首页 2011年高考作文题目汇总及解析



2011年高考作文题目汇总及解析2011年高考作文题目汇总及解析 一(2011湖南高考作文题目:某歌手第一句话由“大家好,我来了”变为“谢谢大家,你们来了”,以此为意自拟题目写一篇作文~ 点评:今年的作文要求“请自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的记叙文或议论文。”改变了以往限制题目的一贯做法。这个题目很活,让学生的发挥空间更大。你长于叙事,可以写记叙文;你擅长议论,可以写议论文;你会日记体,可以写日记体作文;甚至还可以编写戏剧。体裁任君挑选。材料简单,却蕴含深意:不仅仅是话语的变化,更重要的是观念、态度的变化,我们应该赋予其积极的意义:歌手由以...

2011年高考作文题目汇总及解析 一(2011湖南高考作文题目:某歌手第一句话由“大家好,我来了”变为“谢谢大家,你们来了”,以此为意自拟题目写一篇作文~ 点评:今年的作文要求“请自拟题目,写一篇不少于80 0字 个人自传范文3000字为中华之崛起而读书的故事100字新时代好少年事迹1500字绑架的故事5000字个人自传范文2000字 的记叙文或议论文。”改变了以往限制题目的一贯做法。这个题目很活,让学生的发挥空间更大。你长于叙事,可以写记叙文;你擅长议论,可以写议论文;你会日记体,可以写日记体作文;甚至还可以编写戏剧。体裁任君挑选。 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 简单,却蕴含深意:不仅仅是话语的变化,更重要的是观念、态度的变化,我们应该赋予其积极的意义:歌手由以自我为中心变为以他人为中心,由趾高气扬变为俯下身子,由人人为我变为我为人人,由高高在上变为谦逊感恩等等,从歌手生发开去,可以联想当今国民大都以自我为中心,90后的独生子尤其如此,只注重自我的利益,忽视他人存在,凡事情先替自己着想,后替别人打算等现状做理性反思,树立“人人为我,我为人人”的观念。(来源 冠华作文网) 二(2011年江苏卷高考作文题: 2011江苏高考作文题为《拒绝平庸》。以拒绝平庸为题,不避平凡,不可平庸,为人不可平庸,平庸便无创造,无发展,无上进。处世不可平庸,因此,要有原则,有鉴识,有坚守。不少于800字,除诗歌外文体不限。 三(2011年全国I卷高考作文题: 期待成长 四(2011年普通高等学校招生考试全国卷2作文题:代买彩票 有关于代买彩票,结果中奖530万,奖金应该怎么分,多数人选择了对半分或者独占。根据这个材料进行作文。 五( 2011年新课标卷(河南、山西、吉林、黑龙江、宁夏、新疆、海南)高考作文题:中国崛起的特点 据美国全球语言研究所公布全球二十一世纪十大新闻,其中有关中国作为经济和政治大国崛起的新闻名列首位,成为全球最大的新闻。该所跟踪了全球75万家纸媒体、电子媒体及互联网信息,发现其中报道中国崛起的信息有3亿多条。 那么,中国的崛起主要有什么值得称道的和关注的特点呢,《中国青年报》联合门户网在中国网民中进行了调查,结果排在前六名的分别是:经济发展、国际影响、民生改善、科技水平、城市新进程和开放程度。请根据以上材料,谈自己的所思、所想。选择一个恰当的角度,题目自拟,文体不限(除诗歌外);不要脱离材料的含义,不要套作,不得抄袭。 六(2011年浙江高考作文题:我的时间 一代人有一代人的偶像。钱学森、袁隆平、宗庆后、张艺谋、马化腾、刘翔„„他们是不同时代不同行业的成功者,有无数崇拜者和模仿者追随其后。他们做过什么,又是怎么做的,被写进了种种励志读本,然而,他们的成功很难复制,因为时间在变,万物在变,一个人成功的赋予也在变。 infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 时间不是一个抽象的概念。初夏秋冬,四时更替。物理时间随着时钟的指针分分秒秒匆匆地流逝,而人生的时间,则由大大小小的悲喜堆叠而成过去,由错错对对的选择建构而成未来。所以,人生的真谛不在复制别人的成功,而是认识自己,在合适的时间里做好该做的事~ 根据上述材料的含义,以“我的时间”为标题,写一篇不少于800字的文章。 【要求】?选择角度,明确立意。?除诗歌外,文体不限。?不得抄袭,不得套作。 七(2011年山东卷高考作文题:《这世界需要你》 请以“这世界需要你”为题,写一篇不少于800字的文章。要求:1、自定立意;2、除诗歌外文体不限;3、文体特征鲜明。 八(2011年天津卷高考作文题: 阅读下面的材料,按照要求作为(60分) 古人云:“以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以古为镜可以见兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。