese Enterprises Qinhuangdao Moses Carleton A Profile of China’s Outward Foreign Direct 11:10-11:30 Kiggundu; University, Dr. Investment (OFDI) Anfeng Hui Canada 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场6:Meeting Room 6 地点:法学A楼412室法学院会议室 Place: Room A 412, Law School 执行主席Executive Chairs:Chen Jiandong, Tan Jingrong Wuhan Game Analysis of Original and Imitation Financial 1:30-1:50 Yu Ping University of Vice-Prof. Innovation Technology South West New Approach to Estimate the Chinese Gini University of 1:50-2:10 Coefficients; Persistency of Momentum Strategy Chen Jiandong Prof. Finance and in China A & B Stock Markets Economy Hot Money and Exchange Rate:An Empirical Hsin-Hong National Cheng 2:10-2:30 Investigation of the China Stock and Housing Kang and Dr. Kung University Markets Suechin Yang Kun-Shan Firm Performance and Related Party Sales 2:30-2:50 I Keng University,TaiwaDr. Transactions:Evidence from Taiwan n The Competitiveness Comparison of China, Zhejiang 2:50-3:10 Japan and South Korea Agricultural Products in Tan Jingrong University of Prof. the U.S. Market Technology Ilhan Meric, Rohrer College of Co-movements of U.S.,U.K.,and Asian Stock Sion Kim, Joe 3:10-3:30 Business; Rowan Dr. Markets Before and After September 11,2001 H. Kim, and University Gulser Meric 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场7:Meeting Room7 地点:郁文A楼304室人文学院会议室 Place: Room A304, Yuwen Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Ansgar Belke,Xiao Weiguo 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Global Excess Liquidity and House Prices:A University of 8:30-8:50 Ansgar Belke Prof. VAR Analysis for OECD Countries Duisburg-Essen Empirical Research of M&A Impact on Chinese Wuhan 8:50-9:10 and American Commercial Banks Efficiency Xiao Weiguo Prof. University Based on DEAM McMaster Assistant 9:10-9:20 Correlation Behavior of Emerging Markets Peter Miu University Prof. Failure of Asset Pricing Models:Transaction Cheol-Won 9:20-9:30 Cost, Irrationality,or Missing Factors Yang Korea Joon Ho University; Hwang;Jaiho Korea The Dark Side of Private Benefits:Implications Assistant 9:30-9:40 Chung;University; from Block Trades Prof. Joon-Seok Korea Securities Kim Research Institute Sherry Yuan Ze Price Interaction between UK Covered Warrants 9:40-9:50 Chia-Ying University, and the Underlying Shares Chan Taiwan 中场休息 9:50-10:10 Break Does Headquarters Location Matter for Corporate University of Assistant 10:10-10:30 Wenlian Gao Financial Policies? Wisconsin USA Prof. The Information Content of Dividend Changes: Lewis Center 10:30-10:50 Shareholders’ Wealth, Revision of Earnings’ Yi Liu Dr. USA Forecasts and Reason Cited for Dividend Change Cass Business Asymmetry in Return Reversals or Asymmetry in 10:50-11:00 Peijie Wang School,London Dr. Volatility? City University Philip Russel;Rashmi Philadelphia Associate 11:00-11:10 Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Rate Bonds Malhotra;University Prof. D.K. Malhotra University of Washington, 11:10-11:20 Optimal Portfolio Analysis over the Life-cycle Ying Chen USA University of Washington, USA Bradford Implication of Consideration and Division University 11:20-11:30 Wenxuan Hou Dr. Reform School of Management UK A. O. Don Abel Global 11:30-11:40 Manager Olafimihan Sauce Company Kazaeva 11:40-11:50 Natalia 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场7:Meeting Room7 地点:郁文A楼304室人文学院会议室 Place: Room A304, Yuwen Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Zhuoshi Liu,Jingyi Zhu A Two-country Macro-finance Model Analysis of Spillovers and Common Shocks:the US and UK University of 1:30-1:50 Case;Sovereign Credit Spread and CDS Models Zhuoshi Liu Prof. York with Macro Factors:a Case of Brazilian Global Bonds and CDS Incorporating Pledge Ratio and Foreign Woan-lih China University Assistant 1:50-2:10 Investment Ratio into the Model for