首页 自行车山地赛比赛规则



自行车山地赛比赛规则自行车山地赛比赛规则 第四部分 山地车 国际山地车规则 (备注:这些规则在目的与意义上完全代表了山地自行车技术规定,国际自行车联盟管理委 员会保留有事先不通告而修改这些规则的权力。) 总则 第一节 运动员会员证和排名 1.1.1 国际山地自行车会员证遵守国际自盟通则,由国际自盟接纳为会员的国家协会向所有山地车自行 车运动员颁发。 1.1.2 只有完全遵守国际自盟规则的会员证有效,禁止使用其它非官方会员证。 1.1.3 会员证当年有效,所有运动员在被允许参加一个项目的比赛前须出示会员证。 1.1.4 年...

自行车山地赛比赛规则 第四部分 山地车 国际山地车规则 (备注:这些规则在目的与意义上完全代表了山地自行车技术规定,国际自行车联盟管理委 员会保留有事先不通告而修改这些规则的权力。) 总则 第一节 运动员会员证和排名 1.1.1 国际山地自行车会员证遵守国际自盟通则,由国际自盟接纳为会员的国家协会向所有山地车自行 车运动员颁发。 1.1.2 只有完全遵守国际自盟规则的会员证有效,禁止使用其它非官方会员证。 1.1.3 会员证当年有效,所有运动员在被允许参加一个项目的比赛前须出示会员证。 1.1.4 年龄分组由运动员出生年至颁证年的12月31日的方法来确定。 1.1.5 依照国际自盟规则组织的国际山地自行车比赛,参赛运动员的最小年龄限制为17岁。然而,也 允许为提高17岁以下年轻选手的水平而专门设置比赛。 (2004年1月1日修订) 1.1.6 男、女运动员的年龄分组是: 17,18岁 青年组 19岁及以上 精英组 30岁及以上 大师组 1.1.7 如果在青年级或大师级比赛中,参赛者人数不足15名时,他(她)们可以编到精英级中比赛。 1.1.8 由所在的国家协会推荐,大师级或青年运动员可以参加精英级的比赛。如果大师运动员在世界杯 比赛中参加了精英组的比赛,则其不可以参加当年的大师级世界锦标赛。 1.1.9 国家协会根据其运动员的年龄和技能,对本国内的比赛可有其它排名。(例如:新手组、运动者 组、专业组等)。 1.1.10 持有UCI会员协会颁发的会员证的运动员只能参加由UCI或UCI的一个会员协会批准的比赛。 1.1.11 任何持有UCI会员协会颁发的会员证的运动员如参加了未经批准的比赛将受到处罚。 第二节 服装 1.2.1 除出现在领奖台上的世界冠军服外,允许在比赛服(包括参加世界和洲际锦标赛的正式队服)上 做广告。 1.2.2 世界冠军服的复制品可按照国际自盟有关规则来加工制作。在所有级别中,世界冠军服上允许做 广告的范围和限制如下: 在骑行服前后,国际自盟五彩标记的上方10 cm 高的长方形上。 在两袖子上,高度不超过5 cm 的单行广告。 服装制造商的商标在每件骑行服上只可出现一次,而且最大尺寸不超过25平方厘米(5 ×5)。 1.2.3 世界冠军服的穿着 在所有国际比赛中必须穿世界冠军服。只有当世界冠军赢得专门的比赛或系列赛的领骑 a special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low-hanging on the 衫时例外。 世界冠军服只能在其获胜级别及其获胜项目的比赛中穿着。 前世界冠军获得者们,不论何种级别和项目,可穿着袖口和领子上有国际自盟五彩标记 的骑行服。 1.2.4 各国家协会最迟于每年的12月1日前,须将国家队骑行服和骑行裤的样板(颜色和式样)送交 国际自盟在整个下一年中服装式样不能再有变动。 1.2.5 在世界锦标赛所有级别和项目的比赛中须穿国家队服。 1.2.6 设计送交国际自盟的国家队服上,只有以下的广告是允许的: 在骑行服前,可有最大64平方厘米的两个标记。 在袖子上只能有最大高度5 cm 单行的一个名字或标记。 在骑行服的两边,最大宽度9 cm 的一个侧面条带。 在骑行裤的两边,最大宽度9 cm 的一个侧面条带。 每件骑行服上,制造商标标记只能出现一次,并且最大面积不超过25平方厘米(5 ×5)。 第三节 比赛场地 1.3.1 山地自行车比赛路线应尽可能包括:森林公路和跑道、原野、土或砾石小道。经铺设的路面或柏 油道路,不能超过比赛路线总长的15%。 1.3.2 起、终点 起、终线的横幅放置于正对起、终点线(至少离开3米高)的上方,能覆盖赛道路面的 整个宽度。 集体出发项目的起点骑行区域,必须是: ?自起点线前至少30米的路面宽不得小于8米; ?自起点线后至少100米的路面宽不得小于6米,之后赛道可以变窄。 ?在出发后至少750米或3分钟的路程内须为平路或上坡。 (2004年1月1日修订) 运动员可能成群到达比赛终点的骑行区域,必须是: ?自终点线前50米的路面宽度至少4米; ?自终点线后20米的路面宽度至少4米; ?终点骑行区域设在平道或上坡道上。 在起、终点前后至少50米区域的道路两侧,应安装护栏。终点如与起点不在一处,也 应如此。在运动员骑行的起、终点区域内应无任何可能引起摔跤或任何碰撞机会的障碍。 速降赛起点区域至少必须有2米宽,终点区域至少必须有6米宽。起点区域须有顶篷。 在终点线后必须有最少50米的附加制动区域。本区域必须是畅通无阻的缓冲段。 个人越野赛和速降赛的比赛路线必须被区分,并且不应有公用的小道。然而,如果使用 了公用小道,在每个赛道上要安排单独的训练时间。 1.3.3 设备 组织机构应在给自行车做标记的区域和准备出发区域附近留出一个供运动员做准备活 动的区域。 必须为裁判提供适当设施以利于其工作,并在起终点区提供一个有顶篷的区域。 end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-, UCI 自行车规则 竞赛组委会必须向裁判委员会提供无线电通讯设备。裁判之间的无线电通讯设备至少5 部。裁判委员会内部通话必须有一个专门的频道。裁判们必须能够用同一部对讲机但不 同的频道与竞赛主任联系上。 竞赛组织机构和报名处应设在一个封闭的和有顶篷的办公室里。 1.3.4 安全 应设置安全系统,以便为参赛运动员在比赛路线的任何地点,最迅速地提供帮助。 只允许组织机构、新闻媒介、保卫和安全的必要车辆进入比赛路线。 在所有正式训练和比赛时间里,观众包括骑自行车的观众必须离开比赛、训练路线。 第四节 竞赛官员职责 1.4.1 技术代表 O、A、B、C、DHc和D1类竞赛项目的技术代表由国际自盟山地自行车委员会指派, UCI管理委员会批准。D2和E 类竞赛项目的技术代表可由主办国家协会指派。 (2003年1月1日修订) 他/她负责竞赛的技术方面,并且在国际自盟总部、国际自盟山地自行车委员会及 组织者之间起联络作用。在D2与E类比赛,其为国家协会与组织者之间的联络人。 技术代表必须事先检查场地,接触组织机构,并且立刻向国际自盟山地自行车委员 会递交一份场地检查 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 。(D2与E类比赛的场地检查报告交主办国家协会),并 向组织者提交这份报告的一份备份。 监督和继续同组织者就比赛事宜进行磋商,确保组织机构恰如其份地落实场地检查 报告中提到的建议。 在第一次正式训练时间前,技术代表要会同总裁判长和组织者对比赛地点、比赛路 线执行检查。技术代表拥有对比赛路线的最终决定权和改变权。 检查裁判团的工作,并向国际自盟山地自行车委员会(D2与E类比赛向主办国家 协会递交)起草一份秘密报告。这份报告连同一份给竞赛组织者的常规比赛报告一 起递交,后者同时复印一份给组织者。 一旦第一次正式训练开始,就将运作比赛的责任转交给裁判委员会。 协调队/运动员会议。 1.4.2 裁判团 总裁判长 A、B、C、DHc、D1、D2、Ehc、E1、E2类的比赛及大师级锦标赛,总裁判长由 UCI山地车委员会委派,并须为国际A级山地车裁判。D2与E类比赛可由主办国 家协会委派。 (2003年1月1日,2004年1月1日修订) 他/她须对整个比赛负责,监督管理起点,安排官员、裁判和成绩服务等,保证在任 何情况下使竞赛规则得以遵守和实施,并协同竞赛主任完成其职责。同相应的官员 一起研究各种处罚。 副总裁判长 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechaniquipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i, 1748788312.doc比赛 A、B类比赛的副总裁判长由国际自盟山地自行车委员会指派,必须是山地车国际 级裁判。C类比赛由相应的洲联合会指派,D、E及大师级锦标赛可由主办国家协 会指派。 他/她直接对总裁判长负责,当总裁判长不在时以总裁判长代表的身份工作,在比赛 中其职责是协助总裁判长完成其职责。 裁判秘书 A类比赛裁判秘书由UCI山地车委员会指派,C类比赛由相应的洲级联合会指派。 B、D、E类比赛与大师级锦标赛可由主办国家协会指派。裁判秘书至少是国家级裁 判,负责记录报名参赛运动员的姓名、年龄、级别、国籍、会员证有效性、会员证 号码、UCI代码和比赛号码。 在完成正式的报到手续后,在运动员的住处通告出发顺序,同时将复印件提供给竞 赛广播员、成绩记录员和起点裁判员用来召集运动员。 裁判秘书配合竞赛主任或他/她的竞赛代理人一起工作。 终点裁判 A类比赛终点裁判由UCI山地车委员会指派,C类比赛由相应的洲级联合会指派, B、D、E类比赛与大师级锦标赛可由主办国家协会指派。终点裁判应至少是国家级 裁判。在比赛结束时,确定运动员通过终点的顺序。赛后15分钟内完成成绩统计 工作。 应至少安排3名裁判员进行协助,应位于终点的两侧。 用山地车前轮前沿的垂直线与终点相切来裁定完成。 起点裁判 A类比赛起点裁判由UCI山地车委员会指派,C类比赛由相应的洲级联合会指派, B、D、E类比赛与大师级锦标赛可由主办国家协会指派。起点裁判应至少是国家级 裁判。负责运动员检录,发令并操纵整个出发过程。 1.4.3 竞赛官员 建议每名竞赛官员至少是国家级裁判,安置在比赛路线周围的重要地点,保证规则的实 施。 协助总裁判长完成其职责,并向总裁判长汇报任何意外事件或违反规则的行为。 避免同运动员、运动队官员、观众一起讨论有嫌疑的事件。 竞赛官员由以下人员组成: 助理裁判: 协同被指派的裁判完成他们的职责。 参与对比赛情况的判断,但没有最终审议权。 1.4.4 引导员: 竞赛组织机构必须提供足够的引导员确保运动员和观众的安全。 向引导员作适当的简要介绍,并发给比赛路线图,图上要标明定位意外事故的简要参考 点。竞赛主任须确保指引员完全了解相关UCI规则。 引导员至少须为16岁。 引导员必须定位在能够提供有效无线电通讯的控制点。 ort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug o, UCI 自行车规则 他们每个人都应有食物、饮料、适当的衣服、一把口哨、一部无线电通讯设备。 他们应该用同一个明显的标记或制服以易于辨认。 在观众可穿越的比赛路面上至少须有2名引导员分站在路的两边确保观众能安全地穿过 路面。 1.4.5 计时员 计取每个运动员的时间,并协同起、终点裁判员完成其职责。 1.4.6 竞赛主任 协调竞赛的组织工作,确保所有人员有效地履行各项职责。 确保训练和比赛安全进行。 为比赛的计时安排所有必要的装备和设施。 第五节 比赛中运动员的标识(本节自2004年1月1日起废止) 1.5.1 运动员必须绑好由竞赛组委会提供的如下号码布(牌): 一块位于车把正前方的车架号码牌或运动员的姓名。这种号码牌适用于各种形式的山地 车比赛。 一块位于背部正中下方位置的身体号码布。 1.5.2 身体号码布上的数字,高至少12厘米,宽至少2 厘米。 1.5.3 车架牌上的数字高至少8厘米,宽至少1.5厘米。 1.5.4 所有的数字应用印刷体。 1.5.5 所有号码布的外围尺寸不能超过以下的规定: 车架号码牌 18 厘米 ×18 厘米 身体号码布 20 厘米(宽) ×18 厘米(高) 1.5.6 只有比赛的组织机构可以在号码布和车架号码牌上印制广告。 1.5.7 身体号码布和车架号码牌上的广告,其高度不得超过6厘米。 1.5.8 身体号码布及车架号码牌均为白底黑字。 1.5.9 号码布应是防水的。 1.5.10 运动员不得裁剪、折迭或损坏比赛号码布(牌)。如号码牌(布)对操车有妨碍,须事先获得技 术代表或/和总裁判长的许可才能进行改动。 第六节 国际竞赛日程和要求 1.6.1 国际山地自行车比赛按如下分类: A类:世界锦标赛 对世界锦标赛而言,首先由山地自行车委员会向国际自盟管理委员会推荐比赛举办 地,然后由国际自盟管理委员会提前3年定下比赛地点。 必须完全遵守UCI世界山地自行车锦标赛组织说明。 B类:世界杯赛 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on theotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,the relectrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i, 1748788312.doc比赛 欢迎所有国家协会根据“国际自盟山地自行车世界杯赛申办文件和组织指南”,在 赛季开始前16个月申办该赛事。 收到的申请将会被UCI山地车委员会研究和吸收,批准留区档。山地车委员会将向 国际自盟管理委员会提出推荐意见,同UCI管理委员会最后确定举办地。 在管理委员会批准该项比赛前,国际自盟和主办协会间必须首先对“国际自盟山地 自行车世界杯费职责 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 ”达成一致意见。 必须完全遵守“国际自盟山地自行车世界杯组织指南”。 C类:洲际性锦标赛 洲际山地自行车比赛的日期由各洲际联合会提出,并由国际自盟管理委员会批准。 