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初中英语十分钟讲课初中英语十分钟讲课 篇一:初中英语10分钟说课稿 T:Class begins!Goodafternoon, everyone! Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Hunag. T: sit down please! Boys and girls, how are you today? Fine? That’s great! Just so-so, oh, I fell sorry to hear that.OK, First, one golden saying one class! Pl...

初中英语十分钟讲课 篇一:初中英语10分钟说课稿 T:Class begins!Goodafternoon, everyone! Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Hunag. T: sit down please! Boys and girls, how are you today? Fine? That’s great! Just so-so, oh, I fell sorry to hear that.OK, First, one golden saying one class! Please take notes! An apple a day, keeps the doctors away. So what does this proverb mean? It means eating an apple everyday can help us stay healthy and we should fall the good habit of eating an apple a day to keep fit. Okay,let’s get down to the business, right now, I want to ask all of you three simple questions connected with traveling. 1) Do you like traveling? Why or why not? 2) Where did you go last summer/winter vocation? How did you get there? 3) Do you have any ideas/plans about the coming summer vocation? Boys and girls, you can consider those questions in your 1 mind, and we will discuss them later. so,today, ourtopic is going places. Now, suppose you will go someplace on the coming summer vocation. For example, go to Dujiangyan Irrigation(都江堰) .Let’s make a plan for our trip, OK? (Show a form on the screen.) Well, just now, I heard that most of you have traveled. Now, I give you one minute to talk withyour partner about where have you traveled and how did you go there. Then, I will ask some of you. T: Time is up. who wants to share with us?good, Tom, you please!where have you traveled? S: I have traveled to Mt. .E’mei. T: Ok. Please don’t tell us how did you go there now? We can try to guess. S1: By bus. T: By bus? Do you think so? (Write down “bus” on the blackboard, and show the picture on PPT) S2: By plane. T: By plane? (Write down “plane” on the blackboard, and show the picture on PPT) S3: By taxi. T: By taxi? (Write down “taxi” on the blackboard, and 2 show the picture on PPT) T: Now, I try to guess. By ferry? (Write down “ferry” on the blackboard, and show the picture on PPT) S4: By motorbike? (Write down “motorbike” on the blackboard, and show the picture on PPT) T:Please tell us how did you go there, S: By train. T: Ok. Thank you. T: Just now, we have guessed some means of transportation. Now, look at the blackboard and PPT. There are some new words. Sum them up together. T: Read after me. ( bus ,taxi ,motorbike , train ,ferry ,helicopter , plane ,tram ,bicycle) T/Ss:( bus ,taxi ,ferry, motorbike, train ,ferry, helicopter, plane , tram , bicycle T: We know all of these words about the vehicles now. Then, I will ask you some questions . T: Which of the vehicles in activity 1 travel on roads? Ss: motorbike, bus, bicycle, taxi T:Which of them travel on rails? Ss: tram, train T:Which of them travel on water ? 3 Ss:Ferry T:Which of them travel in the air ? Ss:helicopter /plane T:Ok, stop here.Great. All of all have done an excellent job! Now, you are familiar with them. Then, take a look at PPT, there is a passage, I give you 3 minutes to read it and find out some phrases. Start! T: Are you ready? Ok, What are the phrases in this passage? Any volunteer? Ss: This passage including get on, get off, get into, get out (of), take off, ride, drive, land. T: Well done, sit down please. Class, Please underline them. T: Now working in groups of 4 to do the activity 3 match the verbs with the means of transport in activity 1. Each member of the group finishes two of them. For example: get on (a bus, a train…) T/Ss: Summary the phrases Step5 Homework Write a composition of about 80-100 words on the topic “My First Time Traveling to…” 篇二:课堂十分钟 Unit 2 I’ll help to clean the city parks 4 Section A第一课时 一、从方框中选词填空。 