Predicting Liang of Technology Prof. Financial Distress 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE How do Outside Directors, Board Age Affect 2:10-2:30 Firm Performance in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Xuzhi Industry? Decomposing the Bid-Ask Spread on a University of 2:30-2:50 Segmented Equity Market:Analysing Chinese Zhian Chen New South Dr. A-shares, B-shares and H-shares Wales Université de The Impact of Media's Reputation on Equity 2:50-3:10 Weihua Huang Toulouse Financing: Manipulation and Collusion Sciences Sociales National Price Interaction between UK Covered Warrants Chia Ying Taichung 3:10-3:30 Dr. and the Uderlying Shares Chan Institute of Technology 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场8:Meeting Room 8 地点:博易楼A 308会议室 Place: Room A 308, Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Charles Cao,Ruan Mingfeng 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE The Information Content of Option-Implied Pennsylvania 8:30-8:50 Charles Cao Prof. Volatility State University Accuracy or Boldness? Financial analysts University of Associate 8:50-9:10 C. Jerry Yu Earnings Forecast and Institutional Holdings Baltimore USA Prof. Carlos University of the Bautista, Prof.; The Determinants of Domestic and Cross Border Philippines; 9:10-9:30 Philippe Associate Bank Contagion Risk in Southeast Asia University of Rous and Prof. Limoges, France Amine Tarazi 9:30-9:50 Progressive Evolution of the Renminbi Yuan Dilip K. Das Independent Prof. 中场休息 9:50-10:10 Break The Intertemporal Relation between Risk and Bin Li;Bin Queensland 10:10-10:30 Return in Australia;Momentum and Seasonality Li,Judy Qiu,Brisbane Dr. in Chinese Stock Returns Yanhui Wu university Auckland Candauda Role of Business Financing in Sustaining Global University of 10:30-10:50 Arachchige Mr. Povery Technology New Saliya Zealand When Loans are Bad News: Market Reactions to University of 10:50-11:10 Shan Zhao Loan Announcements under Poor Governance Southampton 11:10-11:30 11:50-12:00 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场8:Meeting Room 8 地点:博易A楼308会议室 Place: Room A308 Boyi Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Dilip K. Das, Yang Baochen Eastern Illinois 1:30-1:50 Crystal Lin University Dr. Business School Diversifying Using Hedge Funds:A Utility-Based Luxembourg Daniel 1:50-2:10 Approach ;The Sustainability of Hedge Fund School of Capocci Performance:New Insights Finance The Federal Government’s Implied Guarantee of Universidade 2:10-2:30 David Reiss Dr. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s Obligations Nova de Lisboa ABV-Indain Dhirendra Institute of Analysis of Weak Form Efficiency on Indian Pratap Ray, 2:30-2:50 Information Capital Market Rahul Technology & Sharma Management Zhejiang Foreign investment in China M & A Motivation 2:50-3:10 Shen Yijun University of and Performance Analysis Technology 3:10-3:30 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场9:Meeting Room 9 地点:仁和楼424政管学院会议室 Place: Room 424, Renhe Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Manuchehr Shahrokhi,Fang Jianchun 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE What Determines Pyramidal Firms Capital University 8:30-8:40 Structure Policy:the Non-Dilution Fauzias Mat Noor Kebangsaan Prof., Dr. Entrenchent Motive or Signaling Motive? Malaysia A Panel Data Approach to Measure Contagion Dublin City 8:40-8:50 Analyzing Stock Indices and their Dirk Baur University, Dr. Constituents Ireland Dissa University of Sri Overview of Corporate Governance;Bandaralage Piyal Senior 8:50-9:00 Jayewardenepura, Firm-level Evidence of Japan and Sri Lanka Hareendra Dissa Lecturer India Bandara Does Institutional History Determine Foreign Investors:Equity Trading Disadvantage Donald University of 9:00-9:10 Abroad ? U.S. Brokers Explicit Equity Dr. Winchester New South Wales Transaction