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中医英语课件整理中医英语整理资料 Chapter 1 Yin-yang and five phase theory 1.1Basic terms and phrases in yin-yang and five phase theory ●阴阳学说Yin-yang theory ●精气学说Essential qi theory ●五行学说Five phase( element) theory ●相生engendering( wood engenders fire; Fire engenders earth…) ●...

中医英语整理资料 Chapter 1 Yin-yang and five phase theory 1.1Basic terms and phrases in yin-yang and five phase theory ●阴阳学说Yin-yang theory ●精气学说Essential qi theory ●五行学说Five phase( element) theory ●相生engendering( wood engenders fire; Fire engenders earth…) ●相克( restraining( Earth restrains water, Water restrains fire…) ●相乘overwhelming( 或over-acting) ●相侮rebellion( 或insulting) ●母子相及mother and child affecting each other ●母气mother qi ●子气child qi ●虚deficiency ●实excess ● 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf exterior ●里interior ●热heat ●寒cold ●阴盛yin exuberance 阴盛阳衰Yin exuberance with yang debilitation 阳盛阴衰Yang exuberance with yin debilitation 阴阳是事物的两类属性 Yin and yang are the fundamental categories of all phenomena. 背属阳,腹属阴;The back is yang and the abdomen is yin. 六腑属阳,五脏属阴The six bowels are yang and the five viscera are yin. 气属阳,血属阴 表、实、热证属阳,里、虚、寒属阴Exterior, excess and heat disease patterns are yang , while interior, deficiency and cold disease patterns are yin. 阴阳互根mutual rooting of yin and yang 阳根于阴,阴根于阳Yang has its root in yin; yin has its root in yang. 阴损及阳Detriment to yin affects yang 阳损及阴Detriment to yang affects yin. 肝阳上亢Ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang 阳胜则阴病,阴胜则阳病;If yang abounds, yin ails and if yin abounds, yang ails. 阳胜则热,阴胜则寒 When yang prevails, there is heat and when yin prevails there is cold. 寒胜则痛when cold prevails, there is pain. 升清降浊upbearing the clear and downbearing the turbid 邪之所凑,其气必虚 For pathogens to encroach, qi must be deficient ( translated by Nigel Wiseman) 大肠主津,小肠主液 The large intestine governs fluid while the small intestine governs humor. 夺血者无汗,夺汗者无血。 Despoliation of blood diminishes sweat, and despoliation of sweat diminishes blood. 衄家不可发汗,亡血家不可发汗。 Patients suffering from nosebleeds may not be made to sweat and patients suffering from blood collapse may not be made to sweat. 1 1.2治疗学(Therapeutics) ●散dissipate ●理regulate ●清clear ●泻purge ●敛constrain ●润moisten ●补tonify ●滋enrich ●养nourish ●健fortify ●固secure ●解release ●涩astringe ●祛dispel ●温warm ●益replenish ●除eliminate ●滋enrich ●化resolve ●化痰resolve phlegm ●(转)化transform ●肝阳化火liver yang transforming into fire ●肝阳化风liver yang transforming into wind ●疏soothing( 动词原形:soothe) ●疏肝理气soothe the liver and regulate qi ●疏肝养血soothe the liver and nourish the blood ●疏肝健脾soothe the liver and fortify the spleen ●疏肝和胃soothe the liver and harmonize the stomach ●温补命门warm and tonify the life gate ●解表release the exterior ●清法clearing method ●清肝火clear liver fire ●清热和胃clear heat and harmonize the stomach ●泻火purge fire ●泻肝purge the liver ●泻心purge the heart ●润肠Moisten the intestines ●温胃warm the stomach ●温中warm the middle ●温中散寒warm the middle to dissipate cold ●温中和胃warm the middle to harmonize the stomach ●温阳行水warm yang to move water ●温经止痛warm the meridian to relieve pain ●散淤dissipate the stasis ●散寒dissipate cold ●潜阳subdue yang ●平肝潜阳pacify the liver to subdue yang ●宣肺止咳diffuse the lung to suppress cough ●宣肺平喘diffuse the lung to calm panting ●宣肺化痰diffuse the lung to resolve phlegm ●补气生血 t onify qi and engender blood ●补养心血tonify and nourish heart blood ●滋阴补阳enrich yin and tonify yang ●虚者补之Treat deficiency with( or by) tonification 或 Deficiency is treated with (or by) tonification ●寒者热之Treat cold with heat ●热者寒之Treat heat with cold ●扶正祛邪reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors. ●八法eight methods ●扶正reinforce the healthy qi ●祛邪eliminate the pathogenic factors. 