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消防栓箱采购合同范本消防栓箱采购合同范本 消火栓箱供货合同 工 程 名 称: 工 程 地 点: 合 同 编 号: 甲 方: 乙 方: 签 订 日 期:111年1 月 11日 family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japane...

消防栓箱采购 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 范本 消火栓箱供货合同 工 程 名 称: 工 程 地 点: 合 同 编 号: 甲 方: 乙 方: 签 订 日 期:111年1 月 11日 family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but , 甲方:****公司 , 注册地址: 法定代表人: , 乙方:****公司 , 注册地址: 法定代表人: 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《建设 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 质量管理条例》及其他有关法律、行政法规、遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则~甲方委托乙方承担 ****工程消火栓箱供货 的工作~双方就相关事宜达成如下 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 : 1 货物及数量 1.1本合同所称“货物”是指乙方按本合同及甲方通知要求~向甲方提供本工程的消火栓箱及所有相关技术资料和证明文件。 1.2 货物数量详见工程量清单~是根据工程图纸和发包方书面指令要求计算的材料需用量~本 次招标工程量清单不能作为加工供货的最终依据~乙方须到施工现场重新复核材料类型、 规格和尺寸。如货物数量和运抵现场数量超过或小于工程实际需要的数量~以实际收货数 量结算。 2 合同金额 本合同单价固定,具体单价见合同单价,~合同总价暂定为:RMB 元,大写:人民币 元 ,。最终结算总价按甲乙双方确认的消火栓箱数量及合同单价进行结算。 3 合同单价 数量 合计价 类型 规格 单价 备注 ,暂定, 格 单栓带消防转盘消1000×700×240 按品牌要求及04S202标133套 减压栓 火栓箱 准配备器材 薄型双栓带消防转1200×750×160 85套 同上 减压旋转栓 盘消火栓箱 薄型双栓带消防转1200×750×160 103套 同上 普通旋转栓 盘消火栓箱 800×650×240 单栓室内消火栓箱 19套 同上 普通栓 800×650×240 屋顶试验栓箱 6套 同上 普通栓 注:品牌要求 bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualti beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. y leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live ings are waiting for you, how can you quicklChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan uild acort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you bd of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Esbloo opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the illed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers,family 7 being k2e of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, butbattlbattle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN es. 【**************开发有限公司】 【消防箱供货合同】 消火栓,**品牌,~消防水带,**品牌,~消防水枪,**品牌,~自救式按钮,**品牌, 4 合同款支付 4.1 本合同无预付款。 4.2 货物运卸至工地现场达到总数的50%并全部交验合格后14个工作日内~甲方向乙方支 付至运达货物价款的65%。 4.3 货物全部运卸至工地现场~全部交验合格~如遇消防支队抽检,则需提供合格的抽检报告 后14个工作日内~甲方向乙方支付至运达货物价款的65%。如抽检不合格乙方需重新 提供合格的产品并承担因此造成甲方的一切损失。 4.4 整体工程竣工验收合格后14个工作日内~甲方向乙方支付至合同总价的95%。 4.5 合同总价之5%作为质保金~保修期满无维修、整改后14个工作日内支付。 4.6 甲方付款前乙方提供相应金额的正规发票以及甲方接受货物的签收单原件。 4.7 付款方式:转帐支票 5 供货时间及地点 5.1 乙方应 分期分批 ,一次性,分期分批,将本合同 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 之货物运至工程现场~供货时 间为 甲方提供的供货时间 。 5.2 乙方应自行组织运输工具将货物运卸至********工程施工现场内指定地点保存。 5.3 上款规定之供货时间为拟定供货~乙方同意甲方在施工期间根据施工实际进展及现场情 况提出“进场计划”确定准确进场时间。 6 保修期 6.1 本合同项下货物的保修期为工程竣工验收后的 1年 。保修期自甲方竣工验收合格之日 ,以颁发的竣工证书所载日期为准,起计算。 7 双方负责代表 7.1 甲方指定 为其现场货物接收人~ TEL: 7.2 乙方指定 为其供货负责人~ TEL: 7.3 合同双方更换各自代表时应及时通知对方~以保证双方货款顺利交接。 