首页 七个“王爷”在移动水上乐园草原狂欢 神秘古老的蒙古风情

七个“王爷”在移动水上乐园草原狂欢 神秘古老的蒙古风情


七个“王爷”在移动水上乐园草原狂欢 神秘古老的蒙古风情七个“王爷”在移动水上乐园草原狂欢 神秘古老的蒙古风情 “天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”,古老的诗歌在童年时就为我们描绘出一幅大草原壮观的景象。盛夏,草原上绿绿的水草随风翻起草浪,成群的牛羊在蓝天白云下悠然自得,还有那嘹亮的牧歌和满山的格桑花,正向我们呼唤。这个季节,值得实践齐豫在《橄榄树》中所唱的:“为了那宽阔的草原,流浪远方„„” 贡格尔草原被誉为“花海草原” ?推荐地:贡格尔草原 遇见草原风车群 推荐理由:位于克什克腾旗境内的贡格尔草原,风光秀丽,被人们誉为“花海草原”。在这绿色王国之中,蓝天、白...

七个“王爷”在移动水上乐园草原狂欢 神秘古老的蒙古风情
七个“王爷”在移动水上乐园草原狂欢 神秘古老的蒙古风情 “天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊”,古老的诗歌在童年时就为我们描绘出一幅大草原壮观的景象。盛夏,草原上绿绿的水草随风翻起草浪,成群的牛羊在蓝天白云下悠然自得,还有那嘹亮的牧歌和满山的格桑花,正向我们呼唤。这个季节,值得实践齐豫在《橄榄树》中所唱的:“为了那宽阔的草原,流浪远方„„” 贡格尔草原被誉为“花海草原” ?推荐地:贡格尔草原 遇见草原风车群 推荐理由:位于克什克腾旗境内的贡格尔草原,风光秀丽,被人们誉为“花海草原”。在这绿色王国之中,蓝天、白云、绿草、鲜花、牛羊让人深切地感受到了草原的美丽与温顺、宽广与博大。而草原上那一排排“大风车”成为草原上一道独特的旅游风景线。 推荐玩法: 进入盛夏时节,贡格尔草原上野花开遍,姹紫嫣红,蝶飞鸟鸣,生机勃勃,这是全年中草原风景最好的季节。游客远观浑克达克沙地梳林景观,游览达里湖南岸碧海银滩,定能重新认识大自然的恩赐有多么宝贵。在草原东北部还有一片珍稀的红皮云杉林,是世界上仅存的两处红皮云杉之一,有“神树”、“活化石”之称。 此外,贡格尔草原上还屹立着一排排几十米高的银白色“大风《洛阳市霞光游乐设备有限公司》车”。白云悠悠,绿浪翻滚,延绵几十里的风车迎风旋转,构成了一幅独特的美丽画卷。 tips: implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical 气候:贡格尔草原处于暖温带向寒带的过渡地区,当地以沙漠、草原为主,白天日照较强,来这里旅行一定要准备一些防晒品。晚上较凉,并且早晚温差比较大,最好带些长袖衣物。 特产:草原的物产丰富,厥菜、黄花、白蘑、山杏仁、哈拉海、巴林美石、林西水晶、天使地毯、鹿系补品等都是值得购买的特产。 葛根塔拉草原的战车式蒙古包 ?推荐地:葛根塔拉草原 住战车式蒙古包 推荐理由:“葛根塔拉”蒙语意为“夏日营盘”,意思是夏季放牧的地方,自古以来便是天然的牧场。在这里,游客可以在一望无际的草原上策马奔驰,也可骑上高大的骆驼缓缓漫游,还可观赏蒙古式摔跤和赛马表演。夜晚游客可以住在豪华的战车式蒙古包里,看漫天繁星,与大自然来个亲密接触。 推荐玩法: 从呼和浩特市驱车出发,沿着柏油马路直行,便可到达位于乌兰察布草原深处的葛根塔拉草原。夏季的葛根塔拉草原美丽动人,水草肥美,海浪似的马群、白云似的羊群,在绿海中游动。 在这里,游客可穿上艳丽的民族服装,《洛阳市霞光游乐设备有限公司》跨上追风的骏马;或者坐上传统的勒勒车,在草原上奔驰或漫游;还可拜访草原上的牧户,品尝醇香的奶茶、香甜酥脆的炒米和各种制作精细美味的奶食品。 战车式蒙古包是葛根塔拉草原景区的特色之一,想体验草原生活implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical 方式的游客,不妨住一下试试。战车式蒙古包起源于成吉思汗时代,据说在战争中人们把蒙古包放在由牛拉动的车上,方便转移。而如今的战车式蒙古包只是借用了战车之形,实质上是一个个设施完备的标准间,还有一扇大落地窗可以看到草原的日出日落。 tips: 气候:草原上气温较低,即便在夏季,夜间休息都需要盖上厚棉被。 美食:羊肉,是葛根塔拉草原美食永远的主题,如烤全羊、烤羊腿、手扒羊肉。此外,还可以吃到多种新鲜的蔬菜,做法虽朴实,但很有风味。 ?推荐地:祁连山草原 雪山下的碧波万顷 祁连山草原 src=yoleergonglve0-0-"lvmamainfouploadfile00000jpg"> 祁连山草原 推荐理由《洛阳市霞光游乐设备有限公司》:祁连山草原位于祁连山山麓,被誉为中国最美的六大草原之一。祁连山平均海拔0米~5000米,哪怕是盛夏,草原上碧绿万顷,草原之上的祁连山脉依旧银装素裹。 推荐玩法: 每年7~月间的祁连山草原最为惬意,气候凉爽,水草丰茂,各色野花和成群的牛羊交相辉映,宁静秀丽,美不胜收。盛夏之际,行走implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical 在由蔚蓝天空、碧绿草原、洁白雪峰交织而成的纯净世界里,不仅景色神奇壮观,奇妙的感觉也让人毕生难忘。 当地民风淳朴,牧民非常热情,往往主动邀请游人一起参加他们的歌会,拿出最好的食物款待客人。 七八月份来到祁连山,一定要去祁连山麓的门源县,这里有着北方最著名的油菜花美景,当南方的油菜花花期已过,门源的油菜花才灿烂盛放。门源油菜花海西起浩门河畔的青石嘴,东到大通河畔的玉隆滩,北到冷龙岭,南至大坂山,绵延数十公里。 tips: 美食:祁连山的蘑菇非常有名,许多饭馆都有用这里的特产蘑菇做的菜,很值得一尝。另外,当地的藏族、蒙古族同胞都是熬奶茶的能手,奶茶香甜又有营养,不容错过。 