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鞋子的陈列技巧鞋子的陈列技巧 美感是人类的高层次需求,而鞋子的贩卖,除了本身的造形之外,陈列所散发出的商品魅力,还可以增加产品的附加价值,并提高顾客的消费满意度。 近来网络销售盛行,但是Home Page的负责人似乎过于强调网络购物的便利性,忽略了商品的陈列美感,让消费者观看网页之后,无法感觉商品的差异性,使得消费者迟迟无法下决定购买。 三角形构成法 现代都会里,汽车充斥,水泥丛林比比皆是,使得大部份人都站在正方形或长方形等图形领域。事实上,在数学领域里,三点即可决定一平面,也就是说三角形即可构成稳定的平面,不会摇晃,平...

鞋子的陈列技巧 美感是人类的高层次需求,而鞋子的贩卖,除了本身的造形之外,陈列所散发出的商品魅力,还可以增加产品的附加价值,并提高顾客的消费满意度。 近来网络销售盛行,但是Home Page的负责人似乎过于强调网络购物的便利性,忽略了商品的陈列美感,让消费者观看网页之后,无法感觉商品的差异性,使得消费者迟迟无法下决定购买。 三角形构成法 现代都会里,汽车充斥,水泥丛林比比皆是,使得大部份人都站在正方形或长方形等图形领域。事实上,在数学领域里,三点即可决定一平面,也就是说三角形即可构成稳定的平面,不会摇晃,平衡感极佳,令人看了之后觉得能安心,有安全感。 所以三角形构成法就是陈列的基本模式之一。现在介绍几个基本的三角形构法: 1、等边三角形:等边三角形宛如一个金字塔的前视图,其特色就是左右两对称,可作到完美的平衡,让人有安定与高格调的感觉。 1)钝角等边三角形(其中一个角大于90度) 由于开度大,更显出稳重、沈稳、肃穆、庄严的感觉,适合于陈列有质感的高价位、高档商品。 2)锐角三角形(每一角都小于90度) 垂直高度高,开度小,最高顶点形成尖锐点,强调高耸垂直的垂直线,有前卫、冲刺、强调的意味。 2、不等边三角形 较长的一边,吸引消费者目光,并引导消费者的方向,使其视觉移动,适合主题式、系列式的商品群展示,也适合长度较长的商品陈列。 3、倒三角形 给人危险、不安定、摇摇欲坠的危机感,适合强詷主题的流行讯息的传达。但较不合于卖场中的贩卖商品的陈列 4、三角形的重迭 当商品陈列数量较多,而且陈列空间也较大时,可以将各个不同大小的三角形重迭起来,整体的视觉感仍是三角形的呈现,而被重迭的三角形则是作为视觉焦点的目的。 5、重复三角形 取适当的间隔距离,重复排列几个三角形,如像一群排队而过的小鸭群,令人有轻松、可爱的感觉,但注意间隔距离要适当,而且要保持适度的空间,否则一味的强调同形状的三角形排列,反而有呆板、迟滞的负面感觉,反而失去了意义。此外,注意总数要成为奇数,会比偶数更感到流畅。 三角形陈列实例 1、钝角等边三角形强调同一色系的鞋子,鞋头朝向中央,可集中消费者的目光,适合流行讯息的传达,高档商品。 2、钝角等边三角形 放射性的流动感,有流动、奔放、活泼的感觉,适合年轻的商品。 3、重复三角形 采用适当的间隔距离,鞋子的侧面即是一个不等边的三角形,长边更强调了鞋子本身的质感。 4、三角形的重迭 侧放的鞋子本身就是三角形,与整体的三角形重迭。 colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 5、不等边三角形 虽有同样的外形设计,但却有不同的颜色系列时,使用堆栈的手法,可以作轻松的表现,减轻繁重感。如果还有再多一点变化,可以再加以其它小配件。' 6、重复的三角形 皮包或鞋子的卖场中,常使用壁面展示,以重复三角形,两种商品同时陈列的方式,较能加深印象,也易于浏灠商品 7、立体三角形. 是立体的复合式排列,适合作空间变化的陈列,也适合于店头陈列 皮鞋店铺陈列培训四 1、色彩意象知识 当我们看到色彩时心理会产生感觉。这种感觉一般难以用言语形容我们称之为印象也就是色彩意象 (1)、红色的色彩象:一般用来传达活力、积极、热诚、温暖、前进等企业形象与企业精神。在鞋业品牌陈列中红色陈列使用的几率很高,尤其是在节日陈列和专题陈列当中使用最多。 大红--------桃红-------石榴红----------玫瑰红 (2)橙色色彩意象:一般会用于店铺的内部装修与灯光上。一般用来传达明亮活泼有动感的特性。 鲜橙--------橘橙--------朱橙--------香吉士 (3)黄色色彩意象:表现意示:轻松活泼,在运动休闲鞋样中陈列使用较广,其表现意示容易使消费者往往购买的冲动,在灯光使用上也是最能体现鞋样品质的一种色彩。 大黄--------柠檬黄--------柳丁黄---------米黄 (4)绿色色彩意象:绿色纯正清爽,理想,希望,生长的意思,一般用于鞋店的道具上,能对陈列起到非常关键的衬托作用。店铺的环境也是主要靠绿色来改善与体现的。 大绿--------翠绿--------橄榄绿--------墨绿 (5)蓝色色彩意象:由于蓝色沉稳的特性,具有理智,准确地意象,在商业设计陈列中强调科技效率的商品或企业形象大多选用蓝色,另外蓝色也代表忧郁。 大蓝--------天蓝--------水蓝--------深蓝 (6)紫色的色彩意象:具有强烈的女性化性格,在陈列色中,紫色受到相当限制。 colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 大紫--------贵族紫--------葡萄酒紫--------深紫 (7)褐色的色彩意象:通常用来表现原始材料的质感,如麻、木材、竹片、软木等,或用来表达某些商品原料的色泽,或强调格调古雅的企业形象或品牌形象。 