首页 ERP沙盘实验日志



ERP沙盘实验日志ERP沙盘实验日志 实验日志 项目(实验)一 学习竞争规则,组建经营团队 学时数:2 一、实习(实验)类型 演示性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解模拟企业概况及管理方法与流程 三、实习(实验)内容和要求 在教师的组织带领下,认真学习沙盘模拟训练规则和市场信息,了解市场环境,预测和把握市场运行的基本趋势,为整个沙盘模拟进行准备。组建自己的经营团队,分配成员角色,了解各角色的岗位职责,明确公司组建初期的整个环节。有意识地培养学生的团队协作精神,培养其分工协作的素养。 在教师的组织下,学习模拟组建经营...

ERP沙盘实验日志 实验日志 项目(实验)一 学习竞争规则,组建经营团队 学时数:2 一、实习(实验)类型 演示性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解模拟企业概况及管理 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 与流程 三、实习(实验)内容和 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 在教师的组织带领下,认真学习沙盘模拟训练规则和市场信息,了解市场环境,预测和把握市场运行的基本趋势,为整个沙盘模拟进行准备。组建自己的经营团队,分配成员角色,了解各角色的岗位职责,明确公司组建初期的整个环节。有意识地培养学生的团队协作精神,培养其分工协作的素养。 在教师的组织下,学习模拟组建经营团队,团队的组建应以符合市场环境需求为前提,同时学习了解企业经营管理沙盘模拟训练的竞争规则,分析市场信息,学会在复杂的市场信息中筛选对公司运营有利的信 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 项目(实验)二 人力资源管理 学时数:2 一、实习(实验)类型 对抗性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解与掌握人力资源的管理流程 三、实习(实验)内容和要求 1、技术人员与销售人员需要学员进行决策招聘,工人的招聘由系统自动进行,学员不用进行决策。 2、技术人员招聘数量需要学员参考产品研发、产品升级、生产管理的实际需求而进行决策.销售人员的招聘数量需要学员根据市场营销的实际需求进行决策。 3、需要招聘的人员数量在输入参数页中输入,就完成了整个决策过程。 4、学员的招聘决策不一定完全实现,招聘决策是否成功与市场环境(人员数\工资水平),人员招聘与本公司的上一季的待遇相关,待遇越高,招聘的成功率越高,待遇低,将使得招聘按照某个百分比进行。 5、本季招聘的人员下季方能开始使用,工资也从下季开始计算。 6、招聘与解聘均有费用发生。 7、产品生产、产品升级、产品研发都需要技术人员参与。 filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilization construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 education system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so that workers form a building 8、销售人员负责市场营销,与其他代理商一起进行商品的销售,当销售人员超过10个,需要设立销售分部来管理销售人员,用户不用进行决策,系统将自动计算建立销售分部的相应费用。 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 项目(实验)三 生产管理决策 学时数:4 一、实习(实验)类型 对抗性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解与掌握生产管理决策流程 三、实习(实验)内容和要求 1、本游戏生产管理中涉及到5种产品的生产,开始出现2种产品即(A,a), 另外三种产品(Bx,By,H)将根据研发进度逐步出现。 2、在本游戏中,一共涉及2种机器(X,Y),2种原料(A,B)。 3、每种产品产出都必须满足以下条件:足够数量的原材料+足够的机器生产能力+足够的人力资源(包括技术人员与工人)+生产相关费用。 4、当原材料,技术人员和工人,机器,以及生产所需费用这四种条件不能同时满足生产决策的需求时,生产决策将按照最小资源进行生产。 5、机器生产能力受到机器的数量限制,机器的生产能力跟班次有关。班次将提高机器的运行效率,但是班次的增加,也将带来成本的增加,学员在企业经营中应该充分考虑各方面的结合。 6、在分配技术人员工时时,先保证生产,在满足产品生产后,再逐一满足产品研发,产品升级的需求。 7、生产需要费用,生产费用包括:每台机器每班管理费用、每台机器每班生产间接费用、每台机器每班维修费用、最低质量费用。 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 项目(实验)四 质量管理决策 学时数:4 一、实习(实验)类型 对抗性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解与掌握质量管理决策流程 tem extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so thon sysplementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 educatiruct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective imconst the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilizationse complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below t, noitandards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environmenin "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge so obtarst civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive tand correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the fimanagement information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production at workers form a building2 三、实习(实验)内容及要求 1、产品质量由产品装配时间、产品质量管理费用决定。 2、产品装配时间越长时间,产品质量将越高,废品率越低。产品装配时间的输入范围为:1,9个小时。 3、产品质量管理费用在一定范围内越高,产品质量也越好,废品率也将降低。 4、基本质量管理费用为:30000元(系统在每个季度都会自动扣除),如想废品率低,就要在决策输入中的质量管理费用中再输入费用。 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 项目(实验)五 产品研发管理决策 学时数:4 一、实习(实验)类型 对抗性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解与掌握产品研发管理决策流程 三、实习(实验)内容及要求 产品研发决策主要包括研发技术人员投入以及研发费用的投入,产品研发包括产品升级(质量改进)、产品研发两部分决策。 1、系统开始时有两种产品(A,a),另外Bx,By,H三种产品必须研发成功才有资格生产、销售、升级。 2、只有Bx产品研发成功后,才可以研发By产品,By产品研发成功后,才可以研发H产品。 3、产品研发需要投入研发费用与技术人员,还需要一定时间才能成功。 4、在进行决策时,请参照产品研发参数表进行决策。每个季度的研发都需求,研发费用和技术人员的同时投入,累计达到研发要求才能研发成功。 5、新产品需求将在市场信息和销量预测中提示。 6、研发出的产品用户可以选择适当的时候投入生产。 7、产品研发将直接影响公司经营,每种产品都有自己的产品周期,当产品进入末期时,如果没有研发新产品进行替代,将直接导致公司经营困境。 8、学员需要注意市场信息提示,进行产品研发,研发对整个经营过程具有相当大的影响,对于市场信息提示,学员需要加倍注意。 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 项目(实验)六 采购 采购部分工政府采购法87号令广东省政府采购政府采购法及采购员下一步工作计划 与运输管理决策 ducation system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideive implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 eeffectzation construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civiliusage ronment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material arge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding envidisch rive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewaterthe first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil stch as ed checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, sun. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improvfiling. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completioso that workers form a building ology,3 学时数:4 一、实习(实验)类型 对抗性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解与掌握采购与运输管理决策流程 三、实习(实验)内容及要求 采购与运输决策包括运输、采购、存储三部分。