首页 楼盘起名房地产品牌命名知识



楼盘起名房地产品牌命名知识楼盘起名房地产品牌命名知识 题记:楼名如人名。我国姓名学研究源远流长,认为人的姓名决定了人一生的命运,因此,起名讲究阴阳相济、五行互补。现代社会虽然不再从易经八卦、奇门遁甲、紫微神数中寻找根据,但名性相合,平仄上口、文化凝聚、微言大意、期望盛载、形象展示的性质并未变。愉悦的名称带给人以魔幻般的吸引力。 计划经济时期没有房地产产品概念,住房由国家分配,所建楼盘也基本上没有名称,有的只是“××厂(所)家属院”、“××厂(所)福利区”,每幢楼相互之间以“×号楼”区别。房地产进入市场初期,楼盘逐渐有了自己的名称,如“纬...

楼盘起名房地产品牌命名知识 题记:楼名如人名。我国姓名学研究源远流长,认为人的姓名决定了人一生的命运,因此,起名讲究阴阳相济、五行互补。现代社会虽然不再从易经八卦、奇门遁甲、紫微神数中寻找根据,但名性相合,平仄上口、文化凝聚、微言大意、期望盛载、形象展示的性质并未变。愉悦的名称带给人以魔幻般的吸引力。 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 经济时期没有房地产产品概念,住房由国家分配,所建楼盘也基本上没有名称,有的只是“××厂(所)家属院”、“××厂(所)福利区”,每幢楼相互之间以“×号楼”区别。房地产进入市场初期,楼盘逐渐有了自己的名称,如“纬街商住楼”、“库钞街综合楼”、“太白小区”、“西塔小区”、“青龙小区”、“朝阳新村”„„等,这些名称基本上是以街道、区位、建筑标志来命名,不是来自于市场化,而带有浓厚的计划经济色彩。随着市场经济的发展,房地产市场竞争日趋激烈,各种营销手段层出不穷,知识产权、市场形象的重要性日益凸现。楼盘名称作为房地产的商标、业绩的标识,日益被开发商、政府、置业者所重视,每个楼盘或住宅区随即都有了经过政府部门或专门机构正式批准备案认可的公开名称。可以说,楼盘命名已成为房地产营销不可或缺的利器,其作用也是其他营销手法所无法取代的。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 一、楼盘命名的重要性 1(市场核心定位的反映 随着策划机构介入,房地产开发日趋规范,在楼盘的市场定位完成以后,楼盘命名就是市场核心定位的反映。楼盘名称或文化底蕴深厚,或意味深长,或灌输新居住理念,或反映地域特征,或展示品牌形象,或诉说亲情温馨,总之与楼盘定位紧密相关。 2(市场的第一驱动力 楼盘名称是面向市场的第一诉求。一个极具亲和力、给人以审美愉悦的楼盘名称,可让客户产生第一印象,并会强化置业者的第一印象,虽然未必起决定性的作用,但富有内涵的案名,至少可吸引目标客户对楼盘本身的关注,以至于引发现场看房的欲望。成功的案名使全程策划与营销战略事倍功半。 3(给置业者的心理暗示 案名的第一印象,贯穿于房地产营销的始终,甚至在整个看房、选房、签约的过程中,都发挥着潜移默化的作用,它的功能性、标识性、亲和力都会给顾客以强烈的心理暗示与鼓动。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 4(开发商给置业者的承诺 楼盘名称实际上是开发商为自己楼盘向置业者的公开承诺,开发商既要使楼盘属性、功能与楼盘名称相一致,而且要保证名实相符——案名引发置业者美丽的憧憬与楼盘的现实存在相一致。 4(楼盘市场品牌的昭示 好的楼盘名称有横空出世与非同反响之感,当它获得职业者的喜爱和认同时,就可以起到促进销售的效果,甚至可以成为品牌,这对于大型住宅区分期开发楼盘的后期销售至关重要,意义重大。 二、楼盘命名原则 楼盘广告往往大而醒目,且 宣传 免费孕前优生健康检查孕期保健知识宣传1冬季预防流感知识宣传手足口病防知识宣传森林防火宣传内容 持久而集中,人们不论购房与否都会被其庞大的气势所吸引。因此,构思巧妙的楼盘名称,不仅能强烈地吸引人们的注意力,激发关注者的联想,而且能使关注者不自觉地为她赋予新的内容,从而引发潜在用户对楼盘的关注与想往,这无疑会给楼盘销售带来好的影响。