首页 2010二建法规真题



2010二建法规真题2010二建法规真题 2010年二级建造师法规及相关知识真题及答案 一、单项选择题(共60题,每题1分,每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意) 1.根据施工合同,甲建设单位应于2009年9月30日支付乙建筑公司工程款。2010年6月1日,乙单位向甲单位提出支付请求,则就该项款额的诉讼时效( ) A(中断 B(中止 C(终止 D(届满 2.二级注册建造师注册证书有效期为( )年。 A(1 B(2 C(3 D(4 3.下列规范性文件中,效力最高的是( )。 A(行政法规 B(司法解释 C(地...

2010二建法规真题 2010年二级建造师法规及相关知识真题及答案 一、单项选择题(共60题,每题1分,每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意) 1.根据施工 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,甲建设单位应于2009年9月30日支付乙建筑公司工程款。2010年6月1日,乙单位向甲单位提出支付请求,则就该项款额的诉讼时效( ) A(中断 B(中止 C(终止 D(届满 2.二级注册建造师注册证书有效期为( )年。 A(1 B(2 C(3 D(4 3.下列规范性文件中,效力最高的是( )。 A(行政法规 B(司法解释 C(地方性法规 D(行政规章 4.没有法定或者约定义务,为避免他人利益受损失进行管理或者服务而发生的债称为( )之债。 A(合同 B(侵权 C(不当得利 D(无因管理 5.根据《物权法》的相关规定,以建筑物抵押的。抵押权自( )时设立。 A(合同签订 B(备案 C(交付 D(登记 6.下列选项中,不属于我国建造师注册类型的是( )。 A(初始注册 B(年检注册 C(变更注册 D(增项注册 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 7.某建设工程预计建设工期13个月,按照法律规定,建设单位的到位资金原则上不 少于工程合同价的( )%。 A(20 B(30 C(40 D(50 8.根据《物权法》的相关规定,不得抵押的财产是( )。 A(正在建造的航空器 B(土地所有权 C(生产原材料 D(荒地承包经营权 9.我国建筑业企业资质分为( )三个序列。 A(工程总承包,施工总承包和专业承包 B(工程总承包,专业分包和劳务分包 C(施工总承包,专业分包和劳务分包 D(施工总承包,专业承包和劳务分包 10.根据工程承包相关法律规定,建筑业企业( )承揽工程。 A(可以超越本企业资质等级许可的业务范围 B(可以另一个建筑施工企业的名义 C(只能在本企业资质等级许可的业务范围内 D(可允许其他单位或者个人使用本企业的资质证书 11.根据《工程建设项目施工招标投标办法》规定,在招标文件要求提交投标文件的 截止时间前,投标人( )。 A(可以补充修改或者撤回已经提交的投标的文件,并书面通知招标人 B(不得补充、修改、替代或者撤回已经提交的投标文件 C(须经过招标人的同意才可以补充、修改、替代已经提交的投标文件 D(撤回已经提交的投标文件的,其投标保证金将被没收 12.根据《招标投标法》规定,在工程建设招标投标过程中,开标的时间应在招标文 件规定的( )公开进行。 A(任意时间 B(投标有效期内 C(提交投标文件截止时间的同一时间 D(提交投标文件截止时间之后三日内 13.下列选项中不属于招标代理机构的工作事项是( )。 A(审查投标人资格 B(编制标底 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology C(组织开标 D(进行评标 14.根据《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位必须对安全设备进行经常性维护、保养,并定期检测,这一规定属于安全生产保障措施中的( )。 A(组织保障措施 B(管理保障措施 C(经济保障措施 D(技术保障措施 15.书面评标报告作出后,中标人应由( )确定。 A(评标委员会 B(招标人 C(招标代理机构 D(招标投标管理机构 16.根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,工程监理单位应当审查施工组织设计中的安全技术措施或专项施工方案是否符合工程建设强制性 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和( )标准。 A(建设单位要求适用的 B(监理单位制定的 C(工程建设推荐的 D(工程建设行业 17.