首页 第二章牛顿运动定律教案(2007)



第二章牛顿运动定律教案(2007)第二章牛顿运动定律教案(2007) : * 理解力、质量、惯性参考系等概念; * 掌握牛顿三定律及其适用条件, 能熟练地用牛顿第二定律求解力学中的两大类问题; * 了解自然力与常见力; * 了解物理量的量纲。 (学时:2学时) ?2-1 牛顿运动定律 ?2-2 物理量的单位和量纲 that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-fin...

第二章牛顿运动定律 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 (2007) : * 理解力、质量、惯性参考系等概念; * 掌握牛顿三定律及其适用条件, 能熟练地用牛顿第二定律求解力学中的两大类问题; * 了解自然力与常见力; * 了解物理量的量纲。 (学时:2学时) ?2-1 牛顿运动定律 ?2-2 物理量的单位和量纲 that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi-finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work-related. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ?2-3 自然力与常见力 ?2-4 牛顿运动定律的应用 ?2-5 非惯性系中的力学问题 * * 掌握牛顿三定律及其适用条件; * 牛顿运动定律的应用(难点:牛顿二定律微分形式)。 ------------------------------- ------------------ of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi2 2–1 1( (惯性定律) 牛顿第一定律 任何物体都要保持其静止或匀速 直线运动的状态,直到外力加于 其上迫使它改变运动状态为止。 讨论: (1)肯定了力的概念 从起源看:力是物体间的相互作用。 从效果看:力是改变运动状态的原因,即力是产生加速度的原因。 (2)说明了物体具有保持原有运动状态的特性------惯性。 (3)牛顿第一定律中所谈到的物体,实际上指的是质点。 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi3 即这里只涉及平动而不涉及 转动,在(2)中所说的惯性 指的是平动的惯性。 (4)牛顿第一定律是大量直观经 验和实验事实的抽象概括, 不能用实验直接证明。 原因是不受其它物体作用的孤立物体是不存在的。 (5)牛顿第一定律不是对任何参考系都适用。 牛顿第一定律谈到了静止和 匀速直线运动,由于运动描 述的相对性,必然涉及参考 系问题。 例:甲看到物体A静止,乙看到物体A以加速度a向后运动。 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi4 甲参考系:物体A水平方向不受 外力,竖直方向的重力 和支持力大小相等,方 向相反,整个物体受合 力为零,满足牛顿第一 定律。 乙参考系:整个物体受合力为零, 但它却以加速度a向 后运动,与牛顿第一 定律不符。 结论:牛顿第一定律不是对任何参考系都适用。 (6)惯性系:满足牛顿第一定律的 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi5 参考系叫惯性系,否则叫非惯性系。 (a)惯性系不只一个,凡相对 一个惯性系静止或作匀 速直线运动参考系都是 惯性系。所以惯性系有无 限多个。 (b)实验 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,以银河系的中 心以坐标原点,固定于银 河系的参考系是很好的惯 性系,以太阳中心为坐标 原点的太阳参考系是一个 较好的惯性系。而地球由 于绕太阳公转和自转,相 对太阳并不是匀速直线运 动,它可以看作精度不算 很高的惯性系。 一般讨论常采用坐标原点固 (定于地球中心的参照系地 )心系或固定于地球表面上 () 参照系地面系 2(牛顿第二定律 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi6 PF动量为的物体,在合外力的 作用下,其动量随时间的变化率 等于作用于物体的合外力。 dpd(mv) F,, dtdt (2-1) * 在宏观、低速运动的情况下(质量m可视为常量)表示为: 2 dvdr F,m,m (2-2) 2dtdt —— 质点运动微分方程 —— 质点动力学方程 或 F,ma (2-3) * 在高速运动的情况下,质量m 明显发生变化,为: tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi7 m 0 m, 22 1,vc 式中:m——0 静质量 讨论: 1()牛顿第二定律只适用于质点的运动和惯性系。 (2)牛顿第二定律表示的合外力 与加速度之间的关系是瞬时关系。 F(t),ma(t) 物体在t时刻具有加速度 与同时刻所受力大小成正 比,方向相同,且为时间t 的函数。 