比赛执行由各洲际联合会作出“费用表”。如没有现成的“费用表”,可参考国际自 盟的文件。 根据他们在各自洲里排名系统中的位置,男子前40名和女子前20名作为种子选手 有资格参加各自的洲际锦标赛。如果没有洲的排名系统则用国际自盟世界排名代 替,该排名以UCI竞赛日程表中的比赛成绩来计算,时间以洲际比赛举办时间为准。 CN类:国家锦标赛 比赛举行的日期须在UCI山地车委员会确认以后由UCI管理委员会向各国协会提 出建议。 (2002年1月1日修订) 这些比赛必须遵守第六章中所列的多日赛规则。 D1与D2级别的比赛所设的最小奖金额须按规则1.10.10的规定执行。 D类:顶级与次级分段赛 顶级分站赛由国际自盟管理委员会根据国际自盟山地自行车委员会的推荐进行选 择。 这些比赛须按本文件第六节中定义的分段赛规则执行。 每个D级比赛均须按规则1.10.10的规定设最小奖金。 (2003年1月1日修订) E类:所有其它列入国际自盟山地自行车委员会竞赛日程表、在国际自盟山地自行车委 员会的推荐下由国际自盟管理委员会批准的比赛。 这些赛事须在指定的期限内,向国际自盟递交正式的 申请表 食品经营许可证新办申请表下载调动申请表下载出差申请表下载就业申请表下载数据下载申请表 。 所有E类比赛须递交国际自盟管理委员会批准。 E类比赛将包括所有其它不同形式的比赛,这些比赛须遵从相应项目的规则。 EHc与E1比赛可以视为那些向UCI提出列入UCI日程申请的赛事。主要的一日赛 须按规则1.10.10的规定设最小奖金。E2比赛的性质可视为次级一日赛。E3比赛的 性质可视为辅助性比赛,如青年组或/和23岁以下组。对于上述级别的划分由UCI 决定。 (2003年1月1日修订) 1.6.2 应避免A、B、C、CN、D与Ehc比赛在时间上的冲突。 (2003年1月1日修订) 1.6.3 如可能的话,在连续的周未里,国际自盟山地自行车管理委员会尽可能将不授权超过3场A、B hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po, UCI 自行车规则 或C类同项目的比赛。 1.6.4 所有国际山地自行车比赛必须使用国际自盟国际山地自行车竞赛规则。 1.6.5 所有由UCI指派执裁UCI日程中赛事的裁判均可按UCI管理委员会每年制定的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 从UCI或组 织者那里收到相应酬劳。 1)1)1.6.6 所有比赛项目的注册费每年由国际自盟规定,并根据要求向国际自盟支付。( 注册费用在国际 自盟财政规定年度文件中有相关设定,该类文件国际自盟每年都会下发各国协会。) 此费用按天支付。 如果取消已列入国际自盟竞赛日程表的比赛将会导致额外的费用。 1.6.7 国际比赛的组织者应保证参赛者对第三方的民法责任和权利。 2)2)第七节 山地自行车比赛种类(缩写与国际自盟竞赛日程表保持一致) 1.7.1 越野赛: 越野绕圈赛或“XC”。 比赛路线至少6 公里一圈。比赛持续时间随分类的不同而不同。 超长越野赛或“PP”。 比赛路线应至少25公里,不超过100公里,有明显的海拔高度变化。可以是集体出发 或是单个(计时赛)出发。比赛通常始于一点而结束于另一地点。但比赛也可为一个大 圈的环形路,起、终点在一处。 短程赛或“SC”。 短程赛路线每圈最多6 公里。起、终点须设在同一个地方,只有在保证安全的前提下, 才允许设置自然或人为的障碍物。 耐力赛或“EN”。(自2004年1月1日起废止) 这是一项持续一天或以上的比赛,包括均速和特殊测试,如操车技能(特技赛,绕标赛 或其他机械故障处理的技巧(车胎更换,车线或链条更换等),以及速度单元(计时赛)。 赛事的记分要求设多个检查点。平均速度,路线距离以及特殊测试的难度必须保持一定 的平衡,以令不同力量与能力的运动员有平等的表现机会。 1.7.2 速降赛或“DH”。 速降赛必须全部为下坡。比赛路线应由单人道、跳跃地段、田野、森林道和砾石道混合组成。有 快、慢技术段的组合。较少蹬车,更多地测试运动员的技巧。理想的路线长度应为最短1.5公里, 最长3.5公里。 1.7.3 爬坡赛或“HC”。 比赛路线中至少应包括80%的上坡骑行路段。可以是集体出发或是单个出发(计时)。比赛路线 的起点设在一个指定位置,终点设在另一个海拔高度更高的地方。 1.7.4 特技赛或“OT”。(自2004年1月1日起废止) 在不同难度划分的路段上,根据运动员试图通过“间隙Clear”路段时所犯错误用滑动分尺度进 行罚分,国际自盟特技委员会的特技规则用来作为参考。 1.7.5 四人越野赛或“4X”。 四人越野赛是一项包括资格赛的多轮次比赛,每轮比赛由四名获得资格的选手在一个很短的下坡 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on theotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,the relectrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i, 1748788312.doc比赛 路线上同场竞技。每轮比赛和胜者与第二名直接进入下一轮;第三名将获得参加复活赛的机会; 第四名则淘汰。除资格赛外不进行计时。 (2002年1月1日修订) 1.7.6 双人绕杆赛或“DS”。 一种由两名运动员在两个平行的下坡障碍赛道上同时出发竞技的一系列淘汰赛。 1.7.7 分段赛或“SR”。 用三天或更多天时间进行一系列相同或不同项目比赛中的总成绩时间(或总得分)来判定名次的 比赛项目。 顶级分段赛举行的时间最少5天最多8天,中间包括一天休息天(及包括序幕赛)。见 DHc和D1类比赛表。 (2003年1月1日修订) 次级分段赛举行的时间最少3天最多4天,中间包括一天休息天(包括序幕赛)。见D2 类比赛表。 第八节 比赛的运行 1.8.1 赛前准备 在正式训练之前,技术代表要检查路线是否安全和已被正确标识。并向总裁判长和竞赛 主任递交一份检查报告。如果技术代表缺席,路线检查与递交报告工作要由总裁判长完 成。 在比赛场地的一个办公室中进行会员证的检查、核实及签到。 在比赛开始前, 应最终确认参赛运动员名单,并且须包括以下内容:国籍,UCI代码, 级别,比赛类型,距离,出发时间。如果需要,还要有出发顺序。 比赛出发之前应将赛道准备完毕,每个运动员在签到时将得到一份比赛路线。如有特殊 的规则改变,运动员或领队还必须出席一个简短的介绍会。 任何有关比赛程序的微小变动都必须在比赛开始前在起点线通知运动员。 1.8.2 出发程序: 集体出发的比赛,运动员须最晚于规定的比赛开始时间前20分钟集合。在集合前5分 钟,在广播系统中宣布马上要开始集合的通知。在集合前3分钟重复通知。 出发前的简要介绍须至少用一种国际自盟的官方语言,法语和英语进行。 集体出发比赛开始前,在起点线上方横挂一根丝带或线带,运动员在线后集合。 集体出发项目在出发前,最好用还有3分钟、2分钟及1分钟、30秒和15秒通知运动 员。起点裁判在最后15秒和0秒之间开始比赛。最后15秒中不再倒数读秒。 在集体出发项目的比赛,在离比赛开始还有30秒的通告宣布时必须撤除起点线的丝带 或线带。 集体出发比赛由起点裁判吹哨或鸣枪表示比赛开始。 起点裁判从赛前2分钟起控制广播系统,直到出发已完成为止。 1.8.3 比赛 运动员需依照正式比赛的方向骑完全部的比赛距离,。 ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the , UCI 自行车规则 运动员不准抄近道或漏圈或采取其它类似性质的方便来对付对手。 不论什么原因,如果一名运动员离开了比赛路线,他/她必须从下道处的同一地点返回比 赛路线。 运动员在比赛沿途不能寻求和接受任何人包括其他运动员的任何技术帮助。 运动员仅可在两场比赛或两个分段之间更换自行车或接受技术帮助。 在比赛期间,运动员不得使用无礼或辱骂性语言、违反体育道德的举止行为、不得有对官 员的无礼或藐视竞赛规则的行为。 运动员应在所有时间里做到行为举止有礼貌,允许更快的运动员超越而无阻挡行为。 运动员应爱护环境,只在正式比赛路线上骑行。运动员应避免污染环境的行为,不留下 任何杂物或四处乱丢东西。 严禁在比赛路线上或靠近比赛路线的地方丢弃任何种类的玻璃器皿。 第九节 装备 1.9.1 所有种类的山地车比赛中使用的自行车必须是只能由人力控制的车辆。 1.9.2 在车辆的轮胎中不得使用金属螺钉或长钉。 1.9.3 车辆的前轮与后轮须统一,且尺寸不可超过29英寸。 (2004年1月1日修订) 第十节 处罚表 1.10.1 有关适用于反兴奋剂违法方面的处罚见国际自盟反兴剂规则。 1.10.2 非法修车、换车、未经许可的补供及自外界接受的任何帮助均将导致取消比赛资格。 1.10.3 拉运动服、推或拉其他运动员(无论是给予还是接受)、倚靠其他运动员、不同队运动员间的不 正当的帮助,判降低名次,重复出现可取消比赛资格。 1.10.4 任何运动员在最后冲刺中阻挡、对其他运动员有限制其运动意图的不道德行为采取抄近道、替代 其他运动员、在最后冲剌中双手撒把,将判降低名次或取消比赛资格。 1.10.5 不礼貌的行为或污秽的语言、对官员和/ 或对观众无礼,可处罚。重复出现可取消比赛资格,严 重违例可被判建议停赛。 1.10.6 运动员之间或同官员或同组织机构的成员或同公众打架,可处以取消比赛资格及从成绩上除名。 严重的违例可被判建议停赛。 1.10.7 协会有责任尊重由其它协会对运动员施以的停赛处罚。 1.10.8 处罚 根据犯规的性质施以处罚,可使用以下一种或多种处罚: 口头警告 罚款(最少50瑞士法朗) 降低名次(降一个或多个名次) 罚时间或罚分 取消比赛资格 禁赛 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fquipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i, 1748788312.doc比赛 对所有的判罚,裁判员均须使用国际自盟处罚表。 当出现犯规时,由总裁判长通知受处罚的运动员。如无法通知运动员本人时,则通知运 动员所属国(队)的一位官员。 1.10.9 对规则的无知不能作为理由。 1.10.10列入国际自盟日程的赛事均有相应的奖金(瑞士法郎),其数额在国际自盟每年发给各个国家协 的财政义务文件中有明确规定。 适用于越野赛的通则 第一节 路线设计参数 2.1.1 不管地面和气候条件,路线必须100%能骑行。如有短暂的和不得已的下车路段可由技术代表批 准,如技术代表缺席,则由总裁判长批准。 2.1.2 越野绕圈赛的最佳完成时间在如下范围内(小时、分): 最短 最佳 最长 青年男子 1.30 1.45 2.00 青年女子 1.15 1.30 1.45 23岁以下 1.45 2.00 2.15 精英男子 2.00 2.15 2.30 精英女子 2.00 2.15 2.30 大师男子 1.30 1.45 2.00 大师女子 1.15 1.30 1.45 (2003年1月1日修订) 2.1.3 路线 路线上不得有事先没有计划安排并且/或者没有通知运动员的大的障碍物。 路线上每隔一公里设一个标志牌,指明距离终点的公里数。此外,最后一公里的标志牌 须醒目地表明距离终点只剩一公里。 距离较长的狭窄赛段必须间断地设一些可供超越的路段。 2.1.4 路标 比赛路线必须按以下系统进行标识: 路标指示箭头用具有鲜明对照的颜色(黑、蓝、红)在白底上印出来。 它们至少高20厘米,长40厘米。 它们指明正确的比赛路线和随后出现的改变、交叉路口和所有存在潜在危险的情况。 它们以一定的间隔置于比赛沿途的地方,确保运动员沿正确的路线骑行。 除右转弯外,路标应放在运动员骑行方向的右侧路边,右转弯处的路标应放在运动员转 弯前和转弯时的左边。其摆放不得高于地面1.5米以上。 在各个交叉路口前10至20米的处须用一个箭头来标识。 另一个箭头放在交叉路口处。 ort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug o,, UCI 自行车规则 再一个箭头放在交叉路口后10米处,指明正确的路线。 “×”标记放置于容易看到的地方,标识错误方向。 在所有存在潜在危险的地段,须在障碍物前10至20米处和障碍物处放置1个或更多个 倒置箭头。 2个或更多个的倒置箭头意味着更多的危险情况。 3个或更多个的倒置箭头意味着非常危险情况,要格外小心。 必须使用以下的标记。 , , , 直行 右转弯 左转弯 , ,, ,,, 直行慢骑 危险慢骑 危险更慢骑 , ] [ , 错误路线 前方有桥 水 2.1.5 越野赛路线上的下坡赛段必须增加以下标记: 1.5至2米高的竹或滑雪障碍门(PVC管)。 在路线的高速度段当技术代表和总裁判长认为需要时,路线应以如下方式用绳带分隔: (细绳应系于滑雪门上,高度以不影响电视拍摄为宜。通常距地面50厘米处)地带A 横面宽必须至少2米。 地带 B ,观众 地带 A ,安全地带 比赛路线 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on theotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,the relectrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 地带 A ,安全地带 地带 B ,观众 在适当的区域,如墙、途中的树桩、途中的树杆,必须使用大捆干草或足够的垫子等能 保护运动员骑行的装置。这样的保护装置不能影响运动员在比赛路线上的骑行。 在适当的区域,如沿着陡峭下坡边沿必须使用符合滑雪协会标准的档网。 木桥或斜坡必须用不打滑的表面覆盖(地毯、鸡毛、或专用的防滑漆等)。 