工程实行总承包的,分包单位作业人员的意外伤害保险费由( )支付。 A(建设单位 B(总承包单位 C(分包单位 D(总承包和分包单位共同 18.在施工现场安装、拆卸施工起重机械,整体提升脚手架,模板等自升式架设设施,必须由( )承担。 A(总承包单位 B(使用设备的分包单位 C(具有相应资质的单位 D(设备出租单位 19.下列选项中,属于建筑施工企业取得安全生产许可证应当具备的安全生产条件是( )。 A(在城市规划区的建筑工程已经取得建设工程规划许可证 B(依法参加工伤保险,依法为施工现场从事危险作业人员办理意外伤害保险,为从业人员交纳保险费 C(施工场地已基本具备施工条件,需要拆迁的,其拆迁进度符合施工要求 D(有保证工程质量和安全的具体措施 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 20.根据《安全生产许可证条例》规定,安全生产许可证的有效期为( )年。 A(1 B(2 C(3 D(4 21.某工地发生了安全事故,造成3人死亡,按照生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例的规定,该事故属于( )。 A(特别重大 B(重大 C(较大 D(一些 22.依据《建设工程质量管理条例》,工程承包单位在( )时,应当向建设单位出具质量保修书。 A(工程价款结算完毕 B(施工完毕 C(提交工程竣工验收报告 D(竣工验收合格 23.某工程设计文件需要作重大修改,则( )。 A(设计单位应和建设单位协商一致修改后即可使用 B(设计单位可直接进行修改 C(应由建设单位报原审批机关批准 D(须开专家论证会后,设计单位方可修改 24.某建设项目施工单位拟采用的新技术与现行强制性标准规定不符,应由( )组织专题技术论证,并报批准该项标准的建设行政主管部门或国务院有关主管部门审定。 A(建设单位 B(施工单位 C(监理单位 D(设计单位 25.由国务院建设、铁路、交通、水利等行政主管部门各自审批,编号和发布的标准,属于( )。 A(国家标准 B(行业标准 C(地方标准 D(企业标准 26.在城市市区范围内,施工过程中使用机械设备,可能产生环境噪声污染的,施工单位必须在工程开工( )日前向工程所在地县及以上人员政府环境保护行政主管部门申报。 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology A(10 B(15 C(20 D(30 27.以下关于建筑节能的说法,错误的是( )。 A(企业可以制定严于国家标准的企业节能标准 B(国家实行固定资产项目节能评估和审查制度 C(不符合强制性节能标准的项目不得开工建设 D(省级人民政府建设主管部门可以制定低于行业标准的地方建筑节能标准 28.建设单位应将建设工程项目的消防设计图纸和有关资料报送( )审核,未经审 核或经审核不合格的,不得发放施工许可证,建设单位不得开工。 A(建设行政主管部门 B(公安消防机构 C(安全生产监管部门 D(规划行政主管部门 29.某建筑企业的劳动争议调解委员会应由( )组成。 A(企业的法定代表人与劳动行政部门的代表 B(企业的工会代表与劳动行政部门的代表 C(企业的职工代表和企业代表 D(企业的职工代表,企业代表和劳动行政部门的代表 30.甲某与某建筑施工企业签订了 劳动合同 劳动合同书模板免费下载企业劳动合同范本下载劳动合同 doc 下载劳动合同法下载劳动合同模板可下载 ,其劳动合同期限为6个月,则甲的试 用期应在( )的期间范围内确定。 A(15日 B(1个月 C(2个月 D(3个月 31.非全日制用工报酬结算支付周期最长为( ) A(7天 B(15天 C(20天 D(30天 32.工程建设强制性标准由( )负责解释。 A(国家质量监督检验检疫总局 B(国务院建设行政主管部门 C(省级人民政府建设行政主管部门 D(工程建设标准批准部门 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 33.根据《税收征收管理法》规定,对不按时缴纳税款的,税务机关可从滞纳税款 之日起,按日加收滞纳税款( )的滞纳金。 A(万分之五 B(千分之五 C(万分之三 D(千分之三 34.下列选项中,当事人应承担侵权责任的是( ) A(工地的塔吊倒塌造成临近的民房被砸塌 B(某施工单位未按照合同约定工期竣工 C(因台风导致工程损害 D(某工程存在质量问题 35.按照行政处罚法的规定,( )可以设定除限制人身自由以外的行政处罚。 A(法律 B(行政法规 C(部门规章 D(地方性法规 36.根据《合同法》规定,建设工程施工合同不属于( )。 A(双务合同 B(有偿合同 C(实践合同 D(要式合同 37.从性质上讲,施工企业的投标行为属于( )。 A(要约 B(要约邀请 C(承诺 D(询价 38.