8 违约责任 一、乙方责任: 1、 除合同规定外~如果乙方没有按双方约定时间交货~每迟交一天~乙方应向甲方支付价 款总额1‰的违约金~但总数不超过合同总价的5%。如乙方供货期延后超过双方约定时 间3天以上~甲方有权终止合同~乙方承担造成甲方的损失。但甲方签字认可的除外。 2、 由于产品质量不符合要求~给甲方造成的一切损失由乙方负责。 第family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Y3页/总7页 outh pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 3、 乙方提供的产品如没有通过消防验收~给甲方造成的一切损失由乙方负责。 二、甲方责任: 1、 因甲方原因中途终止工程~甲方承担因此造成的乙方的损失。 2、 甲方如需调整产品型号~应及时通知乙方~并承担乙方重复运输、保管、设备差价、材 料损失等有关费用。 3、 如甲方未能按合同规定进度付款~则每天按滞纳进度款的1‰补偿给乙方~但总数不超 过合同总价的5%。 9 其他 9.1 箱体内配臵的消防器材的生产厂名或商标乙方必须严格按照甲方要求进行配臵。 9.2 因发生不可抗力因素致使合同不能正常履行的~由双方友好协商解决。 9.3 解决合同纠纷的方式:执行本合同发生的争执~由双方友好协商解决。协商不能解决的~ 任何一方均可依法向工程所在地人民法院提起诉讼。 9.4 本合同如有其他未尽事宜~可由双方共同协商~作出补充规定~补充规定与本合同具有同 等效力。 9.5 合同附件为合同的组成部分~与本合同具有同等法律效力。 9.6 本合同是双方合作确定的法律文件~对双方具有法律约束力。 9.7 本合同经双方在本协议书上签字盖章后即生效。 以下文件可以作为合同附件: 附件一:消火栓箱技术要求 附件二:质量保证书 附件三:检验报告 本合同正本一式两份~副本一式两份~具有同等的法律效力~双方各执其中一份。 双方签字确认: es. bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualti beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. y leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live ings are waiting for you, how can you quicklChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan uild acort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you bd of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Esbloo opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the illed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers,family 7 being k4e of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, butbattlbattle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN 【**************开发有限公司】 【消防箱供货合同】 甲方:****公司 乙方:****公司 法定注册地址: 法定注册地址: 委托代理人: 委托代理人: / ,签字、盖章, ,签字、盖章, 税务登记证号: 税务登记证号: 开户银行: 开户银行: 账号: 账号: 邮编: 邮编: 电话: 电话: 传真: 传真: 第family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Y5页/总7页 outh pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but 附件一 消火栓箱技术要求 1、投标单位必须具备消防栓箱生产资质~提供相应的消火栓箱检验报告。 2、所提供的消防栓箱要能通过消防抽检~提供合格的抽检报告,并确保通过扬州市消防支队验收。 3、型号及数量,暂定, 类型 执行 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 型号 数量 备注 减压稳压消火栓单栓带消防软管卷04S202 甲型 133套 ,栓口压力调整 盘消火栓箱 为0.3MPa, 其中85套为减薄型双栓带消防软04S202 薄型160mm 188套 压稳压消火栓~ 管卷盘消火栓箱 栓口压力同上。 单栓室内消火栓箱 04S202 甲型 19套 屋顶试验消火栓 6 4、箱内配臵要求 ?单栓带消防软管卷盘消火栓箱,甲型, SN65消火栓一个~QZ19水枪一支~25m长DN65衬胶水带一条~软管长度为25m的JPS1.0-19消防卷盘及消防按钮一套。 ?薄型双栓带消防软管卷盘消火栓箱 SN65消火栓两个~QZ19水枪两支~25m长DN65衬胶水带一条~软管长度为25m的JPS1.0-19消防卷盘及消防按钮一套。 ?单栓室内消火栓箱,甲型, SN65消火栓一个~QZ19水枪一支~25m长DN65衬胶水带一条~P380水带卷盘一个~消防按钮一套。 5、箱体内消防器材品牌要求 消火栓,**品牌,~消防水带,**品牌,~消防水枪,**品牌,~自救式按钮,**品牌, 6箱体外观要求 ?箱体应端正~不得有歪斜翘曲等现象。各表面应无凹凸不平等加工缺陷及磕碰痕迹。 ?箱体内外表面做喷漆防腐处理~颜色为红色。 ?焊缝或焊点应平整均匀、焊接牢固~无烧透、疤瘤等焊接缺陷。 ?箱体外型尺寸严格按照04S202所注明的尺寸进行制作。 