2.1.6 路线可视性参考: 尽可能在树根、树桩、突出的岩石等处喷上荧光漆,供增加运动员在骑行速度方面的参 考。(注:荧光漆通常易于寻找,且须使用。如实在找不到,不可喷其它漆。) 第二节 供给区 2.2.1 只允许在规定的供给区域或地带供应饮食。只允许在供给区和为持证的眼罩公司人员指定的区域 更换眼罩。 技术代表和/或总裁判长配合竞赛主任一起决定最佳供给区和眼罩区的布置和安排。 供给区必须位于骑行速度慢且地域开阔的平道或上坡路面上。他们还应包括以下两个区 域: 队伍与个人,运动员所在的队和为无队支持的运动员供给的个人。以队身份供给的 个人必须穿注册的队服。 中立者,组织者提供的,自愿支助。 供给区必须足够宽、足够长,允许通过的运动员在取食物时无干扰。 无供给证人员不允许进入供给区。该证是在赛前领队会上由裁判团分发,每三名运动员 (或不足三名运动员)发一个证件。 供给区必须有清楚的标记,用栅栏与观众隔开。由裁判和/或引导员严格控制。 在供给期间,供食者和运动员之间不允许有身体接触。否则将被视为有技术帮助。 不允许供食者往自行车上放置水瓶或将食物或水瓶放入运动员的袋中。供食者必须用手 将水瓶传递给运动员。 只有赛前得到裁判长的允许,才可以有水泼运动员。但任何时候均不可以将水泼到运动 员所骑的车辆的任何部位上。 不允许供给者在供给区随着运动员奔跑。 第三节 自行车标记 2.3.1 在比赛开始前,每个运动员自行车的车架和车轮上必须在裁判团指定的自行车标识区做上标记以 便辨认,并且必须在比赛结束后对获得积分或赢得奖金的运动员(加5名)的自行车进行检验。 “SC”比赛或其它较短路线比赛不必做自行车标记。 2.3.2 运动员必须以其在正式的自行车标识处做的标记开始和结束比赛。 2.3.3 在靠近出发地点的有顶蓬处进行对自行车做标记的工作。它至少在赛前1个半小时开始,在召集 he wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, chec,, UCI 自行车规则 运动员出发时结束。 2.3.4 用来作每个参赛自行车标记的张贴物对每个参赛者均须是唯一的标记,并且全面粘牢,在任何气 候下耐用。 第四节 安全 2.4.1 通讯: 无线电通讯系统必须覆盖全部比赛路线,自起点至终点间均无死点。 2.4.2 引导员: 必须使用如下的旗子系统: 工作在潜在危险路面的所有的引导员必须带一面黄旗,在训练或比赛时使用。 如果黄旗伸直横举,运动员必须慢骑,因为它指示前面发生了意外事故。 所有引导员相互间必须有理想的视野,并带着口哨,当下一个运动员接近时吹出短尖响。 2.4.3 急救要求 在所有的比赛中至少需要一辆救护车和一个额外的基础医疗设施。 所有急救人员必须用适当的标志或制服很容易被认出。这应是唯一的。 急救区域必须安排在中心地段,并能被所有参赛者所辨认。 在比赛的每一天中,全体急救人员必须被安排在比赛路线的关键位置,在正式训练的期 间也必须有一组急救人员在位。 急救人员必须配备无线电设备以便于相互间联系、与竞赛组织者联系以及紧急情况下与 总裁判长联系。 全体援救人员必须能收到无线电,以便他们在一个合理的时间里对突发事件能作出反 应,而不是要走太远的距离。最理想的是援救人员须被安排在离开出事地点不超过3分 钟路程的地方。 在比赛结束7个工作日内组织者和/或主办协会必须向国际自盟总部递交一份报告。列出 所有受伤者名单以及运动员姓名、号码和国籍和所采取的处理方式。 所有比赛项目,至少有6名有护理资格的医务人员必须到场。 所有比赛中,至少有1名医生必须在全部的比赛时间里值班。 必须使用理想的摩托车或四人同乘的自行车,迅速地接近出事故的地方。如果可能,护 理人员应准备象一名坐在摩托车后座上的送信者那样乘坐,并且驾驶者必须是有经验的 熟炼者。 必须清楚地标出潜在危险区域,且救护车(如果必要的话用4轮驾驶)可以靠近这些区 域。地图必须发给全体救护人员。 第五节 最少的训练时间 2.5.1 在首场比赛(资格赛或其它比赛)前至少48小时,组织机构准备好比赛路线,并做好全部标记 提供训练。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl otor quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingother related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to f ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 2.5.2 必须给精英运动员安排专门的至少2小时的训练时间。这段时间应安排在赛前一天和赛前2天的 上午10点到下午3点之间。 2.5.3 比赛路线至少在赛前(资格赛或其它比赛)5天做好相应的方向标记。 2.5.4 在路线上训练和比赛时必须戴保护头盔,此头盔须符合主办协会的安全标准。 2.5.5 在训练中,运动员必须带车牌号码。当比赛进行时,不允许进行任何训练。 第六节 竞赛 2.6.1 未经裁判员记录而退出比赛的运动员将被列为“未完成比赛”(裁判员将记录被套圈及完成比赛 的选手),未完成比赛者将失去所有待遇,如最终名次,竞赛得分及排名得分等。 2.6.2 被套圈的运动员可由领骑摩托车将其清出比赛,并报告给总裁判长。该运动员应完成其被清出时 的当圈比赛,并在指定的终点线区退出比赛。该区域应设在终点直道前。这些运动员将按其完成 的圈数在成绩单上排定名次。 第三章 适用于速降赛的通则 第一节 比赛形式 3.1.1 使用单个出发的骑行方式。可包括下列两种方式: 世界杯赛制:资格赛、半决赛、决赛。骑行时间最快者获胜。 或者,世界锦标赛赛制:一轮种子赛,随后根据种子赛的结果进行单轮决赛,骑行时间 最快者获胜。 3.1.2 在一定情况下,采用两轮比赛系统(取选手在两轮中的最快时间来计算成绩)也是可以接受的。 3.1.3 采用两轮比赛,取时间总和的方式是不可接受的。 第二节 路线设计参数 3.2.1 必须遵守以下路线设计参数: 最小 最大 路线长度: 1500米 3500米 比赛时间: 2分钟 5分钟 3.2.2 比赛路线至少要按下述要求做上标记: 1.5至2米高的竹或滑雪障碍门(PVC管)。 用国际自盟批准的箭头系统。 在路线的高速度段当技术代表和总裁判长认为需要时,路线应以如下方式用绳带分隔: (细绳应系于滑雪门上,高度以不影响电视拍摄为宜。通常距地面50厘米处)地带A 横面宽必须至少2米。 地带 B ,观众 地带 A ,安全地带 k to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast rep,, UCI 自行车规则 比赛路线 地带 A ,安全地带 地带 B ,观众 在适当的区域,如墙、途中的树桩、途中的树杆,必须使用大捆干草或足够的垫子等能 保护运动员骑行的装置。这样的保护装置不能影响运动员在比赛路线上的骑行。 在适当的区域,如沿着陡峭下坡边沿必须使用表面平坦的挡网,不允许使用网眼尺寸大 于5mmX5mm的网。 木桥或斜坡必须用不打滑的表面覆盖(地毯、鸡毛、或专用的防滑漆等)。 3.2.3 路标 比赛路线必须根据下述系统标明: 路标指示箭头用具有鲜明对照的颜色(黑、蓝、红)在白底上打印出来。 它们至少高320厘米,长40厘米。 它们指明正确的比赛路线和随后出现的改变、交叉路口和所有存在潜在危险的情况。 除右转弯外,路标应放在运动员骑行方向的右侧路边,右转弯处的路标应放在运动员转 弯前和转弯时的左边。其摆放不得高于地面1.5米以上。 在所有可能出现危险的地段,1 个或更多个倒置箭状物放置于障碍物或危险地段前30 米处和障碍物前。 2个或更多个的倒置箭状物意味着更多的危险情况。 3个或更多个的倒置箭状物意味着最多的危险情况,要格外小心。 必须使用以下的标记。 , , , , 直行 直行慢骑 右转弯 左转弯 , ] [ , 错误路线 前方有桥 水 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcomplthe r quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 3.2.4 路线可视性参考: 尽可能在树根、树桩、突出的岩石等处喷上荧光漆,供增加运动员在骑行速度方面的参 考(注:荧光漆通常易于寻找,且须使用。如实在找不到,不可喷其它漆)。 第三节 安全 3.3.1 服装/保护 国际自盟不规定速降赛保护标准,因为不同的标准适用于不同的国家。 此外,速降运动的开展时间不长,这也意味着某些保护条款还没有统一的控制标准。 不管怎样,根据现有的经验,国际自盟强烈劝告运动员穿以下保护装置: 全脸部头盔。 背、肘、膝和肩用坚硬的表面保护。 大腿护垫。 小腿护垫。 长裤子。 长袖子。 全手指手套。 在赛道上比赛与训练期间必须戴保护头盔。这种头盔须符合主办协会所规定的安全标 准。 3.3.2 通讯: 自起点至终点之间无死点。 必须安装能覆盖全部比赛路线的无线电通讯系统, 3.3.3 引导员: 必须使用如下的旗子系统: 所有的引导员必须带一面黄旗,仅在训练时使用。 如果黄旗伸直横举,运动员必须慢骑,因为它指示前面发生了意外事故。 指定的引导员举红旗。这些红旗的位置必须在比赛路线合适的地 方,并且每个举红旗者应持有对讲机,以便于与左右临近的持红旗者联系。 红旗将使用于训练和比赛中。 比赛终止程序: 所有举红旗者必须将对讲机调节至与总裁判长、竞赛主任和医务工作者相同的频率上。 持红旗者观察到一个严重的事故必须立刻在对讲机中向总裁判长和竞赛主任汇报。 持红旗者必须立刻接近摔倒运动员所在地,并持续向总裁判长和竞赛主任报告。 总裁判长可下令红旗强有力地挥动。 其他持红旗者应知道任何对讲机中传来的有关突发事件。并当观察到临近的持旗者挥动旗子时,必须做同样 的动作。 运动员在比赛期间观察到挥动的红旗必须立刻停止骑行。因为已报告出现严重的突发事件。 停止比赛的运动员应冷静地但迅速地继续向终点行进并向终点裁判要求重新出发,等待进一步的指示。 he wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, chec,, UCI 自行车规则 3.3.4 所有引导员相互间必须有理想的视野,并带着口哨,当下一个运动员接近时吹出短音尖响。 3.3.5 急救要求 在所有的比赛中至少需要一辆救护车和一个额外的基础医疗设施。 所有急救人员必须用适当的标志或制服很容易被认出。这应是唯一的。 急救区域必须安排在中心地段,并能被所有参赛者所辨认。 在比赛的每一天中,全体急救人员必须被安排在比赛路线的关键位置,在正式训练的期间也必须有一组急救人员在位。 急救人员必须配备无线电设备以便于相互间联系、与竞赛组织者联系以及在赛事不得不停止时与总裁判长联系。全体援救人员必须能收到无线电,以便他们在一个合理的时间里对突发事件能作出反应,而不是要走太远的距离。最理想的是援救人员须被安排在离开出事地点不超过3分钟路程的地方。医务人员将控制着持红旗者的对讲机交流。 在比赛结束7个工作日内组织者和/或主办协会必须向国际自盟总部递交一份报告。列出所有受伤者名单以及运动员姓名、号码和国籍和所采取的处理方式。 所有比赛项目,至少有8名有护理资格的医务人员必须到场。 所有比赛中,至少有1名医生必须在全部的比赛时间里值班。 必须使用理想的摩托车或四人同乘的自行车,迅速地接近出事故的地方。如果可能,护理人员应准备象一名坐在摩托车后座上的送信者那样乘坐,并且驾驶者必须是有经验的熟炼者。 必须清楚地标出潜在危险区域,且救护车(如果必要的话用4轮驾驶)可以靠近这些区域。地图必须发给全体救护人员。 第四节 最少的训练时间 3.4.1 赛前2天,必须提供步行参观。 3.4.2 赛前1天,必须提供有终止的早间课。 3.4.3 赛前1天,必须提供不含有终止时间的训练课。 3.4.4 比赛那天早晨,必须提供一个随意训练的时间。 3.4.5 必须使用自行车张贴物系统,以便确认运动员已完成最少2次训练骑行。 3.4.6 运动员必须自正式的比赛路线的出发门处开始所有的训练骑行。自正式起点线后出发的训练有可能导致运动员取消比赛资格。 3.4.7 训练中运动员必须佩带号码牌。当比赛正在进行中时,不允许进行任何训练。 第五节 运送到比赛路线的顶端 3.5.1 必须提供每小时能运送150名运动员及其自行车到比赛路线的顶端的交通系统。 3.5.2 必须准备适当的备用通道系统,以防备万一原定的通路系统无效。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rquipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 第四章 适用于四人越野赛的通则 (2002年1月1日修订) 第一节 通则 4.1.1 四人越野赛是由四名运动员在同一条速降路线上同场竞技的一种比赛。这种比赛的性质是,在运动员间可能会发生无意的身体接触,这种接触只要裁判员判断是在运动精神、公平竞争以及运动道德范畴内的,就可忽略对待。 第二节 比赛方式 4.2.1 决赛当天必须安排训练场次。 4.2.2 资格赛可以安排在决赛同一天举行。 4.2.3 资格赛的操作形式是由计取每名运动员在比赛路线上的骑行时间。运动员的必须按照排定的出发顺序骑行。未按规定出发的运动员将被视为未取得资格。运动员应在收到起点裁判的指令后开始出发。资格赛后,时间最快的前64名男选手与前16名女选手将进入主轮次比赛。 4.2.4 这些运动员将按下表排定对阵轮次,以确保资格赛中最快的选手与第二快的选手只有可能在决赛中相遇。 