“镜”是认识自我和世界的另一双眼睛。今天,更多种类的镜丰富了我们感知的层次和色彩;望远镜将我们的实现引向远方,显微镜 撩开微观世界的神秘面纱。反光镜 让我们瞻前仍可顾后,哈哈镜变幻出多样的自己,三棱镜 在我们面前架起一道美丽的彩虹,这些镜为我们打开了多维的空间,使我们的视野更加开阔,思维更加深邃,心灵更加明澈。 请从望远镜,显微镜,反光镜,哈哈镜,三棱镜中至少选择两种镜,结合自己的感悟,写一篇文章。 要求:?自选角度,自拟题目。?除诗歌外文体不限。?不少于800字不得套作,不得抄袭。 九( 2011年北京卷高考作文题: 2011年北京高考作文题:阅读下面材料,按要求作文 鹿特丹世乒赛结束后,师生们一起讨论:生甲:太好了,中国队又包揽了全部冠军~这叫实至名归。竞技体育就得靠实力说话。生乙:但我更愿意看见外国选手成功挑战中国名将。一个国家长期垄断某体育比赛的金牌其实并不利于这个项目的发展。生丙:有人主张中国队应让出一两枚金牌,我不赞成,如果故意输球,就有违公平竞赛原则和奥林匹克精神…… 老师:同学们说的都有一定道理,有些道理不仅体现在乒乓球运动上,也适用于其他社会生活领域。 要求:根据以上材料,自选角度,自拟题目,联系实际,写一篇不少于800字的文章。除诗歌外文体不限。 infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 点评:北京今年高考作文题相对简单,是典型的议论文,作文题和社会热点结合紧密,题目贴近生活。是一道有关成功的话题,指引考生树立人生观。材料中老师的话,就是整个材料的延伸,明确指引考生应做内容升华,提出现实意义。考生入手比较容易,选择写议论文,论述的重点集中在公平竞争、坚持原则等方面。不少考生会觉得作文题涉及的话题有的写,作文题比较具体,想象力和虚构性的成分很少,主要考察考生的论述能力,而非文采。考题给出了几种观点的可能性,而非就某个特定事件和现象就事论事,不容易与押题“重合”。但很难找到一个出彩的论点拿到高分。(来源 冠华作文网) 十一. 2011年辽宁卷高考作文题:给材料作文 阅读下面一段材料,根据要求写不少于800字的文章: 有位哲学家举着一个苹果对他的学生说:“这个苹果是是我刚从果园摘来的,你们闻到它的香味了吗,”有一个学生看到苹果红红的就抢着说:闻到了。 哲学家又走到学生面前让他们闻,有的说闻到了,有的闻也不闻就说闻到了,只有三个学生默不作声。哲学家说:“你们怎么了,”其中一个学生又闻了闻,说:“什么味也没闻到”还有一个学生上来摸了摸说,这是什么什么苹果, 还有一个学生讷讷地说:“老师,今天我感冒了”。哲学家把这个苹果拿给学生们传看,竟然是蜡做的假苹果。 要求选好角度,明确立意,确定文体,不要脱离所给材料的范围,不要套作,不要抄袭。 十二.2011年上海高考作文题:1、犹太王大卫在戒指上刻有一句铭文:一切都会过去。 2、契柯夫小说中的一个人物在戒指上也有一句铭文:一切都不会过去。这两句寓有深意的铭文,引起了你怎样的思考, 十三.2011年四川卷高考作文题: 总有一种期待。 十四. 2011年广东卷高考作文题: 大千世界,“原点”无所不在。“原点”可以是道路的起点,可以是长河的源头,可以是坐标的中心,可以是事物的根本。 请以“回到原点”为标题,联系生活体验与认识,写一篇认识,自定文体,不少于800字(含标点符号)。 十五.2011重庆高考作文题:《情有独钟》 十六. 2011年湖北卷高考语文的作文题目:《旧书》 infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 十七. 2011年安徽卷高考作文题: 以“时间在流逝”为题,写一篇作文。题材不限,不少于800字。 注意:1 立意自定,题目自拟,除诗歌外,问题不限;2 不得套作,不得抄袭;3 不得透露个人信息;4 书写 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,正确使用标点符号。 十八. 2011年福建卷高考作文题: 根据以下文字~写一篇不少于800字的记叙文或议论文: 袁隆平说~我的工作让我常晒太阳、呼吸新鲜的空气~这使我有了个好身体……我梦见我种的水稻长得像高梁那么高~穗子像扫把那么长~颗粒像花生米那么大~我和我的朋友~就坐在稻穗下乘凉。 要求:选择一个角度构思作文~自定立意~自选文体~自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围~不要套作~不得抄袭。 [点评]2011年福建卷的作文是道材料作文题。