F,ma (3)第二定律或 2 dvdr F,m,m是矢量方程 2dtdt * 笛卡儿坐标系 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi8 分量式为: F,maxx F,ma yy F,mazz (2-4) 或者: 2dvdx xFmm,, 2xdtdt 2dvdy yFmm ,,2ydtdt 2 dvdz Fmmz,,2zdtdt * 自然坐标系 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi9 F,mann F,matt (2-5) 切线方向分量式方程 可为: 2 dvds ,,Fmm (2-5) ,t2 dtdt 加速度与力在时间 上表现为一一对应的关系。 (作用力与反作用3(牛顿第三定律 力定律) 作用力F和反作用力F在同一, 直线上大小相等,方向相反, 分别作用在两个物体上。 ,F,,F 讨论: of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi10 (1)作用力F和反作用力F是同, 一性质的力。 例如:作用力是摩擦力,反 作用力也一定是摩擦力,决 不可能是其它性质的力。 2()物体间的作用力与反作用力 同时产生,同时消失,没有 主从、先后之分。 3()作用力F和反作用力F是分, 别作用在两个不同的物体 上,根本谈不上相互抵消。 4()牛顿第三定律谈的是相互作 用,并不涉及运动的描述, 因此它对任何参考系都成 立。 牛顿力学适用的范围 质点——质点系 宏观物体(物体线度大于–10 10m数量级) 低速运动(物体运动速度远 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi11 小于光在真空中传播速度) 惯性参照系。 ------------------------------------------------ -------- ?2-2 (SI) 国际单位制的构成为: SI基本单位 SI单位 SI导出单位 国际单位制(SI) SI单位的倍数单位 2.1 SI表基本单 位 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi12 量的名称单位名称单位符号 m 长度米 kg (质量千克公 ) 斤 s 时间秒 A [] 电流安培 K [] 热力学温开尔文 度 mol [] 物质的量摩尔 cd [] 发光强度坎德拉 (dimension)(导出量和基本量之间相关的 物理规律性) SI 力学中基本量: m 长度————L tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi13 kg 质量————M s 时间————T 某一物理量Q的量纲则为: ,,, dimQ,LMT ( : 式中、、 称为,,, ) 量纲指数 : 例如 m/s 速度的单位,量纲为: ,1 dimv,LT (量纲指数,,1,,,0,,,,1) 2 N ( mkg/s)力的单位,量, : 纲为 ,2 dimF,LMT (量纲指数,,1,,,1,,,,2) ------------------------------------------------ ----------- of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi14 (两物体间的相互 作用称为力) 按表现形式分为: 重力、正压力、弹力、摩擦 力、电力、磁力、核力„„等等。 按本质分为四种基本自然力: 万有引力、电磁力、强力、 弱力。 2.3 表四种基本自然力的特征 力的种类相互作用的物体力程媒介粒子 力的强度 , () 万有引力全部粒子引力子, –34 10N , 电磁力带电粒子光子 2 10N 4–15 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi15 10N 强力夸克胶子<10m –2–1710N () 弱力大多数基本粒子中间波色子<10m 讨论 万有引力 ,( mm 12 FGe ,,r2 r 式中: err为方向的单位矢量; rF负号表示与方向相反—引力; G为引力常量 G = –1132 6.67,10m/kg,s; of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi16 m、m—— 物体的引力12 质量 电磁力 ,( 两个静止点电荷间的电磁力遵从库仑定律。 qq112 Fe, r2 4,,r0 ,0为真空介电常量(也称真空电容率—常量) 强力 3( 核子间的万有引力很微弱,约为 –34210N,库仑力表现为排斥力,约为10N, 但是原子核相当稳定,体积极小,密度极大——存在着强大得多的作用力 ——强力(短程力,比电磁力大两个数量级)。 –15 粒子间距为0.410m , –15 -----10m时表现为引力, tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi17 –15 粒子间距小于0.410m时表, 现为斥力, –15 粒子间距大于10m后迅速衰减,可以忽略不计。 4(弱力 弱力也是各种粒子之间的一种相互作用。 它支配着某些放射性现象(在,衰变等过程)。 弱力的作用力程比强力更短, –17 仅为10m,强度很弱。 