ar condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and te,, UCI 自行车规则 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcomplinally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 4.2.5 每组的四名运动员根据其资格赛的成绩选择其出发位置,资格赛最快的运动员首先选择。 4.2.6 除了决赛以外,还要对在倒数第二轮中失败的四名选手进行一个次决赛,以排定5至8名的位次。 4.2.7 采用的方式是每组四名运动员中名次最后的运动员将直接淘汰,第三名将进入一轮复活赛。第一二名选手将直接进入下一轮比赛。每组的四名运动员只会同场竞技一次。 4.2.8 运动员须站立出发。如自行车向前移动而触及出发门,将导致该运动员取消本轮比赛资格。这一行为的判定方式是选手在出发信号发出前触及或冲撞出发门而导致出发门或其他出发装置出现故障。打破出发门将被取消比赛资格。 4.2.9 如果运动员前轮的一部分在正式出发信号发出前越过起点线,运动员将被取消比赛资格。 4.2.10 运动员要求通过每个门且不可跨越门,即车轮必须沿每个门的外侧路径行进。布于赛道上的门裁将检查运动员是否按正确路线行进。如漏过或跨越门将导致运动员取消比赛资格,除非该运动员回到该处重新通过。 4.2.11 如果在预赛中,四名选手均摔倒或不能通过终点线,则骑行了最长距离的选手获胜。 4.2.12 12名以后的选手的名次根据其所达到的轮次与资格赛的时间来排定。 第三节 比赛路线 4.3.1 路线必须足够开放以便于运动员能够彼此超越。其还须足够宽,使四名运动员可以并肩排列。理想的路线应当建立在有着均匀的倾斜度的适度的斜坡上。路线必须是跳跃段、丘陵、狭缝、小沟、天然平台及其他特殊地段的混合体。路线上不可以有需要运动员踏蹬的上坡段。 4.3.2 骑完整个路线的时间应在30—40秒之间。 4.3.3 比赛路线前10米必须无任何障碍物,且可以用白线(可用胶带、可降解的漆或白粉)将赛道划分为四条。任何运动员在骑行中越过或压上白线将被取消资格。 最少须提供以下标识: 高度为1.5米至2米的竹制门或用于高山滑雪的门(PVC材质)。 4.3.5 路线上最后一个门须位于距终点线至少10米处。 4.3.6 组织者须提供一个高台令四人越野赛的裁判可以拥有对整个赛道毫无阻挡的视野。此高台须位于一个观众们不能接近的地区。 运送到比赛起点 4.4.1 建议提供运送工具,能带着运动员迅速回来比赛起点。最好是在路线边上有一并行的滑雪升降机或缆车,这样运动员可以迅速、独立地通过。 hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po,, UCI 自行车规则 第五章 适用于双人绕标赛的通则 第一节 通则 5.1.1 除非是得到许可,否则不允许在此赛道上进行训练。此赛道仅可在赛前进行步行考察。任何运动员未经许可在赛道骑车训练均可导致取消资格。 第二节 比赛方式 5.2.1 两条赛道要求尽可能地完全相同,以门进行标识,在该两条赛道上运动员骑行的平均时间差不超过5%。 5.2.2 每名运动员均须参加资格赛。对于一场比赛,有以下资格系统: 每名运动员在同一赛道上骑行一次。 每名运动员在两个赛道上分别骑行一次,将两个时间进行累加。 在一个规定的时间内运动员可任意选择路线骑行数干次,以其中最好的成绩做为其资格赛的时间。 5.2.3 资格赛后将公布种子名单。资格赛中最快者与最慢者对阵,第二快者与第二慢者对阵,以此类推。 5.2.4 运动员在各自的赛道上进行竞争,总时间最快的运动员进入下一轮比赛。 5.2.5 运动员须站立出发。如自行车向前移动而碰撞出发门,将导致运动员在该轮中受到最大时间处罚。磁撞的判定方式是选手在出发信号发出前触及或冲撞出发门而导致出发门或其他出发装置出现故障。打破出发门将被取消比赛资格。 5.2.6 如果运动员前轮的一部分在正式出发信号发出前越过起点线,运动员将在该轮受到最大时间处罚。 5.2.7 任何运动员如果在最后一次点名两分钟后还未到位将被取消比赛资格。 5.2.8 运动员须左右交换地绕门骑行,还不是跨越门。前后轮均须沿每个门的外侧路径行进。布于赛道上的门裁将对此进行检查。如漏过一个门(未回去重新正确骑过),或跨越门将导致运动员取消比赛资格。 5.2.9 门裁须持有旗帜,当门被漏过中跨越时将旗举起。 5.2.10 运动员可能获得的最大时间处罚将取决于特定的比赛路线。最大时间处罚的计算方式为资格赛中最快时间的10%。时间可以精确到1/10秒。 5.2.11 如果在同一轮是,经过两场比赛,两名选手的综合时间出现平局,则第二场比赛的胜者进入下一轮次。 5.2.12如果两名选手在同一轮中均摔倒或不能通过终点线,则骑行了最长距离的选手获胜。 第三节 最大时间处罚 5.3.1 在以下情况下运动员将受到最大时间处罚: 从一条赛道换到了另一条赛道上去。 对对手的骑行造成干扰。 没带车完成比赛。 没有令前后轮均绕过门。 漏过一个门而直接来到下一个门前。 跨越一个门。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rquipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 漏过最后一个门而直接穿过终点线。 错误出发或碰撞出发门。 第四节 路线设计参数 5.4.1 理想的路线应设于有着均匀倾斜度的缓坡上,可以包括丘陵、跳跃段、沟壑和平台。 5.4.2 骑完整个路线的时间应在20秒至45秒内,理想为30秒。 5.4.3 路线上最少须提供以下标识: 高度为1.5米至2米的竹制门或用于高山滑雪的门(PVC材质)。 5.4.4 路线上最后一个门须位于距终点线至少10米处。 5.4.5 赛道与外界的边界处须摆放交通隔离墩。放隔离墩处须有标识以便于在隔离墩被运动员撞离原位时可以重新归位。 运送到比赛起点 5.5.1 建议提供运送工具,能带着运动员迅速回来比赛起点。 k to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast rep,, UCI 自行车规则 第六章 适用于多日赛通则 第一节 序言 6.1.1 山地自行车多日赛由一系列赛段或比赛组成。通常分个人和团体比赛。个人必须根据指定的程序完成每段比赛,以便获取参加下一段比赛资格。山地车多日赛除这些特别适用于山地车多日赛的规则外应遵守国际自盟山地车规则的通则。 6.1.2 组织者在总裁判长的监管下,将准备一个完整的竞赛规则指出将如何进行每段比赛。 6.1.3 所有多日赛通常用如下分组: 次级多日赛,男子个人总成绩。 女子个人总成绩。 男子团体总成绩(任选)。 女子团体总成绩(任选)。 顶级多日赛,男子个人总成绩。 女子个人总成绩。 男子团体总成绩。 女子团体总成绩。 (注:个人赛选手可以独立于队伍组织外参赛,如个人参赛者一样。) 6.1.4 每年须有三个顶级多日赛。 6.1.5 顶级赛可以在超过一个国家境内举行,只要该赛所穿越的国家的协会之间对路线和赛事组织达成一致意见即可。 第二节 持续时间 6.2.1 国际竞赛日程表上多日赛最短3天,最长8天。 6.2.2 次级分段赛最短3天,最长4天。顶级分段赛最短5天,最长8天。 6.2.3 可以有一个个人计时赛形式的序幕赛。它包括在总比赛天数中。序幕赛成绩计算入个人总成绩和团体总成绩中。 6.2.4 同一天中最多能进行二段比赛。 6.2.5 次级多日赛只能有一天为双赛段。 6.2.6 顶级多日赛最多可以有2天是双赛段,但这两个双赛段间至少要相隔一天。在一个双赛段中的二段的总的比赛时间不能超过3个半小时。 6.2.7 所有分段比赛应在上午9点以后开始。 6.2.8 整个比赛过程中,利用机动车的转场次数不能超过两次。 6.2.9 任何一次转场的距离在施行时间上不可超过3小时。旅行时间在一小时以下的不视为转场。 第三节 团体总成绩(队GC) 6.3.1 设有团体总成绩的多日赛通常有以下三种类型的团体: 商业队:必须穿统一注册的商业队服。 国家队:必须持相应国家协会的会员证,并且穿统一注册的国家协会的服装。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcomplthe r quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 混合队:可以由有资格的个人组成,必须穿统一的服装。 6.3.2 在多日赛开始时,队中必须有最少数量的运动员。男子至少3人,女子最少2人。 6.3.3 团体总成绩按以下合计成绩计算: 男子比赛每段前3名获得者的合计成绩。 女子比赛每段前2名获得者的合计成绩。 6.3.4 团体奖励和/处罚要计入团体总成绩中。 6.3.5 在多日赛结束时,累计时间最少的队获胜。 6.3.6 根据国际自盟规则,可以向队处以罚款,并在颁发奖金前支付。 第四节 个人总成绩(个人GC) 6.4.1 个人总成绩由每个参赛者各段累计时间包括序幕赛(如有)成绩决定。 6.4.2 奖励和处罚要计入个人总成绩中。 6.4.3 包括序幕赛,在分段结束时个人累计时间最少者为获胜者。 6.4.4 根据国际自盟规则,可以向个人处以罚金,并须在奖金颁发前支付。 第五节 技术 6.5.1 在设有团体总成绩的多日赛中,只有同队的运动员间才允许技术帮助,整个赛事的任何时间均可进行互助。 6.5.2 还可以在由赛事组织者设立的修理站接受技术协助。 6.5.3 在每次比赛登记时,参赛者必须展示国际自盟规则规定的车架前号码、身体和肩号码。在同一注册队中出现更换自行车的情况下,身体号码将成为主要参考号码。 6.5.4 个人分段距离/持续时间 项目 距离/持续时间。 序幕赛 2 至5 公里。 团体计时赛 5 至15公里。团体时间(男子第3名/女子第2名)计入团体总成绩。 个人计时赛 5 至20公里(15至60分钟)。 绕圈赛 15至30公里(30至60分钟)。 环形路赛 50至90分钟,,最多30%铺设的路面。 越野赛 每圈至少6公里,多圈,(总比赛时间为1.5至2.5小时)。 超长赛 1.5至3小时(起、终点可在同一个位置)。 爬坡赛 集体出发或计时赛。 速降赛 计时赛。 6.5.5 在速降赛赛段中,运动员使用的自行车必须是在越野赛赛段中使用的同一车辆。车架上将由裁判在第一赛段前作上标记。 6.5.6 除速降赛、个人计时赛和序幕赛外,所有分段赛应有摩托车开道和收尾。 6.5.7 如果绕圈赛在晚上举行,照明度必须足够。 6.5.8 特技赛、耐力赛、室内赛、双人绕标赛及双人赛不可作为多日赛的组成部分。这些项目可以是有独自奖金的外围赛。 6.5.9 多日赛中,中立出发的赛段最多不超过75%。中立出发的赛段长度不可超过35公里。中立骑行 hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po,, UCI 自行车规则 过程中必须有一辆机动车控制骑行速度,直到到达正式的起点为止。一旦到达起点线,可采用行进出发,或原地出发。如果使用原地出发,必须在车队到达出发点后30分钟内或者3小时后进行。 6.5.10 应提供不同尺寸的比赛领骑衫。当前总成绩领先的运动员,只要他是领先者就有必须穿这种领骑衫。比赛的领骑运动员可以在领骑衫前面贴上其赞助商的图标,但不能遮挡主办者的标志。 6.5.11 如果可能,组织者应为个人成绩领先的运动员提供一件贴身服装。 6.5.12 至少对个人总成绩男子前20名与女子前10名获得者发现金奖金(见规则1.10.10) ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on theete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the saf-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 第七章 适用于山地自行车世界杯赛的通则 第一节 越野赛 7.1.1 国际自盟山地自行车越野世界杯赛由一系列比赛组成,具体数目由国际自盟管理委员会决定。 7.1.2 赛事可在世界范围内举行。 7.1.3 在下一赛季到来前应尽可能早地公布竞赛日程和赛季指南,最迟不能超过1月1日。 7.1.4 新赛地的确立须由技术代表和一保由国际自盟山地车委员会推荐的运动员确认。 7.1.5 组委会须最晚在第一场比赛(资格赛或其他)举行前72小时准备好路线并做好好全部标识以备训练。 7.1.6 参赛资格和比赛报名 越野世界杯赛是一项对所有拥有UCI世界积分并在每场世界杯赛报名截止日期前报了名的男女精英选手开放的个人比赛。 通常,只有经本国协会或UCI商业车队认可,用国际自盟提供的正式世界杯赛报名表报名的运动员,才被接受报名,能够参加各项比赛。报名表可由UCI注册的商业车队直接报给UCI。在国家协会因特殊情况不能够填报报名表时,UCI可以直接接受报名表。 国家协会与商业车队可能要负担对由该协会或商业车队报名但却未参加比赛的运动员的全部报名费。 这些报名表须至少在每次比赛前2个月发给国际自盟认可的希望报运动员参加比赛的各国家协会。凡按照本规则第11章规定完成了注册工作的商业车队也将从UCI那里尽早收到相应比赛的报名表。 必须严格遵守报名表上的报名截止日期(赛前13天)和地址。迟到的报名将不予接受,除非经特殊情况下经由技术代表批准才可例外,同时须受到不低于150瑞士法郎的处罚。 报名运动员在报道处注册时要出示其会员证,并用当地货币支付报名费。 运动员最迟须在赛前24小时注册登记。 越野赛报名费不能超过70瑞士法朗或等价的货币。它包括全部的税款和/或保险收费。某站比赛前在世界杯排名表上列前20名的男选手和前10名的女选手可不付当站比赛的报名费。 青年选手只有在由其国家协会而不是商业车队或UCI为其直接报名才可以参加精英组比赛。 7.1.7 在绕圈赛中,如果运动员落后于领先选手单圈时间的80%以上(计取领先者的第一个满圈时间,此时间适用于整场比赛),将在指定的终点直道前被清出赛道(领先者的最后一圈除外)。