通过提炼材料的主要内容~我们发现材料只是叙述了“一个人、两件事”:以省略号为分界点~一是“工作”让工作的人有个好身体~二是“工作”让工作的人有个梦想。将两件事进一步提炼~命题者的思路也就水落石出了:一份经常需要日晒雨淋、异常艰苦的“工作”~在乐观的袁隆平看来~那些艰难困苦对自己是一种锻炼;袁隆平之所乐观~是因为心中有一份梦想。 理清题意后~立意角度也就水到渠成了。围绕“艰难困苦~玉汝于成”展开~笑看苦难、挫折~将之当做成功infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds, 道路上的磨练。也可以围绕“梦想”展开~正是因为心中有梦想、目标~一切艰难困苦都阻挡不了成功。 十九. 2011年江西高考作文题: 以“孟子三乐”为主题写一篇记叙文或议论文,字数700字左右;小作文要求根据印象对鲁迅进行评价,要用自己的观点进行 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 达,字数200字左右。 附:孟子三乐—— “君子有三乐,而王天下不与存焉。父母俱存,兄弟无故,一乐也;仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人,二乐也;得天下英才而教育之,三乐也。君子有三乐,而王天下者不与存焉。” infected animals should be destroyed immediately, to blockade the foci, thorough disinfection of patient isolation, transport should wear a mask to eliminate the source of infection, to achieve "early discovery, early reporting, early quarantine and early treatment" emergency measures during the holidays and holidays company decision-making, Project Manager Project Manager on duty for 24 hours; Before the holidays, project personnel have to keep contacts open, for a holiday when the incident occurred, immediately terminate the holiday of the project to start normal emergency mechanism at work, after the end of the emergency, on duty on the day by the staff to fill out records and summoned related personnel to study countermeasures to prevent accidents from happening again. Inclement weather emergency measures in summer torrential rains, typhoons, high-temperature heat is closely monitoring weather, construction, gather weather information at any time, once the national, the provincial Meteorological Center forecast, project emergency response team immediately started emergency plans; Inclement weather emergency measures: adjusted the construction progress and strength; to protect finished products and protection of materials and equipment; personnel security and, if necessary, adjust the labor intensity of workers and working time started, funds,
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