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 房地产命名就像给人起名字,虽然尽可由策划人员依据本案的地理位置、周边环境、竞争楼盘特色、总体规划、风格品位、历史脉络、风土人情等自由创意发挥,但要起一个寓意贴切、涵盖深邃、新鲜贴切的好名字却很难,笔者根据经验,以一家之言总结如下。 1(楼盘命名要打破惯例,富有创意,不落俗套。尽量避免以“××花园”、“××公寓”、“××广场”、“××大厦”、 “××小区”、“”、“××中心”等形式、或地名、街区名命名楼盘,既俗套,又容易雷同,而且不易起出富有特色的名称。 2(楼盘命名应富有时代气息,除非楼盘定位情况特殊,尽量少用不为大众所熟知的字眼,如“××邸”、“××峰”、“××第”、“××台”、“××堡”、“××坊”等。这些后缀,古老而悠久,盛载着厚重的历史与文化,但缺乏时代气息,带给人的心理暗示是灰暗、封闭和缺少阳光的感觉,大型住宅区尤不适宜采用。 3(近来楼盘命名以“村”、“庭”、“居”、“庄”、“阁”、“轩”等为后缀似有上升趋势,这些后缀,文化品位较高,虽然同样古老,却没有腐朽气,有老、庄的神秘飘逸感,如“××村”给人以群体归属感,“××庭”给人以高尚独立感、“××居”悠闲潇洒的空灵感、“××庄”回归自然颐养天年感、“××庐”格调文化的品installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 位感。但“村”、“庭”、“庄”适宜大型住宅区,而“居”、“阁”、“轩”适宜于组团命名或独立、小型楼盘。 4(楼盘名称标识性强,个性突出,要体现楼盘的差异性及与众不同,并与市场形象定位相吻合,命名时,可以强调楼盘的地理,如“虹口典范”、人文,如“汉唐龙脉”、环境,如“云间水庄”、品牌,如“紫薇花园”、“万科星园”、楼盘的定位,如“唐御康城”(功能定位)、“北美经典”(风格定位)、“钻石王朝”(目标市场定位——高收入阶层)、“万家灯火”(目标市场定位——普通收入阶层)等。 5(楼盘命名除应具有较强的人情味和感染力,在字面、寓意都具有温馨感和亲和力,在此基础上案名又具有地域特色,则楼盘就更加富于吸引力。地域特色包括两个方面,一是本地文化,一是异域文化。本地文化有较强的亲和力和人情味,但往往腐朽、落后和缺乏新意,不能满足人们对外界文化的天然追求心理。异域文化新颖、时尚、感染力强,但又易于画虎类犬,脱离地域特点,案名容易名实不符,以“阅(悦)海豪庭”为例,案名很港台化,最适宜于广东沿海,次适宜于江浙沿海,山东也还勉强(“阅海”尚可,“豪庭”勉强),辽宁就值得探讨,用于西北则贻笑大方,且不说无海可阅(悦),经济收入也“豪”不起来,给人以“土财主”的感觉。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 6(楼盘名称要起到筛分客户的作用,因此命名要与楼盘属性相符,如以贵族帝王式、欧美名胜式命名的楼盘,则多为高收入阶层的公寓或别墅;以福禄寿传统式、温馨亲切式、风花雪月式命名的楼盘,则多为廉价的平民化住宅或经济适用房;山水风光式面对的是收入中上等阶层要求提升居住质量的高尚住宅;庭台楼阁古典式面则对的是文化层次较高的职业者,以“阁”、“轩”多为单幢多层、小高层建筑;“大厦”、“中心”“广场”多为商务或商住单幢或双体高层、超高层建筑;“公寓”多为商住单幢多层、高层建筑;“苑”、“园”多为普通住宅;“庐”、“第”、“邸”多为高级住宅„„。 7(楼盘要取得销售成功,要凸现楼盘自己具有而其他竞争楼盘所没有的、且又为广大购房者所接受的产品优势点,楼盘名称作为载体可以突出和强化这些优势点,而以地名标示的,如“兴庆小区”、“柿园新村”等,或以建筑标示,如“青龙小区”等,或以功能标示的,如“××证券大厦”,这样的命名只是告诉一般信息,并不是营销手段的一部分。纵观西安楼盘命名,能与楼盘最大优势点相结合的命名凤毛麟角,反映生态、绿色、环保、健康的命名更是少见。 