1. 2. Look at the__________. It says that we are going to have a school trip next Friday. 3. We are thinking about joining an after-school study ________ to help the students in trouble. 4. I’m a teacher and I want to be a __________ to teach in the west. 5. Our class won the basketball game and the other students__________. 二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1. Li Ming traveled many____________(city), like Beijing; Shanghai; Guangzhou. 2. Let’s start now because _____________(clean up) Day is only three days from now. 3. Are you __________(make) the plan to work on the farm? 4. Working in an old _________(people) home sounds interesting. 三、词组互译。 1. 打扫干净___________________ 2. give 5 out_______________________ 3. 振奋起来___________________ 4. used to________________________ 5. 提出一个 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 _______________ 6. Care for the old_________________ 四、单项选择。 1. —Let’s do some things for the hungry children. —OK. We ________ to get some food for them. A. must helpB. helped C. are helping D. could help 2. Look, there are some gum(口香糖)on the floor. Let’s _____________. A. Clean it upB. Clean them upC. Clean up itD. Clean up them 3. Zhang Li’s grandma often help tells her stories about the past and how things_________. A. Used to B. Used to be C. Be used to D. Be used to be 4. — 篇三:现在进行时十分钟试讲 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 Teaching objectives: Knowledge objective: Ss can know the usage of the present continuous tense. 6 Ability objective: Ss can use the present continuous tense to communicate with others fluently and freely. Emotional objective:Ss can enhance their interest of learning English. Teaching key point:Get the students know the basic usage of the present continuous tense. Teaching difficult point: How to make students use the new grammar to communicate with others in the real situations. Teaching Aids:multimedia Teaching Methods: task-based teaching method,heuristic teaching method Teaching Procedures: Step1 Lead-in 1.guessing game Show some pictures and let Ss guess the verbs: swim, eat dinner, do homework, watch TV, play basketball Step2 Presentation and Practice 1. Ask Ss to have a listening and fill in the blanks. 2. Guide Ss to know the structure and function of the present continuous tense. be+doing 7 3. Read the letter and have a role play.(Linda and Mike) Step3 Consolidation 1. Game:Say and Act Work in pair, one student act, the other make a guess. S1-What am I doing? S2-You are …… T-What is he/she doing? S3-He/she is…… Step4 Summary Homework: Choose your favourite photo. And try to write three sentences by using the present continuous tense. Share with us next class. Teaching reflection: Blackboard design: The present continuous tense be+ V.ing I’m playing basketball. We’re eating dinner.She’s doing homework.swimming watching TV S1---What am I doing now? S2---I’m …… 篇四:初中英语讲课思路和体会 8 讲课思路和体会 济宁十三中 陈娟感谢大家给我这个学习和提高的机会,感谢大家对我的帮助。感谢张老师对我的悉心指导。下面我就这节课的设计思路和具体做法向大家做一个汇报: 基于课标的相关要求、教材中本单元的学习目标和我对学生学习水平的预测,定位本节课是一节侧重读写的课。课标要求培养学生的读写技能,“读”为“写”服务,也就是输入为输出服务。“写”建立在“读”的基础之上,我们提倡的是“读写一体化”的教学。 这节课我制定了五个目标, 大家可以在教案上看到。为了实现第一个目标我设计了一个小游戏,用祈使句Click on the gift, please. 引出Could you please?? 此活动的目的是本着先易后难的原则以旧知引出新知。为了实现第二个目标,我引导学生根据look after 说出它的同意短语 take care of以完成由旧知到新知的学习。 为了实现第三个目标,我在阅读过程中设计了五个活动。一、通过学生猜测一个问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 的答案,来培养学生预测文章主旨的能力,然后通过skimming 来验证他们的预测。二、通过明确Thomas 在留言条中的具体要求,培养学生运用scanning 策略来获取信息的能力。