首页 高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜涂膜施工方案



高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜涂膜施工方案高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜涂膜施工方案 高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜涂膜 施工方案 编 制: 审 核: 审 批: 编制日期: 年 月 日 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of cons...

高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜涂膜施工 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜涂膜 施工方案 编 制: 审 核: 审 批: 编制日期: 年 月 日 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜涂膜施工方案 一、工程概况 工程简介 工程名称: 建设单位: 设计单位: 施工单位: 二、施工规定 1、本规定适用于高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜材料的屋面、厕浴间、厨房及地下防水防潮工程和各种复杂部位进行无接缝冷施工。 、设计或使用高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜涂膜进行防水 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 ~应按屋面 2 工程质量验收规范,GB50108——2001,,地下防水工程质量验收规范,GB502082002,的规定进行。 3、防水工程施工前~应先进行图纸会审~根据图纸了解设计要求~做出防水工程施工 设计方案 关于薪酬设计方案通用技术作品设计方案停车场设计方案多媒体教室设计方案农贸市场设计方案 。经甲方、监理方认可后方可施工。 4、施工时~有关安全技术、劳动保护、防火等~必须依照国务院颁发的建设安装工程安全技术规程和国家其它有关现行规定执行。 5、防水施工前应对前道工序进行质量验收~基面必须符合防水施工要求~基面表层应光洁、平整、不起砂~待合格后方可进行防水层施工。 6、施工时清扫基面~确保基面无灰尘、无杂物。 7、防水层的施工应在上道工序结束后进行~不得交叉施工。 8、涂层施工完毕尚未达到完全固化时~不允许上人踩踏~不允许尖利物的碰刺~以免损坏防水层~影响防水质量。 9、保护层或装饰层施工~须在防水层完成两天后进行。抹砂浆时~为了方便施工~可在防水层最后一遍涂刮时~立即撒上干净的中粗砂。 10、施工工具 a、基面清理工具:锤子、凿子、铲子、钢丝刷、扫帚、抹布等。 B、取料配料工具:台秤、称料桶、拌料桶、搅拌器、剪子等。 C、涂料涂刷工具:滚子,用于较稀的料,、刮板,用于较稠的料,、刷子,用于涂层表面修平或异形部位涂刷,。 三、施工工艺 1、施工顺序 验收基层? 清理修整基层表面? 细部附加处理? 防水层?撒上干净waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall ortube falling concrete, columns, and walls of the project series tube concrete pouring to prevent segregation of concrete. 6.1 laying before concrete pouring 15-20cm thickness and concrete without stone mortar of the same components, construction seam and cutting hair rinse with high pressure water, ... Between makes concrete surface rendering Pan pulp and no longer sinks, General for 20-30S, each layer concrete vibration pound dense Hou, again pouring upper concrete and avoid had vibration, vibration pound Rod mouth made size mark, with this control Xia Rod height, vibrators insert lower concrete within of depth not is less than 50mm, openings sides while Xia rod, prevent template displacement, reserved hole location to for good mark. 6.5 conservation method conservation Shi used 1 layer plastic sheeting package plus 2 layer sacks cloth (high out wall 10cm above), with wire lashing fixed, from wall top catchy watering, set hand is responsible for conservation temperature, timing watering, keep sacks wet can, conservation period 7d, has waterproof requirements of many Yu 14d, winter construction Shi can used extended split die time, summer construction Shi can used service spray water and Shabu conservation liquid of method. Roof concrete construction 7.1 7 level control with automatic leveling leveling. 