《洛阳市霞光游乐设备有限公司》 特产:在祁连山上,生长着雪莲、蚕缀、雪山草等珍贵中药材,被誉为祁连山《洛阳市霞光游乐设备有限公司》雪线上的“岁寒三宝”。 苏泊罕草原的蒙古包 ?推荐地:苏泊罕草原 探秘七旗会盟仪式 推荐理由:苏泊罕大草原,是中国西部最具激情浪漫与原生态魅力的游牧草原休闲度假胜地,也是内蒙古最大的原生态游牧草原文化活态博物馆。游客在这里可以领略一望无垠的草原风光,可以住蒙古包、骑蒙古马、观看七旗会盟、参加鄂尔多斯婚礼、体验游牧生活。 implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical 推荐玩法: 位于鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗苏布尔嘎镇的苏泊罕草原,原名“苏布尔嘎草原”。苏布尔嘎为蒙语,是“塔”的意思。这里保留着历史上最完整的一片原生态湿地草原,是目前内蒙古自治区第一家完全以十三世纪游牧文化打造的休闲度假主题草原旅游胜地。 到苏泊罕大草原首先不可错过的就是看神秘古老的七旗会盟仪式。这是从清朝乾隆年间留传下来的会盟制度,来自准格尔旗、达拉特旗、伊金霍洛旗、乌审旗、杭锦旗、鄂托克旗和鄂托克前旗的七个“王爷”携带家眷来到美丽的苏泊罕,互祝安康。穿着盛装的蒙古牧民,赶着成群的牛羊、骆驼浩浩荡荡前来参加狂欢盛会。热闹而隆重的七旗会盟仪式结束,鄂尔多斯婚礼接踵而来,整个迎亲过程洋溢着迷人的蒙古风情。 tips: 美食:鄂尔多斯牧区蒙古族主要以奶食为主,如白酥油、黄酥油、奶皮子、酪蛋子,口味独特,值得游客细细品尝。 特产:鄂尔多斯生产的山羊绒细致柔滑,品质很好。制作出来的羊绒衫、运动衫不仅保暖性好,而且款式新颖、颜色较多。 另外,当地的沙枣也比较出名,色泽金黄,肉多且口感不错。 implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical 移动水上乐园 充气水上乐园 www.xiaguangyoule.com qoadva implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical implementation model. Pay special attention to prevent floating style, do something superficial, cosmetic, overcome the love of work, short of a name, one of the benefits of bad ideas. To strengthen the sense of dedication. Office in the work of the Government "nerve centre", task, and burden, busy with work, hard, tough and sometimes thankless. Come into the Office the door, will not name, not for profit, unsung hero willing; to stand up to all kinds of misunderstandings, disappointments and setbacks, inclusive of ups and downs; "any hard labor, difficult, pick is hard to pick of Dan" the spirit of love and dedication, and hard work. Second, capacity-building, top-notch performance. Office of theWork lies in the people. Government offices at all levels must follow the 16 session of the plenum on strengthening the ruling ability construction of the party in order to improve the professional quality as the core, to strengthen capacity-building, picked up a pen to write, pen said, when anything can be done. To enhance the research capacity. Neither leaders nor the General staff, will continue to face the masses, face reality and society, doing the research work. Conditions permitting, are often grassroots, institutionalized, and perseverance. Investigation depth must not be superficial, also must have the breadth must not be biased. Through research, formed a quality, thoughtful, valuable research reports, improving the ability to analyze and solve practical
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