祛风剂wind-dispelling formula 清暑剂summerheat-clearing formula 安神剂tranquilizing formula 补益剂tonifying and replenishing formula 理血剂blood-regulating formula 1.3 Syndrome differentiation ●辨证pattern identification/syndrome differentiation ●阴阳辨证yin-Yang pattern identification/syndrome differentiation ●阴阳失调证pattern/syndrome of yin-yang disharmony ●阴证yin pattern/syndrome ●阴虚证yin deficiency pattern/syndrome ●阴阳两虚pattern/syndrome of dual deficiency of yin and yang ●阴虚火旺证pattern/syndrome of yin deficiency with effulgent fire ●阴虚水停证pattern/syndrome of yin deficiency with water retention ●阴虚湿热证pattern/syndrome of yin deficiency with dampness-heat ●low fever, night sweating( night sweats), flushed cheeks in the afternoon, vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles, a bitter and greasy taste in the mouth, reddened tongue with yellow slimy fur and rapid fine pulse ●表证exterior pattern ●sudden onset, aversion to cold or to wind, fever, headache, generalized pain, thin tongue fur and floating pulse ●半表半里证half-exterior half-interior pattern/syndrome ●bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat, nausea and loss of appetite, string-like pulse ●表虚证exterior deficiency pattern/syndrome ●reluctance to speak, lassitude, palpitation, dizziness, tinnitus, decreased food intake, weak pulse ●表寒证exterior cold pattern ●表热证exterior heat pattern ●里热证interior heat pattern ●表热里寒pattern of exterior heat and interior cold Chapter 2 Qi, blood, essence and fluid and humor 2.1 Basic terms ●津液fluid and humor ●伤津damage to fluid ●先天之气innate qi (prenatal qi) ●先天之精innate essence ●后天之气acquired qi ●后天之精acquired essence ●正气healthy qi ●邪气pathogenic qi ●元气primordial qi ( source qi) ●卫气defensive qi ●营气nutrient( nutritive) qi ●脏气visceral qi ●腑气bowel qi ●血虚blood deficiency ●肝藏血the liver stores the blood. ●脾统血the spleen manages the blood. ●血主濡之blood governs nutrition. ●血热blood heat ●血为气之母blood is the mother of qi ●血瘀blood stasis ●瘀血static blood ●Essence is the basis of the body ●acquired essence ●essence of water and food ●reproductive essence( innate essence) ●气为血之帅Qi is the commander of the blood. ●气能生血Qi engenders blood. ●气能行血Qi moves blood. ●气能摄血Qi contains blood. ●气不摄血Qi deficiency failing to control blood ●气脱qi collapse ●气闭qi block ●气滞qi stagnation ●气逆qi counterflow ●气陷qi sinking ●气机不利inhibited qi movement (或 inhibited qi dynamics) ●三焦triple energizers ●上焦upper energizer ●中焦middle energizer ●下焦lower energizer ●筋骨sinews and bones ●血气不和,百病乃而生 ●If blood and qi fall into disharmony, a hundred diseases may arise. ●气主煦之,血主濡之Qi invigorates and blood nourishes. ●Human life depends on this qi. ●When qi gathers, the physical body is formed; when it disperses, the body dies ●中焦受气,取汁,变化为赤,是谓血 ●The miraculous pivot states: “the middle energizer takes in qi, extracts its essence, and turns it into the red substance that is blood.” ●肝受血而能视;足受血能步;掌受血能握;指受血而能摄。 ●The liver receives blood, so there is sight; the legs receive blood and thus are able to walk; the hands receive blood and so are able to grip; the fingers receive blood and then are able to grasp. ●中焦之所受气者,泌其糟粕,蒸津液,化其精微,上行于肺脉,乃化而为血,以 奉生身,莫贵于此,故独得行于经隧,命曰营气。 ●From the qi that the middle energizer takes in, it produces waste and distills fluids from which it extracts the essence. This then flows into the lung meridian where it is transformed into blood which furnishes the needs of the body. Its preciousness is unexcelled by anything. It flows through the blood vessels and is known as nutrient qi. 2.2 Symptoms ●血虚证:证见面白无华或萎黄、唇色淡白、爪甲苍白、头晕眼花、心悸失眠、手足发麻、 舌淡苔白、脉细无力 ●blood deficiency pattern/syndrome Commonly-seen symptoms in blood deficiency syndrome are: pale(lusterless) or sallow complexion, pale lips and nails, dizziness, dimmed vision, insomnia, palpitations, numbness of extremities, pale tongue and white tongue fur and fine (forceless) pulse. ●面色淡白或晦滞,身倦乏力,气少懒言,疼痛如刺,常见于胸胁,痛处不移,拒按,舌 淡暗或有紫斑,脉沉涩。 