1 (重力 通常把地球对地面附近物体的万有引力叫重力,方向指向地球中心。 当物体距离地球表面h( h << R )高度处时,所受地球的引力(重力)大 小为 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi18 m,mmEE F,G,G,m,mg 22 ()R,hR 2(弹力 两个物体相互接触,彼此发生 相对形变时产生的力叫弹力。 弹力产生的条件是:一、两个 物体要接触,二、要有形变。 弹力的方向永远垂直于过接 触点的切面。 ?正压力 m m (a) (b) 图2-1 不同力学环境中 物体所受正压力大小不一样 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi19 F N1 F N1 F N3F N2F N2 F N3 (a) (b) 2-2 图物体受正压力 示意图 ?拉力 FF TT12 图2-3 绳 中的拉力 ?弹簧的弹性力 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi20 O x (a) 弹簧保持原长 F x O (b) 弹簧被拉伸x F 胡克定律: x O (c) 弹簧被压缩x F,,kx k为弹簧的劲度系数, x为弹簧相对于原长的形变量。 3(摩擦力 两个相互接触的物体具有相对 运动或相对运动的趋势时,沿它 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi21 们接触面的表面将产生阻碍相 对运动或相对运动的趋势的阻 力,称为摩擦力。 ?静摩擦力 相互接触的两物体间,一物体相 对另一物体静止,而又具有相对 运动的趋势时出现的摩擦力叫 静摩擦力。 F F s 静摩擦力的方向总是跟物体相 对运动的趋势相反。 最大静摩擦力与两物体之间 的正压力的大小成正比 F,,F S,maxSN of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi22 ,S(为静 摩擦因数) 静摩擦力规律为: 0,F,FSS,max ?滑动摩擦力 相互接触的两物体间,一物 体相对另一物体滑动时出现的 摩擦力叫滑动摩擦力。 滑动摩擦力的方向总是跟物 体相对运动的方向相反。 滑动摩擦力的大小与两物体 之间的正压力的大小成正比。 F,,F,(是滑动kkkN 摩擦因数) 滑动摩擦力F的大小与相对k 速率v的关系 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi23 F k v O (滑动摩擦力F的大小k 与相对速率v的关系) 注意: ,,通常和有明显区别,一Sk ,,般大于,教科书常不加区别地Sk 使用。 ------------------------------------------------ --------------- 2-4 * 牛顿第二定律: of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi24 (2-3) F,ma 或: 2 dvdr (2-2) F,m,m 2dtdt * 牛顿运动定律应用: (1)已知物体的运动状态,求物体的受力。 (2)已知物体的受力情况,求物体的运动状态。 * 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 程序: 1 隔离物体,受力分析 选择研究对象。 作受力分析,画出受力图。 “隔离法” “整体法” 2 对运动状况作定性分析 作直线运动或者曲线运 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi25 动, 是否具有加速度, 彼此之间是否具有相对运动, 加速度、速度、位移具有什么联系, „„ 3 建立适当的坐标 简化方程的数学表达式以及运算求解。 例如: 斜面运动 既可以沿斜面和垂直于斜面建立直角坐标系, 也可沿水平方向和竖直方向建立直角坐标系。 4 列方程 一般先列出牛顿二定律的矢量方程(2-2)式或 (2-3)式, 然后沿各坐标轴方向列出分量方程(2-5)式或 (2-6)式。 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi26 方程的表述应当物理意义清楚 5 求解方程,分析结果 先用文字符号运算,可使各物理量的关系清楚, 既便于定性分析和量纲分析,还可避免数值重复计算。 ------------------------------- -- 2007/03/16/ 例2.1 质量为倾角为的斜块可,1 在光滑水平面上运动。 斜块上放一小木块,质量 。斜块与小木块间摩擦因数为。 ,2 现有水平力F作用在斜块上(如图a)。 欲使小木块与斜块以21相同的加速度一起运动, 水平力F的大小应满足什么条件, tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi27 m2 F m1 , (a) FR FN FS y m1 F m2 FS FN x GG2 1 (b) FR FN FS m2 m1 F FS FN G2 G1 (c) 解: 虽然之间没有相对运动, 12 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi28 但必须要考虑斜块对小木块的静摩擦力作用, 因此将分别选作两个研12 究对象,隔离物体受力分析。 