脱圈的运动员应完成其被套圈时的当圈比赛,并在指定的终点直道前退出比赛。所有脱圈和被清出的运动员将按其完成的圈数在成绩单上排定名次。 7.1.8 如有需要的话,根据路线的特点,由技术代表来决定和建议采用何种资格赛。 7.1.9 (自2002年1月1日起废止)。 7.1.10 世界杯积分前50名运动员根据积分来分发出发号码牌,其中人则根据UCI世界排名决定。 7.1.11 有关颁奖仪式,前五名的获得者必须出席颁奖仪式。 7.1.12 在颁奖仪式结束后没有领取奖金,且赛后30天内也未向UCI办公室索要,则奖金会自动作废。 7.1.13 计分系统与总排名。 总排名是根据每名参赛者参加所有比赛的最好成绩来计算的。不是必须参加总决赛才 ort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug o,, UCI 自行车规则 可以得到总排名的。如果在总排名上出现平局的情况,以最近一场比赛的结果来解决平局。 第二节 速降赛 7.2.1 国际自盟山地自行车速降世界杯赛由一系列比赛组成,具体数目由国际自盟管理委员会决定。 7.2.2 赛事可在世界范围内举行。所有的世界杯赛赛地均须具有能够每小时运送150名选手到达赛道起点的设施。所有装载与卸载自行车的工作均由赛事组织者提供的职员来操作。 7.2.3 在下一赛季到来前应尽可能早地公布竞赛日程和赛季指南,最迟不能超过1月1日。 7.2.4 新赛地的确立须由技术代表和一保由国际自盟山地车委员会推荐的运动员确认。 7.2.5 路线标识材料 组织者可沿木桩或胶带的位置如本规则第三章规定的那样用门来明确比赛路线。这样的门只可以用在路线上的开放路段(宽度超过2米)。 门所设立的确切地点须由技术代表在考察路线时确定。 7.2.6 参赛资格和比赛报名 速降世界杯赛是一项对所有拥有UCI世界积分并在每场世界杯赛报名截止日期前报了名的男女精英选手开放的个人比赛。 通常,只有经本国协会或UCI商业车队认可,用国际自盟提供的正式世界杯赛报名表报名的运动员,才被接受报名,能够参加各项比赛。报名表可由UCI注册的商业车队直接报给UCI。在国家协会因特殊情况不能够填报报名表时,UCI可以直接接受报名表。 国家协会与商业车队可能要负担对由该协会或商业车队报名但却未参加比赛的运动员的全部报名费。 这些报名表须至少在每次比赛前2个月发给国际自盟认可的希望报运动员参加比赛的各国家协会。凡按照本规则第11章规定完成了注册工作的商业车队也将从UCI那里尽早收到相应比赛的报名表。 必须严格遵守报名表上的报名截止日期(赛前13天)和地址。迟到的报名将不予接受,除非经特殊情况下经由技术代表批准才可例外,同时须受到不低于150瑞士法郎的处罚。 报名运动员在报道处注册时要出示其会员证,并用当地货币支付报名费。 运动员最迟须在最后一次训练时间开始前36小时注册登记。 速降赛报名费不能超过70瑞士法朗或等价的货币。它包括全部的税款和/或保险收费。某站比赛前在世界杯排名表上列前20名的男选手和前10名的女选手可不付当站比赛的报名费。 青年选手只有在由其国家协会而不是商业车队或UCI为其直接报名才可以参加精英组比赛。 7.2.7 竞赛方式 作为最低标准,世界杯速降赛的组织者必须完全坚持以下的训练日程安排: 在决赛前3天,在13点至16点之间必须提供运动员步行参观比赛路线的机会。在此期间,路线从顶到底必须完全标识和用胶带封妥。 在决赛前2天,必须向运动员提供5个小时的训练时间;同时,向世界杯排名前80名的男运动员、前30名的女运动员提供一小时的额外训练时间。 在决赛前1天,必须向运动员提供3个小时的训练时间;同时,向世界杯排名前80名 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on theotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,the relectrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 的男运动员、前30名的女运动员提供一小时的 额外训练时间。 在决赛当天必须提供训练期。至少90分钟,并安排在半决赛前举行。 在决赛前一天以前,运动员必须已完成至少2次训练骑行。(例如,决赛在星期天,到星期五训练结束时,运动员必须已完成至少2次训练课的骑行)。 在为该比赛专门提供的训练时间之外进行训练的运动员将被取消以后的比赛资格。运动员可以在赛道上逗留至训练时间结束后15分 钟之内,超出这段时间之后技术代表将宣布关闭训练路线。在这时 间之后骑行在训练路线上的运动员可被取消比赛资格。 在半决赛和决赛前,必须由组织者选择2名先导者。2名先导者必须根据总裁判长的指示做好在路线上骑行的准备。必须向2名先导 发放带有象A、B、C等字母的车架前号码牌。 女子 主要的赛事包括半决赛与决赛。 半决赛 所有参加半决赛的运动员必须根据报到时公布的出发顺序表的顺序出发。出发顺序根据世界杯排名来排定,排 名靠前的运动员先出发。没有世界杯积分的运动员则根 据号码牌的顺序出发,号码牌越低的数目出发越早。 在半决赛中所有运动员出发间隔时间至少为30秒。 在半决赛中获得前10名的女选手将按照7.6.1.2.所列的表获得世界杯积分。 决赛 最多包括30名运动员。半决赛中前30名选手进入决赛。 决赛出发顺序,最快者最后出发。 决赛中所有运动员至少间隔1分钟出发。最后10名选手至少间隔2分钟出发。 决赛中根据每名运动员的时间来决定获胜者。 男子 主要的赛事包括半决赛与决赛。 半决赛 所有参加半决赛的运动员必须根据报到时公布的出发顺序表的顺序出发。出发顺序根据世界杯排名来排定,排 名靠前的运动员先出发。没有世界杯积分的运动员则根 据号码牌的顺序出发,号码牌越低的数目出发越早。 在半决赛中所有运动员出发间隔时间至少为30秒。 在半决赛中获得前20名的男选手将按照7.6.1.2.所列的表获得世界杯积分。 决赛 最多包括80名运动员。半决赛中前80名选手进入决赛。 决赛出发顺序,最快者最后出发。 决赛中所有运动员至少间隔1分钟出发。最后10名选手至少间隔2分钟出发。 决赛中根据每名运动员的时间来决定获胜者。 end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-,, UCI 自行车规则 7.2.8 关于颁奖仪式,在决赛中获得前5名的运动员必须出席颁奖仪式。 7.2.9 在颁奖仪式结束后没有领取奖金,且赛后30天内也未向UCI办公室索要,则奖金会自动作废。 7.2.10 总排名。 总排名是根据每名参赛者参加所有比赛的最好成绩来计算的。不是必须参加总决赛才可以得到总排名的。如果在总排名上出现平局的情况,以最近一场比赛的结果来解决平局。 第三节 四人越野赛 7.3.1 国际自盟四人越野世界杯赛由一系列比赛组成,具体数目由国际自盟管理委员会决定。(2002年1月1日修订) 7.3.2 赛事可在世界范围内举行。 7.3.3 在下一赛季到来前应尽可能早地公布竞赛日程和赛季指南,最迟不能超过1月1日。 7.3.4 新赛地的确立须由技术代表和一保由国际自盟山地车委员会推荐的运动员确认。 7.3.5 参赛资格和比赛报名 四人越野世界杯赛是一项对所有精英选手(男和女)开放的个人比赛。 原则上只有在由其国家协会或UCI商业车队为其报名的运动员可参加比赛。他们在报名时须使用UCI提供的世界杯比赛报名表。UCI注册的商业车队直接将报名表报给UCI。在国家协会因特殊情况不能够填报报名表时,UCI可以直接接受报名表。 国家协会与商业车队可能要负担对由该协会或商业车队报名但却未参加比赛的运动员的全部报名费。 这些报名表须至少在每次比赛前2个月发给国际自盟认可的希望报运动员参加比赛的各国家协会。凡按照本规则第11章规定完成了注册工作的商业车队也将从UCI那里尽早收到相应比赛的报名表。 必须严格遵守报名表上的报名截止日期(赛前13天)和地址。迟到的报名将不予接受,除非经特殊情况下经由技术代表批准才可例外,同时须受到不低于150瑞士法郎的处罚。 报名运动员在报道处注册时要出示其会员证,并用当地货币支付报名费。 运动员最迟须在赛前24小时注册登记。 四人越野赛报名费不能超过50瑞士法朗或等价的货币。它包括全部的税款和/或保险收费。 青年选手只有在由其国家协会而不是商业车队或UCI为其直接报名才可以参加精英组比赛。 7.3.6 有关颁发奖金仪式,前三名的获得者必须出席颁奖仪式。 7.3.7 在颁奖仪式结束后没有领取奖金,且赛后30天内也未向UCI办公室索要,则奖金会自动作废。 7.3.8 警告 在主事裁判的指挥下,终点裁判将使用一套彩色的卡片来进行警告。 经主事裁判确认,裁判员向一名运动员出示黄牌,这意味着该运动员在骑行中注意力不集中或故意给对手造成危险。此牌为第一次也是唯一一次警告。 经主事裁判确认,裁判员在终点处向被取消比赛资格的运动员出示红牌。这种情况可以是运动员重复犯了导致其受黄牌警告处分的 错误,也可能是运 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcomplthe r quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 动员违反了条款1.10.3至1.10.6的规定,或其他 违背了公平竞争和运动道德的行为。 在同一赛季中受到两次红牌处分的运动员将被禁赛一次。如果第二张红牌是在赛季的最后一场比赛中得到的,则此下一个赛季第 一场比赛禁赛。 7.3.9 积分和总排名 总排名是根据每名参赛者参加所有比赛的最好成绩来计算的。不是必须参加总决赛才可以得到总排名的。如果在总排名上出现平局的情况,以最近一场比赛的结果来解决平局。 第四节 领骑衫 7.4.1 在世界杯比赛中,目前排名领先的运动员(男和女)必须穿领骑衫。越野赛还增加一件领骑衫授予男子23岁以下组。 7.4.2 越野赛的领骑衫应是备有各种不同尺寸的固定标准的蓝色领骑衫。男子23岁以下组的领骑衫须为红色并也应备有各种不同尺寸。 7.4.3 速降赛的领骑衫应是固定的前面全拉链无袖黑色骑行衫。用高弹力的材料生产,并须穿在运动员的保护服外面。也应备有各种不同尺寸。 7.4.4 四人越野赛的领骑衫应是备有各种不同尺寸的白色骑行衫。 7.4.5 在颁奖仪式上被授予的领骑衫必须在下一场比赛中穿着。 7.4.6 领骑衫不能被裁剪或撕裂(包括袖子)。 7.4.7 在领骑衫上允许出现的运动员自身的广告块如下: 允许出现不超过3个的商标。 前面,,在领骑衫前面可出现最大面积为200平方厘米的广告。 背部,,在领骑衫背部可出现最大面积为200平方厘米的广告。 袖子,,单行,最大宽度5厘米(仅指越野赛和双人赛)。 两侧,,单行,最大宽度9厘米。 第五节 新闻发布会: 7.5.1 在决赛前一天或两天,可以举行新闻发布会。如果举行这样的新闻发布会,且技术代表有要求,则总排名前3名运动员必须出席这个新闻发布。 7.5.2 如果运动员缺席,技术代表可作出处罚。 第六节 国际自盟山地自行车世界杯越野赛、速降赛和四人越野赛积分分配表。 7.6.1. 每场世界杯越野赛、速降赛和四人越野赛均将使运动员获得以下分数: (2002年1月1日修订) he wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, chec,, UCI 自行车规则 越野赛 名次 男 女 名次 男 女 1 250 250 39 37 37 2 200 200 40 36 36 3 170 170 41 35 35 4 150 150 42 34 34 5 130 130 43 33 33 6 95 95 44 32 32 7 90 90 45 31 31 8 85 85 46 30 30 9 80 80 47 29 29 10 75 75 48 28 28 11 71 71 49 27 27 12 67 67 50 26 26 13 63 63 51 25 - 14 62 62 52 24 - 15 61 61 53 23 - 16 60 60 54 22 - 17 59 59 55 21 - 18 58 58 56 20 - 19 57 57 57 19 - 20 56 56 58 18 - 21 55 55 59 17 - 22 54 54 60 16 - 23 53 53 61 15 - 24 52 52 62 14 - 25 51 51 63 13 - 26 50 50 64 12 - 27 49 49 65 11 - 28 48 48 66 10 - 29 47 47 67 9 - 30 46 46 68 8 - 31 45 45 69 7 - 32 44 44 70 6 - 33 43 43 71 5 - ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 34 42 42 72 4 - 35 41 41 73 3 - 36 40 40 74 2 - 37 39 39 75 1 - 38 38 38 速降赛(括号中是半决赛得分) 名次 男 女 名次 男 女 1 200(50200(5026 25 , ) ) 2 160(40160(4027 24 , ) ) 3 140(30140(3028 23 , ) ) 4 125(25125(2529 22 , ) ) 5 110(20110(2030 21 , ) ) 6 31 20 , 95(17) 95(17) 7 32 19 , 90(15) 90(15) 8 33 18 , 85(13) 85(13) 9 34 17 , 80(12) 80(12) 10 35 16 , 75(11) 75(11) 11 71 36 15 , 71(10) 12 67(9) 67 37 14 , 13 63(8) 63 38 13 , 14 59(7) 59 39 12 , 15 55(6) 55 40 11 , 16 52(5) 52 41 10 , 17 49(4) 49 42 9 , 18 46(3) 46 43 8 , 19 43(2) 43 44 7 , 20 40(1) 40 45 6 , end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-,, UCI 自行车规则 21 37 37 46 5 , 22 34 34 47 4 , 23 32 32 48 3 , 24 30 30 49 2 , 25 28 28 50 1 , 四人越野赛(2002年1月1日修订) 名次 男 女 名次 男 女 1 50 50 13 7 - 2 40 40 14 6 - 3 30 30 15 5 - 4 25 20 16 5 - 5 21 15 17 5 - 6 18 10 18 5 - 7 15 7 19 4 - 8 13 5 20 3 - 9 11 4 21 2 - 10 10 3 22 2 - 11 9 2 23 1 - 12 8 1 24 1 - 队伍排名(每场计入排名的比赛) (2002年1月1日修订) 越野赛 速降赛 四人越野赛 名次 男子 女子 名次 男子 女子 名次 男子 女子 1 40 40 1 40 40 1 40 40 2 36 36 2 36 36 2 36 36 3 33 33 3 33 33 3 33 33 4 30 28 4 30 28 4 30 28 5 27 23 5 27 23 5 27 23 6 25 18 6 25 18 6 25 18 7 23 13 7 23 13 7 23 13 8 21 8 8 21 8 8 21 8 9 19 5 9 19 5 9 19 10 17 2 10 17 2 10 17 11 15 11 15 11 15 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 12 13 12 13 12 13 13 11 13 11 13 11 14 9 14 9 14 9 15 7 15 7 15 7 16 5 16 5 16 5 17 4 17 4 18 3 18 3 19 2 19 2 20 1 20 1 第七节 裁判团和技术代表 7.7.1 每场比赛的技术代表由国际自盟山地车委员会委派,要求在各队开始报道前24小时到位。 7.7.2 每场世界杯比赛,国际自盟山地自行车委员会从由国际自盟国际裁判名单上指派一名总裁判长和一名副总裁判长(2人)。总裁判长来自其他国家但来自同一洲(只要可能)。 7.7.3 这些指派将得到国际自盟书面确认。 世界杯主办协会必须指派一名起点裁判、一名终点裁判、一名裁判秘书,以及最少2名助理国家级裁判。这些指派必须在该赛前3个月前书面报国际自盟确认。 在比赛中,技术代表代表国际自盟行使职权。(本条自2004年1月1日起废止) n the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary low,, UCI 自行车规则 第八章 适用于世界锦标赛通则(本章自2004年1月1日起废止) 第一节 通则 8.1.1 国际自盟管理委员会将在山地自行车委员会的推荐下将世界锦标赛的举办权授予一个会员协会。 8.1.2 世界山地自行车锦标赛包括四个项目:越野赛、团体接力赛、速降赛和四人越野赛。 (2002年1月1日修订) 8.1.3 世界杯比赛所包括的级别为: 越野赛, 精英级男子(23岁及以上) 男子23岁以下(19至22岁) 精英级女子(19岁及以上) 青年男子(17和18岁) 青年女子(17和18岁) 速降赛, 精英级男子(19岁及以上) 精英级女子(19岁及以上) 青年男子(16到18岁) 青年女子(16到18岁) 四人越野—精英男子(16岁及以上) 精英女子(16岁及以上) (2002年1月1日修订) 8.1.4 每个组别必须至少有5个国家的运动员参赛,才能有资格授予“世界冠军”的称号, 否则,将不授予世界冠军的头衔。 8.1.5 在开幕仪式当天将在越野赛路线上举行团体接力赛世界锦标赛。每个国家只能有一支队伍参赛。 每个国家队均由一名精英男子、一名精英女子、一名23岁以下男子和一名青年男子组成。上述选手均须已获得世界锦标赛越野赛或速降赛参赛资格。 每名运动员骑行一圈。运动员的出发顺序在赛前仅有裁判团知道。 本比赛共四圈,为集体出发,每队的第一名选手按指令出发,其他三名选手则在终点线后专门设立的接力区等待。 接力只可以在指定的接力区进行,须由完成骑行的选手将一个腕/臂绑带交给即将出发的选手的腕/臂之上。此腕/臂绑带须由UCI提供,运动员在其所完成的一圈骑行中,必须携带。 在比赛中,无供给区和眼罩交换区。 获胜的队伍为该队四名选手最先完成了每圈的比赛的队,将被授予越野赛团体接力赛世界冠军称号。 第二节 注册及竞赛 8.2.1 世界锦标赛由国家队参与竞技。 8.2.2 每个组别和每个项目国家队最多由7名运动员组成,有关的分组应服从定额制。 8.2.3 各国家协会要遵循国际自盟山地自行车委员会建立的具体程序,并在世界锦标赛开始前至少8个月分发给国家协会,同时包括各国的名额分配与解释。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on theelectrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special e-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl cal, quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 8.2.4 如果运动员落后于领先选手单圈时间的80%以上(计取领先者的第一个满圈时间,此时间适用于整场比赛),将在指定的终点直道前被清出赛道(领先者的最后一圈除外)。所有脱圈和被清出的运动员将按其完成的圈数在成绩单上排定名次。 8.2.5 每个国家队的运动员在所有比赛中均应穿在国际自盟注册的国家队服和短裤。国家协会必须决定其选手须穿着的短裤(对这条规定的例外可以在速降赛与四人越野赛中,这些比赛因安全的原因,运动员须穿长裤)。把运动员的名字印在其国家队队服背面是允许的,根据相应规则印制的广告也是允许的。 8.2.6. 上一年的世界冠军在世界锦标赛上应穿其国家队服。 第三节 裁判团 8.3.1 世界锦标赛的裁判团有以下6名成员组成: 8.3.2 1名来自其它洲的国际裁判(其必须是总裁判长或副裁判长); 8.3.3 3名来自同洲其它国家的国际裁判; 8.3.4 2名来自承办协会的国际裁判(其中之一是裁判秘书)。 8.3.5 他们担任下列职责: 总裁判长 副总裁判长 终点裁判 越野赛起点裁判 速降赛起点裁判 裁判秘书 8.3.6 此外,组织协会至少指派8名助理裁判(或根据具体程序的需要)。 第四节 领队会 8.4.1 每个队可指派一名越野赛领队和一名速降赛领队(可为同一人)出席领队会,其也是允许参加领队会的唯一的人(如需要可加一名翻译)。代理人可以出席,但只能由领队委任,而且委托代理人应书面通知裁判秘书。 第五节 验收小组 8.5.1 至少在两年前,所选定的场地要由一个验收小组进行首次审查,该小组由国际自盟技术代表、总裁判长、1名越野赛运动员、1名速降赛运动员代表组成。验收小组将向组委会提供必要的建议,并向国际自盟准备一份场地审查报告。 8.5.2 由承办协会提出的比赛路线和 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,至少在比赛日期前12个月由验收小组确认。 第六节 技术代表 8.6.1 技术代表由国际自盟管理委员会在国际自盟山地车委员会的推荐下任命。 8.6.2 在世界锦标赛第一次训练之间,技术代表是所有决定的最终权威。在接近锦标赛期间,技术代表将和总裁判长协调合作,开展工作。随着正式训练开始后,裁判团将控制赛事的操作。 he wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a pohanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, chec,, UCI 自行车规则 第九章 适用于奥运会的通则 总则 奥运会比赛遵从国际自盟世界锦标赛国际规则,除非经国际自盟同意,在章程中特别提到,或是在说明手册中列出可以例外。该材料由奥运会组委会准备并下发。 资格及竞赛 9.2.1资格准则由国际自盟商同国际奥委会及奥运会组委会决定,并于奥运会开幕式前至少两年出台。 9.2.2对于越野赛,运动员将根据其居于的国际自盟世界排名顺序被叫到起点线前。这个排名须在相应比赛前2—4周内决定。 9.2.3有关脱圈运动员的规则7.1.9不适用于奥运会。奥运会中将采用规则2.6.2。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rquipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 适用于个人排名的特殊规定 10.1国际自盟对于参加10.2中所列赛事的运动员建立起一套个人排名系统,该系统就是大家所知的国际自盟山地车排名系统。这套系统是国际自盟的独有财产。 10.2各项比赛的级别划分如下: 奥运会: O级 国际自盟世界锦标赛 A级 国际自盟世界杯赛 B级 洲际锦标赛 C级 国家锦标赛 CN级 顶级多日赛的超级赛 DHc级 顶级多日赛 D1级 次级多日赛 D2级 顶级一日赛的超级赛 EHc级 顶级一日赛 E1级 普通一日赛 E2级 次级一日赛 E3级 推广赛事 E4级 (2002年1月1日,2003年1月1日修订) 10.3运动员参加列入国际自盟赛事日程中的如上级别的比赛,将获得积分。积分排名的产生方式将由国际自盟管理委员会根据一定的准则每年议定后生效。 10.4运动员在每场比赛中所获得的积分如表10.10中所示。运动员参加各个级别比赛所获得的积分的有效期为一年(级别A与O的比赛除外,有效期为2年),到次年相应日期时失效。 10.5共计有六种个人排名:男子越野赛,女子越野赛,男子速降赛,女子速降赛,男子四人越野赛和女子四人越野赛。 (2002年1月1日修订) 10.6对于个人速降赛的排名,只有符合条款1.7.2规定的赛事是有效的;对于个人四人越野赛的排名,只有符合条款1.7.5,1.7.6与10.6.1规定的赛事是有效的;对于个人越野赛的排名,只有符合条款1.7.1.1,,,和1.7.7.1规定的赛事是有效的;对于条款1.7.7.2中规定的赛事,仅有总排名可以计入积分。 10.6.1 在四人越野赛的过渡期,四人越野赛与双人绕标赛以及双人滑雪赛均将计入积分。 (2002年1月1日修订) 10.7(自2003年1月1日起此条删除)。 10.8除以下比赛以外,所有比赛运动员的得分均计入其总积分。以下比赛只选取运动员取得最好名次的若干数目的比赛计入总积分:E3类比赛,选取最好的三次比赛结果;E2类比赛,选取最好的四次比赛结果;E1类比赛,选取最好的六次比赛结果;D2类比赛,选取最好的3次比赛结果。 (2003年1月1日修订) 10.9在以下比赛结束后,国际自盟个人世界排名必须及时公布出来:O、A、B、C、CN、DHc、D1及EHc级。 (2002年1月1日,2003年1月1日修订) hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po,, UCI 自行车规则 10.10积分表:(E为精英组,U为23岁以下组,J为青年组。 (2002年1月1日,2003年1月1日修订) ———————————————————————————————————————————————— hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i,, 1748788312.doc比赛 奥运 世锦赛 世界杯 洲际锦标赛 国家锦标赛 多日赛 一日赛 O A B C CN DHc D1 D2 EHc E1 E2 EE4 3 1-6-111总分总分总 50名排站排站排 名名后名 排名 排名 的的国名 名 国国家 家 家 E E U J E U J E U J E E E E E E E E E U J E U E E E 1 250 201540 151210 1270 20 90 75 50 1210 80 10 60 70 40 10 40 20 20 10 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 2 210 171335 13117 1165 17 80 65 45 117 75 7 55 65 35 7 35 17 17 7 - 0 0 0 5 5 5 3 180 151230 12115 1160 15 75 60 40 115 70 5 50 60 30 5 30 15 15 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 160 141126 11103 1056 13 70 55 35 103 65 3 45 56 26 3 26 13 13 3 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 150 131122 11101 1052 11 65 50 30 101 60 1 40 52 22 1 22 11 11 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 6 145 131020 1095 - 95 48 9 60 45 25 95 - 55 - 35 48 20 - 20 9 9 - 1 6 6 7 140 