8(楼盘命名除考虑项目的大小(如园、苑、轩、村、厦显然规模不同)、定位、品位格调(如“新村”、“新花园”、“小区”、“广场”、“中心”等品位格调显然不足),暗喻物业的风格和档次外,最好有一定的文化含量,而蕴含中外历史文化积淀的楼盘名称是installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 为上乘。如“卧龙山庄”、“汉唐龙脉”、“开元盛世”、“雅典娜”、“高山流水”、“上林苑”、“寒舍”等。 9(楼盘名称还要从义、音、形上进行综合审视,要好记、好念、好听、好看。义,要寓意美好、令人遐想、避免歧义;音,要平仄适当、避免拗口、利于传播(如“唐园新苑”、“缘源园”等);形,要印、草皆宜、大小清晰、搭配美观。 10(楼盘名称不仅要与楼盘属性相符,而且要名实相符。如普通住宅却命名“××国际”、经济适用房却命名“××豪苑”,使目标用户望而生畏,“以为神”;而高收入阶层容易认为是“挂羊头卖狗肉”,使开发商丧失信誉;如别墅本是成功人士社会经济地位的象征,楼盘命名要高贵显赫,让居住者感到荣耀和骄傲。若命名“福来花园”、“××人家”、“××新世纪”,就不能满足成功者被周边尊重、被社会承认的心理需要;如铺块草坪起名“绿洲”,挖坑灌水起名“湖光”,开渠堆丘命名“山水”等等,这种名实不符的楼盘不仅在置业者心中造成极大的期望落差,在市场上也就同时丧失了置信度与号召力。 随着市场竞争与房地产开发的规范化,楼盘名称已从一般的标识符号演变成楼盘整体营销的一个组成部分。上文所列举的案名,仅仅installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 是笔者在万花丛中采撷的其中的几朵,即便如此,它的绚丽多姿,昭显着房地产市场的繁荣与旺盛,昭显示中国文化的博大精深。 --------------------------------------------- 房地产的品牌命名与市场推广 名正言顺,一个好的品牌,是企业最宝贵的无形资产,也是企业取之不尽用之不竭的财富源泉。 房地产品牌命名,目的有三:一是标志身份,使自己的房地产品牌与其它的房地产品牌区别开来;二是追求传播效果,借以扩大房地产企业的知名度;三是讲求市场效应,有利于推销房地产的楼盘,最终直指客户,达到营销成功。如果房地产的品牌名称取的不好,生僻、繁琐,拗口或与其它房地产名称有类同,这就给房地产的品牌传播设置障碍,给房地产的企业塑造企业形象增加困难,或起到反作用。随着市场的国际化,一个好的房地产品牌名称是非常重要的。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 那么如何为房地产做品牌策划呢, 即综合房地产的1、行业性质 2、市场定位 3、创新概念 4、建筑风格及生命力 5、人文地理及文化附加值 6、环境布局及信息流磁场 7、国际正名一统化 8、周易太极思维及五行的平衡原理等八方面,并融入汉字的音律、义蕴、字形及VI视觉形象综合酝酿,创意出一个别具一格、易于识别、易于传播、利于营销的好的增值的房地产品牌。 第一、 符合行业性质 所谓符合行业性质,就是什么行业策划什么样的品牌,但要适应时代,适合消费者的需求心态。 如:“鸿鼎基”房地产开发有限公司的品牌命名及“鸿鼎基”大厦的品牌命名。鸿:鸿大。鼎:鼎立,显赫,尊贵。基:基石,基业。鸿鼎基:鸿大鼎立的房地产基业,一看就是与行业有关。 第二、要符合市场定位(market position) 所谓市场定位,就是你的房地产是卖给谁的,你是为谁盖的房子,使自己的房子在消费者的心目中形成一个独一无二的形象,使他installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 们能够将它与其它同类房子区别开来,并在购买时第一首选就是自己楼盘。 在做房地产品牌命名市场定位时,针对目标市场直指最终客户,越准确越直接就越好。 