由题意分析 如果水平力F过小从而加速度a过小,小木块m有沿斜面下滑趋势, 2 此时斜块对小木块的静摩擦力沿斜面向上(如图 ())。 b 如果水平力F过大从而加速度a过大,小木块就有沿斜面上滑趋势, 此时小木块受到的静摩擦力沿斜面向下(如图(c))。 (1) 小木块m有沿斜面下滑的趋势 2 图 (b),小木块受重力G,斜面2 对正压力F,斜面对它的静摩擦力N F, S 有: tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi29 Fsin,,Fcos,,ma (1) NS2 Fcos,,Fsin,,mg,0 (2) NS2 斜块受重力G,水平力F,小木块1 给予的正压力F, N 斜块只沿水平方向运动,故只需列 出x方向的方程。 F,Fcos,,Fsin,,ma (3) SN1 再考虑到m、m相对静止,摩擦力12 为静摩擦力应有: F,,F (4) SN 联解,得: sin,,,cos,F,(m,m)g 12 cos,,,sin,(2) 小木块m有沿斜面上滑的趋势 2 参照图 (c) * 对小木块除了静摩擦力F改为S of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi30 沿斜面向下,其它力方向不变, 因此: Fsin,,Fcos,,ma (1) ,NS2 Fcos,,Fsin,,mg,0 (2) ,NS2 * 对斜块,静摩擦力改为沿斜面向上,在x方向上有: F,Fcos,,Fsin,,ma (3) ,SN1 静摩擦力F仍然应满足 S F,,F (4) ,SN 联立求解,可得: sin,,,cos,F,(m,m)g 12 cos,,,sin, 因此,水平力F的大小应满足: tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi31 ,,,,,,sin,cossin,cos (m,m)g,F,(m,m)g1212 cos,,,sin,cos,,,sin, 例2.2 图 (a)中的A为轻质定滑轮, B为轻质动滑轮。 质量分别为m=0.20kg,1 m=0.10kg,m=0.05kg的三个物体 23 悬挂于绳端。设绳与滑轮间 的摩擦力忽略不计, 求:各物体的加速度及绳中 的张力。 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi32 FF1 2 A mm2 1 S G1 S G2 2 FB S S m1 3 m m3 m2 FFG2 2 3 (a)(b) 解: 选定三个物体123与动滑轮B为研究对象。 隔离物体受力分析如图(b),图中F、F分别为两绳上拉力。 12 选逆时针为正,则m、m向下12为正,对m和B向上为正(图(b))。 3 将牛顿第二定律分别应用于图(b)中的四个物体,有: mg,F,ma (1) 1111 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi33 mg,F,ma (2) 2222 F,mg,ma (3) 233 F,2F,ma,0 (4) 12BB (式中各物体的加速度均为对地面惯性系的加速度) 由于四个方程有五个未知量(T、T),不满足求12123 解需要。 考虑到m和m既相对于定滑轮B23 运动,又随B相对于地面 (也相对于定滑轮A)运动,故从相对运动入手列出有关约束方程。 设m、m相对于动滑轮B的加速23 ,a度为,根据相对运动,有: ,a,a,a (5) 21 ,a,a,a (6) 31 联立求解,可得: of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi34 mm,mm,4mm2121323a,g,1.96m/s1 mm,mm,4mm121323 2m(m,m)2123,a,g,3.92m/s mm,mm,4mm121323 2 , a,a,a,1.96m/s 21 2 , a,a,a,5.88m/s31 F,m(g,a),1.57N 111 F 1F,,0.785N 2 2 例2.3 在铅直平面内有一半径为R的圆形轨道, tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi35 一质量为m的物体在轨道上滑行(如图 (a))。 已知物体通过点时的速率A ,为v,OA与铅直方向的夹角为, 物体与轨道之间的摩擦因数 ,为, 求:物体经过A点时加速度及物体在A点时给予轨道的正压力。 O F N Fk , R n G A v v (a) (b) 解 取物体m为研究对象,隔离物体受力分析如图 (b)所示。 物体重力G,轨道对物体的正压力FN 和滑动摩擦力F。 k of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi36 建立自然坐标系如图所示。 