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工程见证取样方案工程见证取样方案 一、工程概况 1、工程名称:合肥创景花园2#楼 2、工程地点:合肥市绩溪路与曙光路交叉口 3、建设规模:建筑面积约31605平方米。 4、总投资:约3000万人民币 5、工程质量等级:工程质量达到合格 6、建设单位:合肥创景物业发展有限责任公司 7、设计单位:合肥东华工程科技股份有限公司 7、勘察单位:安徽工程勘察研究院 8、监理单位:合肥市南巽工程建设监理有限公司 9、施工单位:浙江歌山建设集团 二、见证取样依据 1、工程有关法律、法规《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《建筑工程质量管...

工程见证取样方案 一、工程概况 1、工程名称:合肥创景花园2#楼 2、工程地点:合肥市绩溪路与曙光路交叉口 3、建设规模:建筑面积约31605平方米。 4、总投资:约3000万人民币 5、工程质量等级:工程质量达到合格 6、建设单位:合肥创景物业发展有限责任公司 7、设计单位:合肥东华工程科技股份有限公司 7、勘察单位:安徽工程勘察研究院 8、监理单位:合肥市南巽工程建设监理有限公司 9、施工单位:浙江歌山建设集团 二、见证取样依据 1、工程有关法律、法规《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《建筑工程质量管理条例》、《中华人民共和国 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 法》、《房屋建筑工程和市政基础施工实行见证取样和送样的规定》。 2、技术 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 、规范、规程:见附表 序编号 名称 号 1 GB50319-2000 建设 建设监理规范 2 GB50300-2001 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 3 GB50202-2002 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范 4 GB50204-2002 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 5 GB50207-2002 屋面工程质量验收规范 6 GB50242-2002 建筑给水排水及采暖工程验收规范 7 GB50303-2002 建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范 《中华人民共和国工程建设标准强制8 性条文》(房屋建筑部分) 3、合同:本工程的建设工程委托监理公司、建设工程 施工合同 综合布线施工合同下载隔墙施工合同工厂拆除工程施工合同工程地板砖施工合同协议书范本广场地砖施工合同 。 4、设计文件:本工程地质勘探资料、经批准的设计文件(设计图纸、设计说明、设计指定的标准图集、设计图纸会审纪要、设计变更文件、经设计确认的工程变更文件等)。 5、施工及监理文件:本工程的施工组织设计和监理规划。 三、见证取样的程序 1、建设单位向监督单位和检测单位“见证单位和见证人授权书”以便工 程质量监督单位和工程质量检测单位检查核对。 2、施工单位取样人员在现场对涉及结构安全的试块、试件和材料进行现场取样时,见证人员必须在旁见证。 3、见证人员采取有效的措施对试件进行监护和施工取样人员一起将试件送至检测单位或采用有效封样措施送样。 4、检测单位在接受检测任务时,由送检单位填写送样委托单,委托单上有该工程见证人员和取样人员签字,否则检测单位有权拒收。 5、检测单位应检查委托单及试件上的标识和封志,确认无误后方可进行检测。 6、见证取样送样的检测报告必须加盖见证取样检测的专用章。 7、检测单位发现试件检测结果不合格时应立即通知该工程的质量监督单位和见证单位,同时还应同知施工单位。 四、见证人员的职责 1、单位工程施工前,见证人员应会同施工项目负责人、取样人员共同制定送样计划。 2、见证人员应制作见证记录,竣工时应将见证记录归入施工档案。 3、见证人员和取样人员应对试件的真实性和代表性负责。 4、取样时,见证人员必须在旁见证,取样人员应在见证人员见证下在试件和其包装上作出标识、封志。标识、封志应标明工程名称、取样部位、取样日期、样品名称和样品数量,见证人员和取样人员应共同签字。 5、见证人员必须对试件进行监护,有专用送样工具的工地,见证人员必须亲自封样。 6、见证人员必须和送样人员一起将试件送至检测单位。 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 7、见证人员必须在检验委托单上签字,同时出示“见证员证”,以备检测单位核验。 8、见证人员应廉洁奉公,秉公办事。 五、见证取样、送样的范围 1、钢筋原材料按各规格、品种、进场批、每60t抽取一组试件, 不足60t也为一组抽取试件. 2、钢筋电渣压力焊按每一施工段中300个同级别接头作为一批,抽取一组试件,不足300个时仍作为一批,抽取一组试件。 3、闪光对焊、直螺纹按同一台班内由同一焊工完成的300个同级别、同直径的接头作为一批,抽取一组试件。当同一台班内的接头数量较少,一人连续制作时,可在一周之内累计计算;累计仍不足300个接头按一批计算,抽取一组试件。 4、水泥按同一厂家、同品种、同强度等级、同一批号且连续进场的水泥为一个取样单位。袋装200t为一批,每批抽样不少于一次。取样应有代表性,可连续取,亦可从20个以上不同部位取等量样品,总量不少于20Kg。 35、石子、砂按同产地、同规格每200M或300t为一验收批抽取一组试样。在料堆上取样时取样部位应均匀分布。先将取样部位表面铲除,然后由各部位抽取样品。 6、红砖、多孔砖按JC\T466-92(96)规定每3.5~15万块为一批,抽取一组试件。不足3.5万块按一批计,抽取一组试件。 37、砼试块留置按每一施工段、每拌制100盘或100M同一配合比砼, 3抽取一组标养试块和一组同条件试块。连续浇筑超过1000M时,同 3一配合比砼每200M抽取一组标养试块和一组同条件试块。地下室砼,同以上标准抽取一组抗渗砼试块。 8、砌筑沙浆试块留置按每一施工段、同一台班、同一配合比抽取一组试块。 9、防水卷材按同一品种、标号、等级的产品每1500卷为一批,不足1500卷也为一批。现场检验按卷材大于1000卷时抽5卷,500~1000卷时抽4卷。100~499卷时抽3卷,100卷以下抽2卷,进行规格尺寸和外观质量检验。在外观质量检验合格的卷材中,任取一卷进行物理性能检验。 10、防水涂料按同一类型、型号的50t为一批,不足50t也为一批。分10次在10个不同部位抽取10Kg样品进行检测。 11、铝合金门窗按每批同规格型号的出厂检验合格的产品中随机抽取窗户三樘、门两樘,进行物理性能和启闭性能检验。 六、砼见证取样一览表 工程部位 标养 同条件 抗渗 拆模 备注 桩基护壁 ? ? 桩基桩芯 ? ? 基础垫层 ? ? 基础承台、底板、梁、柱 ? ? ? 负二层梁、板、柱 ? ? ? ? samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method 负一层梁、板、柱 ? ? ? ? 一~四层梁、板、柱 ? ? ? 五~二十八层梁、板、柱 ? ? ? 顶层梁、板、柱 ? ? ? 电梯机房梁、板、柱 ? ? ? 