Cost Waivers for U.S. and Foreign Institutions:Their Relation School of Banking and Information Leadership in the Asia-Pacific Do-Quoc-Tho Finance, The 9:10-9:20 Stock Markets:The Role of Policy Interest Nguyen University of Rate News from New South Wales, Australia University Utara Associate 9:20-9:30 Islamic Debt Offering and the Wealth Effect Yusnidah Ibrahim Malaysia Prof., Dr. Incorporating Risks in the Capital Investment Nur Adiana Hiau University Utara, 9:30-9:40 Decision Making:Pratices among Malaysian Prof.,Dr. Abdullah Malaysia Listed Companies Zhejiang Financial Services System in the International 9:40-9:50 Yao Limin University of Prof. Development of Private Companies Technology 中场休息 9:50-10:00 Break Rourkela Institute Corporate Governance Practice in India:Durga Prasad 10:00-10:10 of Management Current Practices and Future Road Ahead Samantaray Studies, India Vienna University of Systematic Liquidity in the Xetra Order 10:10-10:20 Emanuel Kopp Economics and Book:A Multi-Stage Approach Xetra Business Administration Emawtee Carleton 10:20-11:30 Bissoondoyal-BhUniversity Dr. eenick Canada Some Preliminary Evidence on the 11:30-11:40 Enisse Kharroubi Bank of France Economist Globalization-Inflation Nexus Value of your IPO Advisor's Advice:M&A SFI, University of 11:40-11:50 Evgeny Plaksen perspective Zurich 11:50-12:00 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 场9:Meeting Room 9 地:和424议 Place: Room 424, Renhe Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Gady Jacoby,Fauzias Mat Noor Queensland Risk and Costs of Pension Insurance - The Associate 1:30-1:40 Ferdinand Mager University of Case of Germany Prof. Technology Corporate Bond Pricing and the Effects of University of 1:40-1:50 Gady Jacoby Prof. Endogenous Default and Call Options Manitoba Canada Why Do Foreign Investors Underperform University of 1:50-2:00 Domestic Investors in Trading Activities? Ghon Rhee Prof. Hawaii Evidence from Indonesia 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Time-Varying Combination of Volatility Guillermo 2:10-2:20 Forecasts: An Empirical Analysis for the Banco de Mexico Benavides Mexican Peso - U.S. Uncertainty, stock returns and shareholder European value;On the Value of Firm-Level 2:10-2:20 Gunnar Grass Business School Diversification when Investors are not (EBS) Diversified A New Exploring on Definition and 2:30-2:40 Measuring of Financial Risk-Based on Haibo Han Wavelet Analysis Huyen La Rochelle On the Consistency of Performance Measures 2:40-2:50 Nguyen-Thi-ThanBusiness School Dr. for Hedge Funds h France Vice-Gene Idowu Olalekan Subrallem-Lagos ral 2:50-3:00 Kabiru Ltd., co. Manager Engineer Failure of Asset Pricing Models:Transaction Seoul National 3:00-3:10 Cost, Investors' Irrationality, or Missing Joon Chae University Factors 3:10-3:20 3:20-3:30 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场10:Meeting Room 10 地点:畅远楼419国际学院会议室 Place: Room 419, Changyuan Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Jinliang Li,John Shutt 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE The Performance of Growth and Value Stocks in Howard Associate 8:30-8:40 Jin-Gil Jeong the Dow University USA Prof. Earnings Management and Delisting Risk of Northeastern 8:40-8:50 Jinliang Li Prof. Initial Public Offerings University Financial Reporting Bases for the Listed and Non University of 8:50-9:00 Listed Companies in E.U.:Some Issues from the Jiri Strouhal Economics-PraguDr. Czech Republic e Czech Republic Zhejiang Research on the International Market Structure Jianchun 9:00-9:10 University of Dr. and Market Power of Commodity Fang Technology Xiaodong Geely Holding 9:10-9:20 Oversea Financing of Private Companies Weng Group Large Changes in Board Size,Corporate University of 9:20-9:30 Jonathan Du Dr. Governance,and Firm Value Houston Victoria Private Contracting and Corporate Governance:Kasper