重点在于采购决策,良好的采购将为生产提供保障。 1、本游戏中采购包括:原材料采购、机器采购。 2、原材料采购根据采购数量不同,价格折扣不一,数量越多,价格越优惠。 3、原材料的采购范围为:0,999999个。但是采购的原料如果本季使用不完,需要收取原材料存储费用,所以采购时需要考虑两者之间的平衡。 4、机器采购分两期付款。首期付50%,下一季付50%。采购机器分两季才能够到货,第一季运输安装,第二季使用。 5、机器的购买范围为:0,99台。机器的购买要考虑到生产和资金,机器购买多了将会造成资金大量积压。机器的卖出,最大不能超过机器原有的总数。 6、机器每季折旧率2.5%。厂房的折旧率与机器一样。 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 项目(实验)七 投资与融资决策 学时数:4 一、实习(实验)类型 对抗性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解与掌握投资与融资决策流程 三、实习(实验)内容及要求 1、投资必须遵循以下规则: (1)投资将获得投资回报,但是也需要占用资金,如果公司的现金不足以支付各项费用,软件程序系统将自动采用短期贷款进行;所以学员在进行投资时,需要充分考虑现金流。 (2)投资范围为:0,999万元。 2、融资必须遵循以下规则: (1)贷款分短期贷款与长期贷款,当游戏在运行本季的决策时若现金不够,短期贷款系统将自动进行。 (2)用户可以申请长期贷款,贷款金额有限制,贷款的总额不能超过50%所有者 at workers form a buildingtem extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so thon sysplementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 educatiruct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective imconst the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilizationse complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below t, noitandards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environmenin "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge so obtarst civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive tand correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the fimanagement information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production 4 权益。如果贷款决策超过50%所有者权益,系统将自动修正。 (3)投资与融资的回报率与利息 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 项目(实验)八 市场销售决策 学时数:4 一、实习(实验)类型 对抗性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解与掌握市场销售决策流程 三、实习(实验)内容及要求 1、产品销售数量由广告、价格、渠道、产品质量、市场需求变化等因素决定。 2、每种产品都有自己的产品生命周期,不同产品在不同市场,总需求均不一样。软件将在市场情报提示中给予相关信息,提供给学员作为决策参考。 3、市场发货量请根据市场情报中的市场销量预测来决定。 4、单个产品在单个市场的广告费用,将直接影响产品的销量。 5、广告费的投入范围为:0,999万元。请根据营销计划和公司的现金流而定。 6、单个产品在单个市场的销售价格将直接影响产品的销量。建议在推荐价格上上下波动。 7、代理商(渠道)与销售人员的多少,直接影响产品的销量。 8、代理商建立数的范围为:0,99家,根据营销计划而定。支持费用输入范围为:0,999万元。佣金比例的最小单位为:0.01,输入范围为:0.01,0.99。 9、代理商也存在着流失,代理商的流失跟代理商的销售提成收入有关。提成比例过低将进行流失。 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 项目(实验)九 管理报告 学时数:4 一、实习(实验)类型 演示性实验 二、实习(实验)目的 了解与掌握管理报告 三、实习(实验)内容及要求 1、经营报告。 so that workers form a building ology,ducation system extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideive implementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 eeffectzation construct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments below the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civiliusage ronment, noise complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material arge standards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding envidisch rive to obtain "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewaterthe first civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil stch as ed checking and correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, sun. 4, project safety production management information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improvfiling. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completio5 2、财务报表 公司财务信息将包括四部分: 一部分为财务帐目; 一部分为下季财务数据; 一部分为损益表; 一部分为资产负债表; 一部分为现金流量表; 3、公司排名报告 4、产品有偿信息 5、公司有偿信息 四、实习(实验)地点 专业实验室 at workers form a buildingtem extensively and civilized construction management education, improve the overall construction initiative, ideology, so thon sysplementation of responsibility system for civil construction, ensure the goal of civilization. Ordinal system name 1 educatiruct management system to establish a sound and civilized construction system, at all levels and all departments effective imconst the standards set by the State, average savings rate of 1% the following three materials. Section II project the civilizationse complaints decreased by 20%; 3, reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy, construction raw material usage below t, noitandards; reducing and controlling the generation of solid waste; 2, reduce the impact of noise on the surrounding environmenin "safe and civilized model site of Zhuhai city" title. Environmental management goal 1, noise, dust, wastewater discharge so obtarst civilization construction and environmental management objectives and civilized construction objectives of civil strive tand correction, a total of four volumes. Construction and environmental protection in other security measures, such as the fimanagement information system of the Ministry of health planning, implementation, c d improved checking filing. 3, the safety records should be complete in time, and continues to project completion. 4, project safety production 6
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