下列选项中,没有发生承诺撤回效力的情形是( )。 A(撤回承诺的通知在承诺通知到达要约人之前到达要约人 B(撤回承诺的通知与承诺通知同时到达要约人 C(撤回承诺的通知在承诺通知到达要约人之后到达要约人 D(撤回承诺的通知于合同成立之前到达要约人 39.缔约过失责任与违约责任的区别主要表现为( ) A(前者产生于订立合同阶段,后者产生于履行合同阶段 B(前者须主观故意,后者须主观过失 C(前者是侵权责任,后者是合同责任 D(前者无须约定,后者须有约定 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 40.甲施工单位由于施工需要大量钢材,逐向乙供应商发出要约,要求其在一个月内供货,但数量待定,乙回函表示一个月内可供货2000吨,甲未作表示,下列表述正确的是( )。 A(该供货合同成立 B(该供货合同已生效 C(该供货合同效力特定 D(该供货合同未成立 41.某建筑公司从本市租赁若干工程模板到外地施工,施工完毕后,因觉得模板运回来费用很高,建筑公司就擅自将该批模板处理了,后租赁公司同意将该批模板卖给该建筑公司,则建筑公司处理该批模板的行为( ) A(无效 B(有效 C(效力特定 D(失效 42.甲乙采购合同约定,甲方交付20%定金时,采购合同生效,该合同是( ) A(附生效时间的合同 B(附生效条件的合同 C(附解除条件的合同 D(附终止时间的合同 43.在某建设单位与供应商之间的建筑材料采购合同中约定,工程竣工验收后1个月内支付材料款,期间,建设单位经营状况严重恶化,供应商逐暂停供应建筑材料,要求先付款,否则终止供货,则供应商的行为属于行使( ) A(同时履行抗辩权 B(先履行抗辩权 C(不安抗辩权 D(先诉抗辩权 44.根据《合同法》规定,债权人应自知道或者应当知道撤销事由之日起( )年内行使撤销权。 A(1 B(2 C(5 D(20 45.根据《合同法》规定,当事人对合同变更的内容约定不明确的,推定为 A(变更 B(重新协定 C(原则上变更 D(未变更 46.合同的权利义务终止,不影响合同中( )条款的效力。 A(履行时间 B(履行地点 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology C(争议解决 D(质量检验 47.当事人既约定违约金,又约定定金的,一方违约时,对方( )条款。 A(应当适用违约金 B(应当适用定金 C(可以选择适用违约金或者定金 D(可以同时适用违约金和定金 48.主债权债务合同无效,担保合同( ),但法律另有规定的除外。 A(仍然有效 B(无效 C(在担保期间内有效 D(效力待定 49.以下不属于民事纠纷处理方式的是 A(当事人自行和解 B(行政复议 C(行政机关调解 D(商事仲裁 50.下列纠纷、争议中,适用于《仲裁法》调整的是( ) A(财产继承纠纷 B(劳动争议 C(婚姻纠纷 D(工程款纠纷 51.下列选项中,对调解的理解错误的是( ) A(当事人庭外和解的,可以请求法院制作调解书 B(仲裁调解生效后产生执行效力 C(仲裁裁决生效后可以进行仲裁调解 D(法院在强制执行时不能制作调解书 52.在民事诉讼中,当事人不需要运用证据加以证明的是( )的事实。 A(请求实体权益 B(免除自己法律责任 C(主张程序违法 D(对方承认 53.根据《担保法》规定,必须由第三人为当事人提供担保的方式是( ) A(保证 B(抵押 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology C(留置 D(定金 54.民事诉讼是解决建设工程合同纠纷的重要方式,其中不属于民事诉讼参加人的有 ( ) A(当事人代表 B(第三人 C(鉴定人 D(代理律师 55.当事人、利害关系人认为人民法院的执行程序违反法律规定的,可以向( )人 民法院提出书面异议 A(原审 B(负责执行的 C(原告所在地 D(被告所在地 56.当事人对仲裁 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 的效力有异议,一方请求仲裁委员会作出决定,另一方请求人民 法院作出裁定的,由( ) A(仲裁委员会决定 B(合同履行地中级人民法院裁定 C(被告所在地中级人民法院裁定 D(仲裁委员会所在地中级人民法院裁定 57.在下列选项中,不属于要式合同的是( ) A(建设工程设计合同 B(企业与银行之间的借款合同 C(法人之间签订的保证合同 D(自然人之间签订的借款合同 58.当事人申请撤销仲裁裁决的,应当自收到裁决书之日起( )内提出 A(三个月 B(六个月 C(一年 D(二年 59.在依法必须进行招标的工程范围内,对于委托监理合同,其单项合同估算价最低 金额在( )万元人民币以上的,必须进行招标。 