见 证 取 样 方 案 证 建 设 单 位:合肥创景物业发展公司 施 工 单 位:浙江歌山建设集团 监理工程师: 总监理工程师: 合肥市南巽工程建设监理有限责任公司 二0 0五年四月十日 samples if possible first enters the processing ... Sterilization containers: from plastic bags to sterilized gallon paint bucket, can be used to have a sharp edge products such as crab, shrimp, and so on. Sampling tools: sampling tool including: a teaspoon, spoon, needle-nosed pliers, angle fovceps tongs beakers and beaker, tool type is generally decided by the sample products. All sampling and date of sterilization of the container should be checked and sterilization time should be indicated on the label and packaging of equipment facilities, some facilities can be purchased at a local laboratory sterilization or disinfection equipment, laboratory and sterilization of instruments and facilities can be kept on the ground for at least two months, expired facilities must be sterilized again. Sterile gloves: sterile gloves must not be enabled in a sample, if a product is in the process of sample collection must be contacted to do it's best to let the factory production line workers (workers processed products), in the sample into a collection container, since the workers in the production process to reach the product, so we cannot think of their products and have the additional pollution. When the gloves must be a way to avoid contamination, wear, gloves must be fit to work needs. No bacteria cotton swab child: General for swab take instrument facilities and factory environment regional, using cotton swab child General has a right of program, open cotton swab child stripping off epidermal, then must carefully of put in tube head Shang, note don't contaminated cotton swab childliquid to dissolve in liquid. Often referred to as solvent of liquid components in the solution ...AVolume of water solution. 6. the titre (t) titer is the solution concentration is another method. It has two meanings, said on its per milliliter of solution of solute in grams or milligrams. Titration of sodium hydroxide solution NaoH = 0.0028g/mL=2.8m g/mL for t, second per ml of solution corresponds to the measured substance grams or milligrams. If titre of reagent T=3.5 card, 1mL card reagent is equivalent to 3.5 grams of water content, and when the determination of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, says there are two concentrations of silver nitrate: AgNO3 t t NaCl =1.84mg/mL, =1mg/mL, 1mg, indicating a 1mL solution containing silver nitrate, which represents the 1mL solution 1.84mg of sodium chloride, NaCl t =1.84 said, Known titre multiplied by the number of volume consumed in the titration of the standard solution, can be worked out of components to be measured, quite easy to calculate. Worth noting is that there are a lot of books or reagent also follows the concept of normality in the directory indicated by n, such as hydrochloric acid concentration is 0.1N indicates 1L hydrochloric acid solution containing 0.1 equivalent, also called volume parts per million. Was one of the original international concentration, is based on the equivalent law. Now with the new concept of "amount of substance, such as rules" instead of the equivalent law, so equivalent concentrations are no longer applied. On the relationship between n and m, the equivalent relation between concentration and Molarity, is not the same for different substances. Such as sulfuric acid: 1M h 2 SO 4 =2N h 2 SO 4, General writing m (1/2H 2 SO4) =0.1000mol/L, and potassium permanganate: 1M KMhO4 =5N KMnO 4, General writing m (1/5KMnO4) =0.1000mol/L. Third, the solution has not been made and saved (a) preparation of standard solution method
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