121018 1090 90 44 7 55 40 20 90 50 30 44 18 18 7 7 7 2 2 8 135 1298 16 98 85 85 40 5 50 35 15 85 47 25 40 16 16 5 5 3 hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po40 UCI 自行车规则 9 130 1194 14 94 80 80 36 3 45 30 10 80 44 20 36 14 14 3 3 9 10 125 1190 12 90 75 75 32 1 40 25 5 75 41 18 32 12 12 1 1 5 11 120 1187 10 87 70 70 30 - 36 21 - 70 38 16 30 10 10 - - 1 12 115 1084 9 84 65 65 28 32 17 65 35 14 29 9 9 7 13 110 1081 8 81 60 60 26 28 13 60 32 12 26 8 8 3 14 105 99 78 7 78 55 55 24 24 9 55 30 10 24 7 7 15 100 95 75 6 75 50 50 22 20 5 50 28 8 22 6 6 16 96 91 72 5 72 45 45 20 17 - 45 26 7 20 5 5 17 92 88 69 4 69 40 40 18 14 40 24 6 18 4 4 18 88 86 66 3 66 37 37 16 11 35 22 5 16 3 3 19 84 84 63 2 63 34 34 14 8 30 20 4 14 2 2 20 80 82 60 1 60 31 31 12 5 25 18 3 12 1 1 21 76 80 58 - 58 30 30 10 - 20 16 - 10 - - 22 72 79 56 56 29 29 9 19 14 9 23 68 78 54 54 28 28 8 18 12 8 24 64 77 52 52 27 27 7 17 10 7 25 60 76 51 51 26 26 6 16 9 6 奥运 世锦赛 世界杯 洲际锦标赛 国家锦标赛 多日赛 一日赛 O A B C CN DHc D1 D2 EHc E1 E2 EE4 3 other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechanihanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i41 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 1748788312.doc比赛 1-6-111总分总分总 50名排站排站排 名名后名 排名 排名 的的国名 名 国国家 家 家 E E U J E U J E U J E E E E E E E E E U J E U E E E 26 56 75 50 50 25 25 5 15 8 5 27 52 74 49 49 24 24 4 14 7 4 28 48 73 48 48 23 23 3 13 6 3 29 44 72 47 47 22 22 2 12 5 2 30 40 71 46 46 21 21 1 11 4 1 31 37 70 45 45 20 20 - 10 - - 32 34 69 44 44 19 19 9 33 31 68 43 43 18 18 8 34 28 67 42 42 17 17 7 35 25 66 41 41 16 16 6 36 23 65 40 40 15 15 5 37 21 64 39 39 14 14 4 38 19 63 38 38 13 13 3 39 17 62 37 37 12 12 2 40 15 61 36 36 11 11 1 41 - 60 35 35 10 10 - 42 59 34 34 9 9 43 58 33 33 8 8 44 57 32 32 7 7 hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po42 UCI 自行车规则 45 56 31 31 6 6 46 55 30 30 5 5 47 54 29 29 4 4 48 53 28 28 3 3 49 52 27 27 2 2 50 51 26 26 1 1 奥运 世锦赛 世界杯 洲际锦标赛 国家锦标赛 多日赛 一日赛 O A B C CN DHc D1 D2 EHc E1 E2 EE4 3 1-6-111总分总分总 50名排站排站排 名名后名 排名 排名 的的国名 名 国家 国 家 家 E E U J E U J E U J E E E E E E E E E U J E U E E E 51 50 25 25 52 49 24 24 53 48 23 23 54 47 22 22 55 46 21 21 56 45 20 20 57 44 19 19 58 43 18 18 59 42 17 17 hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Ends ety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe rmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i43 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 1748788312.doc比赛 60 41 16 16 61 40 15 15 62 39 14 14 63 38 13 13 64 37 12 12 65 36 11 11 66 35 10 10 67 34 9 9 68 33 8 8 69 32 7 7 70 31 6 6 71 30 5 5 72 29 4 4 73 28 3 3 74 27 2 2 75 26 1 1 奥运 世锦赛 世界杯 洲际锦标赛 国家锦标赛 多日赛 一日赛 O A B C CN DHc D1 D2 EHc E1 E2 EE4 3 1-6-111总分总分总 50名排站排站排 名名后名 排名 排名 的的国名 名 国国家 家 家 E E U J E U J E U J E E E E E E E E E U J E U E E E hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po44 UCI 自行车规则 76 25 77 24 78 23 79 22 80 21 81 20 82 19 83 18 84 17 85 16 86 15 87 14 88 13 89 12 90 11 91 10 92 9 93 8 94 7 95 6 96 5 97 4 98 3 99 2 100 1 hanging on theotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,the relectrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i45 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 1748788312.doc比赛 赛事组织者与国家协会必须在比赛结束后尽快将比赛的全部成绩用国际自盟提供的结果报告单填妥,以传真方式传至国际自盟总部(成绩单上须由执裁本次比赛的国际自盟总裁签名方有效(如果上述信息没有及时上报,国际自盟管理委员会可以施以将其从国际赛事日程上取消的处罚,不管根据本规则其有没有被施以其他处罚。 hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po46 UCI 自行车规则 第十一章 适用于商业队注册的特殊规定 第一节 性质 11.1.1 商业队是一个由至少两个人组成的实体,其中至少有一个人是运动员,该运动员受雇于该实体和/或由该实体赞助,以参加国际山地车比赛为目的。 11.1.2 商业队由受雇于同一雇主的全体运动员,雇主本身,赞助商和其它与雇主和/或赞助商签有协议的队伍中的职能人员(领队、教练、机械师、医务人员等距组成。其须有一个特殊的名称并根据本规则在国际自盟注册。 11.1.3 赞助商可为向商业队提供资金的个人、公司或其他组织。在这此赞助商中,指定的商业队主要股东的数目不可以超过两个。如果这两个主要股东均不是商业车队的雇主,则该雇主可以是一个人或相应的组织,其唯一的商业收入来自广告。 11.1.4 主要股东和雇主在商业车队的任职须为整数年。 11.1.5 商业车队的名称须为主要股东的公司名称或品牌名称,或是两家主要股东的名称之一。 11.1.6 不允许出现两个商业车队,其主要股东及雇主使用同一个名称。如果出现两个或以上的商业队同时申请一个新的同样的名称,则更长/最长时间使用了该名称的队伍有优先权。 11.1.7 商业车队的国籍须为其总部或其雇主居住地所在的国家为准。在商业队递交国际自盟的注册申请表中,须包括一封其国籍所属国家的国际自盟会员协会签署的函件。该函件确认此商业车队的国籍并支持其根据本规则向国际自盟注册。 第二节 法律与财务事宜 11.1.1 构成商业队的雇主须为合法的个人或实体。 11.1.2 商业队的主要股东在雇主不履行其职责的情况下,须为本队支付三个月的薪金负连带责任。 第三节 在UCI注册 11.3.1 向UCI注册并非强制性行为。(本条自2004年1月1日起废止) 11.3.2 每年商业队均向UCI进行本队本年度的注册。 11.3.3 商业队须在注册队伍的同时为其运动员注册。 11.3.4 商业队最迟须于当年1月31日前将其中职员和运动员的清单递交国际自盟进行审核与注册。此清单必须包括以下内容: 商业队的确切名称; 商业队的通信地址(包括电话与传真号码); 主要股东,雇主,领队及助理领队的姓名与地址; 运动员的姓,名,地址,国籍,出生日期,会员证有效期,会员证号以及发放会员证的机构; 一个赛季的所有职员的姓、名、国籍及职务。还需要交每名职员的彩色护照照片,和领队的会员证号; 如条款11.5.3中所示的协议副本 11.3.5 如商业队名单有所修改,则也遵守条款11.3.4规定,将修改内容尽快递交国际自 hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rquipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loading magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i47 —————————————————————————————————————————— —————— 1748788312.doc比赛 盟。 11.3.6 只有在国际自盟注册了的商业队可以享受条款11.3.10规定的待遇。 11.3.7 通过其中在国际自盟的年度注册,商业队,尤其是雇主和赞助商必须遵守国际自盟及相应国家协会的章程与规则,并在参加自行车比赛中表现出诚实和良好的体育道德。雇主与主要合作方还须对商业队与国际自盟及国家协会产生的财务问题负连带责任, 11.3.8 商业队向UCI注册须交付一定的注册费,此费用须由商业队在当年1月31日前支付。此费用的数额由UCI管理委员会每年确定。 11.3.9 在提交其注册材料时,每个队均须同时递交该队骑行服的彩色图样,该服装上须有赞助商的商标图案。 11.3.10 向UCI注册的商业队可获得一系列权益(但不仅限于此): 其运动员、雇主及商业队的主要股东被纳入UCI纪律委员会。 列入UCI商业队排名,这将明显在整个赛季给商业队带来队伍的推广与知名度提升等利益。 整个赛季都拥有世界杯的参赛许可。 除了通常的刊物以外,还可获得额外的信息及刊物服务。 UCI主要赛事的直接报名参赛服务。 主要的UCI赛事的即时服务及其他利益(包括世界锦标赛)。 经过磋商,可以议定参加世界杯比赛的出场费。 第四节 队伍及选手 11.4.1 队伍是与同一个商业队的雇主签约的所有运动员的总体。 11.4.2 每名选手的国籍取决于他或她的公民资格。 第五节 雇佣协议 11.5.1 一名运动员是否为一个商业队的成员取决于协议。UCI提供了一个样本协议作为参考,该样本见条款11.9所示。其并不包括奖金和激励条件,赛事日程,装备提供状况及其他细节。这些将由雇主与运动员之间磋商而定。 11.5.2 任何雇主与运动员之间订立的条款,如果明显地与UCI规则中规定的运动员的基本权利相违背,将被视为无效协订。 11.5.3 商业队与运动员之间的协议至少要签订三份。一份不包括确切的薪水数额与奖金额度的正本须提交给UCI。 11.5.4 所有的提交全UCI的文件须严格保密。 11.5.5 协议中必须包括以下条款:即在运动员发生不可预见的疾病或受伤的情况下的有关薪水与补贴的财务责任。 第六节 协议的终止 11.6.1 在协议的有效期截止以后,运动员将为自由人并可以随意选择其他雇主。不允许有任何转会费。 hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po48 UCI 自行车规则 商业队的解体 11.7.1 商业队应尽快宣布其解体或其活动的终止或其无能力履行其义务的事实。一旦做出了这样的宣布,运动员将有权在下一个赛季或自该商业队宣布解体、活动终止或无力履行义务时开始的时期内与其他商业队签约。 第八节 惩罚 11.8.1 如果一个商业队,作为一个整体,未能或停止遵守UCI的相应规则,其将不能够再参加任何自行车赛事。 