茶色--------可可色--------麦芽色---------原木色 (8)白色的色彩意象:在陈列中白色具有高级科技的意象,通常需和其他颜色搭配,白色给人以寒冷严峻的感觉,所以在使用白色时,通常会掺一些其他的色彩如牙白、米白、乳白、苹果白。 (9)黑色的色彩意象:在陈列中黑色高贵、稳重、科技的意象。黑色的庄严的色彩意象也常用在一些特殊场合的室间设计,鞋样产品大多用黑色来塑造高贵的形象,黑色是永远的流行色。 (10)灰色的色彩意象:灰色具有柔和高雅的意象,而且属于中间性格,男女皆能接受,也是流行的颜色, 大灰--------老鼠灰--------深灰--------蓝灰 2;色彩的三要素:色彩的三个基本性质,色名-明度-彩度 (1)、色名;既是区分彩色的名称。也是色彩的名字。如同人名,来辨别不同的色彩 (2)、明度:光线强时,感觉比较亮。光线比较弱时,感觉比较暗,色彩的明暗强度就是所谓的明度,明度高指色彩明亮。 (3)、彩度:指色彩的纯度,通常以某彩色的同色名纯色的比例来分辨彩度的高低。 鞋品销售开场的技巧 开场技巧一:新品、新货、新款开场的技巧 鞋同服装一样,每季的货品都有不同,因此,新季新款的鞋子便成为最大的卖点。 以下的话术是笔者 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 的正确话术: “小姐,这是我们刚到的秋冬最新款,我来给您介绍„„”(正确,开门见山) “小姐,您眼光真好,这双鞋是今年秋冬最流行的„款式,穿起来会显得非常与众不同,请您试一下,这边请~”(正确,新款加赞美) colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System “小姐,您好,这是今年夏天最流行的露趾、绑带凉鞋,特别符合您的气质,穿上后您会显得更加妩媚动人。我帮您试穿下,看是否合脚,这边请~”(正确,突出新款的特点) “小姐,您好,这是我们最新款的金属色系带凉鞋,是今年夏天的流行款,金属色系带风格非常受欢迎,这边请试穿下~“(正确,表达新款的畅销) “小姐,这款鞋,是今年夏天的流行时尚,木纹跟的原木色调搭配卯钉展现率真自我的风格,镂空设计让随性中流露出自然的性感,我帮您搭配试穿下,这边请~”(正确,突出新款式的利益点) “小姐,您眼光真好,这款鞋是今年春夏最流行的休闲款式,蝴蝶结圆头鞋,和正装、休闲装都很好搭配。”(正确,突出新款的卖点) 以下的话术则是错误的语言,一般会得到客人的拒绝: “小姐,现在有新款刚刚到货,请问您有没有兴趣,”(错误,“没有”) “小姐,夏季新款刚刚上市,您要不要试穿下,”(错误,“不用了”) “小姐,冬季新款刚刚上市,您要不要看下,”(错误,“不用了”) “小姐,这是我们的最新款,你喜欢吗,”(错误,“一般”) “小姐,今年流行金色,你喜欢吗,”(错误,“不喜欢”) 开场技巧二:促销开场 零售业促销天天有,手段也是各种各样,促销成为销售的重要手段。促销的开场白同样是鞋业导购经常会用到的技巧,然而太多的促销却被我们终端的导购白白浪费了,为什么这么说呢, 做培训进行到这里时,都会让前排的几个学员依次把下面的一个信息用她自己的语言传递给大家: “小姐,我们店里正在做活动,现在买是最划算的时候~” 她们传递出来的效果都几乎没有区别,我就让最后一个学员按照我说的方法来传递这句话:读到这句话中加黑的部分,马上用重音,用很大的声音。 她读完之后,效果出来了,我问她们后排的学员:“你们觉得她们哪个人的语言听起来是最划算的,” 大家无一例外地回答:“是最后一位学员。”用重音传递出来的语言效果让人觉得是最划算的~ colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System 同样的一家店子,做同样的促销活动,卖同样的货品,为什么不同导购的嘴里说出来的话效果是完全不同的呢,我要强调的是——运用重音、兴奋的促销语言才能激起客人的兴奋 以下的是我暂拟的一些话术: “哇~小姐,我们店里正好在做促销,现在买是最划算的时候~”(正确,突出重音) “您好,欢迎光临某某品牌,现在全场货品88折,凡购满1000元即可送„„”(正确) “您好,小姐,您真是太幸运了,现在优惠大酬宾,全场5折。”(正确,即使9折,你也要把9那个字眼说得很疯狂的样子) “小姐,您来得正好,我们店正在搞活动,现在买是最划算的时候~”(正确) “您好,小姐,您运气真好,现在优惠大酬宾,全场88折。”(正确) 促销语言中,重音的运用是重中之重,但你明白了吗,能运用好吗, 开场技巧三:赞美开场 赞美的话谁都爱听,因此,赞美是很好的开场技巧之一。 以下是我们认为正确的话术: “小姐,您真有眼光,您手里拿的正是我们秋冬的最新款„„”(正确) “小姐,您气质真好,„„”(正确) “小姐,您的脚真好看„„”(正确) 到位的赞美必将让那些爱美的女士心花怒放。钱给谁都是给,给就给的开心。 开场技巧四:唯一性开场 物以稀为贵,对于客人喜欢的货品,你都要表达出机会难得的效果,促使客人当下决定购买,因为走出了你店的客人,就不再受你的影响,消失在茫茫人海,我们没有她(他)的电话,没有她(他)的手机,没有她(他)的mail,也没有她(他)的QQ,所以务必要让她在当下买单。 