Copenhagen Evidence from the Provision of Tag-Along Rights Research 9:30-9:40 Meisner Business School in an ;Family Behind the Family Follower Nielsen Denmark Firm:Evidence from Successions in Danish Firms Sabanci Are Foreign Investors Better Informed? Evidence Kemal University, Faulty 9:40-9:50 Prof. from an Emerging Market Saatcioglu of Management, Turkey 中场休息 9:50-10:00 Break Khamis University of 10:00-10:10 Dividend Policy in the Absence of Taxes Hamed Dr. New South Wales Al-Yahyaee Nanyang 10:10-10:20 Capital Structure in Asia and CEO Entrenchment Kin-Wai Lee Technological Dr. University Dynamic Hedge Fund Style Analysis with Errors Laurent University of 10:20-11:30 Dr. in Variables Bodson Liege Nanyang Dividend Changes,Information Risk,and Market 11:30-11:40 Linna Shi Technological Dr. Reaction University 11:40-11:50 11:50-12:00 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场10:Meeting Room 10 地点:畅远楼419国际学院会议室 Place: Room 419, Changyuan Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Ming-Hua Liu, Michael T. Chng Information Transmission Between Small and Madhusudan Indian Institute of Assistant 1:30-1:40 Large Stocksn in the National Stock Exchange in Karmakar Management Prof. India University of Return,spread,and liquidity on Chinese ADRs;Bridgeport and Malay K. 1:40-1:50 Volume volatility relations:Lessons from Chinese Networks Dr. Dey ADR Financial Institute,USA The Performance of Erroneous Rating Systems 1:50-2:00 Manuel during Changes in the Economic Environment Vienna University Discriminatory Power:an Obsolete Validation Manuel of Economics and 2:10-2:20 Criterion? Lingo Business Administration Real Time Underlying Inflation Gauges for Marlene Swiss National 2:10-2:20 Monetary Policy Makers Amstad Bank 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Misalignment of the real exchange rate in the CFA Maru Howard 2:30-2:40 Dr. zone: A model based approach Etta-Nkwelle University USA Price Performance and Liquidity Effects of Macquarie Mehdi 2:40-2:50 Changes in the Composition of Stock Indices:University Dr. Sadeghi Evidence from Chinese Equity Markets Australia Understanding the Risks in and Rewards for Department of Pairs-Trading ;The Price Formation of Michael T. Finance, 2:50-3:00 Substitute Markets:Theory and Empirical Chng University of Application;Cross-Market Trading Dynamics in Melbourne Related Commodity Futures Auckland Monetary Policy and Interest Rate Regidity in Ming-Hua University of 3:00-3:10 Prof. China Liu Technology New Zealand Webster Mohammed University; R. Ahmed;University of Intellectual Capital and its Impact on the Value of Betty E. Dr. ;Dr.;3:10-3:20 Phoenix, USA;the Firm Ahmed;Dr. Nova Pedro F. Southeastern Pellet University, USA Mondher 3:20-3:30 Cherif 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场11:Meeting Room 11 地点:畅远楼309专用教室 Place: Class Room309, Changyuan Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Qinglei Dai,Robert Bartlett 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE International Pricing Efficiency of Stock Rights Issues in Obiyathulla Islamic Associate 8:30-8:40 Malaysia Ismath Bacha University Prof. Malaysia Web Connectivity and Trade Flows:Puzzling Nasser 8:40-8:50 Evidence Al-Mawali Nikolce 8:50-9:00 FDI-Forign Investment and Risk Management Jankulovski Dr.;Nur-Adiana University Utara,9:00-9:10 Assistant Hiau Abdullah Malaysia Prof. 9:10-9:20 N D Simplice Cameroon Patrick MotLogos Ltd., 9:20-9:30 Entrepreneur Stephene Co. The Number of Bank Relationships and the Cost St. John's 9:30-9:40 Qinglei Dai Prof. of Borrowing:An Empirical Study University USA Syracuse University - Microstructure of the spreads of Russian 9:40-9:50 Peter Lerner Whitman School sovereign bonds (1996-2000) of Management, Russia 中场休息 9:50-10:00 Break Intial and After Market Performance of Banks:Sultan Qaboos Assistant 10:00-10:10 Does the