首页 中国56个少数民族名称_节日和风俗习俗



中国56个少数民族名称_节日和风俗习俗中国56个少数民族名称_节日和风俗习俗 少数民族名称、节日和风俗习俗 傣 族 傣族的重大节日有泼水节、关门节和开门节,均与佛教有关。 苗 族 苗族的传统节日有苗年、四月八、龙舟节、吃新节、赶秋节、花山节、晾桥节等。其中以过苗年最为隆重。苗年相当于汉族的春节,一般在秋后举行。 汉 族 汉族的节日很多,主要有春节、清明节、端午节、元宵节、中秋节等等。过“春节”又称为过年,是汉族人千百年来的传统节日,也是一年中最隆重的节日。 黎 族 黎族的节日与黎族的历法有着密切的关系。解放前黎族的节日,在邻近汉族地区...

中国56个少数民族名称_节日和风俗习俗 少数民族名称、节日和风俗习俗 傣 族 傣族的重大节日有泼水节、关门节和开门节,均与佛教有关。 苗 族 苗族的传统节日有苗年、四月八、龙舟节、吃新节、赶秋节、花山节、晾桥节等。其中以过苗年最为隆重。苗年相当于汉族的春节,一般在秋后举行。 汉 族 汉族的节日很多,主要有春节、清明节、端午节、元宵节、中秋节等等。过“春节”又称为过年,是汉族人千百年来的传统节日,也是一年中最隆重的节日。 黎 族 黎族的节日与黎族的历法有着密切的关系。解放前黎族的节日,在邻近汉族地区和黎汉杂居地区,大多都用农历,节日与汉族相同,例如春节、清明节、端午节(农历五月初五)等。就黎族来说,过得最隆重和最普遍的节日是春节和三月三(农历三月初三)。 羌 族 羌族最重要的传统节日是羌历新年,羌语称“日羌节”,时间是农历十月初一。另一年节日是“祭山大典”,又称祭山会、山神会等。 土 族 土族传统的节日春节、端阳节与汉族相同。本民族的节日和庙会有旧历正月十四佑宁寺官经会,二月二、三月三、四月四等。 瑶 族 瑶族的民族节日较多,主要有盘王(即盘瓠王,畲、瑶族传说中的始祖,传说是一只名叫“盘瓠”的龙犬)节、达努节等。达努节是为纪念创世女神密洛陀而过的节日,日期为农历五月二九日。此外还有“耍歌堂”节,又叫“耍望”节、晒衣节、干巴节、月半节、祝著节等。 彝 族 彝族年,是四川省凉山彝族自治州彝族人民的年节。根据彝族的历法,一年10个月,每月36天。年节无固定日期,一般在金秋10月上旬择一吉日举行,此外还有跳公节、插花节及二月八年节等。 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 壮 族 三月三歌会、春节、陀螺节、陇端节、吃立节、娅拜节等。 藏 族 藏族的节庆活动很多,几乎每月都有一个节日,而且民间节日和宗教节日互相穿插。传统节日中以藏历新年、沐浴节、雪顿节和望果节最有规模、最具特色。此外还有达玛节、赏花节、上九节、郎扎热甲节、俄喜节、罗让扎花、沐浴节、驱鬼节、响浪节、酥油花灯节、望果节、转山会等等。 阿昌族 火把节 农历六月二十五日 耍白象也是阿昌族传统节日 保安族 民族传统节日也都是伊斯兰教的重大节日,如开斋节、古尔邦节、圣纪节(伊斯兰教历三月十二日)等。 朝鲜族 其节日基本上与汉族相同,主要有春节、清明节、端午节、中秋节、老人节等。还有三个家庭的节日,即婴儿周岁生日、回甲节(60大寿)、回婚节(结婚60周年纪念日)。每逢回甲节、回婚节时,子女、亲友、邻居都向老人祝福、祝寿。 布朗族 开门节 傣历十二月十五日 厚南节 每逢农历三月清明节后7日,即阳历4月13日—15日举行。节日里,主要活动是相互泼水,其仪式完全按照布朗族古朴的传统方式——迎接太阳的习俗举行,所以,人们称之为迎接太阳的节日。 布衣族 查白歌节是布依族的重大节日。每逢农历六月二十一日这天,贵州、广西、云南三省区边界的布依族青年男女就从四面八方聚集在兴义县的查白场,举行盛大的歌会。歌节上的浪哨(唱歌)是布依族青年男女的社交恋爱活动。浪哨时要互甩糠包,包上缀有多条绣花穗须,抛甩时犹如彩蝶漫天飞舞,十分好看。此外还有布依族的大年辰、布依族三月三(农历三月初三)、布依族四月八(农历四月初八)、六月六(农历六月初六)、尝新节(农历六、七月)、仡佬节(农历三月初三)等。 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 德昂族 泼水节 农历四月十五日 会街节 农历九月初十 还有关门节和开门节,宗教节日有“进洼”(关门节),是虔诚的佛教徒最大的净居把斋节日。 东乡族 圣纪节 伊斯兰教历三月十二日 泼水节 农历二月二十九日 开斋节 伊斯兰教历九月三十日 撒神 农历七月初一 古尔邦节 伊斯兰教历十二月十日 尝新节 农历八月十五日 开斋节、古尔邦节、圣纪节,都来源于伊斯兰教。 