7.2 stairs concrete pouring line should be in a certain order, preventing the order the construction interval is too long, have a cold joint. 7.3 vibration pound concrete Shi, avoid vibration Rod straight contact touch steel or template, and sent hand observation template, and bracket, and steel, and pre buried pieces, and reserved hole of situation, concrete 文件编号:G0000-LSS-328 中粗砂? 保护层? 养护? 验收 2、基层要求及处理 a、基层表面要抹平压光~不允许有凹凸、松动和起砂掉灰等缺陷存在。 b、排水口或地漏部位应低于整个防水层~以便排队除积水。 c、管根、烟囱根、通风道及阴阳角部位应作成小圆角或钝角。 3、产品施工及使用说明 a、本产品是以沥青为基础~用合成高分子聚合物对其进行改性、配制而成的水乳型涂膜防水材料~单组份~产品常温固化后~形成富有弹性的整体化橡胶防水层~防水性能可靠。 。 b、性能/规格: 特点 能在复杂基面形成无接缝防水层~多遍涂刷能形成较厚的涂膜。 该涂膜具有较好的柔韧性、抗裂性和耐热耐久性~粘结力良好~是一种理想的防水、防潮、防渗材料。 本产品以水分为分散合质~具有无毒、无味、不燃的特点~安全可靠。 冷施工~不污染环境~操作简单~维修方便。 可在稍潮但无明水的基面施工。 c、主要技术指标 序号 项目 L H 1 固体含量%? 45 2 耐热度? 80?2 110?2 无流淌、滑动、滴落 3 不透水性 0.10Mpa~30min无渗水 4 粘结强度Mpa? 0.3 5 表干时间h? 8 6 实干时间h? 24 7 低温柔度?,, -10 5 8 断裂伸长率%?,标准条件, 600 d、外观 产品搅拌后均无色差、无凝胶、无结块、无明显沥青丝。 e、 注意事项 施工程度以5-35?为宜。 预计24小时内有雨不宜施工。 4、施工安全技术 a、施工人员必须经过培训后方可上岗操作~并应全面地掌握应知应会的施工安全技术和质量标准~强化安全和质量意识。 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 河南省立厦防水防腐工程有限公司上海分公司 b、现场施工人员必须穿平底鞋~不得穿带跟钉鞋~以免损伤和影响施工表面质量。 c、施工不员应身着工作服~戴好防护用具~方可进行施工操作。 d、施工现场及作业面要文明施工~不准吸烟和严禁烟火。 e、高空作业和粘接檐头时~要有安全防护措施~并设安全监督员。 f、屋面防水作业四周~无女儿墙部位施工~应设高1.2m的防护栏杆或挂安全网。 g、有关安全技术的未尽事宜~如高空作业、垂直运输、卫生防护、杜绝高空坠落等~均按国家和地方有关规定执行。 5、施工管理技术措施 ,1,工程质量 a、防水工程质量优良率要求达95%以上。 b、按照工程的防水质量要求施工前做好工种安排~施工中认真检查执行情况~配备专职现场管理人员~及时反映各道工序中出现的问题~同时做好施工现场的衔接工作。 c、搅拌料要按配比认真配料并做好 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ~保证计量准确、搅拌均匀、涂刷达到规定厚度、光洁、平整~以确保防水层质量。 d、施工现场服从监理的管理~并对提出的问题及时纠正。 (2)安全生产 、杜绝事故的发生。 a b、严格执行安全生产 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 及安全操作规程的各项规定。 c、服从现场的管理~树立安全第一的思想~消除隐患。 d、现场施工使用的照明、搅拌器具~电线必须要配备触电保护装置~由专人负责电器的维护~保养及现场搭接。 e、高空作业要配备安全带~确保人身安全。 (3)施工面层的保护:施工作业层在未完工或完工后没有形成固化之前~要禁止人员或其它的破坏~以确保工程的外观及工程质量完好。 (4)节约措施 a、严格要求施工工序必须规范化~确保施工防水层一次合格率达100%~减少修补和返工现象。 b、配料器具要干净~不得有沉积现象。 c、每项工程要做到:活完脚下清、工具清、设备清。 d、施工作业需变更时~应及时与相关部门办理有关变更手续方可施工。 ,5,环境保护措施 a、各施工作业点完工后要及时清理~不得造成污染。 b、用后的空桶及垃圾要及时放到指定的位置~以便清理运出 四、屋面防水层施工 1、基层要求 a、基层应抹平压光,不得有酥松、起砂、起皮现象 b、基层应清洁,不允许有杂物、油渍、浮土等,施工前应进行清扫,铲除松动结构,不平处用水泥砂浆找平,清扫应进行数遍,至干净为止 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall ortube falling concrete, columns, and walls of the project series tube concrete pouring to prevent segregation of concrete. 