三、通过活动归类,培养学生归纳梳理的能力。 四 、通过自己阅读,进一步培养学生 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 归纳语言知识, 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 文本的能力。五、通过学生对文 9 本的复述或朗读来检测学生对文本的掌握。此处体现对学生的分层要求,关注到不同层次的学生学情。以上的活动都是为下一步的写作准备的。 读后,我又设计了三个活动。第一个是以Sandy 的身份向Dave写求助信。首先让学生小组合作讨论出想让朋友帮忙做的事情。学生相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。第二个是小组内交流评价作文,目的是让孩子们学会自我评价。最后,让学生从知识、技能、策略和跨文化意识四个方面总结一下今天所学的知识。 通过这次备课、讲课,张老师教会了我很多,比如,在备课时要依据课标要求,备课定目标,要确定针对哪个目标,课堂活动要有目 标指向性,要围绕目标设定,并且要注意评价目标的标准。要想让学生有足够的输出,首先要有足够的输入,并且输入的一定要是语篇的东西。(我将自己的收获另记在笔记本上,提醒自己以后时常翻看,真正让它变成自己可以使用的东西。) 在授课过程中有诸多发挥不是太好的地方,比如多媒体操作不够熟练,从而耽误了讲课的时间,最后一步活动没有很好的展开,还要仔细推敲、修正,不足之处还请大家多提宝贵意见。 篇五:初中英语讲课 10 Starter U1 Good morning (18分钟) Hello everyone. Nice to see you. My English name is Tina. So, you can call me Tina. I am your new friend. I think we will be good friends in the future, we will have a good time. 大家好,我的英文名字是Tina,我相信我们会度 过很多愉快的时光. First I’d like to talk about my listens. 首先我想介绍一下我的课程安排。Starter, 那么预备期,每 个预备单元我将会用一个课时来完成,后面的正式单元我会 分Section A and Section B 两个课时。OK, Let’s learn Starter Unit 1 My name is Gina. OK now let’s see. (1分钟) 画图 Good morning!If the sun is here, we will say “Good morning”。 ? Good afternoon!If the sun is in the middle of sky, 如果 太阳在我们的头顶上we will say “Good afternoon” Good evening! If the sun is here, we often say “Good evening” and we could also Good night! say “Good night” OK Now you know how to great people at different times. “Good morning”、 “Good afternoon”、 “Good evening”。 If you meet some close friends, you can also say like this: Hello, Helen! 11 Hello Bob, Hello Cindy, Hello Eric, Hello Mary. 你好 Bob, 你好Cindy, 你好Eric, 你好Mary. And you can also say Hi for short. Hi, Bob! Hi Bob, HiCindy, Hi Eric, Hi Mary. And if you want to great people and ask them how they are, you can also say like this: How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you? I’m OK. “How are you?”你好吗,”I’m fine, thank you. And you” 我很好,谢谢。你呢,And you? I’m OK. 我也很 好,I’m OK. 我很好。 Now let’s come to the second part in our lesson. How to write letters? Before learning the letters, could you tell me how many letters there are in English? Yes, very good, there are 26 letters in English. Today we are going to learn 8 letters, from A to H. Now let’s see. The first letter is A. 大写 字母A 像一个尖尖的宝塔,由三笔完成。小写字母a由一 笔完成,它有一个翘起的小小的辫子。大写字母B像两块小 小的面包,由两笔完成,小写字母b像一个位置向右方向摆 放的凳子,小写字母b由一笔完成。The third letter is C, 第 三个字母C像我们的耳朵,小写字母c和大写字母C像一 12 对父子,一个大一个小。The fourth letter,第四个字母D像大大的一个面包,小写的字母d想一个向左摆放的凳子,然后翘起了一个小小的弯角。第五个字母是我们的E,E像一把只有三个齿的梳子,小写字母e,有一个小小的弯钩。第六个字母,像一个只有两个齿的梳子,小写的字母f有一个昂起的头。第七个字母G,像我们的字母C戴 了一个耳环,小写的字母g有一个向左的弯钩。我们今天接触到的最后一个字母是什么呢,对是H,H像有一格的楼梯,小写h像一个位置朝右的凳子,但是也有一个小小的弯角。 这就是我们今天学到的八个字母From A to H(读一遍)大家都学会了吗,OK, let’s come to the third part of our class. 我们今天进行到第三节:音标的学习。首先你能告诉我英语中有多少个音标吗,有48个音标,20个元音,28个辅音,那么元音和辅音就像我们汉语拼音当中的声母和韵母来标注单词的读音。我们今天来学到四个音标: 第一个音标 ei ,ei 这个音标从e很平滑的发到I, 本单元含有ei这个音标的字母和单词有: Ei A他们都含有ei这个音标。(读几遍) 第二个音标i: 应该是前舌抬起,舌端抵下齿,含有i:这个音标的字母和单词有B,C,D,E,G. I: B C E Gevening 第三个我们要学到的是 e 这个音舌端抵下齿,前舌抬起 E 第四个我们学到的音标是 这个音标从外观看像个梅 13 花,所以我们又叫它梅花音,发这个音的时候双唇需要向两 边伸张。那么本单元含有这个音标的单词有 Frank, thanks 那么我们今天学到了四个音标,以后我们还会学到更多音 标。Ok so much for today’s lesson. Let’s try to make a conclusion.我们来做一个总结,本节课我们学到了这样和别 人打招呼。在早晨,We will say :Good morning, 在中午下 午我们可以说Good aftternoon, 在晚上we will say : Good evening, Good night遇到我们比较熟的人的时候我们还可以 说 Hello, Hi 当想问别人情况怎么样的时候我们还可以说 How are you? I’m fine, thank you, and you? I’m ok. 那么我们今天还学到了八个字母(读一 遍);在我们今天的课的第三个部分,我们还学到了四个音 标(读一遍)。大家都记住了吗,在下节课中我们还学到怎 么样来称呼我们的枕头,我们睡觉的被子,还有我们生活当 中许许多多其它的物品,我相信大家肯定会有兴趣。今天我 们学到了许多打招呼的东西,那么大家回去后能和我们的亲 戚朋友用英语打招呼吗,今天的家庭作业。 