7材料要求 bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualti beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. y leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live ings are waiting for you, how can you quicklChina goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of th-new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan uild acort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you bd of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Esbloo opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the illed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Youth pioneers,family 7 being k6e of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, butbattlbattle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN es. 【**************开发有限公司】 【消防箱供货合同】 ?箱体使用厚度不小于1.2mm的薄钢板材料制作,箱门采用铝合金材料~箱门玻璃采用5mm磨砂玻璃。 8箱门要求 ?箱门应设臵关紧装臵~箱门开启应轻便灵活~无卡阻现象。 ?箱门开启度要不小于160? ?箱门开启拉力不得大于50N。 9标志要求 ?箱门正面应以直观、醒目、匀整的字体标注“消火栓”字样。 ?箱体表面上应设臵耐久性铭牌。 ?在箱门背面应标注操作说明。 10带与接口连接性能 ?水带与接口的连接应牢固可靠~在0.8MPa水压下不得有脱离及泄漏现象。 ?室内消火栓与消防水带之间~消防水带与消防水枪之间通过接口连接后~在0.8MPa水压下~其各连接部位不得有泄露现象。 11、射性能 ?室内消火栓、消防水带、消防水枪连接后~在0.35MPa水压下~其流量不应小于300L/min。 室内消火栓、消防水带、消防水枪连接后~在0.35MPa水压下~水枪的充实水柱不应小于13m。 ? ****公司 11年11月20日 第family 7 being killed there. Zhu Xi forces, hundreds of people were killed and 19 captured fighters of their respective Corps Y7页/总7页 outh pioneers, opening of a temple by the Japanese military in ocean a thick wire through the Palm of each hand, pulled a long, red with the blood of the Earth. The face of the enemy's power, captured 19 young men and women, none have ever been intimidated, no yield. Escort of the Japanese captain, kept shouting vicious "Zhu Xi forces, an enemy of the Imperial Army, big bad! Japan helps you build a new order in East Asia, you see, as long as you repent and regret, in favour of Japan-China goodwill, is overkill. "Enemy of 18 year old twin sisters are hypocritically surnamed Yao said:" our youth, a lot of things are waiting for you, how can you quickly leave the world. "In the face of enemy threats, seduce, 19 soldiers die, shouting:" down with Japan imperialism! long live the nation! " Ictus of times, fell to the enemy under the butcher's knife. He (she) for the liberation of the Chinese nation, the beauty of youth to the liberation cause of the Chinese nation, motherland cavity blood sprinkled on the ground. Zhong Jia DUN bloody battle, belongs to a group of Zhu Xi forces, two missions, Chen Qi, Zhu Jiemin Brigade Brigade suffered heavy casualties. Chinese Communist Party Member Xu, Xu Quansheng, head of three Wang Yulin and other sacrifices in the battle. Zhong Jia DUN battle casualties, Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Zhu Xi forces at the battle of Zhong Jia DUN suffer a serious defeat, but
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