例如:北京的“SOHO”现代城,他的目标市场定位是“Small Office Home Office,居家办公”。阳光100的品牌命名,目标定位在星光灿烂。 第二、 要符合创新概念 房地产的品牌命名创新是非常重要的,创新才能发展,再造新概念才有生命力,所以在房地产的品牌命名时,不断创新概念也是非常重要的。去年有一个北边的楼盘,名叫“京北名珠”的楼盘。“名珠”是再造新词汇,是再创新概念。还有北京的几个楼盘名,如“汇欣电子商住、信德新时代、新新小镇”。电子商住,新时代、小镇均是再造新词汇,也是新概念。 第四、要符合建筑的风格及艺术的魅力。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 房地产的品牌命名不单纯是名称那么简单,它记载建筑的时代和风格、艺术魅力。 例如:北京的“欧陆经典”记载欧陆风 罗马花园记载着意大利的风格及艺术魅力。 第五、符合人文地理及文化的附加值 房地产的品牌命名还要挖掘房地产的地域所处的人文地理和附加值。 例如:地处北京雍和宫,可以叫雍和轩。还有地处圆明园的开发项目,可借圆明园的地势传名:圆明园花园。但不一定都借人文地理的优势来命名。 第六、符合环境布局及信息流磁场的设计 环境布局和信息流磁场是新词汇,也和古代建筑讲究风水学有异曲同工之妙。 如北京有一楼盘取名“花市枣苑”,它的理念:凝聚东方神韵,构造不同凡想的现代生活。以一颗 800年的酸枣树王为基,来设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 出超级司南雕塑、神木、五行金木水火土的围棋盘广场,还有上古图腾柱以河图布局,并与“春夏秋冬”四季设计,以及把禅、道、儒的词汇融入,是一种东方神韵环境布局限性提炼。还有“东润枫景”等等。 第七、符合国际正名一统化 当中国加入WTO后,房地产的外销将再上高度,所以在房地产的命名中,一定要考虑中英文对译,既有中文的内涵,又符合英文的意思,那样的楼盘或公寓,写字楼将更国际化。 如北京丰联广场的命名:full—link,丰联音意相谐,这就是符合了国际正名一统化。 第八、符合周易的太极思维及五行的平衡。 周易的太极思维是哲学原理,五行的平衡金木水火土理论是如何符合开发商的五行平衡。 --------------------------------------------- installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 楼盘命名与地产品牌定位 常言道:“人的名,树的影”。随便走进一个房交会,或者打开一张楼盘地图,购房者有如踏进了一个迷宫,千奇百怪的楼盘名称让人眼花缭乱,看得云里雾里,相信即使是楼盘的策划者当初也一定是绞尽脑汁,煞费苦心的。 楼盘命名方兴未艾 正如初为人父母者,翻烂了几本大辞典为新生儿取名一样头疼,取名的原则是既要有丰富的内涵、寓义,又要叫得琅琅上口,还得避免产生歧义和雷同。好在中华传统文化博大精深,楼盘命名可以不断地花样翻新,决不会有山穷水尽的时候。更何况一旦自己搞不掂了,可以请专业策划公司,再不济还有命名公司,有的还免不了求神问卜,请阴阳先生测字以定吉凶,忙得个不亦乐乎。这种心情我们理解,这些举措也无可厚非,无外乎是取个好名字图个吉庆,更深一层的含义就是用一个美妙的名字确定楼盘的文化定位,或暗示和传达楼盘卖点。installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 如波托菲诺渲染的是一种地中海风情;书香门第则是弘扬中华传统的文化;红树东方述说旷野园林之美;万科东海岸社区吹来微咸的海风„„ 楼盘命名的神话与误区 在深圳也曾听说过一个好的命名救活一个楼盘的神话,说是在深圳大学附近有一个楼盘,盘量不大,地理位置也不是很好,总之,没有什么太多的特色,再加上命名定位也不准确,取了个什么“轩”什么“庭”之类的名字,结果楼盘销售业绩平平,于是求救于某著名的策划公司。