OK so much for today. Starter U2 What’s this in English? Hello everyone. Nice to see you again. I am your old friend. In the last class we had learnt how to great people. For example, in the morning, we often say: “Good 14 morning”, in the afternoon, we often say” Good afternoon” , in the evening ,we can say ”Good evening” or “Good night” And in this class we are going to learn how to indentify things. Do you want to learn it, now ,Pleas follow me.那么今 天我们要学习如何认识身边的物品,想学习吗,请走进我的 课堂。 OK. First, I will show you a picture. 首先我为大家展示一 张图片,Now, look here, OH, What’s this? Yes, it’s a map, it’s a map of China. And if you go to another city, you can’t find the way, you can buy a map to help you find a way. So, may is very useful in our daily life. 如果你 到了一个陌生的城市,找不到路了怎么办呢,你可以买一张 地图,让地图帮助你找到你想要去的地方。 Now, the next one I want to show you is a key. A keyIt’s a key 它的意思是“它是一把钥匙”,钥匙在我 们生活中是非常常见的。The key is very useful in our daily life. This is a key. And the third one I want to show to you is a jacket. Now look here, what’s this ? Yes, it’s a jacket. Now the next one, when you are sleeping, I think you will use it. What’s this? This is a quilt. Now, what’s this? Can you guess? Yes, it’s a 15 ruler. We often use it in our daily life, when you are studing,when you are doing math homework.当你做数学家 庭作业的时候,你可能会用到它。And the last one, this is a kind of fruit. What’s this? It’s an orange. 它是一种水果, Do you like eating oranges? I like eating them very much. 你喜欢吃橘子吗,我很喜欢它。 Map a map of China A key a jacket a quilt A ruleran orange Maybe you will have a question, why here it’s an orange, not a orange. Ok let me tell you. 让我来告诉你。在英语当 中,如果这个名次是以元音因素开头的,它的不定冠词要用 an而不是a。Now, I will read them for you.( 读一遍) Now let’s look at the pictures and review all of the words. What’s this? It’s a… Ok, now if you see a thing, but you don’t know how to say in English. You can like this. If you see a thing, but you don’t know how to speak in English, you can speak like this: What’s this in English? And how to answer a question, let me tell you. It’s a map. Now let’s practice together. (拿出卡片,问和答) 16 OK, That’s good. Now, you know how to say it but you don’t know the words, how to do? Let me tell you. You can do like this: “Spell it please” . Spell it , please. OK, now let’s practice those coversation. What’s this in English? It’s a map. Spell it, please. Now when you meet some new words, you will know how to ask it and you how to spell it. OK, Good. Today we have learnt how to ask the thing and how to spell a word. OK, let’s come to the next part of our class. The Letter. Do you still remember how many letters we had learnt in our last class. Yes, you are right. There are 8 letters in our last class. And today we are going to learn I to R, there are 10 letters. Now let’s learn them one by one. The first letter is I, I 这个字母由三笔完成,小写的I, 我 们看它像一只点燃的小蜡烛。第二个字母J,大写的字母J 由一笔完成,它占有四线三格中的上两格。大写的J,我们 看看像什么呢,对,它像一个鱼钩。小写的j比大写的J会 多上一个点, 那么它所占的是四线三格中的三格。 第三个字母,你猜到是什么字母了吗,Yes.是我们的K, K这个字母由两笔完成,大家仔细观察一下大写的K, 如果 把它横过来,是不是很像一本翻开的书呢,那么小写的k, 17 我们由一笔完成,请大家注意我的笔画。小写的k,首先一个斜线下来,然后会由原路返回到中间的 第二条横线处,再画一个圈,再斜线下来,最后一个小钩上去。那么下一个字母是什么呢,对,是L。大写的L由一笔完成,那么小写的L呢,也是由一笔完成,只不过小写的l,的这个小钩是一个小圆钩,第五个我们要学到的字母是M,我们看看大写的M像什么呢,想两座山峰,小写的M, 它由两笔完成,小写的m, 它只占中间一格。紧接M之后的是我们的N,小写的n,由一笔完成,接下来我们学到的是O,O这个字母像一个椭圆,那么它的小写字母和大写字母一样的写法,它只占中间一格。接下来我们要学的是P,大写的P像一个旗杆上飘扬着一面小旗,小写的p,会加上一个小小的弯钩。那么学到的下一个字母Q,就像在O这个字母上加上一个小辫子,或者像在气球上加上了一根小绳子,注意这个小绳子要穿过这个气球。小写的q,由一笔完成,占四线三格中的下两格,注意小写q的竖钩是一个直钩。大写的R占四线三格的上两格,那么小写的r占四线三格中的中间一格,由一笔完成。好,这些字母你们都学会了吗,现在我把我们学到的10个字母读给大家听一遍。你们都记住了吗,下一节课我们再来复习这些字母。 Now, let’s come to the third part of our class. 下面我们进入我们今天课堂的第三个部分:音标。 18 今天我们学习到的第一个音标 ai ,这个音标是从a过度到i的合口双元音,那么本单元含有这个音标的字母和单词有哪些呢, 对了,有我们今天学到的第一个字母 I 还有我们上节课学到的和别人打招呼的Hi, 以及fine. 我们今天学到的第二个音标是I, 上节课我们学到的 19
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