独龙族 独龙族的传统节日只有一个,人们称“卡雀哇”或“德里哇”,意为年节,时间在农历腊月中,具体时间由各家或家族自己定,时间长短视食物准备情况而定,节日期间,人们要举行 祭山神仪式,唱歌跳舞。 高山族 新年祭 农历十二月 泼火节 农历二月十九日 哈尼族 十月节 农历十月初一 澡塘节 农历正月初三 六月节 农历六月二十四日 过年节 农历正月初一 “扎勒特”是哈尼族最大的节日,因在农历十月间进行,故又称“译腊和实”,即十月年。“好收”,是元江县那婼一带哈尼族三大节日之一,虽不及“扎勒特”和“苦扎扎”那么隆重,但它特别重要,当地哈尼族认为,不过此节,新的一年尚未真正来到,十月岁首也只是个序幕。“好收色”是“染黄饭”的意思,当地汉族称之为“黄饭节”或“二月年”。当地哈尼族以此节祭献仓摩米天神的使者布谷鸟和“笔苦”鸟,因此节日是在听到布谷鸟和“笔苦”鸟的第一次呼叫之后,选择一个亥猪日举行,节日一天结束;“矻扎扎”节,每年夏历五月的“矻扎扎”,是滇南哀牢山一带哈尼族重要的传统节日之一,历时3—5天,其庆典活动极为隆重;“耶苦扎”,是西双版纳一带哈尼族的一个传统节日,从每年农历六月的第一个属牛日(哈尼人的吉日)开始,节期3—5天,过节期间,人们都停止上山three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 生产劳动,在家里吃喝玩乐,或外出走亲串友。节日期间,还举行赛马、打陀螺、跳竹筒舞等活动。 珞巴族 旭独龙节 藏历二月 古尔邦节 伊斯兰教历十二月十日 隆德节 藏历四月 珞巴族以桃树开花为岁首,月亮周期变化12次为1年。每年庄稼收获后,珞巴族都要举行近两天的丰收节,叫做昂德林节。节日期间全村男女身穿盛装,各家端出准备好的美酒,共享节日食品。 拉祜族 拉祜族统一的节日有五个,即春节、清明节、端午节、火把节和八月月圆节。其中春节是最大有节日。这些节日的来历和过节的内容,都有其本民族的特色。按照拉祜族的历法,一轮12天,一月30天,一年12月,后来按照汉族的历法三年润一个月,但他们还是润月不润节,所以在拉祜族地方,碰上润月年,就会出现过两次节和过两次年的情况。有的地方过前一个月的节,不过后一个月的节。 僳僳族 僳僳族的主要节日有澡塘会、收获节、过年节等。每年农历二月初八举行传统的刀杆节,在节日会场的中央,竖起两根约20米的粗大长杆,上面像梯子一样绑上36把长刀作为横档,刀口向上,谓之刀杆。正午时刻,鞭炮鼓点齐鸣,五名僳僳族汉子身着大红袍,头戴蓝布帽,在刀杆下将斟满的白酒一饮而尽,纵身跳上刀杆。他们双手扶握住上层的刀面,赤脚蹬着锋利的刀刃,勇敢地攀援而上,爬至杆顶,取出鞭炮燃放,一时间鞭炮声欢呼声响成一片。爬杆者下来后,人们纷纷向他敬献美酒,能爬刀杆的人在僳僳族中很受尊敬。爬杆结束后,青年男女还进行丢烟包活动,男女各站一边,互相投掷,如果姑娘接着小伙子的烟包,并收藏起来,就说明姑娘接受了小伙子的爱慕之情。阔什节,“阔什”是僳僳语的译音,“岁首”之意。阔什节,是僳僳族人民的节日。在农历正月初一至十五日之间举行,历时两三天。相当于汉族的春节。 仡佬族 祭山、吃新、过年,是仡佬族普遍过的三大节日。 赫哲族 赫哲年 农历正月初一 景颇族 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 目脑节 农历正月十五日 古尔邦节 伊斯兰教历十二月十日 基诺族 打铁节 农历一月 开斋节 伊斯兰教历九月三十日 火把节 农历六月 古尔邦节 伊斯兰教历十二月十日 “祭大龙”节是纪念基诺族创世纪祖阿嫫尧白的纪念日,一般在6月间举行,历时3天。阿嫫尧白创造了基诺族及其山川、日月、动物、植物,最后在造田运动中遭人暗算而殉难。基诺族的节日与祭祀活动基本不分的。 蒙古族 蒙古族的传统节日主要有旧历新年,蒙古语为“查干萨仁”,即白色的月。蒙古族的年节亦称“白节”或“白月”,这与奶食的洁白紧密相关意。此外还有那达慕、马奶节等。 纳西族 纳西族人民的节日有许多与汉族相同,如春节、清明节、端午节、中秋节等,但春节的活动内容却与汉族不同,具有浓厚的民族特色。同西南许多民族一样,纳西族也有火把节。而本民族的传统节日,主要是骡马会、农具会、龙王会和朝山会。 撒拉族 撒拉族主要有古尔邦节和开斋节圣纪节。 毛南族 春节放鸟飞、端午找草药。毛南族也过端午节,还有南瓜节、重阳节。 锡伯族 锡伯族的传统节日有春节、端午节等,其中最具民族特色的要算是抹黑节和西迁节。 