Introduction of Section 20 Subsidiary Sameh Sakr University Prof. Matter, ABV-Indian Conditional Relation of Beta and Returns in Rajendra Sahu, Institute of Indian Capital Market ;Market Reaction to Dhirendra 10:10-10:20 Information Beta-Returns Relationship in Indian Capital Pratap Ray, Technology & Market Rahul Sharma Management An Empirical Analysis of Inward Foreign Direct Pennsylvania 10:20-11:30 Investments in China:A Comparison of Refik Culpan State University Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries at Harrisburg Reexamining the Effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on University of Assistant 11:30-11:40 Robert Bartlett Firms Going-Private Decisions Georgia USA Prof. GREMAQ, Kpmg, Llp:the General Financial Services Robert J. Université de 11:40-11:50 Industry Mockler Toulouse 1- Sciences Sociales Zhejiang Financing Bonds in the International 11:50-12:00 Shenbiao Pan University of Lecturer Development of Private Companies Technology 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 会场11:Meeting Room 11 地点:畅远楼309专用教室 Place: Class Room309, Changyuan Building 执行主席Executive Chairs:Shinichi Fukuda Waynesburg The Problem of Export and Import Documents Sut Assistant 1:30-1:40 University presented against Letter of Credit for Payment Sakchutchawan Prof. USA Macroeconomic Impacts of Foreign Exchange Shin-ichi University of 1:40-1:50 Reserve Accumulation:A Theory and Some Prof. Fukuda Tokyo International Evidence PSG Institute of Srividya Management , Microfinance Intervention in India: Empirical Vengatapathy 1:50-2:00 Florida Dr. Analysis of Impact and Outreach &Krishnan International Dandapani University Manchester Funding Choices and Performance of European Business School, 2:10-2:20 Steve Mercieca banks University of Manchester 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY TITLE Institute for Implications of a Growing Insurance Industry:Social and 2:10-2:20 Subir Sen Dr. Does it Really Affect Economic Growth? Economic Change India Predictability and ―Good Deals‖ in Currency DCU Business 2:30-2:40 Valerio Poti' Dr. Markets School Company Fundamentals and Equity Returns in University of 2:40-2:50 Vanita Tripathi Dr. India Delhi The Impact of Capital Account Liberalization on Vladimir University of 2:50-3:00 the Linkage between Domestic and Foreign Dr. Sokolov Notre Dame USA Interest Rate Tri NISN Company 3:00-3:10 Utaminingtyas Indonesia 3:10-3:20 3:20-3:30 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake 会场12:Meeting Room 12 地点:理学A楼110理学院会议室 Place: Room A110, Lixue Building 执行主席 Executive Chairs:Yung Joon Lee, 时间 题目 姓名 单位 职务 TIME TOPIC NAME UNIVERSITY ITLE International Monetary Fund,Real Implications of Financial Linkages Between Vladimir 8:30-8:40 Western Canada and the United States Klyuev Hemisphere Department A Model of Foreign Aid and Foreign Direct 8:40-8:50 Investment: Can Aid be Beneficial to both Donor Yi and Recipient, Poisson Jumps and Long Memory Property in Young Wook 8:50-9:00 High Frequency SGD-$ Exchange Rates under a Han Managed Floati International Linkage of Russian Market and Russian Financial Crisis:a Multivariate GARCH 9:00-9:10 Kashif Saleem Analysis;Time-Varying Global and Local Sources of Risk in Russian Stock Market Mohammad Ali Firm Size and Capital Strength as Determinants of Jinnah 9:10-9:20 Zaheer Abbas Firm Performance,Sector Wise Analysis of KSE University; Pakistan Merritt Island Investment Performance of the U.S. Software research 9:20-9:30 Industry in Relation to the Growth of the Software institution Industry USA 9:30-9:40 9:40-9:50 中场休息 9:50-10:00 Break 10:00-10:10 10:10-10:20 10:20-11:30 11:30-11:40 11:40-11:50 11:50-12:00 中餐 地点:浙江工业大学家和西苑接待餐厅三楼 12:00 Lunch Place: The Third floor of West Jiahe Garden Restaurant, ZJUT 3点40分, 西湖游览 3:40 3:40 PM, Local Tour, West Lake
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