以下的话术是正确的制造“唯一性”的话术: colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System “我们促销的时间只有这2天,过了就没有优惠了,所以现在买是最划算的时候„„不然您得多花好几十甚至上百元,那些钱拿来多买个包包或者配饰多好„„”(正确,制造促销时间的唯一性,机会难得,同时要注意重音的表达) “小姐,我们的这款鞋子是法国设计师设计的最新款式,为了保证款式的唯一性,这款是国内限量生产、限量发售的款式,在我们店这个款已经不多了,建议赶快试试。”(正确,制造货品款式的唯一性,机会难得) 开场技巧五:制造热销开场: 当客人表现出对某款鞋有好感时,我们应该趁热打铁,渲染热销的气氛。 下面的话术是我们建议采纳的: “这是我们品牌重点推出的秋冬最新款,在我们广州的店铺,这个款已经卖断码了,在我们店也只有3双了,建议你试试,我帮您看看有没有您合适的码。”(正确) 开场技巧六:功能卖点 在货品竞争同质化的今天,货品在设计、功能上的差异性是最具竞争力的卖点,这种卖点的独特性,可以成为好的开场介绍方法之一。如下面的例子: “小姐,这款鞋正好是我们品牌今夏特别设计的款式,是采用特殊面料和最新鞋底制作工艺,穿起来特别舒适,并能对足底起到按摩作用。”(正确,突出功能性) 错误的开场就是立刻报价和报出折扣,但大多数导购就是这么做的,不信,可以去商场、专卖店看看。笔者拟的六种开场技巧也可以组合运用:新款加赞美,新款加促销,促销加热销,促销加唯一性,功能加促销等等不一而足,导购员可视现场服务客人的需要,烂熟于胸,随时脱口而出。 colors, graphics, and text that represents the type of terminal equipment. Installation of cabinets, racks, wiring devices shields and metal pipes, wire grounding should comply with the design requirements for tank use, grounding and should maintain a good electrical connection. Completion of the project completion and acceptance of information according to the following requirements for the preparation of technical documents. After the project is completed, construction unit should prior to project acceptance, completion of technical information to the unit. Integrated wiring system for completion of technical information should include the following: installation work; Equipment, equipment list; Changes in drawings for construction after the completion of construction plans; Test records (the Chinese should be used); Engineering changes, inspection records and during the construction, design or related measures of change, by between building, design and construction of units on both sides of the negotiations; Checked and recorded; Concealed work record; The budget of the project. Complete technical documentation to ensure quality, neat in appearance and content is complete, accurate data. Unqualified items found in the acceptance, by the inspection body should be identified, responsibility, and to propose solutions. Project completion acceptance, acceptance steps preparations prior to acceptance, acceptance of the preparatory work should be carried out, including: ? collecting engineering data, classification filing these technical materials including: System
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