6.1 laying before concrete pouring 15-20cm thickness and concrete without stone mortar of the same components, construction seam and cutting hair rinse with high pressure water, ... Between makes concrete surface rendering Pan pulp and no longer sinks, General for 20-30S, each layer concrete vibration pound dense Hou, again pouring upper concrete and avoid had vibration, vibration pound Rod mouth made size mark, with this control Xia Rod height, vibrators insert lower concrete within of depth not is less than 50mm, openings sides while Xia rod, prevent template displacement, reserved hole location to for good mark. 6.5 conservation method conservation Shi used 1 layer plastic sheeting package plus 2 layer sacks cloth (high out wall 10cm above), with wire lashing fixed, from wall top catchy watering, set hand is responsible for conservation temperature, timing watering, keep sacks wet can, conservation period 7d, has waterproof requirements of many Yu 14d, winter construction Shi can used extended split die time, summer construction Shi can used service spray water and Shabu conservation liquid of method. Roof concrete construction 7.1 7 level control with automatic leveling leveling. 7.2 stairs concrete pouring line should be in a certain order, preventing the order the construction interval is too long, have a cold joint. 7.3 vibration pound concrete Shi, avoid vibration Rod straight contact touch steel or template, and sent hand observation template, and bracket, and steel, and pre buried pieces, and reserved hole of situation, concrete 文件编号:G0000-LSS-328 c、平屋面排水坡度2---3?,不得局部积水 基层与突出屋面结构(女儿墙、立墙、天窗壁、变形缝、烟囱)的连接处,应做成半径不小于20mm的圆弧 2、防水施工中应处理的主要问题 a、屋面及板间接缝的处理 b、女儿墙、天沟、落水口等细部构造的处理。 c、变形缝的处理 3、细部防水构造 a、接缝的处理:清除裂缝间杂物~沿缝凿成凹槽~用嵌缝材料填平~表面用高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜材料配合无纺布做防水处理。 b、天沟、女儿墙、落水口、泛水等应清理干净后~涂刷高聚物改性沥青防水涂膜材料配合无纺布做防水处理~防水涂层在墙上的收头应注意严密~切忌处理不当~水倒流入防水层内造成渗漏。 c、变形缝的处理:缝内应用泡沫塑料填充~上用卷材盖后~顶部加扣金属盖板。 五、工程质量验收 1、防水层施工后~应认真检查整个工程的各个部分~涂层不应有堆积、裂纹、翘边、鼓泡、分层等现象。 2、涂层平均厚度不得低于设计厚度~测点中的70%应大于或等于设计厚度~允许有30%的测点厚度不低度于设计厚度的80%。 3、施工面积每100m2抽查一处~但每一工程不小于三处~每处割取30×30mm实样~用测厚仪或卡尺测定。 4、蓄水试验须等涂层完全固化后方可进行~一般情况下~需48小时以上~特别潮湿又不通风环境中需要更长的时间。 5、厕浴间、厨房间防水完工后经蓄水24小时无渗漏现象为合格~屋面防水竣工后~排水系统畅通~无渗漏为合格,可在雨后或持续淋水2小时以后进行检验~有条件蓄水的屋面可在蓄水24小时后检验,。 六、注意事项 1、涂层完工后~防水层未完全固化前~不得上人~不得进行下道工序~以免破坏防水层。 2、材料应密封贮存于通风的阴凉干燥处~存料、配料、和施工现场严禁烟火 waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or 河南省立厦防水防腐工程有限公司上海分公司
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