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朗读兴趣小组活动计划与总结朗读兴趣小组活动计划与总结 黔西县第九小学2013——2014学年度第一学期 语文兴趣小组工作计划 “诵读经典,传承文明。”、“品味经典,光亮人生。”、“雅言传承文明,经典浸润人生”。这些话语已成为当前的文化热潮和精神文明建设的重要标志。同时也是各种诵读活动的宗旨所在。因此,为了营造良好的文化氛围,提升广大师生的精神气,本学期将“吟诵经典诗文、朗诵经典诗文”作为开展本期活动的总体目标。 一、具体工作措施 1.做好报名工作,扩大群众中基础。 先初步设定诵读活动兴趣小组成员人数为30人左右,由各班主任利用班...

朗读兴趣小组活动计划与总结 黔西县第九 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 2013——2014学年度第一学期 语文兴趣小组 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 “诵读经典,传承文明。”、“品味经典,光亮人生。”、“雅言传承文明,经典浸润人生”。这些话语已成为当前的文化热潮和精神文明建设的重要标志。同时也是各种诵读活动的宗旨所在。因此,为了营造良好的文化氛围,提升广大师生的精神气,本学期将“吟诵经典诗文、朗诵经典诗文”作为开展本期活动的总体目标。 一、具体工作 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 1.做好报名工作,扩大群众中基础。 先初步设定诵读活动兴趣小组成员人数为30人左右,由各班主任利用班会做好宣传发动工作,让学生自愿报名,学校再根据各班得报名人数从中选出30名个具有一定普通话基础的学生作为学员,活动地点为学校的二(2)班教室,时间为每周三下午4:20。此外,联合语文教师或班主任做好朗诵人才的推荐工作。 2.加强组织管理 ,提升小组凝聚力。 为能更好地完成诵读活动的学习目标,成立兴趣小组组织机构,由学生担任小组组长,协助老师对成员进行有效地管理;此外,辅导教师必须做到认真备课,耐心辅导,精心组织,全面关心爱护学生,管理组织教育好学生遵守学生日常行为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,严守纪律,淘汰不合格学员,并做好其思想工作。 3.重视普通话教学,培养学生的学习兴趣 朗诵兴趣是学生基于自己的学习需要而表现出来的一种认识倾the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note 向,它是学好一门课的内驱动力。俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半。”这就要求我们在普通话课中,要从语言的产生、发展、最新动态的有关常识的介绍,结合本地区、本校进行形体训练、发声练习、体态训练、语音基础训练等方面的实践,最大限度地让学生了解到朗诵的重要作用,学习普通话的基础知识和技能是时代的需要,也是个人成才的需要,激发他们的求知欲望,充分调动学生的学习积极性。 4.注重实际诵读能力训练,使学习兴趣持久不息 。 朗诵学是一门实践操作极强的学科,应该说操作时间占70%,理论课只占30%。学生诵读练习的过程是一个融阅读、理解思考和观察、验证于一体的过程。学生刚开始学习时还有兴趣,但慢慢地对朗诵的热情就会下降,不感兴趣。这就要求我们教师在上课过程中采用“任务驱动”教学法,明确每节课的教学目标,设下疑难问题,让学生自己去思考问题、诵读实践探索解决问题的办法,给学生“主动发展”的空间,大力推行“发现式”和“参与式”教学,同时要保证学生充裕的训练时间,着重培养和锻炼学生的操作技能。当学生通过自己的实际操作能够解答某一问题,必将会熟练掌握该项操作技能,增添一份喜悦之情,充满一股学习朗诵的热情,让学习兴趣持久不息。 5.发挥“小老师”的作用,激发学习热情。 学生当“小老师”改变了传统的师生间单向传递知识的方式,使学生由知识的被动接受者转变为知识的传授者,发挥了学生的主体作用。我们对教学中的一些简单知识内容,而且是学生最感兴趣的内容,如在“练声”的教学中,事先告诉学生教学目标,让学生自己组 2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Notesoled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (-onnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site persrk. (5tion, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering worough consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent locaed thion (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settlthe axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specificat check wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, alson after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the sitio, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor pothe first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand2 织上课,学生就会按照自己的理解程度,以自己最好的教学方式,扮演“小老师”。同时,在诵读实践课中,教师由于各种原因不能兼顾到每一个学生,这时让一部分朗诵较好的学生当“小老师”,对其他同学在学习过程遇到的一些难题给予解答,互帮互助,共同学习,共同激发学习兴趣,激发学生学习热情。 6.改变课堂结构,优化课堂教学效果。 在朗诵活动过程中,采取“课前:一支歌、一诵读、一吊嗓;课中:一微笑、一对练、一表演;课后:一感悟、一展示、一收集”。即在上课前组织学生唱一支经典歌曲,诵读一篇经典文章,进行练气、练声;在上课过程中,穿插表情练习,分小组对抗练习,互帮互学,表演一些节目;在课后要求学生写一篇心得体会或读后感;每周定时展示自己的学习成果(朗诵作品),并收集一些自己感兴趣的诗文, 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 在专用的本子上,引导学生养成积累或记诵优秀篇目的习惯。 7.朗诵作品展示,增强学生的成就感。 每周组织学生分小组把上一周的朗诵作品放在下一周的星期一展示,激发学生参与朗诵活动的热情,并给予一定鼓励,增强学生的成就感。 8.组织朗诵比赛,提升学生的竞争力。 在朗诵活动后期,组织本组成员参加朗诵比赛,评出前十名选手,并颁发奖状或荣誉证书,既能增强学生的集体荣誉感,也能增强学生的竞争意识,从而激发学生的创造力,增强他们的竞争力。 二、具体活动内容: ion to the safe use of electricity. (3) Notesoled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attent-rsonnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slipperyite pework. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction scation, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering ent lottled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjaccation (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be sepecifiso check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant se wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, alre thposition after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensu and, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchorthe first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the st3 本学期由于兴趣小组成员少,学生年龄结构大,水平不一样,所以将活动内容初步定为“呼吸训练”、“练声”、“普通话发音训练”分阶段练习、“朗诵作品训练”分小组进行,辅导老师进行有针对性辅导。