策划者认真了分析楼盘的各种综合因素,顺理成章的找到了楼盘的“卖点”——深圳大学,根据消费心理分析:居住在著名的学府旁边,终日耳濡目染学术的气息,对人(尤其是对孩子的成长)是十分有利的。于是给楼盘取名为“学府××”,同时在策划推广活动中刻意突出深圳大学,让楼盘与深圳大学联系在一起,把一种与著名学府共同生活、感受浓厚的学术氛围的观念传递给消费者,于是该楼盘成为热销楼盘,很快一销而空。其实在这“吐泡口水也成潭”的城市里,还有什么奇迹不能发生呢,但如果我们仅仅寄希望于制造概念而期待奇迹的发生,从而忽略自身品牌的建设,我们是不是逐渐地步入了一个品牌定位的误区呢, 日用消费品钟情于品牌定位 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 人们可以不知道宝洁公司,但并不妨碍大家对潘婷、漂柔、海飞丝等品牌的忠诚度。在日用消费品领域里,多数消费者忠实的是产品品牌而非公司品牌。如烟民对香烟的生产厂家(企业品牌)不会非常在意,感兴趣的是香烟的牌子(产品品牌)。对于低价值的日用消费商品,人们甚至会对陌生品牌进行尝试性消费,进而转移同类产品的青睐对象,这也就是为什么在日用消费品领域里,总会不断涌现出新面孔的原因。 产地?生产厂家 但在价值稍高的商品领域里,人们对产品的选择就不会有太大的随意性,如在家电行业消费,早些年人们总要问:“是不是上海产的,”后来则关心“是不是进口的,”再后来则是问:“是哪个公司产的,”其中,“上海”、“进口”、“公司”都是产品出产地(属于广义的企业品牌)而非产品品牌。从中我们也不难发现人们的消费选择也越来越具体和细化于企业品牌了。一般情况下,消费者不会选择那些知名度不高的厂家的产品,哪怕比同类产品要廉价许多,除非他对该产品有一定的了解。 房子不好用,扔了, installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 就消费品价值而言,房子无疑的属于高档消费品范畴。因此,这种消费行为一定会比其他消费更慎重和理性。除了对房子的销售价格、地理位置、周边环境、小区建设、房屋结构、交通状况等等诸多因素进行认真、细致的综合比较以外,肯定还会对楼盘的开发商、物业管理商做一番充分的了解和比较,在期房消费活动中,这一点显得尤为突出。原因很简单,这是对品牌的一种信任度——与品牌企业进行交易,消费者会感觉放心一些,风险也相对低一些,说白了,就是消费者认为上当扯皮的可能性要小一些。换个角度说,假如是买了劣质的洗发水,不好用,扔了~买了劣质的香烟,不好抽,扔了~可是,假如是买了劣质的房子怎么办,不好使,扔了,世界上这么牛气的人恐怕还不不是很多,怎么办,找开发商去~ 寻找企业品牌 品牌,有经济学家定义为交易时的一种承诺。我理解为:品牌是企业综合实力、企业文化、经营模式等综合因素通过长期的市场行为,在消费者心里形成的认同感。这是品牌核心之所在,也是众多的商家企业不惜花费高昂的代价和大量的时间去建立、巩固并小心翼翼呵护的核心之所在。既然品牌的作用如此重要,为什么我们多数商家在进行楼盘的策划活动时,往往在不知不觉中把它给忽略了呢,这绝对不是笔者危言耸听,不信你可以随便找一个刚从房交会出来的观众,问一问:都有哪些发展商参展,肯定答不出几个;拿着楼盘地图,随便指installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 着一个楼盘名,问问发展商是谁,恐怕也很少有人能答上来;哪怕是业内人士,能屈指数出其他发展商的楼盘的人也不多。当然,只要你拔通每一个售楼热线,一定可以了解到楼盘的开发商是谁。但信息的传递有主动和被动之分,既然品牌的建立是大家孜孜以求的,为何我们总不能化被动为主动呢, 企业品牌?空中楼阁 除了万科等有限的几家企业在楼盘名称前加上一个前辍,更多的商家只是醉心于怎样给楼盘冠以一个动听的名字,而把企业品牌的建设抛到了九宵云外。