将牛顿第二定律投影F,ma 到切线和法线方向上: mgsin,,F,ma kt (1) F,mgcos,,ma (2) Nn再考虑到 2 v a (3) ,n R F,,F (4) kN 联解,可得: 2 v agg,sin,,,cos,,,t R 2 v a ,n R 所以,物体在A点的加速度为: tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi37 22 vv a,(gsin,gcos,),n,,,, RR 其大小为: 22 vv22 a,(gsin,,,gcos,,,),() RR 加速度a的方向以加速度a与切 ,线方向的夹角表示。 22 avvn tan,,,(gsin,,,gcos,,,) aRRt 轨道对物体的正压力为: of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi38 2 v Fmgm,cos,,N R 物体对轨道的正压力为: , F,,FNN 例2.4 一质量为m的物体从高空中某处由静止开始下落, 下落过程中所受空气阻力与物体速率一次方成正比, 比例系数>0。 c 求:?物体落地前其速率随时间变化的函数关系。 ?物体的运动方程。 –cv m 解:? 牛顿第二定律方程为: tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi39 G mg,cv,ma 即: dvmg,cv,m dt c k, 令,得: m dv ,g,kv dt dv ,dt g,kv 积分: vtdv ,dt ,,00g,kv 得 g,kv ln,,kt g 解出 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi40 g,kt v,(1,e) k ?样由上式得: dyg ,kt ,(1,e) dtk 积分 gyt,ktdy,(1,e)dt ,,00 k 得: 2 ggmgmg,,ktkty,t,(1,e),t,(1,e)22 kkcc 例2.5 长为l的细线一端固定于天花板,另一端连接质量为m小球, 初始时细线与水平方向的夹 ,0角为,小球静止,然后释放。 不计空气阻力。 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi41 求:细线与水平方向成角, v(,)时小球的速率v,并表示为的形式。 , l F n m , G 解 : 以小球为研究对象,受重力G,拉力F(如图), 由于小球在竖直面内作圆周运动,可选择自然坐标系, 此题也是已知物体的受力情况 v(,)求解运动状态, 可建立牛顿第二定律的微分形 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi42 式方程。 在切线方向上: dv mgmamcos,,, t dt 化简为: dv cos,g, dt ,为了将上式完全表示为v与的关系,再作变换: ,dvdvddvvdv,,gcos,,,, dtd,dtd,Rd, 分离变量: gRcos,d,,vdv 将上式积分并将初始条件 v,0,,,时,代入: 00 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi43 ,v gRcos,d,,vdv ,,0,0 解得: v,2gR(sin,,sin,)0------------------------------- -- 2-5 * 牛顿运动定律只在惯性参照系中成立。 凡是相对于地面作匀速直线运动的参照系都是惯性参照系 凡是相对于地面作加速运动的参照系都不是惯性参照系, 在非惯性参照系中牛顿运动定律 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi44 不适用。 * 简例 m v , 小车参照系k 地面参照系k (a) 小车参照系为惯性参照系 , a m 小车参照系k 地面参照系k (b) 小车参照系为非惯性参照系 以地面为惯性参照系K ,加速运动小车参照系非惯性K参照系 石块运动 * * 惯性力(假想力) F*,,ma tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi45 引入惯性力,牛顿第二定律在非惯性参照系中形式上可应用了。 例如: 图 ()中的小车非惯性参b 照系, 若假设石块在水平方向受 F*,,ma到惯性力的作用, (,a)则石块以的加速度向车尾方向加速运动。 真实力(合外力)为,惯性力 ,,总的有效力, FF* ,物体对非惯性参照系的加速K ,度a,那么: ,,F,F,F*,ma (牛顿第二定律在形式上仍然保持不变) 注意 惯性力-假想力-虚拟力, 与真实力区别在于它不是因物体 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi46 间相互作用产生,没有施力者, 不存在反作用力,牛顿第三定律对于惯性力并不适用。 惯性力只是非惯性系相对惯性系加速运动而体现在物体上一种力, 事实上惯性力可以用测力器测量出来,因此它仍然是有效力。 ------------------------------- --- 例2.6 在小车上固定有一长度为,L倾角为的光滑斜面(如图)。 , a当小车恒定的加速度向0右运行时, 有一质量为m的物体从斜面的顶端由静止开始下滑, 求:物体滑至斜面底部时所需要的时间。 