土家族 土家族的传统节日中,“以赶年”最为隆重,每年农历春节,汉族过除夕,土家族部是在汉人至少提前一天过年,所以叫“赶年”,土家族过“小年”,也要比汉人提前一天。还有土牛毛大王节。 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 仫佬族 仫佬山乡几乎每1个月都有节日。由农历正月初一春节(即农历年)开始到农历十二月二十四日送灶王爷上天,十二月三十日(大年)或十二月二十九日(小年)的除夕,全年的每个节日都有其活动的形式与风格。有春节、二月春社日,牛生日、祭真武等。 普米族 普米族节日,主要是“大过年”、“大十五节”、“供岩洞”、“转山会”、“尝新节”等,这些节庆活动,多与生产劳动和宗教习俗有密切的联系。 门巴族 门巴族的节日主要有两大类型,一类是宗教节日,一类是岁时年节。宗教节日主要在曲科节、萨嘎达瓦节、主巴大法会、达旺大法会,岁时年节主要有门巴族新年。 裕固族 裕固族的节日主要有春节、祭祀点格尔汗活动和喇嘛教的宗教节日。春节是裕固族的传统节日,节前也有祭祖守岁活动,节日期间要做酥油花、互送哈达、礼品以示祝福。祭祀点格尔汗活动每年春、秋两次。宗教节日每年有定期的正月、二月、四月、六月、九月(或十月)大会。此外,各部落都有祭鄂博(裕固语称鄂垒)活动,但时间不一样,或二月二,或六月六,男女老少都可以参加,十分热闹。 达斡尔族 达斡尔族的节日有春节、中秋节等,大致与汉族的传统节日相同。但达斡尔人对这些节日却有自己传统的节庆习俗特点。 塔吉克族 节日分传统节日和宗教节日两大类。迄脱乞迪尔节是他们的传统节日,每年三月举行。宗教节日就是伊斯兰教的三大节日。塔吉克族不封斋,所以开斋节不如其他两个宗教节日热闹。该族最隆重的宗教节日是巴罗提节,亦称灯节,每年斋月前两个月举行。 俄罗斯族 复活节 公历三、四月 古尔邦节 伊斯兰教历十二月十日 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality 俄罗斯人传统的民族节日主要与宗教信仰有关,每年公历的1月7日俄罗斯族均欢度圣诞节,纪念耶稣降生。 鄂伦春族 春节 农历正月初一 鄂温克族 鄂温克族不管是牧民、猎民还是农民,都以农历新年为主要节日。腊月二十三日要祭火神。牧区五月二十二日要过“米阔鲁”节,实际是由一种生产活动演变而成的节日。这一天,要统计牲畜的数目,给马剪鬃尾、打烙印。人们在5月初五早起采艾蒿戴在头上,去河边洗脸、沐浴,以求安康。牧区还有“祭敖包”,这是从宗教祭祀演变成的节日,要举行赛马等活动。赫哲族乌日贡节是赫哲族人一个新生的节日,诞生于1985年。“乌日贡”意思为娱乐或文体大会,每两年举行一次,一般在农历五六月间举行,历时三天。 哈萨克族 节日主要有开斋节(伊斯兰教历九月三十日)、古尔邦节、圣纪节(伊斯兰教历三月十二日)和纳吾鲁孜节。前三个是源于伊斯兰教的节日。纳吾鲁孜节是哈萨克族传统节日。“纳吾鲁孜”是哈萨克语“送旧迎新”之意,节期在民间历法的新年第一天(公历3月22日前后)。 塔塔尔族 塔塔尔语叫“古尔邦艾提”,是阿拉伯语的音译借词,阿拉伯语“卡尔邦”,意为“献身”。古尔邦节,是在伊斯兰教教历12月10日,即“肉孜节”之后70天。古尔邦节、开斋节、圣纪节三大节日。 维吾尔族 传统节日有肉孜节(即开斋节)、库尔班节(即古尔邦节)和诺鲁孜节节。 柯尔克孜族 柯尔克孜人的节日分传统节日与宗教节日。宗教节日则指伊斯兰教的三大节日。 乌孜别克族 乌孜别克族主要有开斋节、古尔邦节,诺鲁孜节。 three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important speech and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and individual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 article; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening the self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall quality
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