楼盘的命名五花八门,而且每次命名都各自为阵,缺乏系统性和连续性,消费者几乎无法将同一企业的几个不同的产品产生统一的认知和必要的联想,更无法把企业的产品(楼盘)与企业品牌有机地联系在一起,这对于企业的品牌建立和提升是非常不利的。更为重要的是企业产品的销售不能充分利用和最大限度的借助企业品牌,这样会在无形之中提高营销成本。众所周知,品牌的第一要素就是知名度,其次才是美誉度和忠诚度。很难想像,没有知名度,企业的品牌将建立在怎样的基础之上。 叫卖“百年名盘” installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 企业在楼盘营销中,往往只是强调我们的楼盘如何如何,很少有人说我们的企业怎样怎样。也许是根本忽略了企业品牌这个概念;也许是由于产品开发和销售(分开发商和服务商)脱节造成的。有人可能认为:楼盘本身就是一个品牌。不错,但由于这个商品的特殊性,其品牌根本没有延续性和可再造性。单纯意义上的楼盘品牌的推广,在营销的角度上是狭隘的甚至是不可取的,除非你打算将这个楼盘卖上十年、二十年或者更长的时间。我们不可能向消费者做这样的宣传吧:“我们这是百年老盘,都卖了这么多年了,很有信誉的„„”从客观的角度来看,所谓的“百家名盘”之类的评比是毫无意义的,或者严格地说,“名盘”这个概念根本就是错误的,因为我们没有必要花费很大的代价去从事一种重复的劳动。 楼盘,你姓什么, 纵观所有商品,无一不打下生产企业的烙印——在产品上、在 说明书 房屋状态说明书下载罗氏说明书下载焊机说明书下载罗氏说明书下载GGD说明书下载 上、在产品包装上(除了假冒伪劣商品),在汽车行业这一点 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现得尤为突出。普通人大多都能屈指数出诸如奔驰系列有哪些款式、桑塔纳系列又有哪几款等等。在这种消费活动中,人们首先认同的是“奔驰”、“桑塔纳”的品牌进而才是对某一款式的钟情。楼盘也是一种商品,为什么不能仅从楼盘名称上就可以直观和便捷地认识发展商呢,为什么我们企业品牌的感召力不能在产品名称上得到充分的体现从而达到提升企业品牌的目的呢,是我们发展商的实力不足以产installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 生如此的影响力,还是房地产特有的营销模式不可以达到这样的境界,答案是否定的,“万科”在楼市消费者中巨大的影响力和号召力,是业界人士有目共睹的不争事实;奥林匹克花园营销模式的成功也是一个有力的证明(奥林匹克花园乍看似乎是一个产品品牌,但由于其产品的一致性和可复制性,已经超越了简单的楼盘品牌的概念)。如果不是由于品牌含金量包含着巨大的无形资产,也不会有“中体”和“奥园”的官司之争了。 艰难的话题 随着人类居住环境的不断改善和交通工具的大量普及,房子这种特殊商品的无差异化进程,必然会导致诸如品牌、服务等软件产品的激烈竞争。企业品牌的建立和快速提升将显得越来越重要。如何将企业品牌的建立与产品(楼盘)的推广活动有1机地结合起来,真正得到相得益彰的效果,从而使房地产营销策划走上一条良性发展的轨道,还有待于业内人士在工作实践中摸索和总结。本刊热烈欢迎各位方家共同讨论这一课题。 品牌企业与它们的楼盘 万科集团:万科?东海岸 万科?金域蓝湾 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 沙河股份:沙河?世纪村?如意府 沙河?世纪村?王府 长城地产:海印长城 长城盛世 长城大厦 益田地产:益田?假日世界?假日湾 益田名苑 华侨城地产:华侨城?波托菲诺 华侨城?锦绣花园?翡翠郡 (以上是企业品牌可以一目了然的楼盘名单。随机例举未及全面,不到之处,敬请原谅) 城建地产:百花园 心怡花园 花样年投资:趣园 锦上花 京基地产:碧海云天 红树东方 金海港地产:缤纷时代 金地集团:翠堤湾?