第九节 UCI样本协议—运动员与商业队之间签署 11.9.1 UCI样本协议(运动员与商业队之间签署)见本规则附则1. 附则1 UCI样本协议—运动员与商业队之间签署 协议双方: (雇主的姓名与地址),经济上有权代表(商业队的名称),经(国家协会的名称)认可,其主要股东有: 1.(姓名与地址)(如指定,即雇主本人) 2.(姓名与地址) 以下简称为“雇主”,为甲方, 与:(运动员的姓名与地址),出生日期: 地点: 国籍: 所持会员证由何机构颁发: 以下简称为“选手”,为乙方, 特此重申: --雇主雇佣一支队伍的自行车运动员,组成(商业队的名称),在XX先生(领队的姓名)的指挥下,参加按照国际自盟规则进行的山地车比赛。 --运动员自愿加入(商业队的名称)。 --签约双方均熟悉并宣称其将遵守UCI及相应国家协会的有关章程与规则。 在此基础上,双方达成以下协议: 条款1:雇佣条约 雇主须雇佣选手,而选手应同意被作为山地车运动员来雇佣。 运动员参加其他项目的比赛(如BMX,场地等),须视情况经过双方同意才行。 条款2:期限 现行协议自。。。之日开始生效,截止于。。。。之日。 hanging on the-bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safcompl quipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and rg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i49 —————————————————————————————————————————— —————— 1748788312.doc比赛 条款3:酬劳 运动员有权获得年薪为。。数额的酬劳。此酬劳数目不得低于法定的最低工资水平,或如无法定最低工资数额,则以通常的薪水数额为标准,或以颁发会员证的国家协会所在的国家,或是商业队办公处所在的国家付给全职工人的薪水数额为标准,取其高者。 如果协议的有效期限低于一年,运动员在此期限内须至少获得如上段所述的全年薪水,如果协议的有效期限低于一年,运动员在此期限内须至少获得如上段所述的全年薪水,减去他作为一名职业运动员,在现行协议期满前与其他雇主所签合约中本应挣得的薪水数额。 如现行协议延期,则本条款无效。 条款4:薪水的支付 雇主应至少分四次支付条款3中规定的薪水,每次支付期为一季度结束时的最后一个工作日之前。 如果运动员根据UCI或相关会员协会有关规定被禁赛,其无权索要条款3中规定的超出一个月禁赛期的那部分薪水。 如果雇主没有按照条款3的规定支付运动员薪金,运动员无须催促雇主付款,即有权享有以下权益: 自被拖欠付薪水第四天起,每五个工作日享有5,的额外补贴。 以后,每天均享有1,的补贴。 总数额不能超过工资总额的50,。 条款5:保险 雇主应为运动员提供一份适当的保险,以确保运动员发生不可预见的伤害或疾病而影响其完成协议规定的参赛义务时,可以为选手提供一定的可以被人接受的薪金水平。 条款6:额外奖赏与奖金 运动员有权按照UCI及相关的国家协会的规定获得其代表商业队参加自行车比赛中获得的额外奖赏与奖金。 额外奖赏与奖金应尽快支付给运动员,最迟于获得该奖赏或奖金的当月的最后一个工作日。 条款7:其他义务 运动员在现行协议规定的时限内,不得为其他商业队工作或为(商业队的名称)以外的其他赞助商做广告,除非是UCI或相应的国家协会规则允许的情况下,可以例外。 雇主应保证通过为运动员提供必备的装备和服装及允许其参加一定数目的自行车比赛来适当展示自己的职业,无论是作为队伍中的一员还是以个人身份出现。 没有雇主的特别准许,运动员不可以独自参加一场比赛。如果雇主在收到请求后的十天以内没有做出答复,就视为其同意。在一场比赛中,如果(职业队的名称)已经参赛,则该队运动员在任何情况下均不可以代表其他组织或混合队参加该比赛。 在国家队选拔的情况下,雇主必须同意运动员参加有关预赛和国家协会决定的计划。雇主须hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po50 UCI 自行车规则 同意国家协会给予运动员其认为必须的指导,且在整个入选国家队期间,国家协会以自己的名义,根据自己的行为独自安排有关运动事务。 上述任何情况下协议均不可以中止。 条款8:转签 在本协议到期后,运动员完全自由并可与其他任何雇主按照UCI的有关规定签订新的协议。 条款9:协议终止 尽管本协议具有法律效力,其他仍可以在截止日期前终止,只要是符合以下情形与条件: 运动员在以下情况下可以终止协议并无需通告或赔偿损失: 如果雇主被宣布破产,无偿负能力或被停业清算。 如果雇主或一名主要股东自商业队中退出而商业队并未获得继续运行的担保,或如果商业队宣布其解体,其活动的终止或其无力履行职责。如果此通告有生效日期,则运动员在该日期前仍须履行协议。 如有必要,运动员须证明本人不在状态,无法参加比赛。 雇主在以下情形下可以终止协议并无需通告或赔偿损失:在运动员一方严重不履行条约或运动员在协议有效期限内被依据UCI有关规定禁赛。 严重不履行条约指的是,例如,尽管雇主一再召集,仍拒绝参加自行车比赛等。 如果运动员被确定为永无能力再从事职业自行车生涯,则协议双方均可以终止协议并无需通告或赔偿损失。 条款10:作废 协议双方签订的任何条款如果与UCI的样本协议(运动员与商业队之间签署)相悖或违反UCI章程或规则,且对运动员的权益造成损害,均将被视为无效。 条款11:仲裁 因本协议引发的签约方之间的任何争议均应提交仲裁审议,而不是提交法庭。其解决依据是UCI规则,通过UCI纪律委员会解决,再不然,根据运动员所属国家协会的规则来解决。如果还不行,将付诸法律。 签约地点: 时间: 本协议根据法律规定,一式 份,就是说,再加一份交付UCI。 运动员签名: 雇主签名: 同意对雇主的所有行为负连带责任 complhanging on the -bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug on the end face of a temporary low . Endsety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporary support ties should be a hardwoodete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and test report; wire rope should select the safquipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, check to confirm that it appears intact,electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm the wear condition of the rotor. Special ecal, other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and free of any debris. By quality, mechani otor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical andthe r inally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors check and confirm confirm before loadingmagnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to fotor other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum the surface of the stator. Stator and r ck and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control andg chetechnology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditions through the stator before loadin ded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design requirements. 6.4, 6, wearing constructiont should meet the requirements. Install the coupling housings to ensure embeda special tool to measure half a point the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, i51 —————————————————————————————————————————— —————— 1748788312.doc比赛 商业队的主要股东签名: 商业队的主要股东签名: hanging on the-end face of a temporary lown the ry support ties should be a hardwood. Ends bearing end cover with connection of the stator plate or gourds by exclusive lug oort; wire rope should select the safety factor ? 6; hoist testing qualified; road have been equipment authorized Visa temporast repk to confirm that it appears intact, complete tool, tools required for use of wire rope that has a factory certificate and tear condition of the rotor. Special equipment inspection and rotor through the preparation tool before loading inventory, cheche wee of any debris. By quality, mechanical, electrical and other professionals to conduct an examination of the rotor, confirm tquality, mechanical, electrical and other relevant persons to finally clean the rotors checked, its interior is clean and fre th thek and confirm confirm before loading the rotor air tightness test, electrical test work has been completed. In conjunction wiical and other relevant persons to finally cleaning check the stator, which is clean and free of any debris. Worn rotors checelectre surface of the stator. Stator and rotor magnetic Center drainage is complete. In conjunction with the quality, mechanical, cal, instrumentation and control and other related work had been completed. Internal cleaning of stator, high power vacuum thlectriions through the stator before loading check and confirm to confirm air tightness test of the stator and stator mechanical, eements. 6.4, 6, wearing construction technology of generator rotors demonstration construction preparation and conditrequirtall the coupling housings to ensure embedded rotor coupling within a concave shoulder, and rotor clearance meets the design int the rotor shaft runout and simultaneous measurement of two coupling flutter testing, it should meet the requirements. Insa special tool to measure half a po52
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