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi47 m a0, (a) y FN * m x F a , G (b) 车相对地面加速运动为非惯性参照系, 加上惯性力: F*,,ma, 0 沿水平方向向左,与小车的加速 F*,ma度反方向,大小为。 0 a为物体相对斜面(小车)的加速 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi48 度, FN为斜面对物体正压力,沿斜面向下为轴正方向, x 由牛顿第二定律可得: mgsin,,macos,,ma 0 故物体对斜面的加速度 a,gsin,,acos, 0 由匀加速直线运动的路程公式 12v,0S,vt,at,及条件, 00 2 可得物体滑至斜面底部所需要的时间为: 2S2L t,, agsin,,acos,0 ------------------------------------------------ --- tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi49 * 第一定律: , 惯性和力的概念 惯性系定义。* 第二定律: dP F, dt 常用形式为: F,ma 或: 2 dvdr F,m,m 2dtdt 笛卡尔坐标系分量式 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi50 2 dvdx xFmamm ,,, xx2dtdt 2dvdy yFmamm,,, 2yydtdt 2 dvdz zFmamm,,, 2zzdtdt 自然坐标系分量式 2 v F,ma,m nn , dv Fmam,, tt dt * 第三定律 : F,,F 1221 tance after the representatives of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is theaccep ation has been collected. Documentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signaturehtening compliance requirements. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete informrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tig-concealed workbelongs to the concealed works construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried,-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi51 (a,v,r)* 已知质点运动状态求力、加速度以及有关的量。 = m主要运用的公式为F a 以及相应的分量式。 (F)* 已知质点受力情况求运动状态。 主要运用的公式为 2 dvdr F,m,m以及相应的分 2dtdt 量式。 惯性力: F*,,ma 牛顿第二定律形式上成立 ,F,F,F*,ma 有效力真实力 of the party were invited. Requirements: (1) covert acceptance is the ativesentation: should follow construction progress at any time finishing self acceptance, signature acceptance after the represent. (4) have an impact on other projects. (5) the material used is eligible. (6) complete information has been collected. Docummpliance requirementsrelated. Mainly in the following aspects: (1) acceptance of positioning is accurate. (2) is fixed securely. (3) tightening co-construction, therefore its quality inspection must be carried out according to acceptance of concealed work finished products. 8. quality assessment, data compilation: buried, belongs to the concealed works-that construction site clean, consciously maintain sanitation. (4) ensure the safety of materials and semi52
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