A(50 B(100 C(150 D(200 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology 60.在施工过程中,必须经总监理工程师签字的事项是( ) A(建筑材料进场 B(建筑设备安装 C(隐蔽工程验收 D(工程竣工验收 二、多项选择题(共20题 ,每题2分,每题的备选项中,有2个或2个以上符合题意。至少有1个错项。错选,本题不得分;少选,所选的每个选项得0.5分) 61.根据合同中的规定,建筑施工合同中约定出现因( )时免除自己责任的条款,该免责条款无效 A(合同履行结果只有对方受益 B(不可抗力造成对方财产损失 C(履行合同造成对方人身伤害 D( 对方不履行合同义务造成损失 E( 故意或重大过失造成对方财产损失 62.建设工程竣工验收应当具备( )等条件 A(完整的技术档案资料和施工管理资料 B(工程所用的主要建筑材料,建筑构配件和设备等进场试验报告 C(勘察、设计、施工、监理等单位分别签署的质量合格文件 D(已付清所有款项 E(有施工单位签署的工程保修书 63.建设项目需要配套建设的环境保护设施,必须与主体工程同时( ) A(立项 B(审批 C(设计 D(施工 E(投产使用 64.根据《劳动合同法》规定,下列属于用人单位不得解除劳动合同的情形是 A( 在本单位患职业病被确认部分丧失劳动能力的 B(在本单位连续工作15年,且距法定退休年龄不足5年的 C(劳动者家庭无其他就业人员,有需要抚养的家属的 D(女职工在产期的 E(因工负伤被确认丧失劳动能力的 65.下列属于投标人之间串通投标的行为是( ) A( 招标人在开标前开启投标文件,并将投票情况告知其他投标情况告知其他投标人 B(投标人之间相互约定,在招标项目中分别以高、中、低价位报价 C(投标人在投标时递交虚假业绩证明 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology D(投标人与招标人商定,在投票时压低标价,中标后再给投标人额外补偿 E(投标人无进行内部竞价,内定中标人后再参加投标 67.发包人具有下列( )情形之一,致使承包人无法施工,且在催告的合理期限内仍未履行相应义务,承包人请求解除建设工程施工合同的,人民法院应予支持。 A(未按约定支付工程价款的 B(提供的主要建筑材料,建筑构配件和设备不符合强制性标准的 C(施工现场安装摄像设备全程监控 D(施工现场安排大量人员 E(不履行合同约定的协助义务的 68.按照合同法的规定,债权人转让权利应当通知债务人,债权人转让权利的通知( ) A(不得自行撤销 B(有权自行撤销 C(经受让人同意可以撤销 D(经债务人同意可以撤销E(定金 69.当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的。在合同对违约责任没有具体约定的情况下,违约方应当承担的法定违约责任有( ) A(继续履行 B(采取补救措施 C(赔偿损失 D(支付违约金 E(定金 70.当事人提交给法院的以下材料中,不属于民事诉讼证据的有( ) A(建筑工程法规 B(建筑材料检验报告 C(工程竣工验收现场录像 D(双方往来的电子邮件 E(代理意见 71.某律师接受当事人委托参加民事诉讼,以下属于委托代理权消灭的原因有( ) A(诉讼终结 B(当事人解除委托 C(代理人辞去委托 D(委托代理人死亡 E(委托代理人有过错 72.商事仲裁裁决生效后,应当向( )申请执行 A(作出裁决的仲裁委员会 B(申请人依据地的中给人民法院 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology C(被执行人住所地的中给人民法院 D(仲裁委员会所在地的中级人民法院 E(被执行财产所在地的中级人民法院 73.人民法院审理行政案件,审判庭组成符合法律规定的是( ) A(审判员独任 B(审判员、书记员 C(审判员三人以上单数 D(审判员、陪审员三人以上单数 E(陪审员三人以上单数 74.根据《物权法》的相关规定,将( )作为抵押物的,其抵押权自登记时设立 A(交通运输工程 B(正在施工匠建筑物 C(生产设备、原材料 D(正在加工的工程模板 E(建设用地使用权 75.建设单位的安全责任包括( ) A(向施工单位提供地下管线资料 B(依法履行合同 C(提供安全生产费用 D(不推销劣质材料设备 E(对分包单位安全生产全面负责 76.总承包单位依法将建设工程分包给其他单位施工,若分包工程出现质量问题时, 应当由( ) A(总承包单位单独向建设单位承担责任 B(分包单位单独向建设单位承担责任 C(总承包单位与分包单位向建设单位承担连带责任 D(总承包单位与分包单位分别向建设单位承担责任 E(分包单位向总承包单位承担责任 77.