龙玺 维拉顿地产:云深处 勤诚达地产:水山缘 东山开发:金海岸 中建蛇口发展:观海台 泰然股份:碧海红树 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 海康实业:青春驿站 福浩铭事业:青春家园 金江岛地产:时代骄子 国基地产:漾日湾畔 海岸地产:西海明珠 万裕地产:椰风海岸 --------------------------------------------- 浅析楼盘的命名 常听不少兄弟们说:房子贵得还是买不起。面对五花八门体面的楼盘美名,想买楼的兄弟满嘴直流口水。想想那些楼盘的名字,我们算不算在美丽下生活呢, 一、小区,请将我遗忘 90年代初期,成都流行的是“花园、广场”的楼盘命名,那些“关键词”一今天的眼光来看,算的上很土,或者说很怀旧,更有甚者只有XXX室门牌号,而住宅楼很多根本就没有命名,印象中连人民公园后面很黄金的地段也是这样。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 二、在“花园”泛滥的年代 “交大花园,美好家园”,据说这8个字,一个字就是一万。还有太多的花园了,成都仿佛就是花园城市一样。95年左右,我在一条街上,10分钟就看到了6个花园,可惜一点也不美丽。如果从楼盘名字的角度上给成都一个再定位,那时候应该可以称得上“花园城市”了。 三、因为看不懂,所以很羡慕 “花园”的名字在成都泛滥后,接踵而来的是提升于花园之上的“豪园、雅苑、华庭、府邸”的字眼。成都人一下子变得很富足,很让羡慕,弄不懂一个最悠闲的城市,怎么就能有这么多的富豪在我们身边。大概搬进去,连狗都觉得很骄傲,回过头来再看看那些过气的花园,已经有点俗不可奈。 四、从“临水”到“亲水”的概念演化 凡是靠河边的房子,价格总是高出临近的一大截。“水岸生活”成了很时尚的概念,全然不管府南河里面流淌的是什么,河是被治理了的,而且将长期治理下去,但是小时侯在河边捉鱼摸虾的记忆却只能在发黄的照片中寻找了。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 还有一群不甘寂寞的开发商,总会弄很出奇的想法。没有河就挖沟,没有沟就弄池塘。反正就要弄出水来。只是我不知道,“临水”的什么时候才能“亲水”,可以听到水声,闻到水香,摸到水形。大概是开发商怕淹死小孩子吧,反正“亲水”永远只能是看看水的样子罢了。 四、地球村,在成都被浓缩 “河滨印象”从某个开发商斑驳下来后,成都掀起了“世界风”的楼盘命名狂潮,欧洲风情,美洲风情、法式别墅,世界在成都浓缩。看来成都人很幸福,出国是不要签证的,花30块打的钱就可以游览世界了,的确是“来了就不想离开的城市”。 五、拼凑,为了在美丽下生活 当初万科人“左拼右凑”弄出了“金域蓝湾”,让很多员工都发出不满意的信号。认为这是万科在市区拿到的最好地块,所以,这名字不咋的,应该更出位,无疑,大家对此楼盘的期望值之高。但现在看看并没有落伍。记得一个MM听到“水榭花都”的名字后,说一定要到现场去看看,因为楼盘命名最好能给买家美好想象的空间。这样的名字虽然也有“拼凑”的嫌疑,但总算有了点诱惑的东西存在了。 installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before 大概只有北京的楼盘命名要精粹些,要有底蕴些,因为文化深, 国际性强。比如说:CLASS(建于果岭的上层建筑)、MOMA、朝外ME N、建外SOHO等。 而成都现在的楼盘命名仍然停留在营销阶段,有时是为了营销而 营销地命名。我很希望看到楼盘命名的动向会回到中国的传统文化上 来。日本人把西方的东西拿回日本,全部揉碎,再加入日本传统的东 西,做出来的东西既出位又现代,只有这一点还值得我们学习。 --------------------------------------------- installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: before
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