兴趣小组成员在完成规定的篇目之外,必须熟练诵读国学经典《弟子规》、《三字经》、《论语》、《百家姓》、《千家诗》等。 三、朗诵评选活动 在期末活动结束时,结合学校的安排,不仅要对兴趣小组成员的学习与练习情况进行检查和考核。而且要对活动小组的成员进行评优,评出优秀学员。 四、开展朗诵水平测试,做好期末总结工作。 五、做好相关资料的存档工作。 六、做好赠送纪念品工作。 语文兴趣小组 2013年9月 2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Notesoled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (-onnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site persrk. (5tion, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering worough consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent locaed thion (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settlthe axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specificat check wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, alson after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the sitio, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor pothe first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand4 黔西县第九小学2013——2014学年度第一学期 语文兴趣小组工作总结 时间过得很快,一个学期很快就要在紧张而繁忙的工作中结束了。在学期开学初,在校领导的带领下,我们组建了朗诵活动小组,并很快地定制了学期计划和活动安排表,学生和老师也以崭新的姿态进入了自己的活动小组。在开展活动的期间,我认真做好学生的考勤工作和教学工作,学生们也很好地配合我较好地完成了这项工作。在上课的时候对学生进行细心的辅导,对于她们提出的疑难问题尽量解答。再者,因为生活空间的局限性,学生的视野还不够广阔,我经常充分收集有关适合儿童朗诵类的作品供学生进行欣赏,这样能使学生在学的同时能够感受另一种氛围,并对朗诵产生浓厚的兴趣。 本学期对学生的朗诵技巧进行了培训,主要是从以下几方面: 1、停顿 不管是说话或朗读很自然都要换气,就是话与话之间的停顿时间。此停顿不只是生理上的需要,也可用来表情达意,使听话的人更能领略说话者或朗读者的意思。停顿时间的长短与段落、句子与标点符号都有关连。段落与段落之间的停顿时间最长,接着是句子与句子之间,而标点停顿的时间则较短。 2、速度 文章的体裁和内容影响朗读的速度,通常表现高兴、紧张、害怕、激动、愤怒等内容时速度较快,悲伤、失望、生病、哭泣等内容的速度较慢。不过,跟停顿一样,速度也不是坚守原则一成不变。为了更准确表达作品的情感,可随时有变通的处理方式,务必要灵活运用。 ion to the safe use of electricity. (3) Notesoled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attent-rsonnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slipperyite pework. (5) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction scation, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering ent lottled through consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjaccation (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be sepecifiso check the axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant se wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, alre thposition after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensu and, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchorthe first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the st5 3、轻重 因为重读的字词不同,感觉所强调的重点就不一样,重音用得适切,可以使语句的意思更加鲜明,而表达不同的意义。 4、升降 升降指的是语句里的声音高、低、升、降的变化。语句里有了这些变化,才会有动听的语调。所谓声音的高低升降就是抑、扬、顿、挫的搭配。搭配得宜,节奏感好,词句就富有音乐的美感。句调的升降变化,虽是对整句说的,但是一句话句调特别显著的变化,却是表现在最末一个音节上。一般句调有四种变化:高升调、降抑调、平直调、曲折调。 朗诵是一种美读,可以刺激听者的兴趣,并在情绪上引起共鸣作用。诗歌朗诵活动具有独特的促进小学生语言发展和想象力的功能。因此,在今后的语文教学中,我会继续重视对学生朗诵的培养,用朗诵促进孩子语文素养、作文能力的提高,启发培养孩子的思维和想象力。 语文兴趣小组 2014年1月 2) must be carried out according to the specifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Notesoled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (-onnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery) check the embedded location is accurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site persrk. (5tion, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthen coordination with civil engineering worough consultation with civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: ... (3) familiar with their location and adjacent locaed thion (construction) requirements for error values, within the specified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settlthe axis (axis positioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevant specificat check wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, alson after take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightly tightening, ensure the sitio, can't be moved, dislocation, and so on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor pothe first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distance between the point and level to put the stand6
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