下列违约责任承担方式可以并用的有( ) A(赔偿损失与继续履行 B(实际发行与解除合同 C(定金与支付违约金 D(赔偿损失与修理、重作、更换 E(违约金与解除合同 78.为保证案件的公正处理,民事诉讼规定了回避制度,下列人员中( )若与审理 的案件有利害关系,应当回避 A(法院的书记员 system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology B(勘验人 C(鉴定人 D(出庭的证人 E(被告方的诉讼代理人 79.仲裁案件当事人申请仲裁后自行达成和解协议的,可以 A(请求仲裁庭根据和解协议制作调解书 B( 请求仲裁庭根据和解协议制作裁决书 C(撤回仲裁 申请书 入党申请书下载入党申请书 下载入党申请书范文下载下载入党申请书民事再审申请书免费下载 D(请求强制执行 E( 请求法院判决 80.可以提起行政复议的事项包括( ) A(行政处罚 B(行政强制措施 C(行政处分 D(行政机关对民事纠纷作出的调解 2010年二级建造师法规及相关知识答案 1-5 ACADD 6-10 BBBDC 11-15 ACDBB 16-20 ABCBC 21-25 CCCAB 26-30 BDBCB 31-35 BDAAB 36-40 CACAD 41-45 BBCAB 46-50 CCBBD 51-55 CDAAB 56-60 DDBAD 65 CE ABCE CDE ABDE ADE 61-- 66--70 缺 ABE AC ABC AE 71--75 ABCD CD CD BD ABCD 76==80 A E ABDE ABC BC ABC system construction, on the planning and design of the platform, ensure clear functional distinction, develop clear direction, focusing on the development characteristics of the industry and professional incubator. Economic development zone, Riverfront area based on its characteristic, perfect the function of sci-tech enterprise incubator facilities, increased carrying capacity, provide better service for enterprise development and innovation, carry out more cooperation in science and technology projects and attract more business to the Dongping transformation, work hard to establish a science and technology innovation in our County leaders and emerging industry clusters and intensive development of demonstration areas. Dongping Lake surrounding tourism, global tourism concept of wisdom, combined with the Dongping Lake tourism priorities, as requested by the platform construction, planning, construction, management and use of integrated information platform, targeting the introduction of tourism and culture of high-tech projects. 3, pay special attention to cooperation in science and technology, promote achievements. For county-level science and technology innovation, and use of College talent, technology, facilities, and carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation in science and technology
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