Pale white or dull, dark complexion, lassitude and lack of strength, shortage of qi with no desire to talk, unpalpable stabbing pain frequently seen in rib-side(s) of fixed location, pale tongue or with purple speckles, sunken and rough pulse. ●Blood collapses pattern a critical pattern occurring in cases of acute massive bleeding, marked by pallor, dizziness, palpitations, faint and short breathing, cold extremities and even mental confusion, pale tongue, hardly perceptible pulse. ●Blood stasis pattern A pattern marked by formation of visible painful and tender mass, or abdominal mass with stabbing pain and tenderness, or bleeding of blood with clots, irregular pulse. ●Blood heat pattern A pattern that occurs when exuberant pathogenic heat enters the blood aspect and is manifested by fever, nose-bleeds, vomiting of blood, expectoration of blood , bloody stool, skin eruptions, or advanced periods with profuse bright-red menstrual discharge, vexation, or even delirium and convulsions, deep crimson tongue and rapid string-like pulse. ●咳嗽cough ●干咳dry cough ●干呕dry retching ●呕吐 v omiting ●吐酸acid vomiting ●呃逆hiccup ●嗳气belching ●恶心nausea ●久病enduring disease(illness)●体质虚弱weak constitution ●营养不良malnutrition ●劳倦overexertion and fatigue ●食欲不振poor appetite ●消化不良indigestion ●胸闷oppression in the chest ●脱肛prolapse of the rectum ●大量失血heavy blood loss ●血液生成blood formation ●面色complexion ●面色萎黄sallow facial complexion ●面黄yellow complexion ●面色苍白pale complexion ●面色淡白pale white complexion (注意) ●面色晦暗dull,dark complexion ●头晕dizziness ●心悸palpitation ●惊悸fright palpitations ●心慌flusteredness ●健忘forgetfulness (amnesia) ●无泽lusterless ●失眠insomnia ●心烦vexation ●烦热heat vexation ●手足烦热vexing heat in the extremities ●手足心热heat in the palms and soles ●五心烦热vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles ●身重heavy body ●身痒generalized itching ●身痛generalized pain ●麻木(不仁)numbness ●钝痛dull pain ●耳痛ear pain ●目痛eye pain ●胸痛chest pain ●胃痛stomach pain ●腹痛abdominal pain ●足跟痛heel pain ●胀痛distending pain ●刺痛stabbing pain ●冷痛cold pain ●灼痛scorching pain ●固定痛fixed pain ●剧痛severe pain ●痛无定处pain of unfixed location ●耳鸣tinnitus ●口渴thirst ●口干dry mouth ●口淡bland taste in the mouth ●口苦bitter taste in the mouth ●口甜sweet taste in the mouth ●口酸sour taste in the mouth ●口涩astringent taste in the mouth ●口咸salty taste in the mouth ●口麻numbness in the mouth ●口粘腻sticky slimy sensation in the mouth ●宿食retained food ●嗜偏食dietary predilection ●五味偏嗜flavor predilection ●饮食不节dietary irregularities ●嗳气belching ●便溏sloppy stool(or loose stool s) ●水泻watery diarrhea ●里急后重tenesmus ●儒泄soggy diarrhea ●便脓血stool containing pus and blood ●大便干硬hard bound stool ●小便不利inhibited urination ●小便频数frequent urination ●小便涩痛difficult painful urination ●小便浑浊turbid urine ●小便短少short voidings of scant urine ●小便短赤short voidings of reddish urine ●小便清长long voidings of clear urine ●沉脉sunken pulse ●数脉rapid pulse ●细脉fine pulse( thready pulse) ●洪脉surging pulse( flooding pulse) ●弦脉string-like pulse ●濡脉soggy pulse ●微脉faint pulse ●浮脉floating pulse ●缓脉moderate pulse ●淡白舌pale tongue ●Red tongue红舌 ●Purple tongue紫舌 ●pale red tongue淡红舌 ●blue tongue青舌 ●bluish purple tongue青紫舌 ●crimson tongue绛舌 ●舌苔tongue fur ●白苔white fur ●黄苔yellow fur ●燥苔dry fur ●厚苔thick fur ●粘腻苔sticky slimy fur ●谵语delirious speech ●错语disordered speech ●恶寒aversion to cold ●畏寒fear of cold ●自汗spontaneous sweating ●盗汗night sweating ( night sweats) ●冷汗cold sweating ●神疲lassitude of spirit ●乏力lack of strength ●游走性疼痛wandering pain Chapter 3 Disease and Its causes 3.1 Basic terms ●三因three causes ●内因internal cause ●外因external cause ●不内外因causes neither internal nor external ●外感疾病externally contracted diseases ●正邪相争struggle between the healthy qi and pathogenic qi ●六气six(environmental)qi ●六淫six excesses ●疠气pestilential qi ●传化transmission and transformation ●易受病邪的伤害be susceptible to pathogens ●五志five minds (five emotions)●五志化火transformation of the five minds into fire ●七情seven emotions ●喜joy ●怒anger ●忧anxiety ●思thought ●悲sorrow ●惊fear ●恐fright ●水湿water-dampness ●痰湿phlegm-dampness ●寒(pathogenic)cold ●暑邪(pathogenic)summerheat ●湿(pathogenic)dampness ●燥(pathogenic)dryness ●火(pathogenic)fire ●热(pathogenic)heat ●外湿external dampness ●外寒external cold ●外燥external dryness ●外风external wind ●内湿internal dampness ●内寒i nternal cold ●内燥internal dryness ●内风internal wind ●毒toxin ●热毒heat toxin ●卒发sudden onset ●徐发gradual onset ●阴虚内热yin deficiency with internal heat ●阴虚阳亢yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity ●阴虚火旺yin deficiency with effulgent fire ●肝气不和disharmony of liver qi ●肝气犯脾liver qi invading the spleen ●肝火犯肺liver qi invading the lung ●肝火上炎liver fire flaming upward
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